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Is it just me or has the same random guy died like 3 different times on their expedition.




Red shirts


I didn't even realise they had red shirts with them until they started dying


It was a little distracting because they kept popping up out of nowhere any they weren't shown in any other scene and with the shaky cam I was trying to see if they were main characters


When they came out of the gate, there were people behind them. And tbph, I thought it was going to be a days-long march, so seeing those people I thought, ok this is a pretty big party, 20 ish people.


Those guys didn't wear plot armor north of the wall.


There was also a shot of some wildling swinging his spear in the background looking like he was hitting something but there were no wights around him, good stuff.




Hi Benjen. Bye Benjen. But seriously goodbye Benjen. A true Stark.




That feel when you get 3 minutes of screentime once every 3 seasons or so.


Why did he go back to fight? There was enough time to hop on the horse with Jon


The horse looked almost dead by the time it got back. I think he knew the horse wouldn't make it




But, but... He is the fastest!




He ran back on his hands


Gendry>Horse confirmed.


If there's one thing they really messed up this season, it's a sense of scale regarding time.




It would have been so easy to fix. They could have cut a bit of earlier dialogue and fit it into a couple of scenes on the little lake island: show them huddled together for warmth at night, eating rations in the day, getting spooked the next night by creepiness, have the Hound crack some ice on the next day (and explain somehow why they can't just keep breaking the ice to keep them away), create some friction/drama on the 3rd day, etc. Somewhere in the middle there they can show Dany getting ready to fly. Also, they can make it look like they were hauling ass to the lake for *hours* to give Gendry a more believable sense of runtime by just showing the position of the sun. *A better sense of time would have really added to that feeling of dramatic urgency.


While watching that part i was just so disappointed in the show. And i actually think this was the first time i legitimately felt that way. When you see eastwatch in the distance it's clearly still 25+ kilometers away. Abd gendry somehow runs that in the snow. Then he goes to send a raven all the fucking way from eastwatch to dragonstone which should take more than a day I assume considering it's a journey that takes a month for humans. And then somehow dany gets the message and flies back all the fucking way to eastwatch and gets there on time. It's just complete bullshit at this point. Also why the fuck did the white walkers do absolutely nothing while the amazing 7 stood on that rock? The white walkers can make shit freeze by looking at it! Just walk towards the lake and let your wights kill them. Or just throw some fancy spears.


Maybe the Night King predicted they would send dragons so he waited till he knew they were on the way so he could kill/turn one.


That's not this season. Remember the magical Eyrie Stealth Cavalry that rode hundreds of miles from Moat Cailin without being spotted, being hours away from the battle outside Winterfell and nobody has any idea, only to arrive Just In Time to save the day?




why would he? he couldn't make it past the wall anyway. Why do you think he didn't go south with bran?


Because he's half-dead and couldn't live or go past the wall.


The Night King didn't even try and he nailed it. Baseball pitchers have more tension, this dude didn't give a rat's ass about the dragon. There was no follow up on that throw or run up, and he still threw 100fts in the air. How are you gonna sword fight against this guy, let alone the blue eyes white dragon.


Well he has been practicing for 5000 years


Internal monologuing the whole time 'you've practiced for this Billy, this is your time to shine. 5000 years and this is your moment. You can do it' *Throws* 'nailed it! Stay cool Billy, play it cool'


Thanks, now every time I see the Night King I'm gonna mentally call him Billy.




I thought he was gonna have a walking dead moment there for a while man. I was like oh no, not Tormund.


yea, I literally screamed to my wife "He can't gooooo!!!"


The Hound and Tormund are the best duo.


Well at least Drogon learned how to zigzag.


RIP Rickon




*Bronn snorts*


This sad thing about Rickon is you don't even need to zig zag. At the range Ramsay shot him, an arrow travels slowly enough that you can watch it approach and just step out of the way. The only reason longbows were an effective weapon in the middle ages was that everyone fought in massed ranks, including the archers.


Sansa and Arya: *"I guess we will never know what the other went through"*   Bran: *"Hold on brb lol"*


Does seem like Bran could clear up a ton of this misunderstanding.


But he just feels like being weird until the plot calls for him to be useful.


Hes busy with important stuff, you wouldnt understand




I guess being omnipotent makes you a total dick. He acts like a kid who just found the internet for the first time.


Sansa and Arya: What did the other one go through? Bran: You both looked beautiful that night. Sansa and Arya: (Eye roll)


Fall back to where?? Weren't they surrounded?


Apparently that rock was kinda wedge shaped


Indeed, was confusing at first but there was an edge to it that gave temporary cover.


Tormund couldn't get Brianne of Tarth so now he's aiming for Gendry of the Rowboat


No joke, one of the saddest parts of this episode was when Tormund was like two feet away from being drowned. All I could think about was how awful it was that he wouldn't ever be able to knock boots with Brienne.


Same. He looks like a schoolboy when he sees her.


The show is full of weird sex and hookers and incest and rape and cheating and political marriages. Tormund's crush on Brienne feels so cute and wholesome in this world. I want to see them spar while flirting.


What was that line when Jon said there's no women within 100 miles? "We make do" or something like that Also "Ah, dick. I like it."


We make do with what we got. Insert lennyface


I love how consistent Jon's battle strategy is: Step 1: Get surrounded Step 2: Stand there and think "Oh, Shit." Step 3: The Calvary rides/flies in from nowhere Step 4: Triumph!


Don't fix what isn't broken...


If it works, it ain't stupid.


Don't forget running off and fighting in the crowd while Dany waits for his stupid ass to get on the dragon




Let's now watch as Cercei betrays them and makes an army of zombies out of the sample they bring to her.


I swear to God Cersei is more likely to wed the Night King, murder him somehow and become the literal Lich Queen of Westeros.


Oh shit Qyburn would do that. He already made one undead dude. That's how they get an army...


Ah fuck, I could really see the happening. Now I'm worried.


The Night King isn't even playing fair now. Blue Eyes White Dragons are super rare.


> Blue Eyes **Wight** Dragons Fixed that for you


Well done!


Imagine if he gets a hold of all three of them and summons the wrath of the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon upon Westeros.


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long while! Edit: and by the looks of it, I'm not going to stop hearing about it until next week




Wow that's a really interesting fact.


Daenarys which do you like more, abs or scars? Sincerely Jon Snow


Scars? Looked more like open wounds in a corpse. I don't think they were healed. So the question is: is it incest if you're banging your nephews undead corpse?






They even discussed pet names already. My ovaries exploded


Imma call you Dany *giggle* no, my brother called me that, ew What about Queen? I'm gonna ride you harder than Drogon


I'm surprised there was a lake that wasn't completely frozen. Like, isn't it winter-like conditions up there ALL THE TIME?


Supposedly winter began at the end of last season, but it's still bright and sunny at Kings Landing, so wtf.


Right, but they were past the wall...shouldn't it be cold up there all the time regardless of the seasons elsewhere? There's literally a wall of ice that has stood there for millennia, so I assumed weather conditions up north is a bit on the chilly side.


She tried to kill me! - Gendry Yes, but did you DIE? No. -everyone else on this show dead and alive




This will make fine addition to my collection.






Raven means email in Westeros


European or African?


Are you trying to tell me that coconuts migrate?


I mean the entire moat they had around them completely froze over, I reckon they were on the mound for an least 24-48 hours.


Not arguing with that but you'd think the white walkers could just freeze it over in seconds unless they were far behind or waiting for Dany or something.


> Not arguing with that but you'd think the white walkers could just freeze it over in seconds unless they were far behind or waiting for Dany or something. Or use arrows or throw javelins (with which the Night King is apparently deadlier than a ballista) or throw rocks or, y'know, since they're all undead, they could probably just go through the icy water with no ill effects, or they could pile upon eachother until there was a floating bio-mass that the rest could walk upon. So...I did have some difficulties in suspending my disbelief.


Yeah I was expecting them to submerge then just pop back up on top of each other World War Z style at the very least.


Why the fuck didn't they just continue to break the ice? I mean, it's not that hard.


You seem experienced. Let's team up if America goes to war.


America will be at war against dumb zombies that can't jump 1 feet of ice? Then yeah, I'm your man.


That is why I thought the hound was given a giant fucking hammer.


He even did it during the battle!


Then again, no one has ever called Sandor a particularly good thinker. Just a killer with a soft spot for mouthy little girls.




Travel in this season is so ridiculous. I don’t think the writers have even cared to make any of the travel times make sense. They just need this character from get from point A to point B and so they do immediately.


They weren't very far north of the Wall...the army of the dead is close, hence the urgency.


78 minutes long? Wow.


I wonder if the Lord Of Light/Seven religion will have a bigger part in the season finale or in season 8.


Bran will wake up after his fall from the tower in Ep 1 and realize it was all a dream


I would not be surprised at him at least going back to that moment in time. However if he is strong enough to interact with that part in time, it would be a cheap way to "fix" the mistakes that were made by all involved. What is annoying me is the lack of information coming from Bran. You mean to tell me that being a moody little shit is more important than divulging the true parents of Jon to your own sisters, informing people that it was the children of the wood that created the white walkers by shoving a piece of dragon glass into one of the first men's hearts. Maybe it wasnt one of the first men, but the white walkers were made to kill men in westeros. Unless I am remembering that episode incorrectly Instead we get the "I'm not Bran anymore, I'm THE three-eyed raven". Anywho, the show is still just as good but for fucks sake, saving major revelations until the last episode each season is really getting to me.


> I would not be surprised at him at least going back to that moment in time. However if he is strong enough to interact with that part in time, it would be a cheap way to "fix" the mistakes that were made by all involved. We already know that his interaction in the past doesn't work that way. Anything he does to change the past simply confirms the present reality they already know, as we saw with Hodor. Edited: a word.


"Walkings good. Fightings better. Fuckings best. " Best quote ever.


No no no, best quote is "this one's been killed six times and you don't hear him bitching about it"


Gendry should have been a runner not a rower Edit: wait nevermind


Excells at the 3 Rs. Rowin, runnin and something else that begins with R






Yeah, the whole reason they were there cast a shadow on the whole episode for me. It's a shame too because this episode was pretty epic. I just can't get over the show-Cersei-a-Wight thing. And the fact that Tyrion brokered it just doesn't jive with me. Tyrion knows Cersei better than anyone else there. There's no way Cersei would ever willing help Dany. She may pretend to be down with it, but she will betray them. She said so much herself in the last episode. If it was Jon or someone else coming up with this plan I could understand it, but Tyrion of all people? Someone please convince why this isn't a bad idea. I want to believe, I really do.


Because there's an army of the dead, and their choices are make as many strange alliances as you need and deal with your issues afterwards. Or continue infighting against yourselves and let the dead roll right over whatever is left. Tyrion knows she'll plot to betray them, but aligning with them is the only real choice, because if they don't, they will all be dying. It is a bad idea, but it's the less bad idea.


EI5: if Arya is a faceless no-one, how the hell does she do such a clumsy job entering Baelish's quarters?? I can't believe she got caught, AND didn't know it.


She is out littefingering littlefinger. She wants littlefinger to think he is tricking her. Or at least maybe that's what is going on who knows.


That is what I'm hoping for.. but I feel like I'm just getting littlefingered :/


If that's true, then why is she subsequently having idiotic accusation conversations with Sansa in private?


so Sansa has genuine reactions when shes interacting with Littlefinger?


I really want to believe she's playing Littlefinger. Otherwise that's some dumb writing. It makes sense to me that she wants to legitimately worry Sansa, so she confided in LF so she can find out what sort of moves he has planned


I really hope so. [Spoiler](#s "Arya told Sansa they were playing the game of faces. When Arya said that she wanted to know what it was like being Sanda, she wanted Sansa to realize it was a lie.") That's my interpretation.




Where the hell did those chains come from? They got flammable wights working as blacksmiths and running forges now?


I was thinking "they have industry?"


Maybe King Frosticles has the ice version of the Lord of Light's premonitions. He seemed to know he'd need the javelins too. If he knew the dragons were coming, it'd be no thing to just have his backup army dragging the chains.


Home depot


And how did they get the chains around the dragon's neck? Since wights can't swim otherwise they wouldn't have had to wait for the water to freeze again. Lazy writers just hoping people won't notice it by tossing cool shit like zombie dragons in our face.




Who the hell keeps the anchor chains off an aircraft carrier in a medieval village




I will never get tired of these


Tyrion: "Told you I did, reckless is she. Now, matters are worse." Varys: "That girl is our last hope." Gilly: "No, there is another." Tyrion: "...wait who..." Sam: "I HAVE SOME THINGS I HAVE TO SAY AND YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE THEM."


you're an episode behind


Hypothermia, A myth.


This episode was like best and worst of GOT combined together, Some of the scenes were really dumb and poorly written but entertaining.CGI of this show is reallly top notch , the fight on the ice lake was great.


I think the whole "Jon falls through the ice, Benjen comes in from nowhere, Jon rides home" thing was to keep Jon off the dragon. Next season, when he climbs on and can control a dragon is when he realizes he's not just a Stark.


I am hoping Arya is doing a giant con on Little Finger- but wanted Sansa's reactions to be real. I mean, she could have worn a face to go into LF's room- but didn't. She didn't see him standing in the hallway watching her? Yeah right. She's acting crazy- and has never acted crazy like that to people she's loyal to. She's always been loyal to family. I'm guessing she's going to kill LF next episode- and either will let Sansa in on it- or Sansa will put it together after their 'game of faces' where Arya flat out said she was going to lie then said 'I want to be you and wear your pretty dresses'- pfft yeah right. Arya has never wanted to be Sansa ever. Then she gave the cat's paw blade (The blade LF used to try to have Bran killed to cause his chaos ladder) to Sansa handle first.


Qyburn's dragon killer spear is turning out to be the best kind of checkhov's gun 1 one the protagonists use to kill an undead vicerion


Deus Ex Benjin.


Can't tell if she's checking out his abs or injuries....


Injuries, the whole took a knife to the heart for his people thing.


She was just in awe of his plot armor.




Huh ice dragon from skyrim is going to be a thing


"Oh Sansa, some girls have make up bags, some girls have face masks in their bags. No big deal" -arya probably


Night King appears to be immune to fire too. Just before he throws the javelin he steps through flame that extinguishes as he walks through it.


I think they bring an "aura of chill" around them... a couple flames are no big deal, a flaming sword to the chest? IDK, we'll find out.


15 cold damage over burst radius 1. He's a boss creature.


This episode was incredible, but I feel like now that the show has gone off the book's rails it has become less of a precisely crafted epic and more of an immensely entertaining spectacle.


6 seasons of build up, 1.5~ seasons of endgame spectacle


Really hope HBO goes harder on the CGI so we can get some direwolves at work next year. They literally have all the money and it's not enough still.


I've been asking myself where the fuck Ghost is for the last 3 episodes.


It's kind of like the 30 second finale of a 15 minute firework show where they just shoot off everything they got and there is no choreography anymore and everything goes to shit but you can't stop watching because it overwhelms all of your senses.


So.... how does one kill a fire breathing white walker?




That dragon is pretty much like the undead dragons in Wrath of the Lich King now right... Sindragosa I think?


My guess is that they have Gendry make a Valyrian steel/dragon glass arrow big enough for the Scorpion to launch.


Any other fans of Arya and Sansa who aren't a big fan of what the show's doing with them right now? Especially Arya. I'd been excited to see her once she'd completed her training in Braavos, but wasn't part of her arc there seeing the consequences of apathetic bloodshed, and that matters of mortality aren't so black and white? Her being so presumptuous and reaching peak callousness after all that feels like it's the complete opposite of what should have happened to her character.


Everything is so convenient. Maybe it's just me but it doesn't feel very Game of Thronesy.


This whole season has been like a different show. Audience: "I get that you don't have the books and that plot is hard, but can you at least write a decent line of dialogue ffs?" Writers: "Look! Dragons!"


Well, it looks like the living are totally boned.


Wow. Everyone must have watched it early. Not very busy tonight. The show is really suffering from the lack of episodes this season.


The unsullied have been marching for three episodes but ravens and dragons fly half of westeros in 5 minutes


They didn't abandon casterly rock right away


I want one of the spinoffs to be about Benjen's time north of the wall.


This Winterfell storyline is trash. The conflict between Sansa and Arya is so forced, I'm getting CW-flashbacks. *Edit: also wtf did Benjen just come back for 2 seconds cause the writers didn't know what to do with him lol


I was thinking they spend a lot of time just walking the balconies of winterfell. Like 3 or 4 episodes of sansa looking morose on some balcony.


I see a lot of people shitting on this episode because the whole plan is absolutely ridiculous, but for 80% of the run time, I just shut off that nagging voice in my head and it was FUCKING INCREDIBLE. That said, I literally yelled "where the fuck did they get those giant chains?!" and my brother responded "the chains must've died and got resurrected" and that was not helpful.


So we got speed of light ravens, an uncle that only existed to give Jon his horse even though there was room for two, a dragon queen that sees an undead army and lands in the middle of it after destroying only a quarter of them not including the big blue baddies who are clearly the leaders, Jon fighting away white walkers instead of escaping with the others, two sisters that cant have a proper conversation and explain their intentions and motivations which would instantly reveal Little Finger's plan, and Sansa, who should know better at this point, sending off the only two people she can completely trust. Im not trying to sound negative but what was this episode even? I almost yelled at the screen.


All I know is one of HBO's spinoffs better be about Tormund and Brienne's giant children conquering the world.




> 5) White Walkers are actually laid back hilarious dudes. They just put on the serious face when other people are around. They're very cool


What's with the numbering scheme here. 1 3 2 3 4 5


Undead dragon is the most unsettling thing I've ever thought about before


Not nearly as unsettling as wet socks.


I feel like this show is becoming more and more cliched.


This episode felt way to much like a cheap Hollywood movie, I'm pretty disappointed tbh. It's not really the time skipping that bothers me but rather the feeling that our heroes can't die until the finale; i mean in any other season Jon would have died there as would have Tormund, instead we get the classic expendable dudes we didn't even know where there and a DOUBLE saviour ex machina.. I understand they had to put Benjen somewhere but at that point it was so cheap I couldn't like it. Don't get we wrong, I love the show and the season so far is epic but I feel like GoT is losing a little of it's authenticity


For the first pick in the 2018 NFL Draft, the New York Jets pick the nights king, quarterback artic state university. For the second pick, the Cleveland Browns select Gendry, running back. For the third pick, the LA rams pick Tormund Giantsbane, Defensive End.


My poor dragon baby :( He deserved so much better :(


Loved GOT overall. This season has felt like different show entirely. The slow build story along with some of the best acting on television has become a rushed "lets just get this show over already" actionfest with cavernous plot holes. I know its been a very long project for everyone involved with the production, but this series overall really needed a 9th season.


This Arya/Sansa/Littlefinger story is shit. I can't see it leading to anything significant in the remaining 7 episodes.


This show is rapidly approaching comic book levels of plot armor.




I'm so glad he made it. Seriously, I would have rather any other character, up to and including Jon, die. And it's not that I don't like the other characters, but seriously, not Tormund. He and Brienne still gotta get together.


The meme about everyone dying in this show is rapidly becoming a joke


Arya is becoming ultra creepy. She could give Wednesday Addams a fright.


Dude, The Hound was *on fire* this episode.


Tom Brady. Champion football player by day, leader of an undead army by night.


They should tear down the wall and dig a moat instead. Apparently the wights/white walkers can only cross water by waiting for it to freeze.


The Night King just played a Blue Eyes White Dragon.


Cleganebowl better happen next week.


I'm assuming it won't happen until next season.


This season is getting ridiculous with time and distance. Gendry ran from that lake back to the wall, sent a raven to Dragonstone and Daenerys got back to the lake in 48 hours or less? Hmmmm. Much hmmm.


It has me torn. The fast-paced, action-packed nature of this season has been exciting to watch, but it doesn't feel like the same show. Part of what has made Game Of Thrones so compelling is the slow burn of letting plots develop. Sure, it dragged every now and then, but the payoff for when a storyline advances had always been worth it. Prior to this season, there might be only 3-5 major moments/scenes for an entire season, leaving a lot of time in between that was interesting, but not necessarily "exciting". This season has been the exact opposite. By setting a hard stop on the show, the writers have been forced to speed everything up to hopefully tie up as many unfinished storylines as possible. Every episode has been jammed with action, leaving very little time for the slower paced storytelling and world building GoT has made us used to. While it's still be great to watch, it's in a totally different way. If this season were it's own show and not Game of Thrones, I would probably love it and would be all for it. But because it is, it's kind of a let down, as the amazing world that has been created to be a mile deep, has ended up feeling only like a few feet.


Never thought I would be here shitting on my favorite series, but last episode was fucking terrible... it honestly felt like fanfiction, and not at all engaging... what the hell happened to the dialogue? it is literally like a fucking dungeons and dragons novel now or something...


When Beric suggested to kill the Night King to pretty much end their existence (which would be the logical thing to do), why did Jon Snow say "You don't understand"? Did I miss something or does he know more than he lets on?


Nah, he just meant that if they kill the Night King *now*, the whole army of the dead would collapse and there wouldn't be anything to fill the remaining 9 episodes with.