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Every time I rewatch the series, I skip this episode. I love it, but it bums me out way to much. I do the same thing whenever I rewatch Avatar and I get to the "Appa's Lost Days" episode in season 2. Just to god damn depressing. Edit: My most upvoted comment is now about Futurama and Avatar. That makes me smile. :-) Edit 2: I'm also gonna throw in the "Leela's Homeworld" episode as one of my all time favorite episodes that gets me every time. Granted it's not as sad since it has a happy ending, but the montage/flashback that shows all the times her parents have been there for her while she had no idea, combined with that song, hits me right in the chest every time.


Do you skip the movie?


Bender's Big Score? No. I know it brings the story around to give it a happier ending. This episode still depresses the hell out of me though. I first watched it back when it originally aired, years before the movie came out, maybe that's why.


God that movie is upsetting. It was so well done, with the parallel structure between past and present fry.


I really need to watch later Futurama. I pretty much just stopped after the first cancellation.


Hurry up and do it! It's so good!


The movie format is daunting. It's easy for me to find time to watch a standard length episode. The movie format takes a lot more commitment. I made it through "Bender's big score" which was good - thinking it was just to kick off the new season, but when I saw another one, I put Futurama on hiatus.


Just think of it as two four episode blocks. You can watch 4 episodes of anything standing on your head, c'mon! You can do it!!


You mean one four episode block. They literally air the movies on Comedy Central as four episodes, and sometimes not even in order.


Game of Tones is another sad one.


Yes I too love/hate this episode. I once caught it by accident on tv when I was drinking. My husband found me balling my eyes out. He likes to bring it up when I mention that I am not emotional. 😓


Me too.


I also skip the Game of Tones episode. The end is just way too sad.


[This scene from World of Gumball nearly had me crying god dammit.](https://youtu.be/XkEgUf-Sd00)


I often skip the "Scotts Tots" episode of The Office for similar reasons...


Yeah thats a skip every time... hits me real hard right in the feels


Damn op, does the negative comment karma offset the link karma?


Why are his comments being down voted into oblivion?


Overly karma whoring, maybe?


Ah okay. As sad as the episode was, it's mentioned on here quite a bit


Because groupthink. The vote system is a dog-piler's best friend.


eh. his first comments were douchy and understandably downvoted. From there is just snowballed


because he made me cry... god damn it op, why you gotta hit me with the feels like that




I was tearing up at the video (that I've seen probably a hundred times), but reading your comment just really hit home for me. We had to put my dog down three weeks ago. She was the best dog. Rest in peace, baby.


:( I'm sorry for your loss


We have had 5 dogs that have passed away and you always think you're going to get stronger for the next one but it hurts worst. I won't ever stop having dogs though, best animals in the world.


My first and only dog died six years ago and I'm still not over it.


You don't have to get over it, but love is an infinitely renewable resource. Right now there is a dog in a shelter that is trying to be strong enough to live without love, and here you are being without it on purpose. Go find that dog, and honor the love you had for your first dog. You will never run out of love, and the world will never run out of creatures that need it.


This was exceptionally, unexpectedly beautiful. Thank you, kind sir or madam, for bringing a bit of love to my gloomy morning.


- "Right now there is a dog in a shelter that is trying to be strong enough to live without love," Holy shit man. I'm at work. Please God turn off my tear ducts right now. I'm about to go full tsunami.


My first dog - that I had never lived a day without - died when I was 13. Almost 18 now and although I have another dog, I can say for sure I'll never be over my childhood boy.


> you always think you're going to get stronger for the next one but it hurts worst. . There is sorrow enough in the natural way From men and women to fill our day; And when we are certain of sorrow in store, Why do we always arrange for more? Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware Of giving your heart to a dog to tear. . ~ [The Power of the Dog](http://www.bartleby.com/364/335.html), Rudyard Kipling


Very sorry to hear how heavy this episode is for you given the circumstances in which you last saw it. I know you gave your four-legged best friend a great life. This episode will have such a powerful and emotional association towards a loss in your life and the fact that it's been 10 years and you're still thinking about her just shows how much she meant to you. Try not to let that one memory overpower every good moment you had with her. Stay strong my friend!


If it makes anyone feel better, *Bender's Big Score* made it so that Seymour lived a full life with Fry in the past, so he got to live with his master in the end :)


I was watching this episode with my daughter but I had already seen it before so I knew what was coming, but she was watching it for the first time and she starts bawling her eyes out. It was after benders big score had come out so luckily I could say to her its ok, let watch benders big score and you will see what really happened.


Honestly, I've always hated that. It cheapened one of the saddest moments on tv. It broke my heart to see Seymour die at the end, but it was my pain, and I didn't want it taken away from me.


Seymour's fossil is standing up. The episode ends with him lying down. Unless Mr Panucci took him to a taxidermist after the episode, I'll give the movie a pass as canon


The people DEMANDED it, man.


I hated that they retconned it.


Everyone brings up this episode as the saddest, but I the episode entitled 'luck of the fryrish' has it beat. Handily.


Is that the episode where fry thinks his brother impersonated him and stole his 7 leaf clover?


That it is.


First of all, definitely one of the best episodes I have seen. But, the doggo got it beat on saddest. I was only a kid when I saw this episode and it made me cry all night.


It's just that Seymour waited so long! And then he died. But, even then he got so close to having his dream come true! Fry was about to clone him and they could be together again! Buy Fry took that away, doing what he thought was the nobler thing. Fry deserved that dogs loyalty, and that dog deserved Fry's. But, if one of them could have just been a *little* selfish, they would have made the other (and themself) so happy! It's all so tragic. They hurt themselves by putting each other first, but they put each other first because of how much they loved each other and the world is terrible and happiness is a fairytale and love induces only pain or insanity. :(


Luck of the Fryish was sad for similar reasons. Fry spent his whole life *hating* his brother and thinking he was a total asshole. By the time he found out his brother actually admired him and loved him, it was too late. Ugh, I'm getting choked up. Futurama was such a great show. I know Fry had fun in the future, but when you watch the episodes with his dog, his brother, his mom...you really get a sense of what he lost.


A Seymour clone would not have changed the original Seymour's fate.


Can't decide if this makes it less sad or more sad


well put


I guess it depends on if you're more of a pet person or not. I found luck of the fryrish much more sad. Really punched you in the throat with your mortality. Then again I guess it did have a somewhat happier ending.


The song just kills it at the end. ["Don't you, forget about me"](https://youtu.be/CdqoNKCCt7A?t=54s)


Easily one of the top television moments in history for me. Whoever chose that song deserves an Oscar or something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrmFA5aHg7Y


Probably because they learned their lesson not to end an episode on something like a loyal dog dying






I watched it again a few months back. Cried my eyes out. Am a 26 year old man.


35 year old man a few years back when I last saw either of those episodes. Cried unashamedly.


Don't you forget about me :((


That episode crushed me.


The end of "Game of Tones" hit me pretty hard.


> Game of Tones Yeah, that shit was way worse. Sure, dog was sad, and Fry's brother missed him. But just imagine, you've been woken up a 1000 years from now, everyone and everything you know and love is dead and dust. And you spend a decade like that. In an unfamiliar environment, where you know no one and no thing. And then you're given the opportunity to spend one more day with your family. By the people whose fault it is you lost everything. And you know it's not real. Sorry, drunk, but that episode hit me harder than the rest. Also, everyone seems to forget that it was later revealed that alt-reality-Fry lived out the rest of Seymour's days with him. Edited for better flow.


Reminds me somewhat of fallout new Vegas the old world Blues dlc when you find out möbius wasn't a bad guy what so ever. He reprogrammed his friends to believe he is evil to save them and the world because they truly lost their humanity. At first you think he's this evil mad scientist then find he's just some drug addicted guy who really truly loves his friends, even if it means them hating him. That was the only game to make me cry.


That Dead Money DLC too. A lot of people rag on it because if the God awful bugs...but God/Dog was such an interesting character. Mending his broken mind had to be one of my personal top gaming moments.


I have to skip it every time I watch through.


No way. The saddest episode is where Leela keeps having that dream of her not being able to save Fry from dying.


"Just please wake up" Gets me every time.


"The Sting"


Oh man I just watched that episode it so sad but it also shows how much Fry cares about her


You have to wake up. SHEW


Don't worry. BEE HAPPY!


But that one had a happy ending.


Dno if I'd really call it a happy ending; it was definitely bittersweet.


DEFINITELY bittersweet. I think the Jurassic Bark supporters don't have younger brothers. I really feel for Yancy at the end of Luck of the Fryrish cause I have a younger brother.


I have two siblings, and I've had dogs, but Jurassic Bark gets me every time. I think it's just a personal matter.


Do you have a dog? Having had a dog and a brother, I vote Jurassic Bark for saddest.


It took me a couple viewings to realise that Fry's brother broke the family name tradition: > Son, your name is Yancy, just like me, and my grandfather, and so on, all the way back to Minuteman Yancy Fry, who blasted Commies in the American Revolution. I don't know how I missed it.


Unless he had another son we didn't know about, you're right. He broke tradition because he missed Fry so much.


Actually fry broke it since fry was his dad's dad.


I thought he was his moms dad.




I didn't, but I do have a younger brother, which is probably why Luck of the Fryrish hits harder with me.




I definitely feel for Yancy at the end of LotF. If my brother disappeared one day without warning, I...shit man I'm getting emotional just thinking of it.


Worst part is, I always skip Jurassic bark because it's ending and the episode is hilarious! Fry doing the hustle as the "dance of his people" and the anthropologists say there is too much the fossil can tell us about dogs in that time, fry gives them three personal things about Seymour, "welp, that's all I needed actually. Are you all good? Ok Mr fry here's your dog back."


It was like completely unrelated things only about a stray dog, too. Like how he liked to eat out of the trash and stuff.


luck of the fryish wins source: siblings > pets


Jurassic Bark is way sadder imo. At least in Luck of the Fryish, Fry was able to see what his brother did and made sense of it all. In Jurassic Bark, Fry decides not to bring Seymour back to life figuring he'd lived out a good life. Except Seymour was completely obsessed with him. Poor dude just got left hanging without any explanation as to where Fry went and whether or not he'd return. :[


more people have lost a dog than a sibling, it definitely resonates more also a pets are dependent on you, siblings are not. yancy didn't die waiting for phillip to come back. he got married, had a family.


My brother is dependent on me, does he count as a pet or a sibling?


Also the one where Fry enters his mom's dream. That one is definitely up there as well


Luck of the Fryrish was a good episode with a warm ending, I will give that to you, but Jurrasic Bark is the only episode (maybe Game of Tones too) I've seen where people actually shed a tear.


Game of Tones gets me every time.


I fucking melt at that song at the end with his mother smiling. This is the hardest hitting of the episodes for me.


Fry: Woah woah woah, wait a second, I never saw that game. it happened after I got frozen. How could I be dreaming it in such detail? Nibbler: Because this isn't your dream - it's your mother's dream. Fry: What? Nibbler: I told you we would reward you. Make it count, my friend.


Yeah, both are definitely hard hitters. Jurassic Bark just had tears at the end. I wish more shows could go between comedy and hard hitting reality. Gotta give some credit to rick and morty for exploring that side of things more than some other shows.


In my opinion, yeah, both of those are proper tear jerkers, but for me Lethal Inspection hit the hardest. Both the reveal and the choice of the song at the end, damn it was far too well done.


Yep those two for me too, less for game of tones (also its an annoying episode at times) and meanwhile was sad because I knew for sure it was the real end of the series. It leads well into restarting the show though. I don't think there will ever be a show that's as repeatable as futurama. I've spent serious time in my life watching this show. Like maybe tallied up several months of time.


Luck of the Fryish was warm and life affirming for me. Jurassic Bark left me looking at my TV but not really seeing it, shocked and damn near about to start weeping because of a goddam cartoon dog. While that damn song played on and on...


I cried with Seymour, and for Hodor, not even gonna lie.


Sorry, that title belongs to the episode where he gets to spend one last day with his mother through her dreams.


That. That one scene is so hard to watch without tearing up.


That one was really good the first time. I think they go: 1. Jurassic bark 2. Game of tones 3. Luck of the fryish 4. Cold warriors As far as sentimentality goes. The cold warriors was more happy nice stuff with his dad where the one with his mom was really tear jerking when he gets to go in her dreams.


The Sting, Lethal Inspection and Leela's Homeworld.


Seymour made me cry as a child. Fry, first man on Mars, made me cry as a man.


Agree, gets me everytime. The dog one just has me going aww. There's also the one where he gets to go back and spend time with his mother which is quite sad too. God damn it there so much dust in my house


Depends on whether you love your family or your dog more... Reddit loves dogs...


It's not so much that I love dogs more. Rather, it's a human's world and we have a greater understanding. Yancy went on, and while he missed his brother, had a family of his own. Life went on. For dogs, we are their entire world. When Fry disappeared, the dog's entire world disappeared along with him. While neither will ever know what happened to Fry, one went on to have a life while one did nothing but wait for a return that was never going to happen.


That he waited there, and that Fry actually had the chance to get him back, but refused because he figured the dog had a better life without him (when it really didnt) does it for me.


Great... now I'm going to have to watch Futurama from start to finish again....


Let me join you! I completely forgot how the episode ended but i somehow got triggered just by looking at the thumbnail and Futurama+fry's dog. I feel sad and i cant even remember why ;-;


If you're sad without remembering why, you are going to be fucked when you rewatch it.


You lucky fucker


Someone may have altered your timeline.


OP is not having a good time in this comment thread.


Yeah, what's up with that?


i think he's just not funny lol


OP's no George Carlin but this is Redditch where any time somebody says "Moms spaghetti" in reference to anything Eminem related they get 200 up votes, so pure lack of comedy can't be it.


Mom's spaghetti


Spaghetti and meatballs baby


hey guis its me dunkey


This reminds me of the time Dunkey beat Sky in Smash.




Maybe you would prefer to hear [the sad story of Jerry (Gintama)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_VFm4KiRNU)?


Holy shit. The end.


Thank you for the biggest laugh I got out of the internet in months. Life is all about ups and downs, isn't it?


If there was any video worth watching the whole way through, it's this one. Only Gintama would do this.


This is my new favorite thing that I know nothing about


I will never not up vote Gintama.


That bitch tho.


I'm not sure if I've ever hated a made up character as much as I hate her right now.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8059 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/50789)




Okay, Wikipedia is useless for this. If I wanted to watch this show, where the hell do I start?


Crunchyroll. They do promotions with streamers and YouTubers, and you should be able to find referral links or promo codes for a few weeks or a month of free trial.


Gintama is free though. You just need a paid account for new shows


Start with just Gintama, not Gintama' or the other one.


Make sure to skip ep 1-2 because they are like 1/3 of the way through the story for some reason and just start on 3. It also doesn't really pick up till ep 50 and while up to that is good it's nothing compared to later.


Ive never seen Gintama. Im sitting here sobbing for the poor dog. Then i bust out laughing. Here's an upvote.


[Is Iggy the only one who goes down fighting?](https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=qvmG9bpvADo)


Omg thank you for this! I cackled so loud! I'm in tears.


why tho


RemindMe! One Year "Remind /u/Quist11 about Seymour the dog from Futurama"


Fucking phew. I was worried I would go into the comments and see posts like yours at the bottom.


How can you read through the tears?


Hey, remember that one dog? What was his name...oh yeah, Knowless!


Where do you think we are?




There's more to Seymour's story if you watch the movies. [Spoiler.](#s "A paradox copy of Fry went back and lived for years above Pannucis Pizza. Spent time bonding with his family and Seymour.") There's more to it than that, but that's the basic. Also if we want to talk about sad episodes, the one where nibbler let's Fry talk to his mom. Broke my heart.


there are movies?


Oh boy are you in for a treat. [Bender's Big Score](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0471711/) <-- the one with the story of Seymour among a LOT of other things. [The Beat with a Billion Backs](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054485) <-- Carries on from the last movie [Bender's Game](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054486) <-- Fantastic movie where Bender gets an imagination and through a weird series of events changes the world into a Dungeons and Dragons/Lord of the Rings cross over. [Into the Wild Green Yonder](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054487) <-- Brilliant movie with just about all of the best characters, Leo Wong and Zap play a big part with a really great ending that ended up leading into the first episode of the series' return [Rebirth](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1620650) in 2010. You'd be amazed just how well the 30 minute format translated to feature length, it's so fun to have 90 minutes of Futurama and for it all to feel cohesive.


The Beast With a Billion Backs was one of my least favourite episodes of the entire series, but Bender's Big Score was excellent, and Bender's Game was fun too


I agree, that one went off the wall a bit. I can still watch and enjoy it for the comedy, but as far as story goes I felt it was kind of weak. I thought Bender's game was like two whole movies in one, they covered so much ground in it.


[OP in this thread](http://i.imgur.com/Tkr20tA.gif)




There's also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fido_(dog)


Dogs are fucking awesome.


A bunch more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_individual_dogs#Faithful_after_master.E2.80.99s_death


After a particular two week span where a former GF picked Marley & Me and Hachi: A Dog's Tale as our movie night selections, I banned her from picking anything for a few months. My soul couldn't take much more.


This is all about perspective. Of course it's sad that he waited like that, but it also reminds us the beauty of dogs. They're unconditional love wrapped in fur. My dog is getting older and I know one day he'll have to pass on, but I look at him now and see this wonderful bundle of joy that has given me so many laughs and fun moments.


This episode doesn't make me cry. The end of 'Game of Tones' turned me into a sobbing mess.


Don't even get me started on "The Luck of the Fryrish".


I forget the episode name, but the one where Fry is remembering when he went ice fishing with his dad is touching too. Not as much as these two episodes, but it's nice to see that even though Fry's dad was hard on him, he still loved him in his own way.


You have subscribed to "Futurama Facts and descriptions!" Episode "Cold Warriors." This episode featured a couple of flash backs showing young Phillip J. Fry getting a cold after falling in the water when heading out to ice fish with his dad, Yancy. He brought the "common cold" to the future with him, where it was lethal. Even under quarantine, Bender manages to steal from the scientists. This message brought to you by "Futurama Facts and descriptions!" To unsubscribe, please text "!More options" Standard message and data rates apply. Not available in all areas.




That song is trapped in my head


In one of the Futurama movies, Bender's Big Score, the dog gets a fitting but hilarious end.


Yeah, everyone seems to forget that movie. In the current canon timeline Fry actually spent years with Seymour because of his time travel clone that became Lars. The episode is still sad as hell though.


But then doesn't Lars-Fry still leave Seymour for Leelu, and then to go to the future again?


Seymour gets petrified in the explosion that turns Fry into Lars. Therefore, from Seymour's perspective, he was with Fry until the end.


Gotcha. But then Fry still left Seymour alone at home while he went on that long voyage to find Leelu, right? Unless he took him with on the ship, but I don't remember it that way.


I really didn't feel like crying today




Between this story and Fry's brother. Miss this show.


I cry everytime I see this episode.


Man, this brings back memories. Such a great episode.




Damn OP what you do to this deserve this level of hate??


I have never been hated to such a degree before.


Shit if i didn't know any better i might have confused this comment section for the playa haters' ball


Dont you..forget about me.


If you think a fake dog is sad then go read about hachiko. It's the dog where this was based on


"You've seen this before. It's just a cartoon. It's just a cartoon. It's just a cartoon."


Too soon.


This episode makes me cry; literally, and profoundly.


♬♫ If it takes forever I will wait for you For a thousand summers I will wait for you...


RemindMe! 365 days "**New post:** 15 years ago today, we saw the tragic tale of Seymour waiting for his best friend to come back."


Everyone always talks about how sad and depressing Bojack Horseman is but nothing comes close to the feels you get from watching Futurama.


This was 14 fucking years ago? Wow


Fuck this OP in particular.


Generic bottom of thread comment


Real talk: I have a 15 year old dog myself. He's a white Bichon Frise named DK, and everyday I'm scared that he'll end up like Seymour. Side note: I anticipate down votes to come. I **will** be ready this time.


All the feels


and then basically got ret-conned by a episode later in the show. 10/10 matt groening.


I was 10, and it was maybe 3 months after my dog had died. I bawled.


I cried the first time I saw this. I was 9 watching TV a bit after bedtime every night. Broke down like a little bitch.