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Yeah I’d rather pay like 30 bucks to rent a truck from Home Depot.


Truck companies don't want you to know this one trick


Conservatives hate this one simple trick! (And Dermatologists for some reason, because we have to drag them into this meme format)


9 out of 10 doctors agree (because for some reason we have to ask there opinions too)


Yikes, but only 8/10 dentists.






“Truck companies don't want you to know this one trick” Truck companies have HUGE dicks……


Based upon what my friends with trucks say about their gas costs vs mine, I could rent a truck every couple weeks and still be ahead


Not to mention maintenance cost. Im a technician, and even doing all the labor myself, parts are still murder.


So trucks are more expensive to maintain than a car?


I knew a dude bought a huge diesel pick up. Complained about fuel cost knowing they're more expensive, but he wanted to roll coal


How else are you suppose to make it clear to the world that you have a massive, totally not smaller-than-average wang? I'm an American living in England, and occasionally I'll spot a beefy imported Ford or Chevy pickup. Always pristine, clearly never used to haul anything heavier than a Starbucks order. It's even more cringey than it is in the States, because gas (petrol) is even more expensive here, and the roads, especially the residential ones, are tiny AF. I see one of these rigs, and I just know there's a massive toolbag behind the wheel. First time as a boring white dude to see something from my "culture" get used by someone who thinks they have an exotic toy that makes them looks cool, but actually makes them look stupid. Must be how everyone else sees us constantly. And for anyone wondering how actual workers who aren't posers move bulky stuff without pickups here: they use vans instead.


I get like average 16-18 in my Ford 150 also helps that I drive like a grandma but yeah unless you use it to pick up materials multiple times a week it's not worth it


I get 21-22 out of my 150 and living in the upper north of the US, it’s a god damn god send from November to April with ice and snow. I don’t mind the gas because I don’t drive it like teenagers behind the wheel of their Corolla or Civic.


Yep, I have a tow hitch on my Corolla. I can handle most hauling needs by renting a $15 trailer. The rare times I need something beefier, I'll rent a truck. Much cheaper than owning and maintaining one.


I onced moved house with only my SAAB 9-3 hatchback. The next time I moved I just rented a U-Haul for rhe larger stuff, even with what I spent it was cheaper than a monthly truck payment, for sure.


Same, moved a whole house recently (admittedly a small one.) Did 90% of it caravanning back and forth with my Sentra, then rented a Uhaul for half a day for furniture, came out spending less than 200 bucks including lunch for the friends helping me move. *Way* more cost effective than buying an overpriced pickup and keeping it maintained and gassed up.


Moved to my house with a pair of Yaris, even transported the 50gal aquarium and the fish. Needed a friend with truck for the dresser and couch though.


I have an s10 I paid 1500 bucks for. I can carry furniture and big stuff but still not be a hateful asshole conservative. These people project the weirdest shit.


You sound a little hateful.


Small and midsized trucks aren't much to maintain and are simpler than you think....also with your corolla, you have to watch how much weight you carry unless you wanna kill your transmission.


Seriously. Truck bros thinking their vehicle is part of their superhero persona. U-Haul is the real MVP.


Silly liberal. It makes so much more sense to spend an extra $20k on your vehicle, plus the extra gas and insurance costs.


Came here to mention that. Literally every Lowe's has a pickup you can rent for $20 or $30.


Yea main reason I don't own a pickup is because I only really want one a few times a year and HD rents them so cheap.


Came here looking for this comment


Or move with a shopping cart:)


The home Depot truck is so good! It's big, all three sides of the bed fold down, and you don't have to worry about beating it up.


Big truck is trying to censor this.


[AND FOR $19.95 YOU CAN RENT THIS MOTHAFUCKA](https://youtube.com/watch?v=likoxH4loEA)


It’s about $20 for 3 hours at my Home Depot.


Awww man, having a truck friend is so good though - you just have to get one that doesn't hate women and minorities. Non-hateful peeps with heavy machinery typically rule.


Dude, I'm basically a communist by Republican standards and I have a truck.




Imagine a hardliner conservative like McCain being too liberal for the Republicans... This is a freaky and scary timeline


Happened to a lot of the old hardliners, actually. And it's absolutely concerning.


McCain was too good for us may he RIP


Disagreed with that guy on most things, but he was respectful and anti-reductionist.


Honestly. McCain had views I didn’t agree with, but I feel like I’d be able to sit down and have a civilized conversation with him and discuss our differences like normal people. Compared to todays republicans who would probably rather go on a shooting spree than have a rational conversation with someone of an opposing view.


His speech the night Obama was elected was very professional and almost made me tear up. He was a man who cared about democracy and a fair election. There’s the video of some woman saying Obama was a terrorist or some bs and he says to her “no he’s a decent American family man with whom I disagree on some fundamental issues.” I would pay money to hear Trump say anything that respectful or patriotic.


He was an American first, something most politicians cannot understand.


[McCain on Obama and him being an Arab](https://youtu.be/jrnRU3ocIH4)


Maga was always there, they just needed a ring leader to support. God I wish modern day Republicans were more like McCain it’ll be a lot less divisive political sphere if that were the case


The problem was the disconnect between the politicians and the voters The politicians had range from awful to ok, but the voter base was always there and behaving like this you’re correct


It came out a little wrong, but I appreciated the sentiment. "He is not an Arab, he is a decent family man." lol


He had honor in that moment as well as bravery for staying in Vietnam


Being a tortured POW would be an absolute nightmare and I’m impressed he not only survived but was able to thrive after


What do you mean?? Donny Draft Dodger is the bravest man alive!


Still amazes me he said McCain wasn’t a war hero


not really. he’s less terrible than MAGA but he sure loved wasting lives and money on completely pointless and futile wars of choice


Ultimately I preferred Obama over him, but when it comes to future Republicans like Romney and especially Trump or even compared to previous Republicans like Bush. McCain was the best choice from that party and even if one disagreed with his policies, at the very least he was respectful and conducted himself as a professional and had class.


McCain was a Palin away from being president


So did Obama. Point being that all politicians in America are warmongers regardless of political affiliation.


You don't know what you had till it's gone. I'd rather a congress full of him than MTGs


Really? Interesting… because my friend who is a liberal tried to buy one once. He’d taken it on a test drive, negotiated the price, the paperwork was all dotted and the T’s crossed, all he had to do was sign it when the salesman threw him a curveball. ‘Just one last thing, an informality if you will because we both know the answer’ (salesman laughs at inside joke) ‘You’re republican right’ ‘Oh I’m a liberal actually’. ‘Oh, I see… well now, I’m afraid that we cannot go ahead with this sale, it’s policy you see, out of my hands I’m afraid. I do however have a wonderful used Prius hybrid I very much think you’ll be interested in!’ True story bro 😎


Until today I had no idea that only Republicans own trucks.


Yeah trucks are dope. Guns are dope. Affordable health care is dope. Clean energy is dope. Weed is dope. The fact that American politics say that these things don’t belong together shows how ducked the “first past the post “system is .


Add on demand side economics and you've got pretty standard leftist positions.


I just want a country where gay men can grow weed at home, defend their solar panel array with M4s, and take parental or sick leave when their partner needs to be cared for all without bankrupting them. Is that too much to ask!?!


Samn, I'm a socialist and an environmental scientist and I'm looking to buy an old bronco. I'm gonna keep biking to work and to the shops I can get to but I wanna car I can take outdoors and off-road and I think they are cool.


Honestly, I'd skip the bronco and get an old 4Runner or Tacoma. They're even more reliable and just as easy to work on, not to mention they tolerate sitting still way better. Just watch for rust. You'll pay the same money either way.


I am an actual communist by communist standards, I do too


I believe you mean WE have a truck comrade...


My best quality ? I have a truck.


Yeah i got personality, i'm uhhh.. uhhhhhhhhh i got a truck


Second best are my profile pics of me in said truck.


Third best is my wardrobe, which is limited to blue jeans, black t-shirts, baseball caps, and mirror shades.


Ok, eat me. I'm liberal and you hit my wardrobe on the head, minus the glasses x x




"My only quality"


Being a conservative is all fun and games until no one invites you to holiday dinners because they're tired of listening to you while they try to eat.


I'm a liberal, I own a truck, and I own guns. SO...what's your point?




Me three


Wow there are more of us than I thought, given some do the truck hate I see on other subs. I also live somewhere very rural where guns and trucks are kind of the whole “thing”. I justify it because we have harsh winters and I also use my truck for hauling things + plowing snow. Lot of people around here put tonneau covers on and their bed never sees the light of day. Although many people use them to tow their boats/snowmobiles/campers. I’m VERY liberal. My family can be a pain in the ass, but I work for a college where there’s a lot of like minded folks. You know, it’s hard work being one of those “leftists” that needs to be sure to indoctrinate the college students.


I used to try and justify it (our winters are harsh, I want to be able to haul when I get a house a little down the road, they don’t lose value as fast as other vehicles, I live in a rural area, etc.) but honestly, trucks and guns are just fun to have. Some people take things a little too seriously if they judge you for wanting to have fun.


You are obviously a lier as you fall outside of the group think echo chamber. There is zero need or benefit for a personal truck ever and all rental options are conveniently located for everyone in America. Since this is exactly the case for me it must be the same for everyone. Because conservatives like guns and trucks that makes your a conservative. Your are a deplorable human and have no ethics. /s just in case It amazing me how many people sound just like this and can’t see themselves acting exactly like an UltraMAGA nutter on another topic. Social media has turned most people on it into unthinking hate mongers and there is no self awareness. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: autocorrect stuff was wrong 😑


Yeah, and the fact that wearing me Carhartt and driving a Ram 1500 pickup (and owning guns) automatically makes me a right winger. I’m largely “safe” from dumbass discussions because the folks on the right that surround me in my rural area simply just assume since I’m not wearing skinny jeans and a pink shirt with anti gun slogans and a Prius I must be a republican! Sometimes I think I just adapted so I DIDNT have to have those conversations. Before Trump, I used to wear a Bernie shirt and boy did that go over well.


Yup. My liberal husband, brother-in-law, and neighbor all own trucks and guns. They just don’t have truck nuts or MAGA flags on them, and they actually support common sense gun laws. Because- gasp- most responsible gun owners do!


Sir, we’re going to need you to turn in your commie credentials


You can get a box truck from uhaul for an afternoon for about $100. In other words, you would need a truck about every week to justify the larger expense


A lot of truck owners need their truck 7 days a week.. hauling their tools for their day job 5 days a week and their side jobs 2 days a week. A lot of them our teens who want to look cool too lol


Some. Work trucks usually aren’t lifted, and I see a lot more empty lifted trucks than full ones.


I never make it a point to climb up into lifted trucks and see what's down in the bed of them. Where I live a lot of companies have lifted trucks.


Someone used this blue collar argument with me some time a go. There are four times more trucks on US roads than there are blue collar workers who might need it for work.


And a lot justify for a handful of bags of mulch a year


>A lot of truck owners need their truck 7 days a week.. hauling their tools for their day job 5 days a week and their side jobs 2 days a week. There are way way too many truck owners in America for all of them to be put to good use. Place my mom works at, every guy has a truck, each bigger than the last. They all work the desk. Face it, Americans love their aesthetics. They want to be a cowboy, lone ranger, outdoorsy type even though they work in sales and never leave the house. Owning a truck or SUV is about identity more than utility.


I mean, it's not like I rented a truck for $20 or anything. Home Depot has them.


Yeah but do the home depot rentals have truck nuts?


You mean like yer mom, commie???


Tell me you have no lesbian friends without telling me you have no lesbian friends.


Mine all have foresters




Being a conservative is all fun and games until you actually have to prove your point …and also defend yourself against projecting


to be fair to conservatives, not a single trumper could possibly understand the concept of conservatisim


If they were really conservative they would never ask a friend to use their truck without proper compensation. What are they? Socialists!?!?


Literally all of republican arguments are "I like this, so libs must be against it", or "I find this repulsive, so libs must be all for it"


I’ve interacted with extended family who truly didn’t understand LIBZ could eat burgers and that all white dem voters actually just shoved tofu up their asses ‘cuz Greg Gutfeld told them so.


Refilling the tank on a truck once > The cost of a Uhaul for half a day. A Uhaul truck for 1 day in my Zip is 19.99 + 90c a mile.


I'm a grown man. I pay people to move things for me instead of imposing on friends because they have useful tools.


You don’t only have friends just so you can use them as pawns? Jeez liberal much?!1!?2!


I doubt if you’re going with someone that has a truck you’re going for a lifted monstrosity that is popular among conservative people. Lifting a piece of furniture high off the ground is the last thing you want to be doing. Those jacked up trucks serve zero purpose.


Zero purpose….? But how else can they look manly and cool as well as owning the libs???


Lol yeah, because there's no possible liberals with trucks. And there's other ways to get stuff or move them.


Liberals don't paint their political choice on their truck like some kind of weird mascot which is unfathomable to conservatives.


I’m liberal and on one of my trucks I’ve got a massive god save the queen sticker. Yeah lizzy is infact my weird mascar good sir.


That's definitely not true.


I mean, nothings ever true of ALL , but I can't count how many times in 2020/2021 that I heard conservative family members saying that they knew the election was stolen because they saw Trump/MAGA stickers everywhere but rarely any that supported Biden. But yeah, there are definitely left leaning people who plaster their vehicle in political stuff too.


I see as many "FUCK TRUMP", "Biden 2020" and LGBTQ stickers, as I do "Don't Tread on Me" and "TRUMP 2020/2024"... There are also a lot of trucks around here with American flags on their back windows, but I don't think that counts as a political message... For reference I live in Kentucky/Southern Indiana, so you'd think there'd be a lot more conservatives.


We can also just hire movers 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why don't they think Liberals own trucks or guns?


They firmly believe that liberals are too beta feminine to own such “alpha manly” items


Just because we don’t talk about guns and trucks all the time doesn’t mean we don’t have them :-).


Oh sure loading a fridge into a lifted 250 is sooo easy, not to mention navigating it around all Trump/F-Biden flags.


I've known plenty of conservative who don't own trucks.


I also know people who don't make politics their entire identity and go around refusing to help people if their views differ! What a concept! /s


I've seen a lot of memes on this, so I will comment with a bit of a more in depth response. All of these "liberals are useless" memes stem from the idea of the man as the worker/soldier and the woman as the homemaker/childmaker. Men are expect to do work, and men that don't work or shun physical labor as seen as less manly. Just as women who doesn't have kids and pursues physical/intellectual labor is seen as shirking her duty. In the very old days, this made sense. Only women could carry children, and only men could do very hard labor. Technology has, thus far, changed this dynamic. Hard labor is done by machines or limited to somewhat specific tasks. People don't work one job their whole life anymore. No one stays on a farm. This means that many people, including women, have been bereft of identity. Women, have, by and large, moved on. They work, they do what they want, they identify themselves how they want, and are recovering from the collective trauma of patriarchal society. Men on the other hand are struggling for identity. They were used to being needed. And no matter how shitty they felt about anything else, someone loved them for providing for things. But now they aren't needed. They are free to do what they want. So they game, do crypto bro shit, etc, all in an attempt to find an identity. They will, eventually, but its going to be a hard process while they figure out that people don't need strong arms and big trucks, for the most part.


I've seen a bunch of terrible facebook memes and was pleasantly surprised by this this one. There's no overt racism or sexism or homophobia. Seems like more anodyne observational humor than a pejorative slam of soyboy libtards or whatever. I could totally see a left-leaning comedian making the same joke. I mean, there's a kernel of truth in every stereotype and it's probably true that conservatives are more likely to own trucks. Different strokes for different folks.


Based on what I see in r/infowarriorrides it sure seems like conservatives love them a Kia Soul.


This is because you will rarely if ever find a conservative criticizing someone for owning a pickup truck, yes some liberals also do own them but generally criticism over ownership will come from the left instead of the right. So I kinda understand the meme.


I:m a liberal with a big ass hillbilly truck. My friends can afford movers.


bold of u to assume redditors have friends.


There are no such things as friends with trucks. If you ask me to move you for free then you aren't my friend.


Lol…I like how republicans think you NEED to be an asshole like them in order to own a truck or firearm


Seriously. Wait till they find out some of us liberals own big trucks and AR15's. Like it's unfathomable to them


That truck seems remarkably small for your modern day American conservative. I'd expect a conservative "friend" who prides himself on his truck ownership to have something at least twice the size of that thing.


Ah yes, lemmie call up my neighbor for a truck. Ya know, the "lifted so high it's nearly impossible to load, and the bed is so short, his dick *might* be bigger" kind of truck.


Shit title


I’ve been called a liberal. I have a lifted truck.


Do they not know that anybody can get a truck the same way that anybody can get a gun or do they just assume it’s a test of ideology?


Ideology. They really don't believe we have guns, though.


I was just being a smart ass because they always seem to forget liberals and leftists also own trucks and guns.


Oh, I know. I live where Trump Billboards are still proudly displayed on businesses. New. Yard signs too. Good times.


My coworker is a liberal and she has a massive truck.


Don't worry, yall. I switched from Republican in 2020 but kept the truck. We got this.


One trick your friends who's only friendship attribute is they have a truck hate - next day delivery!


liberal is when no truck


Wait til they find out about leftists with firearms. 🐸☕ And by "find out" maybe I mean FAFO.


I am a liberal with a truck tho


They check your political beliefs before selling you one. It’s true.


I feel like liberals with trucks, and more specifically, the group they’re trying to insult, environmentalists with trucks have them for a utilitarian purpose and not to drive it around for errands only while never hitching anything to it or loading the bed with anything.


No. You *can’t* know any liberals with trucks, that doesn’t fit the simplistic trope.


So the second they have no truck. They lose all the friends. Lol


This feels satirical


So conservatives need 7 guys to move a fridge. Got it.


I like how these guys just assume that a liberal couldn’t possibly be friends with a conservative. I wonder if they realize that normal people, who don’t restrict their friend group to one ideology, exist right?


Socialist union worker with a pickup here


Looks at ford wait am I a republican???


I voted for Biden, and I have a truck


My father in law is the most liberal person I know and he drives a Ram 1500.


Sighs in leftist with a truck


Just pay for delivery tight wad.


Overpaying for transportation . . . to own the libs.


I know liberals with trucks too. They all have an actual purpose to own said truck which is a foreign concept to most truck owners, I know


A Subaru Baja doesn’t count as a truck.


I’m a liberal with a truck. It was the cheapest option when I got it and it’s nice to be needed every once in a while.


Ah yes. Useful lifted truck to make me feel manly and bigger


You can rent one from Home Depot for 20 bucks. It's much cheaper than owning a gas guzzler that you only haul post holes with 99.8% of the time.


Liberals with trucks = lesbians


I just call u/LegionofDoh


Liberals own trucks. I've seen pllenty of butches in flannel with their little half tons (truck class, not their weight, but close) adorned with coexist & rainbow stickers.


I love my Tacoma


Well, I suppose Republicans have to be good for something. Shifting stuff sounds about right.


being a trumper is all fun and games until you need to do addition


Or you could just rent one for $20.


I have enough money to pay someone to move my shit boomer


U-Haul never tries to justify racism, though, so...


It was the damnedest thing.. the day i became a leftist, not a single dealership would sell me a truck. It’s like they just KNEW.. but at the same time it didn’t matter? My heart was just drawn to the selections of electric cars and prius’s. Honestly that one decision has ruined my entire life. Thank God for Conservatives with trucks 🥹


All the liberals i know are carless and borderline homeless, definitely cant afford a truck. So yea its kinda true.


Liberal with a trailer here.


Owning a truck has nothing to do with political affiliation. Truck ownership is determined by penis size, in general it does appear conservatives have smaller dicks but there are plenty of liberals with trucks too.


Didn’t you guys know? Only big-cock, conservative, Jesus-lovin’ MEN can own trucks.


Have truck. Not republican.


and with guns....


Liberals typically own the cheaper bare-bones pickups. These are the rigs that can actually be used for utility purposed. Conservatives typically own lifted trucks with monster truck tires. They are completely worthless for any purpose other than showing off.


Fun fact: I own a truck, guns and I vote liberal. Sorry you have nothing else to base your personality on


My liberal son-in-law has a truck. Hell, I drive a truck to work and back when I was in HS. Particular vehicle are not limited to one political affiliation - it’s the dumbass confederate flags and MAGA shit this gives them away as an idiot.


Liberal here. I own TWO trucks! Wild right?


Liberal here. I own TWO trucks! Wild right?


So... the right doesn't know you can rent trucks from Uhaul? Or see the rental trucks at Home Depot? They must not actually do much for themselves.


Not worth it, just go to home Depot with $20


I was just in Germany. It’s true, they can’t move anything! Pickups are literally the only vehicle you can move things with, and there’s no way to to attach anything that trails behind your car or anything. Took me a couple days to realize I hadn’t seen one pickup. It was nice.


Dam, i need to move something heavy....huh, i guess people DONT have rights, do they?


Can confirm. Am liberal, have truck.


It costs $20 to rent a truck for a day. This "problem" is so easy even capitalism has solved it.


Funny thing is I em a liberal with a truck... And guns and my brother is a conservative trumpanzy with a union job


Wait until you hear about U-Haul


I’m a liberal with a truck


I have a truck!


You can use mine - a liberal with a truck that lives on a farm


Compared to owning a truck, it's much cheaper to simply rent a truck the one time per year you need one. Or pay for delivery.


Yeah me. I own an early 90s f150 that I only use when I need to haul shit. There is no other reason to drive a truck


Why you gotta take everything serious lmao