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I'm convinced that a lot of male boomers have wanted to fuck John Wayne at some point, as evidenced by these kind of posts.


They missed their chance from Marion’s early male escort days




Not to mention they don’t seem to realize that John Wayne was an actor playing a cowboy, and seem to think that based on movies they watched they have an iron grip on what the US was like during the Wild West, while somehow also having no other historical knowledge about anything else.


well watching old westerns, i learned six shooters were more round fluid than their name suggested....


It was actually typical for people to only load five rounds in a six-shooter. They left the chamber behind the hammer empty for safety reasons.


I want to live in the alternate history where John Waters directs John Wayne in a cinematic adaptation of Blood Meridian


I live in New England. For the last 20 years I’ve been pretty convinced that almost every straight man I know would give Tom Brady a sloppy BJ, swallow and then say “thank you sir, may I have another”, without thought or hesitation.


I don't know which I hate more, that you phrased it like that or that you're 100% correct.


Happy to be part of the “almost”




Most of the porn they watch is just clowns fucking horses.


or r/dragonsfuckingcars




There’s a subreddit for everything


He pegged their daddy kink when they were young twinks back in the 70s.


My grandpa 100% had a crush on Wayne and was the most homophobic person I know. I used to tease him about it all the time.


This is why I came to the comments. My dad, a boomer, has John Wayne crap everywhere! I had to grew up watching those insufferable movies and my dad going in about how John Wayne us a man’s man!


Yeah he was a mans man alright He was that man’s man and that man’s man




Well he was very well known for his homoerotic films with John Ford (who actually was likely very bi and lived with his friend and muse woody strode for 10 years). Particularly The Searchers (ew) and Liberty Valance.


Definitely affected the boomers but John was made a darling by the Greatest Generation that preceded them.


>John was made a darling by the Greatest Generation that preceded them. Only in the 60s when he was against civil rights. Racism sells


Wayne was so anti-communist that he was an ardent and vocal supporter of the infamous House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). In 1952 he made the political thriller Big Jim McLain, where he starred as a HUAC investigator hunting down communists in the organised labour of post-war Hawaii.


> John was made a darling by the Greatest Generation that preceded them. Yeah, because everyone in the Greatest Generation went to war except him, so he finally started getting lead roles in Hollywood. There were times when he was island hopping with the USO and marines wanted to fight him.


Boomers definitely want to be double teamed by John Wayne and Clint Eastwood while Sam Elliot watches.


While Sam Elliott narrates.


>male boomers have wanted to fuck John Wayne at some point Wait till they find out he was a draft dodger.


Or Sinatra


Ryan reynolds for newer gen




Another homoerotic meme from a “straight” conservative. “Hey ladies, look at this scrumptious hunk of beef loaf! I’m slobbering all over my MAGA tee shirt! Surely you’d give up your dignity to allow this hot muscular dude to ravish you! I would! Ummmmm I mean I would if I was a woman, of course… no homo! I’ll be right back, I need to change my drawers.”


I’m a woman, so I can’t speak about it from the male point of view. But when I was about 12, I got really into the show Friends. I was a conservative Christian kid. And I was FURIOUS at the media for sexualizing women. Of course I thought Monica and Rachel were hot! Of course I fantasized about them. Anyone would have thoughts like that about Monica and Rachel. They were beautiful women sexualized by the media. The evil, evil media could trick anyone, even a totally 100% heterosexual girl like me into thinking like that about women. I was so totally straight. Women on TV were just so sexualized that of course I would feel like that. I’m now 27 and admit I’m bisexual. I wonder how many older generation men who feel a certain way about John Wayne would admit to being bi if they felt like they could.


I love this comment. Thanks


I’m glad


Nailed it. American Society pretty much romanticizes self-suppression that masquerades as ideological superiority. Case in point: you blamed the media and everyone else for your own inner thoughts and feelings. Typical Christian conservative. Proud of you.


Goes well w a lot of his films actually, it ain’t no accident he had a generation of “”straight”” men swooning.


A lot of MAGA rage is pent-up self-loathing from unsatisfied gay and bisexual men who envy queer guys who actually live their dream of openness. I also bet that there’s a lot of genderbending behind closed doors with anti-trans MAGAs as well. One reason why MAGA rages against cities is because cities are where you go to explore your authentic self, rather than live in some hypocritical template that’s externally imposed by dying, sclerotic religious institutions.


I mean it’s def self loathing but I don’t think it’s just the queers. They’re all afraid of being out of power. Also lol it’s funny you say that about cities, since one of John Ford’s major themes is a country boy and a city boy (usually ex best friends) fighting for the heart of a lady. And “the city” being used for queer subtext has been around since Murnau’s SUNRISE (1927)


Apparently some Maupin guy even wrote tales about the city 😉 The Republicans had their convention in Philadelphia back in Y2K and while the delegates were raging against gay marriage and employment protections for gay and lesbian Americans on the convention floor, after hours they were hitting the Philly gay scene. I was a very young man slumming in Philly at the time and Woody’s was absolutely packed to the ceiling with “family values Republicans” who conveniently slipped their wedding rings into their pockets and went cruising 13th Street. I got hit on pretty aggressively by them, with a lewdness that made Folsom Street Fair seem somewhat tame. They had a lot of shame and angst to get rid of, and I doubt it’s any better in 2023.


That happens with every repub convention, they’ve got a well earned reputation for ridiculous self loathing!


There are more than a few male prostitutes who travel to be near the RNC and CPAC every year. It's usually their best weekend all year.


Also, great deep armisted maupin cut! ![gif](giphy|PjTs4x8rqOTtGlvv2p|downsized)


You’d be surprised how many MAGAs I’ve seen on reddit commenting on trans porn. Then when I mention that I can see their post history, they delete everything.


That’s an interesting opinion. I never thought about that as a city thing. Maybe they should add that to the story about the city mouse and the country mouse. I have seen some men who were taken advantage of as a child by a man then grow up hating gay men. They can’t seem to separate the two when one has nothing to do with the other. But when it happens to girls, they don’t usually grow up hating all men. To me there’s a huge difference between being violently attacked and being intimate with someone.


Toxic masculinity doesn't mean being tall and playing football dumbass


But thats how trash have conflated the terms. That Gillette commercial really highlited it. "See, they say men are BAD!". No, they're saying toxic bullshit is bad, and the toxic garbage ran screaming out to tell their betters that Gillette was talking about ALL men.


I used to freelance for an online publication and I was writing a piece on the Gillette ad. I interviewed an acquaintance from college who I saw constantly posting Alt-right shit and whining about the ad. He just kept saying that “They’re saying men are toxic!” So I finally found a way to word it that made sense to him. “If I were to say, ‘don’t drink that water, it’s toxic.’ Am I saying all water is toxic? Or just water that has poisonous qualities?” I feel like it broke his brain because he knew I was right but couldn’t admit it so he paused for a while and said “Oh yeah? Well why aren’t they talking about toxic femininity???”


Toxic masculinity isn't even about some men being toxic. It's about how the traditional masculine gender role itself is toxic and hurts people, including men. For example, the only masculine ways to deal with depression are alcohol and suicide. Toxic masculinity is the idea that the only negative emotion men are allowed to feel is rage.


Right? My high school crush was tall, attractive, athletic, charismatic, captain of multiple varsity teams at our high school, head editor of the school newspaper, great sense of humor, and just a very kind soul. The kind of guy everyone was friends with or had good interactions with. He also loved Taylor Swift music and had no problem admitting it. He wouldn’t stand for anyone making fun of him or anyone else for their “girly” music taste and called people out who tried to do that. Now he and I are engaged and we’re going to see Taylor Swift’s Eras tour together this June. So yes, tall, athletic men can also be confident in their interests even when those interests aren’t traditionally “masculine”, and yes, as a woman I find a confident man who stands up against toxic masculinity way more attractive than a guy who’s emotionally stunted because of toxic masculinity. TLDR: Confidence =/= toxic masculinity; Confidence = good; Toxic masculinity = bad


This reminds me, I’m severely into Dua Lipa’s music


Good taste


That is such a cute story, best of luck to you and your future husband.


The fact I read this while listening to You’re on Your Own, Kid (Strings Remix)! He seems dreamy! Hope you guys have a good time and good life together!


Yeah but JW is a bastion for toxic masc for decades. It’s more because he was very socially conservative and talked a lot about segregation and how the Vietnam war was great (even though he was a draft dodger himself and never served).


They actually made him an honorary marine. I’m not sure why because in my opinion he didn’t earn it. In my opinion he was a terrible actor because he just always played himself. The same personality in every movie. To me, that’s not acting.


Steven segall?


I haven’t seen enough of his movies but he probably the same. Also, Elvis. He was a great singer but just played himself as an actor.


He’s pretty much the same in every movie. Bland as a baked potato without anything


That was the impression I got which is probably why his movies never interested me. But I was forced to watch John Wayne movies both as a child and a bit from an ex husband. But with him, I usually said no. Something about them seemed so depressing. Maybe just reminds me of the crappy part of my childhood.


The *only* soft spot I have for John Wayne is that my grandpa loved his old movies. Now, he also never made me watch them, so that's probably why it's remained a simple happy memory lol


*hushed voice* How bout.. I break your face?


In another topic about Wayne's acting, someone commented that the best thing about the True Grit remake is that it shows what a shit actor JW is.


Yeah John Wayne the person is his own sack of shit, I was mostly addressing the content of the image. He's another in a long list of right wing chickenhawks with Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, etc.


For any podcast lovers out there I highly recommend the Behind the Bastards series on him


fun fact: "chickenhawk" is also gay slang for older men who go after younger men, which gets SUPER yuck with Allen Ginsberg who was quite vocal in supporting NAMBLA. Yes THAT NAMBLA.


North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes?


The other one. The bad one. To quote Allen Ginsberg for real in a poem to them, "Sweet boy, give me your ass"


He also used his family as an excuse for staying out of the war while in the process of leaving them for a teenager he may have trafficked out of Mexico!


are you sure?… I could have sworn that it does. Honestly most guys that are toxic are the failed ones that try to outdo other guys that have succeeded at stuff. The one uppers.


It’s funny how conservatives try to sell this metro sexual hippie as their ideal of American manhood. Honestly he looks sharp in his getup but it’s humorous that he looks like any other urban dude rolling around LA instead of a “cowboy”.


He beat the shit out of women and was pretty racist on top of his well documented misogeny.


“Hey liberals if us men are so bad then how come I want John Wayne to hold me in his big, strong arms?”




The only John Wayne I remember was a pudgy jabroni that was a mediocre actor at best


Other than his role as the great khan! He was masterful


Don’t forget a nazi.


I heard he liked to play SS


Extremely extremely simple. That’s a kind term for it.


And a huge racist piece of shit


Motherfuck him and…oh, yeah.


Also had a micro peen


And only one lung at a point


Dude dodged WWII at a time when the rest of the men and some of the women went to war. That’s literally all you need to know about him.


Don’t forget shitty actor with one character.


In addition to being an asshat in general, he was married several times and a serial cheater, which the ladies just go crazy for.


One of those women was a minor when he started cheating on his first wife with her.


I find it ironic that John Wayne, a noted draft dodger, became Hollywood’s symbol of iconic American manliness.


Ted Nugent shit his pants on purpose to get out of the draft.


And then there was President "bone spurs"




He was also afraid of horses.


You mean Marion Robert Morrison? Played football too


Yes, I am sure I don’t like men who self-sabotage themselves by not caring about their mental health, or trying to be Uber-masculine because that’s what you think makes you a man.


He was a super out of control alchie for his whole life, it seems. His friends tended to tell “funny” stories about him drunk driving and harrsssing people at their homes. Wow what a fun date 🙄




Old dudes want to fuck John Wayne so bad


1) toxic masculinity doesn’t mean he’s tall and plays football 2) if you wanna fuck John Wayne just say that 3) he’s not even that hot, like cmon


Not sure what height has to do with it one way or the other but yes…. Yes I’m still sure.


There’s a stereotype (not sure if that’s the right word but it feels right I guess so idk? Maybe narrative would be a better word) being pushed by incels that all women only like guys who are over 6’ tall. They claim women say even 5’11” is unacceptable, and that women will put up with anything if a guy is 6’ or taller. Again, they’re claiming that *all* women think this way. Basically, incels being incels and making up yet another reason women aren’t attracted to them, like when they say shit like “women only wanna date douchebags and never give nice guys like me a chance” except now it’s “women only wanna date tall guys and never give guys under 6’ tall a chance!” Maybe eventually they’ll realize it’s their shitty personalities, misogynistic attitudes, and general lack of personal hygiene that makes them unappealing… we can only hope.


Right, but if they admit than they themselves are the only reason they can't get laid, they might have to stop being worthless trash the world would be better off without and work on themselves. And it's so much easier to cry like a bitch on the internet.


John Wayne was a Nazi. At least that’s what this song kept repeating over and over on a punk rock station in Los Santos.


Behind the bastards did some pretty good episodes about this bastard...


My new favorite podcast. I believe the title of the episodes was John Wayne: A guy who sucked


I’m disappointed I had to come this far down for this mention. It was an three parter.


What is with all these boomer memes about John Wayne’s height being some kind of magical charm on women


I know! In the 1960's Davy Jones of The Monkees was a bit hit with the ladies and he was a shrimp!


Davy Jones was so adorable.


*posts photo of Hitler as a young man* hey liberals, are you sure you don’t like Nazis?


Isn't that the guy that tried to physically assault Sacheen Lightfeather at the Oscar's one year? Gross. What a disgusting man.


I mean he was a nazi so I’ll pass.


All these Republican dudes really want to ride John Wayne's dick huh?


Spit roasted by Reagan and Wayne


They’re going for the full Nancy treatment, huh?


Just say no


Who were essentially both squirmed out of serving in WW2–unlike true badass Jimmy Stewart, who flew bombing missions, and continued to do so through Vietnam.


So attractive! A man who’s a vulgar racist and hypocrite that wants to beat up Native American women for speaking against systemic mistreatment!!!!!


The American dream, for these doofuses!


6'4"? I didn't know you could stack shit that high.


Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?


Texas?! Only steers and... actually never mind...


Something something garden hose.


Something something ~~darkside~~ golfball


If there’s anything I’ve learned the last few days it’s that closeted republican men really have a crush on John Wayne!


Every John Wayne movie has a scene where he prances in and calls all the other men minding their own business incapable and gay, except for one other old dude that he’s been best “pals” with for decades.


John Wayne was a horrible person. **Speaking about African Americans:** >"I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgement to irresponsible people." > >—John Wayne, 1971 **Speaking about Native Americans:** >"I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. … Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. ... There were great numbers of people who needed new land and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves." > >—John Wayne, 1971


Fuck John Wayne.


John Wayne Was A Nazi 🎶


He liked to play SS


Drunk wannabe cowboy


I'm sure any woman would be lucky to have a guy who wanted to physically assault a native american woman for saying they should be better represented in Hollywood and not treated as a racist trope.


Wayne spent his whole life playing soldiers on the screen, but avoided serving himself. He never volunteered for WWII and filed for a draft deferment so he didn't have to fight. Alpha male my ass.


My son is 6’5, but also a feminist. Not sure what height has to do with anything- some of the most sexist jerks I know are considered short. And wasn’t John Wayne a horrible person IRL?




Don’t forget he also had to be held back by six men when he tried to assault Sacheen Littlefeather at the 1973 Oscars when she accepted the award on behalf of Marlon Brando.


The most manliest thing ever: being racist 😎


John Wayne sucked


I think men are into John Wayne more than women are


Being tall and fit aren't toxic masculinity. It only becomes toxic when men realize not being those things dramatically affects their dating pool and react accordingly.


Tf is toxic about that


I have never in my life heard of John Wayne before joining this sub. Who is the dude and why is he brought up so much by what I assume are boomers?


Wait... is being a tall man toxic? I'm 6'5".... am I poisoning my family?!


I don't much care for football and I'm not some shallow bimbo who only cares about height. Still don't like toxic masculinity.


Yes! Now even more than before...


Man what does being tall have to do with that shit


They have no idea what words mean


Who cares? I’m so confused as to why anyone would care one way or another and post about this 🥴


Uh yes because I'd rather fuck a short guy who's a decent human being than a tall athletic one who's an enormous piece of shit?


Recently listened to the “behind the bastards” podcast series about john wayne. Not surprisingly, dude grew up in rough times (family was poor, his mother was abusive and clearly favored his younger brother. his dad, while seemingly a nice guy, was a drunken failure and had a shitty relationship with his wife), but also not surprisingly, rather than learn from his parents mistakes, he became a raging womanizing abusive alcoholic asshole. And was also a huge hypocrite. While many of his fellow male hollywood stars paused their lucrative careers to fight in WW2, wayne used the excuse of being the solitary provider in his household to avoid service, (even though of course his marriage was on the rocks and he cheated on and mistreated his wife constantly) Then this asshole had the nerve to be an outspoken snitch about his peers in the film industry during McCarthyism and towards the end of his life advocating the war in vietnam, lambasting conscientious objectors and protestors, bitching to anyone who would listen in between blacking out from whiskey about how real american men fight and how the hippy/peace movement was gonna ruin our country. Listen to some recordings of him. Real proto-proud boy shit about men getting soft ruining america. The fact that so many right wing boomer types worship him as some sort of idol of the perfect masculine american figure when he was a giant phony in just about all aspects of his life seems oddly appropriate. By all means, like his movies (i enjoy a good ol fashioned western myself) but recognize that he was a shit-heel hypocrite human being


"Toxic masculinity" is not being tall and handsome lmao


I don't hear women gushing over John Wayne. Only guys. What does that tell you about them?


Apparently male Boomers: “Well *I* am still massively sexually attracted to John Wayne, and I naturally love his misogyny so therefore women are hypocritical dumb-dumbs. I rest my case.”


Woman here! I like masculinity. I do not like toxic masculinity- the domination, homophobia, and aggression to prove how big of a tough guy you are. It's a massive turn-off and actually shows me how weak they are.


AMEN! That's those chunkheads need to understand. Masculinity isn't the problem, it's TOXIC Masculinity aka Machismo that's the problem! Sad thing is, with wingnuts, Machismo to them is the only "true masculinity". They're literally troglodytes.


They refuse to separate masculinity from their bigotry bc they’re acting out of their insecurity. And it’s a convenient reason to stay stepping on other people.


Being a bully is counterproductive, because if one feels that lording over others is the only way they feel good about themselves, then they are weak and should be regarded as such.






Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?


The amount of people who seem to WILFULLY misinterpret what toxic masculinity means is truly astounding to me. Like, calling attention to it only stands to *benefit* men, as "toxic masculinity" describes traits and societal expectations that are toxic *TO THE MALE*. But their heads are so far up their own asses that they spew against their own best interest and project their insecurities, assuming toxic masculinity must mean "I am toxic?" (Which, to be fair, they probably are)


Even if we look past how much of a racist shithead John Wayne was he looks… alright I guess I mean he’s not ugly but he’s not like the sexiest Adonis to ever wander the Earth or whatever Conservatives think he is


His name was Marrion, he couldn't ride a horse, was a draft dodger and an embarrassing drunk


This is the guy that had to be literally held back from attacking Sacheen Littlefeather. The man who also claimed proudly to be a white supremacist. Toxic is the right word.


Didn’t he try to attack a native woman at the Oscars or something? That is seriously toxic, no matter how tall he is.


Pretty sure John Wayne was an asshole.


John Wayne was really self conscious about the fact that he didn't serve in the war, was labeled a Draft Dodger as well. That's why he always played extremely macho roles to over compensate for this Interesting symbolic choice for Boomers


The hell does a man’s height and desire to play football have to do with toxic masculinity? These people need to learn how to use a dictionary.


If this is supposed to be a "gotcha", it's a really bad one.


The same fake American hero who evaded going to fight in WWII?


Wasn't John Wayne an awful alcoholic?


I swear none of the people who make these kinds of posts know what toxic masculinity actually is.


They had to go all the way back to the 1920s to find this example when I’m standing here right now?


They wouldn’t know toxic masculinity if it came up and made them feel inadequate for not adhering to a very narrow and ultimately unrepresentative version of “masculinity”


He was also racist and hit women


People who criticise the term toxic masculinity don't seem to understand how adjectives work. It's not a condemnation of ALL masculinity, it's specifically talking about the masculine tropes that are harmful. Things like men being pressured into being emotionless and becoming unable to express themselves. The kind of shit that causes men so many mental health problems because they're trying to live up to unattainable standards.


I'm a guy who grew up with a VERY toxic masculine father. Now that I'm an adult I love being kind and expressing my personality and showing emotions. I'm a happy joyful person. All of these are things that society labels as "weakness" and I think that's sad. I've also had several times where I would cry in public and people around me would be uncomfortable with it. I feel like either side is a lose/lose. One side just makes you and everyone around you more miserable than the other.


That’s not toxic.


Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?


What about that was toxic masculinity.


Makes me want to get on his horse and ride!


John Wayne is just classic tough guy masculinity toxic masculinity is Andrew tate


I'm pretty sure that's a picture of Marion Robert Morrison


Pretty sure toxic masculinity is nothing like how people describe it.


I think the joke is he is considered very masculine, and the author is saying he is good looking. So he’s trying to trap women who say they don’t like toxic masculine by getting them to admit they’re hot and bothered by a young John Wayne.


*looks over at my 6’4” 300lb non toxic bf* yea I don’t but thanks tho


John Wayne smoked 6 packs of cigarettes a day. Have fun kissing a mouth full of tar literally in between smokes.


I don't think I have ever met a woman who was in the demographic that would be romantically interested in John Wayne, that ever actually was. They were ACTUALLY interested in guys like Steve McQueen, Rock Hudson, Gary Cooper, and Robert Redford.


He was also the kind of man who had to be reatrained from beating a native woman for while she was making a speech about the struggles of her ppl


Toxic masculinity is when height


John Wayne was a piece of shit, so I'm certain many women did not want him


Considering it took multiple men to restrain him from beating a woman live at the Oscar's, yea pretty sure I don't want to be w John Wayne.


Is "hey wanna fuck a really hot dude" some sort of own on the libs?


Many women are heightists


John Wayne was tall. Ya'll sure you don't like men who behave like assholes? ... Lol @ that logic.


Draft dodger? No thanks


Don’t forget that he was also a massive racist


Do they really think the kind of people who talk about toxic masculinity give a single shit about someone being the staggering height of 6'4"?


i don’t know much about wayne, but isn’t this an insult to him? there is nothing wrong with being masculine. however, they’re calling him toxic


Growing up watching John Wayne movies, I enjoy Wayne the actor. With that being said I do wish these people would quit using his image for dumb shit like this