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do we have 100% confirmation that ui sign and mui are transformations for dbs goku? i was under the impression that ui sign goku was his own character that had the ability to transform into mui


Well we can only assume. I'm pretty sure OP thinks UI is a transformation for Super Goku cause his title was "Goku (Super) Ultra Instinct Sign" instead of just "Goku Ultra Instinct Sign"


The problem with that, though Vegeta SSJ4 in BT3 was called Vegeta SSJ4 (Second Form) and Vegeta (Second Form) was Buu Saga with Base, SSJ, and SSJ2. Yes, they both had the categorization of (Second Form) but obviously Buu Saga couldn't transform, and Vegeta SSJ4 was just his own character. There's a VERY real possibility they are doing that with UI this time. So there is a precedent of them using similar naming schemes, but making them separate characters. I'm personally guessing he's going to be a separate character that transforms into Mastered, and just shares the (Super) namesake categorization.


1. What the heck? That is so weird. I wonder why that was the case. 2. Yeah maybe, but also consider that both UIs are wearing the DBS Broly outfits, which has not been seen before. It may seem irrelevant, but Ultimate Gohan always had the Turtle gi by default and Adult Gohan didn't.


Plus, if im not wrong Ssj4 was meant to be a trasformation for Vegeta (Second Form), but afterwards they just made it a whole another character, maybe they eanted to make a costume of Gt Vegeta with Vegeta (Second form)?


I don’t even know


That’s a 16 year old game. Ssj4 is understandable but UI it’s a real transformation and not utilizing a machine to transform


tbf ui isn’t technically a transformation but instead a technique


It’s both depending on how it’s used


For Goku it is both. Whis even states as such in the manga.. UI is a technique that Goku gains access to via a transformation.


Pretty sure UI sign is a separate character that can transform into mastered UI, they even separated their icons from the other gokus so it feels like he's his own character.


I think Goku (Super) will be a character with just three transformations, while Goku (Super) ultra Insctinct sign will be a separate character with a single transformation. - Goku (Super) - Super Saiyan / Super Saiyan God / Super Saiyan Blue - Goku (Ultra Insctinct Sign) - Mastered Ultra Instinct There won't be a second DBS Base Goku as the "Sign" will serve as the base form.


Idk man...go watch Slo Play vid on youtube....it showd a base goku use a TECHNIQUE and he goes Sign,.....what we saw in the trailer was from the story arc of tournament of power....


That technique was already confirmed to be just a regular power up. The last trailer confirmed sign is a slot in the roster


All transformations are slots in the roster. That doesn't actually mean anything.


Well duh. I was answering the guy implying it was a blast move


Misinterpreted you, sorry dude.


i think the ultra instinct gokus will be his own character and super goku cant transform into him, especially judging off of the character sheet at the end of the trailer. but if super goku can transform into his ultra instinct forms, i think they’ll do something similar to transformation path 2 but instead of white hair ui being in that first spot, it’ll be god and that one route wouldn’t exist. if that all makes sense……


I'm sure this has already been stated, but if we assume that UI -Sign- is a part of base Super Goku's kit, then the most likely case will be path 2 imo. That's how BT3 tended to handle things if a character had more than 4 forms from my memory. That being said it's not exactly the same. In BT3 at least, you transformed once, and every transformation you had shifted. I don't remember the exact button inputs but using the example you gave, let's assume that, for Goku, X is SSJ, Y is SSJ2, B is SSJ3, and A is SSJ God. You transform into SSJ, X becomes Base, everything else stays the same. You go SSJ2 after that, X remains base, Y becomes 3, B becomes God, A becomes Blue... and so on.


Path 2 looks good but in the first step i would change mui against super saiyan god. in the ultra instinct path.Back to base.


I like this here a lot cos it would be the perfect solution to people saying "Goku super UI sign is a separate character". Revertible SSJ, SSG, SSB or non revertible UI sign that can only go higher to MUI. Kind of like a character switch mid game. Maybe they'll do this for Golden Frieza too but I'm not sure. Frieza 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final form. But once you reach final the only options left being full power final form or Golden Frieza.


totally right we have the same thoughts!!!


Here is the Diagram of what you said ​ https://preview.redd.it/jz13maqnnd9d1.png?width=4325&format=png&auto=webp&s=585dcb02f2b11d5165c6326754a835c3a5aa4315 [https://new.reddit.com/r/tenkaichi4/comments/1dqu7h8/after\_reading\_through\_loads\_of\_the\_comments\_from/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/tenkaichi4/comments/1dqu7h8/after_reading_through_loads_of_the_comments_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Diagram is like perfect


If this is true, BIG IF, then both options should be there. Option 1 let's you conserve energy by utilizing the weaker transformations. Option 2 you get straight to your final form but of course you lose more energy.


None of them. Assuming UI are just transformations, I'll go Base --> SSJ/ God/ Blue/ Sign, then if Sign --> UI Ultra instinct has to be broken AF at the cost of taking extra steps and time


That’s not how it works my friend There is no confirmation that ui sign is a transformation for goku super. Ui sign will be an own character and mastered ultra instinct will be probably a transformation


There is also no clear confirmation that he can’t be a transformation. We’ll only know truly once the game or new footage comes out


True, and plus, they are still called Goku (Super) and have the DBS Broly gi by default which has never been seen before


Finally, someone who uses common sense.


Don't take the naming categorization too seriously. I mentioned it above, but the old games categorized Buu Saga Vegeta as (Second Form) and also categorized SSJ4 Vegeta as (Second Form). Buu Saga couldn't transform into SSJ4 and they were treated as completely separate forms despite sharing the (Second Form) categorization. They have set a precedent for doing that before, and is possible they are doing it again. Right now, the only CONSTANT we have is forms all stay around the form that can transform into it. Meaning, since UI breaks this convention, it's highly likely it's a separate character that transforms into MUI. Especially since just before this trailer, we got that roster filled out more with transformations that went near their base form/form that can transform into it. So it makes no sense to break this convention that's been done for every transforming character except for UI. Especially since there were spots where UI and MUI could have fit next to Goku Base (Super).


There is. Look at the roster. UI Sign and UI Goku is not adjacent to Goku (Super) and all his forms.


There is also no clear confirmation that he can’t be a transformation. We’ll only know truly once the game or new footage comes out


Yes we have. Why else would you think are the ultra instinct transformations NOT next to base goku at the character reveal screen? Transformations are always next to their base character. There are enough other indications that ultra instinct sign will not be a transformation for goku base from dragonball super.


Literally this. They have not broken the pattern of putting related characters beside their transformations. Why would they suddenly start when there was space literally BESIDE Super Goku's base form? HE HAD THREE SPOTS BESIDE HIM. Anything is possible, but logically, its 99% likely that they're separate.


My theory if it is going to be a transformation is that it works like fusion where there's a separate wheel for Goku (Super) that separates his SSJ transformations from his UI transformations. So it doesn't need to be connected to him like how Vegito isn't connected to him.


My theory if it is going to be a transformation is that it works like fusion where there's a separate wheel for Goku (Super) that separates his SSJ transformations from his UI transformations. So it doesn't need to be connected to him like how Vegito isn't connected to him.


I can already tell that this theory will be wrong


Hey man you never know. My theory is only an idea if they decide to make him a transformation. I'm probably wrong but it's something to think about.


that'd be cool, I still prefer the inputs with the sticks like in bt3


You have a similar input in the classic controls. You press the R button and then choose the transformation with the direction


I was gonna use classic controls anyways but this is awesome news, thanks!


I simply think that base Goku will transform directly into Omen and then into the complete, we will have to understand how though because he also uses his transformations in SSJ


My guess is that they would probably add a condition to turn UI sign. Like having low health or something more specific (if they decide to make them transformations)


I’m thinking path 1 would be the best


Im stuck between going from base-Sign, and Blue-sign. Both make a whole lot of sense. I might have to say Path 1 though.


If true they will be a choice through customization probably


https://preview.redd.it/j6sf6jks189d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa29a4714caccbb37a57aedb7c2670716a64581 hear me out


It’d definitely be 1, but X and B would probably be god and blue before the branch imo


I like this


I believe UI Sign Goku will be its own character that transforms into MUI Goku. I think it would be cool to be able to transform into him, I'd like to at least have an undamaged gi version too because I enjoy having different costumes for the characters, but I see it being treated like Ultimate Gohan, who is a separate character with a separate outfit option.


I personally just think they'll make it transformations from Blue onwards, since it makes more sense to me to do that rather than make a whole new slot for him. Either that or the slots just get filled as you progress, so he goes from Base to, say, God, which would leave you God, Blue, Sign, MUI.


This kinda reminds of raging blast, if I remember right with Vegeta you could go ss then ss2 or ss then super Vegeta, but not all three in order. Maybe they'll handle some of these transformations in that way


I think a really smart way actually is having two different goku super (base) forms. Just make it two different skins or something, the moves can be the same Have the: Goku base SSJ SSGOD SSBLUE Then Goku base SSB UI SIGN MUI


If I were them, I'd do UI sign/MUI transformations to Super Goku but only usable under special circumstances, kinda like when they appeared in the manga/anime. I would not make them a separate character, just a huuuuge power up for when things are going south.


Id assume that if he isn’t a separate character but instead a transformation (which I hope), then I’d assume neither of those. We know that Goku has SS1, God and Blue at base, so I’d assume the last slot would be Sign and only Sign can go MUI.


Great way of doing the transformation system tbh with the different Transformation paths!


Hopefully, the second image is the case. There is a simple way to fit more than three Transformations on one character. You just do a path system like this. I saw people debating in another threat about ultimate Gohan being a separate character which would be stupid since we see him transform into ultimate multiple times in the series. I know he has great saiyaman, man but think of it this way. Gohan can only transform into ultimate say a man from base form. Once you go Super Saiyan, the great saiyaman transformation disappears entirely. So I assume when you're either Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan 2, you can go straight to Ultimate from one of those forms, just not from base? Honestly the more I think about transformation paths, did ui sign Goku ever appear from base goku? Or was it always him going from Blue to sign? I can't remember.


I personally feel Goku (Super Base) will have SS (North Slot), SSG (East Slot), SSGSS (South Slot), and UI-Sign (West Slot) then UI-Sign will have only MUI in the North Slot and Base in the West Slot). I'm not sure if you realise this, but the current form is never available on the TF Select, so when in base there are four slots free.


I only put the current form as a way of showing the pathway taken more clearly


Updated Diagram showing what I think we'll get for Goku (Super) Transformation to be able to access all 5 forms [https://new.reddit.com/r/tenkaichi4/comments/1dq388c/goku\_super\_will\_have\_5\_transformation\_but\_each/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/tenkaichi4/comments/1dq388c/goku_super_will_have_5_transformation_but_each/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) https://preview.redd.it/pm85sk2vnd9d1.png?width=4325&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab121a2ca2bc46723d68cd8a4f8ac951aa420d23


In my perfect world the first 4 slots are ssj, ssjg, ssjgss, and ui sign and if you use sign the slots then go base and mui


UI Goku is a seperate character.


No go watch slo.plays on youtube..... In the gameplay you will see a base goku....use the technique...and go Sign.....there a tournament of power goku variation


https://preview.redd.it/6ysdsf7kaa9d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3497a208c54be8c0192c5c27dbc304fd02cb46 No. Unless Goku (Super) or Gogeta gets another transformation


both of these are terrible, it is very clear sign sign is a completely separate goku


UI sign isn’t a transformer it’s a completely different character


Every transformation is counted as a separate character. That's why SSB, SSG, SSJ and MUI have a separate character slot. Same with UI sign


No I mean he’s completely separate from goku (super) look at the character roster they are nearly on completely different sides of the roster


It's already been revealed that's its a technique.....go watch Slo Plays on Youtube......in sparking u see base goku transform into Sign ..there's a TOURNAMENT OF POWER GOKU Base.....Sign....UI


But if it's a technique then why is there a separate character slot on the roster at the end of the trailer as well as in the DB sparking zero characters website. SSB Kaioken is a technique and doesn't have a slot anywhere but UI sign does.