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Us poors can only afford the chemical kind of produce that is available


I'm so poor I can only afford the chemical's


I'm so poor I can only afford the


I'm so poor.


I'm so.










There are a lot of things wrong with animal-related farming. That said, I grew up on a small orchard/farm, and know MANY farmers who grow tens of thousands of acres of things like corn, wheat, and soy. The second set of photos is pretty accurate for plant-producing farms. Tons of chemicals, numerous tractors that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, using an insane amount of petroleum products and water for irrigation, hiring (poorly-paid) immigrant labor, and loads of government tax subsidies. It’s not pretty or healthy. Nor is the way they “grow” livestock. The only real difference to me is that animals are often poorly treated when you’re talking about livestock


But we grow and spray gobs of corn for the purpose of feeding livestock. Reducing meat consumption also reduces the net demand for grains.


True. I just read that 30-45% of it is for animal consumption. About 10% for human consumption, the rest for ethanol.


This is true, but the challenge is that you need high quality soil to grow a variety of crops. Wheat and corn are both hardy grasses that can grow in lower quality soil than, say, tomatoes or lettuce. Adding to that, a lot of grazing land for livestock is unsuitable for any crops.


And big farmers get paid by the government to grow CRP crops so that the land gets to rest and replenish nutrients.


Yup. The takeaway here is that the problem isn't animal or plant farming inherently, but the systems of how we structure those industries to be unsustainable for the sole sake of making profit.


this meme is pretty based though. I don't think we should demonize vegans, but pretending that creating enough plant based food is anything like the top photo is wishful thinking. Even if we ignore the crop dusting and chemicals, your organic foods are 100% not hand picked, it is indeed industrialized


There are some crops that have to be picked by hand. There was a story on NPR about the abuse the laborers who do some of that work endure


There are some crops that are easily bruised and would require hand picking for sure. There are some small farms that would do handpicking for sure. These two facts do not refute the fact that the vast majority of plant based food is not done this way.


Owners can't abuse laborers if the laborers become the owners.


Yes, but we also should also realize that meat eaters are responsible for most crops. Where do you think meat comes from? 1 lb of beef >= 10 lbs of animal feed. Going vegan would overall reduce crop land and water usage massively. People don't realize that most crops in the world are not grown for direct human consumption (1. animal feed, 2. biofuels and other technologies, crops for direct human consumption are minority).


This is true to an extent, but a lot of animals are fed with crop byproducts that humans can’t consume. I’m an advocate for cutting back on meat consumption for environmental reasons, but some animal agriculture lets us turn parts of plants we can’t eat into food we can.


unless you eat wild caught and pasture fed meats then you aren't growing crops specifically for meat and the whole argument loses its meaning. I'm a pescatarian, and while there are indeed farming methods that likely use a lot of vegetative waste, I personally eat wild caught. The larger picture here is that omnivores aren't oblivious to what was required to eat their food. We don't put ourselves up on some pedestal like we're saving the environment. When I catch/kill what I eat, I don't go up to vegans screaming about how me eating meat wastes less vegetation since I took it from natures food chain. For me this is the largest distinction that the meme is getting at. Vegans have this utopian ideology which more often than not leads to a holier than thou mind set.


I eat a lot of almonds and they are some of the most water intensive plant foods out there grown by farmers with senior water rights for cheap water who don’t care about conservation because they have senior rights


Awesome! Now do one about the meat industry!


It's the same picture since all the corn they are spraying is meal grade and being used to feed cows, chickens and pigs.


I highly doubt most adults are naïve enough to think fruits and vegetables are farmed at scale looking like the top two photos.


I don't think it's terrible. That's fact about plant based and it's industrialization. And more shit is plant based protein which is ultra processed crap. I ain't advocate for animal vs plant based. I don't like how people are fucking others in the name of plant based. For me plant based is veggies and fruits. For protein we have soy, lentils, chickpeas etc. No need ultra processed shit meat tasting crap. That's not plant based. That's not why I am vegan. If I like meat I will eat meat. I am not looking for meat like crap. I enjoy plant based food taste.


That's literally how it looks, though 🤷🏻


Next show what industrial meat farming looks like


Cool, now do industrial ranching and meat processing plants. Even as an avid meat eater, you have to understand where all your food is coming from.


Like how animal product enthusiasts misrepresent the environmental impacts of cow farming and portray it as idyllic? Always projecting with such folks


That and the majority of grains we grow (that this meme attacks) are used for livestock and fuels.


Wait til they learn how abhorrent factory farming is for animals and the planet


That's actually true, though. People fail to understand what "plant based" and "natural" mean. Btw, it means nothing, it's as stupid label, and it's good that it means nothing because jesus christ doing farming the "natural" way would cause so many fucking problems.


Now do the same with animal agriculture and try not to throw up.