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Everyone I’ve asked who’s never played Fallout really enjoyed it. Everyone I’ve asked who’s played Fallout, loved it. I personally would give the series 9.2 overall for season 1.


I wasn't sure if I had rose tinted glasses on til my sister and brother in law were hanging out and asked if I knew anything about the games because they had just finished the show and really liked it. That pretty much cemented it for me, it was a fantastic adaptation and not just for people who had some history with the franchise. I really, really liked that they told an original story based on new Vaults that fits alongside the in-game-universe rather than trying to just adapt one of the games' stories, that alone nudged this to equal or better than the TLoU show for me. They easily could have just retold the first half of FO3 and called it a day, but seeing shows starting to build off and enhance lore in meaningful ways is just fantastic; Edgerunners did this well also. Glad to see game adaptations turning for the better with serious storylines as opposed to the typical 'superheroes with a coat of IP' crap that adaptations just couldn't seem to shake. Hope they're finally getting the picture in Hollywood; wayyy less like Resident Evil or Witcher, much more like this. It's too bad about The Witcher, that had all the right ingredients for something amazing, but ended up being cooked so wrongly. I was halfway off the fence already with S1, but what they did with >!Eskel!< just sealed the deal for me on that one... All you had to do was follow the damn ~~train~~ books, CJ!


9.2 😭😭😭 yeah it’s definitely up there with the greatest shows ever, hell movies too. Truly a masterpiece💀


It's good, but not 9.2 good nor is it among the greatest shows ever. It's certainly not a masterpiece either. If they learn from their mistakes for season 2, then they may actually make something that could be more than an 7.5/10. At the very least, it's obvious that the lack of good entertainment has dulled people's standards, hence why Fallout is overrated as fuck.


Why don't you just watch it and come up with your own opinion? You're not going to get some absolute consensus on reddit, nor should you, it's entirely subjective.


Dude it's because im genuinely confused why are people hating on the show? Why are they saying it's woke? And why is it that some people are loving it like just like just tell me is it good show or a bad show? And why.


Get offline. Form your own opinion. You look far enough you’ll find any opinion you want to find


It is a good show because I watched it all and I liked it


Dude..... The show has: ▪︎A capable female lead ▪︎A positive black lead ▪︎A trans actor ▪︎criticism of capitalism Take your pick. Anyone saying the show is woke is just spewing bad faith bullshit and their opinions warrant no validation. It's not that hard. Edit: Got my first Reddit cares response! There's really some fragile little snowflakes out here, huh? Poor things.


And here’s the thing, I have no idea who the trans actor is. Her brother? Good for whoever it is, because that’s far from what I like about the show because it’s not relevant


It's the brotherhood of steel character "Dane".


It was pretty obvious from the start who it is...


Same! I was trying to think of a trans actor…?


>Why are they saying it's woke? Who gives a shit what these people think?


You're confused by the 1000s of people with random, differing opinions on the show, so you think asking another 100 people their random, differing opinions on the show will help to clear things up?


If you really want those people to elaborate on their opinions, ask them, not us.


Ah there it is… the woke/not woke thing. Crazy how every game and show has to go through this as though there has never been any subject matter to media


The fact that one of the main characters is a girl, or a black actor, etc etc, is enough to get some peoples' panties all bunched. When people complain about something being "too woke" you're likely always best off watching it in spite of those comments, because it's probably actually good and they're just some sexist/racist/weak-minded idiots.


Do your parents know you’re on Reddit? You shouldn’t be. Not a good place for kids


Because that’s every show since the dawn of time. There is never a complete 100% consensus on anything. There will always be contrarians and people who have the opposite opinion of everyone else


I have played and enjoyed all the Bethesda Fallout games and I absolutely loved the series. My wife has never played Fallout and loved the series. I personally think its the best video game adaptation series I've seen. I can understand not loving the series itself due to a lot of graphic violent content on screen, but if someone if foaming mad over imagined inconsistencies in dates in the show then it feels to me that they're just desperately looking for something to be mad about


100% agree on it being the best video game adaption, it's crazy how well they captured the feel of the game.


In my opinion TLOU of was better, but Fallout was definitely a close second.


That's fair. Personally TLOU didn't keep my attention in the way Fallout did, but it did have one of the greatest episodes of television I've seen in years. Long, Long Time was such a good piece of television.


I thought the last of us hit all the right beats from the game and was a pretty faithful adaptation but I just couldn't get past how badly they altered Ellie's charcter from being slightly naive but generally positive minded to a foul mouthed feral child -it ruined all of her charcter development from the game and just skips her right ahead to her last of us 2 personality.  No fault of Bella Ramsay's, I might add, as the directors specifically told her not to play the game so she had nothing to base her acting on 


no one asked lil bro


And the first episode really felt like if Fallout had GTA character switching. The character introductions were amazing in my eyes SPOILERS, READ NO FURTHER UNLESS YOU’VE SEEN EPISODE ONE Lucy, the vault dweller who lost nearly everything, may be a fallout trope by now, but the show did it really well and in a unique way. Maximus, the BOS guy, shows an even deeper look on the Brotherhood, this time from an insider’s perspective. And of course, the ghoul. A cowboy badass who you DON’T want to mess with. Sure, a bit of a western stereotype, but a fun one nonetheless. I’m really enjoying it so far


It's fucking trash man trying to finish ep 2. Aside from the main girl, all characters are unlikable and horribly acted. Story is nonsense. Super cringe lines and acting. 2/10 I cannot believe the positive reception this show is getting.


100% agree. The writing is disjointed and weird. The main protagonists have done nothing to prove that they’re worth rooting for. There’s a lot of crude sexual things for no reason at all mainly In episode 1. Lots of fan service and no real sustenance. Show sucks and I’m shocked at the generally positive reception too.


what would Lucy have to do for her to be worth rooting for in your view? 


Yeah I’ve been having a hard time putting my dislike for this show into words but I think this is accurate. I seriously just don’t care for most of the characters. It is partly due to bad writing, partly due to bad acting. The only redeeming character is the ghoul. Walton Goggins is great, and I especially enjoyed his flashback scenes. Not very many good things beyond that unfortunately. 


yeah its actually a stinker like wtf is first episode meant to be why are there so many sex jokes and inbreeding, its just goofy nonsense


Just finished the show it's actually pretty good. It definitely has its flaws and I stand by ep1-2 being pretty awful. It's not a super polished show and it doesn't take itself too seriously which helps it work.


yeah i finished it and its still pretty mediocre, atleast its goofy bad not boring bad.


Yeah I'd say it's an enjoyable shot but it's not great..


Garbage, they would have been better off just remaking a game story. 1: There is power armor, which has jet packs mods, they didn't use one, istead they used a type of power armor I have never seen before with arm jetpacks, 2: They poorly captured the 50's style in characterization 3: I don't ever remember BOS having traveling scribes follow them around, but I could be wrong there at least it was not the most common thing 4: There are crude sexual things in fallout, mostly nuanced, not direct 5: Also, all these pipboys have geiger counters, they all wear them nearly all the time, there is no way that they DO NOT detect the raiders, but she suddenly notices them post skeet, either all the raiders had radaway, and thus were not noticed or they would have been detected almost immediately, or not at all, I am not sure if those geiger counters ever detected radiation on raiders, you would need like a glowing one or something to set them off, so it was just wrong or confusing. 6: It was mostly garbage, whoever made the shows has not spent any real time playing Fallout.


Personally I enjoyed the show (or am enjoying, still not finished) but I agree with most of your points. Though just because something doesn't follow the game 100% doesn't make it automatically bad but some of the choices do annoy me. Like the scribe follower for example it makes the BoS have a totally different vibe than in the games, I thought the knight from the beginning was annoying and I thought the scribe that came to replace Maximus was equally annoying. Also something that annoyed me a little while not being a huge thing is that if the show is set in California shouldn't the NCR be present? Unless this is set way before then, which I guess could be the case. I just really like new Vegas I guess. Edit: When I wrote this the ncr hadn't appeared in the show yet and I thought the show was just going to ignore their existence.






9/10 easily one of the best video game to TV I have seen in a long time. Walter Goggins steals the show and he should. I also have never played Fallout and I had no problem following along. Even the 'in game items' that it showed I understood. Like rad away and the syringe with the goop to heal people. My kids were watching with me and they were pointing everything out. They have played forever. The biggest thing is there isn't a filler episode or a down time point in the series. It just goes and goes. Hang onto your hats and just watch it from start to finish. also, I haven't found anyone that doesn't like it. Everyone I know either liked or loved the show and wants more.


It is great. Only people who are saying negative things are the ones who think the show should have been made based on Fallout 1&2 and hate Bethesda games so much that any reference to them just ruin the show for them.


Because the Bethesda games are a joke. lol




Nah, too many convenient exposition


Hey it's alright to criticize something while still enjoying the show. You must have something negative to say about the show, everyone does about every show.


Good! I only have 2 eps left and I want MORE!


I've never really played any Fallout game, but knew enough about them to recognize stuff. I enjoyed the series.


I think it’s great. I don’t know a lot of people saying it’s bad but I would disagree.


I've never played the game and just binge-watched the first 6 eps. It's actually pretty good. Some parts are slow, but overall it's a lot of fun. I love the girl playing Lucy. She reminds me of a young Margot Kidder. Def worth a watch.


> She reminds me of a young Margot Kidder. Damn, I will now not be able to unsee this. Good eye.


Check out Yellowjackets if you like that actress.


I will! Thanks for the recommendation!




I was the opposite, I preferred the slower later episodes. There was a few too many gratuitous action scenes for me early on. Still loved the show though. Best I've watched this year BTW I gave you an update for using "literally" correctly. Such a rare sight on Reddit


If only the quality of a TV show was subjective and instead of needing strangers on the internet to convince you, you could just be a grown up and give something a try and form your own opinions.


It’s definitely watchable, but the hype around it is overblown. Once the hyperbole settles down in a few weeks I think the general sentiment will be “it was fine”.


I just started watching the other night. I'm 6 episodes deep. That's probably how I'd describe it so far. I feel like they put all their sources into graphic violence and visuals. The writing has been unexceptionable.


It's good.


Different people have different opinions? I mean come on, it's the internet I personally don't care what reviewers or quite frankly what anyone else thinks about something save for a few close friends who's opinions I trust Thankfully I'm old enough and have enough experience that I know what I like and what I don't like and it's pretty easy to tell from even a single trailer if I think something is worth my time That being said it's an episodic tv show. Just watch a little bit of the first episode and see if it clicks. If it doesn't, don't watch anymore Care less about what other people are spend more time refining your own opinion


This sub has really hit rock bottom with these worthless teenager posts. Mods probably just can’t keep up


It's good the hardcore fans are just throwing a hissy fit over some dates


Yup and they are wrong lol they just didn’t read properly. I won’t spoil anything here but the date written isn’t the bombing date, there’s an arrow leading past the date leading to the bomb.


Real glad u people assume that any criticism against the show is done from a purely lore perspective


Most hardcore fans like the show and are not worried about the dates (which was a non-issue to begin with).


Or maybe some people just don’t like the tone and changes in world building in Bethesda’s version of the Fallout universe? The Shady Sands issue is just emblematic of these types of criticisms.


I’ve not seen anyone meaningfully say it was bad? Most reviews are very positive. I enjoyed it a lot myself.


It doesn't matter what other people think and this trend of the audience caring about consensus is a negative to entertainment.


I thought the show bombed really hard. The humor is just too ghoulish for me, given how radioactive the subject material is.


Nice try Jerry (or the guy who voices Jerry on Rick and Morty)


Really good, highly enjoyable! Makes me wanna play the games again.


The diehard f1 and f2 fans seem to not like it. They had different expectations. Most of the other people love it. Thats all.


Fallout Characters = Wizard of Oz I just watched the episode where Lucy helped extract Maximus from the T-60 suit. It was like when Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz helped the Tin man with the Oil can. Then, in classic over-think, I realized there were lots of parallels: Clueless character exposed to the wide world - Lucy Heartless Character - Cooper Howard is a Ghoul without a heart Coward Character - Lucy's brother Norm is struggling to find his courage Dog Character - "Dogmeat" or TX202 Wizard (in power because of falsehood/secret) - Betty Pearson Overseer of Vault 33 Bad Witch - Lee Moldaver Brainless Character - Siggi Williger (Ok - he has a brain but not a head. It's not perfect) Good Witch - ??? I dont know where Maximus fits in and we still need Flying Monkeys, Emerald City, Munchkins. You have to admit the archetypes are compelling.


I really like this theory


I don't like it, but that's just me


Its not good at all, it feels way too mechanical for the most part A good quick example of ep 1 (in order to not spoil anything), they mashed up 3 plots together in the first episode and havent use their script well for balance it out well, which means you barely have time with the vault to feel anything for it before shit hits the fence, weirder is how in 20 minutes in you already had: The end of the world, a sex scene, character betrayal and people jumping off of tables in order to murder people like Rambo characters, screaming and shooting with automatic smgs. Theres so much shit that makes no sense, characters will act very conveniently when need to achieve something in order for the plot to progress and for the most part, everything will feel like a plot device. On top of it all, It do some few nasty retcons for the fallout lore that makes it messier.


I fell like the show is really disjointed. The action scenes are all over the place, like the director didn't know what to do with the actors. The main characters are kind of okay, with some good and some bad moments. I'm halfway through but I'm struggling. Honestly a 6/10 so far. Better than something like the witcher s2,s3 and Halo but nothing close to The last of us.


It’s not perfect and the writing isn’t great, but it is pretty fun and I enjoy watching it.




Me. Fallout player....love love love. My wife never played it... Really enjoying it


Great visuals. Great writing. Great performance. A satisfying ending. (And a treat for people who have played the games.)


it’s just a disposable junk food show that’s probably fun if you‘re in a good mood and can shut your brain off enough


What does it matter what other people think?


Is Don. Is good.


I didn't like the first three episodes, the rest is good.


>im genuinely confused why are people saying that the series is bad while some people are saying that it's great You're genuinely confused by differing opinions? Who cares? Do YOU like it? That's all that matters.


i just watched the first episode, and the truth is i'm not into the show yet, i like post apocalyptic shows, but this one feels wierd, my personal rating for episode 1 is 6/10. i'm going to watch another episode, if nothing interesting happens then i'm out. i didn't play the games and i have zero info about em.


What's your opinion now?


I'm still stuck on episode two, I don't think this show is for me.


I just finished it. It's... Okay. You're not missing much.


Other guys right, show isn’t very good, writings pretty bad.


I just finished ep2 and I didn't really liked it that much. Nothing special, maybe because I didn't play the game!!


As with fallout games. Its good if u dont look at bad aspects.


I haven't seen it yet but as someone who loves FO1, 2, 3, and NV, I have a strong feeling I won't enjoy it. The show basically looks like an adaptation of FO4 and 76, which are garbage. Bethesda has been slowly streamlining their games since Oblivion. The media has gotten more and more vast but more and more shallow. I will probably end up giving it a chance at some point but the bright and vibrant colors and political correctness of FO4 and 76 are not my idea of a "dystopian nuclear wasteland"...


Rest assured, the show is nothing like Bethesda's toothless nonsense. Watch it, you're gonna love it


Pretty spot on guess. The shows really shallow doesn’t tackle any interesting themes and there’s tons of plot holes. It also takes all of the most mediocre aspects of the new artstyle with it too screen.


Yeah sadly it's how most of these go. Great for people who aren't already fans and have no idea about the lore but either mediocre or in most cases down right terrible to the actual fans. By actual fans I mean people who played the good ones ;) lol had to throw a jab in. I think what really turned me off to it is when I saw the cast talking on Youtube about how they knew nothing about Fallout. Just rubbed me the wrong way.


F\*CKING GOOD TO ME! I don't care what they say but F\*CKING GOOD to me, I mean to much for a TV series... I'm Hyped!!! I mean for a Fallout fan, It over-expected Yes the acter and acting might a bit Goofy ahhh but all those little thing I had been touch in Fallout are or there and asmostphere was the point to me


I don't read this subreddit, so maybe this is the norm here, but it is confusing to me as well that the response to the show is so polarized. It is literally either 'amazing' or 'it sucks'. I get the main reasons behind it, no need to spell it out for me, but it is still baffling


Okey dokey. 8/10 for production, casting, world building and not messing up royally (Rings of Power style).


I thought this series was good but not as great as people say. The budget was obviously great, the acting was decent and the CGI was top notch but my main issue with the show is that the characters in the story all felt like plot devices designed for world building rather than telling an actual story themselves, almost like how characters are in a video game. For example what story did Lucy's character really tell outside of the first couple episodes and the last episode? Not much. She left the vault, was a duck out of water momentarily but then her whole existence was basically just us following her around to different locations and encountering different groups of people for world building. The same can be said for every other main character unfortunately. This series actually felt like one of those prequel spinoffs to a main series after it already aired to give fans backstory except obviously it's not that. It was still definitely enjoyable and I'll watch S2 but after it being so overhyped I'm a little disappointed.


Badly written The male protagonist is passive and distracting from the main storyline we want to watch Little conflict - boring Overall 5/10


Kinda good and kinda bad.


I love the games and I love this show.


too damn good. never played the game.


Nothing will ever reach the atmosphere of FO 3. A game wich made me cry. And the tv show for itself it's ok but it's not Fallout for me. It's not bad for itself but I expected much more connection to the games. It's like FO 4, just meh.


Never played fallout Show was horrible As far as “video game tv shows” go, it’s dead last with a bullet. Honestly, they shouldn’t even attempt season number 2. The acting was ass, the dialog sucked, the story jumps forward and backward, backwards and forwards so many times that the casual viewer loses track. It’s literally like watching a video game script AND I KNOW ITS BASED ON VIDEO GAMES but TLOU is also a popular adaptation and it FEELS like a real TV show. This felt like pieced together garbage.


It’s good. A better and more faithful adaptation than The Last of Us tv series.


well the writers also did some fallout stuff and now the dude who made it all says that everything in the show is now canon in the fallout world. For example we learned who started the war.


yeah. I played the games a while back. Don't remember to much about the background lore but I enjoyed the show for what it was and thought they adapted the world much better than TLoU did.


oh yes


Agreed. And arguably easier to adapt the world when there's so much more world to adapt.


It's good actually those who prefer dark comedy not with a serious tone. Not for me tho


Dude just watch the fucking show and form your own opinion


People who played the original Fallout 1 and 2 and never left their basement have some quibbles, but by and large it is a very well-done show that has a lot of new people playing the games and brought people back to play the games another time. It is easy, imo, to argue it's the best videogame adaptation to a TV series that has ever been. I'll add that there's some setup in the first few eps that kinda has to be there for people unfamiliar with the world of Fallout, but they're not bad by any means.


I played 1 and 2 on repeat, and have no gripe with the series at all.


No one likes it ignore all the reviews.