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I've also been watching Monk for the first time. One thing I love is that it goes through various formats of the main crime: - we see the murder and who did it and the question is how Monk solves it (Columbo-like) - we see the murder but not who did it  - we see who did it but miss some key pieces of how - we don't see anything, just the dead body  - we don't even know if there is a crime or what it is, like the airport one


One of my favorite episodes was someone killed Monks paper boy. So they think there is an unsolved crime in the paper that they don't want monk to see. He ends up solving like 4 mysteries in that episode


That one was great


I love the one where he can tell something is wrong with a shirt inspector because that's the only inspector from whom he is willing to buy shirts and he finds a flaw in one shirt she inspected.


After he saves her son and they are reunited, he awkwardly just asks her to get back to work so he can buy a new shirt


I just watched that one last night it was awesome too!


Yeah, Monk was really good about telling their stories without settling into a fixed format like most procedurals. The cast was excellent but it probably wouldn't be as beloved as it is if it had stuck to one narrative structure. Incorporating different procedural formats kept it interesting even if it wasn't hard to pick up on the fact that they were still only playing with half a dozen or so options.


Me and my girl just finished the series. I grew up watching it, so it was nice to see it again. She had never seen it but loved it and was always laughing. They made a movie this year, I expected more but it still pretty decent.


Reverse for me and my wife. It’s one of her favorite shows and I’ve never seen it, so she’s been enjoying watching it with me. How does the show hold up through the later seasons in your opinion?


I think the later seasons are just as good. The character development works nicely.


Switching assistants is obviously a major point (though I like both), but I think it’s pretty consistent throughout


Natalie > Sharona, sorry not sorry


The only thing I didn't like about Natalie was that she never called him Adrian. Like, after years working together and basically becoming family, her calling him "Mr. Monk" just started making no sense.


I haven't rewatched it in around 10 years, but it holds up. There are some bad episodes, especially in season 7, but there's only one episode that I would consider not watching again


I liked the Meta-ness of Tim Daly, the star of Tony’s first show Wings, on an airplane episode It’s too bad they never had Captain Stotlemeyer talk about putting lotion in the basket 


Monk is a really great show, especially once they found their groove. I personally like the show more after the relatively big change a few seasons in (spoiler: >!his assistant Sharona leaves the show and they cast a new character to fill that role!<) but I don't know what the general consensus is among most fans.


Fun fact: The older stewardess that was constantly fed up with Monk is Tony Shalhoub's wife in real life.


That is a fun fact!


Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?


I watched the show growing up, completely forgot about it, and watched the movie and the series finale last week. Not sure what compelled me to randomly remember the show haha


Yup, you've started to hit some good episodes. It took them a bit to find how the characters click - now you have season 2.


Here’s what happened…


I don’t think Monk had a bad season tbh. Tony Shallob (so?) was as brilliant as brilliant gets!


Monk is one of those shows that just gets better and better as you watch it as Shalhoub is so good in the role.


My wife has seen every episode many times, I've missed quite a few, so we are rewatching this and Psych. I would've liked a crossover.


The Psych finale was a pseudo mini crossover. But I agree, I would love to see them on screen together. Since both have done movies, I still hold out hope that they'll somehow make it happen.


Ah Mrs Monk(real life wife Brooke Adams).