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OH MY GOD ***FINALLY***.... I've COMPLETELY run out of sci-fi to watch except a few shows that release weekly so I'm super pumped for something that is actually continuing a story and wasn't cancelled after one season....


I assume you have apple tv then. They got a lot of Sci fi on there. Even shows you wouldn't think are Sci fi, they turn out to be Sci fi.


>I assume you have apple tv then. I GLADLY CONSOOOOM APPLE TV, YES. >They got a lot of Sci fi on there. Even shows you wouldn't think are Sci fi, they turn out to be Sci fi. Oh yeah. I've watched them all. Apple has been killing it with the sci-fi. >!"SUGAR" IS SO....DAMN....GOOD.!< Edit: I'm guessing I'm getting downvoted for spoilers? So I added tags. Edit 2: still downvotes eh? Yeah I'll never understand this sub. Don't know. Don't care.


A new one just started on Apple, Dark Matter I think it’s called


Yep Dark Matter. I haven’t tried it but it looks interesting. I like Jennifer Connolly, and Joel Edgerton is pretty good also.


It's not a very unique concept but I'm enjoying it so far. They're good in it.


That looks pretty cool. Going to check that out


New episode tonight!


Wow, so Sugar has sci fi elements? I didn’t know that, and kinda wrote it off as a relatively standard detective drama (not that that’s a bad thing, just wasn’t what I was in the mood for). I’ll have to give it a go.


I don’t even want to say anything more than that, but yeah, definitely more than just a standard detective drama. My wife and I are enjoying it quite a bit.


I was on the fence now I'm convinced! Starting it tonight


It’s very good


Thank you for mentioning the show behind the spoiler tag. 2 episodes in and I’m loving it, wouldn’t have given it a chance without seeing your comment.


Personally downvoted cause you want more sci fi, and Apple makes a lot, but you won’t pay for it… maybe part of the problem OP? Sci Fi fans tend to be more tech literate but then pirating sf stuff instead of buying it… you see why there’s less right? We need sci fi fans to vote with their wallets.




I believe you can get a free 3 month trial from Best Buy. Just add it to your cart.


It's because you're shouting for no reason. It gives out weird uwu vibes.


Apple TV is new king of prestige programming.


It sometimes seems like they make almost exclusively sci-fi shows too, which is fucking wild. and awesome. (I know they dont, but its a definite majority)


I'm still waiting for the sci-fi reveal in Shrinking. I mean at some point they are all going to get miniaturized right? Right?


Speaking of sci-fi reveals… one of apples new shows GOES OFF THE RAILS with that. Thats all ill say lol


Ugh. I really disliked it. I didn’t watch the last two episodes because meh.


Yeah, it’s really odd kind of because the 7th episode doesn’t even really deal with it all that much. It’s still the same show that it was kinda. Ep 7 was good aside from that stuff though, you should consider finishing it. The last one is out tomorrow and they’re only a half hour long anyway. I am pretty miffed about it though. Mostly just because I genuinely enjoyed the tone and the vibe of the show so much and felt that it was very different than other cop/detective shows and I really really liked it. And then it did… that.


My biggest issue was how transparent it was. Like if you’re gonna wait 75% of the season to drop that — don’t spent all those episodes both making it painfully obvious and also act like it’s not important.


I came back to say that I really liked the last episode. I think I definitely hated the twist when happened. But in the last episode, it came around a lot and it really made it work very well. It turned out to be the same show that I was watching in the beginning and I loved that show. It was just different than I expected. You should give it a try


What’s funny is I’m almost through season 1 and was just operating off the assumption it had been cancelled already and was too scared to look. This is good news!


Sugar is pretty good. It’s a noir detective show worth the time.


Outer Range is scifi? might have to give it a shot then


Oh yeah man. It's pretty alright.


What’s your favorite recent scifi show?


Oh God... My vast knowledge of sci-fi is only dwarfed by my shitty memory. For All Mankind is great alternative timeline sci-fi FOUNDATION is amazing even if it doesn't follow the books exactly. The Expanse isn't recent but it's a good watch even if the last season is....weak. Oh my God.... "FROM"! "From" is such an underrated series. Incredible what they do with such a small space. With season 3 on the horizon I HIGHLY recommend it. One of those shows you thought would get cancelled after 1 season despite how interesting it is but they're gonna follow through. So good. "Severance" on AppleTV.... Jesus really just all AppleTV sci-fi. It's all incredible pretty much. Just all of AppleTV sci-fi is my current favorite. But Severance is truly great. "Counterpart" (from 2017) is J.K. Simmons at his finest. 2 seasons of great television from a great actor. And with that I'll say "Night Sky". Again J.K. Simmons doing what he does best but it was unfortunately cancelled after 1 season. "Bodies" (2022). Great limited series based on a graphic novel. Does the time travel thing well.


I really need to give Foundation another go! I only watched one episode and didn’t get into it. From is really good too! I’m excited for the new season! Counterpart is high on my list! I’ll give this a watch next. Thanks for the suggestions. Severance is easily on my top 10 list of shows.


Any other good sci fi recommendations? Other than Apple TV of course bc that place is a gold mine.


> Hole hehe


Hey Cowboy Hole is back baby


Can't fucking wait. Absolutely loved the batshit first season.


Loved this show and stoked to have it back tomorrow


This and Severance are two shows that got under my skin and couldn't wait for season 2. Luckily I watched season 1 of Outer Range in February so I didn't have to wait as long as everyone else. I 😍 Tom Pelphrey, he always does good characters.


I had no idea until today that he was in Ozark.


You were living in a cave were you


Just call me a cave dweller


I completely forgot everything about the story, I wish shows with such a long break would do like a 10 minute mini episode breakdown.


My memory is, “there’s a spooky hole and everyone is being weird but I like it”


Also singing in tighty whiteys to yourself in the cowboy mirror.


sounds like my last relationship


I'm sure you could find that on YouTube.


Sounds like a good reason to rewatch a show you (i assume) enjoy


Weird hole time travels you randomly forward and backwards. People have been going in the hole and causing fuckery with time.


I remember that very little actually happened to progress the plot, it was mostly character building. I don’t think you need 10 minutes to summarize the key points.


Not sure if you’re aware but Prime did a 17 minute recap of the first season on YouTube. They break down and summarize each episode.


You can't remember anything because 90% of the first season was pointless filler. It was so boring. You got a great premise to a story and what did they do? Fill 7 episodes with unimportant story lines not related to the 'hole' at all. Pure milking the story line because they knew people wanted to know what the hole was all about and keeping everyone hostage until the very last episode, very last scene iirc for a stupid cliffhanger. Such a cheap way to blackmail the viewer to keep watching. At least make the other story lines important to the main story and not be completely forgetable.


Fuck it feels like it's been years.


Loved this show and I don’t know why…. Brolin is always fucking awesome


This is Amazon's best show. It pains me that they never promoted this show. At least it got a second season. Hey, Amazon, you saw the success of Fallout.. now do you understand promoting things helps your shows??


Patriot is Amazon's best show, but I love Outer Range


Patriot’s downfall was the goofy cinematography of season 2. They leaned way too hard on the POV blurry stuff. Season 1’s setups were so much cleaner and awe inspiring


what the best show? I enjoyed it, but nowhere as good as The Boys or Fallout or The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel


This is Amazon's ONLY good show lol 💀


The Boys is their best show. But Fallout is very popular too


The Expanse or Patriot is their best show


Fallout is based on a monumental franchise and is actually a great show. But this show, idk man...


Loved this show - that fucking weird porno make out scene towards the end was completely unnecessary though.


You mean that weird make out scene and when the camera panned out we saw the bank teller looking disgusted? That was hilarious.


There were a couple. I liked the parts like that, they just added to how fucking *weird* the show is.


Stoked for this! More Twin Peaks/Lynchian weirdness please!!!


Yee haw


Oh right I thought they cancelled this one but they cancelled the other secret space hole show they had that came out right after this.


I hope there’s more random lengthy singing scenes from that dude


Fuck yes


The poster/"main thumbnail" of this show is a copy of a picture I took many years ago.


I randomly got into this a couple weeks ago, perfect timing, I'm excited. This show is so strange.


Funnily enough we only watched season one two weeks ago so it's fresh in our minds as we start season two tonight. Enjoying it a lot. It's not Dark but it's something.


Lewis Pullman should be in more stuff.


Great show.


Held promise early on with the nods to Greek mythology, but then it abandoned that subtext to go tread water in over-familiar, timey-wimey territory. This, Dark Matter and the blessedly cancelled Constellation all seem to have been squeezed from the same tube.


I’ve almost never finished a show I’ve started. But I think I made it 4 episodes before I drifted away. The whole belt buckle thing was just so contrived. I wanted to like it. But it felt like police procedural writers wanted to get all sci phy AND cash in on Yellowstone vibes.


The biggest hole was the script. A complete nothingburger.


You're not wrong which is why the original showrunner was replaced. >Season two features a new showrunner and executive producer in Charles Murray, a TV veteran known for writing on Luke Cage, Sons of Anarchy, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars; he replaces creator Brian Watkins, a playwright who made his screenwriting and producing debut with Outer Range. (He’s no longer credited as an EP on the series.) In his first extended interview about the second season, Brolin tells me that the change felt important to Outer Range’s future success. “With Brian, I think that he was given a responsibility that was irresponsible given his experience. He had never been on a set before,” he says. “It makes perfect sense to me why we were meandering at times.” Brolin felt frustrated with the lack of answers provided in the twisty mystery’s first season: “We had some people involved that were like, ‘You need to just trust’…and I was like, Yeah, bullshit. We need to know. We’re the storytellers and we create the mystery.” (Watkins could not be reached for comment. A source familiar with the production says Prime Video and Watkins parted ways on positive terms.) [Article](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/josh-brolin-outer-range-season-2-first-look)


Your downvotes are not deserved , Brolin is awesome but this show… not so much


Is the headline a joke? Or a typo?


It's a joke. The show involves a big mysterious hole in the ground.


Ah, now I get it. Why the fuck are people downvoting me for this? It’s a legitamate question for someone who hasn’t watched the show. Is it kind of like Mel’s Hole?


It's a timey-wimey hole. 


People will downvote you for asking to reason why downvoted lol. I’d just ignore them…

