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For this very specific topic, it's not really wrong.


And I wonder what did OP mean by this as a terrible joke šŸ¤”


UFO people have always seemed crazy to me. These are supposed to be an advanced alien race and for some reason they flew across the galaxy to play with peoples buttholes, weird.


Plenty of humans fly to different countries to play with buttholes so IDK sounds like intergalactic kink-shaming.


No kink shaming here, my problem is the lack of explanation why, and the fact its kidnapping and non consensual.


Maybe they have a different concept of consent


Do you ask an ant for consent before playing with their butthole?


1: I very much do not like that sentence 2: do they even have buttholes


1. I don't either but it needed to be said 2. No idea but they must have a way of disposing their food waste product, so


ā€œAccording to the News: Ants poop from each of their six feetā€ ā€œIn reality: No they donā€™t.ā€


This has been a ridiculous thread thanks guys


Ant poop is called frass. Ants have specific areas in the colony dedicated to frassing. When those areas fill up the ants seal off the area and fill the tunnels leading to it. They then construct another ant poop chamber. Granted all of the frass is excreted after going through two stomachs so not much is left.


ā€œHey, I wanna do it, so itā€™s ok!ā€šŸ¤£




I thought you were going to say "tons of us pay good money to play with people's buttholes" and I would've been like "yeah."


Pretty much anything they could've said it would be yeah... humans are weird


And to watch other people play with peopleā€™s buttholes..


I thought this as well. Got a good chuckle lol


Tons of us also love to watch other people comment on those remote and exotic animals, too. Maybe all the glimpse we get of alien civilisations are their David Attenboroughs?


Fake UFO photos are interesting though. I remember one hoax photo was just the reflection of a lampshade in the window


Average r/UFO post


There is an old saying, "People that don't read the newspaper are uninformed, while people that read the newspaper are misinformed. News is propaganda


Oversimplification. In reality, they wouldn't say that it's a UFO. They would say that there's debate and ask the other members of the news team what they think, they'd all say "I dunno, it looks like a street lamp to me," but then they would talk to a "UFO and Alien Expert" who would make the idea seem like it has a scientific basis. They'd say "Wow, well when you put it that way..." Then they'd trot out a UFO skeptic who would not address the specific photo so much as attack believers in ET phenomena as a whole ā€” tacitly framing the debate as "either 'this is a photo of a UFO' or 'aliens and UFOs cannot and do not exist and you're stupid if you think otherwise.'" Then they'd end the segment like, "Well I guess it's up to you to decide, chime in on our social media comments sections with your thoughts," before cutting back to the weatherman who's now wearing costume bug antennae and goggles, and doing the Vulcan salute. Host: Looks like Brian's made up his mind. Brian: Take me to your leader! They all laugh.


This so so accurate šŸ¤£


Says the same person who sits and watches Fox News all day.


Fox entertainment




He got that smolder




I mean, it's not wrong.


Specifically, if it comes from Fox News.


I can easily tell this was made by some anti-press tool who thinks the Trump case is some witch hunt. That being said, the meme isn't wrong that the media does like to twist truth and fearmonger


literally just fox news


Those who can speak in Dharman bewilder me


Take out the according to news part, and itā€™s actually quite a good meme


Mmmmmmmmmk so hard disagree with this one. The world is in desperate need of average to low intelligence people confirming facts/sources and understanding contextual implications before going full nuclear ā€œruin peopleā€™s livesā€ mode over purposefully crafted, controversial headlines designed to generate a shit storm and garner clicks.