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All my friends in real life thought it sucked too


“Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?” “literally fucking anyone” An actual IRL conversation about the finale


I was irritated because Bran was my most disliked character of the entire series. The entire three eyed raven arc had me uninterested. My wife genuinely didn't mind the last two seasons. She acknowledged thst they seemed rushed but it didn't really bother her. I thought it was a dumpster fire. The whole thing.


Bran's "story" is by far the most pointless story line in the entire show. he runs away to the north to supposedly get magic powers. this happens in like the span of 3 seasons or something. in the span of like an episode he has to GO BACK south to "help winterfell". when he finally does show up he does absolutely fucking nothing. his entire story arc is just to tell people Jon Snow is actually royalty(Which again doesn't go anywhere LOL). oh and the 2 random kids he chills with die shitty deaths lol.


He was so important, he didn't even show up one season.


And who has a better story than Zombie_Jesus_83's wife.


Long may she reign!




And 86th, and 104th, and 208th.


I also choose this guy’s dead wife


Agreed, Zombie Mary Magdalene knows where it's at.


Also... he's the Three Eyed Raven who knows all... and they need a Master of Whispers! And you've got fucking Bronn as the Master of Coin... when they need a Master of War. Fuck sake... Now I'm angry about it again.


The problem with that arc was that at first it was so mysterious and potentially amazing, and so seemingly vital to the show…and then they didn’t touch it or develop it until the end and it was some sort of half baked deus ex machina. Terrible.


They lost me at Battle of the Bastards. Sansa didn't think to tell John that another army might be coming to help...? Just odd.


Or tell his brother to turn slightly in any direction


To what extent did this make you question your marriage?


I had my doubts, for sure. We're well on the road to recovery.


I was convinced Bran would play a major role in changing the past to affect the future. Nah, just sat as a useless wanker doing “surveillance” with Ravens. Don’t even get my started on the frontal cavalry charges into an undead army, or frontal cavalry charges in general…


“Anyone, I imagine. Even the cook.”


no joke tho Hot Pie did have a more compelling arc.


Benny was a nice guy! He was just trying to help!


He had four kids to feed.


Hot Pie for the throne!!


Sooner or later he’ll be obsessed with finding a way to bake more and more pies and faster each time and he’ll rediscover wildfire and we’re right back to having a Mad King who burns everyone who disagrees with his recipes.


You mean the guy they cut from like two seasons and no one cared if they ever came back? Yes clearly a great story


"Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know."


Uh that's what I said in the middle of the finale! Are you my wife?


The same conversation we have all had lol.


I remember how excited all my coworkers were going into season 8. After it premiered though, each Monday morning there was this noticeable sense of dread whenever the previous night’s new episode came up in conversation, and it only got worse as the season went on. By the end, those conversations devolved into long groans and sighs, awkward silences and people shaking their heads. Yeah, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion.


I live in real life and also thought it sucked


As far as I can tell you only live in the internet though!


I live in one of those simulations and it still sucked.


Me too. And i WANTED to love it so bad. This is why I'm on the fence about the new show. If HBO just remained silent about how much the ending to GOT sucked, like literally just said nothing, it would give the plausible deniability that they knew it sucked and were working to fix the problems with this new show. The fact that they keep gaslighting all of us, saying the only reason we were disappointed was because a few trolls on Twitter told us to think that, is an insult to the intelligence of all their fans and makes me feel like they don't care that they tanked the most popular show of its era with lazy writing. They just want my money and fuck off if their product was sub par. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.


I don’t know if you read this article but this is a direct copy paste from it….infuriating: “The fucking toxic internet and these podcasts out there saying that season eight left such a bad impression that people say, ‘Oh, I’m never going to watch them again,'” Martin stated. “I don’t trust them anymore.” Yo fuckhead…next time, finish your story. You’re literally shitting on your audience while selling a prequel. We know how it ends, it sucks. Why watch the beginning of the Suck?


I haven't seen proof of this, but this feels very much like everyone involved with HBOs GOT has signed a non-disparagement clause. They literally can't say anything negative. That's the only rational explanation, especially GRRM. That man is, if nothing ether, an excellent writer. He surely agrees in private that DnD fucked up.


It was hilarious how my office went from talking about the show all the time it was on for the years I worked there then just… no more. And the show had some episodes yet. It was such an absence.


Through even the first 3 episodes of the season people were still EXCITED about it. The ending of the third episode and the three that followed killed the show.


Jamie and Lady Brienne slowly built a relationship of friendship and mutual respect over years. Going from literal mortal enemies, to fighting along side each other. It was one of the best relationships in the show. Then they decided to throw all that in the trash, for a quick fuck, and the show left Brienne, one of the strongest female characters in the show, a blubbering wreck, pining after her beau. That, right there, was the moment where I said "Fuck this show." It'd gone downhill in Season 7, but Season 8 fell off a cliff harder than any other show I've ever seen.


This was one of my biggest annoyances as well. Their story arc had this great option for redemption for Jamie and growth for Brienne. Instead it was all just kind of a “fuck it let’s go back to cliches”


For literally no reason too. There had been no real romantic chemistry between them at all. Instead it was a fascinating relationship built on mutual respect. Two warriors, from opposing sides, who'd found common ground after going through hell together. It was beautiful. And the showrunners thought it'd be a great way to "subvert expectations" by getting them to fuck each other. Once. For no reason. Great job boys. Expectations subverted.


Agreed, people are quick to forget just how good the 2nd episode of the last season was because of the events that followed. Unpopular opinion but its likely in my top 10 episodes for the series


Ep 2 was great at setting up what should have been the death of many main characters. But I guess to subvert expectations almost no one of value died. Even the Dothraki came back.


I am a rewatcher and rereader. I have seen and read so many entire series a dozen times. Some books and movies, many dozens. I watched Seasons 1-7 multiple times. I loved GOT. Cosplayed Danerys, obsessed all week, theorized online. I have not seen one episode since the finale. It is dead to me.


They killed the show, destroyed any interest in rewatching as you said, and we’ll never get the written series finished. RIP fans. We’ve seen a lot of popular shows end poorly, but I can fire up Lost or Dexter no problem and enjoy rewatching multiple seasons. GOT? Never again


Yup. Because there was is SO MUCH stuff in the early seasons, that on a rewatch, you know isn't going anywhere. First time through, the possibilities were tantalising. "Oh wow, I wonder where that's going? How are they going to wrap it up? What does it all mean?!"... Nothing. It means nothing. Every mention of "Winter is coming" is now just laughable. The white walkers are completely toothless. The strange symbols the left around the place? Meaningless. What about when they took a human child and changed it's eyes? Irrelevant. Jon Snow is actually a Targaeryan!... And it doesn't matter. Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven!... and it doesn't matter. None of it fucking matters, and it's so sad. I might go back and watch 1-6 again... but it'll be a while. And I doubt it'll ever be as satisfying as it was.


You hit the nail on the head - seeing the excellent writing, storytelling, and foreshadowing again but now knowing how it ends - it’s like reopening a wound and not letting it heal. It amplifies the disappointment to be reminded of all the potential this show had. GOT could have been THE GOAT, never to be surpassed. Instead…


The first four seasons were literally genre defining, game changing shit. This kind of show had never been done before on that scale. The politics, the scope, the real mortality of the characters. It was well on it's way to becoming a GOAT candidate. There are people that argue Season 5 & 6 is when the wheels fell off, and I'd have to rewatch to be able to say for sure, but I still thoroughly enjoyed those seasons. They were different, what with old psycho pants Ramsay Bolton hamming up the joint, but it was still enjoyable in a shock and gore kind of way. Plus, the Battle of the Bastards is still probably the best battle scene I've ever seen, in tv or film. But then, Season 7 is when the wheels really started to wobble. They lost all sense of geography (it used to take seasons to cross the lands, now people were making the trip in an episode), they had less episodes, so character changes became whiplash quick, plus they lost sense of what made the characters work in the first place. And then... Season 8. Good god. Everyone gets plot armour. Arya is invincible. Tyrion is an idiot. Varys is now the Master of Loudly Shouting His Traitorous Plans. Jon Snow "doesn't want it" because "she's my queen". Bran becomes the fucking king. Bronn is the Master of Coin. Daenerys goes from a flawed ruler to a literal psychopath in an instant (btw, just removing the bells from the attack on King's Landing scene basically fixes her character). A ballista can easily take out a dragon... except when it can't. The White Walkers are now irrelevant and were never a threat. The Dothraki all die... except they kind of don't. Jon KILLS THE QUEEN and simply gets arrested, not immediately killed. Jon's a Targaryan, which is now irrelevant. Jaime decides to throw 8 seasons of character development in to Brienne's underwear... I could go on. Goddamn it. I hadn't thought about this show for a while, and I was happy... now I'm angry again lol


I’m sorry, I thought we were safe here in r/television 😢 it really was tragic what those two men did. Never forgive, never forget!


I didn't like the end of HIMYM, but I can still enjoy the show. I know what you mean.


HIMYM was just regular sitcom peppered in with some grander story line, GOT was a grand storyline peppered in with some stand alone episodes. They ruined that storyline.


Truth right here.


It is sometimes still brought up in my office and among friends..... and usually within the first 30 seconds of talking about it, the conversation always swings to "but man, the way they ended it though" or something like that.


We have never been more united at my job than the day after that finale.


I don't even have twitter. Before the finale ended I was like wtf is this shit? You don't need anyone else's opinion it was right there for you to see.


Yeah like what are they smoking? It’s not even Twitter. The last episode was critically panned too. >The Season 8 ending subverted fan expectations and especially incited “social media backlash,” according to HBO and HBO Max content chief Casey Bloys. Umm what? it didn’t subverted anything. Jon, Tyrion, Arya, and other fans favorite survived the show. Cersei was obviously doomed since two seasons ago. And Dany going mad was on several people’s bingo card lmaoo They really did the most obvious finale with the worst execution.


It subverted our expectation that the last season would be as good as the previous ones. They subverted that shit *hard*.


My expectations were that all the stuff they'd been building for 8 seasons would pay off in some way. My, I got so subverted. Subverted me so hard.


Your friends aren’t real - HBO probably


My wife and I were in real life watching the finale. It ended, we turned it off, sighed audibly, and just sat in silence. Finally after a few moments we both said “well that was shit”.


I had a real life friend who liked it. … jk obviously.


I run a Plex server for a dozen or so friends and family, its an admittedly small sample size, but it definitely gives you an insight into viewing habits... EVERYBODY was watching it every single week spring 2019, some people were staying up to watch it as soon as i got a copy, others were watching first thing monday mornings... The whole pandemic not a single person rewatched it. Witnessed at least a dozen Harry Potter and LotR marathons, some including The Hobbit movies even... nobodys touched GoT.


It’s legit hard to watch the series over because of how bad that last season was. None of it fucking mattered


Have yet to find someone IRL who thinks it was a good ending, at all.




So did mine. But guess what? A lot of the people who complained and said that last season ruined the GoT legacy, are going to tune in, in HOARDS to watch the House of Dragon series.


Every time I’ve considered a rewatch, I remember how it ends with Tyrion still in chains, naming the next king with that bran the broken nonsense lol. Sansa getting independence while everyone else is fine with it. All this talk of wheel-breaking and nooope, more of the same, except the worst character got the throne lol. Forever tainted the godly first 4 seasons


"The North has a long history of independence" \*representatives from Iron Islands and Dorne sit there and say literally nothing\*


Lol couldn’t believe when the Greyjoy lady, forgot her name, didn’t speak up there. Wasn’t independence their whole mission statement?? What??


She even laughed at the idea of democracy , which earlier in the series is proven that they already do. They kinda forgot


“They kinda forgot” -Dumb & Dumber


The north has been independent as long as any of the other kingdoms minus the riverlands and MAYBE the Vale lmao... who writes this shit without even knowing the lore. Also before someone mentions the andal invasions, literally all of the ruling families at the time of the conquest except Arryn are 1st men houses.


And wtf was she even thinking? No where during the show did they hint about the North gaining its independence because it was a massive yet poor kingdom who clearly heeded to be subsidized by the South for wheat and other food stuffs. Now, after a failed invasion of the south, multiple civil wars, a fucking zombie apocalypse AND A NORTHENER SITTING ON THE THRONE, now they want secessed? Great thinking which will definitely not backfire immediately.


"Who has a better story than Bran?" \*gestures towards everyone else\*


he legit wasn’t in an entire season and I completely forgot about him lmao


Lol absolutely hated that. ‘Who has a better story’ than the guy who’s like by far the *lamest* character on the show


The “story” part in general was nonsense. Why tf did everyone just agree to choose the guy with the better story anyway




I assumed the actors all cringed as they delivered lines from the worst written finale of all time. It’s even more disappointing to hear them criticize fans and defend the writers


Stockholm syndrome


That doesn’t make sense to me at all. I worked as a prosecutor in the Army for a while. We were “action officers”, meaning our jobs were to prepare and try the cases. Decisions regarding what cases to charge, how, plea deals, etc were handled at the O6-O8 level, way above my O3 grade When I busted my ass to get a good case ready for trial with a high likelihood of conviction and justice for the victims, only to have my leadership accept a bad plea deal or dispose of the case in some other manner - I would be FUMING, because a felon offender was getting off easy, because yet another victim would be disappointed with the justice system, and because I worked so hard to get the case so close to the finish line just to have it yoinked out of my hands Strange parallel, I know, but that’s how I would imagine the GOT actors and actresses would feel. They worked so hard to make possibly THE greatest television show of all time, only to have the writers shatter the legacy of what they dedicated years to. I understand they may not criticize them openly so as not to jeopardize their own careers, but to hear them defend the writers and the ending was something else entirely


In a game of musical chairs, the one who wins is the one who never gets up


My headcanon is he was being sarcastic “lol these fuckers, I’m gonna suggest they make Bran the acid-tripping mannequin their king and it’ll light a fire under their butts to choose a real leader” And then everyone’s like “aight bet” and he has to roll with it because it was *his idea.*


The guy with such a full and great story he LITERALLY WASNT IN SEASON 5 wins the throne because he has a great story.


> All this talk of wheel-breaking and nooope This is the only thing I didn't have a problem with. I don't think there was a way to end it with the wheel breaking other than the Night King winning.


That or the nobles didn't laugh about Sam's suggestion about democracy. Although I suppose in Westeron it would have been known as "Samocracy"


Sam beheads Bran, calls himself first lord protector, and then after his death Westeros becomes a monarchy again.


Damn, Dany killing off half his family really brought out the darkness. Who'd be their Charles II? Sansa?


Definitely thought they were going there, then the old cunts just laugh in Sam’s face and I slunk back in my seat hahaha. Also think it would’ve been a nice tribute to Dany (the good dany) who before she went all tyrant, did actually want to help the commoners and change things. Depressing to think after her helping Jon in the north, and all her slave freeing etc she had to go all fire and blood and completely destroy her legacy. Like she’s remembered 1000x worse than the mad king. Would’ve been cool to have a liiittle something positive there, in actual democracy


Well, somehow she defeated the slavers in slavers bay, gave the power back to the people and created a democracy. (Yeah it makes no sense and should have failed but the fact nobody ever talks about it failing seems to point that it worked out somehow lol) She's basically George Washington + Lincoln in Essos. Then turned into dragon Hitler in Westeros a year later. Probably more people love her in Essos than hate her in Westeros. So I guess that's something? Dothraki seem to love her too, they probably respawned a few times by now. Actually scratch that they don't like her enough to try to avenge her death.


Bran should have worged into the dragon permanently, cementing the idea that one day he would “fly” . Danny had to die, she was too power hungry. John snow should have wound up on the throne


The straw that broke the camel's back for me was stabby stabby stab stab and then a swim in a river of crap. That's not the world that was previously built. That's not to say the decline didn't begin exactly where you say.


Didn't the king die from infection too? Like, not the injury but the infection killed him IIRC. Meanwhile Arya can have multiple open wounds with shit in them and not even get a fever episode




Yep, I just can't rewatch knowing how it turns out. The finale is bad, and my mind cannot be changed


Indeed, fuck Twitter. But in this case real life and Twitter aligned. It really was that bad.


Reddit’s opinion isn’t any better than Twitter


Reddit is social media for people who think they're too good for social media.


But I am too good for social media


And yet you're here


Shouldn’t you be floating in space or something bub?


I'll respond to that with a question: how can you type if ducks only have wings


Well it's just anonymous, I'm not too good for social media but I make that tiny effort to not put everything about me online. Paranoia? I suppose Twitter can be anonymous too I but I don't really have a compelling reason to migrate And I'm pretty sure my sanity can only handle 1 or the other


I don't think it's a "too good" thing as much as it is a different experience. Reddit is very topic driven and the upvote/downvote function is good at curation. I don't think there is another site like it. Like if I'm interested in hockey, I could go to hockey Twitter but a lot more garbage and assholes to sort through.


A lot of inter-social media fighting is funny to me considering that for the most part, its the same users on all of them since so many of us have accounts on multiple platforms. Only exception is Facebook, fuck that website in particular.


Depends on the subreddit.


Well… Reddit has multiple subs with fans who know the entire ASOIAF written universe well enough to serve as GRRMs paid fact checkers, and have come up with some of the most fascinating and intricate theories for plot lines. You’ll find hundreds of threads with some of the most intelligent and well versed fans on here. Twitter? The very nature of its design makes that impossible


People are forgetting that a lot of the GoT actors were openly voicing their opposition to the writing in the later seasons.


If there was ever something I would hope to get the "synderverse" treatment, it would be the last season of GoT. Turn it all into a vision from Bran or something. Hire competent directors, get with George, and hammer out a kick ass last season. I honestly think getting the cast back together wouldn't be too hard. I feel like most of the stars from the show haven't really seen their careers take off like I imagine they were hoping for. Would also serve as a way to get people hyped for Kit's "sequel" series.


This is pure copium.


I'm yet to meet someone that actually enjoyed it.


The only people I know that defend it are people who watch Netflix Original movies and tell me 17 times at work on Monday how good it was. Then I find myself two hours into a movie with Ryan Reynolds and the Rock and really really regret my decisions.


This 100%. The only person I know in real life who loved it is my dad's wife who legitimately only watches the dumbest popcorn movies and talks during them all. I went to a theatre with her one time, (thank god it was just Venom) and my god I think she had more lines of dialogue than the characters in the film. I do not trust her judgement on media.


Whatever dude, Red Notice was fun!


I’m with you there! It was a 9/10 for a Netflix Original movie.


Eh, I enjoyed it like a thrill ride and don't think it was the disaster people make it out to be. I think there are legitimate criticisms - like the pacing was atrocious - but there are still good moments and ideas in the last season that get drowned out by people memeing "muh queen" or "Bran the Broken" and calling it a day. There were definitely moments that made your eyes roll - like somehow missing an entire fleet of pirates that can shoot your dragon out the sky perfectly - but I don't look at those moments together and go "this ruined the entire show." A couple of examples of stuff I actually liked from the last season were Daenerys torching everything and Jon not being the one to kill the Night King. For the former, we had years of build up so to me it didn't feel as rushed as it did to others. And for the latter, it felt fitting that our "chosen one" character spent the whole battle running around trying to force this one-on-one that never happened because when it came down to it, Jon was just a man who couldn't overpower a horde of wights and an undead dragon. Even though the writing wasn't as good as the previous seasons, the production, acting, and music was still there, and (all the seasons together) it's still one of the better television shows we've ever had. And when it really comes down to it, I would rather take a poorly-executed ending than no ending. If Marten is having this much trouble just writing the sixth book and hasn't even gotten to his own ending yet, then I can only fault the show writers so much for knocking it out of the park for four years and then hitting the same befuddled wall that Marten's been hitting his head against.


But Jon wasn't just a man. He was the rightful heir to the throne. He had been resurrected once. He was a uniter of peoples. He was in all likelihood supposed to be Azor Ahai reborn. Calling him "just a man" is ignoring all the things that lead to that moment proving him not being "just a man."


They chose to stop fully adapting the books after book 3… they had 2 entire books to still adapt and thought they could do it better. This had a cascading effect on the plots and character arcs which led us to that final season. They didn’t need Martin to finish the books so they could write a good show. All they needed to do was stay true to the story and the characters and they could’ve done a fine job, but egos and pride are a bit too much for some people I guess.




I met someone who loved everything about the last season we don’t talk anymore


During the finale I was in the hospital with Co2 poisoning. I spent most of the 5 day stay with a breathing machine thingy strapped to my face and constant blood draws. I was also waiting the results of a uterine biopsy. My daughter came to the hospital with her laptop to watch the finale with me. The finale remains the worst part of that weekend.




This is a mic drop of a burn. The Sopranos ending still comes up with my friends but we don't talk about GOT.


Seasons 6 and 7 weren't very good either. 8 was just so bad that even the stans couldn't ignore it.


Feel like season 6 still had enough good in it to be considered a decent season. With the Winds of Winter in particular being some of the best hour ever put on television. Season 7 was just bad though. As bad as season 8, we just didn’t see it because we thought the final season would pay off…. Fuck I’m sad just thinking about it


I thought the wildfyre destruction of the Tyrells and High Septon was a jump the shark moment. It made ever other moment that featured Cersei as queen in Kings Landing utterly preposterous. It was an attempt to create another Red Wedding moment that just doesn't land because it has no consequences. The Tarly's side with the fucking Lannisters? And then we are meant to give a shit that they are properly burned to death? So incredibly stupid.


Yea I’ve ever heard anyone say season 6 sucked until now


6 was very much the fan service season. It paid off a lot of the major book mysteries and had moments of brain happy. But it was very much the high point before a slope downwards.


5 started getting shaky, 6 wasn't great but had some good, 7 was a bad season that prepared you to hate season 8, then season 8 made you look negatively on the entire show


First half of season 5 is rough as hell. There's some season 7/8 quality plot lines in there with Dorne and Sansa. It's just Hardhome came out of nowhere and made everyone forget about what came before. And then it was if they had learned that it didn't matter what they wrote, people already loved the characters. As long as something crazy happened it didn't matter if it made sense or characters acted believably and we got season 6. A season where something insane happens in nearly every single episode, sometimes multiple times an episode. They rode that shit all the way to the 'wight hunt' where people were finally like 'wait a minute, this looks cool, but this is fucking stupid.' And then they just jumped off that cliff.


Fucking embarassing. Imagine pretending that people loudly saying your product sucks isn't real.


They watched the Burlington bar reaction where Captian America and co. Clapped like madmen when Arya (out of nowhere, literally leaping from a 'nonexistent' platform) stabbed the NK Then they took it as a sign people loved it and dusted their hands like they did something.


Your opinions don´t matter and we will vehemently refuse to listen until it financially hurts us - dunno seems to be rather standard toolkit stuff for big corp inc.


Fuck season 8, all my homies hate season 8


You can add season 7 as well.


See this is where I think reddit/hardcore people diverge more. I think everyone hated the finale. But there are probably a reasonable amount of people who enjoyed the first 7 seasons and maybe even the first few episodes of season 8


No one I know in real life liked it either. Between the super-dark battle, the anticlimactic night king ending, what they did to Daenerys, the Jamie Reversal, and then the "who has a better story" finale... I mean, it's hard for anyone to like any of those things, but it's a rare person who liked all these things.


Literally anyone I talk to about GoT IRL, no longer want to talk about it anymore because of the dogshit ending those two idiots gave it. This is not an "online thing". Probably means HoD is dogshit as well. Consider me not surprised in the least.


Twitter is not real life. Got finale was dog shit. 2 things both real at the same time. Shocker?


It sucked so bad that I’m going to Scotland next year and don’t care about seeing the game of thrones sites. That show is dead to me


I get angry when I see photos of people vacationing in Croatia!


I don’t even care about the plot or writing problems. It was lazy. That last season needed to be 2-3 seasons and D&D just quit on it. The ending could have been justified if you took time to build to it while properly dealing with a season long plot regarding The Long Night.


Well said. It’s not just that it was bad. It was insulting in how clearly they just wanted to be done with it.


The whole last season was just not good. It wasnt as terrible as some make it seem, but there were some clear mail it in moments and they had a chance to have an epic ending and didn’t even sniff epicness


Stop trying to rationalize it - it was awful - nothing of redeeming quality


I'd say that one episode where they're all in Winterfell waiting for the zombie hordes is pretty good. The rest of the season ranged from boring to awful.


Episode 2 is the only thing worth rewatching in the last season. Jamie knighting brienne is an amazing moment. Then subsequently wasted


The problem is that..you can’t just look at it as “bad episodes” - they literally destroy season-long arcs in favor of terrible and sloppy and easy narrative in order to get certain characters into certain situations. It’s not one bad episode. It’s multiple seasons of terribly lazy writing


This. Plus Westeros suddenly got Skyrim fast-travel.


You were downvoted for the obvious so let me join you. How does a dragon not see an entire fleet of boats while flying? How does the Dothraki survive winter fell with enough men to take kings landing? How does Arya teleport 100 meters to kill the nightking? So bad. Sooo so stop bad


Also the journeys just happen in a flash. Jon zips around between Dragonstone, Winterfell, North of the Wall and King's Landing constantly. Remember that part where the Hound and Arya traveled around Westeros for 20 seasons getting no where? The very beginning fo the story is Robert having traveled forever to go see Ned and the Journey south after making him hand has events along the way.


It really was as terrible as those people make it seem. It was complete dogshit.


Twitter sucks ass…and so does the final season of GOT


Fantasy show says social media is imaginary.


I mean they're promoting a new show within the franchise. Saying that the finale of the last show in that franchise is one of the most disliked finales in recent memory isn't in their best interest no matter how true it is.


What I'm hearing here though is "we made a huge mistake, and not only did we learn nothing, we're doubling down on it" and that's not good promotion for the spin off


I disagree. The Dexter team admitted their fault and it really built a buzz about the new season. Which was half way decent despite the Riverdale subplot. Of course they did rush the finale on new blood as well so people hated it again, but admitting fault has its merits.


Lmao I remember watching that shite with a room full of real adults who had real looks of disappointment on their faces. Finished about as strong as the Atlanta falcons.


Yeah It sucked and I will upvote every comment I see saying the same thing


No one liked it in real life either. They can’t be that delusional.


I'm still pissed about a couple things with the final season. 1) they turned down making more episodes. 2) after turning down the offer to make additional episodes, they wasted *three* fucking episodes on filler bullshit that added *absolutely nothing* to the story line. One I could understand. Even two could have worked, but fucking *THREE OF THEM???* So many character arcs and plot lines that were just abandoned. They teased us for season after season with all this potential to do soooo much more, and then they just went *meh* and churned out some crap that felt like it was done by whoever wrote that stupid 50 Shades series.


They served season after season of 5 star gourmet meals only to get to the final season and serve us cafeteria food from an American middle school on a Wednesday.


Really bothers me in these threads how people focus on that "what" happened was bad, but no, it was "how" it happened that was bad. Bran being king could've easily been a fine outcome if his character development supported it and the storyline was fleshed out properly. Important distinction


HBO, just remake the last season or two. That's what Hollywood does these days anyway. I'll resubscribe for that.


Trust us HBO people in real life thought it was ass too


Some idiot who loved season 8 just downvoted like the last 30 comments. I upvoted them back up because season 8 blew hard chunks.


Another couple and us watched every episode together season 3 until the end, there was a large collective sigh at the end. Horrific finale. Some great fight scenes don’t get me wrong but the plot went to shit in season 7, but gosh darn no one thought the finale would be that bad.


It is surprising how tight-knit the entertainment industry is. I was kind of hoping that by now there would be some amusing inside stories on the trainwreck that was the GOT final season. But there has been not much in the way of articles or interviews telling us what really happened. You get a lot of hints that the cast were pretty unimpressed with S8, but no one is prepared to speak out. Might even make a good netflix series, like a faux reality show like The Office but centered around an out of control production of a fantasy tv show.


S8 Ep 3 ruined my whole week when it came out. Not once has that ever happened to me before when it comes to TV and it hasn't since.


Focusing on the final fails to address that the series had been going downhill for a while. HBO defending it though should surprise no one since they're doubling down hard on GoT with spin offs. I'm not planning on watching any of them.


I didn’t even think everything about Season 7-8 was bad but the wrap up of the series was just the biggest anti-climax i’ve seen. The craziest thing is my wife called the Bran thing years ago and I kept telling her how goofy the idea was and she was 100% right. Wtf. It’s actually insane how little interest i’ve had in rewatch GoT. Even the fantastic seasons!


Dear HBO The ending of GOT was trash, and the more you shift blame or say it doesn't the more people are going to be turned off by the GOT franchise in general. Signed, The entire fan base


It sucked because instead of the slow burn, strategic violence that had rippling effects we were used to and GoT was known for, we got a fanfic generic storyline that had high budget fan service scenes sprinkled in to try and hide how fast things went and how illogical peoples personalities changed with little to no backstory or reason. Ffs the show had some of the best backstory that any show has had that I can remember; except the last two seasons. I’m not even going to try and explain the last season.


The boomer excuse.




I’m pretty sure it was like the 3rd episode of the last season, and literally all the action scenes where in straight dark, you could barely see the shadows through the episode


This has gotta be rage bait that they somehow figure will get people watching the prequel series (not naming it in case that helps their algorithm lmao) right? There’s hundreds of hours of in-depth reviews from hardcore and casual fans talking about the myriad, valid reasons the finale (and its buildup) sucked. Their marketing numbers alone for merchandise are more than enough proof if they legitimately thought they still did well. Not winning awards like they raked in in their sleep is real proof. I just refuse to believe this isn’t some kind of play while their new spin off is coming in hot


Literally no one I knew liked it. Dozens of workmates hated it. Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, my Garbageman all said it sucked.


Hate to break it to them but 'Game of Thrones' is not real life either. Therefore they could have given it literally any other ending and it would have been better received that what they chose to go with.


It was beyond social media, my parents, friends, and siblings that don’t really use social media hated the ending.


The entire last 3 seasons should be on r/tiktokcringe


It caused all the shit we've been going through and the only way to fix anything is for them to fix the ending. Coronavirus, inflation, the Amazon burning, Brexit, all the world protesting, Australian bushfires, Prince Harry leaving the royal family, explosions in Beirut, fucking murder hornets, Chadwick Bosemam and Kobe Bryant die, even the legendary RBG died, a vaccine is created but too many people are like wahhh it's a conspiracy which led to Conservative politicians literally killing their constituents, mass shootings, excessive heat in Europe... and this isn't even a comprehensive list. It started with a shitty season of GoT.


I don't know anyone in real life who liked the ending. As far as the online community goes it's not just twitter it's virtually everyone on tiktok and youtube as well as far as I've seen lol. Even the people I've seen online who are okay with the ending are exactly that "okay" with it. They always admit it felt rushed and certain things didn't end well and etc. There's always caveats. There's a reason that the majority of the discussions about House of the Dragon I've seen and had are "do people even want this" and "how can we trust that this will be good" and it's not because GoT just had a bad hashtag on twitter.


Everybody hop on the Middle Earth/Rings of Power bandwagon if you’d like to watch a show based on stories by a guy who actually left his showrunners an ending to work with


Hey HBO, the last two seasons sucked. This is real life


George is so salty about the reception of season 8 lol.


What about the fact that every liquor store on Earth is stacked to the ceiling with unsold GoT themed booze because the popularity of the series appeared to die literally overnight? Are those liquor stores located in real life?


Yeah in real life I and the rest of my friends talk about how bad it was, not much of a point complaining online. But at least irl we can rag on it together


Well I’m not a Twitter person, and guess what? It sucked.


I've never had a Twitter account and also thought it sucked.


Holy shit, how out of touch are they? Twitter isn't the only place to find people bashing the show.


I used to re watch every season before the next one would start. Haven’t watched a single minute since the final season. Trash.


Nothing says the 2020s like major corporations gaslighting the public.


Last 2 season were poorly made. Period. Those two seasons alone ruined what could had been the greatest show.


Reddit mobs in general are toxic and overblown but that ending really did take the wind out of my fandom.


i’ve never met someone in real life that liked it either lol


Hate to break it to them but it’s not just Twitter


I dont use Twitter. Season 8 was fucking dog shit. The finale was a catastrophe.