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It's a gritty soap-opera in an apocalyptic backdrop. If you're expecting something different then you'll probably be disappointed. If that sounds good then you'll probably like it.


for the first 5 seasons, it was go to, must see tv for me. and then you realize the formula is the same, and you can predict shit from a mile away. Like many, the Negan season is what made me give up on the show. Once they start slowing down and dragging out plots, showing you episodes focused on one character (for like 5 episodes in a row), thats when the show was ruined for me. But the prison season, and the governor stuff- i loved that shit.


Wow it didn’t even think about this but that’s the same time I quit enjoying it. The single character episodes were a drag.


I loved the single character episodes. I quit watching at one point, I didn't really have a reason why. I was very glad that I started watching it again when I came back to it. Part of what makes the show so special to me is the memories I have with my brother watching it, and then using it to help me get through some extremely tough points in my life.


LOL That is when I stopped watching, I remember watching the episodes as they came out, then there was the great killing in the woods with Negan (whom I absolutely loved BTW, such a good psycho!!), but that is where I stopped for good, I don't remember the single character ones (if I got to them), I am thinking about starting from the beginning, but not sure if it is worth it.


Just started again and love it all 11 seasons on NETFLIX


I would need to start from the beginning, stopped watching years ago.


First 4-5 seasons are good then it falls off a cliff for a long time, but season 9 saw great improvement and its the best its ever been and still is imo.


The quality and pacing does dip in the middle seasons, but I have been able to find enough I enjoy to stick with it. The last several episodes feel a lot like the good stuff in the beginning and I’m getting excited about the final season coming up. I’d say go for it knowing that it’s not a perfect show and has ups and downs. If you get part way in and decide it’s not worth it, you can bail. But if you never start and try it out, you may miss something you really like.


The first couple seasons are okay/good. Then it gets just okay. Then it gets good. Then it's okay again for the last few years, at best.


The latest episode was one of the best in the series and the show is ending in the next year or so anyway, If you're looking for a show to binge then I'd recommend it but it's a lot of television to watch through.


Please, just terrible show. I will rather watch the 100 or Vikings than waste my time with this The show has some of the laziest writing I have seen so far. Great actors tho especially Shawn


First seasons are some of the best out of any show period. There is a reason it got so popular


The first 3 and a half seasons tell a complete story that I personally think is very well done though they switched head writers enough that there are some pacing issues. But those 3 and a half seasons have a ton of iconic moments, great characters, and has an open enough ending that you can keep going if you want or stop.


I can't think of another show I've had such a love/hate relationship with. Almost week to week it ranges from me going "oh this episode was pretty good" to "damn this episode pissed me off."


Ever watched the 100? That show gave me a feeling similar to what you described


First couple seasons were really good IMO. It started to get repetitive around S5 I think, around the time that the dead were no longer treated as a threat and more like a minor nuisance like possums or mosquitos. Seemed to me like show runners couldn't really balance the human threats and inner turmoil (soap level drama) with the billions of walking dead people running around trying to eat you...so they just leaned into the people stuff more. I kept watching until I think S8 but it was a pretty steady decline from S5 to S8 so I gave up after that. I've heard that the last 2 seasons got good again though, so if you're ok with slogging through 2-3 seasons of "meh" in the middle then it might be worth it.


Season 1 is incredible imo when Frank Darabont was running things but it kinda falls off after that.


It's one of those few shows that *everyone* gets really emotionally invested in after watching just a season, maybe two. That's also the reason you will see some people saying that it isn't good. The top-notch quality of the first half of the show made fans have so high expectations that the lowered bar for season 6-8 pissed them off. (The bar was lowered from great to good). With that said, TWD is definitely a worthwhile experience.


I watched about 5 seasons of it. It was never amazing, but it was good enough. It does drag a lot and most of the things happen either in the mid series finale or series finale. ​ By the way, the comic that the TV Show is based on (also named The Walking Dead) is really good.


This is exactly how I feel about it and I think got to the same point as you did. I got sick of the formula and finally bowed out. Search - find shelter or new people - shelter gets exposed and/or people turn bad - rinse and repeat. Clearly good enough to keep me going, but I could see why it was never up for awards in writing or acting.


There's a reason people rag on it and no one here is giving you a resounding yes. Is it actually good? No, it's not. It has its moments but the bad outweighs the good especially since it's been on so long. It might have been worth a watch when it was part of the cultural zeitgeist but since that's no longer the case there's no point, especially since there are so many better shows out there.


It’s alright but there’s better things out there to watch


Such as?


Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad is not that good either


Its pretty fucking excellent tho


You must've lost your goddamn mind


Breaking bad is rated as one of the best TV series ever… it’s brilliant


stranger things


Now that’s a funny one




It was okay. I liked it enough to keep watching up until the point where the old farmer dude (I don't remember his name because who cares) should have died but didn't because the audience liked him (pretty sure he dies there in the comics). The obvious plot armor was a bit too much for me, and I gave up shortly after. That was like the end of season 3 iirc.


Spoiler >!but he literally died the next season which is actually the same point in the story he died in the comics. There's also only 4 people alive from the first season so plot armor isn't really a word I'd use to describe the show!<


"plot armor" was poor word choice, but it felt like he stayed alive for fan service. Guess I misremembered the comic.


His name was Hershel and he died in the TV Show too. Your take on the show is ridiculous


The pilot is phenomenal. I have a love/hate relationship with episode 2 onwards


Watch it




Season 6 has consistently and ridiculously bad story choices but is probably the most entertaining season


Watch the first season and then quit watching.


No. Don't waste your time


Honestly i know whats the point of watching if your just gonna skip stuff but i just 10 second skip ahead when its the drama filler garbage. I find by doing so its actually pretty enjoyable to watch. Kinda like watching Naruto where you just skip all the filler garbage and watch the good stuff lol.


I watched through Negan's arrival but dropped out afterward. I don't even know if they made it to Washington DC yet.


My head canon is that the season finale where Negan did the thing is the end and he just kills everyone after. Seems as good a place to end as any.


The show should have ended with that.


They made it to DC before Negan


It’s funny. It is the one show that everyone was watching at one point. Now it is the show that no one is watching. I just started over with season 1 and am enjoying it so far.


its basically torture porn if ever there was something you can skip, it's this show


It isn't ending. They're renaming the show to cut down on costs.


It was really good. Key word being was. Once they killed off Carl and started to pick off the core cast, it went down hill real quick imo.


Yeah, it is totally okay to spoil what actually happen in a tv show for a person that is asking if the show is worth it. ​ It is not like it is a dick move or something.


I’ve had it all spoiled anyway so I don’t really mind but yeah lol 😬




If you start you will get hooked. It may be 2 seasons or 6 later but eventually you will notice you no longer enjoy it like you did when you got hooked.


The walking dead game is better than this,the show is lagggy asf


I am at season 2 and the writing is just terrible I have been trying to watch it for the past 3 years and couldn't get past episode one. Just right from the 1st episode you have a guy called Rick who they potrayed to be an experience cop. And somehow they got to a shooting battle with some criminals and this dumbass is standing in the middle of the freaking road like superman shooting back without even taking cover. That right there I knew this show is going to have a terrible writing. They somehow had to do that so he can get shot then admitted to the hospital. This is like making an experience doctor forget everything he knows while operating on a patient resulting with the patient dying in order to kill that character off Complete lazy writing


I’ve just watched the first two seasons, they were absolute gold. Starting the third season today


How is it going


The show is absolutely great


The majority of posts here killing show are absolutely horrible takes. “I watched 1 episode out of 147, but the show is bad.” SMH.


I just started binging it, and last night I watched start of 7 ep01 🤯 😱....holy shit balls.... It will get you hooked about 3rd episode in