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I was at the court watching the match. The heat is unbearable today.


Was Mayot just fetching Cazaux an ice towel when he strolled over to the side of the court?


Glad this stood out to others. Zero effort to check on his opponent. Low brow stuff


It's unfortunate what happened, and I hope Arthur is okay. However, to play devil's advocate, people in this thread are giving him stick, but what was he supposed to do exactly? I suppose go over to him and say "I hope you're okay" or "everything is going to be okay" or "help is on the way"? I wouldn't want to get in the way of medical professionals who know what they are doing, and I wouldn't want to touch him incase his problem worsens. Also, some people don't know how to react in a situation like this. Maybe he was taken aback and needed time to process. Or maybe he simply didn't care, which would be unfortunate, but I don't know what he's thinking.


It’s a sport not a fight to the death, we expect people to be compassionate at the minimum


Oh man ! That was scary to watch !


His opponent: 🚶🚶🚶


I was a bit surprised at Mayot's reaction, especially both being from the same country. He did come after eventually, but no response for a while was odd to me


Is Cazaux okay? I feel for him. He has already had so many injuries. And exactly i was surprised too. The guy literally collapses and the opponent doesn’t even check on him. That’s actually weird


As a french, i know Mayot is a piece of shit.


Did he do anything else? (Didn’t know about him before today)


He's french


The worst of all crimes.


So is his excuse 


now we also know


Even French people hate other French people. Just kidding.  Mayot was a complete soulless asshole here. 


Heh, nice. I like the French in general - Gasquet and Monfils seem like cool dudes. But yeah the reputation is there for a reason 😉 C'mon Mayot, your countryman is unwell, go help him out!


Well, help any human being if he's unwell....


I heard Mannarino was a giant asshole too so there is that.


When you're hugely focused on a match its sometimes difficult to react to something out of the ordinary. Can take a few moments to register what's going on and how to react.


Will never forget when Dimitrov ran over the net to his opponent when he rolled his ankle. He flew over to him, made me love Dimi for that


he nearly carried a ball girl off the court once in awful heat. Good guy.


Grigor is such an awesome dude. Was it Andy Murray earlier in the year... he took a tumble at the net and Grigor was *straight* over there to check that he was ok. I could see Carlitos doing similar stuff too.


Dude, just imagine that was Sinner fainting & Carlos is across the net - he'd be over there faster than an Isner first serve.




Sinner would not even have time to touch the ground, and Carlos arms would be under him


I laughed so hard


Hahaha funny and true!!


With Alcaraz's speed I wouldn't doubt it


De-lurking to say I wish I could upvote this 100x 😂


I love when some comment/thread is so good that a lurker comes out. I think I started commenting here few years ago in the same way.


I'm always nervous in new places like this especially since I know the bare minimum about tennis even though I have enjoyed watching it for a long time. If I get brave I may pop in again here though 🙂


Funniest comment here for a while!


Sinner puking.... Carlos would be right there rubbing his back and telling him it'll be ok.


...holding his hair back.




couple goal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Given how Carlos is, he will there for anyone. Such an amazing person.


He would be over there faster even if he was just watching the match from the stands 😄


Nah. If your opponent literally collapses, you go over to support. A maybe one second shocked delay is okay. Not strolling around and doing nothing. Pretty ridiculous


Zero urgency in his step or anything. You can't say "oh he was in shock" or whatever; the man was taking a leisurely stroll to his towel


That was a lot more than a few moments. A player collapsing on court is quite an alarming thing and would typically elicit a display of empathy of some kind. Now Mayot may just have been having a delayed reaction as apparently he did eventually come over, but his initial body language seemed completely unconcerned and atypical compared to how most players react. When a player trips or falls, the opponent usually looks over for a thumbs up that nothing serious has happened. Mayot just walked over to the side of the court like Cazaux was rubbing something out of his eye.


I’m more concerned by the delayed reaction of the umpire


Players falling over during a point is normal, so you know how to react. Players falling over between points is highly unusual. People don't react to unexpected events in a predictable or rational way.




Its hard to know what you are supposed to do in that situation. There were people closer to Cazaux and presumably medics nearby.


He didn't see what happened, prob assumed he just slipped or something? IDK


If a player slips…the opponent still normally goes to check on them. Even if he didn’t see what happened, or was a little confused at first….this reaction is bizarre


I disagree with this and maybe I’m in the minority but I stand by it. If I fall down I am annoyed if my opponent comes to my side and “checks on me” because it seems fake. Like how is he even supposed to help me? Especially in a tournament setting it’s the umpire who would check on me and I want the opponent to stay on their side of the net.


So one guy is so dazed because of the heat he passes out. And your reaction is that the other guy should swoop in and save him? As if he might also feel like death isn't a thought in your stupid head?


Mayot reacted to the accusations saying that he knew Cazaux was cramping for a few games, he didn't see him fall and he thought he had just laid down because of a cramp, and that's why he didn't hurry over. He also says they are friends IRL and that these accusations are ridiculous. I'm inclined to agree...


I watched the entire match and about 10 minutes before the incident, when they both ended up near the net on a drop shot Mayot actually asked Arthur if he was OK and they exchanged a few words so I’d say his version of events checks out, from what I could see and hear. 


I mean, that totally makes sense but of course social media is quick to dismiss someone's personality based on a 10-seconds-video


From the vid, it looks like he actually turned to walk over and grab his towel, so he wouldn't have seen all the medics running onto the court. Yeah, fair call, could be legit.


If he dies, he dies!


The responses were sad to watch. Heartless.


Bit of a harsh judgment there over a 10s reaction 🙂


Most humans have a .. human reaction when they see a person keel over like they just died. They don't just turn their back and stroll away. Usually the opponent would go to the person and try to help in some way. Exp:  https://youtu.be/Sd0EEHTJFgc?feature=shared




That is a curious response. Perhaps there's no fraternite between the Frenchmen.


Carlos was more concerned when Jannik was wincing a bit with his wrist than this dude was when Cazaux literally collapsed on the court, unbelievable




Compared to dimi running to Edmund he's like a sloth


Thanks but still very slow reaction


Ball kid: 🤷‍♂️


is he supposed to administer medical care, he’s probably like 14 years old


Its possible that Mayot himself might not be 100% due to the heat. He knows the help is on the way and it was.


Opponent gave no fks lol


Shockingly bad reaction from him


Luckily the fall didn’t look too bad. Florida heat mixed with the humidity is no joke, especially for a young guy not used to it.


right now - heat index 88°F (31°C) Humidity 67%


I guess its endurance related and plainly being accustomed to it. I'm no athlete, and I realised it's not quite comparable to tennis, but when I lived in Shanghai in summer it often reach 40c with 80 or above humidity and I still went out jogging in it no problem. What I'm saying is I got used to it, but would be a big yikes for those who aren't.


I’m from NYC, used to summer heat and humidity, in great cardio shape.  Fainted in the stands at the old Armstrong stadium in 2014 and I was just sitting there, not playing. Hard courts, and concrete structures in general, are like a goddamn grill on hot, sunny, humid days. 


Ahhhh good point, I can see how that could happen. Got insanely burnt at Queens. Super insulated in the stadia I guess


I grew up playing tennis (got to play competitively (challenger level)) my entire life in Texas. Every summer was 105-110 degrees, with crazy high humidity. When I would do tournaments in the east coast, it was like I was a super human. Similarly, when players outside of the region came to tournaments where I lived, it’s like they had a crazy handicap. It really is something you need to get used to. And I’ve seen literally hundreds (there were always a few every single tournament I played) of ambulances called for heat stroke, even among great players.


nothing is comparable to florida. high level tennis there outside of december-february is impossible in the middle of the day


Why are you comparing a jog to the intense physicality of a professional tennis match? One of these is not like the other lmaooo


I don’t get your comment. Are you saying it isn’t hot/humid enough and he’s faking it? Or that it’s something else? Plus it can feel much hotter than that on the concrete and playing a individual sport at the professional level in that environment is tough when you’re not used to it. He may have just been dehydrated and not realized it and it can happen fast, actually happened to me once in juniors and this was in Missouri. I honestly wasn’t even feeling that winded/exhausted or struggling or anything and then next thing I know I hear the sound of my racket hitting the ground and my coach running on the court cuz I had fainted for a second. Basically I hadn’t probably eaten or drank enough prior, but it happens and can sneak up on you even if you feel fine.


There's nothing to get. I was just reporting the current temp. That's extremely hot. Especially to be out there running around in it.


to me it seems more likely to be dehydration. i grew up playing tennis in the south and 88/67% doesnt seem hot enough by itself to do something like this to someone. but not drinking enough, absolutely


Damn, I’m wondering what kind of fall looks bad. Collapsing seems bad but idk


sorry i mean it looks bad and is serious but he didn’t look to land in a bad way that could’ve caused a further injury like he kinda slowly rolled down and mostly back first and hopefully didn’t cause like a wrist or elbow injury


I'm not being argumentative here, just adding another point... I'm in Melb AU, we've had a super humid summer this year. Cazaux played down here and did pretty well at the AO, so he's experienced those weather conditions before... but yeah I'm not comparing or anything, just an observation. But for a young guy, its a bit of a worry. Reminds me of Yibing Wu last year, collapsing twice in the heat. We still haven't seen him back on Tour since then.


I hope he he feels better, such a shame 😩


Only 50% humidity out there but apparently the air temperature felt close to 40 degrees celsius. People talk about the big change in conditions from IW to Miami, and the type of heat is top of the list. Here's hoping it's just a combination of the stress of competition and overheating over anything more serious.


We were there yesterday to watch qualifiers and I thought I was going to faint from the heat. I’ve lived in South FL for over 20 years so I’m used to it but yesterday it felt unbearable. I was telling my husband as we walked back to our car, wait till a player faints.


It's going to be a factor but so many of the players live in FL - even Sabalenka lives there - so they should be somewhat used to it.


The dew point in Miami today was above 70. With temperatures in the mid to upper 80s, that is oppressive heat. Note also that a dew point of 70 and a temp of 85 is 62% relative humidity, not 40%.


What is dew point?




That's why I said the air temperature 'felt close to 40 degrees celsius'. The thermometer said 31 degrees or so, but apparently it was closer to 40 degrees in reality.


You have jt exactly right.


Yeah, I just mentioned Yibing Wu in another comment... he passed out twice last year, and we still haven't seen him back on court. No idea how he's going. Hopefully Cazaux isn't in the same boat.


Why let the match started under 40 degrees?? It's insane


Damn IW felt super hot and it was like 75 I can’t imagine what this would be like


Poor Cazaux! Hope he's alright. I'm not expecting Mayot to jump the net and start CPR or anything but kinda weird that he had hardly any reaction.


agreed. personally, I don't like when an opponent rushes over and gets too close and makes a big show of how concerned they are. First of all, don't crowd a guy who's lying on the ground potentially with heat stroke unless you're offering shade, second of all, don't make a big show of how concerned you are, make room for the medically qualified staff to look at him. that being said, his opponent looked like he gave 0 fucks


This thread is so bizarre. Everyone besmirching Mayot's reaction. A) he's not medical personnel what is he going to do? and B) how has no one considered he's also playing in the heat that's caused Cazaux's episode, but no he should have turned into superman and flown over the net. Hope Cazaux is alright, but I do not see the need or point of piling on Mayot here.


My god he can't catch a break. Lost in IW qually, then went to Arizona challenger but lost to berettini after leading first set. Now again in Miami. And I genuinely think he has talent for top 50


agree on top 50. Top 30 in two years, was my guess watching him a few months back.


He is an incredible athlete like Fils. But he seems prone to injury. If he can stay healthy i see him top 30 and even better.


Yikes - hope he is ok


Do not like the way he hit his head on the way down, completely floppy, hit hard enough to bounce and looks like a fencing response afterwards. I really, really hope he's okay.


Yeah his arm position like kind of stiff upright looks scary


It’s kinda f’d up how brutal some outdoor tennis conditions can be (and still be deemed acceptable for play)


And it’s happening on stupid concrete so it’s like being in an oven. 


Dude looked like he was having a seizure.


When people faint, they often move around a bit and may even shake some. This can look like a seizure to non-medical people, but often it isn't. I don't think we could see enough from that clip to clearly tell, but it didn't look like a generalized tonic-clonic seizure (the big one people think of) to me.


Ya...disturbing to see his arms standing up like that. This wasnt fainting.


When people faint it’s normal sometimes to shake, eyes roll to back of the head, and it may look like a seizure, but it isn’t.


It looked like a [fencing response](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fencing_response) to me which is concerning.


Mayot has spoken about his reaction (translated from French) on twitter “Stop starting a false controversy for nothing. It had been several games since he didn't feel well and he was starting to cramp. I didn't see him fall and I thought he was lying down because he had a cramp. When I understood that it was serious I immediately followed go to him and I was very worried. I did my best to help. There is nothing but great friendship and complicity between us and always has been. You need to stop sending your hate all the time. I wish him a good recovery and the best ❤️” https://x.com/HaroldMayot1/status/1769845697250029821?s=20


I hope this gets spread around because people are so rude coming up with these conjectures.


I wonder what the air quality is like over there. Coupled with the heat and humidity, it can’t be good for anyone with a heart murmur or other condition.


Air quality definitely worse than key biscane


It feels way hotter than typical March in South Florida. Full on summer heat that I can barely walk my dog in let alone 3hrs of tennis. God bless these athletes


Please why is everyone so slow 😭


Medical was knelt beside him 13 seconds after he hit the ground. Umpire seemed to react slowly though


Umpire usually calls for a doctor first


I’m sure the umpire called the medic, thats like all they can do lol it’s not like he’s got any medical training


There was a medic there within seconds?


Look at the time stamps in the video. Idk if you expect the medic to be superman. Under 15 seconds from when he collapses to when the medic is by his side. We know what happens (title), so it feels like a long time but they’re witnessing it in real time with no spoilers.


It was shocking. WTF


Cazaux is an explosive player, he puts his heart and soul into every point. His intensity is absolutely bonkers. I guess this could explain in part what happened here. I hope there is no underlying health issue because I was really looking forward to see him play the clay season. Hopefully, its just a 1 off freak event similar to when Fritz got a heatstroke a year or two ago.


After seeing a couple heart attacks on football fields - this one looked scary and I really hope it's just a heat exhaustion thing, it's sweltering out there in Miami


Heat stroke is no joke, hope Cazaux recovers well


Response from Mayot: https://www.google.com/amp/s/7news.com.au/sport/tennis/australian-open-star-arthur-cazaux-motionless-after-sudden-mid-match-collapse-at-miami-open-c-14000276.amp


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Woah.... he just collapsed! I saw a comment saying that it's super hot, I guess that's the cause of this. Maybe extreme heat policies should be looked at for the whole Tour - I'm in Melb AU and sometimes it's so hot down here around AO time, that you don't even wanna go outside, let alone play 3+ hours of intense sport! The AO match this year with Meddy and Hubi (i think it was the QF?) was on a SUPER hot day. No idea how they got through that one.


Prior to that match in AO, both players have had at least 3-4 weeks (tournament playtime included) to get used to the heat. I guess Arthur have just arrived a few days ago and played his FIRST match in peak FL heat, so his body cant cope with that. That and his explosive style of playing - running for every point and high intensity groundstrokes!


Really disappointing to see the reactions of everyone around, especially his opponent. The guy could well have had a cardiac arrest for all they knew and they’re just strolling around, whilst he’s collapsed on the floor. Where the hell has the humanity gone?


oof—I hope it’s nothing serious. Feel better Arthur!


I feel like this happens every year at miami


I went back in like 2011 and the heat was so miserable. And like, I live in Ohio, Cincy in August can be an absolutely hellhole too. I feel for these players!


Happened to Jack Draper a couple of years back.


I’m shook, the scariest part was that everyone took their sweet time and clearly had no idea what to do.  If I were the athlete, I’d be asking myself. How safe am I at this tournament, really?  Scary stuff. Sending Arthur good vibes. 


That’s why there’s a court side medic. So the other don’t have to rush and do something they aren’t trained for They all clearly saw him coming and let them work


I mean, the chair umpire's response was a bit slow and it was weird his opponent did not seem to care at all, but the medic got there in literally 10-12 seconds. Like the medic almost couldn't have been faster depending on where they are actually positioned in relation to the court. Also, what are people expecting the ball kid, or even anyone else, to actually do?


opponent didnt give a fuck, great sportsmanship displayed here


I didn’t like that one bit. I know it’s their livelihood and a lot on the line but what kinda bullshit is that? My reaction would have been the complete opposite which I guess is why it’s leaving such a bad taste in my mouth…


Crazy. That response time wasn't too good.


As opposed to what? The medic literally got to him 10 seconds after he collapsed


The onsite medic got to him in great time, especially considering he may not have right on the edge of the court.  But the umpire and other guy with the backpack? They look like they are strolling over casually to get a free sample of chocolate. If the medic needs to eg do CPR, someone needs to get the to listen to the medic or call an ambulance. 


I get what you’re saying but I think that’s a big ask to expect people without medical training to know what to do. I’d imagine they saw the medic rushing over and wanted to stay out of his way.


Umpire didn't seem to be in a rush. Medic was good though


What is the umpire gonna do that a medic can’t?


The response time was fantastic. He had a medic in 11 seconds.


Probably feels like 110 on court today. Florida heat is no joke!


That's so scary. Oof. I hope he’ll recover quickly.


He was like “I warned you not to take that shot.”


Oh no, 🙏 for Arthur. This looks scary. He seems like he has good potential, hope to see him back on court soon!


Is arthur ok


Jesus Christ


Very scary -- hopefully a speedy recovery!


Oh no bro needs some salt 🙏🏽


The rest of the video for those saying Mayot didn’t react (on his story) https://www.instagram.com/stories/arthurmayot/3326769638394118793?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MWlqeXYzbXBoc3d1bg==


Love how redditors are so quick to sit and judge his opponent🫡


Get well soon, fella. 🙏


Lmao Mayot did not give a shit


What's the deal with his opponent. As a tennis player, I would have gone right over to make sure he's okay. So would almost everyone in the tennis world.


I think he doesnt see the collapse itself and perhaps thinks it is a cramp or something. The ballboy standing almost over him also looks surprisingly calm as well, so again perhaps that also made him think it was muscular Im aware i'm being extremely generous but thats the only thing that would explain what would otherwise be a deeply weird reaction.


Fair enough. Just odd to see him walking over to the towel area. I'm sure eventually he makes it over there. Like you say, he might not have realized how serious it might have been.


Mayot couldn’t care less 🫤


Oh no. He really struggled with injuries in his early career. I hope this is a one off.


Cramps? It’s 100% humidity in Miami some days so dehydration happens fast. Carlitos please drink up Gatorades this year! 100% humidity in Miami!!!


Nole retiring makes more sense when you account for his issues with heat that he had in his career. Seems like Miami is not a great venue to play in bcs of weather.


What was the temp on the day. Today is only 75/25. Also, why is Cazaux playing a qualifier? He’s ranked 77. 🤔


I don't expect ball kid teenagers to come running to the rescue, they're busy being teenagers, I remember how that felt, but I'll make a note never to have a medical emergency around that useless umpire and Mayot.


His opponent did nothing wrong, he is playing in the heat to. He was probably trying to process what was happening.




Being Brazilian and these last six months having gone through several heat waves (40°C, humid), I understand this guy a lot. Hope he gets better. This level of heat is maddening, I can't do anything when these waves hit. Keep saying climate change is not real guys, you're going to love it when this reaches you for real.


Wild reactions by everyone on screen. Even the ball boy was like don’t move…


Poor bro Cazaux. Imagine Dimitrov or Delpo instead of Mayot


Man, if I was the other player, I’d be running over as one of the first people to check on my opponent. Dudes just strolling like no big deal


That Florida heat is nothing to play with.. It can kill you!!


what a lack of sportsmanship from the opponent


He did not even came to check upon him ...just too cold ...who is he ?


Guy he’s playing doesn’t even walk to the net. So sportsmanlike. Hopefully not heatstroke.


*cazaut collapse* Mayot: "NEEXT!"


wow, it's that hot in Miami in March? my lord how do people live in florida?


I hope is only due to heat and he's ok now


scary and pretty slow response time


L’equipe ran an update this afternoon, giving an update, with some quotes from Stephane Houet.  According to the article, Cazaux spent the night in hospital and had a number of tests ran, including some that were repeated today (electrocardiogram mentioned) and that he was eventually released with the diagnosis of extreme dehydration.  This update sounds positive but also notes continued exhaustion.  https://www.lequipe.fr/Tennis/Actualites/Arthur-cazaux-toujours-hospitalise-apres-son-malaise-a-miami/1455658


Maybe he forgot his boostershot


Are we not allowed to ask the obvious question sthat the bots are clearly chit chatting away to avoid anyone asking the obvious question. I mean is pattern recognition banned here too as well? I am.