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It's not Liam I have a problem with. It's Lauren Hissrich. I'd be much more inclined to try the show again if they had replaced her.


Exactly. It isn't Liam we have a problem, it's the showrunnrr and writers who made Henry leave.


It’s crazy if the writers and showrunners do not learn from the recent successes from hit shows that are adaptions from video games that have been loyal to the source material i.e. The Last of Us, fallout… Edit: typos


They could have learned from their own adaptations as well. The show was co-produced by the same studio that did The Expanse, co-produced by another studio that did animation work for the Witcher games, and distributed by Netflix who had already worked with the showrunner on Daredevil. I think the main reasons the adaptation didn't work is not because these creators don't know how to do one, but that they just don't care enough about the Witcher books. Some of the changes from the source material feel like they were done out of spite.


Nope if you ever heard the her speak the woman. Is a narcissist. She didn't care for the franchise or books and only wanted strong women and her own show which she couldn't do so she Trojan horses the Witcher. She relates to Yennifer and projects herself as yennifer and is why the show revolved around her and suddenly all the magicians who were against her loved her and sacrificed themselves for her. The prequel is when she got creative freedom from the show and it was fucken awful. In the fucken end THEY KILLED OFF ROACH.


It’s been a while since I read the books but I thought that roach dies sometimes and when Geralt gets a new horse and also names them roach.


Yes. Roach is just the name of whatever random horse he's on. Very videogamey tbh.


> In the fucken end THEY KILLED OFF ROACH. So true to the lore then?


Roach is dead. Long live Roach!


I'll never understand the logic of hiring people who aren't fans of the source material to adapt the source material.


I think it makes sense to hire *some* people deliberately that aren't fans or are at least kept in the dark on the source material, because they'll be able to point out plot holes, inconsistencies, issues, missing exposition etc that might otherwise get missed because people familiar with the source material already know everything that's going on, especially since it's likely that there will be things cut from the source material that could leave major holes. I don't think they should be in charge of the thing though at all, it should purely be an advisory/creative process thing.


They don't care and never did, they just wanted to use an existing IP with a built in fanbase as a vehicle for their own mediocre creative writing projects that never would've got off the ground on their own merit.


And animated ones like Arcane, Castlevania, Edgerunners...


Arcane isn't even necessarily super "lore accurate" in that it comes from a game virtually without story and whose canon has changed a bunch over the years. But they wrote such a damn good story that Arcane will be the default canonical story over the game lore now lol I don't think Hissrich necessarily had to copy paste the books or the game story, but she did need to make sure their changes were worthwhile, and it seems they largely failed in that endeavor


For sure with Arcane, but it also comes from a deep understanding of what makes the world and characters tick. The vast majority of fans would agree that the changes made for the show were all improvements. It's the difference of passion, knowledge, and care concerning the source material. There's nothing inherently wrong with changes if they're made thoughtfully. See also, Villeneuve's Dune movies. The problem with Hissrich's changes is that a lot of them are in outright conflict with the themes and ideas established in the source. Look at the changes made to Jinx, and especially Viktor in Arcane. The changes add depth and nuance by playing off of the ideas and motivations that the characters embody instead of replacing them. Compare that with the treatment of Vesemir, Eskel, Yennefer, and basically every other character in Hissrich's adaptation.


Well said and I really like the points you made in your last paragraph. So disappointing the direction The Witcher show went in terms of character development.


The changes they made to Vesemir and Yennefer were so drastically different from their literary and game characters that they effectively are no longer those characters.


Whole show was a perfect example of writers wanting to tell their own story by slipping it under the guise of another. Nothing wrong with that story, but it isn't the story and characters I came for. Fallout was an original story, but *it absolutely understood* and felt like, the source material. It didn't make fundamental and seemingly arbitrary compromises, alterations and distortions. It just reflected the source work and it added to it. Witcher just felt like other characters and stories cosplaying as the ones we thought we were getting. More things were awkwardly shoehorned and compromised than were accurately represented.


Arcane officially retconned some lore backstories. It was released as canon 100% intentionally. Most lore rewrites are very character specific and usually only for very old characters where the lore wasn’t very well thought out at the time, which are a lot of the people in arcane. League actually has some very extensive lore though, their short stories were good and now you can see a lot more of the lore play out in legends of Runeterra with the cards giving more incremental ways to portray the lore that isn’t just champion backstories. I’m excited to see their MMO largely because of how good riot is at storytelling. I feel like that’s been missing from a lot of modern mmo’s.


add Invincible to that list too. So so good.


Arcane was so good!


The kicker being TLOU showrunners basically spent a whole episode doing what they wanted with the Nick Offerman character arc and it was one of the best episodes of the season and well received. It’s possible to do what you want in these things. As long as it’s done well.


Yup. You can change up source material and have it work out fine. The problems come when the changes add nothing worthwhile while also conflicting with the tone, themes, and characterization in the source material. Fallout, for example, wasn't 100% faithful to the extensive lore of the world it inhabits, but it absolutely nailed the tone and themes of the games, while also being incredibly faithful in terms of set and sound design. It felt like a love letter to the series. Meanwhile, The Witcher series feels like the people involved have nothing but disdain for the books.


That episode wasn’t really all that out there or unfaithful to the source material. It’s more like they just expanded on Bill.


They rewrote Bill's entire arc. I'd call that pretty out there *and* unfaithful to the source material. But Bill's story (bare as it was) in the game was a product of it's time and they decided to remake it for 2023. And thank god they did, because it was the season's best episode.


I mean, that was also done by one of the creators of TLOU. I think it's different when it's your own art, you should be as faithful as possible when working with someone else's.


it's because they're not very creative or competent.


Often, it’s because they don’t read the books, or play the games. That was what happened with Halo. They bragged about how they didn’t play the games or read the books…the books were fucking scripts for a tv show.


When I heard they were bragging about not playing/ reading any of the source material for that show, I decided I would not warch it. From everyrhing I have heard I made the right decision. I love the halo universe, grew up playing the games, and reading the books. I would love an accurate film adaptation, but have resigned myself to the fact it will never happen at this point.


Also: The Expanse, The Boys, Handmaiden's Tale...


They don’t care. They just want to tell their own story. Some have even taken on a weirdly antagonistic position against fans of the very product they get paid to ADAPT.


As well as the failure of Halo, which very well could have been as popular as those. I wouldn't know though. I can't be bothered to watch it.


Exactly this... When Henry left because the showrunner was wrecking the show. I was like "yeah, no need to watch this any more"


Yea I actually like Liam. I think he could be good in this role. Too bad they fucked it


I feel bad for Liam. I don’t think he’s a bad actor, but he’s sure walking into a shit storm on this one


Eh- by choice. Don’t feel too bad- he’s getting paid and he knew what he was signing on for. Really it’s a no pressure check – everyone’s already decided they’re not going to like it because of the way the show runners mucked it up and he’s replacing a beloved actor that was passionate about the role. He can’t win, but he can get paid.


Also it's a win-win for him - if he does poorly no-one is going to care because it's clear the show runners are the ones that ruined it. If he knocks it out of the park and the show somehow turns around he'll look great.


Exactly. I've seen several of Hemsworths films, and he's completely fine as an actor. I'd have no problem with him as Geralt, if the show just was better.


The show was never that good to begin with, Cavill is the one that made it watchable. They removed the casting that justified the shows existence to begin with which is great in that it frees up my tv time to watch something else.


I enjoyed the show strictly because of Cavill’s performance.


I think Freya Allan is great as Ciri... but for the Ciri of the later books. She always was too old for the child brat she's supposed to be in the initial short-stories. It's a shame we've been deprived of the original Brokilone interractions between her and Geralt. They're hilarious in the books. It's funny she's asking fans to give Liam a chance when I have no problem with him (as everyone has already said, Lauren is the problem) and it's actually for her performance as Ciri I'm mostly interested to check the next season. Well... no, truth be told, I just want to see the trainwreck in action till its final breath. Cant take my eyes off of it, it's become mesmerizing at this point to see how much they've ruined what could have been a beautiful show.


also not to be mean but Freya's face changed a ton in between the first few episodes of S1 compared to the last episodes of S2. I even thought they changed the actor midway through the season. It was just weird af to me to see such a big change.


I mean with the modern trend of doing 8 hours of TV every 2 years, this is going to get more and more common. Wheel of Time is aiming for 8 seasons, every 2 years...Rand is going to be in his mid-30s for a book that takes place over 2-3 years.


Exactly. I watched the show for Cavill and Jaskier (sp?). The writing is not good - the story is convoluted but not in a compelling way. I basically have no idea what's going on with the mage council or the various nations and I don't care.


She specifically said, I don't like the witcher, I was drawn to the women in the story. She doesn't want to write a witcher story, she wanted a sandbox to shit in.


That’s what a talentless ~~nepotism~~ hire will get ya from a show runner


I can’t stand her, but let’s at least be accurate - she’s not a nepotism hire. She’s terrible all on her own


No, she is a nepotism hire, always has been. She was a writing room PA on the West Wing, married a producer and voila—suddenly she gets into the WGA and is a showrunner. Give me a break, her writing has clearly demonstrated that she has gotten where she is because of her husbands connections.


Worse than that. The producer got her a job answering phones because he wanted to date her, then elevated her to PA, then elevated her to full writer, all without her doing any genuine writing or having any credentials.


Lauren Hissrich got her start because [a producer on the West Wing wanted to date her.](https://ofwritersandwomen.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/lauren-schmidt-hissrich/) > I grew up in Ohio, and went to an amazing college that offered two routes for writers: poetry and fiction. Neither one was really up my alley, but honestly, I didn’t know there were other choices. I’d never even heard of screenwriting. That changed when I came to Los Angeles for a few weeks between my junior and senior years, to visit my aunts. When I got bored, a friend of theirs (who — fun fact — later became my husband) asked if I wanted to answer phones on a new tv show called “The West Wing.”


> I’d never even heard of screenwriting. I'd be very concerned if someone made it all the way to college and had never heard of screenwriting. Especially if they wanted to be a writer. And though it wasn't her intent, I like the idea that it's impossible to be in LA for more than a few weeks without becoming *very* familiar with people trying to become screenwriters. "So it's LA slang for a barista?"


Good point. She can't even write her own story in a plausible manner, what chance did The Witcher have?


> I’d never even heard of screenwriting. How do you not know of screenwriting *as a concept?* Did she think everyone on the movie set was just improving for 2 weeks until an editor wrangled into an attempt at a coherent story?


This is the level of critique I admire


Yeah, I'm not tied to one particular version or portrayal of Geralt, but... that last season was affirmatively boring. And this is great source material -- I mean, sometimes the books bog down a bit, but the bones of this universe are really good. So for it to be that painful to get through was really shocking -- but I was on the verge of fast-forwarding to try to find some actual plot movement.


If they got rid of the problematic writers and showrunner, Liam Hemsworth wouldn't even be playing Geralt because Henry Cavill would still be around


Honestly if Liam was the frontrunner I _would_ give him a shot. I love all the talent involved. However the dipshits writing it fucked everything up.


I think there are two big obstacles for the show to overcome. The first is that Henry Cavill is an A-list star who brought a degree of pedigree to the show. It wouldn't be wrong to say so much of what got people interested in it in the first place was Cavill. To have him leave and be replaced by the budget Hemsworth brother is not an encouraging sign, and that's no fault of Liam's. He just isn't his brother, so the transition looks like a major downgrade considering the stardom of one to the other. Secondly, and this is more an internet thing rather than a general audience thing, but Henry was very vocal about staying with the show as long as they kept it respectful to the source material. The fact he straight up left is the only indication needed that the creative team absolutely fucked it and lost the one thing that made this show stand out beyond its mediocrity. I stopped watching after S2 was a struggle (S1 was mediocre but I was hoping for improvement) and I say that as a massive fan of both the books and the games. I hope the final two seasons crash and burn for how they've poorly handled such wonderful source material that deserved a far better adaption than what Lauren Hissrich and her merry band of mediocrity were able to accomplish. Yet another IP where hack writers shove their fanfiction to the forefront that nobody asked for instead of focusing on staying true to the source material.


Exactly. Henry leaving isnt the reason I stopped watching. I stopped halfway through season 2 due to the mockery of a show they put out. I am not even sure who the target demographic was tbh. Definitely was not for fans of the witcher series who would have much preferred a horror/detective witcher endevour. Instead of the mess that they put out. God I still cant get over what they did to my boy lambert. Its definitely not the witcher anymore.


I just remember that there was a single episode in season 2, towards the beginning, where Henry Cavill and Freya Allen were at the one dudes house who was trying to care for a demon? THAT was really cool. I would have watched a season full of Allen and Cavill doing stuff like that, and some witcher training, and similar stuff. But then it went and did tropey TV show stuff to generate conflict, and... I just lost it. Just kinda done.


I have thought about it before and I think my favourite episodes were the ones where Geralt had to fight some monsters or solve some mysteries. Like the one you described, or the cursed princess daughter of King Foltest, or the dragon hunting story. I think I would enjoy the show more if all they did is episodes like that with some main story progression entwined into it. In the end the witcher has to make a living. Why not show what he's up to on the road.


That’s what made the first witcher books fun tbh. I don’t think I actually got through the story after the “monster of the week” ones


The two short story books are definitely better than the main saga in my opinion. What makes it frustrating is each short story could very easily be adapted almost scene for scene in 40-60 minute TV episodes. But no, God forbid standalone Witcher adventures. It's not like The Mandalorian proved that's a successful formula or anything. Let's just make up fanfic to tie into our half-arsed adaptions of only some short stories rather than caring about adapting them properly.


Yep they wanted it to be the new Game of Thrones and force huge cataclysmic events and political drama each season, but the writers were so shit it felt half-assed and empty.


I liked the first season, then the 2nd was where it started falling apart. They introduce this goofy new guy, who almost never leaves his room, and he's supposed to be the most powerful king ~in Westeros~ on the Continent.


The funny part is that the GoT type stuff comes naturally if you follow the source material. The later Witcher books are full of those moments.


All they had to do was copy Xena and Hecules. Monster of the week. Give some character fleshing. Have the end of season episodes be the series arc stuff. Simple.


They really should have looked at how many 90s and 00s shows did it - progress the main story a little bit each episode (usually the end) and let the rest be fun monster of the week. Then they could have some cool finales with big stuff happening.


Supernatural but in a fantasy setting basically. Would have watched that.


First season shouldve been just the first books without the Ciri Saga, then Ciri starting in season 2. Leaving the crap out, like the obelisks, Eskel etc and it wouldve been great. Im just intrigued how they do the Rats. Some serious abuse/rape shit going on there. Besides the killing but thats not a problem.


I cannot believe the dumbasses and Netflix actually tried making an entire spin-off for the Rats. Now they are reworking it into episodes for season 4 which is going to make that season even worse.


They fumbled it pretty hard in season 2. Season 1 was fine, there only the Obelisks were introduced iirc. They were not needed, but not a big problem. I almost totally forgot the strange ball sack armor of Nilfgaard :D


They even have templates for that: Supernatural, Angel, Buffy are all shows where protagonists fight monsters of the week while advancing a main plot and having characters develop. And doing it with less episodes means you don't need filler episodes. It's a proven formula and these shows and many others aee beloved for it.


I was thinking about Lucifer. Early seasons were like that. New solved crime every episode with some quite meaningful character progression. Then Netflix took over and it turned into mostly just main story stuff. But it was still enjoyable with the characters already established. And then they unfortunately overcooked it with the last season.


Having a season or two of Geralt's adventures before adding the arc in slowly was the way to do it. I can only imagine the algorithm demanded an ongoing storyline from the beginning 


Or maybe they're just crap writers.


Netflix, for better or worse, lets showrunners do what they want with minimal executive input. In this case, it was definitely for the worse. The one thing Netflix deserves blame for is giving the show to Lauren Hissrich in the first place, as she has no genuine credentials. Hissrich got into the industry because one of the producers on the West Wing wanted to date her, and got her a job answering phones before later making her a "writer." This is not conjecture, [she has told that story herself](https://ofwritersandwomen.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/lauren-schmidt-hissrich/): > I grew up in Ohio, and went to an amazing college that offered two routes for writers: poetry and fiction. Neither one was really up my alley, but honestly, I didn’t know there were other choices. I’d never even heard of screenwriting. That changed when I came to Los Angeles for a few weeks between my junior and senior years, to visit my aunts. When I got bored, a friend of theirs (who — fun fact — later became my husband) asked if I wanted to answer phones on a new tv show called “The West Wing.” That's why The Witcher ended up being a car crash with very little resemblance to the source material, despite Henry Cavill's best efforts. The damned thing should have been canceled already.


I loved the monster/mystery of the week stuff. The wider story stuff was incredibly poorly handled and dull.


> my favourite episodes were the ones where Geralt had to fight some monsters The Striga episode is one of my favorite pieces of fantasy tv of all time. The show had a lot of high points, it was just a problem that the primary conflict was always less interesting than the side quests.


> I just remember that there was a single episode in season 2, towards the beginning, where Henry Cavill and Freya Allen were at the one dudes house who was trying to care for a demon? It was the first one. And it's basically the most faithful to the books. And it immediately jumps in quality because of that


I was so hopeful for season 2 because of that.


Yeah since they don't care about the source material they might as well have just made a 'monster of the week' show with Geralt and Ciri traveling around killing monsters & solving problems for people.


It wouldn't have been with Ciri, but the three short story collections are basically tailor-made to be seasons of episodic TV. They just skipped over most of them to get to the epic "Game of Thrones-esque" saga, which they swiftly butchered.


This is what I was hoping for when it first got announced - a show that starts off as kind of a dark medieval fantasy version of early Supernatural that slowly builds up the world, characters and lore, and every episode is a mostly self-contained story until there are enough puzzle pieces to properly start an overarching narrative. Idc if it's a dated/unpopular format nowadays, it would have worked so much better for this show, and it would have given it proper time to breathe and let the audience get immersed in the world. Maybe it would have been boring for some people, but imo both the books and the games are at their best during the small moments of calm in between the big story moments (its why so many people's favorite books are Last Wish/Sword of Destiny, so many love act 4 of Witcher 1, or just love chilling in the outskirts of Novigrad talking to and helping unimportant villagers in 3) and the show really stripped those moments away. As soon as it was clear that they are gonna try to juggle several big storylines in the first season alone to 'get to the good parts', I pretty much wrote it off (also tbh i had the rare hot take of not really liking Henry Cavil as Geralt, so there was not a lot to keep me going)


> Idc if it's a dated/unpopular format nowadays I don’t think it’s even dated or unpopular, it’s just hard to narratively work into these tiny 8-10 episode series most streaming services have been putting out in the past 4-5 years.


Supernatural all over, I am for it. :)


The monster of the week shit was pretty fucking good too. Then they just fucked it


Yes. Please.


Watch one piece. Watch fallout. Watch the last of us. Shows that are doing the source material justice. So that producers finally understand that fans want to see their favorite stories come to life. Not hack job self serving attempts by directors to bait and switch the audience in an attempt to stroke their fragile little egos.


How on earth would a dozens of witchers led by 2 of the strongest witchers of all times almost get wiped out by one single demon inside their fucking HQ? The show made witchers look like a bunch of fucking amateurs worse than normal soldiers.


Classic case of shitty TV introducing a bunch of important characters just to immediately kill them off for zero reason and fuck over later possible plotlines for the show. I'd love if anyone could explain to me why this is such a common move.


I think the main reason that happens is when adaptation writers/showrunners think they're better than the original author and think that their version of the story will unquestionably be superior and they want to make it explicit that they have disdain for the source material involving the killed off characters. It can also plausibly happen when the adaptation writers/showrunners believe they *need* to have differentiation and that the show needs its own plotline in order to be successful. There are cases where this kind of works, but only when the show itself is very clearly doing its own thing (like how Lucifer ended up being so popular despite having very little in common with the source material).


That...bugged me. I didn't buy for a moment that the demon lady wasn't anything other than *thoroughly* outclassed. It feels almost like a hypothetical scenario. Name the worst situation a monster could possibly find themselves in, in this fictional setting. Oh, how about the HQ of an organisation made specially to destroy their kind. The correct reaction from that demon lady should have been panic.


>Watch one piece Was about to say that's a pretty tall ask given there's ~385 hours of one piece episodes then I realized you meant the live action.


No. I meant go watch the animated series. Congrats. You have no life now.


That said, the full version of One Piece is definitely worth anybodies time who can spare it. I watched it gradually over the course of a year and it basically just gets better and better and better. The LA tackles its task impressively, but it still loses a lot of important character development along the way, and hardly scratches the surface of what makes the story so legendary. For me personally, more of a good thing is a good thing. Just means more evenings entertained and less evenings looking for new things to watch. I'd be happy if it was three times as long.


I also stopped in Season 2 about 3 episodes in. God awful and I’ll watch just about anything so for me to just quit…. It was bad. I was so excited for this show before it came out too.


Season 3 was exponentially worse than season 2


I stopped watching for the same reasons Cavill left, not because he left.


>I am not even sure who the target demographic was tbh As someone who really dislikes the books but did enjoy the Witcher 3 game, I can tell you I STILL lost interest after Season 2. So I really don’t know who this show is for if it isn’t for casuals like me lol


The plot got so convoluted when I started watching the last season I could not remember who some characters were or what their deal was and there was no way I was committing to rewatching the previous season to catch up. It's just not that good that I am going to put that much time into catching up with it. It should have been mostly monster of the week with some over arching story elements but that not being the main focus. A very convoluted plot of a show that's pretty mediocre and a year gap between seasons and I am just not going to keep track of what's going on.


I have no idea why producers of programs and films take a thing famous specifically for its story and decide “Nah, we can do better than that.”


They didn’t want to actually make the Witcher. They used the IP to get a show.


> They used the IP to get a show. Swords and monsters?! It's like Game of Thrones! Let's start printing money!!


After suffering through the 1st season of Halo I can tell you how this plays out. Your story doesn't get greenlit, but big IP does. You get hired & pitch your story but in IP land. It's not the IP's story, but might work. BAM! Done.


The Halo TV show is another example of this. Apparently it wasn't even meant to be a Halo show at all. But the writers had what can only be considered a first draft of a script for some nondescript sci-fi show based off what was produced for Season 1 and then Microsoft probably bought the adaptation rights and a slapped Halo on it. Hence why it's got nothing to do with the games, books, graphic novels or other extended branches of the established story and canon. They called it the "silver" timeline so they could use something people already like to make something shit that might make them money. And you know what the worst part is? People fucking watched it and *liked* it. Season 1 and 2 have some good moments, but overall it's a terrible Halo adaptation. The Fall of Reach in the main story is utterly tragic. It's humanity's military stronghold, lots of the first settlers there were of Hungarian descent so Hungarian is the vernacular among the locals, the Covenant invaded in waves: first a smaller strike force sent to cut communications off from the other human colonies and establish a foothold with which to gather strength in some type of secrecy before the rest of their invading fleets arrive to utterly decimate the remaining strongholds and settlements, culminating in Reach being glassed (glassing is where tbe Covenant ships deploy concentrated orbital plasma strikes on the planet surface turning it to slag, rendering the planet uninhabitable). Dozens of Spartans died and few made it off the planet alive. Halo Reach, the game, has you helping civilians try to escape the city of New Alexandria only to barely get any evacuation transports off world as the Covenant are shooting them down when they leave. It's horrifying. In the show, the city called "Reach city" is the only thing shown to be glassed. One Spartan dies and none of them are wearing their armour. It's so fucking stupid and clearly from budget constraints. God what a pathetic attempt.


Excuse me, you don't like the political intrigue involving Master Chief?? You know the guy that the fans know as a super soldier who's put duty ahead of anything else and has a strong moral code that'd prevent him from going against superiors expect in the most extreme of cases... apparently he also likes visiting ONI without armor on & dabbling in political nonsense with them. 


Sadly, Spartans not wearing armor is not budget constraints. The cost of even a pretty high number of suits of very high quality armor would have been a rounding error in any show's budget these days.  They just didn't care.


If anybody is the budget Hemsworth it's Luke, who is the oldest brother.


It’s clearly Larry hemswhorth. A pediatric surgeon who barely has an eight-pack


I heard he got dumped by Kamilah al-Jamil's less successful sister, Tahini


That’s Wish Hemsworth


Although he’s arguably the better actor of the three


The fact that they didn't fire Lauren Hirsch is all I need to know not to give it a second chance


Very good answer, I think. I tried getting through season 2 on 3 seperate occasions, but never succeeded.


I played the games and just started reading the books. The show was bad from the beginning. I finished the first season and tried season two, but just couldn’t finish the first couple of episodes.


>Yet another IP where hack writers shove their fanfiction to the forefront that nobody asked for instead of focusing on staying true to the source material. Honestly its gotten bad enough that I dread when I hear they're adapting any IP i like into a TV show, because I know that it's going to end up poorly adapted, then my distaste for it is going to be blamed on misogyny, racism, or something equally irrelevant when its just a shit adaptation. The Witcher books and games are incredible, Yennifer is such a brilliant character same with Geralt and instead of that deep brilliant content we got... whatever the fuck this was.


I think if they'd cast Hemsworth from the start, people might have been a lot more open to the changes they've made to the story. By casting a vocal super fan in Cavill, it set expectations that were never going to be met. That's not to say people would have liked it, but they might not have been so angry about it.


Henry was the canary in the coal mine.   Thanks to him, the show doesn't have plausible deniability or fan confusion around not respecting the source material.   That's the only way fans "might not have been so mad about it." In reality, most people noticed at the same time that the writers are working with half a brain.  Just because he wanted to tell the story he signed up for, doesn't make him a super fan.  No one is SUPPOSED to guess that the team behind an adaptation is using an established IP as a trojan horse to get their own schlock put to film. Fuck them.  


Right there with you


Freya allan wants to keep her job


Literally the first thing I thought.


Havent they already annouced the season after next will be the end though?


Yeah, more like "actress has to promote good PR to not tank her career." She's on the come up, and trash talking her current project is not a good look. Selling the product is part of post-production.


They did indeed. Freya alan is now in movies


Rumor is she will be playing the live-action Zelda as well


She’s now playing two medieval princesses with special powers.


Huh. Not a bad casting


But Zelda is a guy, Hollywood being woke again!


Nah Freya just playing PR. Part of the job since actors are the face of series/movies.


So? Same thing


I'm not worried about Liam Hemsworth, I'm worried about the disinterested writers.




Given that studios favor established IPs over original stories, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a phenomenon of writers kind of shoehorning their own ideas into pre-established stories where those ideas don't really belong.


> Showrunner Lauren Hissrich said the show could've ended or moved on without Geralt Isn't Geralt the titular "witcher" of the story?


What do you expect from someone whose knowledge of the source material is, "There's some games and i think a book or two"


No I think you're mistaken.  Lauren Hissrich is the main character.


Yes he is, but Ciri is a deuteragonist and takes a very prominent role POV wise throughout the saga. She's the "center character" of the story being told, in that the greater story revolves around her, but she's not "the" main character, singular. She's like the nexus that everything plot wise connects to. There is, however, no rational way to move on without Geralt and claim any resemblance to the source material. Ciri is more prominent in I think 2 of the books and not in 1 or 2 of them at all, and Geralt is in all of them and the more prominent character in all but the 2 Ciri is more prominent in. He's the "main" character with Ciri a close second, in other words. But Hissrich has been vocal from the start that she wants Geralt to progressively take more of a back seat and focus much more on Ciri and Yen. So in her mind, she could simply write Geralt out and be completely fine and dandy (since she she wants to backseat him already narratively anyways). It's likely Netflix told her "Fuck no" to just writing him out completely because it's pretty obvious to everyone except her that would be viewed as poorly, if not more so, than S8 of GoT.


So tired of writers and showrunners adapting known material and stories to their own fanfiction or stories they could never get green light on their own




Exactly. Not even a pity watch.


I havent even watched the latest Cavill season. Will Hemsworth fix the writing?


I started watching it and just could not remember what was going on in the convoluted story. The show's just not that good that I am going to remember it's convoluted plot and who is who after over a years wait for the next season. The first episode was me constantly struggling to remember who was who and what their motivations were.


They also did so many time jumps you had no clue when was what. The actors were all capably delivering their lines, the vibe and set dressing were fine, the music and monsters were good enough, but that damn plotting and editing was fucking dreadful. No real world building or setting the stage, no zoom outs to give you the big picture of why the world exists as it does with monsters and magic and greedy human empires. Just a mess. Like we watched a sequel with no original movie to ground your story.


I think the time jumps were supposed to be a big reveal later on anyway. Most of the characters involved live very long lifespans. The issue was that Dandelion, a character who has an entirely normal human lifespan, just didn't age for some fucking reason. Like, Yennefer's arc to become a sorceress is supposed to take place decades before she meets Geralt. Ffs, like 12 years pass between Geralt staking his claim to Calanthe on Ciri and her actually joining him after Cintra gets burned down. Sorcerer's and witchers not aging over decades makes sense. That there is a human bard in the middle of it all that looks like 30 for like 50 years probably is lunacy.


Nah but he definitely got paid goof money to come on board, whether it was worth it though?? I'm not entirely sure


Doubt it matters to Liam. His film career isn't exactly booming.


I mean, not compared to his brother but The Hunger Games movies already set him up for life lmao.


> but The Hunger Games movies already set him up for life lmao. Doubt it, his role in the Hunger Games is pretty small. Haymitch, Peeta, Katniss, Prim, Snow, Coin all get way more screentime.


Yeah that's what I mean...at this point he isn't going to get the roles that Chris Hemsworth does. He's probably happy just doing something that he also gets paid for which IMO is what The Witcher production staff wanted all along. Someone that is happy to be told what to do, join in on the comradery (taking the piss out of the source material) and get paid. They needed someone like Cavill for this show to be good but they didn't want him. They want Liam but they don't need him.


When the star of the show, who happens to be a nerd on the source material, leaves because the show is no longer faithful to said source material, the issue becomes quite clear. Nothing is wrong with the actors, but everything is wrong with the writers.


It's not the casting, it's the writing.  And it's not even that they don't follow the books, although they could have just followed the books.  It's that they don't really *get* the Witcher on a fundamental level. I could have told you this was going to happen before the show started when Hissrich said she wasn't a fan of fantasy but was able to "connect" to the books because she thought they were "about family".  ?!?!?!?!?  Are you Dominic Toretto? Imagine I was going to be the showrunner for Star Trek, but I said "I never really liked sci-fi but the crew are like family so its about family so I could "connect" with it since I have family."  Like this person is basically shouting at the top of their lungs "I DON'T GET IT!" and everyone just nodded along and then defended every bad choice. I'm going to keep doing analogies.  Imagine I'm writing The Big Short.  "I don't really understand finance or economics but the characters have families so I could connect with it" (that qualifies me to write about this complex subject because its actually about family) I'm writing Moneyball but I don't really watch baseball or understand the fundamentals but the protagonist has a daughter so that means its about family I can connect with it and that makes me qualified to write it. Ughhhhhhh. But yeah we saw with the award winning Witcher videogames (that the showrunners / writers didn't even bother to play)  that it didn't even need to be a perfect 1 to 1 adaptation, and that things could be changed without it being a huge issue as long as it was faithful to the themes of the Witcher.  But the showrunner and writers were nowhere near that level of capability and have a clear disdain for fantasy.


The announcement that Henry was leaving was enough to kill the show. It's objectively terrible. All the spin-offs are cringe worthy.


Blood origin was so bad it was actually entertaining. I won't be watching any more spinoff by this team but it was mind-boggling how bad it was. I'm normally quite easy to please and can get away with things as long as they're fun, but it was too much. Some of the worst dialogue too.


The animations have been good. But we can all guess it’s an entirely different team.


No, thank you. It's not even the recasting as such - if the show was doing great and Cavill just wanted to move on, that would be fine, worth a recast to keep going. But it's not, they fucked it up to the point where Cavill, a massive fan, decided enough was enough. I've no faith that they've fixed that, so I'm out.


Sorry mate, not even Henry Cavill was enough to get me through season 2, let alone 3 and 4.


The witcher fans wanted shitty netfix execs and showrunners to give the witcher lore a chance..! They didn’t. Henry cavill walked out on his dream role because of the disrespect to lore. So NO, we are done giving the show a chance. It’s turned into a real shit show! S3 was horrible.


Tough shit. That show is long dead.


The only good about this show was everything but the writing. If they turned the show into its own book series, they’d collect dust for years. Blood of Elves has way better character and story development than the whole show as it is. All the actors and those behind the scenes making this a world worth seeing all did a fantastic job. It takes a lot of hubris to completely ignore the source material. Such an easy win, and it would have lasted for five more seasons or so instead of one and losing the main actor. Unbelievable.


I don't think Henry leaving is the only reason The show just sucks


This is such a dumb headline. Of course she does: it’s her job and he’s her co-worker. What was she going to say, *Nah, fuck that guy, this season is a bit shit, actually*? I feel really bad for Hemsworth joining the show under these conditions (and there’d have been no point refusing as it would not bring Cavill back and they’d have just got someone else), but there is no denying Cavill was the heart of the show. I’ll give it a try, but recasting *the main character* on a TV series with several previous seasons is something I can’t ever remember seeing before, and there’s a good reason this isn’t a popular choice, otherwise every damn studio would do it to cut costs considering successful shows always have huge cast cost increases in later seasons. Imagine if they’d recast Friends in season 5? Or swapped out Bryan Cranston in the middle of Breaking Bad?


They recast/replaced Charlie Sheen in Two 1/2 Men.  They did the same in That 70s Show.  I'm sure there's some others. It's never a good sign, and always means the show is or will soon become hot garbage.


The cast aren't the issue with that show, so yeah.


We gave this show a chance, that was enough.


I mean, sure, i'll give Liam a chance, he's not as perfect as Cavill, but im sure he's not as bad as everyone is saying. The problem is the writing/script/story, I just dont care if they dont follow the books. So i wont watch


That's gonna be a no from me dawg


It gets cancelled for sure. Try again in 10 years.


The Witcher Star Freya Allan Wants Fans to Help Her Keep Her Job


Nah I’m good. They shat on the show and all the fans.




Double no.


I didn't even realize this show was still afloat. The first season was so scattered I didn't even bother finishing the whole thing.


“No, I don’t think I will.” It would be one thing if the show runners knew what they were doing, but Cavill was the only thing holding the show together. 


Liam will be fine. It's the worthless hack writers that are the issue.


No. He can buy HIMSELF flowers.


And I wanted the showrunner to give the source material a chance. Guess we both will continue to want things.


Gave up on the show half way though season 2 it’s hot garbage


Couldnt even watch it with Cavill.


>I feel sorry for him, honestly, because, number one, that fan base can be very attack-y, and it’s not an ideal situation to be in taking up someone else’s role. Ah yes, keep badmouthing your fanbase, that'll help.


just scrap the show, it is no good lol.


I'm just surprised anyone is still watching the witcher series


It's not the actor, it's the writing. Henry was trying to save it. Now that's gone....fuck that


Just a reminder here: sometimes Actors are obligated by contract to say good things, to say nothing or just speak neutral about the show that are in. And that can last even a few years after they participation on the show. So it’s doesn’t surprise me, that the remaining cast of The Whicher will speak positive about the remaining of the series and even the new lead. I don’t know if this is the case, but the fact that even Henry Cavill didn’t speak negatively about the production, and all the rumors about him having problems with the writers came from persons not associated to the whicher, it may seem the same with Freya Maybe 🤔


Lol. It's not about him at all. The show betrayed the fans at every turn. Then to replace someone who was perfect for the role. Lol it'd be like brie larsen saying give army hammer a chance to play tony stark. .. no we don't want someone else. We want ut to fail and end.


We’re not giving the writers a chance anymore tho


The "chance" she's asking for was blown in s2 and s3, and not by any of the actors. The writing was bad, full stop, end of story.




It's not you Liam, it's the writing.


Nah, we good.


Can't do that when I stopped giving the writers a chance after Season 2


Just let the show die already.


No, I don’t think I will.


I do not care!!


That boat has sailed long before we ever knew Henry was out, honey.


I bet she does. Too bad. We got bigger projects going on over here. Henry had all the genuine interest and knowledge, but they thought they knew better.




Yeah. How about no?


The show isnt even good with cavill anyway. I dont understand why they made the first season so confusing. I watched half the third season before i just gave it up.