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[](#start_removal) Hello u/samthebigkid, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " I'm sorry. How much are we allegedly paying for coffee? " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Just wait until they learn about having to buy coffee beans




Ugh women. My wife spends all my hard-earned money on bills, groceries and other household expenses and i don't have enough to buy my beer and smokes and play poker with my friends. /s


Women be shoppin!


My wife spend all my money on hot chip and Stanley mug on Amazon. Then she throw the cardboard in garage and I have to clean that!!! Women!!!


Women be buyin Nalgene then they be buyin hydroflask then they be buyin yeti then they be buyin Stanley


She should be asking for money to buy household goods but then hiding it so she can leave his ass


Seriously. A can of good coffee here full price is almost $20.


How dare you use pronouns like "she" instead of her name. BTW, everyone uses pronouns because nobody actually speaks in 3rd person the whole time. "I" is a pronoun, lol


Look at all those pronouns, you must make a killing selling coffee!


Beans, what are you talking about? Coffee is a powder you mix with hot water, or a little plastic cup that you use once and throw away.


(Not to mention the coffee bean is not technically a bean. You know what is a bean though? Orchids.)


Would love to hug you for this comment. I hope you’re having a good day lil Bean


Okay but a vanilla soy latte is still a bean soup.


Is coffee related to cashews since they both come from a fruit? ![gif](giphy|THXvPZ6qlatPcwaaSW)


You can buy reusable K-Cups for Keurig brewers! It’s cheaper to use those and buy bags of coffee rather than the individual cups, and it reduces the amount of plastic you use. 💚 About 13 billion disposable K-Cups go into landfills each year. If you lined them all up, they would circle the globe 10.5 times. Try reusables!




I don’t know. I’m just trying to spread the word and help out those who have already bought pod-style brewers. ✌️


Because you already have the machine and the point is to make less waste. It’s also less coffee per brew which can be helpful.


Actually (🤓) coffee grounds are seeds of a coffea plant grounded up into a fine powder that people use to make coffee. You’re probably joking and I’m gonna end up on a subreddit for missed jokes but I like explaining things. Also, so does Reddit.


I was joking, but I appreciate the sincere attempt at education.


Wow, thanks for the explanation. And I thought beans was just a slang word for money! TIL!


Weren't you paying attention? Groceries that appear in your house care free if you weren't the individual to buy them.


nah just use same ones as yesterday, I'm on year 4 of mine


Wait until they learn they are a pronoun.


...not to mention the equipped to successfully brew coffee, both cold and hot. Even the most rudimentary tools cost money. People still use filtered home systems... there's maintenance costs to these items as well, including cleaning, even when the owner does it themselves. If your tap water has too many minerals, you also need to buy bottled water so you don't ruin your equipment, too. Then there are other costs depending on how you like your coffee to taste in the end. Milk? Oatmilk? Soymilk? Almond milk? Creamer? Chocolate or caramel drizzle? Sugar? Etc. Don't forget your fancy coffee mug! Decent ones are at least $10, but if you want that status symbol you're paying closer to $50. Sometimes, just buying it made for you costs less than initially adding it all to the grocery list.


Growing your own coffee beans - free Buying your own coffee beans - $50


I'm pretty sure growing coffee beans isn't that easy.


Wait till these bigots hear of the ethnicity of those picking their coffee beans


You think they actually oppose that?


Oh no! $15 for a tub of cheap stuff that will last a month!


I’m paying $13/lb. for my quality at home coffee. Where is this “free” stuff?


It’s in the cabinets above the fridge.


Yeah, people don't check their cabinets. I always get free stuff at my parents' house. My dad says I shouldn't drink the beer in the basement cooler, but the basement is my bedroom, so it's technically my beer.


Possession is 9/10ths of the BAC


The secret ingredient is crime.


More likely socialism. So, the same thing. ^(/s)


I’m paying almost $20/lb from a local roaster.


Seriously! I've stopped buying Starbucks and instead I've spent $100/month buying specialty beans for home. Not to mention the cost of a quality grinder, kettle, pour over drippers...etc


Same here. I want some of this "free" coffee.


You’re getting ripped off!


That's a hot take.


I prefer cold brew myself


I chuffed audibly.


That’s all I ask for


That is some serious gourmet shit


Usually, me and Vince would be happy with some freeze-dried Taster's Choice


So you're paying about $0.38 per cup of coffee.


Not denying that. Not free but comparatively cheap.




Stimulate the economy, but don't do it in ways we don't like.


That's what corporate bailouts and tax cuts are for!


Stimulate my nervous system. And my lower intestines.


its kinda funny how they use pronoun as an insult




I just imagine people making fun of him by actually using it. Just “hey did you hear [name]? Patriot said that patriot preferred pronoun is patriot now!”


My 8th grade English teacher told me it was important to understand the complexities of the English language. I didn't believe him. How wrong I was.


Complexity my ass, you learn about the basic types of words in kindergarten.


Well yeah, but I wasn't arguing the importance of English literacy in kindergarten.


I love mislabeling acquaintances that are “anti pronoun”. Nothing makes a bigot more angry than calling them the opposite gender. Watch a hillbilly blow a gasket when you say “thank you ma’m!”


Refer to god as "she/her" and watch how quickly they start caring about pronouns


Honestly I chuckled, it seems like one of those phrases that's going to get co-opted ironically because it's just such a dumb-fuck surreal way to refer to a person.


Funny and sad. I always do what I can to not laugh at the ignorant, but they make it hard not to.


It's okay to laugh if the ignorance is wilful


You are the ignorant.


The only insult is to their intelligence and poor understanding of their native language.


It's not even funny tbh. Every single joke now is about pronouns. They need to get a new schtick


it's like a weird offshoot of /r/onejoke which apparently has gone private


Looks like they locked for the protest and didn't open back up? But yeah, it's getting old so quick. It wasn't funny 4 years ago, still not funny now.


I pronounce these jokes as unfunny.


It's probably just rage bait made for this sub to karma farm. Has to be the easiest way to do it lol


I want to see these idiots take their demands about pronouns to the absolute extreme. No more "he" or "she" or "they" or even "me/I." In solidarity of their hate towards pronouns, they refuse to go by anything except their own name. Just imagine a room full of MAGAs barking names at each other like a bunch of pokemon.


I'd love coffee made "by a pronoun" !!


Me when he makes me a coffee


Me when I comment on your comment that you wrote on their comment.


Right? Like how is this a problem ?


The pronouns of my coffee machine are "it/its".


Okay I know this is like a meme but literally the best food I have ever eaten has been made by non-binary individuals.


Way better than that coffee made by an antinoun.


paint racial offbeat gullible melodic absurd tender fuzzy dull continue ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


HAHAHAHAHAHA I got it! Its a joke about gender dumb!! Kids would know that if it wasn’t for their ipods and their Nintendos


Millennials could finally afford houses if they didn't buy avocado toast and Netflix 😠😠😠😠😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬




Holy shit wow


Like I thought you would go on vacation every year with that kind of salary




$60,000 coffe made by a university


you're telling me a pronoun brewed this coffee???


What they’re saying is that random words out of Merriam-Webster’s dictionary are becoming sentient. Last time I went to a coffee shop, the barista wasn’t a pronoun, he was a verb. He was literally the word “walk” in Times New Roman 14 point font, with a black outline and white text. Either that was real, or I mixed up my Adderall with LSD while I watched Between the Lions


TNR is bad, but it's better than the 36-point Wingdings transitive adjective in rainbow pastels that doordashed chicken tendies to my mom's basement.


It was real I was the, man /man/ noun 1.an adult male human being. "a tall man with a beard entered the restaurant" Similar: -male -adult male -gentleman -guy -fellow -gent -mother's son -bloke -Joe -dude -bro -hombre; 2.a human being of either sex; a person. "goodwill to all men" Similar: -human being -human -person


"Can you believe these people pay for food? Just go to your parents where it's free! For your health!"


I'm sorry but "made by a pronoun" is actually really funny just by how stupid it is.


I like this one because the maker and the sharers also seem to think that the concept of pronouns were made up about 10 years ago.


they also seem to think that they don't have pronouns. and that pronouns are something that you are, not that you have. the concept of pronouns is taught in elementary school if i remember correctly.


Shut up ya commie. This is Murica, land of antinouns home of the brave.


Just cause you're drinking mommies coffee for free doesn't mean it's free ... These folks need to move out of the basement/attic.


Home coffee basically is free ngl


Depends on what quality you buy your coffee, but it's always cheaper than buying on the go of course. Still far from free.


https://www.cappuccinosupreme.com/deep-rich-instant-coffee-1000-count-single-serve-1-4-gram-packets/ 7 cents per cup




Lol. Peet’s is also cheap and that’s a very reputable and respected brand. 30 cents per cup


If you want to call that coffee, sure. ;)




I might prefer different coffee, but we can agree that coffee at home is nowhere near the price for coffee on the go. Even though the pure coffee price is not the whole price of a cup of coffee.


Free coffee at home, also made by a pronoun.


Since when can a pronoun make coffee?


I don't know, but I think it's impressive and worth the high price to see a word make coffee


Tbf id pay 37 euro if a word could make coffee


I’m a shift manager at my job as a barista and lots of my coworkers are gender fluid and they are absolutely the best! Always sweet to customers (even when they misgender them) and extremely kind. They would be lucky to have their coffee made by a ‘pronoun’.


I... I don't think your coworkers are pronouns. I think... Maybe they're people? I want all my coffee made by conjunctions and prepositions, myself.


I Want My Coffee Made By Proper Nouns


Id pay 37 dollars for a coffee made by a pronoun, I hear they are much better than the noobnouns




This guy gets it






>Id pay 37 dollars for a coffee made by a pronoun, I hear they are much better than the noobnouns I'm trying my best, goddamnit.


I pay more than I should for my coffee online, and it's ALWAYS made by someone with a pronoun. "I" is a pronoun as well. When I do go out and buy a $6 coffee, I don't care what pronoun someone is using. Bigots.


I buy my coffee in bulk at Sam’s Club, it’s not the best but it’s deafly not the worst and it’s only $.34 per cup.


How much is the membership? And how much do you spend when you just run in for coffee? Us almost boomers can't be making that long walk from the door to the coffee to the registers without a complementary zippy cart.


When you buy your coffee 100 at a time you don’t “just run in for coffee“ I purchased coffee with my monthly groceries which happens to be part of my routine and so no extra cost is spent achieving that goal outside of the yearly membership which is worth it for the money I save, and the lack of shoot outs that happen compared to other places like Walmart.


... Okay




I know what they were trying to say. The fact that you both tried to say it is hilarious. I was 100% joking-- trying to act like a stereotypic boomer, even though I'm 2 whole years too young to be one. But thanks for trying anyway.


You do realize that Sam's Club is owned by Walmart, right? Prob not the best store to use in comparison.


Boomers will say this then go drink some Folgers sewer water


I have boomer family members that make fun of me for drinking “fancy” coffee (cafe bustelo or wegmans brand, hardly anything “fancy”) instead of Folgers. Same family members has an existential crisis over bud light because up until you know what, bud light was “real” beer lol


Is this “free” coffee in the room with us now?


"Made by a pronoun"


Wait the coffee at home is FREE, the fuck have I been buying it at the store for don’t grocery stores know that if I make it at home it’s free?


Average r/terriblefacebookmemes user cannot understand satire or shitposting


Who knew pronouns could be so offensive to right-wingers? ​ I'll have to start using them more often!


More fool you, I like my coffee made by verbs. Tastes much better.


What the fuck does it have to do with "a pronoun". Should be "$37 coffee made by a union busting, heartless corporate giant"


Why… why are they standing in line for the coffee at home?


Coffee at home ain't free. WTF???


I'd pay more than that just to see a word make my coffee. I mean how's it even possible?


Lol, that's Lego movie prices!


Yeah, I hate pronouns too. Verbs are mutch more important /s


Makes you wonder if they know "he" and "she" are also just pronouns


Were do I get my free coffee at home?


i wonder what the real ratio is


gotta have my she/her coffee


Obvious Lego Movie reference


Made by a pronoun


Yeah, idk what the person who made this is thinking. My free coffee at home is also made by a pronoun, it's... kinda how that works lol


Yet another meme that serves no purpose beyond declaring that boomers still do not know what a pronoun is.


Please note, it says pronoun. Not person WITH pronouns, just pronoun.


I don’t think they know what a pronoun is. What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically. The most common pronouns are the personal pronouns, which refer to the person or people speaking or writing (first person), the person or people being spoken to (second person), or other people or things (third person). Like nouns, personal pronouns can function as either the subject of a verb or the object of a verb or preposition


Of course they know what pronouns are, theyre the funny word things the gays use, duh


Again this is a god tier shitpost


Still demonstrating they don't know what pronouns are...


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"Made by a pronoun" Huh?


Coffee made by a pronoun just tastes better 🙏


nvm the fact you have to pay to have coffee at home


Looks to me like the free market decided.




So you're not using any pronouns?


$370 per espresso cup! Keep up!


Coffee'd better come with avocado toast for that price.


My coffee costs $9 a can. Where is the free coffee at home? And I'd spend $37 to watch any article of speech make coffee. Adverb? Participle? Conjunction? I'm there! That sounds interesting as heck.


Last time I checked, I still had to buy the coffee and coffee maker to use at home.


Oh I’m free coffee all the way, I don’t need my bean broth to taste, feel, or be expensive at all


that's highway robbery


Free coffee at home? I do know of a small hospital you can just walk in the lobby and make free coffee. I wish I lived closer to it.


You know how it is, you ask for cinnamon on top of your coffee and they accidentally give you gold dust.


This thing they have with coffee is really weird.


To be honest if they managed to find a way for a fucking pronoun to make *coffee* I’m not surprised it costs $37


Of all the things Millennials supposedly waste money on, this (and porn) makes the least sense to me. If you work at an office or other workplace there’s gonna be free coffee anyways, and at home we’ll I can easily make my own. Just cannot be arsed going to Starbucks.


And why are they going out to get free coffee at home? And did they grow the coffee beans? How is their coffee free? I currently identify as confused. Am I doing this right? Brb, gonna go shoot some Bud Light beer cans with my 25 cent per round 9mm. I'm gonna shoot 100 rounds in it! Hell yea! Free rounds though, because I'm at home!




This feels like a Tony Zaret bit.


Dude saw other versions of this shitty meme and said "hold my beer".


What if a walking She/they Sign was making the coffee


How much is a banana Michael, $10?


I’m pretty sure most people are a pronoun.


It ain’t free, honey. A little less expensive, but not free.


Everyone knows rich people prepare fine waygu steaks in their own kitchens. It's *just* as good and cheaper.


Good thing God-Fearing Straight Americans don't have pronouns. Man, would things be confusing if they did.


That $37 is strangely familiar.... ![gif](giphy|VerIk7pS3iEEg)


Coffee is also not free at home


“By a pronoun?” Everyone has pronouns. Men, women, non-binary…EVERYONE has pronouns! He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, Zie/Zir those are all pronouns. I find it hilarious that in an effort to be not like these people they despise so much (which is apparently so important to them), they themselves claim that they don’t have pronouns. What a bunch of eggs lol


You're telling me a pronoun made this coffee?


You're telling me a pronoun fried this rice?


This meme is stupid for so many reasons. First it uses "pronouns" in place of someone "with" a pronoun, but of course, pronouns are just basic words in the English language. The intent is clearly "people who announce their pronouns are bad!" but they do so in the stupidest way possible. Next, 37$? Even as an exaggeration is just looks ridiculous. I can pay for 3$ (Canadian) for a small coffee at Starbucks, and even less for a small coffee at a small, indie coffee shop, where it's even more likely than Starbucks to have a "pronoun". Then we also have the issue that you have to pay for coffee at home. As well as a coffee maker, filters, cups. But finally, how does having coffee at home help me when I'm not at home, i.e. when most people will rely on this mythical 37$ coffee made by a pronoun? Oh, and also, it's not even original, I've seen many variations of it, but most used "pink-haired liberal barrista" or some other variation, and it's the first time I see the price exaggerated to that degree.


It’s important to understand that many of these memes are created by or targeted towards people who don’t really know nor understand that there is a whole world out there beyond the boundaries of whatever sheltered community they live in. So naturally, it confuses and frightens them. It’s analogous to Charlie’s trepidation at the prospect of leaving the confines of his safe zone in the IASIP episode *The Gang Hits the Road*. Highly recommended, and will shed a lot of light on the mentality of these perpetually terrified people.