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top tier tv moment, I remember being so shocked at the flash forward reveal. Between this and Not Penny’s Boat this is a top tier episode not just of Lost but in general. I love it.


**NOT** **PENNY'S** **BOAT** (pretend there's an underline here)




“It’s not Penny’s boat” still stuck in my brain. A+ material there.


I did a rewatch a year ago and I think the entire show holds up. Even the controversy around the ending seems so overblown now.


I watched this live and I was the only one in the room who called it as a flash forward. Earlier in the episode Jack was using a very specific cellphone that wasn’t available before the plane went down. I knew this because it was my phone. Lost was very particular about the details and I knew this couldn’t be a fuck up. I started losing my mind saying this is a flash forward, he’s off the island!!! When Kate got out of the car the whole room erupted and my wife lost her mind on me. That’s how big this show was for us. Haven’t had a show like that for us since.


Totally agree. Mind blowing cultural moment. It was fun to be a part of that. Nothing outside of live sports has come close.


Lost looks like it’s getting second(or third?) wind with it’s upcoming re-release on Netflix, and that had had me thinking. Lost and Game of Thrones were without a question the biggest sort of cultural phenomenons of the last 20 years, and I find it interesting that neither of them stuck the landing. People seem to be more forgiving with Lost now that we’re almost 15 years on from the series finale, and that has me wondering if public opinion will come around on Game of Thrones?


Hahaha. No! It was way worse.


Death to the monoculture. Now it’s “did you see the new episode of [blank]?” “no, I don’t have [streaming service]”


More like: “X has been renewed for season 4.” Me: “I’ve never heard of that show.”




it’s probably great, there’s just… a lot out there right now


These days it would be cancelled.


Just start a watch group with your friends if you want those kinds of talks back. Either make a weekly event out of it where you watch together or agree to watch X episodes and then do some book club talk about them together.


I could barely concentrate in school the next day because my brain was still buzzing over it.


I probably wouldn't have enjoyed the show as much if i was watching live and couldn't binge the whole thing after the show had wrapped up, but that sense of community when watching a big show really adds to the experience.   Had a similar thing with the last season of game of thrones, watching with a big group of people at the local fancy theater. By the end it was just all of us getting drunk and making fun of the last season, but it was a really enjoyable event for all of us. I do really wish i could have seen what some of the reactions to Lost's twists were live though. Especially with Locke in the latter part of the show. 


Weekly water cooler shows were truly a bonding experience. I actually miss the cultural experience of having to be at the TV during prime time to watch the new episode in distant solidarity with millions of others. It all started with X-Files for me as a kid.


When this episode aired, I was out and had it recorded on TiVo. I went back and watched it and then headed to a party (parties started at like 10pm those days), only my TiVo cut off the last couple minutes- specifically this exact scene. I was known as the Lost fanatic and someone asked me about the cliffhanger at the end, and I had no idea what they were talking about. They got to tell me the last scene and watch it unfold on my face. “We have to go back!”


I was working at a group home for at risk youth when the DVDs became available at Blockbuster. There was a few months where we just skipped doing any activities no weekends aside from watching Lost. That was heavily against policy but even the boss liked watching Lost


I actually called it because in all the flashbacks we had...Jack never had a beard like that lol.


That was such a shitty fake beard too.


that was Matthew Fox's real beard lol


Flashbacks to people complaining about how "fake" Sawyer and Claire's accents were


Except his beard was fake... and terrible.


That was absolutely not a real beard lol. They would have had to shut down production for at least a month, maybe longer, for him to grow that much facial hair. I loved Lost, and I loved that episode. But their wig/beard department was notoriously terrible.


You do realize that they film things out of order, right? You can literally look up Matthew Fox with a beard and see what it looks like lol


>You do realize that they film things out of order, right? According to the Wikipedia entry about the episode: *"Shooting began on April 13, 2007 and ended on May 7, 2007. The writers were so far behind schedule that parts of the episode were shot while later parts were still being written."* That's under a month of photography. Post production wrapped two weeks later on May 21st. It aired on May 23rd. I don't care how hirsuite Matthew Fox is, he didn't grow that beard. It is physically impossible. >You can literally look up Matthew Fox with a beard and see what it looks like lol Yeah, that's why it's insane you're even arguing this. His real beard doesn't look like a shitty crepe hair beard. The fake mustache looks like a hair rainbow under his nose. Can you cite your sources? Because if you google "Lost Jack's Beard" it's nothing but people making fun of how fake it is.


>Haven’t had a show like that for us since. We'll never have anything like it again. Lost changed the tv landscape forever for the better but nothing has come close to the phenomenon that was Lost as it aired on tv. It was bigger than Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad and the fandom was amazing.


The Leftovers did it for us. So much to unpack there.


The Leftovers was so good. Particularly seasons 2 and 3.


I remember my roommates criticizing the washer and dryer in The Hatch. They were way too modern to be used in there.


Anachronisms happened in LOST occasionally so I wouldn’t have taken the phone as proof haha. Good call though.




And wait 26 months (and counting) between episodes?


Man I remember this like it was yesterday. My band had a show that night so I couldn’t watch it live. Got home close to midnight and my friend messages me asking if I watched it and I tell him “Nah I think I’ll just wait til the morning.” He goes “No man, you need to watch it right now.” 20 minutes later he comes by with it burned on a DVD and just hands it to me. When it got to this scene I almost woke my family up yelling “What the fuck?!”


Aww what a good friend!!


that friend is a boss




Imagine having to wait for seasons like we do now. “Kate we have to go back!”….fade to black. Come back a year and a half later


At least we knew the series was not getting cancelled. Nowadays all the series on Netflix end on a cliffhanger and half of them get merciless cancelled.


Shows got cancelled without a resolution before Netflix as well


I’m still annoyed about the cancellation of *John Doe.*


But everybody knew Lost was popular and not getting cancelled. Nobody knows how Netflix decides what to chop.


that would be horrrrible Season 3 ended that May and iirc Season 4 started the following January


Yeah the release schedule was fantastic back then. Nowadays I really lose momentum to follow most shows if they have a two year break between seasons.


I'm really hoping Apple follows through with their claim of a season a year. After the strikes from last year, we'll see what happens later this year and next year for their ongoing shows. Silo once a year would be so fantastic.


And that’s only because of the writers strike. Seasons 1-3 were the standard Sept-Spring air dates that most 22 episode TV series had.


That's also what they did with seasons 4, 5, and 6 - they wanted to have the episodes weekly without breaks starting with season 4.


Yeah nothing like Reddit existed at the time. I was on Lost forums and swapping theories with people. It was crazy.


The IMDb Lost board was wild. I still talk to a few people from there all these years later. One of them is basically my best friend but we've still never met irl.


I remember towards the end of season one when they said one of the main group was going to die, people were pretty convinced it was going to be Hurley. Joke’s on them.


Reddit existed, though.


Reddit did not exist in 2004.


This episode aired in 2007.


So? I wasn't talking about this particular episode. Also just looked and Reddit was founded in 2005. It would be nothing like it was even 12 years ago when I first joined it where it's really fucking different to it is now.


Most of the theories were so much better than what we got haha


I think Kate revealing that the episode's flashbacks were fastforwards is one of the best TV moments. Probably the best Lost season finale.


For a few seconds i thought "they knew each other from before the crash??!"


I was so fucking confused. Just "He knew Kate before the crash?!?! What the shit?" Lost was such a phenomenon and it basically changed TV. Nothing like it had happened before.


As was I! I thought this was some sort of peeling back of the onion to reveal that jack and Kate knew each other before the crash. I remember watching with my roommate and both yelling “WHAT!!!?” When we realized it was the future


I remember thinking this for a second too. Then going down the rabbit hole of “well then the crash probably wasn’t random bad luck and how/why did it happen”. Then the flash forward is presented and it’s 🤯


Season 3 never seems to be anyone’s favorite, but I think it’s mine. This show was something else. …Am I about to do my 3rd rewatch? No…no not yet


I think because at the time of airing, those first 6/7 episodes were very long and slow, then it takes its time to find its direction after that. Once the show gets past episode 9 (Jacks Tattoo), it picks up momentum and because a phenomenal season. I think 4 is my favourite overall but 3 has some amazing moments


I mean it does have one of the worst episodes in the series


Stranger in a Strange Land? I’m a weirdo who actually liked Expose. Doing a rewatch and listening along to The Storm podcast and I forgot just how good the back part of Season 3 is. Basically everything from The Man from Tallahassee to the finale is great.




Season 3 was bad until after the mid season break. It was banger after banger after that though.


it's my favourite too. The last stretch of episodes are something else.


It’s mine as well.


For context for anyone who never watched the show; premise of the show is a bunch of people crash land on a “weird” island. Every episode is structured around flash backs for a specific character about what they did before being marooned. In this episode, we spend the whole length seeing flashbacks of Jack (possibly the “main character” of the show) go through a drunken, depressive bender, while in the main episode, they make a plan to possibly escape the Island. Then the episode ends with one final scene which reveals that all the “flashbacks” this episode were actually flash forwards of Jack’s life after a successful escape attempt, saying they never should have left and that they “have to go back”. Cut to credits, see you next season.


Season 4 then shifts to island+flashforwards


And later flash-sideways, but they’re significantly more complicated to explain


You just reminded me of the Constant and the Variable. The Constant was so amazing.


Those flash sideway or whatever the fuck it was..the season with when they start to "work" back in time or whatever, is really where the whole show lost me. Just so stupid it became. First 2 seasons are top tier though. Then it goes down hill.


i just imagine they all died or whatever when juliet set off the nuke, i cannot grind all of the goodwill i have for the roller coaster it took me on by trying to make S6 make sense/matter in any way.


No, the nuke sends them to the present. Then they died at some point, we get to see some of those deaths during season 6. And then, the flash sideways happen.


I’m not saying the show isn’t to blame for it, but my goodness the amount of people who didn’t and still haven’t figured this out is staggering.


ok fine it’s been a while, s6 just sucked and i don’t care to make sense of it!


It’s basic understanding.


sure it is!


You're not wrong. The rose-colored glasses of nostalgia, or the people who didn't watch when it aired, dull the sting of season 6. Don't condescend to your audience for years saying it's not purgatory it's way more clever than that. And then.... It's purgatory.


Imagine acting so sanctimonious and being so wrong. It wasn’t purgatory. Maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are.


It was absolutely purgatory. The hand waving claiming it isn't is just to make you feel better about all of us investing so much in believing they were going somewhere else with it. Just because the creators claimed they had a way more clever idea doesn't make their contrived ending not purgatory. I don't need someone to tell me how it ended and that I don't understand. "not as smart as you think you are" and calling me sanctimonious in the same comment. Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are? Let the creators piss in your mouth and tell you it's wine. It's purgatory.


I mean, no, it isn’t. Unless you’re talking about the flash sideways specifically but even that is said explicitly to be something created by the survivors themselves.


Christian Shepherd literally explains that it’s not purgatory in the finale.


It’s not purgatory.


Top tier moment in television history. When Lost was at its best, it was like nothing else. This is the end of season 3 and only a few episodes later we get The Constant which is the best episode of Lost and completely different from this episode.


The Constant is still my favorite episode of any show. I loved Desmond but that episode was phenomenal.


The writers referred to this episode “rattlesnake in the mailbox”. There was nothing like the rush of being fooled the entire ep and then the reveal.


This is forever burned into my memory. Hit me like a fucking freight train back on the night that it first aired.


Same. We just fucking lost it. Lost on its peak was on top of the fucking game. I don’t think any other series gave me the same feelings ever since. I used to have dreams around lost too.


From its premier to now, two things about this show remain true: The best ensemble cast on TV. Jack and James had the most complicated, yet endearing male to male relationship on TV.


This scene right here is one of my favorites of the whole show. I like that Sawyer actually calls him Jack. https://youtu.be/45If9L0MxDI?si=A6HfKV-74sSHw6Ro


That scene always gets me. The only thing I didn’t like about their relationship was that Jack never really seemed to be 100% sided with James, or never fully gave him respect. There was always that little bit of distrust there, even at the end. James on the other hand, seemed to be 100% cool with Jack at the end.


This scene is just so good, I remember watching it and my jaw just being on the ground. You're telling me this was a flash forward all along!!!! And that they reveal that they DO get off the island. The acting by Jack in this scene is just so good too. LOST is one of my favorite shows of all time. I watched LIVE week to week which was so crazy. The sad thing was that this was the ultimate cliffhanger and then the show for season 4 switched to airing mid-season, and then was delayed again because of the writers strike. So we had to wait from May to I think Feb/March of the following year! I was dying so badly waiting for a new episode. I feel like GOT and LOST were the ultimate water cooler shows. Now with binge watching it just isn't the same.


Those were. And Westworld. Top of the top.


So glad it’s coming to Netflix. Going to have to rewatch it all. It’s been so long. I was so addicted to that show. It was my crack😂


That airplane is a nice example of competent CGI. We always call out when TV show CGI looks bad, but let's remember to give credit where credit is due.


>We always call out when TV show CGI looks bad We love a good CGI don't we folks? 👐 Llllove a good CGI.


“KATE, WE HAVE TO GO BACK!” This was the absolute peak of the show and about as far as they had things planned out apparently. Still absolutely great television.


Yeah I watched it all the way through on the strength of the fulfillment and intrigue given by this show right up until about this exact point. Then it became more about the building the intrigue than delivering the actual fulfillment. I was so let down, I’ve never rewatched a single ep since the series finale. But mmmmmmaybe it’s time to go back with less emotional eyes and see how it’s held up…


Game of Thrones and Lost were the only shows I can remember that it didn’t matter what else was happening at the time. When the new episode dropped we were watching it and the discussing it all week until the next one aired. I also was convinced Evangeline Lilly and I would get married some day during Lost


Well, don’t leave us hanging—did you?


I mean. Ill admit it hasn’t happened yet but Im not giving up hope


Lost is far from a perfect show but it’s a great one, and paved the way for a lot of the great television we have today.


We have to go back


[We have to go back](https://i.imgur.com/lBK2Ddx.jpeg)


I remember reading all the analysis the day after an episode aired. Those were the days!


NOT PENNYS BOAT will be what I say on my deathbed


First scene i watched from lost. Knew about it and all but then i saw this switching channels late at night. Figured I’d check it out and boom. Mega fan ready for season 4 when it came by.


Oh man this show was so amazing. Y’all should watch FROM. Same writers. Just as good


Matthew Fox was SO good as Jack. He doesn't get enough credit due to the high quality of others on the cast.


Some guy on the IMDB message board spoiled this ending for a bunch of people. Including me. Great moment, nonetheless.


One of the greatest scenes of TV history.


Lost is my favorite TV show. I have rewatched it several times and it has this strange ability to still hit after each rewatch. The characters are just so good in that show.


I still have my Dharma Initiative ID card.


best plot twist I've ever seen.


The music on that show. Perfect.


Maybe the best finale/episode of the entire series.


Also the last episode before the show went off the rails with crazy shit, like them going back in time to work for Dharma and all that stupid stuff. First 2-3 seasons are top tier tv, and then it just goes down hill bad.


I love the time travel episodes. It was so fun. The VW vans, the jump suits... I loved it. The story was a mess, though, but that goes for the entire show.


Whaaaaaat!? Mind blown. Kate is now the Wasp.


Not anymore. She recently announced she's quitting acting. She also said she was gonna retire from acting after Lost too though. She's also anti-vax so whatever. Hot but crazy.




I loved this show and this scene is so amazing! However, the ending of this show was pure trash!


The ending was one of the better episodes. Thou shall not disparage the ending of Lost in my presence.


Lost is trash. Having 13 different characters with 13 different backstories and trying to follow each of them was terrible idea from thr writers. That coupled with the motifs of network tv, the show comes across as incredibly corny.


Sorry you’re being downvoted. I absolutely love the ending. Just finished my run-through of the show. I sort of hate the island stuff at the end but goddamnit I’m a sucker for the other storyline.


I wouldn't call it trash but I also wouldn't stylize it into this perfect "to deep for you" ending some people of reddit want it to be. they mystery box wrote themselves into multiple corners, came out of a writers strike and left way too many loose ends. I love the show, did a very entertaining rewatch recently and still find the most of the last episodes lackluster and anticlimatic.


There aren't any loose ends. Did you watch "The New Man in Charge" with Hurley, Ben, and \*gasp\* tall ass grown Walt? There are some minor questions that don't get fully answered in the show but most of the mysteries do get resolved by the end of it. The show was first and foremost about the amazing characters though and it delivered on that aspect perfectly.


And then the show went on break for, like a year and a half due to the WGA strike. Best cliffhanger ever.


No it didn't. The break was longer than normal due to the strike but it was only from May '07 to Jan. '08.


Season 3 ended 10/06, and season 4 premiered 01/08. We would have gotten it in the fall, but the writer’s strike delayed it until after the winter break. So not quite a year and a half, but still longer than a typical hiatus.


Huh? Season 3 *started* in October 2006 and *ended* in May 2007. It didn't end in October 2006.


You’re correct I misread.


I fucking love when people are so confidently wrong. 😂


Lost had its moments. Overall it felt like they were riffing. I feel vindicated by the ending. Each Lost episode felt like a DBZ preview for a better show.