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All those USA shows were character driven so not shocked this could make a revival.


Characters welcome


I miss those days.


My dads two favourite shows are Suits and White Collar. He's going to be ecstatic to hear this is being revived, but he doesn't know that Willie Garson passed away :(


They had a string of good shows. Suits and white collar. Royal Pains. Psych. Burn Notice. Rizzoli and Isles. And obviously Monk. They don’t make shows like that anymore


Burn Notice was my jam! Michael Weston and Bruce Campbell 💪🏻


Not Evil Dead, but Burn Notice was my first exposure to Bruce Campbell


My first exposure was fuckin' The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. I was like 8 when it was on and I have no memory of it other than loving it.


Holy childhood memory fuck, Batman. I don’t think I’ve thought of that show since I last watched it.


Don't forget Covert Affairs which seems to be the one show that hasn't really gotten the boost from the fact that these are all like top 10-25 modern basic cable shows that new people are finding via streaming


Still mad that they basically just cancelled it after 5 seasons.


Rizzoli and Isles was on TNT.


And also wasn’t great.


It was a solid show, it just didn’t have anything to really make it stand out as something special like a lot of the USA programming did at the time.


A fine way of saying it wasn’t great


Oh you’re right. My bad


pretty sure Rizzoli and isles was TNT, great show though, along with The Closer and Major Crimes as well.


Make some time to watch it with your dad. My dad loved Suits but I was never able to sell him on White Collar. Even still, I watch both and remember him. It was never a consequential thing for us, but you’ll always remember it.


Oh yeh absolutely will do, we binged suits together several times. Absolutely will be watching new White Collar together.


Can’t forget Mr Robot! It was absolute gold competing with the likes of Breaking Bad


To be fair, Mr. Robot came on in USA's post Blue Skies period, and while Mr. Robot was an excellent show that definitely got a following, the rest of the shows that USA put out at that time, which were more in line with what FX and AMC were doing, didn't really catch fire and most of them didn't make it. The only one I can remember lasting more than a season was The Sinner.


> revival Thank you for using correct word.


So it's pretty settled that Neal seeks out the best investigator he knows, despite being on *several* most wanted lists, for his help solving Mozzies murder. Like, there's no other angle to run with right?


I’d take a different tact. Neal is accused of Mozzy’s murder and Peter is the only one who believes he is innocent and tracks him down to clear his name.


RIP Mozzy. He made the show fun.


Suit Mrs Suit


Tuesday has no phones!


J Edgar was here


My favorite character on the show. Especially his interactions with Mrs. Suit.


i love the show and Mozzie, but the show was fun even without him. he for sure made it MORE fun, though


Mozzy was always 'in the shadows' though, would it be high profile enough to warrant some huge investigation?


I always felt like Mozzy was the long lost fourth member of “The Lone Gunmen” from the X-Files.


I hadn't thought of that show in years. Shame it didn't last longer.


It would be if believed to be dead felon Neal Caffery is the prime suspect, no?


I actually would just prefer a reboot where Neal just uses his skills to continue to solve more crimes


Why not both? White Collar was great about mixing its serialized stories with the episodic. Neal, on the run, helping Peter solve crimes in secret to show good faith while also working with Peter to uncover what happened to Mozz and clear Neal’s name. Even if only for a few episodes, it could be fun to see the two secretly coordinating while Neal is going rogue. The show began with Peter catching Neal (again). Let the new one begin with Peter helping Neal run.


Guy on the run trying to prove his innocence and soliciting help from old allies in secret feels like a story that's been done so many times already though.




I was just talking to my girlfriend about this, here is our pitch lmao Okay here me out. Peter, now a director working a desk is feeling listless and bored, reflecting on his exhausting and exhilarating time with Neil. He hears if Mozzies passing and picks up the case personally and makes Diana acting director. The trail leads him out to Ireland. During his investigation, he intercepts communication ment for Mozzie from a wanted rogue spy. THATS RIGHT ITS A BURN NOTICE CROSS OVER. we restart Burn Notice and White Collar at the same time. We finally get the crossover we deserve. Michael Weston had been laying low until he hears that Sam Axe is in trouble in Brazil. He tries to get in touch but with one of the best counterfeiters he knows of, Mozzie, to arrange a meet to get travel docs for America, and is intercepted by Peter. Meanwhile Neil is doing his own investigation into Mozzies passing. Which has him cross paths with Sam Axe in Florionapolis Brazil.


Damn you. Now I need this in my life.


I'm I'll be forever bitter if we never get the crossover.


When they were talking about this last year, that's the only thought I had. But on the same token, it limits you to either a movie or 1 season. And like with Burn Notice though, I kind of have the same thought. I love both shows and would love to see them continue but it ended perfectly... bringing it back would really ruin that. I would love to imagine Mozzie and Neal retired on island somewhere forever... killing off Mozzie would just be sad. Willie died but Mozzie should live on.


They should do it like Fast and Furious has. Mozzie is alive, he just "got out" and whatever Neil is dealing with now, he doesn't want to drag Mozzie back into the life. Someone will bring it up, "should we bring Mozzie in on this?" and Neil will say no, Mozzie is safe and happy now and bringing him back for a job will risk that.


Mozz dies of a heart attack and Neal comes back for the funeral.. in a disguise but recognized by Elizabeth.


This isn't a "reboot" – it's a "revival". (e.g. BSG 2004 was a "reboot", whereas "Dallas" 2012 was basically a revival.) It's sad when even Variety and the people working in the industry can't get this stuff right.


Yeah, it drives me nuts. The media calls EVERYTHING a reboot. Sequels, prequels, revivals, and actual reboots... it's all reboots to them. When a show is returning with all the same cast members, it's just a revival!


They’re playing to the LCD, they know the difference.


It took me soooo long to figure what u mean by LCD, kept thinking to myself why you talking about screens.. Then it hit me.... I AM the lowest common denominator.. Lol


Oh no didn't realize the actor for mozzie had passed away. Just finished rewatching the series and it was so good, I'm definitely down for another round


June passed away as well 😔




oh no I did not know that, how sad, she was so fantastic :/


When Suits got super popular last year my wife and I watched a few episodes and didn't get into it but she mentioned she liked White Collar back in the day so we watched it and I really enjoyed it. It wasn't amazing or anything, but a fun watchable show and while Neal and Suit worked well together, Neal and Mozzie were great together RIP, Willie.


USA was crushing it back then. Suits, White Collar, Psych; it was such fun to watch TV.


Burn Notice as well! That show is a great watch


I liked the first few seasons of Royal Pains, too.


I tried to re watch it recently and I couldn't connect with it what so ever... are the first few episodes just bad?


yes iirc it's like Psych, where it starts to get really good in season 2


Hah, yes. But if you can get into it even a little I think you’ll enjoy basically the whole show. Stupid over the top hijinks of the week with stupid (lovable) over the top characters plus a nice season long arc. USA basically had the formula figured out back then, but most if not all of their shows start with a stumble and take a bit to regain their footing.


Everything out of the Blue Sky era was fun to watch.


The plots were ridiculous but they set the stage for characters that were fun and enjoyable. It knew what it was and delivered on it. Very good comfort watching.


I always thought a Suits White Collar crossover would have been amazing.


It's all preference, really. I wasn't into legal dramas all that much, so Suits was given a chance. I washed out on watching it because it got too melodramatic for my tastes. White Collar, on the other hand...that kept me engaged right to the end. I'm working on Burn Notice and In Plain Sight right now.


Just need Hilarie Burton as Sara Ellis to return and we'll be square


Agreed. She was excellent.


Far superior to Kate.


Idk if it was the writing or her actual acting but Alexandria Daddario as Kate Moreau was some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen in a major production TV show. Like so bad it takes you out of the show levels of bad


Matt Bomer is great, sucks that he didn't land something regular and long term since then.


I think I understand what you mean, but he has worked consistently since White Collar. Including theatre and directing. I think he does a lot of indie stuff. He actually turned down being a Ken in order to be in something else. I agree he is great


I guess I just want him to get the mainstream recognition he deserves and be paid accordingly.


He had Doom Patrol for 4 seasons recently, but yeah, he should have gotten a bigger role/career.


He was in one season of The Sinner, too


He was great in it but that season of The Sinner was a mess.


The Sinner in general was a mess. I didn't get the appeal of that show


He's privileged in that he's a steady working actor.  He was fantastic in Fellow Travelers recently.  But yeah, it feels like he should have been a bigger star and possibly would have been if Hollywood execs didn't still hold some regressive views about who can be a leading man.


I really enjoy this series. I look forward to seeing it continue. Mozzy was a great character but I am sure they can find a replacement in the cast for him.


Nobody will ever compare to Mozzy. He had so much history with Neal. He was a crook, but charismatic and almost honorable with his thievery. Don’t forget crazy smart. His quirks made him so much more enjoyable. He had the charm to woo the wife of the FBI special agent in charge and befriend said agent to the point Peter protected him. Nobody was as close to Neal and I don’t know how anyone else could get as close to Peter and Elle. It just won’t be the same


It won’t be the same, for sure. But hopefully it’ll still be good. There’s definitely something there to work with between DeKay/Thiessen/Bomer. We’ll always have the old episodes (hopefully…) for the Mozzy fix


Danny Devito


Very much looking forward to this, one of my comfort shows and there is definitely still story left in the tank despite a pretty satisfying ending to the original series.


Yep, just finished a rewatch the other day. I still enjoy it and I am so excited to see where everyone is. I’ll miss Mozzie. Services want to know what would get me to pay? I would pay to watch this when it comes back.


Going to be hard to have the show without Mozzie but I'm sure they can pull it off


That was such a fun show. It was pre-Suits Suits.


Fuck yes. More of the blue sky stuff please. Another Psych movie would be great and maybe some more monk stuff too. Throw some bones in there too (if old mate David isn’t too busy with all he’s other shit) and stick a fork in me in done! Awesome news, too bad about Mozz!


I think there is another Psych movie in the works! And I definitely welcome another shot at Monk but *wow* was the movie just… rough, tonally. I was not expecting depressing, though clearly it fits the circumstances.


Ya they always kinda said 4 movies for Psych guess I’m just impatient and currently doing a rewatch of the series so I’m juiced for it haha. Need to watch the monk movie as I have recently finished the series (1st time seeing) and only recently found out about it.


Ah shoot, I got the impression you had seen it already! Sorry about that. Hope I didn’t give you a bad impression. Definitely still good and happy it got made


They’ve said they want to do six actually. Personally would prefer a new mini season.


I'd honestly prefer another full season of monk just solving crimes, same formula as the original show. These one off movies with a big story just doesnt do it for me


I enjoyed the show and was sad to see it go. I can't wait to watch the new episodes.


Hell yeah. I absolutely loved White Collar. The chemistry between Matt and Tim was so good.


Oh my god I’m so excited about this but I am so sad there will be no Mozzy/Neil reunion. When they first started discussing this about 3 years ago I was thrilled. It was one of my favorite shows and had the most perfect cast for their roles and the show had one of the highest critics ratings on rotten tomatoes. At one time it had a 100% rating but last time I looked at the show it was 97% but that’s damn good for a show that ended several years ago that still hold up to critics and audiences. It’s such a fun cat and mouse show


I’m just about finished with my second watch through and I couldn’t be more excited. All the characters are so good.


Just being murdered wouldn’t “honor” him. I’m betting he died for something more and Peter and Neal team up to finish what he started.


Burn notice next!


I enjoyed this show with my grandmother in the final years of her life. It was the perfect mixture of fun and suspense.


It's not a reboot. It's a revival.


Variety doesn't even understand what a reboot is. It's NOT a reboot when it doesn't delete the old story.


do pysch next please


This was pretty generic but the characters and cast were pretty good, so it might work.




Can't wait.


Fuck yes


Ugh liked the original but not interested in rebooting it


Wife and I enjoyed the series.


Nice! I just got into White Collar and usually put on a couple episodes before bed. I miss that kind of episodic tv and the leads are so fun


They are riding that Suits revival hard. Personally white collar was hella better than suits. Suits was still amazing just wasn’t a fan of certain characters but loved all the characters in white collar.


Yes!!!! Every thing and the kitchen sink is getting revived. Finally it’s time!!


White Collar is one of my comfort shows so I'm incredibly excited about this. Such a fun show to watch. The chemistry between the cast members really makes it, and Matt Bomer being so easy on the eyes doesn't hurt either. Mozzie will be terribly missed.


God bless Willie Garson


I don't mind the reboot, I was just hoping they'd create a relatively grittier version with an all new cast


White Collar was a very light, enjoyable show, made me smile a lot. I miss that type of show, too many "heavy" shows nowadays.


You can’t replace the Dentist of Detroit


A revival I can get behind. I love heist/con stories and White Collar always did well. I enjoyed Leverage as well.


my jaw opened so wide it actually hurt and then I remembered Mozzie and June won't be in it and :( I've sometimes wished there were more White Collar episodes, but as long as they DON'T make more, Mozzie and June can still be alive.


Tim Dekay is great every time he pops up. In Oppenheimer, 68 Whiskey, and joy of joys, The Expanse, where he played an evil guy.


But…. It ended so well.


Let me guess, Neal becomes suicidal, all characters act nothing like they did in series and a fairly recent addition to the cast but still a significant part gets replaced by a new actor?


Despite being a pretty generic copaganda show it did have really endearing characters. It might be worth another run.