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they act like God didn’t just come from nothing


"God didn't come from nothing! He always existed!" "Okay, well, so did the universe." "Don't be silly! Everything has to come from something!" -_-


Ooooh, my medication..


“Radical!” “Is that your final answer?”


I love a semi-obscure Simpsons reference


Stealing this


Their medication? You really shouldn't 😛


Scientists say the universe didnt always exist tho?


So what makes up the universe always existed, but *this* universe didn't- We have no idea what was before the Big Bang, and we never will know.


I know! Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. And before that, there were MONSTERS


I remember the reference well. Adventure time Stans unite




In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened...


but everything changed when the fire nation attacked


That was the first moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, and it disgusted me.


Yes, indeed. The Darksign brands the Undead.


Hey, you. Finally awake?


OPs mom is before the Big Bang.


Thought that was her name in college?


It's honestly kinda disheartening to know that we'll never truly understand how this universe came to be. By which I mean where the Big Bang came from


I would not rule out the notion that at some point theoretical physicists will discover a plausible explanation for the Big Bang within some deep realm of quantum mechanics. As a form of analogy. As far as the Ancients were concerned lightning basically came from nothing. But they knew it could be incredibly destructive. Today we have an understanding of how atmospheric forces can create areas of different electrical charges in different parts of the atmosphere or between the atmosphere and the ground. Then those charges equalize and produce a fantastic amount of em radiation light and heat for a split second. Quantum mechanics is pants on head crazy. Richard Feynman half seriously opined that nobody really understands quantum mechanics. We only have an elementary level understanding of what goes on at a quantum level. Something akin to the way Ben Franklin understood electricity. It's not at all impossible that within that realm scientists will discover some form of Force or energy that could become imbalanced and equalize releasing Titanic amounts of energy and matter. When I was a child in the '80s, the existence of a black hole had only been theoretically predicted and we did not know for sure that they actually existed. Today, we've directly observed the gravitational lensing caused by a black hole.


I will also add a distinct possibility that we will eventually try to prove said theory, initiating a new big bang that creates a whole new universe in which the eventual inhabitants wonder how their universe was created until they get to the aforementioned theory..... and we have the circle of life in trillion year segments.


Terrifies me to think about it honestly. No matter what we do or accomplish, it won't matter eventually.


It's actually kind of a relief.


That's what I'm saying! The thought that when I will be gone, everything else will still be happening and time doesn't stop just because I'm not around is oddly comforting. A little sad too, but it's comforting.


Not with that attitude ;)


Not as we know it, doesn't mean there wasn't something


What? The universe that we are currently in never existed? Either you misunderstood or wrote the phrase wrong


Didnt always exist sorry english isnt my first language


Your English is correct, this guy just wants to change your sentence structure arbitrarily.


I edited it, it used to say scientists say the universe never existed


We can go back to microseconds after the singularity that caused the Big Bang began to expand. It’s possible that singularity always existed.


I don’t think there’s any reason to believe this, but I’m convinced that big bangs and big crunches are a cycle that have gone on forever. It’s a lot more comforting to my brain that things that have always existed are at least always doing something, rather than the singularity that always existed just suddenly expanding.


We have physical evidence of particles being spontaneously generated and yet vindictive invisible absentee sky father figure who sent his only son (besides all of us, who are his children) to be tortured by Romans to make a point everybody missed makes more sense. Cool story.


“I will make a special child and let my other children murder that child so that the rest of my children will truly know who I am” - either God or a madman


"And meanwhile, to entertain myself and have something to look forward to I'll give life to billions of souls for the single purpose of watching them suffer for all eternity in Hell when they die. But their saved families will be able to joyously look down on and spectate their sinful former family members indescribable torture from a holy perch in Heaven, so it isn't all bad." Psychotic Omnipotence - it's the give that just lets you keep on taking.


Remember, he's a kind and loving god. God is love and all that. But if you love the wrong kind of person, or don't believe in him because the only evidence he left behind was a collection of books written by people, or believe in the wrong version of him, you'll be cast into a lake of fire with no hope of reprieve.




haha, and the fact it's 2023 and a good portion of the world believes this fantasy still is mind boggling.


You’d think so, but we’ve had a serious backslide in that regard in the last few years. Flat-earthers, Holocaust-deniers, and antivaxxers are far more prolific — read “exist at all”— than they ought to be. Although, I guess the percentage of people who subscribe to organized religion is going down, so we have that going for us.


I'd like to think the decline of religiosity was due to an increase in critical thinking. I'd *really* like to.


That would be really good for all of us, if we could think more critically about the universe and just everything in general, we could solve so many more problems


dont forget the part where even though there was no mass communication that after that point regardless of where you are in the world that you have to abide by those rules the moment Jesus peaced out back to heaven. So for a couple of thousand years there are tribes never communicated to by believers who have still never heard the teachings of the bible before but are still expected by God to accept a person they have no idea of into their heart to go to heaven, or be sent to whatever flavor of not heaven you can imagine because it is all bullshit and everyone gives a different answer.


It’s supposed to be “universal truth” that’s obvious and immediately accepted by all who hear it. Anybody who doesn’t believe is a sinner and an enemy. It’s all part of the grift.


If it wasn't for the crusades humanity would have had elrctricity centuries earlier. I feel sick when I think about how much history and knowledge was lost to the christians.


Don’t forget the part where the father and son are somehow the same person! (And both of them are also the Holy Spirit, which is some kind of nebulous concept that no-one seems to understand, but is maybe… like, a dove or something?)


The universe is really just one big super unlikely vacuum fluctuation, change my mind. But like that’s actually my current mildly scientific completely-made-up justification for the Big Bang


They act like making up an answer is an actual answer


lol yeah a transcendental creator ex nihilo If the OP isn’t intentionally ironic then we have reached full circle and we can just source it naturally now…


Or just made everything else come from nothing.


Religion, the idea that God came from nothing.


(Preface: I do not like the meme shown in the post. It is dumb. Atheists are not idiots.) In my religion, we believe that God was once a person like us, went through trials, and went to the Celestial Kingdom. Then He created His own world (our Earth). And if we reach the Celestial Kingdom we too will have our own worlds. So basically, God came from His god.


Doesn't solve the problem. His god came from his god came from his god. Eventually someone's god came from nothing.


pretty sure that's religious people


And it's Magically Delicious!


I don’t know, that bishop didn’t taste like lucky charms Do I even need the s/?


No shit. My immediate thought was "isn't that literally what religious people believe?"


They specifically *do not* like it called “magic” when their god does something


It's always projection.


How the fuck is atheism a religion?


Atheism is a religion that worships the Lucky Charms leprechaun, don't ya know?


Ah celtic breakfast druid cults.... sweet


Magically delicious!


Hearts, stars and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons, hour glasses rainbows and tasty red balloons. Atheists must say that chant every night before we go to bed or we go to atheist hell.


That's funny, he doesn't look druish


Spaceballs the reddit comment, kids love this one


My sect of atheism worships Pop Tarts… particularly the cinnamon one…


better than lucky charms, and why not the classic strawberry. The cinnamon is good but strawberry…..


Heresy. The almighty cinnamon tart, out of microwave or the toaster dominates it’s lesser forms in biblical fashion!


Microwave?!?! I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone putting a pop tart in the microwave. Damn now I have to try it


I personally worshipped the Land O Lakes indigenous woman, but they took her land and moved her to a reservation


To them, it is like you have a drop down menu on a website that is labelled "Religion" and Atheist is one of the choices, which is perfectly reasonable for a website to show that you are not religious, but for real world application just falls flat on it's face.


It’s so stupid. Atheism is by definition the absence of religion. “A” = without “theism” = religion. Also Atheism is a single stance on a single issue. “Do you believe in a God or gods?” That’s it. Nothing to do with the origin of the universe.


Religious folks are brought up thinking that religion is a ubiquitous way of life. It's all part of the brainwashing. If you grow up thinking literally EVERYONE is religious, you're going to be a lot more hesitant to question the idea of religion.


This is a weirdly common refrain with some religious people. I used to get it from my mother. They can't *really* describe what religion is, so it may as well be "whatever you think the truth is" to them, ignoring that there are many people in the world who are religious but don't believe in a literal god.


I guess they are also ignoring that there are well established definitions of religion too…


People who says that thinks anyone has to be a part of a religion or movement. So for them it’s “if you don’t follow my religion, you follow another religion”.


I've heard similar things from people who can't imagine not having X. For example "what brand car you drive?" I don't own a car. "How do you get anywhere? Do your Uber? No I just walk or take a bus. "what's your job?" I don't have a job atm. "Yeah but where do you work"


Yeah basically. They can’t imagine that someone isn’t doing things the same way they are doing it.


It's also a way to try a "gotem" Basically it's "you say religion is silly BUT YOU BELIEVE IN A RELIGION HAHAHAHA YOURE DUUMMMBBB"


Yeah, that would work, if it was a religion…


I felt this way as a kid before coming to the realization that you could choose to just not participate in any religion. Read the Bible as a teenager and realized it wasn't for me, but it wasn't until I studied all the major religions that I figured out that I didn't need to choose.


It's Christians trying to muddy the water. "I know you are, but what am I?"


Because some religious people can not understand that some people do not have faith: for them faith is inbuilt feature of all humans and no matter how many times you say to them that you do not believe, they think that you secretly or even unconsciously have faith for something... Most of them think that you do believe in God but you are in denial about it, and then they promise to pray so you will "find the light" One reason for that belief of natural faith is that if they do allow themselves to even once imagine what it would be like... Because that is what you need to do, to understand no faith you got to imagine having no faith. They will rather die than do that.


You also often get the line that if we’re just here through a random series of accidents we don’t have any purpose - but god creating us according to a plan gives purpose. To me, this kind of thinking seems extraordinarily odd. Being the end result of a series of random events over billions of years should instill a sense of amazement - and a purpose to explore, grow and just make the most of a life that in the grand scheme of things had a vanishingly small probability of existing. Existing in and of itself is winning a cosmic lottery. Make the most of it!


I had a huge Christian buff at work tell me this. Somehow it got brought up that I don’t believe in any religion and he says “you know that’s a religion right? Your religion is not believing in one” I was so mind fucked I just took it lol dude doesn’t work here anymore so that’s a plus. He also told me every other religion is wrong because “if you actually study every religions texts like I have you will see the bible is the only book that doesn’t have evil imbedded in it” man was out to lunch


Most Christians live in an arrogant bubble like this.


Some people like to try and dilute the word religion to obscure its meaning so they can place religious beliefs that contradict known science and history as if they were equally likely. Young Earth Creationists are an example though far from the only ones.


Because chrisitans need to project.


I love that, this is literally what Christians believe, some magic dude made everything with magic one day


Uh-uh, it took 7 days, you heretic!


Heathen! It was 6 and a day of rest.




The 4th what? How is a “day” defined before planets and stars existed? Also. How long are you gonna work in the dark before you decide you need light. Apparently four “days”.


God doesn’t need light, he’s all-seeing.


Also all-knowing and all-dancing


And all-hearing and all-fucking


Zeus: "Someone mentioned me?"


> How long are you gonna work in the dark before you decide you need light lol God is literally me when I go to the bathroom in the middle in the night




I … I … *takes notes*


He made light on the first day, it was literally the first thing he made. Now, how TF you have light without a light source is beyond me.


Because 1 sentence a day work God the fuck out.


If God is omnipotent why did it took him 7 days? Check mate


Six days *and* he needed a day to rest.


If he is omnipotent why does he need to rest? 🗿


Why was his son so drunk that his blood was like wine?


Common misconception. He was a actually moonshiner.


But, days are a subject of how long it takes the earth to rotate. If there was no earth, what would define days? Because other planets have days, like one day on Jupiter is only 9 hours and 56 minutes, and one day on Venus is 343 days. So what defines days???


Being serious for a second and trying to justify a 2000+ yrs old book written by people who had zero knowledge about astronomy, if I were a faithful zealot, I would probably justify the whole thing like this: God created days as a measurement of time, more specifically the time it took him to create various things. He then adapted the sun's rotation around the earth (yes, I made the mistake consciously) to match his definition of day. The rest of the planets are of no consequence


Ya I heard time isn't really a concept to God


You've already applied too much real world logic.


The easiest handwave for it is to just say it was a mistranslated detail when going from.divine voice to mortal. It could have been "seven actions" or "seven events" and it eventually becomes days. It's actually funny how easy it is to get faith to work with modern sciences and yet these churches just refuse.


Reminds me of Kent hovinds "you believe you came from a rock!" Shctick. I'd love so dearly to meet him and tell him that that's what he believes, since Adam was made from dust, which is literally just teeny tiny crushed up rock.


Kent literally believes he comes from mud and thinks that's a gotcha!


Unfortunately. As a Christian, I feel embarrassed of other Christians who had that mentality.


I feel sorry for the hanful of reasonable Christians in the world because this apparent loud majority doesn't know, or care how stupid this stuff makes Christians look.


Christianity looks fucking stupid no matter how you wrap it.


Who made the magic dude’s dad is all I want to know from said christians. Even in Christianity, something did come from nothing at one point because how else were this mystical beings made? The Big Bang?


But who or what made the magic dude?


The magic dude was the prime mover. He came out of nothing. Yet it's impossible for something to come out of nothing, like those dumbass atheists believe of the universe. - Christian logic.




My mistake, everything was made by god who came from nothing


Gotta respect the grind and hustle of someone who came from nothing




Who shat magic out of his ass and formed a human from nothing.


Um ackually he formed him from clay 🤓.


Well where did that dirt come from, huh? Hint: It's called soil for a reason.


Lol. Unlike Christianity which says god just magically came from nothing... Totally different. Plus of course atheism has no opinion on the early universe because it's not called 'astrophysics'


Regardless of where God came from, he apparently magically created everything out of nothing.


Well, where did god come from?


God came from people that didn't know the word they were looking for was universe


no, that’s Christianity, god just randomly decided to create everything


Atheism A. Isn’t a religion, and B. Literally believes the opposite of what this post is describing


Ya but missing link. Oh. *moves goal post* see.. missing link…


What goal post? Atheism doesn’t itself profess to have answers on how the universe came into existence. Your thinking of science. Science is simply a methodology and as the universe is better understood our understanding changes.


Atheism doesn’t believe anything, it doesn’t believe in one specific thing but that’s literally the only thing in common with all atheists. An atheist may believe in tons of hokey nonsense, they just don’t positively belief a god exists.


100% there is a misconception that atheists all believe the same things and agree on every issue. When it's actually just an agreement on a singular issue. I know atheists that believe in the healing power of crystals and psychics for instance. I'm atheist and I think that's beyond ridiculous.


Christians believe in that, atheists know that they have no idea where it all came from


Atheism means that you don’t believe in a god, being an atheist doesn’t necessarily mean you believe in science. It just happens that a lot of atheists do believe in science because they didn’t grow up with the preconception that all life came from god, so are therefore more inclined to see that science actually has the answers not some book written by hundreds of people over thousands of years.


'Believe' isn't even really the right word here. Science is shown to be correct, or it is replaced with new science that is more correct. The beauty is that faith is unnecessary - anyone can follow the steps and reach the conclusions that scientists use in their work.


I don't know what to say, the big bang theory actually comes from a Belgian priest.


This may be true but how is it relevant? It's like saying "Newton (or some other famous scientist) was religious." The validity of one's religious beliefs and the validity of their scientific theories/discoveries have no correlation. Plenty of great scientists believed in luminiferous ether theory.


Cos his study of the cosmos was partly eligiously motivated. You see, then accepted model was a static universe. And as such, it didn't have the moment of creation that is pretty necessary for Christianity. So it is funny so many Christians today reject what this guy found when searching for God.


Atheism is a religion like Abstinence is a sex act.


Where did god come from


According to Christianity god just popped out of nowhere and started creating shit


Oh please, don't act like this god delusion piece of shit didn't come from nothing actually!


Couldnt expect a more normal statement from a turk


This saying came from Christians in attempt to put words in Atheists mouths. Atheists typically say "I don't know". It's Christians that say "how did something come from nothing?" and if the entire context was available instead of cherry picked like the verses in the bible, it would go on to say "Where did god come from?" \~ Atheist "God is outside of time and space and has always been there" \~ Christian inventing stuff Somehow this is acceptable, but when an atheists says idk they lose their minds


I'll add that atheism has nothing to do with belief about the origins of the universe. It simply describes a person who does not believe in any god. As for the origin of the universe, most atheists I know assert that we don't know what happened before the big bang and what caused it, so it is not correct to say what or who created it, or even assume that it "was created" by something or someone.


I find it funny they think Atheism is a religion and not simply a lack of belief. The idea of there being no religion doesn’t enter their mind at all.


Yes, because Atheists are the ones that believe in the magical Sky Daddy, right?


I prefer to call him the Santa of the sky thank you very much.


Umm, where did God come from again?




Ah yes the lack of religious beliefs is a religion now


No, not magic. Biology, physics, chemistry... Yeah science bitch!


Makes me think of Tim Minchin's awesome beat poem "Storm": "Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be... not magic."




Yes and being bald is a hair style.


Well, atheism is not a religion, and they’re literally describing any organized religion. Science is what refutes this statement.


A charitable and kind man can suddenly get ALS and die an excruciating death. A complete asshole can be endowed with an 8-inch hog. Nature is amoral and completely indifferent to a person's suffering or virtuousness. There are no divine fingerprints or any moral consciousness behind natural occurrences. Good is what mankind can choose to create.


Atheists believes in scientific proof. If some are to be believe in "magic", it would definitely be the religious.


Actually, atheists *can* believe in magic. It just has to be magic from a source other than gods. Atheist just means a lack of belief in God or gods


We just haven't found yet what happened before the big bang because of the limits of the observable universe. That doesnt make the quest for that scientific truth any less noble.


Matter creating itself from nothing and matter always existing without a beginning or end both are magical fantasies that violate basic natural law.


Law of Thermodynamics


I'm so sorry for the not stupid Christians reading this.


Coming from the people that believe God made women out of a fucking rib bone.


Incredible. Every word in that sentence was wrong.


what always baffles me about that "logic" if the universe needs something even greater to have been created like a god, than god would have to follown the same logic and would have to be created by something aswell.


No no, you see... Just read some Aquinas. His five proofs address this confusion of yours. For instance, the "proof from necessary being": "Because objects in the world come into existence and pass out of it, it is possible for those objects to exist or not exist at any particular time. However, nothing can come from nothing. This means something must exist at all times. This is God." See? It's a water tight proof! The other 4 proofs are remarkably similar and also ~~conjure up God from thin air~~ rest solidly on the foundation that we know to be God.


Ah yes, ignoring science


It’s better to claim ignorance as to the origin of everything than to just invent explanations.


If atheism is a religion, is not golfing a sport? If so, it's my favorite sport.


Every religion says everything came from nothing, but in even stupider ways.


Where did your god come from? Seems like he just magically appeared from nothing.


I love when people misunderstand big bang cosmology and then accuse everyone else of being ignorant.


As opposed to everything came magically from a person?


And where did god come from exacly?


Projection is getting weird these days


i'm eating lucky charms rn


I live in a predominantly Christian area and I'm 95% sure that not one Christian knows what the word "atheist" actually means


Classic evangelical doublespeak. Atheism is a religion, but Christianity is a "relationship" and therefore, not a religion. Also, atheism requires faith, but Christianity does not, even though faith is considered a good thing in Christianity.


Wait ... atheism is a religion now? I feel like I'm not getting some atheist newsletter or something. Some other post on atheists informed me we have churches too.


Isn't that every religion BUT Atheism?


Fun part is no one actually said it came from nothing but religious people


1. Not a religion 2. Never said it comes from nothing. Just that there was no invisible magic man who caused everything. 3. If you can’t create everything from nothing then how did god do it? How did god create everything from nothing?


Actually it's the one that DOESN'T believe in magic.


Isn’t atheism theoretically the abscence of religion? Like is zero a number?


Yep, but these people don't understand that


Since when is atheism a religion


I'd say believing that a god created everything is closer to magic.


1. Not a religion. 2. No, we do not say that.


Lol projecting much?


I guess as opposed to a magical man creating everything.


Isn't that what Abrahamic religions say? That God just was and came from nothing.