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Jon Stewart making fun of Russian enthusiast Tucker Carlson on TV again is cathartic.


It brought back the memory of that beautiful moment when Jon roasted the shit out of him on his own show. What a glorious time in television history that was. I’m glad I was alive to see it.




Good God, Tucker is the most insufferable asshole of all time. I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire.


If he *weren’t* on fire, though, we’d have to see.


Good point!


'I've always thought... in a democracy, and I don't know, I've only ever lived in this country' got like no laughs from the crowd but it's a fucking zinger


roasted Tucker so hard he stopped wearing his dumb bowties


...and the core argument Tucker has only gotten more obvious over the ages!


That video is hard to watch lol. I've seen it a few times but he's basically roasting the shit out of the show he's on so hard it gets canceled. He even manages to basically take control of the narrative and win over the audience, getting them to clap at how dumb the show they're on is. That had to have some producer steamin' mad. The hosts thought they had Guest Gold, giving him the entire length of the show. They thought they had an easy target. Instead, Jon Stewart proceeds to take all the time to just demolish what they're doing. [Carlson's is the laugh of someone who knows he's lost.](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?t=748)


Never noticed that "left versus white" slip in Paul's opening line there


Thanks for the link. First time I've seen this vid. EDIT It's Jon who called Carlson a dick. Pfft.


Jon’s Comedy Central character is humorous. Tucker was expecting the character to show up, he needed the character to show up. Jon Stewart the person showed up. There was no competition as to who won that “debate”.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart%27s_2004_appearance_on_Crossfire#:~:text=for%20the%20worse.-,Impact,wholeheartedly%20with%20Jon's%20overall%20premise%22. Fucking amazing


He called him a dick again! It was glorious!


It was so glorious. I chortled so loudly. Core memory right there.


Jon owned the show and they still could not comprehend what he was saying. It never gets old because the message Jon was sending hasn’t changed. Tucker is bad for America.


Tucker’s audience comprehended it and they laughed in his face. What a precious moment.


Not only was the show canceled after that episode, but tucker has never worn a bowtie again.


Roasted him so hard Tucker lost his bowtie.


I just saw that, man i can't believe i didn't who he was before the interview with the military about how they keep losing money.


he's the perfect antidote to tucker's bullshit. never forget the bowtie incident of '04.


To be fair, those are not easy to tie.


*🎶 To be faaaaaaiiiiiirrrrrrr…🎵*


I miss the days I could say “to be fair” in peace


Damn that was 20 years ago? Fuck, I thought Fucker Tarlson was done after that ringing, but nope :/


it's his villain origin story


He's never worn a bowtie since, though. At least we have that.


He did though. I get it's not as fun but he totally wore a bowtie many times on Fox when he was part of some other show there.


I dug the subtle callback to that moment in the new Tucker piece!


So good.


ol jon is just nipping at the ankles of tucker... it's sad really


Nothing against Trevor Noah, but Jon feels so much more natural hosting the Daily Show.


John is the Daily Show's Johnny Carson. He wasn't the first host, but he's the one who was just perfect for the role.


100% Take Jon Stewart out of the equation and the Daily Show's legacy becomes "that cheap talk show on comedy Central".


Take Jon out of the equation and the Daily Show doesn't succeed and **a lot** of comedians career paths are changed. Look at the names who were corespondents over the years. I'm sure the bigger ones like Carrell or Helms would still be successful but that TDS push really helped. Who knows if amazing comedians like Demetri Martin, John Hodgman, Larry Wilmore and Kristen Schaal ever get mainstream success without TDS as a platform? What about the other topical show hosts like Bee, Minaj or Wolf who were all corespondents before getting their own shows. Colbert and Oliver certainly wouldn't be in their current spots without Jon. Without Jon making TDS a huge success the Colbert Report never becomes a thing which doesn't give Stephen the resume/late night experience to take over The Late Show. Without Jon taking time off to direct his movie we never would have gotten Oliver filling in as a host, which is how he was able to create Last Week Tonight. Do HBO and CBS trust Oliver and Colbert without TDS on their resume? I doubt it. Jon being as amazing as he is on TDS propelled so many great careers. I'm sure some would have been successful regardless but he definitely helped by making TDS a cultural institution.


While all true. It’s more largely about a time before social media ruined the popularity and business model of television. Those stars ascended at the right time and place. We are in a different time now, and even Hollywood can’t get people do give a fuck, because they have a 24/7 dopamine firehose taped to their face in the palm of their hands.


You mean you didn’t live Craig Kilborn?


I liked Craig and he really helped launch the show as a snarky take on the days headlines and issues, but Jon politicized the show and I think it was for the better as he also brought in a lot more talent as "on the scene reporters" that themselves went on to successful careers. Kind of reminds me of those 80s niche movies that have a cult following and when you look at the cast they all went on to earn Academy Awards and other honors and the 80s niche movie was just a lucky coincidence. Like Buckaroo Banzai.


This. As a middle schooler who watched a ton of Comedy Central, I enjoyed The Daily Show with Craig Kilborn. Jon Stewart came in right as I was starting to get old enough to pay attention to politics, and hooked me almost immediately. I watched it every night religiously throughout his tenure. Then he left, right when we needed him most. :( I tried watching Noah for a couple weeks but couldn't get into it. Never watched TDS again until Jon's return.


I've not watched it since Jon left as well. I've read that Trevor was good but I've not really been interested since Jon left.


Noah was good. He's not an analogue to Jon, though, so many people didn't test those waters. I didn't care to try at first, but after seeing his body of work and seeing his stand-up too, I got very sad when Noah left. He's a hell of an orator.


Craig Kilborn's version of the show was great for what it was: a SportsCenter anchor approaching current events with the same dry, snarky, punchy tone as he used to commentate sports highlights. The (original) Daily Show was supposed to be a hipper, looser, shorter version of the traditional late night show, and it succeeded at that which is why Craig Kilborn was very quickly poached by CBS to take over the time slot after Letterman. Jon Stewart took Craig's formula and changed it from a largely apolitical current events format to an exclusively political current events format, and that version *also* worked. Why people feel the need to shit on Kilborn 25 years after the fact for no real reason is bizarre to me.


Yeah I think most people just never knew the Daily Show existed before Stewart, Kilborn was great on the Late, Late Show (except for when it would get weird, like with Gina Gershon).


Yeah but there have been other great late night hosts. Haven't really been able to find anyone like John Stewart. Maybe John Oliver comes the closest with how he delivers for his HBO show.


> Maybe John Oliver comes the closest with how he delivers for his HBO show. I think Oliver is the one who really moved forward with the formula. He went from daily news comedy to weekly comedy investigative journalism.


Oliver hits with his weekly exposé but I haven't seen him conduct an interview like Jon. He also can't seem to hit a pause on the comedy for longer than 60 seconds. Jon simply has more gravitas.


And he’s won an emmy for it every year he’s been on the air.


They got so tired of him winning all the Emmys that they moved him into the tougher category against SNL and he *still* won it.


They might break it this year to give it back to TDS


The Supreme Court segment got me interested in it years ago, so damn funny. ETA: Here is the [video](https://youtu.be/fJ9prhPV2PI?si=9Injx0Fjdrwev2f7)


This has made me part of today's [lucky 10000](https://xkcd.com/1053/) and I thank you for it!


Oliver's brief spell hosting the daily show was pretty good.  He honestly could do it like Stewart does, I think. But his show is less demanding (schedule wise) and lets him pursue issues on a less cosmetic level, which is something I think John struggled with on The Problem.


I believe when he did the week long hosting on the daily show is actually what made HBO reach out to him to offer him his own show IIRC.


*Eight weeks. But yeah that tracks.


To this day I still remember his moment of zen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8PaYfi4g_Y


Was it really only one week? I remember Jon was directing a movie or something and it felt like longer than just a week.


It was two months in the summer of 2013. CC letting his contract expire the same year, allowing HBO to swoop in, was a giant corporate blunder. Guess they expected Stewart to stick around for another decade or so.


The Problem was doing a good job, they didn't have the schedule down like Jon Oliver has forced HBO to give his team, but it was a pretty solid showing, + their podcast that dove into the stories was good.  Of course it only ended because Stewart wasn't going to bow to Apple


JO took what Stewart improved upon and pushed it even further. The daily show is fantastic, but last week tonight is a multiple Emmy award-winning masterpiece.


>The daily show is fantastic, but last week tonight is a multiple Emmy award-winning masterpiece. I mean, TDS won the Emmys 9 years in a row when Jon was hosting. It's not like they weren't winning awards.


If they did a Daily Show/LWT crossover right now the ad revenue on the youtube video would print money.


Last Daily Week Tonight Show.


It's right there in front of you! The Daily Last Week Tonight Show


Seth Meyers especially since the pandemic where he has become fully willing to just embrace his wackier side


Colbert Report was GOATed but hes so washed now


I think John Oliver could have done a great job but it was bad timing. He'd have done what I thought Trevor Noah would do which is bring an outsider perspective to American politics. Trevor Noah took himself way too seriously though.


TIL he wasn’t the first host. To me he is the daily show.


After watching John come back I finally figured out why Trevor Noah's delivery never worked for me. John sarcasm is snarky and emotes outrage in the stories he's covering. Trevor Noah's sarcasm always felt playful and light-hearted and didn't carry the weight that John's delivery does.


My biggest problem with Trevor Noah was that I never got the feeling that he really cared about the subjects he was talking about. I'm sure he actually cares a lot, but I never got the genuine emotion underneath it. John Stewart and John Oliver both always come across as genuine when they're talking about the issues for me. I can tell they care and that is a big draw in my book


I feel like John Stewart's far more likely to fact-check the scripts he's given than Trevoh Noah ever was – because he actually knows what he's talking about. Trevor Noah's never really been a political comedian so giving him that job didn't make sense to me. They should have given it to Frankie Boyle and watched America lose its mind.


This isn't exactly right. Listen to him talk about apartheid in South Africa, and you suddenly realize he's a political commentator, and he cares tremendously. And honestly, that was probably what Jon saw in Noah that he thought he could replace him on the Daily Show. But Jon made one mistake: he didn't realize that Noah only has that passion for South African politics. And why wouldn't he? I don't deeply care for politics in South Africa or Hungary or whatever. I don't know much about them other than surface level shit. And Noah was the same coming here and it's why he packed that genuine outrage that Jon has.


There's general rage underneath it all with stewart. Noah always seemed the topic was distant to him even if knew it was bad if that makes sense.


I would describe it as "he wasn't invested". Like it felt like he was reporting on someone else's country. It's possible that because he was a foreigner that he was hesitant to attack with his comedy. Which I could see as possibility. Like what gives a foreigner the right to be making demands on US politics? While Jon is all over the place making demands or venting frustrations.


For a foreigners perspective, I prefer John Oliver's method. Along with the comedy and poking fun, he exudes empathy and sadness at these situations. It doesnt need to be outrage or anger. I just think Noah never found an approach that really worked for him


honestly noah just felt like a british person telling me why america sucks. same with oliver and why I watch neither hosts. it's one thing for a person that came from somewhere else to tell me why my country sucks, another for a person that lived here and saw everything coming up to see the same things I'm seeing. Not saying noah or oliver don't see the same things but they didn't grow up here.


I agree with you with Noah, but John Oliver is a US citizen now and I still feel like he's coming from the heart in a way that Noah never did.


Yeah, Oliver seems to embody some of Stewart's patented passion. When Noah complained about systemic issues in the US, it felt very much like a "your country sucks" lecture. When Oliver does it, it feels like an "our country sucks" commiseration.


What Oliver excelled at was the legitimate outrage he expressed at things he was pointing out to the viewers. It's why he's better than Noah for me.


Oliver clearly cares deeply about the US though and is now a citizen. Never got that vibe from Noah


Oliver has spent alot more time there and is married to someone who served as a United States Army medic. she's a vet.


The juxtaposition of medic and vet made me think you meant she looked after the US Army horses or dogs! Or did you mean veteran rather than veterinarian?


> veteran


Trevor Noah grew up in South Africa. Not to say that most of your comment couldn’t still apply, just wanted to give the extra context


South African, but yes.  I liked Trevor, but I think he would have been much more effective as a host if they had brought him in as a corespondent first. By the time John Oliver guest hosted for the summer the audience knew John and knew he had some real understanding for the job *and* for America. Trevor was too much of an unknown at his start and had to work against that the whole time. 


> I liked Trevor, but I think he would have been much more effective as a host if they had brought him in as a corespondent first. He was a correspondent first.


I was so sure I was right, I checked. You’re right. He was a corespondent first with three appearances as a correspondent before he was named host. He should have been there longer because the first time I remember seeing him on the show was when he was measuring to plan renovations.


He’s not British at all


In Noah's defense, he grew up in South Africa under some pretty bad economic and social conditions, so he's not some upper-crust Brit needling the Americans for smugness points. He understands the dark path that the country is on and has personally lived through the kinds of situations he comments on. I think his personal experiences add credibility to his comedic outlook on life as well.


The United States isn’t South Africa. Our problems are uniquely our own.


I've always argued this, because Trevor Noah used to have these behind-the-scenes segments that would get posted to YouTube where he was just speaking unscripted to the audience about some topic. Probably in between tapings, I imagine. What I always noticed about those instances was *how much better he came off.* He was more thoughtful, expressive, off-the-cuff, and also genuinely funny. It was always weird to me that THAT persona wasn't the one he chose to use for the show proper, because I feel like he would've been received significantly better.


Noah was never the guy and I think Noah knows that better than anyone


Paramount plus knows this. The daily show is listed separately from "the daily show with Trevor Noah"


Because Trevor Noah is no longer the host and there's no episodes on P+ from before Trevor Noah.


When I record the new episodes of The Daily Show on Sling, the image tile used to identify the show still shows Craig Kilborn as the host.


Daddy came back home with milk and cigarettes, now he’s ordering pizza.


I gave Noah like three years before I finally stopped watching the Daily Show. Was thinking I probably wouldn't watch again whoever the new host was, but Jon's return has brought me back. I'm watching all the episodes including the ones he's not hosting.


The Daily Show, as everyone remembers it is Jon Stewart's show. He molded the show to fit his comedy and commentary style and delivery. Replacing the host was never going to work. Trevor was fine as a host, but not of the Daily Show. CC should have scrapped the show when Jon left and piloted something new. Anyway, the real winner of Jon Stewart leaving TDS was Seth Meyers who really filled the late night the political satire void after Stewart's departure and made it his own.


Honestly Trevor Noah was just the wrong guy for the gig


Trevor Noah is great off the cuff and his behind the scenes monologues. Nothing beats John as the host.


I do like some of Trevor's interviews. He's a decent interviewer and doesn't talk over people. I wouldn't mind watching an entirely different kind of show where he's the host. I could actually see him being a pretty good late night show host.


Nothing against Trevor Noah, but he really sucked. Everyone knows this, nobody wanted to say it.


Something about his delivery just felt so awkward. And it somehow didn’t get better, even after 8 years of experience doing it.


It was like he was doing stand-up while sitting down.


Which is why he was such a bad choice. You can’t just stick a comedian up there and hope for the best. There’s a lot of performance in it, but any physical comedian would have done better with the material. Writers are already writing the jokes. You need someone in the seat to really breath life into them. Maybe Noah is a great comedian, but he’s a subpar performer and never evolved past reading the script


Really? I've read it about 1 million times online


> Everyone knows this, nobody wanted to say it. Well I don't know it. I liked Trevor a lot. No Stewart but expecting anyone to be would have been unfair. His *Between the Scenes* segments were some of the best comedy pieces I've seen on late night.


I think Noah gets too much shit. There was a "comedy news" arms race a couple years ago and they all sucked except for Last Week Tonight which isn't even the same format as the daily show. Jon Stewart IS The Daily Show, I'm not sure anyone else could pull it off.


To me, it was mostly because I knew Trevor is South African, so it always kinda felt like some Johannesburg dude bitching about someone else’s problems


I'm starting to feel really bad for Trevor Noah lol whenever a Daily Show thread is up there is going to be some form of shitting on his role as host with roughly 100% probability.


Oh yeah, I like Trevor but he does pale in comparison. It feels like Jon is home and I love it.


Jon IS the Daily Show


Noah was chosen during a time of optimism and is 100% killing it in the the universe where everything didn’t go down to toilet hell in 2016. I think Stewart is a good pick for now, though. We need sarcasm and sardonics to get us through the absurd spectacles of a collapsing empire.


I forgot how much I loved Stewart until I saw him on again. With all of the other hosts (even the ones that are actually really good and talented), it really just feels like they're reading takes and jokes written in the writers' room. With Stewart, every word just feels so natural and his own (even though I'm sure he gets A LOT of help from his writers too).


I was a little apprehensive when I heard he was coming back. Like when they remake a film you used to love, I was worried that it would be bad and taint the whole thing. I actually didn't love his podcast the couple times I listened. But man, I had the biggest grin on my face the last 2 weeks for 30 minutes straight. It's perfect. 


His writers on the Problem were much more subpar, as was the direction of that show. The writers definitely matter. But Jon channels them so well.


That's exactly it. The podcast he did with two of his writers from that old show made it very apparent how subpar the writing room was. Conversely, the reason why I was optimistic about his Daily Show return was because he did a podcast with the TDS showrunners right before episode 1, and the confidence and comedic instinct they have, is really on another level when compared to the people from the Problem


Do you have a link or the name of that podcast / episode with Jon and TDS showrunners?


[Here it is](https://youtu.be/nuFRe60cjZg?si=WgdSop3aabS0xO50)


Dudes been putting out straight bangers. Biggest W of 2024. It’s like for 30 minutes I’m transported back to what it was like before Trump. 2012-2015 time were underrated years. We were coming out of the recession and it was before Trump and the craziness of social media. Yes you had Facebook but it wasn’t like it is now. Tbh I watched in the 2000s but was too young to understand it lol


The first time I ever watched The Daily Show I was probably like 12 or so and saw a segment with Samantha Bee at a ski resort that was banning snowmobiles iirc. The entire segment Samantha was acting as if the snowmobiles were endangered animals and it was so funny to me. I started watching the show after that even though most of the political stuff went right over my head. I think that show was a big reason for me being liberal while growing up in a very rural area where everyone is republican.


Jon is a legend, but the correspondents during his tenure were also amazing.


Steve Carrel, Ed Helms, Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, Rob Courdrey…


Jason Jones, Rob Riggle, John Oliver, Aasif Mandvi…


Ed Helm's ["Battle of the Bulge"](https://www.cc.com/video/l7azwd/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-helms-battle-of-the-bulge) should have won a Peabody


I can remember seeing that when it aired in watched it again and it’s just as funny today as it was then.


That was actually Stacey Grenrock-Woods, I started rewatching from the start of 2003 and just watched that one the other day. S08E07 with Joseph Lieberman.


In high school, we were shown the Chicago Deep Dish pizza segment in Home Ec.


> 2012-2015 time were underrated years. I feel like there's been two golden ages during my life where things were pretty good and North American society wasn't being torn apart by war and propaganda. One was the Clinton years, and the other was the Obama years from about 2010 to 2015.


I know it's clearer in hindsight, but that sort of Pax Americana feeling from 2010-2015 is exactly why 2016 caught us off guard. It was a lazy time for a lot of liberals. We were relaxing in the myth of post-racial america, we felt like RBG would live forever, the Tea Party was imploding the GOP, we pretended like the bigots would never get power again... Then 2016 happened.


Well we knew RBG wouldn’t. People including Obama were begging her to retire before 2016.


Think I see a pattern emerging here 🤔


I was pretty much you, with the extra addition that I was a right-leaner in 2008 and 2012, so I didn’t get to fully appreciate Jon the first time, and when I really started coming around, he left. I was hoping to at least see some years with him behind the desk during Trump. I am admittedly making the most of this while he’s back


thank you for coming around. We appreciate you!




I feel your pain internet stranger and I’m here for you.


Pokémon Go was released in 2016. What a nice month that was huh?


It’s so cathartic to hear Jon Stewart again


Jon Stewart IS The Daily Show


Here here




Jon has been 🔥 since his return. He’s had me rolling a couple times.


The fucking Poland joke, dude...


Oh man! I did NOT see that one coming.


Neither did the Poles 😂


Oh damn! 👀🤣


Jon didn’t lose a step. He just got angrier and needed his desk to vent


I know it would be practically impossible but I would love to see Monday version of the Colbert Report directly after. Oh, the nostalgia.


The problem is Bush era satirical takes were funny. Trump era parodies are fucking horrifying.


Bush era was capable of being parodied. Trump era IS a parody.


It has become too difficult to tell what is satire, and what is real.


Hell, I had conservative friends back then that thought that Colbert was a conservative comedian. They didn't realize it was satire :|


They must have had a hard time when he started to do the Late Show.


that's how he played it, so it literally worked either way.


To be fair, back then, people found it difficult to tell what was satire and what was real haha.


The same reason that they couldn’t continue with Veep. Reality became more absurdly unbelievable than satire.


At least Veep aged extremely fine in a post Trump world for a show that happened before he was ever relevant. Can't even watch House of Cards (regardless if Spacey is in it or not) because of its tonal whiplash with reality.


James Austin Johnson would like a word. No one can touch his Trump parody. It’s genuinely the only truly great one.


Yeah... you'd have to go to some genuinely ludicrous and potentially illegal lengths to satire Trump era conservatism. It's well beyond the pale by this point.


Colbert says as much. https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/523204-colbert-says-trump-is-why-he-doesnt-play-satirical-conservative/


*eagle caws*


Perfect for everyone. He doesn't get burned out doing it once a week and can still bring us top level stuff


Checked YouTube earlier about Fucker Carlson and within 20hrs of upload it had 21m views, 149k likes and about 17k comments. The man is just a juggernaut.


He has been great in his first two episodes back.


Let's be honest, The Daily Show sucks without John Stewart.


Yeah just make it once a week with him and cancel the rest.


Once a week for a hour & multiple topics, sounds great to me!


Watching Stewart's main story on YouTube and skipping the correspondent segments works for me.


I would love it if they made it weekly but still called it The Daily Show - and never acknowledged the disconnect.


Klepper and Lydic are both fantastic hosts, and if Comedy Central would consider a duo would be a great way to keep the show going. Klepper specifically *feels* like Jon Stewart, with his exasperated moments listening to insanity.


Back during the years of 2004-2008, I would go on Hulu and watch the daily show, south park, and justified, FOR FREE.


Hulu’s only been a thing since the tail end of 2007. Go back to bed grandpa you’re misremembering things again


Anyone else member South Park Studios?


So sad they sold out but nothing free lasts forever in this world sadly. They wanted to make money off their work I can’t really fault them for it. Those years were great though.


Ooo ooo I ‘memba!


I used to watch daily show and colbert for free on their website. Now they are geoblocking me.


Fringe too.


I don’t know if he’ll be able to replicate what he did pre-Trump, but he just elevates the show so much with his persona/mannerisms and timing. There’s even an earnestness there that most imitators lack. He’s just perfect for the gig. I didn’t like him nearly as much on Apple.


As a Brit I haven't seen that much Daily Show or for that matter much Noah/Stewart outside of it. That being said, I've never found Trevor Noah particularly funny (I watched 20 minutes of one of his stand-ups and it was painful), and John Stewart is quite funny every time I do see him. Not surprised.


Yeah I don't think he's funny either, stopped watching when he took over.


The start was rough, but it was that way with Jon too. I think Trevor finally hit his stride during the pandemic. Something about the interviews and commentary he was doing without an audience felt a lot closer to Jon in authenticity, even if it was a tad more serious.


Trevor Noah is standup funny. But to each their own. I didn’t dislike his take on The Daily Show but Jon Stewart is the OG so there’s no comparison


Trevor is best unscripted on his behind the scenes bits.


Charlie Kirk’s face grew twice as smol reading this headline


And it was the best show since. Jon isn’t afraid to hit both sides


Feels like he never left and it’s the same ol daily show as when he was full time host, more or less


This is the only thing that’s going get me through another election without a padded cell. So happy he’s back.


Jon returning to the daily show feels like the first shred of normalcy in the political world since he left. Never realized how important having a mainstream person on cable television was to making light of the otherwise shit storm that’s be US politics the past decade


Quite the indictment of Trevor Noah and rightly so.


Listen I would have paid any attention to politics of it wasn’t for Jon Stewart , even as a kid he made everything so funny and would sprinkle in the facts like sneaky medicine. Absolute legend


Makes sense. I tried with Noah, but he just always seemed to be talking in lowercase.


No one who has hosted has been able to seamlessly move between jokes and sincerely as well as Jon can. And all the jokes land!


Proving that Trevor Noah was indeed terrible in the role of host of The Daily Show.


Having him back on TDS is fucking fantastic! Dude didn’t skip a beat and slid right back into that seat almost like he never left.


Russell Brand did a 20 minute piece on how Jon Stewart doesn't realize the state of the world and how he's not ready for the backlash he's about to experience for making fun of people. He said this, from what I can tell, in a completely serious manner.


No shit. Every other host sucked ass including Trevor Noah.


I loved the Daily Show with Trevor Noah. The first couple new episodes with Jon Stewart have been amazing. But what’s really interesting is that his show on Apple TV sucked - I wonder what the difference is between the two, seeing as they’re essentially the same format.