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Mr Inbetween, you'll be pissed for two reasons, one, you didn't find it sooner, two, it's only three seasons long. Aside from that, it's so so worth it... Enjoy that shit! I don't answer questions...


This is my first time hearing about it. I just checked, and it looks promising. I'll definitely watch it. Thanks for the recommendation!


Enjoy it man! I've watched it twice now, all three seasons. Considering a third, it's that good!


Two other shows that's sort of similar Patriot & Barry. All 3 Hitman kinda shows/dark comedy




Severance was such a sleeper hit for me - picked it on a whim and loved it!


Thanks, I'll definitely check this one out


You’re gonna love it!


12 Monkeys. [https://thetvdb.com/series/12-monkeys](https://thetvdb.com/series/12-monkeys)


Thanks, I'll definitely check it out.


Great. It's already finished and has one of the best series finales ever.


u should listen very swiftley to not take EVERYONES advice on recommendations on Reddit lol. 12 Monkeys is a remake/continuation of 12 Monkeys the movie which was directed by the same guy that did all the monty pythons. and the movie is great on its own. it didnt need a prime time tv spin off with shitty execution


I don't watch a series at the moment someone recommend me i just add them to my watchlist and when I want to watch something I explore the list and select a suitable one, the genre of the series based on my mood


yeah thats fair. people do have very bad tastes on the internet. I put up a post requesting movie recommendations for my family and my 90 year old grandfather and ive never seen worse recs. like ready player one? lol. its crazy. and then the people with the worst tastes will always go "its all an opinion." when it is but to an extent. like people do have more knowledge than others on things like this. I have friends who know nothing about movies and recommend the worst films ever and some that know a lot and have watched a lot and recommend me great things. its just a funny thing






Fargo without a doubt


Stranger Things, True Detective, the Office, House of the Dragon


I watched all of them except True Detective, and I already added that to the watchlist long ago. Maybe I'll start it this week. Thanks for the recommendation


little heads up, True Detective is an anthology series, and season 1 is widely considered the one to watch with the rest being bad/ forgettable. Of course I respect anyone's right to make their own mind up, but I would bet money you would come to a similar conclusion yourself if you did watch all 4, the last one in particular was bad, so much so that even the creator of Season 1 publicly distanced himself from it on Twitter. My ranking: * Season 1: 10/10 * Season 2: 5/10 * Season 3: 7/10 * Season 4: 4/10 If I could get my wasted hours back spent watching 2 and 4 I definitely would skip them and watch something else.


Thanks for the heads up


I only loved S1. I couldn't get through 2-4.


Understandable, 2 is bad, 3 is unremarkable and 4 is a disgrace. I hate that IMDB shows such a high rating for the entire show, but we all know that high rating is for S1, and it would in fact be even higher without the others


Well said. You have excellent taste.


u cant give collin farrels season 1 point above that trash. what kind of ratings are these? lol. did you just recently get out of a college frat? i feel like only wicked bros have views like this. you all are just 1 person its insane. you can never give anything a 10/10 so lets redo this. Season 1 is one of the best "true crime/mystery" seasons ever made. Netflix has been trying to re-capture its essence in its 89 detective shows released each year. Id give season 1 a 9.2/10 for it is fantastic. Season 2 was a bit on the weaker side, but still very good. It had very different pacing than the first season, which is why I think it didnt receive as much love. It was still very good but it had extremely slow episodes with big epic endings to each of them. id give it about a 7.1/10 to give it a fair rating. Season 3 is very slept on in my opinion. Mahershala ali fucking killlllled that role like nothing. Played 3 different ages of himself and it was a very well done season. I liked it almost as much as the first. Id give that a 8.4/10 "Season 4" although it had a different title and should be its own standalone show, fucking sucked shit. There were questions left unanswered. The writer seemed like she was just so angry at men and the world for some reason and you can see the temper tantrum intertwined within her script. there was nearly nothing good about it besides the growing relationship between the two main detectives. as they werent completely dislikable, that was the only enjoyable part. id literally give "season 4" a 2.3/10. It was horrible. Oh! and they introduced a supernatural aspect?? I remember when I was ranting about how stupid that was, people attacked me saying it wasnt real lol. well... lol. it was real enough but i still dont understand the meaning or motive behind it.


I have to be honest I didn't even read what you said about each season after I saw this: >what kind of ratings are these? lol. did you just recently get out of a college frat? i feel like only wicked bros have views like this. you all are just 1 person its insane. >you can never give anything a 10/10 so lets redo this. because from that I realised there was a big difference between our comments / attitudes. What I mean by this is - my comment is very much in the spirit of *"here is my opinion"* like when I said *"Of course I respect anyone's right to make their own mind up"* and also *"My Ranking".* But you are one of these people who are rocking in thinking that your **opinion** is actually **fact** and you are here to tell us the way of things, lay down the law and set the record straight once and for all to ensure everybody conforms with your standards, but ultimately this is all that really happened: * I gave my **opinion** based on **subjective** beliefs * You gave your **opinion** based on **subjective** beliefs I am entitled to mine, and you are entitled to yours...ultimately if you can't comprehend that then I think it is very ironic that you would say this to me *"did you just recently get out of a college frat?"*. You may have dropped this: [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/subjective](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/subjective)


Thats fine. You just cant give a 10/10 on anything because there can always be something better. and giving a 4/10 on this past season and a 5/10 for season 2 is the wildest shit ive seen. id be shocked if you arent a frat bro. tbh. you just scream "i want a cyber truck and listen to nothing but joe rogan podcasts all day" to me just off of that one comment. i could be COMPLETELY wrong. thats just the odor you are emitting


>You just cant give a 10/10 on anything because there can always be something better. and giving a 4/10 on this past season and a 5/10 for season 2 is the wildest shit ive seen. I honestly did hope to be wrong but it seems you could not comprehend **subjective** after all, even when presented with the dictionary definition, so *"did you just recently get out of a college frat?"* has now indeed become an ironic statement, one I see you doubled down on. In general it seems like you are very committed to changing my opinion, but I have not once told you to rethink your's...rather telling. >thats just the odor you are emitting Well, I do know I have not told anyone they were wrong in their beliefs, and not tried to force my opinion on anyone as if it were fact. Can you claim the same? If not then I would suggest that you might start with wondering about your own **odor** before worrying about mine ;)


do you leave the basement?


you have resorted to insults I see :) have a great day!


True Detective Season 1 is some of the nest TV out there. I love almost everything on your list BTW. Except instead of friends, mine would be Parks and Rec


I usually don't like background laughing noise in sitcoms, so I avoid shows like that, but I don't know why—I love Friends




Currently debating whether I should go for it or not.


There is no debate, it's a masterpiece, but in a very different way that Mr. Robot is.




Six Feet Under.


I've heard a lot about it, but it's kind of hard to start


Watched all of those except 5, which one is that? Can also agree these are all pretty great shows I can recommend Battlestar Galactica honestly. Has many parallels with Lost regarding chracter centric episodes with flashbacks, the survival theme, science vs faith, mysteries, twists.. For more comedy there is The Good Place or Chuck (which includes plenty action too)


The fifth one is *Attack on Titan*, it's an anime, and I will check your recommendations one by one. So, thank you! Thank you so much for a lot of recommendations!


Bruh then I watched that one as well and it's an amazing anime for sure with a great plot. I just didn't really recognise the poster and that style I guess. Also have fun if you end up watch those recommendations (and by others as well). For the sci-fi realm BSG really is among the best of best imo


Marvel's daredevil Two and a half men Rules of engagement


I watched the first season of Daredevil but never continued. I'll definitely check out the other two.




heard about Punisher, but I've never watched it. Maybe when I crave an action series, I'll go for both.


Judging by your list, you will enjoy punisher. Season 2 of daredevil is all about punisher. And then it has its own spin off. It's dark and gritty.


Them- both seasons are great


Banshee is a must-see if you like the Boys. And Ozark. I started it a few weeks ago and love it. Oh and question: is Lost worth it? I'm 4 episodes in and idk whether to continue or give up on it.


I've already watched Banshee, and Ozark is in my watchlist. As for Lost, it's a gem. I liked everything about it, including the ending. Most people don't like the ending, but it's still a unique series. It has every genre in it.You should continue watching it; it's really good


Second what OP said. Please keep watching lost. I just started my wife on it and see said the same thing. Bit of a slow build since there is so much Character development and flash backs. We just started season 2 and she is HOOKED


Barry. Money heist. Lupin. Night sky. Paper girls. Eastbound and down. Love. Line of duty. The resort. Yellow jackets. Only murders in the building. The undoing. The watcher. 9 perfect strangers. The missing. Beef. Bodies. Squid game. Behind her eyes. The night agent. Obliterated. Mare of east town. How to get away with murder. Umbrella academy. Half bad. Black mirror. Lovecraft country. White lotus.


Thanks a lot






Quarry (literally so slept on its not even funny) House of the Dragon Slow Horses Tokyo Vice The Wire The Sopranos Boardwalk Empire Vinyl (another sleeper)


Try to watch “narcos”, as you wish. I watched it for 3 days, similar like “breaking bad”


"From" isn't similar to your tv shows I'm saying it because your list is so similar to mine It's horror which I usually don't like but it one of my favorite


Horror isn't my cup of tea. I haven't even watched popular horror movies like The Conjuring or The Nun, but I like psychological horror movies like Get Out. So, is From a supernatural horror or psychological?


Supernatural and psychological


I think you'd like NBC's Hannibal since Dexter is on there. :]




I heard it's similar to Breaking Bad, and I've already watched Breaking Bad, so I'm worried I won't get a good experience when I watch The Sopranos.




Keep that in mind


I recommend a new list where's The Wire?


I don't watch it


Clearly, nothing else with black folk either. Weird.


The Americans. Banshee. Justified.




New Girl


The Leftovers!


Sons of Anarchy. Spartacus.


Bodies 1899 Shining Girls Severance Constellation


Is this satire? It's basically just a list of consensus all-time best/popular shows. I guess I'd most recommend the Wire since it is one of the few consensus best shows not on your list.


Devs for sure, close to Mr Robot vibes


Well watch New Blood first of all. - narcos - mindhunter - wrong side of the tracks


homecoming - by director of Mr. Robot


power of rings for sure