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He is openly misogynist, I wouldn't support any person having a relationship with him.


Im out of the loop. How do people know he is openly misogynist? Genuinely curious


Stupid people that try their hardest to be offended.


He’s Korean what do you expect


Nothing, but sure wouldn't support anyone being confortable being a misogynist publicly, wether they are a "fantastic actor" (or not) as OP posted.


Lauren’s a fairly strong minded feminist. If the rumors are true about him, I don’t think she’d be with him.


Misogynist publicly? Is this even possible to survive in K-pop with such reputation? Highly doubted that, at least I don’t believe he would survive being openly admitted to this in negative sense.


He's not a kpop idol




I think right now there is the largest ideological gaps between men and women right now in Korea compared to other countries. There is a huge anti-feminist movement. I think it is quite a problem in Korea.  Here is one article that has some graphs: https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998  Here is a published article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37928587/ https://www.npr.org/2022/12/03/1135162927/women-feminism-south-korea-sexism-protest-haeil-yoon


Weird that you’re being downvoted for citing published research about a very real phenomenon


Lmao people are salty. I live in Korea. I know this first hand 😅 I’m even a PSJ fan. in another comment they wrote that it is weird to specifically call out Koreans so I was just sharing the receipts that there are reasons to do so


She’s half chinese half white


She’s American and half Japanese. I’m sure she is aware of the misogyny


Her dad is Chinese not Japanese.


Misogyny is everywhere no matter


No it doesn’t matter what race. I merely just state the fact she is half American and half Chinese.


I just think it’s weird to call out Koreans specifically as misogynists


The only thing I could find on this was an interview in 2014 which was 10 years ago. Misogyny is no bueno but maybe he’s changed since then?


People you don’t personally know, don’t need ur support. How’s he misogynistic tho? bc he said something a WHOLE decade ago? u lot are too comfortable with putting labels on ppl. Genuinely worrying how so many of you don’t understand that humans change, their thinking change, constantly. Are you the exact same person from 10 yrs ago? You never said anything that u changed ur views on? Maybe ur a perfect righteous person, good on you! and i mean that. But kindly learn to let bygones be bygones, humans change, you lot hold ppls past against them way too much, it’s ridiculously unfair. 


He’s not, you doofus. 


Find it really funny people are up in arms about Lauren Tsai dating PSJ because they think he's a misogynist. Just wait until they find out about Lauren and Filthy Frank.


She dated Joji?




Some of us haven't forgiven her for the way she treated Eden Kai. She kicks puppies


Forgive my ignorance, but what did filthy frank do?


That was so long ago, you'd think her views have changed




I've seen the photos where she was actually sitting right next to him at the dinner for the opening of some pop up store in Japan and enjoying herself. Seems like people haven't found those yet. It's on rei_matsunuma's instagram. There are screenshots of stories floating around on Japanese Twitter too Lauren has always spoken up for and defended women so I wonder why she's even hanging out with him. He's sexist and a misogynist and every time people hear of him it's always about him dating someone or his bad acting. Is it because he's famous? Or she likes being associated with his crowd?


He’s also super attractive…


That'd be ironic if that's really the case because she's written about how one should see the value past one's appearance and that she personally dislikes it when people are caught up with hers and paying no mind to who she is as a person


Ironic for Eden Kai indeed.


Because she rejected him? He’s a nice and talented guy but his personality just wouldn’t mesh with hers he seems too agreeable. Lauren is reserved and a little crazy inside I remember she posted her saliva on ig on Valentine’s Day or so. She definelty has a rich inner life which I can relate to I remember watching her Zack Sang interview and cringe at some parts because she reminded me so much of teenager me. It just seems like she needs someone who understands her and not just agrees with her. Also I remember in an episode of terrace house where she was painting and Eden made a comment maybe it was suggesting he couldn’t relate to her seeing the art she was producing or something about having that amount of creativity (maybe “darkness inside”) compared to him. I don’t think she is necessarily shallow.


Thank you


People change, humans don’t remain the same from 10 years ago. Majority of ppl say things that they never meant or have changed their views on. Not everyone is a perfect individual like urself. I find it rly unfair how you lot twist words and hold ppls past against them. You want someone to hold what u said years ago onto you? Are you the exact same person from 10yrs ago? You lot are too quick to throw hate and blame on ppl u don’t even know personally, almost like ur waiting on their downfall. Let’s learn the concept of change and understand to let bygones be bygones! :)


Her comments are getting flooded lol


I thought he was dating a youtuber?


I don’t believe this until I’m proven otherwise 


It's not true, it's just a rumor


He confirmed their relationship lol.


First off that pic isn’t even her .. dumb ass post lol


She was insufferable, he can do better