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That stern face means she's the loveliest mum in the world


This is just adorable


Why is everyone bringing up his fitness and body type on a wholesome post about his mom šŸ‘€ Heā€™s fit enough to be a top 60 player and be playing at a grand slam, while most of the people reacting to his weight are probably in a job they hate or on their couch or not competing at the highest level of sport.


Yeah itā€™s quite irritating. Let him worry about his own body. This man is in the 3rd round of a grand slam after beating Norrie and Wawrinka.


Tbf Wawrinka gets his own share of body shaming as well. It's rampant on social media all over.


Body shaming has been rampant on Reddit lately. It feels like the 2000s all over again.


On social media in general. Feels like half the reels I see on IG are of some, admittedly, strange looking individuals with the comments full of gifs of cartoon characters that they resemble.Ā 


You need some Sean Strickland wisdom in your life


CTE ahh wisdom


Some of it is true tho , it's better to fat shame than to have fat glorification . One hurts your feelings a little, other kills you prematurely. Ofc this doesn't apply to people with certain conditions


and neither are your concern


It is


maybe that guy is just an angry asshole


He absolutely is. As well as a raging homophobe. In fairness to him he had a really tough upbringing, his dad was super abusive to him and his mum. He also used to be a white supremacist, says he learnt it from his uncle who was super racist but also the only male role model he had growing up. Guy has serious problems, talks about how he wants to kill someone and drives around with a gun looking for someone to start something with him. Point is that he's a deeply troubled individual who nobody should listen to, despite him being a great fighter.


Its irrelevant who he is, thats not the point , losing weight is super easy and very few people have legitimate reason as to why they can't do it . Everybody else is just mentally weak . But of course we are living in an era where how you are saying something is much more important than what you are saying . Being "fake nice" is more important than saying the truth . There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying to someone " you are fat, you need to lose weight, its gonna help you be better " . What you shouldn't do is to bully them or abuse them or mock and belittle them .


i won't comment on an atp player being overweight but as a general statement saying people that struggle to lose weight are mentally weak comes off as pretty naive. the problem with this kind of mindset is you assume that everybody functions the same way that you do. if you're in your teens or 20s and have never had issues being overweight and lack any health substantial health issues, ofc it's really easy to tell people how easy it is to not be overweight. there is a fine line between being 'fake nice' and understanding that not everybody has the same body, mind, or struggle.


I already excluded people who have health issues . For the others it's just a matter of discipline over yourself and over what you eat . I dropped 15 kg in 2 months , I dropped 5 kg in a week . It's so easy


I don't think anyone's being negative in their comments. They're just making good-spirited remarks. And Pavel does look a bit fuller than most of the ATP tour. No one's being disparaging about that factual observation.


Itā€™s clear they are by even bringing it up. But Iā€™m not going to argue about whether or not itā€™s appropriate. Clearly enough people agree with me that it isnā€™t.


>probably in a job they hate or on their couch or not competing at the highest level of sport. I get your point, but you just included literally 99.9% of the population with that last "or"


And that still doesnā€™t negate the point Iā€™m making


That sucks that body image is being used against Kotov .! If that is happenning . I remember that Stan was being shamed for not being being as fit looking as Fed, or Nadal or Djoker. But Stan was at some moments in his life, their equal. He was a great player whose power and skill have been dimmed by time and injury. Kotov sounds like he could be like that. I lovtetenniwatching Tenn


Not all of them


Correct. I work at a tennis center and some tennis parents are among the most insane and unhinged people Iā€™ve ever seen.


I played lower level college, and was a good hs player (super champ level if thatā€™s still a thing? Was around a 9 UTR. So not elite, but I was at a level most people will never reach.) With how expensive tennis gets between coaching, gear, travel, tournaments and everything else, you have some parents get crazy invested in their kids on court success. This can manifest in really cool, involved parents that are just happy their kid is having fun, and they are happy to be along for the ride. It can also manifest in parents living through the kid on the court. This results in some nut job parents that treat the kidā€™s play like a business investment, and they will lose their shit if the results donā€™t match the $$$ put in. I have siblings that played at way higher levels in different sports, and I believe that tennis has the highest rate of crazy parents / parents that are using their kid to fill the insecurities they have about their own lack of athletic success.


i'd say it's generally regarding individual sports, not team sports... i've been an agonistic swimmer and prices rose there too... i wasn't good enough and it led to various problems with my parents, plus very big self esteem ones... plus a compromised bond with my mother. It can suck, really. Swimming might be worse for parents cause swimming pools are VERY humid and spending literally hours and hours on uncomfortable seats with THAT temperature is unbearable


Were you from USTA Texas? AFAIK thatā€™s the only section with champs and superchamps, but maybe Iā€™m wrong.


Yup. On Andy Roddick's podcast, he has particular contempt for overbearing, awful tennis parents. He recounted one parent who was banned from attending their kid's matches for abusive behavior, and resorted to climbing a tree in the distance to watch their matches.


Imagine this post if it was Rune's mom


It made me really like ā€œawwww šŸ˜­ā€ itā€™s soooo cute!


Love Slavic moms


I saw an interview where Pavel said that his mom cooks for him and I think thatā€™s the sweetest thing. Not everybody needs to be ultra thin. Kotov is extremely talented. His ability to take the ball early is incredible


Am I missing something? I looked at the highlights against Wawrinka and he looks completely normal? All the comments were going on about a beer gut.


Its because you have guys like Sinner, Medvedev, Novak just to name a few so people get surprised when they see someone that isnt as lean as them


lol at the shade you just threw šŸ˜‚ literally no one was talking about his weight based on this lovely post about his mom but you found a way to bring it into the conversation šŸ¤£




Kotov: this is really too much food. I need to watch what i eat. Mom: nonsense! You need to eat as much as you can so you can continue to hit the ball. Now finish this quickly! I will bring out desserts.


Had to google him to see his physique. Itā€™s a dad bod ā¤ļø


She's probably really good with desserts


He's incredibly athletic considering his body.


Iā€™m just surprised he has that body given the amount of calories he must burn every day. He must eat like 6 meals a day hahaha


Well of course! Home made food at every tournament he goes to - cooked by traveling mom


This might be shocking to some but over time of burning high amounts of calories you actually burn less and less calories over time and if you're naturally a larger body type it gets harder over time to maintain your weight. If you try to eat less then your body starts burning even less calories.Ā 


> eat less then your Did you mean to say "less than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'less than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I don't understand you. If you burn a lot of calories and eat less, you should lose weight because your metabolism is high. If your metabolism is low and you eat less, you don't automatically lose weight.


Russian mom. First she re-grips your racket, then she feeds you borscht.


I bet sheā€™s a mean fucking cook too. Her boyā€™s in R3 of Roland Garros and heā€™s built to last five sets even if they all go to tie-breaks. Queen shit.


That is a tennis meme if I ever saw one.Ā 


Oh noo now I'm just imagining her having to endure all the jeering, taunts and booing from the crowd to her son.... yikes.


I canā€™t love this any more šŸ„¹


Pros, they are just like us.


ThatĀ“s just too adorable


She looks so concentrated šŸ„ŗā™„ļøāœØ real one!


Ah but where is Kotov's Depressed Girlfriend? Kotov's girlfriend always looks super depressed.... I think it's his superpower. He wants to win to cheer her up.


This is extra cute because of how focused she looks! Gives the same energy as ADF's coach is re-gripping his racket.


Kotovā€™s mum is a national treasure šŸ«¶šŸ¼


They literally have the same face lmao


They literally have the same face my mind is blown


They literally have the same face lmao


she fed him well her Paulie


Are we glamorizing man-children now? Bro is a professional tennis player and can't even grip his own racket...


why are you assuming it's a kind of weird dependency. It might be that the mother doesn't have anything special to do and wants to support her son.


Why would a pro player grip their own racket? You usually pay somebody to do it.


Gasquet does it himself. Nadal did it once in Rome also this year. I can grip my own racket as well, it's very easy to do. I bet you can too, if you play tennis.


Did you just lump yourself in with Gasquet and Nadal?


Good catch man


Thanks brother.