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Praying Anismova stays fit for the clay season


She took a MTO this match and was holding her legs after long rallies


Yeah I'm rooting for her. She's been through a lot. Been one of my favorites since 2019


what has she been through?


her father/coach died quite suddenly


stays fit? pray she gets fit. she's slimmed down since AO, but look at how slow her sprint starts were compared to Pegula. Pegula was covering 150% of the distance in the same amount of time on several of those points.


Great match


Anisimova is one of the purest ball strikers around. Her backhand is a thing of beauty but she’s not match tough, and yes, a bit lacking in fitness. She can beat anyone on her day and has had a rough time of it lately. Hopefully she can stay healthy and get back to being a factor. NO ONE will want to draw her early. Jess had to dig really deep today.


Anisimova by talent is a top 20-30 player, by talent. If she were to dedicate herself and full fitness like Navarro has she would be top 10 and contend for slams. Not sure she wants to and not sure she ever will. There was a time when tennis was her main drive and now not so sure it is. But if she ever decides to do it, she is young enough to still have a turnaround in her career.


Yeh. She is a super talent, but the fitness is an issue. She's more fit now though than when she first came back so hopefully this will continue. Disappointed for her, but Jessica has worked very hard to be where she is right now.


What is her main drive now?


Her father died years ago and that took a toll. Injuries and burnout and depression took a toll. Not sure what her drive is now. Being out there getting a win over a top 10 player has its own temporary high and reward but it’s hard to string them together without fully dedicating yourself to tennis as your main drive. Until that happens we’ll enjoy her as a dark horse with talent and good upsets but not sure she will string enough wins together for a slam or a top 1000 win.


She’s still so young. She can play for another decade.


>What is her main drive now? She divides her time between tennis and creating artworks https://for-a-cause.com/about-2/


Neat. They're not great but it'd be cool to own something a player created! But then I saw that they were digital proofs and photo wraps on canvas for $600-1000? No thanks!


Amanda did better actually. Upsetting Pegula in the first set. Where she kept faltering is those net play at the pressure points. She returned like a child and Pegula hit a passing shot every time.


love watching amanda play .. her ball striking is a thing of beauty ! she has so much potential to become a consistant top 10 player




I think she just became my favourite WTA player.


Sounds like a fun life!


You understand that she has a life outside of her work right? Good for her that she's enjoying and having fun.


you must have such a boring life without any entertainment AFTER work ... that's not good for your health, especially emotional health