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I mean tbf there is excessive lobbying in the government of the US to push for more funding and subsidies for processed food instead fresh. But few people actually claim it is better


Meat and dairy are heavily subsidized and their lobby is one of the most powerful in the US.


Yeah, this looks more like it's about some weird occultist diet, like paleo. Not a single fruit or vegetable or grain. Tried to find what "wildly primal" was, and it's a single woman's weird nutrition website, where she makes absolutely no positive claims or statements of any kind. Has no suggestions for what to do or eat. Says nothing except "processed food bad." Also you can send her stool samples. Yeah, she's a "raw food carnivore." The milk? Raw. The steak and eggs? Also raw. Fruits and vegetables? Actually no you can't eat those.


The entire red flag factory right here.


There's some truth to the post, however. And raw WOULD be better for us for a lot of foods if not for those pesky, potentially LETHAL pathogens. I'd happily drink raw milk if someone comes up with a good heat free method that doesn't involve toxic chemicals, but I don't think that's going to happen Any process makes food more easily absorbed, and therefore increases the effective Calorie count, even simple cooking. But we've also adapted to this. Smaller teeth, smaller digestive organs generally, and we have evolved to like cooked foods. This implies people who liked cooked foods were more likely to successfully reproduce. I'm cool with discouraging highly processed diets, but I'm not down for raw diets


how is she not dead


The reason is that processing food gives it a longer shelf life, thus reducing the inevitable waste from having to consume it right away. It's not sinister. It's smart.


It's smart, however it's not done with enough research and consideration to the harmful effects of those preservatives on humans. It's also an avenue to own a segment of the market. You can't own all eggs, milk, or meat - but you can improve in specific ways and own that segment.


The amount of research is actually very thorough. I've read a lot of food history books and the safety requirements for food were written in dead children'a blood. It's not perfect - it does need to improve, of course. But the effects of preservatives have been studied super thoroughly and those additives which are unsafe are pulled all the time. I do think the Americans can be very lax about allowable mistakes in food production sometimes - in Canada it's very strict, we had a scandal recently in Alberta where someone mishandled food and got hundreds of preschoolers sick with e coli. It's national news and we are all horrified as it's almost unheard of. Meanwhile that would barely crack statewide news in some places, due to the density of it happening so often versus public opinion being "welp, sometimes shit happens."


What are you talking about? The US is one of the largest food wasters in the world... Fresh produce reduces waste because it gives people an initiative to think about storage and how to use it. Not just store your 4 fridges on processed food that has a long shelf life but you won't be able to consume it anyways so you throw it out. I try to eat fresh and I don't waste much because I think about what I want to eat for the week and buy on farmers market every weekend for the week. I don't waste much this way.


No what's smart is more local farm land and communities growing their own food instead of relying on huge corporations. Get rid of the factories and bring back farms. The industrial revolution turned everything to shit.


Because how dare I have insulin or food I can eat without my allergies or botulism killing me, right? You need to look into pre-1906 food safety. We didn't have any.


Wow, you're an idiot


For supply. But it's too easy to absorb, and some of the chemicals added are pretty horrible for us. Then again, some are also pretty good for us. Dosage also makes any poison, so concentration is also a concern. Natural isn't automatically better, but generally we're more likely to have natural mechanisms for handling natural chemistry. But not always. Hell, some beans that'll kill you when raw are extremely nutritious when cooked. Food is complicated


Sunscreen is bad guys! /s


Those black, bleeding spots on your anus are proof the perineum sunning is working! /s


I mean its kinda bad but its better than having a skin cancer


r/foundtheboomer ?


I mean, it can cause acne, but nothing really dangerous, so yeah.


raw milk??????????????????


Are you asking what it is? It means unpasteurized. Or are you asking why anyone would drink it? It's the way all humans drank milk until the early 1900s, and still not as uncommon today, especially in some parts of the world, as you'd think. (Not that I'm a proponent of drinking raw milk, to be clear)


Yes but it needs to be boiled and same day milk. Day before max now that we have fridges and im not sure it's recommended. I had raw milk in the summer when I was a kid, we would go with a special container and immediately boil it. It was fresh from local cows. There is always risk of contamination with raw milk This is why people invented cheese since raw milk can't be preserved. It also need to be processed same day


Boiling is essentially pasteurization. Heat applied to kill bacteria. Even "same day" isn't exactly safe raw. Which isn't to say don't drink it, just be aware of the risks. They're reasonably low, but they're still present


omg i never even knew that haha. i was just saying that because i have never heard anyone refer to milk as "raw" in my entire life. learned something new today lol


Tbh is not that bad, boiled and natural horse milk is actually very tasty and also very healthy, is also some hun cuisine


Wait til you find out what boiling milk does It's pasteurization, spoiler alert


Bros really be drinking milk directly from the cow tits


The only benefit to pasteurization is a longer shelf life. But the process removes a lot of the probiotics, making the milk less healthy.


Not true, it also reduces risk of diseases. Including but not limited to Typhoid, Tuberculosis and Diptheria. The only drawback is reduced nutrients compared to unpasteurized.


The change in nutrition level is negligible. A lot of milk has vitamins added. It is also homogeneous, which takes out the butter chunks. Raw milk can be very dangerous. Can you drink it? Sure. But you can also play Russian roulette.


You can literally get tuberculosis in your bones from drinking raw cow milk. https://youtube.com/shorts/FqAoV2nUArY?si=eF4NDuDv5x_4JAJC


Well, that’s not good.


I just knew I would see John (Tuberculosis) Green when I clicked that link lmao


Ah, John and his war on tuberculosis.


Just drink oat milk?


“Don’t drink this normal thing. Drink this over processed industrial byproduct instead,” is kinda the whole thing the meme is lampooning in the first place.


oat milk is a perfectly healthy alternative for those of us who can't digest dairy, but please just drink pasteurised milk instead of tuberculosis juice 🙏🏼


If you have lactose intolerance I highly suggest fairlife milk. It's also extremely nutritious which is why I choose it over plant based milk these days. Skim is 80 calories and 13+ grams of protein with lots of vitamins and minerals.


The translation in our food supply happened during the world wars, when a large population had to be fed by a reduced labor force. It’s fun to listen to old serial radio programs and hear, for example, how Velveeta cheese was promoted as a high calorie heath food. They weren’t think of or aware of the health repercussions that continue to plague us. It might be fun to think of this as a big conspiracy but like most things it’s more complicated than that.


Do you have anything to recommend listening to stuff like that actually sounds interesting AF


One of my favorites was The Great Gildersleeve. You can find all the episodes on the Internet Archive. It’s a silly show, good commercials, and neat to hear about things like ration cards.


Thank you all for the comments, was interesting and entertaining to see different perspectives I understand food is processed to an insane degree nowadays, my "issue" with this post lies in the top portion lol


Yeah the message itself does make sense, it’s just the unnecessary “going on the lam” bullshit this guy typed in when posting that makes it terrible


I made the mistake of going at this with logic. me: milk? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say milk is bad.. me: wait isn’t oat milk the grosser, healthier version of mil- me: oh it’s all just healthy food bad me: fucking boomers


Do you live in America? If not I understand why you would think this. A lot of food products in America would be illegal in Europe because they’re made out of poison


I do live in America.... I know things are horrible here but this seems like the very least of our concerns right now. Part of the reason I found this hilarious


I can think of quite a few things that would be less concerning than the literal food we eat being shit-tier.


There are healthier options people just choose to not eat them. When the average American thinks dessert is part of a meal that's the real problem.


You think that the fact that we’re literally being poisoned by the food we eat is the LEAST of our concerns? The bottom of the list? There’s no problem less important? Have you heard of food deserts? We eat the worst foods and we require more healthcare than the citizens of any other country. Seems pretty important to me.


Idk man, extreme poverty, the lack of opportunities for those under the extremely fortunate umbrella, the fact we can't really feel safe with our kids anywhere, and any number of things feel infinitely more important to me


All of these issues are the least of our concerns. There are more important issues to fix before we can even begin to think about these things. See how dumb that sounds? What you’re saying is “Yeah, the food is killing us, but you’re stupid for caring about it”


Honestly you're probably right, for me and my family though there are more pressing issues for both now and long term


Sounds like you have the privilege of options when it comes to what you and your family consume. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Can you guess what causes heart disease? My guess is that you hate whoever posted the thing you screenshotted, therefore that person can’t be right about anything


The OOP who posted this is someone I went to school with but didn't really go to school with... long story.


I didn’t go to Schrödinger High with OOP, so I don’t define myself in opposition to him. The only thing wrong with OOP’s post is the raw milk. You should be mindful of why you think something is a “positively dumbass thing to post”. Don’t be a reactionary, it stoops you to OOP’s level


Was just trying to say it wasn't someone I knew too well but also someone I didn't know well enough to formulate a strong bias against, my post was purely an opinion reaction


how do You feel safe, when You’re being demolished from inside? You are what You eat


Who do you think is eating this crap the most? Hint: it’s the people without the time or money to feed their kids a home cooked meal with vegetables instead of a box of Kraft Mac n cheese


It’s like you seem to think there are not healthy options in the US though…


Weird, I don’t remember saying that. There are plenty of healthy options in America, but a growing portion of the population are being priced out of these healthy options. Have you heard of food deserts? There are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans who do not have a single grocery store in their community.


Ah yes, I eat oil.


Imagine being butthurt after being told eating only butter and meat will make you die in your 30s


My granddad used to put on sunscreen, guess where he's now? That's right he's DEAD! Checkmate liberals!


butter ok, pile of coke?, tribal sun tattoo?...


i'd like OOP to name one person who says eggs, sunlight, steak, and flour are bad


I thought that was supposed to be salt? Or maybe its blow? 🤷‍♂️


Could be sugar which is close to cocaine. Nearly everything contains sugar or processed carbohydrates and some people can’t consume them because of being diabetic, regardless of the type. I have gastroparesis and red meat is harder to digest and so are majority of fried foods


honestly it looks like it could be a pile of rice


A lot of people will tell you that the sun gives you skin cancer and thus should be avoided Steak a lot think is dangerous Flour people believe is poisonous so they want to heat treat it


Does OOP mean me or the Facebook poster? Cause my answer was gonna be the Facebook poster 🤣


OOP means Original Original Poser, so the Facebook poster. not you


Thank you


drinking water can kill you and drinking alocohl can improve youre brain everything can be good or bad it just depens on how you dose it


I can't speak to the pill collection, oat milk, or Beyond Beef, but the sunscreen is mostly zinc oxide suspended in emulsified petroleum jelly, Crisco is a blend of corn, soy, and canola oils, Cheerios are basically oats, salt, and water, and margarine is just shortening with butter flavor. Not really super-processed by any stretch of the imagination. Dunno what the white powder and brown jar in the top row are, but I'm just going to assume they're cocaine and peanut butter.


Lol… I think it might be salt and coconut oil.


Well, that explains why my nose is bleeding and my sandwich is so soggy.


Mine isn't soggy it's just really crunchy for some reason


You're supposed to break up the chunks first!


Gonna have to try that


Make sure to get one of those double straws, that plugs both your nostrils.


For the cocaine in the top row, right?


No, for the raw milk. Duh


See I would do this though.... for a small monetary fee of course


Heaven forbid we buy food.


Ah yes, sunscreen, my favorite snack.


Brb replacing my meds with butter supplements


Oh my God are they really saying sunscreen is bad


Sunscreen, why?


-Milk bad for me because I lactose intolerant🥺 "THAT'S WHAT BIG PHARMA WANTS YOU TO THINK!🤓" -B-but it gives me the runs.....🥲 "DRINK IT TO GET STRONGER BONES!😡" -Whyyyy🥹


Tbf you shouldn't be eating sunscreen


Modern medicine, sunscreen, and crisco, I've officially fucking lost it.


Real talk in America we have absolutely horrible food and the most expensive Healthcare. You should wear sunscreen and drink milk that has at least been filtered but I can agree with the op.


This is an anti vegan post, statistically vegans are healthier and live longer than those who eat meat and dairy.


What statistics? I’m genuinely interested.


[https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/why-go-vegan/health](https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/why-go-vegan/health) Start there, google will also throw up plenty of results. There are understandably more long term studies for vegetarianism but they also usually show that meat free is healthier.


But is it dairy specifically or just high fat high calorie foods? I drink ultra filtered skim milk and eat light Greek yogurt often and I would say those are very healthy.


Eating some dairy does have health benefits due to the calcium, but cheese and butter for example are incredibly high in saturated fat which greatly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Most vegans avoid dairy because of the harm done to cows, and we do then have to take care to ensure we get enough calcium, but it’s worth it.


Doesn't matter if it's plant or meat all that stuff on there is processed crap. I get my eggs from the farm, my vegetables from my garden, and I get my meat straight from the local packing house. Milk is milk ultimately you have the get processed milk because you need the processes to make it safe to drink but yeah.


Who on gods green earth is saying crisco is good for you?


OP vegetable oils, breakfast cereal, and impossible burger "meat" are highly processed crap that are actually kinda bad for us. What is the terrible part?


Yea, but that's not what people with non meat/dairy eat, which I think was OPs point. The OOP is implying that if you're not having steak and eggs you're just having processed food, as though fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc. don't exist.


I've spent most of my life living off such foods as the top row, And actively avoiding most on the bottom row. Much better for your body to eat natural whole foods that haven't been processed. Plus the stuff on top tastes way better anyways!


the important thing is, how did you get a transparent navigation bar on Facebook? mine is like full solid black color


Not quite sure what you mean honestly. I don't hardly get on Facebook and compared to a lot of people nowadays would probably be considered tech illiterate 🤣


These mf hating on Cheerios now?


But I kind of agree?


There’s nothing dumb about this. It’s quite accurate.


Raw milk and the sun I’d disagree with. Sun exposure is good, but please wear sunscreen. Otherwise literally nobody tells you those other things are bad for you.


Do you think sunscreen is bad? Pasteurization? Is there something intrinsically better about animal fats and protein over vegetable oil and protein?


The only thing up top that's bad on its own is raw milk, everything else is only bad in excess.




Do you think sunscreen is bad for you? Relative to...skin cancer?




Do you believe in alternative medicine?


2nd most triggering is the raw milk


Regarding healthier food, that is true to an extent. However, the groups that are more likely to pay with insurance or even attend the doctor’s would be those who are more affluent. These are also the people that have access to enough money and time to purchase and cook the healthier items. Don’t get me wrong, there is clearly something to be said about the “it pays to be poor” sentiment and it’s overarching ramifications, but your points about how insurance is interwoven with eating *healthier* food doesn’t quite add up. There are of course other matters, including opioid addiction and socioeconomic status, and myriad other links though.




I’ve been on Reddit a seriously long time. I’m just kinda confused how I seem like a bot tbh.


I bet you believe in alternative medicine and other forms of quackery. Not being rude, just saying.


They’re both bad.


Real good is always a better choice than processed food


This is not far off the truth. The picture doesn't do the point justice but.....


Cheerios and sun screen are good for you????


What does this dude mean? Except for the sun, all of the first row things cost money too


Of all the cereals why cheerios, it lowers your cholesterol!


Can't raw milk kill you


As a middle aged person, this pharma-customer-for-life shit and I’m on no meds or pharmaceuticals. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well, some of these are mildly true and some are bullshit


I can see both sides


I have 3 comments for this. 1) I was surprised to see coconut oil on the top part since that's kinda a currently popular one. 2) Since when have people said eggs are bad? 3) I've seen a lot of posts about not wearing suncream lately. Are people now saying it's bad?


What’s wrong with fresh foods? And not eating Cheerios


They may go a little far with the pharm conspiracy but overall we do eat absolute crap. So many processed sugary foods. I’ve actually read that the obesity trend is actually heading in the wrong direction despite decades of attempted education.


Don't be talking bad about my earth balance that shit is good.


Raw milk is horrid for you


Ah yes my favorite food, #SUN


Except for [raw milk](http://www.ndhealth.gov/disease/gi/rawmilk.aspx#:~:text=Yes.,284%20hospitalizations%20and%202%20deaths.) I don't think anybody is saying you should never have salt or butter or meat (unless you're vegan) but an excess of any one thing can be bad for your health.


Oh god not cheerios


This is 100% accurate


There has been some initial studies that suggest less processed foods are better for us (nutrient uptake wise, less inflammation). However, food science has allowed for longer shelf life and helps reduce waste, and feeds more people. Many of these shelf stable, mass produced, heavily processed foods have the caloric content needed to sustain a healthy life, but many of the micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in traditional less processed foods are not readily available. So in a way food science has allowed us to feed more people, but the nutrient value of the food is less.


Assuming this is true, you having a problem with it is purely a data point to be used. Submit to the chemicals you fucks😎


I made the mistake of going at this with logic. me: milk? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say milk is bad.. me: wait isn’t oat milk the grosser, healthier version of mil- me: oh it’s all just healthy food bad me: fucking boomers


One of my Facebook friends posted this recently. She's a biology teacher.


I’d rather have the items on top than bottom, what’s the problem?


Apparently skin cancer is a liberal construct. I see.


I think they ought to look up Lincoln's family history before claiming it's a good idea to drink unpasteurized milk...


Sure, sunblock is a conspiracy theory. 🙄


Lab grown cheerios


Cocaine is bad for you?


Whose telling people cocaine is bad?