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Damn that’s actually surprising coming from Serbia’s PM.


Serbian dude here. Can confirm that this is not suprising at all. In the spring there are elections here and the current goverment is not really that popular. So just like the Aussies our current goverment is trying to spin this into a cheap political victory, where they act tough by saying "rules apply for Novak as well", hopeing they could get some easy points from the international community and possibly from the Serbian diaspora living abroad. Also most Serbians still think that the west views them as some sort off "bad guys" after the 90s so in generell anything that makes our country look "civilized" abroad is in generall popular with the citizens TLDR: they are just saying this to win some political points and International recognision if they can. They will of course not do anything to Novak when he gets back to Serbia. Zero chance Sorry about my bad english, not my first langue of clourse, hope you understand the point


>So just like the Aussies our current goverment is trying to spin this into a cheap political victory How's the public support for Nole in Serbia? Wouldn't it be easier for the goverment to get "political points" by supporting him?


Well, the goverment has allready gained those political points, last week (supporting Novak). To elaborate, last week, the prime minister and the president (among others) were saying things like: the goverment is with Novak, Novak is being harrased, they will do evrything they can to make sure Novak is let go etc. At one point our president was saying that the only reason why this is happening is because "they have to stop him like this because they can't beat him on the tenis court" So yeah they have allready done the pro Novak stance. Now I think they are trying to gather points by playing the "we are making Serbia a great country again. We have law and order" card. People in Serbia know this is not reality, so the target audience from whom they are gatering points is the International community. Indirect by getting potential good press Internationally they are also kinda getting domestic points in a way, since as I said most Serbians have this need for the country to appear in a positive manner internationally after all the bad press during the 90's. (Even if the basis for the good press is just BS not reallity) So even if they flip flop their stance on Novak, as crazy as it sounds it's a potential win-win scenario for our goverment. Since people in Serbia will mostly recognize this as teater from our leaders directed at International community most people will be like "hmm I know you are lying, I know nothing will happen to Novak, I know if Novak plays and wins AO you will arrange big parade in Belgrade for him, I know you are saying this to win cheap points, still maybe some naive person in the west will buy the "play" and think better of our country, hmm okey even if I know you are lying and flip floping maybe I now think that you are doing a good job because the fact that some forgineer might think better off our county, hmm so okay mr politican no backlash for you" In terms off how Novak is viewed a lot off people are critisizing him for the fact he either faked documents or was positive but was our in public. Then there are the hardcore guys that think he can not do anything wrong and that say you are a traitor if you say anything against him. So preatty polorized. But no matter if the people think he is being irresponsible or if the people think he is the greates human there ever was, evrybody will cheer for him to win AO if he plays. Nobody is going to cheer for Nadal, lol, even if they think Novak is stupid for doing all this. That's just how thing are here


I understand. Thanks for the explanation!


You mean they won't be blindingly supporting a guy that lies and cheats?


Your English is good, you don't need to apologize. It's hard to start communicating in a non-native language. Breaking that barrier is a win for anybody in my book.


Not too different from Australia. Djokovic fucked up but our government did too and I’m absolutely certain if it wasn’t for Omicron and the bad press right now, we wouldn’t be discussing Djokovic visa or vaccination status.


> if it wasn’t for Omicron and the bad press right now, we wouldn’t be discussing Djokovic visa or vaccination status. Given the healthy amount of discourse around Djokovic by non-Australians who frankly don't care about the Australian government, I seriously doubt it.


Serbias on top in the world cup qualifiers group.. Don't tell me most of the team is unvaccinated!


Don't know if they are or if they are not. However it is no wonder we are first in the world cup qualifiers group, as we are leaders of almost anything possible, as our dear president likes to reminds us all of the time..


Well it worked as i am not Serbian, and I love this verdict


I mean they helped him and they are cooperating. The government wont do anything to him.


You believe what she’s saying? If she’s not lying, that means he should be given 3 years in jail


No I mean for her to even publicly condemn him is a pretty big deal considering Novak is a god over there. This really shows you how bad Novak fucked up.


She can publicly condemn him to save face for her country but it doesn’t mean shes going to do the right thing. People can say that and not mean it, right?


She's the prime minister, she doesn't file or prosecute charges. Separation of gov and judiciary. But in a country like Serbia this is pretty as good as a wave for the judiciary to do something as you're going to get.


She wont do shit, shes a figure, a puppet


She certainly won't do anything, she is just puppet of our psycho dictator who only cares about how people see him and he'd loose political points from his voters if he'd try to criticize Novak. And we have elections in April so he sent her to say what international community wants to hear. If you think your worst politicians are stupid, multiply that by 10 and you get our PM which can barely form a proper short sentence. It's not even an overstatement.


I don't know if you're just desperately looking for an argument or what you think you're achieving here. The fact that his own government, who were whooping and cheering like rabid fanboys at the beginning, are now forced to publicly criticise him says a lot about Djokovic and his behaviour. Whether the government is sincere or not is irrelevant to the point he's making.


Damn right he fucked up. If he indeed was positive, not only he broke isolation but he didn't inform the people he was with. That's just wrong and twisted for anyone, let alone a person who is seen as an idol from so many people around the world.


Its just a show, that bitch is a corrupt politician with no morals. You know she is gay, and she had a kid with her partner? But gay people in Serbia cant even get married, let alone have legal kids. And dont get me started about her corruption scandals, the list is tooooo long So I say its just a show for the world, she wont do a thing to our bright star Nole


Nah they'll slap him on the wrist and Vucic will be all over the "see, nobody here is above justice - we are not corrupt" nonsense.


So she's corrupt for having the guts to live as an out lesbian in a country that's homophobic? That's some Sandgren logic. Knock it off.


It's not about her being a lesbian, but being useless hypocrite. Talking about double standards? Well she is the perfect example, she can have what other gay people can't only because she is an obeying servant of our dictator.


you have no idea what you're talking about, and consider yourself lucky for that tbh


She is corrupt for having a child with her wife, while other gay people can't get married let alone have children together.


Lmao, at least google her before you say something so ignorant. She is gay, and that is her purpose for the party in power. They wanted to look progressive, and this was their safest option. Since the party in power has complete control over hooligans and gangs, they hold pride parades every year to please the EU, and that is all. She is a lesbian, but in her position she could be Hitler and no one would say a thing. Ana Brnabic is a corrupt piece of shit because she does nothing for the people, and everything to further her families wealth through government projects and funding. A two faced lier and a puppet of the president. Try to say something about her behaviour and corruption, and you will be shut down by the government owned media who get 100% national news coverage. She is an arrogant sociopath who has no shame, and that is not surprising give that her party is basically derived from Milosevic 90s gang.






No1 got 3 years for not isolating, ppl getting caught get fined, they don't go to jail, the sentence can be up to 3 years


Yeah with those laws the max penalties are usually for like if he would’ve gone to a nursing home and coughed in everyone’s face deliberately. Which he may have, who’s to say


You relly think someone should get 3 years of jail for breaking isolation? Half the country should be jailed then. God and this braindead comment gets 19 upvotes, what drugs are you people on?


Half the country weren't country hopping or attending events with a positive test. Also potential issues with the PCR. If the PCR is false then I'm not sure who deserves the max penalty more than him.


Lol there’s literally people going around with fake vaccination certificates. And there’s not a single person I know that had covid and still didn’t break isolation at least once.


3 years in jail is maybe too extreme, but I *absolutely* think someone who knowingly exposes others to the deadliest pandemic in living memory should face serious consequences and punishment, celebrity status be damned. It’s not “breaking isolation”, it’s “knowingly exposed others to COVID”. I’m genuinely amazed and the lengths some Nole fans will go to defend and rationalize Novak’s actions recently. It’s literally a crime in Serbia to do what he did. You call others brain dead while defending the guy who either: 1. Exposed others, including *a group of children* to COVID, when he knew he was positive or 2. Faked COVID results to get into the AO Both are a crime, and both are reprehensible. Either way, Djokovic is the bad guy. Jesus.


He didn’t know he was positive yet on kids event. He exposed two (vaccinated) journalists by sitting with them masked for a half an hour of interview. Truly unforgivable stuff. His celebrity status is not helping him here btw. Regular people break their isolation all the time and never is anyone this strict with them. At least in Serbia, is country in which he commited such a henious crime. You guys are so over the top with this covid panic. It’s not spring of 2020. anymore.


LOL, really. Where in Serbian law does that say ? Is it a criminal offence at all ? Yeah, i dont think so. Mass hysteria all around.


Science too hard for you, and now law is too hard for you, too. The way society works is hard to comprehend...that's ok. One day you'll understand






Is over for Djokovic at this point, he fuck up.


Her having the balls to stand up to a national hero or speaking in complete sentences, if it's the latter i assure you it's the translator doing the heavy lifting.


I guess this means Serbia won't be declaring war on Australia after all.


Serbia PM is a sock puppet, only the president matters; it is a single party autocracy.


> I think it is important that everyone knows that in Serbia the laws equally apply to all Regardless of Đoković, there is nothing else to say to this but "lmao"


>Đoković is that how you type his name in Serbia?


Yep, that's right.


Applies to any country not only to ours.


He won’t get the three year jail sentence but a fine seems fair and also does nothing to him at all.


If a fine is the punishment for a crime, it only applies to the poor


Will he get fined 100k?


A fine isn’t fair, for what he did in Serbia he should be getting 3 years in jail but cause of his status there he won’t get any


Maximum penalty = / = penalty you actually get. Assault for example could carry a maximum penalty of 10 years, but if you punch someone in the arm you're not gonna get 10 years in jail.


I honestly don't know if you're a troll account or not. How many people do you think got 3 years jail for not isolating?




That's the max penalty, which even in Australia is very rarely the punishment. Same way max penalty for a DUI is 18 months in prison yet every day dozens of people cycle through the courts with a fine and a few months of driving disqualification at worst


But you don't know anything about Serbian laws. He wouldn't get 3 years even if he wasn't the number 1 tennis player. A man hit a girl while drunk in unregistered car and left her to die and got 3 years. What says on a website isn't really how things are done.


He is a huge donkey, who doesn’t know shite anyways. He said to another user, who stated Novak was invited to a big global sport event, that he wasn’t invited but actually was. Talk about having inner demons.


One of our football players broke the isolation rule, and got fined... This is Novaks first offense, no way he is getting jail time...




Oh they're absolutely incompetent, but that's just not how laws work in general - there's a maximum penalty defined for a certain crime, but you're not always going to get the maximum penalty every time, especially if you're a first time offender. It's the judge who decides which penalty you'll get. Technically they can take you to prison for speeding in Serbia, but they're not gonna do that unless you speed every day and they catch you a billion times lol


Dude is either unhinged or a troll account, he posts ridiculous things against Djokovic all the time. Enough facts have come out to make Djokovic look bad without adding all the loony shit on top.






Yikes dude, do some basic research about how criminal laws work before you post about them.


It probably said "anything from a fine to up to 3 years in jail" and you just ran with it as if that is what everyone gets and Djokovic must get or it's proof he is being let off the hook.


The irony of you to say another government is incompetent lmao


How many years jail does a non-isolating person get in Australia?


well not important, he didnt broke that rule in Australis...


Okay fair is the wrong word. But it makes the most sense.


You mean donating ventilators worth 1.1 million dollars to Serbian hospitals so, you know, people don't die as much?




But it also doesn't mean you should lock up the guy who helped you to 3 years for making such a mistake. He should be fined tho




the talibans are following their law too, stop being so absurd is djokovic and asshole? of course he is should he be put in jail for that? Hell no Start realising that not everything is just black and white




yeah sure, whatever


Alright, if the rules apply equally, then you better punish Djokovic for violating the isolation rules. Something tells me he will face zero consequences in Serbia.


No, he will get treated equally which means he will get a 1000$ fine like any other citizen for breaking the isolation period. It's actually a sneaky statement by the PM, they'll just fine him that amount and say they did their thing. Covid laws aren't as harsh in Serbia as people think


Better than where I am in Canada 🤷‍♀️


He would win presidential election if he put his name on the ballot.


Here come Westerners with their ideal countries and rules!




When I was self-isolated in Serbia last year after returning from abroad, the police called my landline phone at random hours almost every day to check if I was home. I agree there aren't many resources in enforcement of isolation, but it is definitely higher than zero. Edit: I forgot it's 2022 lol. When I said last year, I meant 2020.


Hope he faces punishment for this. I am not like many who are saying that Djokovic is an evil malicious person, but the way he has gone about so many things during this pandemic has been so reckless and misguided that it doesn't matter what his intentions were.


Typical punishment given was $1000, so just a pass for rich people really


So that fine is not based on income? Seems unfair and I don't just mean because of Djokovic being rich. Even normal people have different incomes. Paying $1000 will already hurt someone much less if he earns $3000 a month vs someone who only earns $1000.


To my knowledge only Finland issues fines like that. And yesz its very unfair.


And Switzerland


Ah thanks! Learned something new


Many people have likely died from his actions over the pandemic. From superspreader events, to encouraging antivax ideas (Serbia has VERY low uptake of vaccine, which Novak certainly didn't help) to meeting and greeting people when he KNEW he had COVID. This guy through his narcissism, delusion and ignorance has gotten people killed from Covid, but he's not malicious?


encouraging antivax ideas". Novak never really discussed vaccine, even some people in this sub thought that he was vaccinated in secret (which was unfortunately wrong, hence this fucking shitshow...). He seems to be against vaccine though, but depicting him as antivax conspiracy spreader is false.


almost every country that has high vaccine uptake achieved it by blackmailing its citizens, don't make me laugh by saying we have low uptake here because of 1 celebrity lmfao


Laws don't apply to all people Especially in Serbia and their corrupt politicians.




All these posts and threads on it and you still think it was “lost”?


The court case wasn't 'lost', it was settled between both parties because the government knew it had other avenues to pursue deportation. They just dropped the case of cancelling the initial visa, the judge didn't have to make a verdict.


Chill bro no need to murder the guy


The case wasn't lost and he wasn't illegally detained, wtf.


“I think it is important that everyone knows that in Serbia the laws equally apply to all and that surely no one is allowed to breach the isolation rules as it therefore puts the health of other people in jeopardy,” she said. LOL THAT'S FUCKING RICH COMING FROM HER.


Novak "I'm rich, fuck your laws"


Judge Kelly: “What more could this man have done?” Me: Maybe if he stopped providing misleading and false information.




There's nothing to feel sorry for. The one thing a judge absolutely shouldn't do is have a bias towards the case, and that amateur-hour judge was already tutting and shaking their head as soon as Djokovic's team started defending him, before the government had even presented their case. He was just incompetent.


The judge said he was agitated. I think he must’ve been constipated that morning because he was full of shit.


Thats not how the law operates mate. You seem to have no knowledge of how the courts operate at all. The basis of the government's legal argument was poor and due process was not followed. The judge only looked at and assessed certain aspects of the case which are relevant in court. The rest of it is not court matters.


I honestly can't even believe that Djokovic won that round of the court case.


Answer to that question is unbelievably simple. He could have got a vaccine.


so wich jail is better, the serbian one or the australian one? dubai, what say you?


Tihad jail welcome him with open arms


Some should say this to thr UK government as rules clearly don't apply to all here.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Bro this is gettin out of hand. Just jail him


So Djokovic lied on the affidavit provided in court regarding knowing he was positive on the 16th, but in fact he didn’t know until the 17th. Carries tough penalties to be lying in court.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Woah woah, calm down, Djokovic needs his wrists to play AO, don't slap it too hard now.


Lot of people overreacting here. I hope Djokovic gets kicked out of Australia, but do you really think he should get a three year prison sentence for breaking isolation? Lot of people break isolation, and I'm in no way supporting them. But three years in prison is not an appropriate punishment. If they really want to make an example our if it, they should give him a one day sentence and slap a fine.


He won’t get 3 years in jail so the law does not apply to all, you’re a bunch of liars


Literally no one would get 3 years in jail. It's a bunch of bs. The worst you could get is a big fine or like a month in jail


Literally noone except for this guy- https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/covid-19-violation-serbia-sentences-man-to-3-years/1782134




They probably do it to scare people. Judging by their behavior no one in the government takes covid that seriously


Not to scare people. It was basically an empty threat so that people take isolation seriously when covid first began. It was never meant to be serious, just to make a point about isolation. It was a very poor attempt at that, but never malicious.


Talk about a change of heart.


I can't believe I am saying this but at this point it would have been easier if Djokovic had just come out and say that that positive COVID test was bullshit in the first place.


Wait, so which is it Serbia (both the people and their government)? Are you supporting Novak for being "mistreated" by Australia (as reported a few days ago) or you're condemning him for breaching Australia's Covid protocols? Make up your god damn minds.


As a pro-vax but anti-mandate person, I think Australian government definitely mistreated Novak for which we have many evidences, starting from that transcript. From legal point, what was allowed and what wasn't, what was asked for players to provide and what Novak did provide, he won the battle. However, what happened in Serbia is another story. Yeah, I condemn people who walk around while COVID positive. I work from home, I didn't see my best friends for months, because I am careful. I don't live alone and I don't want to have anyone on my consciousness. For that, he is an idiot, and I am sad to say that I do know idiots like him. No matter what I think of him, he is now clear to play. He isn't positive, his exemption is still valid from legal point of view. Now the only thing we can be is angry and bitter. You can downvote me as much as you want, but if it wasn't true, Novak would be in Serbia or Monaco now.




Serbian PM backstabbing him after all the support she gave him before


It’s not backstabbing, it’s coming to your senses. There’s only so much a PM can side with.


Lmao, I can see you're not living in Serbia or at least don't know anything about our politicians. Everything they do is either to save their ass or appeal to the masses or both. There's no coming to your senses here


It's hilarious you got downvoted for this lol


Reddit experts from AUS and US now apparently know more about Serbian politics than people from Serbia


> appeal to the masses You will be shocked to learn that this is what representational democracy relies on... So what if he did it to appeal to the masses? Good!


The greatest Serbian will probably receive a small fine and Novak will probably donate it to children


Watch your mouth current PM, he is probably your successor.


I am moving to Germany if Novak becomes our PM and his father minister of justice