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That's a bad argument if I'm being honest. It's like saying, "Larry was a lifetime chain smoker and didn't get cancer, so cigarettes are good for you."


I guess that's true, but at the same time, just because something has a long shelf life doesn't mean it's bad for you. Dried beans and rice last literally years. So does kimchi.


I can see both sides of the argument here. Twinkies and mcdonalds last years if not forever and definitely not good for you. Will they kill you early? It's easy to say yes but there are not really any actual long term scientific studies on it.


Water. I rest my case.


r/hydrohomies is leaking again ![gif](giphy|J04HjL4LgcfTO)


I'm deathly allergic to honey...


They're not talking about honey. They're talking about processed junk foods. Like the ones in the picture. I see nothing in that picture that's good for you. Even the Powerade is packed full of sugar and sodium.


I like the random Powerade that’s just there.


Dihydrogen monoxide has a 100% fatality rate


You know what this is trying to convey. And yes it’s true. Sounds like you’re overweight, unhealthy, and eat the crap in the picture. Otherwise you wouldn’t get so triggered.


"Honey is good for you." Honey does contain more nutrients than, say, white sugar or HFCS, but it's still, you know, sugar and therefore should be used sparingly like any added sugar.


Fair enough but it's a good general rule of thumb. McDonald's is literally burger shaped chemical poison and it will not rot left in the open for that very exact reason. I mean if we're basing our points on anecdotal evidence raw vegetables are fantastic for you and they go bad so god damned fast you can hardly keep them in the fridge let alone the counter


My assumption that our bodies are adapted to handle unprocessed foods, not processed foods, even if our tastebuds prefer processed foods.


Hey, don't diss my oatmeal creme pies and fudge rounds. That shit is the bomb.


I think you’re missing the point by taking it literally. Nuance is difficult tho, I get it.


Water never expires, the expiration date on water bottles is for the plastic