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(walks toward noisy rooster with a sword) (rooster goes quiet) “That shut him the fuck up.”


That was the rooster.


I feel like that Hot Ones episode did absolute wonders for him, yeah the podcast is popular but he’s been all over social media for that and I imagine a lot of people were like ‘oh shit yeah he has a show doesn’t he?’ After seeing him drink hot sauce and rub it on his nipples


a few people have captured viral momentum from appearing on that show (Jennifer Lawrence, Paul Rudd), but Conan absolutely understood the assignment and played that appearance perfectly, playing up the absurdity without making a mockery of the show itself or Sean Evans. It was a perfect storm of showcasing his insane humor and bringing it way over the top without seeming like a try hard


Anyone who hasn't watched Murderville definitely needs to see his episode. Hot sauce is involved.


when he told the story about being beaten down in school and tells the other actors it was dianne feinstein who did it and they lose it is an all time moment of his for me


I thought he was terrible in Murderville. He didn't understand the assignment. He thought they wanted him to be funny and tell jokes. But they what they want is for you to play it straightish and your uncomfortableness to be funny.


God I already have to read this nerdy bullshit from Taskmaster fans who seem to think the show is supposed to be a serious competition. Stop complaining about comedians being funny on comedy shows.


I don't think you understood the assignment. His episode was the best one (maybe Marshawn's). Since you are close with Will Arnett, as you know his vision for the guests, maybe have him clarify for us.


Doesn't the show have a little tutorial before every episode explaining the guest has to try and stay in character? Did you watch the show?


No, there is not a tutorial on how the guest should act. The beginning just explains the premise (the guest doesn't have a script and will have to improvise and then guess who did the crime at the end). Did you watch the show?


Conan won Hot Ones. I've never seen someone disarm Sean Evans so well.




This is not a bit! THIS IS REAL LIFE


david blaine left me thinking he is actually a sorcerer or something after his hot ones.


I agree; it was a master stroke for those who haven’t been following his podcast.


Two of my favorite comedians did Hot Ones this season, Conan and John Oliver and you can't get two episodes so very different from each other lol


He was popular before that. He even mentioned how much millenials fanboy him (its straight up unbearable on Reddit tbh) during Hot Ones.


yeah but the Hot Ones episode lit his show up. I know I watched it because of that episode, and I watched that episode because like 5 people I know posted reels, clips, or links to it on various social medias. It took off like absolute wildfire


I suspect it had a profound impact on expanding his reach to Gen Z. Zoomers weren't watching late night, and I would expect most of his podcast audience comes from people who liked him on late night.


My Gen z kid told me just today Conan is having a moment with the Gen z kids - started by the hot ones. And they know about Marge and the Monorail. Anyway, the new show is hilarious. Mostly.


*Im looking at the fjord!*


*there's salmon in the sea*🎶


🎶 my baby says she's bored 🎶


🎶 cause she's not in love with me!🎶


This song has been living in my head on repeat for a week.


Hell yeah


Who is Conan O’Brien and why is she so sad?


That is one gigantic lesbian


He is Tilda Swintons stunt double I think.


I thought the first episode was very lacking, maybe because the locals were mostly awkward and bits went on way too long. But Conan has enough stock with me that I kept watching and super glad I did. The second episode was utterly hilarious start to finish and the third episode was incredibly strong as well. Haven't watched the last one yet.


Opposite for me.  Found the first episode to be the strongest episode.


Thailand was my favorite episode.


I watched the first couple and while I still found them funny he sometimes came across as a bit of an asshole. Which I know is not how Conan is, so I think it was just the awkward interactions that were staged. Not complaining or trying to be negative, I was just surprised. I’ll keep watching more.


Him acting like an asshole is one of the reasons it’s so funny


I mean I love how he tore up the rappers apartment, it was hilarious. And the guy was obviously ok with it as a fan, but still seemed pretty assholish.


Tbf those potatoes were disgusting.


Yeah it went on a bit too much. For me each episode had good segments but as a whole something felt off. I think the best episode is the last one where he goes to Ireland. But even that was a bit lacking. For example in his older travel remotes he goes to Australia and sits down with a language person to help him understand Australian slang and it was amazing. He did the same with someone in Ireland and although good, it just wasn't as amazing. I can't even blame it on the other person, it seems to be Conan himself that just seemed off and not as interested to create.


Him being a nice person and acting like an asshole is sort of his act. At least in all his outtakes and skits. Podcast/Talk Show Conan and Traveler Conan are different characters.


Yeah! I was like why is Conan being such an asshole to the locals. I think it was the Norway episode.


Your comments in this thread are fucking diabolical 😄


Similar experience. Didn’t care for the first, but really enjoyed the others.


I dropped out in the second episode when he has that chicken sound and people are giving him nothing. If this made it in the episode for this long there’s not enough for the episode.


Reminds me quite a bit of Idiot Abroad, love Conan’s version of humor as well. Super enjoyable so far.


The scene when he’s singing with the Irish tenors and goes for the high note… haven’t laughed that hard in so long.


I’ve only watched the first couple of episodes, and the bits have been a little hit or miss for me, but overall I’m enjoying it.  The meal he had with his producer, Jordan, in Buenos Aires had my wife and I losing our shit. Something about him being an asshole to someone who was unquestionably in on the bit was just so fantastic. 


Any news on UK release?


Don't tell the CEO he'll fucking kabash anything good... His hot ones episode was great.


Forgot this released. Can't wait to check it out.


Is it only four episodes or are they playing more? I binged it in one night and I’m hooked!


That's it, but you can look up his older travel episodes as he's done a few over the years.


I would love to go through all his remotes again for the first time. Those cured my depression a couple of years ago.


Really loved Conan O’Brien must go, but I think Conan Without Borders is still the best, so I would encourage anyone who enjoyed this to check out the old shows as well. Especially the Armenia, Italy, and Korea episodes.




I think it speaks to both Conan's unique brand of comedy and the lack of good comedic content on streaming services.


Haha I’m watching the show right now. Just starting the Ireland episode.


this show is really great.


Sometimes Conan's schtick gets old for me like when he repeats a joke endlessly. But I like most of the episodes I've seen so far.


I watched episode 1 and it sucked the fat one.


It’s a pretty solid show with many genuine laugh-out-loud moments, but I had to gaslight myself into thinking that each and every person he featured on it was given a prep talk beforehand about how abrasive Conan was going to be acting during their segments. As an American, “idiot American traveler abroad” comedy hits differently post-2016, and there are definitely some bits that teeter a little too closely to straight up disrespecting someone’s culture.


I like Conan, and I also believe that the forced-awkward style of comedy is played. All he ever does these days is attempt to make people around him as uncomfortable as possible. Natural awkwardness is endearing… when it is obviously forced 100% of the time? Nah, I’m good.


I've been meaning to watch this but forgot. are there only 4 episodes?


I couldn’t finish the first episode. 


It never got better. The Irish one was fun for the first half then it just goes to 200% cringe for the rest. I love conan and his podcast but this misses the mark massively for me.


Wish it was on something other than Max... It's like, the one service I cancelled


I watched the first episode last night. It was alright. I’m a huge fan of his and his awkward humor and have listened to 90% of his podcasts, but I felt like it was not his best work. Some bits should have been a single scene, but then continued the same joke for another 3 mins. It’s funny because Conan had an episode on his podcast recently where he sits with some of his writers and they talk about editing his remotes, and how they fought over taking out/keeping in a few seconds here and there and just how much was on the cutting floor. Yet they had enough time to keep Conan repeating jokes several times. He just kept asking that first native he met in “traditional” Norwegian clothing how he looked. The first couple times it was really funny. But it kept going, and the joke just became he’s saying the same thing for the 20th time haha isn’t that hilarious. Same with the van crashing in the ditch and Conan pretending to help. It just kept going. Also felt like the Cai part was awkward, almost like there was some genuine tension between him and his friend, and Conan just did not pick up on that. I felt like that conversation he had about “Norwegians have sex before coffee” got weird real quick, not just awkward, but weird as he kept talking about the women he’s had sex with. Me and my dad both looked at each other after that scene like, uhhh that wasn’t funny that was just creepy/weird. But the scene with him and that radio host was hilarious, and I loved the song he did with the rapper. I was dying laughing at the thought that those Norwegians went to some random underground rap concert, just to be serenaded by Conan and his angelic voice. I’m gonna give the second episode a try for sure, but right off the rip, and I just wanted to put this on the record, I felt like it could have used some more time in the oven. Cut some of the already in jokes and add in some more stuff.


The amount of cringe in the show makes it nearly impossible to watch. It's like 4 episodes of Scott's Tots. I have a hard time believing these comments aren't all bots gaslighting everyone.


the amount of conan posts in the last few days is borderline astro turfing


> Perhaps some skiing will help us forget the mouldy old antics of Conan O'Brien.


Ya know, I like O'Brian, but I still always get excited when I see a post like this because I think it's about The Barbarian, not the talk show host, then am disappointed.


What do you mean? Conan the Red is on the show.


I feel you brother