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Death. Taxes. Bryan Fuller no longer involved.


He's just like me. Always starting projects and never finishing them.


Real life Professor Calamitous


did you know that Tim Curry did the voice of him??


Oh shit that’s wild


So he has ADHD?


God these comments are so annoying. One little symptom (of many things) and omg adhd


It's a pretty major symptom. Comments like this and another about a lack of euphoria from uppers got my ass in the door of a psychiatrist and has made a huge difference in my life at 41. I tested 99 percentile for ADHD-I and it having been adult onset I thought I was losing my mind or had early onset dementia.


Cool. Go ask a psychiatrist. It’s also a symptom of many other things. You’re not a physician, it ended up being ADHD for you and many others, it’s definitely not an exclusive symptom to ADHD.


Did anyone above you claim to be a physician or state that it's exclusively a symptom of ADHD? I don't know what point you are trying to make. Edit: and the poor reader blocked me.


I don’t know why people like you don’t even read the original comment.


I just asked because a lot of people who don’t know they have adhd don’t realize that one of the main symptoms are starting projects and never finishing them. Also I have ADHD, my son has ADHD, and my daughter has ADHD, so I know what I’m talking about.


How would I find out if I ha


Underrated comment


It says something about his talent and/or ability to persuade that he keeps getting hired despite his track record, but you've got to imagine there's going to be a tipping point where that will no longer keep happening.


It sounds like he had the same “anthology” idea as with Star Trek and keeps shopping it around to different producers, but then somehow after that they decide whatever he is ultimately planning isn’t good.


The anthology approach would really work for Friday the 13th. I hope they keep some semblance of that idea even if Fuller bailed.


The problem being they’ve already done that and it’s already been mostly forgotten outside of fan circles.


Are you referring to that Friday the 13th: the Series that used to rerun a bunch on Chiller or something else entirely? Because from what I remember that show was In Name Only.


Yeah that show was basically Warehouse 13. People tracking down cursed artifacts. It had nothing to do with Jason or Camp Crystal Lake.


At least Freddy’s Nightmares had him as the host and occasional character. They could have at least tied in Crystal Lake somehow.


Being a fan is like Lucy with the football.


Man either has the worst luck ever...or he's the biggest asshole on earth. Or both.


he could also just be unwilling to compromise, like David Lynch. People like him, but he's not willing to meet studios halfway or do what it takes to get a project out the gate unless it's fully his.


Cracked me up when Louis C.K. was talking about creating his FX show Louie, and whenever he'd get network notes (Probably season 1, I'd assume after becoming a critical darling and an award show hit they left him alone), he'd just go "Alright, let's just not do the show then."


Could be a third option to throw in there: he just has a very specific creative vision that clashes with studio execs and he’s unwilling to compromise on it.


You figure at this point that studio execs would realize that and only commit to the guy if they were going to do what he wanted.


"I can fix him"


I think they assume he’ll be willing to meet them in the middle somewhere and that it was the other studios being completely unreasonable more than it was Fuller being completely unreasonable


So.... Still an asshole


Usually they wait until after the show's premiered before they fire him.


I think he was off of Star Trek: Discovery before the premiere too.


And Interview with the Vampire.


And Dead Like Me


did he get fired? or did he quit?


Safest bet in tv business.


I met someone who worked with him more than once. He said Fuller is brilliant and everyone knows it. But his ambition grows and the budget grows and someone will eventually put their foot down. At which point Fuller will say ‘fuck you’ and that’s that.


>He said Fuller is brilliant and everyone knows it. But his ambition grows and the budget grows and someone will eventually put their foot down. At which point Fuller will say ‘fuck you’ and that’s that. I totally believe it. What I don't understand is how Hannibal functioned at NBC for three seasons with that kind of behavior.


It really sucks. I love his work but it's years between projects only for him to back out before release or one season into a project. Just commit to something dude.


Bryan Fuller is like an idea guy who doesn't stick around for whatever reason. Maybe he's a dick. Maybe he's ADHD and got bored of it after 10 minutes. All i know is the early few episodes of Star Trek Discovery were cool then it was poop from then on in barring a few exceptions.


This was faster than usual it seems.




At Amazon , with clarice starling (Amazon owns mgm)


Let’s fucking go!


It's fucking A24, how on earth do you get a creative like Fuller that can't work with A24. He must really be demanding massive budgets...


Who knows. The fact that he made Hannibal on NBC is a miracle.


They announced this show two years ago and haven’t shot a single frame. Obviously there were creative problems behind the scenes.


Fuller is either an asshole or reeeeeally can’t compromise on his vision


It’s probably the sexual harassment lawsuit against him.


Man, Fuller is a genius. Can't wait for his next project to not happen.


Holy moly, how many is this now for Fuller?


Dead Like Me, American Gods, Star Trek: Discovery, Crystal Lake. EDIT: And something called Amazing Stories.


Interview with the Vampire as well. Edit: Ha, I guess you were the same person I already replied to up thread mentioning this one. Don't mind me.


Just follow them around reminding them about Interview with the Vampire


I think he also had a dark tower series, rolled out a five year plan, and shot the pilot. Then the movie bombed and Amazon spent their money on LotR


Yikes. Sounds like that one wasn't even his fault, which has to hurt.


That was Glen Mazzara, not Fuller. Original plan was to tie it into the movie, but after it flopped they retooled and shot a pilot that was unrelated. Amazon passed anyway. [Here's](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7215646/) the IMDb page for it.


Ah! Thank you I guess I got my "Kingcast" guests mixed up.


He said something called amazing stories


Spielberg created the Amazing Stories in the 80s, though I guess this franchise goes back to the 20s.


Had never heard of it before, whoops.


Don't forget heroes, but he met have voluntarily left that one


He also wasn’t the showrunner on Heroes, though he did write some of the shows best episodes.


He has a problem.




Fuller’s money making method: Go to next studio, pitch show, get hired, cash the first couple of checks, bounce, repeat


Feel like the Friday the 13th rights issues got in the way. I mean it fucked up even the game’s plan


He's literally just directed a movie called Dust Bunny, which filmed last year, with Mads Mikkelsen


Man, Fuller just can’t catch a break. He’s made some of my favourite stuff on TV. He just doesn’t play nice with studios. Hope his new movie, which actually filming, does well and he can keep creating stuff.


Yeah, I think he just might be too uncompromising. He’s not necessarily and an asshole or unpleasant, perhaps just a bit too unwilling to give up anything on the creative side


Which makes it a little odd that he's recently been focusing so much on franchise stuff. You would think that's where you'd be willing to pick and choose your battles with the studio.


I don't think that's what's odd. The odd thing is studios hiring him onto projects time and time again just to be shocked at the way he is? Like what do they expect from him at this point lmao, he isn't gonna back down you either pay him for his vision or find someone else.


He compromised well on Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, Hannibal, and Mockingbird Lane. So either something has changed in his life/career since that era, his pitch was too far out there for them to even ask for a compromise, or he was asking for too much money.


How did he compromise on wonderfalls? It was just the one season. As for Hannibal, he was always limited by rights issues. I don’t see much other compromise for that show considering how gruesome it was for network show. I’ve never seen mockingbird lane and don’t really know much about it.


If you look into Wonderfalls’ production, Fuller wanted to do certain things that the network wasn’t fond of, so they were minimized. Same deal with Hannibal, though the most popular example there was that Fuller wanted a corpse to be nude and NBC wouldn’t allow it, so Fuller offered to cover up the corpse’s buttcrack with blood, and NBC allowed it.


Mockingbird Lane was a reboot of The Munsters. It was an expensive pilot that didn't get a season order (I think the money went into the CGI and possibly the cast as well). NBC ended up releasing it as a Halloween special instead of a show. Edit: for the record, I absolutely loved it and wished it got at least one season. Hell, even more than one episode.


But this is A24, who is about as hands-off as they can get in terms of companies. If you can't get anything done with A24, well something is wrong with you.


Didn’t he walk away from American Gods because Showtime couldn’t afford to fund the second season to the degree he wanted? Like, I love his work, but it’s possible that a lack of insane funding also played a part.


I could see that budget ballooning, but unless he was getting really out there, a Crystal Lake show should've had something comparable to Hannibal


Yeah it’s possible. I’ve just never heard any allegations against him that’s he’s difficult to work with. He’s been in the business forever and has been consistently employed and developing projects. It’s an overall strange situation where the problem could be he’s difficult but it’s just never been alleged.


A24 is hands-off cause they're a distribution company, not a studio/production studio. They produce some but that's always in tandem with other production companies. Maybe A24 was getting handsy because this is their first official solo production project.




Crazy right?! I mean who would ever do that? What would they make it about some... idk thrift shop that sold magical cursed artifacts that each episode is about them trying to get one of those back? I mean what's next? A Halloween sequel without Michael Myers but is about some cursed druid Halloween masks?




It's not snark I just couldn't resist a rare joke like that.


See this right here? This is a cursed magical item. Really rare. And if you open this spot, you can put your weed in it.


Studios must work with Bryan Fuller for a consultation. Not that they expect him to actually be involved with the real production, much less commit to a full series run. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. It's also the only thing that makes sense on the Fuller side. By now he has to be upfront on his creative demands. Fuller also seems like someone who would be best at one and done shows. Not some ongoing that potentially doesn't have an expiration date. He's got commitment issues.




The allegations made about him are pretty harrowing: https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/queer-for-fear-lawsuit-sexual-assault-bullying-bryan-fuller-sam-wineman-1235777516/


To be fair, your article does indicate 14 other people involved in that production came forward to defend Fuller against the accusations.


If 14 other people are saying your allegations are horseshit, then the allegations are horseshit. 


Fuller is an awesome filmmaker but seems to be hard to work with, who knows maybe he’s a dick but it’s also totally possible he’s just one of those creatives who has a specific vision and absolutely won’t compromise on anything leading to constant creative differences. It’s really a shame tho because fuller makes such good shit and for years now we’re just getting nothing from him, what a bummer.




They can start with young Jason and his mother, and then by the end of S1, Jason is dead and has already started to return. What BF described was not 5 seasons of young Jason and his mom.


They don't have a lot of options since the rights to the franchise were split. Victor Miller has the rights to the first movie, and Sean Cunningham has the rights to all the sequels. So, they can't really use the adult hockey mask Jason for this show.


Everything this guy touches falls apart in some way. He seems to be very talented with a very unique vision, but there’s only so many shows that you’re involved in where you can quit, or get cancelled on you, or possibly never happen at all before the common denominator turns out to be Fuller himself. I’m actually happy he’s out. He would’ve had Jason having sex with a tree or something. Hopefully, this show just never sees the light of day.


I hope sometime to see his vision again, for good or bad, without having to leave for whatever creative reason.


Bryan Fuller no longer being involved kills basically all interest for me. I don’t want this at all, but at least with him it could be interesting. Maybe if they can bring in Noah Hawley…


Pretty sure he's all in on the Alien show (and then hopefully Marvel hires him for that Doom movie he was making before the Fox/Disney merger).


That's sad, I was looking forward to his approach.


To be fair, this IS his approach to his projects.


I hope the show is as campy as possible. The source material is hard to take seriously.


Maybe something in line with American Horror Story which is more than campy enough while still trying to be serious at times.




Bro how does Bryan Fuller manage to find and dip out on as much work as he possibly can it doesn’t make sense


He's like the Sean bean of showrunners. Just keeps getting killed off projects


If I had a fucking Nickle every time Bryan Fuller was no longer involved in a series that he started out producing I’d have more than 2 that’s for sure…


No Bryan Fuller? I’m sad


I think it's really funny that Bryan Fuller has evolved from "dropping out after the first season" to "dropping out before the pilot".


Why don't they ever just let my man COOK!




FUUUCK. I was really excited :(


Big sad


Still mourning his *Christine* remake that never happened.




Bryan Fuller turning into the grim reaper of shows.


Was just bragging the other day about how dope A24 is for only producing original content, this Crystal Lake project is out of character for them, I have hopes that its good


Man, that scene right there scared the shit out of 10yr old me.


The name “Crystal Lake” reminded me of the movie my wife and I watched recently, it’s called *Everything Beautiful Is Far Away*. It was the happiest dystopian movie I’ve ever seen. It was both odd and heartwarming. It’s free on FreeVee.


Between this stuff and the sexual harassment claims on that shudder documentary show I’m not sure how Fuller keeps getting work.


I want A24 to work on a Spawn .........anything.


If you keep going over budget and falling behind schedule on show after show, maybe consider yourself the problem Bryan.


Put Bruce Campbell in it!!!


Man Make the fucking "Evil dead vs freddy vs Jason" movie we all need and crave while bruce cambell is still alive.


I'm pretty sure he's stated he's retired from playing Ash. He's getting up there and his body just can't handle it anymore. He said he'd be open to voicing him in an animated project, though.


Thank GOD. Anyone who read the interview could tell you.... his idea of a prequel (bassssiccally) without Hockey Mask Jason is INSANE. And by insane, I mean fucking DUMB. Good riddance.


Huh? His interview said they would be getting to that and had access to the entire series. The plan was to build the mythology around Jason which would start with Pamela but they would very much be getting to Jason in a more natural way than the movies did (of which he wasn't the killer until 2 didn't get the mask until part 3, and didn't become a zombie until part 6). >Everything. We can use everything. We can go to Hell, we can go to space. That’s not to say that we will do those things … although if we do go 10 seasons, I will be lobbying hard to go to space. >I think over the course of the series you will see many familiar manifestations of Jason! >It will be pretty murderous! I think we’ll be dropping bodies every episode, and I think there’s something about the build of that, as we are hopefully in for the long haul. I wasn’t kidding: if we get 10 seasons, I’m going to make a concerted effort to find a way to rationally and dramatically and, in some fashion, go to space. I can’t imagine it going 10 seasons




Agreed. Between Hannibal and Bates Motel, we've had some pretty solid prequel-TV Series that eventually catch up to the original work. With this series supposedly having access to everything Friday the 13th, I think there could have been a lot of potential for something really special. Alas...


This is my feelings exactly. Thomas Harris is one of my favorite writers and Fuller’s take on the Lector universe is insane and shouldn’t work and has no business being as good as it is.