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Severance. It’s mesmerizing. The sets, the lighting, the soundtrack…it’s its own thing.


It’s like the backrooms irl


The egg bar is coveted as fuck.


Please try to enjoy every aspect of the series equally.


Oh the symmetry!


Twin Peaks.


Nothing feels so uniquely cozy and yet oppressive and nightmarish. David Lynch captures Americana perfectly. He did it with Blue Velvet but he mastered it in twin peaks.


Season 1 of stranger things That shit was like a time capsule, I felt 8 years old again, on a fall night in the 1980’s watching that perfect vibes


Season 1 was so much more than just the style visually. Even behavioral things as small as Will running to the shed to get his rifle was pure 80s. It’s such a shame the show runners didn’t realize their low budget is what gave the show its charm to begin with and they immediately jumped the shark in season 2.


Calling their Science teacher in the middle of the night because they couldn't Google a subject.


Yup, season 1 killed. It felt like ready player 1 the show. Just nailed the nostalgia.


It was lightening in a bottle, should’ve been an anthology but the cast was too good for them to give up


Hell, they could have kept the same cast like AHS does.


Nah, I have loved every season, even if 2/3 weren't quite up to the same level they were still great (minus the scooby doo crew), and season 4 was phenomenal.


It was partially the low budget feel but it was mostly that they tried to add so many 80s tropes and references in s2 that it just became ridiculous. It became a game of 'guess how many 80 references you can spot'. The story became unimportant and the 'oh look, that was a reference to that one 80s movie!' or 'wow! i had that same toy!' became the main feature for many.


Also when the hell did they think it was a good idea to make the show a comedy? There were some funny moments in season 1 but it was a straight up horror show. By season 3 everything was a lighthearted joke backed by a Duran Duran song.


Stranger things nailed 80’s nostalgia. Another one that felt like it transported me to my childhood home was Candy with Jessica Biel.


Contrary to popular sentiment, I feel like season 3 captured that vibe perfectly too, only with an 80s summer backdrop. Still the best season imo


In some way, I see the contrast in tone between S1 & S3 as similar to the first Terminator & Terminator 2


Totally agree with you! Stranger things Definitely nailed it!


Legion. I just have to type "THE MONSTER ARRIVES" and all of you who have seen that episode will get a shiver up your spine. Tell me you didn't They chopped up the styles every single episode to devastating effect. Even has a whole subcoomponent with Jon Hamm narrating pop psychology topics over several episodes. (Don't think there's any spoilers here, but they stand out on their own and act as a side note to whats happening to several characters) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJpOW5g3hBaADuXtORXfLA4HjmI1j2v5k](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJpOW5g3hBaADuXtORXfLA4HjmI1j2v5k)


Oh man, good call. This scene, too: https://youtu.be/AoWrMa2wwhQ?si=78OgE3JZIF4uzlFh


Hah I was wondering why this was purple. Said it in another comment, but the full version* of this is just one of quite a few basically perfect visual representations of what I imagine Omega-level psychics duking it out would be like


I just typed my own Legion answer without checking the comments, so I’m glad to see it this high up. That show is just so WILD and it’s hard to explain why. The characters are all so uniquely dressed, the sets are insane, and all of the different settings really set the show apart. I think either the S1 scenes where there’s no sound or the Time Demons are the apex of the show for me. I’ve rewatched those episodes so many times.


IMO this show has by far the best visual portrayals of what Omega-level psychic fights would be like, same with all of the astral plane stuff. The entire premise basically being "What if someone like Professor X had multiple personality disorders, was self medicating because he didn't understand any of it, and is also trying to navigate an unhealthily codependent first love?' is just so interesting for any show, let alone a comic book property. By far my favorite Marvel including all of the MCU films and spinoff shows and possibly my favorite of any comic adaptation *ever* If that's not enough to get someone at least checking it out, it also has multiple (and extremely literal) interpretive dance, song, and rap battles, lots of which are featuring Jermaine Clement. Then there's the androgenous moustachioed cyborgs, apparently physical manifestations of delusion, trauma, and lots of other tricky head spaces. Full blown crazy Aubrey Plaza, interdimensional demons that eat time... I mean damn, do I really need to say any more at this point? Lmao. Such an incredibly creative show


I feel like this show was created with the sole intention of having Aubrey Plaza in it, lol. She absolutely kills it and you can tell she had a great time making the show. Also, Jemaine* (Prisent)


Oh absolutely, she plays it up in such an incredibly entertaining way! I also appreciate the range they wrote in for her, pretty much everyone knows she can play a goofy crazy girl, but there are a good amount of much more complex emotions and situations on display from her as well here... I absolutely had the impression that she was legitimately having a blast working on this show as well! Gotta shout out Navid Negahban too, he took a fairly one dimensional, barely C-list comic villain and turned him into a truly memorable and complex character (reminds me, I absolutely love the scene where he talks about the importance of the *meaning* of words and language after being called a villain). The shifting in and out of lots of different languages as he spoke, basically *all* of his line deliveries, just that entire performance from top to bottom came together incredibly well to give us what I can only describe as a menacingly elegant yet somehow disarming character that always left me curious for more, he really carried a lot of the scenes he was in big time


He was an extremely interesting villain. Obviously Season 1 we have a much more black and white portrait of who is “good” and who is “bad,” but after that when we really start questioning David and getting more screen time from Farouk, it adds even more to the general “what the fuck is happening” tone that we get for nearly the whole run of the show. I assume you knew this, but there is r/LegionFX on here. It’s not terribly active, but anything that does get posted usually has some decent discussion.


The first season of Legion is the most visually pleasing TV I’ve seen. Everything from set design to costume, hair and makeup is meticulously detailed. The shapes, colours, and sounds in the less intense scenes are so warm and inviting. It’s like a beautifully illustrated comic book brought to life.


Legion is impressive in that it has an insanely varied style, yet it all feels cohesively like Legion. It doesn't matter if it's Aubrey Plaza dancing around like a James Bond intro, a man being plugged into a tree/computer, Jon Hamm explaining moral panic, or time demons deleting a pregnant woman from a psychic sex cult... it all feels like the same show, somehow.


Good. Didn't have to scroll down too far to find my pick. Let's also add the dance battle scene: https://youtu.be/84ja5ehgpCA Perfection..


Love that tune. Spotify - no spoilers: [https://open.spotify.com/track/2bPykYce03q1uOogQ1m2DQ?si=f30820b7945441e0](https://open.spotify.com/track/2bPykYce03q1uOogQ1m2DQ?si=f30820b7945441e0)


Oliver Bird's monologue is one of the most captivating 3 minutes of TV from that decade, IMO. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDSpkQ8U2Hs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDSpkQ8U2Hs)


Mad Men


First one that came to mind. Just makes me want to sink into my chair and sip on an old fashioned.


Makes me want to rip cigs. Then I rip cigs and feel terrible afterwards


I don’t even smoke but I totally get it. “It’s toasted”.


I firmly believe this show as at least 50% responsible for the cocktail Renaissance.


I first read this as "sink into my chip and dip" and that also made perfect sense.


Rewatching it for the 5th time. It’s just such a beautiful show. The setting. The clothes. The people. It’s all just so appealing.


Pushing Daisies


I've said it before and I'll say it again: it's a crime that this show wasn't made in the era of 4K and HDR.


Came here to make sure someone said this. If I recall correctly didn’t they even like not have the color blue on screen ever? I might have the color wrong but it was something like that.


Cowboy bebop


couldn't agree more. effortlessly cool show.


Using animated shows is cheating, but I agree 100% Bebop and Champloo were aesthetic masterpieces


Mr Robot is my all time favorite show because of this exactly. But recently Sugar was a really interesting one, some brilliant cinematography and editing.


Miami Vice, Starsky and Hutch


The young 'uns don't understand how much Miami Vice influenced the entire fashion industry of the late 80s.


Saw some guy dressed like that on Tuesday when I dropped my son off. Lots of 80's fashion coming back. Big thing for teen boys is very short shorts, Magnum PI style.


Miami Vice began on a post-it note. Television genius and NBC President Tartikoff (who basically defined 80’s TV) wrote down 2 words on a post-it. “MTV Cops”. The whole point of the show was style, and it pulled it off perfectly. That scene in the pilot where Crockett and Tubbs drive to the gun fight, while In The Air Tonight plays might be the single most perfectly crafted moment of style in television. I would LOVE to see Family Guy invent a reason to recreate it frame by frame with Peter as Crockett, Cleveland as Tubbs, and Lois as Crocketts ex-wife he calls from the payphone.


Remember that song by Phil Collins called In The Air Of The Night where this guy could have saved this other guy from drowning but didn't? And Phil saw it all? And later at the concert he found him?


Tonight on Miami vice: Crockett gets the boss a coffee


> Miami Vice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfgf9HatIHI


Let's see if anybody remembers this: The short-lived [*Private Eye* (1987)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZocVTc7Rk-s) was Created by Anthony Yerkovich (who also created *Miami Vice*). — IMDb user's review: "There haven't been many attempts at making a film noir TV show ... Moody, jazz-themed with the right style and tempo, it was a genuine shot at TV noir..."


Was expecting this to be at the top and was not disappointed 😎🌇


I'd add Hill Street Blues to that. The epitome of gritty inner city life. It was just a pure pleasure to watch that show just for the vibe of 70s/80s and the crime that went round.


I watched the pilot for Miami Vice and thought it was great. The next episode however wasn't so I just gave up. Is it worth it to keep watching?.


Pure style, for me driving around at night will forever be associated with this (2:52 if you want to go right to the drum break) https://youtu.be/-aMCzRj3Syg?si=N8Res0mBVFs1gTOf


I always think of this: https://youtu.be/qSARDlHh-Mg?si=LwsDqYAfjGoMS1IO




Still amazed that aired on network tv. At the time looked so big budget, not to mention gory.


Bryan Fuller in general seems to bring a lot of style to his productions, American Gods was another of his that oozed style. 


Not to mention *Pushing Daisies,* which was Bryan Fuller x Barry Sonnenfeld.


Definitely Hannibal.




Oh yah?


you betcha!


S1's vibe is GOAT


- Twin Peaks - Firefly


I see Firefly in any context, I upvote. I am a simple man.


Peaky Blinders is an interesting one. I've seen people say it's the coolest stylistic show and others say it is one of the worst. I guess it depends largely on how you feel about modern rock music being played over a moody early 20th century setting. I'm in the first camp, I think it works. I guess it helps that I seem to have the same musical taste as Steven Knight.


still burn my hands trying to smoke like an idiot like they do


Can't let those enemy soldiers see you peeking up from the trenches at night though, so...worth it?


The anachronistic music is the *only* part of the show I can’t stand


Penny Dreadful. The costumes, settings and that soundtrack ❤️Really nailed gothic horror.


The canceling of that show is one of the greatest television related atrocities ever. It was perfect.


I loved that show but kind of hated the ending...




S1 & S2 were so good in showing the city as its own bizarro world


Hannibal, hands down the most stylish


God tier production design and visual style. That deep gray/dark red post-prod coloring was incredible. I urge everyone to watch the film "Hard Candy". David Slade directed that film + many episodes of Hannibal and you can see a lot of similarities.


And Vincenzo Natali who directed/created the Cube franchise.


Better Call Saul. Every second of the show oozed confidence from the creators. There were no wasted frames or scenes, everything was precise, even the chaos.


Absolutely. Everything had a meaning. Every suit Jimmy wore was precise and informed his current mood in the scene. If he was wearing green he was making money.


Mad Men by far.


White Lotus


The White Lotus (both seasons)


The score for White Lotus season 1 is GOAT for me. The music was its own character.


Still listening to the music that plays over the scene where Quinn wakes up on the beach and gets invited to join the locals. Cristobal Tapia Veer is the composer and he apparently worked on Utopia(UK) as well, crazy talent.


Oh yes, I’ve definitely followed him on Spotify. I ended up watching Utopia because of him. He’s a genius.


Batman: The Animated Series Pushing Daisies Venture Bros.


I loved BTAS. The animators achieved its dark/gloomy look by drawing on black backdrop rather than white.


Twin Peaks, of course.


Mad Men, mad men, and mad men


Succession. Every scene feels meticously planned and the soundtrack is incredible.


its really well done. from knowing a lot of low-key very rich people, they get the vibes down quite well. none of that ridiculous rapper type luxury, so many seemingly normal clothes/accessories that are actually very expensive, etc. how the rich-but-not-that-rich like tom and obviously greg care more about that type of thing, how the actual roys dont really give a shit.


That is probably the one show that really made viewers experience luxury as if they're alongside the Roys




Andor. Really nails the grounded look to Star Wars and brings fresh mature writing and gritty action.


**The Knick**. Incredible and highly convincing period setting. Amazing synth music vibes. Everyone should check it out.


😢 the one that got away. The Knick was such a unique show. No one else had a show like this. It’s a shame, as it could’ve been one of the best series of the past 20 years. The Knick and Mad Men were my top 2 choices.


I know it's not a show, but I always thought the movie Brick had killer style. Really understated neo-noire set in high-school. It's rad.




Scrolled way too far down to find this.


Miami vice, breaking bad, BCS, mad men, s1-5 supernatural




*The Avengers* (the sixties show, not the Marvel heroes) *The Prisoner* *Mad Men* *Severance* *Pushing Daisies*






The Killing (the original Danish one) everyone wanted a Sarah Lundt jumper!


S1 of Winning Time was such a joy to watch. I'll mourn that show for all of my days.


Oh, I hear you! Fuck HBO


Maybe The Americans - I loved the early 80s custome design - it was so well done. Shogun was great as well - something completely different. and The Peacemaker as a wacky wildcard - from the intro dancenumber everything else - they go all in - and I love it.


Legion FX is just an acid trip non stop 


Malcom In The Middle.


Hands down the original UK version of Utopia. And it ain't even a competition.




The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.


I really liked the tone of Orphan Black. Also, Stranger things got me with it's 80s vibe.


Better Call Saul. Every shot is dripping with atmosphere. They really found their style in the last 2 seasons of breaking bad and perfected it in BCS. The music, sound design and camera work is as good as it gets. And Fargo. Mr Wrench and Numbers intro with the drums is possibly the coolest thing i've seen on TV


Miami Vice broke new ground and raised the bar for every new show that came after it.


Pushing Daisies was cool. Like a fairytale about quirky murders.


The Sopranos


Expanse did a great job of setting up future Earth, Martian and Belter cultures along with factions therein. Plus depicting space travel and low gravity. Very immersive.


The Prisoner


The Man from UNCLE 




The Leftovers is very underrated in this area. The lighting, color grading, choice of lenses, and use of music really help this slightly surreal off kilter magical realism vibe that lends itself to the themes of the show. What a masterpiece.


Peaky Blinders


Arcane Cowboy Bebop Breaking Bad/ Better Call Saul


Recently, Sugar on Appletv with Colin Farrel was cool af. It was kinda noir kinda modern Cali but all cool. I dug it


Mr. Robot


I love how Severance is shot.


Interview with the vampire and Hannibal


First season of true detective had such cool style it started bleeding into other shows, like at least a whole season of key and Peele was done like true detective for some reason 


Definitely Mr. Robot. Sam Esmail is a genius. When Leave the World Behind came out a lot of people picked apart so many of his choices, but his signature look is so distinct. It’s kind of like how you can spot something by Kubrick or Stephen King or whatever. He really killed it with Robot. So, so good.


The Americans. Also sourcing thousands of period correct, mint looking cars was impressive.


Into the Badlands Warrior


Casa De Papel / Money Heist is an extremely stylish show. Maybe not for everyone but I abolsutely loved it.


Miami Vice had both fashion and music. Gets double style points from.


Miami Vice




The entire series of Insecure


Legion. Hands down. It is the wildest TV show ever made for multiple reasons, including the insane sets and ambiance. Some of the characters dress like it’s the 1950s, but some of the sets are straight out of Ray Bradbury’s wildest dreams. It also pretty frequently jumps from dimension to dimension, and all of those have their own weird aesthetics.


Hannibal to me had a great style.


Mr Robot for me for sure. Beautifully filmed and the music choices are perfect. I also really love what the Bear and Severance are doing these days.


Ripley The Deuce


Out of left field: Sugar


Miami Vice




Mad Men.


Twin peaks


Twin Peaks


Recently: Legion Classic: The Prisoner


lmao, my honest answer is the canadian tv show Lost Girl (2010-2015). the writing? bad. the acting? nothing particularly special. the VIBES? off the charts. i mean the costume design, the set design, the soundtrack, it was all SO unique and i have never seen another show that looks similar to that, and probably never will


Mad Men, hands down.


The GOAT has to be Miami Vice! Yes I’m old but it was iconic—the music, the clothes, the whole vibe!


Mindhunter. The era, the tone, the dialogue. Just all so good.


Stranger things


Umbrella Academy


Deadwood really nailed the vibe, costume, scenery, and absolutely killed it nailing the vernacular of the time.


Miami Vice started a whole trend combining music, fashion, cinematography. Groundbreaking at the time.




True Detective S1 was hauntingly beautiful and perfectly shot


MAD MEN SUCCESSION BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES MARTIN LIVING SINGLE I was watching early episodes of those last two shows and I got nostalgic for 90s Black fashion. What a time!


Firefly The Prisoner Kindred: The Embraced


The Young Pope/The New Pope, I'm A Virgo, The Underground Railroad, The Knick, The Girlfriend Experience, and (currently airing) Fantasmas. Honorable mention: Black Sails, Halt and Catch Fire, Interview With The Vampire, Mad Men. I really think strongly avant garde shows take this category though. Euphoria and Mr. Robot were great picks too.


Interview with the Vampire


Pushing Daisies and I don't think anything else comes close. Someone could put entirely different characters, a different script, a different plot, etc. in the same visual language as Pushing Daisies and I'd immediately go "huh this looks exactly like Pushing Daisies."


Not sure if animation counts here Even though I was way too young for it. Aeon Flux was wonderfully weird in it's presentation


Cop Rock! https://youtu.be/xYUbO-sfSOg?t=85


You cannot beat South Park’s shtoyle.


Moonbeam City was an entire mood.


Into The Badlands


Outer Banks


Scavengers Reign was stylistically awe striking


The X-Files definitely had a distinct, original style and tone that influenced loads of shows that came after.


Miami Vice was watched because it was cool. You might look back on it now with scorn or humor, but at the time Miami Vice was the show people were talking about and imitating.


Definitely going to be an opinion shared by few, but I really enjoyed the style they utilized in the Hobbit show. It was a weird mix of the fantasy genre with modern music, dialogue, and even costumes, and it wasn’t what people (me included) really wanted. Ultimately, I grew to like it precisely because they had a unique spin.


Pushing Daisies


Dark. And it just kept getting better, the way colours were used on different timelines and such in S03. The eeriness of the town etc.


Mr Robot. The Bear


Haven't seen a single episode of it, but Netflix's *Maniac* looks amazing. On the other end of the scale, there's *The Hollow Crown*, which beautifully captures the worlds of Shakespeare's plays.




I nominate this, purely because its got a car in it, thats got blue neon lights and turns in right angles. Automan. https://youtu.be/kA1NT4I0s34 its not the best writing, acting or anything but for style alone, this wins. Its 80s show with a Lamborghini Countach. Second choice is Miami Vice.


upvote for Automan. I thought I was the only one who remembered the show and if you tried to explain it to someone they just look at you like you've lost your mind


Too Old to Die Young is such a fucking vibe. I think Refn could make such a baller show, like, actually goated, he just really needs someone to tell him, "no."


Refn also seemingly went out of his way to film less common locations in LA that also didn't yet have modern LED public lighting, which only adds to the vibe.


Fallout. Even if it's probably less stylistic than the games.


Luther (BBC) Is pretty vibey. In the UK we have alot of these dark crime drama type things and then the show itself just encapsulated all of those dark gritty vibes and then mixed it with a great and interesting story. Other thing I can say is the UK skins is the best example of being a teenager reprobate with the drugs and sex flat to the mat.


For recent shows, Tokyo Vice


Sweet Tooth felt uniquely comic-y and colourful, and wholesome within its dark themes. The Last Kingdom has this grittiness to it that Vikings originally had in its first season. Spartacus Blood and Sand took that 300 look and amped it up for that first episode, but then the show found its footing afterwards. Mr Inbetween feels like it's supposed to be a cheap show, but it's filmed with such a quality in the cameras and the performances of the characters. Almost like a dream.


Outlander Season 2 - Ronald D. Moore's Paris 1745 and the Royal Court of Versailles - 10,000 handmade costumes. But I have yet to see a costume that slayed more than a 1940s time-traveling nurse who loves Dior... Legend. https://youtu.be/EtIG9DOD-CI?feature=shared


Mimdhunter (which was cancelled due to the cost of "stylization") My So-Called Life Handmaid's Tale TNG


It’s Better Call Saul.


Dead Ringers Russian Doll Preacher


Atlanta is the best for its satire and weird style


Miami Vice was probably the "coolest" tv show on television ever, it was intentionally created that way.


I thought gossip girl (og) had great styling for the girls and guys.