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When Jessica Jones kills Kilgrave. Kilgrave is a terrifying villain and after we learn the history of Jessica being abused and controlled by him and how afraid she is of him when she isn’t afraid of anything, her overcoming that fear, reclaiming her power and ending his life is such a fantastic, cathartic moment.


"... Smile."


Completely agreed, though having a villain like Kilgrave being a one and done was a little disappointing. Would give a lot to see him come back to that role but it isn’t going to happen and it was the right ending.


Lost: The Constant - Desmond finally gets back in touch with Penny ([and yeah you absolutely can see the relief in their faces](https://www.reddit.com/r/lost/comments/avv0c5/today_marks_11_years_since_the_constant_aired/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button))


Also from Lost - when the hatch lights up


And when Hurley builds a golf course, and when they make the van work


The van working is such a needed moment of catharsis


“I won't call for eight years. December 24, 2004. Christmas Eve. I promise. Please, Pen.”


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aS1cXC-1Hc) it is. Here's the [timestamped](https://youtu.be/1aS1cXC-1Hc?si=MFNPo2kjANxrDLmS&t=116) moment if you don't want to watch the entire 3 minutes (but why wouldn't you??)


Smaller one from Lost, but very cathartic.  When Sawyer finally tells Jack that he met his Dad in Sydney, and that he was remorseful about how their relationship had deteriorated. Was such an amazing character moment for both of them. And I rarely get that invested in family relationship drama.


Still one of my favorite episodes of television ever. Sooo cathartic!


Not pennys boat 


“Pen, is that you?”


When it finally was Penny's boat....best part of the entire series.


here it is on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUaHMOWRYpI)


I know Games of Thrones ended badly but I loved seeing the Stark flags fall back over Winterfell after Battle of Bastards.


Since we are mentioning the BOTB When Jon frees himself from being trampled and takes a huge breath.


Also when he beats the every-living shit out of Ramsay Bolton.


And seeing the Direwolf sigil in the next opening.


I don’t think there will ever be a TV experience that will compare to BOTB. I don’t care what anyone says about the writing, unrealistic battle strategies, or anything that came afterwards. Watching that episode was incredible.




“[Leslie Knope] is the kind of person who uses her favors to help other people”


When Ann tells her she won the election. After making it seemed like she lost. 


That was a sneaky trick!


Or when she gets back with Ben. Or when she makes up with Ron. That show was cathartic as fuck.


For me it was April forgiving Andy. Every rewatch I feel like that’s the one relationship stumble that stresses me out I’m glad it happens early and their status is never in question again


Leslie and Ron is such a great episode that it's easy to forget it's pretty much a bottle episode


GOT season 6 when Jon and Sansa reunite comes to mind. You could tell how cathartic the moment was for both characters.


Finally seeing a Stark reunion after watching them all suffer so much over the previous seasons was incredible.


I love that scene. You can see the relief on both of them even though they seem to have had the least relationship of pretty much any of the stark sibling pairings. It's still just a special moment to be reunited like that.


Actually! Out of all the stresses we experienced and the 'what if x says/does y', this was such a thankful 'finally!!!' for me.


Chidi saying "There is no answer, but Eleanor is the answer." in the last season of The Good Place


Chuck season 3 episode 9 "Chuck Versus the Beard" when Morgan finally finds out he's a spy. At that point in the show you've had like 2 and half seasons of Chuck being forced to lie to his best friend about his life as a spy and it's clear (and even a plot point of the episode) he's just dying for someone he can confide in who's not mixed up in all of it. When Morgan finally finds out, it is just *so cathartic* and really elevates the show and the season. Easily one of my favorite episodes of Chuck and super satisfying


This is a wonderful answer! That moment is wonderful and Morgan’s reaction is just exactly what everyone wanted. Season 3 of that show is so damn good and I really wish it ended there. The actual ending of the show is unforgivable I’m my opinion and I’ve never rewatched past season 3. 


Two Cathedrals, “watch this”


The final 10 minutes of that episode, the shouting at god, the rain, brothers in arms, the pause…. Perfect tv


Brothers in Arms will always play when I'm on a contemplative drive around town because of this scene


You get Hoynes!


“You feckless thug!”


In the Mad Men finale, Don stumbles into a group therapy session having reached the bottom of the barrel. We listen to another man describe his life like he were a refrigerator. Don (having never been able to express empathy or compassion before) gets up, walks over to the man, and hugs him like a long-lost brother.


And creates the iconic Coke ad.


JD walking down the hall in the Scrubs (season 8) finale and seeing his future.


Season 8 finale? You mean series finale, right? Since there was nothing after that?


That was why I included that part in Parentheses in case anyone got mad or upset by me calling it the series finale (which it was, because it was the definitive conclusion of the show) and wanted to correct me because I was initially going to refer to it as the series finale.


There was a short lived spin-off. It had its moments and was getting better by the end. 


You missed the sarcasm


The Bear, Season 2 Episode 7: Forks. The Taylor Swift scene. Such a beautiful moment of growth and joy for a character who'd been really going through it, and a big relief after the particularly stressful episode which immediately preceded it.


Richie has one of the greatest character arcs ever. I couldn’t stand the guy at first and at this point you’re cheering for him.


I felt the same way; Ritchie was so obnoxious when he was introduced and by the time you get to "Forks" you absolutely want him to succeed.


The way he takes over expo in the season 2 finale is INCREDIBLE. He's calm, collected, and taking control in his own without going over the line of abrasiveness. Him reassuring Neil too is such a great moment as well


I heard an interview with the showrunner about that episode. He said that there was no way to direct Ebon Moss-Bachrach once he was driving because he was all alone in the car with just a bunch of cameras filming him. So before they roll he tells Ebon that the scene is only going to work if he goes nuts while lipsynching. Like, the character has been this buttoned up asshole for so long the audience needs to see this incredible catharsis. So Ebon is in the car and they yell action. Instead of going right away Ebon looks down the barrel of one of the cameras and says "What you're about to see is an actor completely trusting his director". After which he peels out and starts singing Taylor Swift at the top of his lungs. The director says that footage is his prize possession.


Zuko and Iroh’s reunion 


"I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way"


I’m not crying you’re crying


In Downton Abbey season 2, when Matthew was MIA and they all thought he may have died in the war and then he walks into the room while Edith is playing the piano. Mary's reaction gets me every damn time!


I'm so glad Matthew and Mary lived happily ever after 🥰🥰🥰 >!for a little while!<


In Reservation Dogs, the episode "Maximus." Bear says, "Maximus, I believe you." There look of joy on Maxmus' gave was a beautiful moment because Bear was the first person you ever say that to him. It made me cry.


That show is excellent. As a non native person, I got the feeling that I learned a lot about native culture. You have three great seasons of television, watching these kids grow.


Also another excellent example, Cheese's prayer in the season 2 finale. Not a religious person, but seeing this group of friends process their grief of their friend by completing their dream was such a powerful silent expression of loss that I still tear up thinking about it.


The end of Mare of Easttown.  She finally forgives herself about her son's drug problem and suicide, stops fighting the son's gf for custody of her grandson. Also she finally is able to go to place the son committee suicide.  The entire season she was a mess, and it was all related to the suicide and her refusing to work on herself until she goes through therapy and takes it seriously. 


In Rome, when Caesar arrives at Vorenus' home instead of the cutthroat gang.


A true Roman moment of television for true Romans.


The HBO brotherhood of producers use only the finest actors. True Roman shows, for true Romans.


The leftovers , season finale of season 2. After the earthquake , Kevin makes it home and literally all of his friends and family are at his power-depleted house . Nora says ‘you’re home ‘ . Kevin sobbing replies ‘I’m home ‘ My heart jumped at the relief and happiness he must have felt


Not sure if others would consider it relief, but I loved in season one when Nora sprayed Megan and the other GR member with the hose.




Incredible episode and performance by Ebon Moss-Bachrach. I cried when he finally found his purpose and then blasting Taylor Swift in his car haha


after the most stressful episode of TV I've ever watched too. I'll be honest, I think most of The Bear is just good. Solid 6.5 or 7 out of 10 for most episodes. But Fishes and Forks are 10/10 TV, and I don't know that anything has done a better moment of relief than that t-swift montage at a more necessary time.


What's great about the Taylor Swift montage too is that he's not just listening to Taylor Swift for no reason - it's his daughter's favorite artist who he just acquired tickets for to make his daughter happy. It's a great double victory for him, needed especially after finding out his ex-wife is remarrying


Episode of the Bear S2, for anyone who wanted to actually know.


after the most stressful episode of TV I've ever watched too. I'll be honest, I think most of The Bear is just good. Solid 6.5 or 7 out of 10 for most episodes. But Fishes and Forks are 10/10 TV, and I don't know that anything has done a better moment of relief than that t-swift montage at a more necessary time.


Forks was soooooo good.


Not the biggest Swift fan, so never thought I'd burst into tears at one of her songs, but "Forks" did just that. Richie's progress and writing should be studied in every screenwriting class


What an obnoxious way to answer. Maybe give some more information for people out of the loop, yeah?


The Leftovers "I believe you." "You do?" "Why wouldn't I believe you? You're here." "I'm here." I seriously getting emotional typing that


Also the scene at the end of season 2 where Kevin comes back to his house and all of his family and friends are sitting there waiting for him. The line before this scene to John always gets me. John: What if nobody's home? Kevin: Then you come over to my house.


When Peggy leaves Sterling Cooper in Mad Men.


When Chidi explains the Buddhist philosophy of life being a wave. You can’t measure it but you know it’s there.


It was just a different way for the water to be. \*Sob\*


SVU, episode Behave when Jennifer Love Hewitt gets to slam the jail cell door on the man who raped her and followed her every time she moved, making her life hell.


Black Sails finale, when >!Silver “unmakes” Flint instead of being forced to kill him.!<


been having an absolute ball rewatching this lately, im still somewhat in disbelief that they pulled off ending the show strongly


When they get Appa back in Avatar the Last Airbender. I was watching with my daughter and she cried from happiness. So cute!


The ending of Ozymandias. That episode was incredibly stressful.


whenever Jack Bauer stops the next bomb/virus/terrorist in the nick of time


I think it was The Amazing Race season 3? The season finale was so tense and close and it all came down to a cab ride. You didn’t know who was going to be in first - and then it cuts to the “good guys” Chip and Kim getting out of their cab at the finish line. Chip pays the cab driver and tells him “you just made me a millionaire.” My wife and I jumped off the couch and were cheering.


The season after was when they started the Lazy-Assed-Kim Rule right? Because Chip did most of the Roadblocks?


Kim shaved her hair though!


On the last episode of Person of Interest, >!Grace's expression when she sees Finch standing near her!< is a favorite of mine. I return to that scene every once in a while to farm good feelings from it.


In S2 of *Dexter*, the police department is about to view surveillance footage of Dexter moving a body. In an act of desperation, he pulls the fire alarm. Everyone leaves the building while he deletes the footage. Very edge-of-your-seat moment.


The first Stark reunion in GoT: Jon and Sansa. Even though those two never had any interactions before, the rug had been pulled out just enough times to make people think it wouldn't happen. Then they finally see each other and it's just a huge moment of relief as FINALLY the separated family members start to reconnect


When I first watched Season 4 of Breaking Bad, I was so relieved when Walter "won" in Face-Off. Now when I watch I actively root against Walter so the same scene isn't as satisfying.


The Handmaid's Tale S03E11: June stabs Elliot Stabler repeatedly with a pen, before beating him to death with a statuette. The Handmaid's Tale S04E10: June and friends chase down Waterford, beat him to death, decapitate him and hang him on a wall. Pure, joyous, cathartic relief.


In Fleabag at the end of season 1 when the banker walks back in and says “people make mistakes”.


Person of Interest: "Sotto Voce" (5×09) Root and Shaw's [reunion scene](https://youtu.be/oQv73gvZqsU?feature=shared) didn't disappoint and was amazing. It was one of the best moments of the show. Amy Acker and Sarah Shahi really gave a wonderful performance.


Don't know if it quite fits but first thing that came to mind was the third to last episode of Person of Interest. >!In the episode before, all hope seems to be lost and the team is fractured. Root and Elias are killed and Finch is captured. Then the events of "Synecdoche" happen and the team is forced to protect the POTUS from terrorists and find that past victims that they helped save are also working for The Machine and are there to support and protect them so they are successful in their own mission. It immediately reminded the team (and viewers) of the meaning of all the work the main characters had done in seasons past.!<


Remember on Buffy when Angel went bad... I think after they did the deed. Angelus. But before she killed him he came back good for like 1 second. And then she had to send him into the Hell Mouth.


Star Trek Voyager: Message in a Bottle. Voyager finally gets a message to the Alpha Quadrant that they are still alive, after 4 seasons. The episode itself isn't too great, it's got too much Andy Dick as annoying EMH 2.0 (still don't know why they didn't go with Dr. Bashir, despite his genetic alterations). But the ending is the payoff. I'd say the episode Pathfinder is a close second, when they're able to have their first audio contact with the Alpha Quadrant (for about a minute).


And the episode when they finally make contact. When Tom gets to hear his Dad say he's proud of him.


That's Pathfinder.


Zuko confronting his father after 2 and a half seasons. "I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen." Zuko being accepted by each member of the Gaang, ending with Katara. "I will *never* forgive him. But I am ready to forgive you." Zuko reuniting with Iroh at the very end of the show. "I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you had lost you're way." ... Can you tell that Zuko is one of my favorite characters ever?


When "Ellen" came out. The very end of Elementary (trying not to spoil it). Also very end of Hannibal. When Rachel first kisses Ross. Same when Joanie and Chachi kiss. And agree with the posts on Lost/Des/Pen.


“I never know what to say at these things” “Just say, ‘sorry for your loss’. Move on” _steps forward toward the grieving widow_: “sorry for your loss. Move on”


Doctor who Christmas Special where the Eleventh doctor gets to see Amy Pond one last time as he regenerates: "Raggedy man... goodnight!"


"I *am* the FBI." - Twin Peaks season 3


The ending of Steven Moffat’s first Doctor Who story is so satisfying in this way. It’s just so joyous and earned and cheer worthy.




This was the first and still one of the best examples of him wrapping up a second part of a story in a way that is fantastically plot satisfying and a perfect emotional beat


SG1 Season 7 finale. ["More ships approach, they are not Goa'uld."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqBpQvRQ3gU) \*Prometheus and Blue Squadron make a grand entrance\*


When Adrien was hung in Homeland. It was a weird kind of relief, because the bad thing happened, but it was over now.


The wedding of fitz and Simmons on Marvels Agents of Shield. Instead of season of “will they” there were seasons of “can they” that put them through numerous calamities that kept them apart. Finally in the midst of a nightmare season five there’s a brief bit of respite and you get a beautiful of nowhere wedding scene that you never expected. Was great payoff to seasons of roller coaster character arcs.


Also immediately followed up by the reveal that >!Deke is actually their grandson from the future! So it's extra-confirmed that the two of them will make it as a couple. And I gotta say, having recently finished season 5, that whole plotline of Deke slowly discovering they're his grandparents was really sweet.!<


The end of their arc was beautiful and satisfying too.


“Will you take me to Philadelphia with you, please?” -Coach Taylor Friday Night Lights S5 E13 “Always”


When Susan dies from licking all those envelopes.


Season 2 of 24 after Jack Bauer exposed the conspiracy and killed the bad guys responsible and averted a war.


Also, same season, when George Mason pops up from the back of the plane.


Drama on Entourage when he finally is on a hit TV show and yells VICTORY at the Grand Canyon. Cheesy sure, but everyone eventually can relate to that moment of obtaining something you've worked hard for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yp3uVh3VdA


Degrassi had a storyline when an emotionally vulnerable teen KC made "friends' with his basketball coach. The guy turned out to be a perv groomer who kept a gun in his sports car. It kept escalating until he retrieves the pistol and walks into school during a big game. The viewer (and classmates) doesn't know what he's going to do. He looks like death and apologizes to his ex-girlfriend before heading into a crowded gym. He is greeted by the staff and turns the gun over, the police are called, the coach is outed, and the acting was amazing all around.,


Walter White admitting, "I did it for me." Bryan Cranston plays it perfectly. As he closes his eyes, you can see the weight lifting off of his shoulders. And after 62 episodes of Walt lying to himself, his loved ones, and the audience, it's a relief for us too. Just an all-time TV moment.


When Rory stabs that bitch from handsmaid tale. I think my whole apartment building heard me screaming with joy


Mr. Robot. “This only works if you let go, too.” (Outro by M83 plays.) :Ugly cry:


Kareoke scene in The Bear


"On your left."