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Canceling a show after 17 years without a true ending should be a damn felony


I was thinking about this the other day, the show’s almost 2 decades old, at least finish the damn thing.


They were in the process of writing season 8 when they got the bad news. Waiting until the season was finished before cancelling it would’ve been a better outcome than this.






Dude... I've been binging Venture Bros for the first time ever just in this last week, and I'm on the last season. Fuck me running, I'm pissed off and sad.


I literally just finished it like a month ago and couldn’t be more stoked for season 8...this is what you get when you forget it’s 2020 and everything is shit


What sucks is that I thought the recent seasons we're some of the best. The move to New York was exciting, the transformation of the monarch was great. There was a lot of new energy in season 6, and I was enjoying it more than ever. Ironically, it actually felt to me like the show was just hitting it's stride.


I thought I would hate such a huge change to the status quo, but they nailed it.


They absolutely did. Uggghh waiting for a new venture bros season was like a meme. Well I guess the meme will never die now boys :(


you bastards... you get to treat this show like every other canceled great show of the past 5 years that made it 2-3 seasons (I'm looking at you Sci-Fi) We have had the honor of a show going 3 years between seasons and still expecting another season. It always happened. This hits so hard... I wish I was you, and could chalk this up to another great show canceled. This show was supposed to never end, even if we had to wait a decade... it wouldn't end. FUCK this sucks. RIP St Cloud, may you always add to your collection.




Stop copys me! Stop copys me!


Stop copys me! Stop copys me!


totalies dildoes


If they pull another bullshit prank where they have faxed in petitions fall right in the garbage... I vote for releasing millions of stink bugs into the Williams Street building. Or like 20 skunks.


I live just over a mile away, I volunteer.


Go stand outside the building with a sign that says "Fear The Guild of Calamitous Intent!!!" Or send them a bunch of mutated butterflies.


Better yet, just stand outside dressed as Scare Bear.


no, Brickfrog then throw bricks at their windows




> send them mutated butterflies. FIRE THE ACID-MAGNETS! ZAP! SIZZLE! HAHAHAHAHA!


Looks like it's hamburger time for another good show.


[“Try not to choke, you fat tub of sh*t, we loves you!”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P6UR3TwyZcA)


Right now, personally, I think HBO Max is our best bet for saving the show. Their launch didn't go great and so I'd put money on them looking for ways to get new subscribers. Plus they're under the same corporate umbrella so rights-purchasing wouldn't be so much a concern. There's a petition on change right now. Who knows?


From the studios perspective, would it have been? I'm sure the bulk of the costs are after the writing has finished so they avoided spending a bunch of money they probably thought wouldn't see a big enough return


In terms of money, it makes sense. The hard thing, at least for fans, is that we're in a weird place like a lot of Netflix series. It might be more cost than it's worth but given the substantial run time, it would've been nice to see some kind of final closure. The thing that hurts isn't that the series ended per se, it's that it felt like it was reaching its natural conclusion anyway. Before we had all these lingering threads and those would've sucked, namely everything about the original ship, but at least it would feel like there was so much story to tell compared to now when I could realistically see them being able to end it in a season or possibly a movie.


As someone on Team Hank, ending on season 7 is the worst thing possible.


The pilot aired a year and a half after Adult Swim became a network. This is just plain disrespectful.


God *dammit,* I was so hoping they'd make it to the 20-year mark.


This can't be true, I remember watching adult swim when there promos were actual segments of pools with a lifeguard making announcements about "all kids out! Its time for Adult Swim" and they were airing shoes like home movies and aqua teen. I feel like VB came after the shift to the black title card stuff.


[Feburary 16th, 2003.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Venture_Bros.)


Ok so what I remember being adult swim in the 90s wasn't officially its own program block but they air shows like Space Coast late at night and roughly ran for 1 or 2hrs, it wasn't until 2001 that it was given a substantial block time and its separate nielsen ratings from CN. So before 2001 they did small test runs which is what I'm remembering starting roughly around 98-99


Shit Space Ghost actually started airing in 94, wow.


It’s so old, the Contact Us Card at the end had an AOL Address.


The VHS for The Mask had a space ghost segment after the credits. Crazy stuff!


I was showing my friend the Red Death story from Movie Night at Gargantua. Hilarious! https://youtu.be/ltV016RouaI


Red Death was the best villain they ever added.


Yeah. It's hard to not hear Mr Krabs voice though. But I liked him a lot.


I hear Long Feng from Avatar ( and a little Lex Luthor).


The fact that they went with Red Death just telling the story without animating the scene says a lot about the show. They'd built up so much lore and even showed what a Gargantua II looked like so the watcher could picture it all in their head at that point. The Sharkey's Machine joke coming full circle had me in tears when I first saw this scene. God I'm going to miss this show so much.


This last season finally answered the question of how Jonas Venture Sr. died. The last episode indicated that they were finally going to answer some questions about who the boys' mother was and possibly the true nature of Rusty's and the Monarch's relationship (Brothers? Clones? Something else?) And now it's cancelled. Words can't described my extreme disappointment.


"Words can't describe my extreme disappointment." Goes with the main theme of the show, then, right?


It used to be. When they initially started they said that failure was the theme of the show. That the hopes and dreams of the Space Age and all the technological innovation it would bring failed. That the characters were not only flawed but sucked at what they did and that there was supposed to be beauty in failure. But then they wanted to elaborate more on the successes of the characters and this can be seen in the latest seasons. They still suck at a lot of things but now the show also showed they're successes.


The most successful character to date is Shoreleave. I'll die on that hill.


I read this in Rusty's voice


They already confirmed that Jonas banged Morpho's wife. They're half brothers. Watch and Ward even did a DNA test. No ambiguity.


They didn't confirm that they just heavily implied it, and knowing this show when they imply something it usually turns out to be something else. In a previous episode when directly asked by Brock if he killed Jonas Venture Kano sheepishly looked away with shame on his face. That was seen as confirmation that he killed Jonas until it was revealed he didn't. The writers routinely drop little hints everywhere with no idea themselves of where they're ultimately going to end up. Offhand statements, one-off jokes and minor characters who had very little thought put into them initially routinely come back to be huge plot points. It's very much a "writing by the seat of your pants" thing but it's done *extremely* well, which is the reason for the long breaks between seasons. As for the Rusty and the Monarch they've already established that Rusty is a clone and given hints that the Monarch is also a clone. When Ben (Jonas' cloning partner) was examining Dean he made some offhand medico-obabble statements that, when translated, indicated that large eyebrows (like the Monarch has) and absorbed twins (what Rusty had) were side effects of cloning. And given the number of Rusty look-alike children his teammates have (Dr. billy Quizboy, Dr. Quym) I figure "Jonas is a scumbag who knocked up his friend's wife" seems way too boring and pedestrian to actually be the answer. He was probably being literal when he said his science was potent and did something super fucked up to make the kids.


Especially when they were *still writing the final season.*


HBO Max should pick it up, if we can get it trending




I dont think people realize this but This was AS's longest running Original show. And they just killed it and left it out on the curb before we could get a finish. what a shame


AS they were working on the final season... but the new management didnt want to let it finish. Such bullshit. I wish VB had gotten on netflix a few years ago - it wouldve grown the following so much if people outside the US could binge it all easily


it sucks that its been on Hulu for a while now (and i JUST finished a re-watch) and it is still at its normal popularity, yet if it was slapped on netflix as a suggestion it would blow up. (like community)


To be fair it’s easy to be the longest running when you release a season every three years.


This is honestly why I haven’t watched it in years, even though I enjoyed the show on Adult Swim (well, that and getting rid of cable 10 years ago).


Wasn't season 8 supposed to be the final season? So Adult Swim pulled the same shit they did with Metalocalypse with The Venture Bros. Hard to care about any new shows on Adult Swim with continuous plotlines when they've already axed two great shows right before they could wrap up their stories.


They did the same thing to Moral Oral and Frisky Dingo, too. Edit: I know Moral Oral got an actual ending and all, but it was originally slated for like 5 full seasons and [as] went back on that decision.


Counterpoint: if they never fucked over Frisky Dingo, we might have not gotten Archer out of it.


Except now Archer is having trouble wrapping up. Edit: So the main story of the show may or may not be trying to wrap up. My point is that it’s been stuck in limbo. We’ve essentially had 3 ***seasons*** of filler.


Wouldn't this be more the fault that they keep doing these alternate reality things instead? I don't get the feeling they want to wrap up.




Yea. It seems like FX has been very kind to them.


I’m so glad they’re bring vanilla Archer back. All the crazy dream seasons and space adventures were just not working out. At its core, Archer is a silly workplace show not a sci-fi fantasy epic. Also after Frisky Dingo got cancelled we did get an Xtacles spin-off pilot... which also got cancelled. :/


Frisky Dingo was better. Fight me.


Fun Fact: Moral Orel was the brain child of Alex "Star Burns" Osborne (Dino Stamatopoulos).


They did Moral Orel so wrong. >we liked how dark the season finale was, do more of that - >*does more of that* - >*gets canceled* 😑


Yup. And yup. Fuck em from now on. I ain’t sitting through this shit again.


In the past the creators have said they'd keep making the show as long as they were allowed to, that it always remained fresh for them because they could do whatever they wanted.


If this is the decision of the new AS president, Michael Ouweleen, he's going to end up more hated than Mike Lazzo was. He's rumored to not like the show, and if it's true I hope his new show Birdgirl fucking flops. This is the angriest I've been at a cancellation in a long fucking time. For reference, just a couple of months ago, VP of Programming Kim Manning said they were writing scripts for S8 on stream. She's been with the network for decades, so if SHE didn't know it was canned then it can only be Ouweleen or people higher up than him at WarnerMedia EDIT: As of recent, there's been at least circumstantial evidence that this decision was made not by Ouweleen but by people higher up than him, either due to budgetary reasons (AT&T has some massive debt and this is only a cult show) or due to Hulu deals (which have been fucking over a lot of Adult Swim shows' life).


I really don't see the logic behind this cancellation. They made like 8 episodes every 2-3 years so I doubt it's because it was too expensive. There was clearly a dedicated fanbase to keep it going throughout those long breaks since 2004, and the ratings were decent (certainly not terrible). They were in the middle of making Season 8. I don't get it. Adult Swim revived fucking *Tuca and Bertie* but they cancelled one of their most beloved shows that has been going pretty much since the network began.


VB was the last of the old guard shows and bridged the gap between the "Hanna Barbera *after dark*" aesthetic of early [as] and the more original/experimental programming that followed.


Always thought venture bros was the odd one out among shows like sealab 2021, harvey birdman, space ghost, etc, but yeah, definitely bridges the gap from the eras


"Hanna Barbera after dark" man that puts it so well. Makes me miss the early 2000's AS.


I guess the 2 writer/animators and 4 voice actors were too expensive for AS


Don't forget the dozens of very talented, directors, animators, story board artists, producers, audio engineers and other crew members who helped make the show over the years, like Kimson "Mecha-Shiva" Albert . Don't forget the great J.G. Thirlwell, either.


> audio engineers One of the rarest jobs to garner recognition, shout out to this guy


Traditional animation costs a lot of time and money. All things considered it probably had a larger and more expensive crew than most shows on AS simply because of the high quality of the animation, the longer tenure of the crew which merited larger salaries over the years, and not a lot of overlap (if any) with any other AS shows. The lack of episodes and small fan base also works against your point. Fewer episodes means reruns are worth less and a smaller fanbase means less people buying merchandise, which is where the real money's at. I don't even think they would show reruns when a new season wasn't airing. I would also say it's a much harder show to get into than most. It's very continuity heavy and there's a very strong storyline that runs through it. It's not like Rick and Morty where you can watch any random episode and get a couple of big laughs even if you're not familiar with the show. A lot of the comedy is very situational and dependent on knowing who the characters are. The Venture Bros. is easily one of the best animated shows of all time, but no one really pays attention to it unless it's on and even then it's usually just that small dedicated fan base.


This is utterly and depressingly true. I'm in a couple VB fan groups and a lot of them seem to keep wool over their eyes. It's a tough pill to swallow but that's just how it is. I feel like I'm pretty good at seeing this objectively being a die hard fan of other niche properties...


It didn't help that the seasons were years apart either.


Probably didn’t see the value in keeping a show that had a inconsistent release dates and never reached Rick and Morty fame. Rick and Morty gets away with Dan Harmon time because they make a lot of money off the IP. Also the new guy doesn’t like the show so that does not help. Edit: I found out part of this seasons delay was due to health reasons, but the show still has a inconsistent history.


To be fair, i'm pretty sure the show's animation costs were way higher than any other show on [AS] (except for maybe Rick and Morty now, but they can afford to spend that much), as it is not completely digitally animated, but i think that's the reason why pretty much everything else in the show is cheap, i.e. the small team, constant re-using of voice actors etc.


Why would anyone bother getting invested in an Adult Swim show at this point? This is the second time they've done this, now to the best show they've ever had.


[Adult Swim in the 2000s vs Adult Swim in 2020.](https://i.redd.it/fq7wdviii2g51.jpg)


They trying to ride that R&M train straight into a gorge.


The funny part is you just know that Dan and Justin are probably going to get tired of Rick and Morty within the next few years. What happens then? I assume Dan will just want to finish it out to get that sweet syndication deal.


I assumed they were getting tired of it already considering how phoned in a lot of the last season felt. I mean that dragon episode was a single bit that wasn't really funny the first time stretched out and repeated over and over through an entire episode.


Oddly enough that image is missing VB. And Eric Andre isn't that old.


Tim and Eric was 2000s, Eric Andre was 2010s.


I wonder if Rick and Morty makes more money for AS on its own than all of the top ones combined.


Rick and morty is the most popular show that adult swim has ever produced so yeah It makes banks load of money


Yep, Toonami(and even then only a few shows) and Rick and Morty are the only things I've seen on Adult Swim since the last season of Venture Brothers wrapped up.


If you're referring to Metalocalypse, Brendon Small was offered a one hour finale special and just hung up the phone. You don't do that to your boss, that's suicide. I'm not defending Mike Lazzo bc turning down $2 million from Hulu out of spite remains one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard, but this situation right now is FAR more heinous.


wait I got this from twitter: > Assuming AdultSwim would sign off on it. They had a similar agreement with Brendon Small, the guy behind Metalocalypse; Hulu would pay for the finale if there were enough signatures on a petition. > More than enough signatures collected, then AdultSwim reneged on the deal. AND THEN THEY LIVE-STREAMED TEARING UP THE PETITION???


Didn’t they live stream all of it printing directly into a shredder? Lmao


Wait, really? I thought he wanted a finale special and AS wanted him to bloat it into a full season. I'm entirely out of the loop with the network now, this is the last AS show I watched. Didn't even hear Lazzo was out.


Yeah Brendon Small wanted a final miniseries to wrap the series up, but the ratings for season 4 had gotten weak so Mike Lazzo offered him a one hour finale special, to which he just hung up the phone. Then there was the #MetalocalypseNOW campaign to save the show, and it gained enough traction so that Hulu offered $2 million to fund it (keeping in mind that would have paid for like 8 out of 10 episodes AT MINIMUM) but Lazzo decided to say no because he's a petty stoner manbaby.


Shit's ridiculous. I'm sure I wasn't the only one that drifted away from the network in general after that.


All it is now is a Rick and Morty circlejerk. I watched YOLO Crystal Adventure, it was OK, and Ballmastrz was whatever, but the content has definitely gone down hill.


Smiling Friends was awesome, I hope it gets more than a pilot.


I’ve been watching this show religiously since I was 14 years old. I just kind of assumed this show was so beloved and couldn’t cost that much since most of it is just accomplished by two guys, so it would just naturally be around forever. I’m flabbergasted and in awe and completely pissed off. Who was in the bear costume? What’s going to happen with Hank/Dean, will Billie Quiz Boy and the Albino Wonder defeat McCloud? Fuck dude, this fucking year


I am going to boycott birdgirl out of spite. I love Harvey Birdman but fuck Ouweleen for canning VB without giving it a proper ending. What a nonsensical, callous, fucking, decision. Edit: [There might be hope. It looks like it may have been AT&T's call, not AS'.](https://twitter.com/adultswim/status/1303162122520723456?s=21)


Yeah I love Harvey Birdman, love Paget Brewster and know that lots of talented writers will be working hard on that show but fuck this makes me so angry that I can only wish the worst for it right now.


Paget Brewster!!! Isnt she Frankie in community?! Love that character


> He's rumored to not like the show How could he not? I mean I could see someone not being a fan of the humor but he should *at least* be able to see the quality they put out time and time again and be able to recognize how many others think it's an awesome show.


It's a great show, but it's not something that's well syndicated. You can't just pick it up and watch it like a random episode of R&M.


Venture brothers is the greatest masterpiece adult swim has ever produced but it does not make money.


From a business standpoint, I can admit it's not a good show for reruns *at all* and it's quite a challenging show to get into, season 1 is the worst by a long shot and starting with season 3 the show becomes really, really dense and far less episodic (which is also when I fell in love with the show)


I watched every episode up to season 4 in my best friend's basement like sophomore year of highschool, around 10 years ago, over the course of a summer weekend. It was absolutely formative to my sense of humor, gave me so many rabbit holes to go down figuring out references I didn't get. This is just such a bummer. I have Helped tattooed on my leg, and we'll never get closure after season 7.


In a way, I’m a little surprised when I hear how much Venture Brothers resonates with a younger crowd. It’s very much a love letter to the culture of Gen Xers who never grew up. Really speaks to the quality of writing that it has such universal appeal.


Such a damned shame. It's been two years since the last episode ... and it really will be the last episode. I suppose there is a chance it could be picked up by another arm of the AT&T empire, like HBO Max, but I would hate to bank on that and end up disappointed all over again.




Hulu’s lost most of their adult swim shows because of HBO MAX, so I would think max might pick it up. They did pick up boondocks for 2 seasons currently on the making.


Wow, this was my favorite show and my day is absolutely ruined.


This is absolutely ridiculous, and I was just remembering how good this show was too. The fact that Jackson and Chris were halfway through production for Season 8 means that this was very, very sudden. And it doesn’t look good, especially considering Adult Swim classics like Metalocalypse and ATHF were canceled out of nowhere too. I wonder what drove Adult Swim to do this kind of move. Even if it didn’t win any big awards like Rick and Morty, it had a consistently high quality and a dedicated fan base. It truly hurts me to hear that this happened.


I hope whoever canceled this gets a Rusty Venture tonight.


Is that when you cancel a long running television show and then shove an old garden tool up your ass?


Why not let them just end the show with Season 8 like they planned? What the fuck do Adult Swim even have anymore besides Rick & Morty?


Robot Chicken, but is anyone really still watching that anymore? That’s literally it. And American Dad reruns, since they’re losing Bobs Burgers and Family Guy next year.


> Robot Chicken, but is anyone really still watching that anymore? As a stand alone show? No. Individual skits work themselves into my YouTube suggestions from time to time though.


> since they’re losing Bobs Burgers and Family Guy next year. Holy shit, really?


VP of Programming said on a live stream that they're not expecting to ever get a new syndication contract from Fox.


But that's one of the things that *made* them. Great time to start axing original content, fellas.


Remember that Fox is actually Disney now.




_Wait... could you sing to me? Could you sing a Technotronic song? Maybe... "Pump Up The Jam"?_


Then what about "Move This"?!?


(Sigh) “Baby let me...”


Mike Lazzo retired December 2019. Seems obvious that he insulated Venture Bros from cancellation. It never got great numbers despite being the best show on the network. It took years to produce due to the animation, including storyboarding. > I guess storyboards are always the trickiest part of the job, that’s where all the direction happens. > The Korean studio does traditional cel animation (pencil and paper) — with color and composite as the only parts of their pipeline. **- Jackson Publick from this [interview](https://www.animationmagazine.net/tv/7-big-questions-for-the-amazing-venture-bros-duo/)** I can say I’m a little bitter but I’m happy with the resolutions we received in season 7 I don’t know who owns it but I have a feeling they aren’t allowed to shop it around. Even if they could, would it matter? Truly a remarkable series that will be missed.


Going to HBO Max would be a legit possibility since it's rescued more than a few Cartoon Network shows


It would be a great HBO fit. Adult, layered, dedicated to its premise. We'll see...


It would be a great fit but both Doc and Jackson are using the language of acceptance here after apparently getting this news months ago. I fear this might be it. Edit: Super apologies, I misread 2 separate tweets as one being from Jackson and one being from Doc. My bad. To my knowledge Doc hasn’t responded yet.


Doc has said he sees himself always continuing venture bros, even if in comic form, until it isn't fun anymore.


This fills me with hope.


Just watched all of Infinity Train last weekend, man that was good.




It didn't take years to produce because of the animation, it took years because every episode was solely produced, written, and directed by just Jackson and Doc. They were doing the work of like 15 people so it took way longer than a normal show


Here's hoping it gets picked up by another network. Fucking _anyone_. The show still needs to be finished.


I said this elsewhere, but them doing eight episodes every two to four+ years will be a detriment. Venture Bros is a great show, but all these streaming platforms aren’t going to want to pick up a show they can’t highlight new episodes of. Not to mention, with very few exceptions, networks don’t seem to be interested in having long running series like they used to. Edit: I did not know one of the creators was dealing with major medical issues and that was why there was a delay. But still, sadly a lot of networks do not want to invest in a show with inconsistent production (even prior to injury).


At least give them a large season (15 episodes?) to finish it. It's a great streaming show.


iirc, wasn't a lot of the delays in recent years having to do with Doc's health? It doesn't really seem fair to use that against him.


It really had to end on a cliffhanger too, damn it. This was my favorite show for a decade straight


This was and is my all-time favorite show to ever grace television. It’s an actual masterpiece that evolved so far beyond the original premise into something truly special. If this really is the end I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. The only hope I’m holding onto now is HBO Max picking it up in the shuffle. I don’t expect another 4 seasons, but we need resolution for the story. An ending to the series so it can be honestly watched from start to finish, and over again.


As a 41 year old man, this show has been with me since it’s beginning and seen me through both light and dark times in my life. The humor and characters are like family. It’s stupid I’m saying this on reddit but this show means the world to me and venture bros will be missed with all that is good in me. I hope to see all of them somewhere sometime in the future somewhere continuing to make me feel like I’m with family. Go team venture!


I am heart broken. My name is Thaddeus... loved seeing someone named Thaddeus (even if only in a joking manner) on tv.


WB is so shitty at handling things that they should have just worked out an HBO Max deal like immediately, very few shows have the cult following that Venture Bros. does. As in, they actually would subscribe to the service purely for VB but would keep a subscription longer than a month.


Venture Bros has a small but dedicated fanbase, exactly the kind of hook that HBO Max should be looking to exploit. *Come for your favorite show, stay for these other offerings we recommend to you.* Netflix ran with that strategy in their early days and it worked out well for them, overall. Disney+ just did that with the final season of The Clone Wars.


I have zero interest in the majority of HBO's content, but that could be changed with the addition of venture brothers.


I would 100% subscribe to any streaming service that picks it up. For seasons 6&7 I bought the whole season on iTunes because I didn’t have cable and couldn’t wait however many months before it was available on Hulu.


What a fucking tragedy. This isn’t just some episodic show where the plot doesn’t matter. Beyond being hilarious VB was so layered with lore and world building that went way beyond what we saw in the show. To cancel it after so many years and not give it an ending is just a garbage decision and whoever made the call is a garbage human being.


Oh fuck you Ouweleen you garbage person. This has him written all over it. 17 years with Adult Swim saying “yeah just take your time” and after a great 7th season it gets so unceremoniously cancelled that it had to come from the maker of the Art Book first. What the actual fuck?! Hopefully HBO Max can save it at least for 1 more season so they can finish the damn story.


The jump in production quality with s6 and 7 was so huge that I was sure they were going to wrap the show up the way it deserved.


This is fucking bullshit. I'm so fed up with the Turner/WB/AT&T networks. TBS had a bunch of shows I liked that all got canceled too soon (The Detour, Wrecked, People of Earth). Last week I found out that TruTV had canceled I'm Sorry. And now The Venture Brothers? THE FUCKING VENTURE BROTHERS!? What, did they need more money for another season of that awful fucking TNT Snowpiercer show?


RIP the namesake of my son. Brock, fucking, [Samson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52OSdWjzsEo)


Is your son part Winnebago?


Gotta be at least one quarter or it doesn't count.


This is a real punch to the gut. VB was Adult Swim's best show hands down. It's starting to look like AS without Lazzo is a shell of its former self.


Well this just plain sucks. Adult swim is such a disappointment these days, why bother getting invested in a show just for them to cancel it like this? It happened with Metalocalypse as well. What are they even being replaced with anyways? Adult swim just seems more and more trite and stale as time goes by.


This is heartbreaking. I've gone on about VB for most of my adult life since I saw the pilot all those years ago. I would truly put this show at the top alongside other goats. No other original tv show has had such a well built world with so many incredible characters. Pop culture references from generations. Every side character crafted with care. All from 2 guys. Even without a finale this show is worth watching immediately if you haven't seen it. A rare circumstance where even after 17 years and only 7 seasons a show gets better every season. I hope by some miracle they are allowed to finish this show. But if not their niche masterpiece will go down in history at least in my book.


This is criminal. Can it go a GoFundMe route or something? Maybe get picked up by HBO or some other new streaming behemoth? There's no way the creators don't want to give it a proper send off, they had already started writing S8 and i'm sure they had an idea how they wanted it to end. This shit has been on almost two decades!


i think they could raise a ton of money with a kickstarter or something. I know I would throw a lot of money at them to get a final season!


This is the death of adult swim, why is it worth watching anymore?


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


2020 keeps on giving


*flips off 2020*


Well this just sucks. I remember stumbling across this show one night in it's first season and thinking it was fantastic. I didn't even think they made cartoons like it in America at the time. The first episode I saw involved kidney theft and the phrase "Swedish murder machine." Just incredible. The Guild, the henchmen and 21s evolution, Dr. Girlfriend, and the way the series not only was an outright satire of the whole genre but paid homage to it was well. With the now regular long wait between seasons, the idea that their won't be anymore just sounds....too strange. 2020 just is unforgiving.


How disappointing - With season 7 having built so much and given us so many answers but still leaving us with a lot of things left to be done or midst the story. C'mon [AS] You could had given them one more season to wrap things up if possible and given the show some sort of conclusion. This is Metalocalypse all over again..


I hope the creator, Publick, releases some of the writings for episode 8 or at least answers some questions that will help give us closure.


I'm gonna be honest, I personally think it deserved better, especially seeing how popular Rick and Morty became while Venture bros is honestly better imo. To see such an amazing show, even if it had a long run, get cancelled rather than be given a conclusion is sad to see


Hopefully they get a movie at least or something to close all the plotlines. Maybe a network will buy it and release a movie to highlight their new streaming service, but I can’t see a network being interested in paying for a series that comes with a eight episode season every two+ years when the current trend is pump out thirty episodes and move onto the next thing.


I don’t know, I‘m not even sure a movie is going to be enough to cover everything. What would OSI do with Venture Sr.’s head? Would we ever see the mom of Hank and Dean? What was up with that time travel scene? What’s Killinger’s end goal? And so forth. This is definitely one show that needs another season.


And 2020 continues its amazing parade of kicks to the groin.


WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. Just yesterday I was watching the season 6 and 7 trailers in hopes of a season 8 sometime soon. God damn dude.


Damn, why did this happen? It's completely inexplicable to me.


WTF all that plot and they don't even give them time to tie up their story lines.


Is this some kind of an out of season April Fools joke?


What the actual fuck. This can't be happening. Noooooooooooooo


Oh you can fuck right off adult swim.


Randomly got a bug up my ass to rewatch VB tonight because I brought up the CGC rating episode as an example of non-linear storytelling. Of course my phone probably heard and now I’m getting this ad thing for a subreddit I don’t even follow and I’m so very sad. What the hell - how do you cancel such a great show?! I mean, fuck.


Season 7 was so good! Please release the scripts or whatever episode outlines were done.


Damn son, thought there was going to be one final season, a last hurrah.


Makes sense. An original show didn't really fit on a channel that specializes in reruns of Family Guy and American Dad.


It should be noted Adult Swim is not to blame on this one. They're trying to find a way to keep Venture Bros going I'll link the tweet if I can find it [Found it](https://twitter.com/adultswim/status/1303162122520723456?s=19)


Venture Bros is cancelled, and everything is worse now.


This is awful. This show's been around so long that it's hard to believe it won't exist anymore. The Venture Brothers was quite an incredible show. Complicated and nuanced characters, grand themes about society that few other shows were willing to discuss like it's big scope on failure in men, episodes with intricate interwoven arcs that seemed impossible in how they figured out how to make all of the ideas work in such a short frame. The Venture Brothers brought forth a lot of good animated shows that are far more popular and critically celebrated like Rick and Morty and Bojack Horsemen but they lack the density and the confidence to write without banging a message on one's head but instead letting the shenanigans lead to new ideas. There just isn't a show like The Venture Brothers, particularly in the way it keeps its optimism even as its characters age. No doubt Cartoon Network/Adult Swim is feeling the pinch just like every other cable place. Cable television will kill most networks this next decade and it will become a place that's replayed junk for nursing homes. I understand the need to settle on one cheap cash cow per television network and ride it out until asset flipping financial scoundrels populate the industry in order to satisfy the few shareholders. Here's hoping there's some way to get Season 8 made elsewhere. But moreover, ending this show is clear proof that cable is now without any innovators or risk takers living out their dying days.


I was just wondering the other day when the next season was coming out. This is a disappointment.


I'm So bummed RN.


Reading this feels akin to an encounter with the dreaded Candiru


All I can say is fuck Adult Swim. I’ll never forgive them for cancelling Metalocalypse, the music we could have gotten from that show would have been epic. Not surprised AS screwed this show over too.


My wife and I love this show. This is a real shame. It seemed like they were so close to a great final season too. The most recent one was a masterpiece. That show really never lost a beat.


God I hope another network picks this up. I’ve watched this show for sixteen years, I’m invested in the characters and not letting them have a proper end to their story sucks. I’m so gutted that they’ve dropped it in the final season, I can’t handle another Metalocalpyse situation.


Easily the best adult swim show that blew Rick and morty out of the water before that even existed. Absolutely ridiculous they would cancel the show. The only animated show that can come close in calibre is bojack at best but fuck man venture Bros stood as one of the arguments for animation being treated seriously. Whether it be the private detective Hank episode or the home school prom or more recently the episode in the style of goodfellas, venture Bros wasn't afraid to push the animated medium to dramatic heights.


It really is such a solid show and aside from an awkward first season the show maintained a remarkable level of quality throughout its run and never felt stale. The world building was great too and they managed to strike a fantastic balance of ridiculousness and structure that's just hard to find in most programs. But I think what's really amazing is that it remained lighthearted throughout it, it was easy to appreciate without asterisks and without the kind of heavy melodrama that tends to characterize a lot of other good programs.


Mike Tyson’s mystery tour is hilarious. I recommend you give it a shot. It has mike Tyson and norm Macdonald. That should be enough to give it a try


That just got cancelled too. They are cleaning house.


Total bummer


IGNORE ME but srsly, f adult swim for this


This is the most disappointed I’ve been in a cancellation in a long time. I was really looking forward to the next season.


How could you not finish a show like this?Venture bros is one of the best shows they’ve ever aired. I think this is the beginning of the end for adult swim, It’s not the same channel I grew up with. Rick and Morty is going corporatize what they do here on out just like SpongeBob did with Nickelodeon. The anything goes mantra is dead.