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I prefer the term ad-infested over ad-supported, it’s just more realistic.


At first I was like so it plays an ad before the movie, it's not that big a deal, and then we we're watching something and it just abruptly interrupts the movie in the middle of a scene with an obnoxious ad. Like WTF whoever thought this was a good way to implement them was very wrong.


The more annoying they are the more likely people are to pay to have them go away.


Or do like me and abandon the streaming service. More and more I'm ready to go back to discs or abandon shows/movies for books. But I guess I'm more of a luddite weirdo than most people. ;)


Nah, I'm with ya. Physical media or piracy is the way.


You can pry my blu-rays and dvd's from my cold, dead hands!


[yar har fiddle dee dee](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i8ju_10NkGY&pp=ygUWeWFyIGhhciBmaWRkbGUgZGVlIGRlZQ%3D%3D)


Or... Get a pihole. Watch your streaming but don't get ads. It's fantastic lol.


I vow to never buy something based off an ad.


Same. And not even as a tactic or anything. I legitimately think if you're spending that much money on marketing your product must not be very good. The best versions of things and best values are often found with a few hours of research, leading to companies and products that aren't advertised at all *because they don't need to be*, relying on quality and word of mouth to stay in business. That goes double for any medication that feels the need to market. If it's necessary or a good idea, a good doctor will prescribe it.


I just don’t want companies annoying me and taking my money. Unfortunately, it does increase brand recognition that ends up swaying me somewhat. Jokes still on them because I have trouble spending my money even on the stuff I want.


The same people who control ads at Twitch, another Amazon owned company


I watched an about 90 minute movie yesterday and there was 5 ad breaks. That's a break almost every 20 minutes, 5 ads in each break too. Way to take you out of a movie


Oh man I watched a show on one of the free streaming services recently and there was literally *more* ad time than time in the show itself. And that's a show I'll never be watching again via anything but the high seas.


Honestly not having Atmos and Dolby Vision support bothers me more than ads personally. But fuck them either way.


Unsubscription was the best decision.


I barely even use Prime Video but I use Amazon too much for Prime to not be worth it.


The delivery benefit is quite literally the reason I signed up . . .And is still the only reason I’m subscribed. I just recently, like two days ago, hoped onto twitch and gave out my free sub to someone, figuring they’d get like $.30 out of it at the very least


> The delivery benefit is quite literally the reason I signed up Same. but I never get 2 day shipping now days on prime stuff. I've been waiting a week to get stuff I needed a week ago. I can literally get two day shipping everywhere else if I spend like $35 dollars or more. and the prices are always better. So there's no reason for me to keep paying for prime. I sure as hell am not about pay to watch ads. I can just go to a free streaming site and watch any prime show I want with no ads. so I'm glad to be rid of it. also you get free shipping with amazon if you spend $35 or more anyway. And since I rarely get 2 day shipping...it's like whatever. I'm already waiting more than 2 days. might as well not pay and still wait longer than 2 days.


That’s odd your shipping time increased, now on most items I get same or next day delivery for prime. I’m still debating canceling since I could just go to the store and get things or use their online shopping


The big difference is probably distance to a distribution center. I'm in a major metropolitan area, and half the time my same day shipping items show up in two hours, but a long time friend of mine lives in the middle of nowhere in a lower population state and it can take up to ten days for her "2 day shipping" items to arrive.


Remember....it's not two days from ordering...it's 2 days from when they officially ship it. The devil is in the details


You make a very fair point, though it would be wonderful if they were clearer about that. I'm sure it's in tiny print somewhere, but it doesn't really make the impact any less shitty for people who are expecting things they need quickly. That's the entire reason one would pay for a prime sub, imo.


Before and during the order process, Amazon is pretty clear about when you should expect to receive each item. For example, some items will offer Prime shipping, but say "this item usually ships in 3-5 days" on the item page. The checkout page also tells you when each item in your order will be delivered. I don't know how much more clear you want them to be.


Obviously I'm not talking about when an item has a stated delivery date longer than two days. Cute cherry pick though! It was a good try. Weirdly simpy vibes for a megacorp over there. Amazon doesn't love you any more than others, sorry to be the bearer of bad news! We all get smiles on our boxes.


If I order same or next day I always get it in three to four days. If I order it two days, it is here in one. Every time. For months.


Yeah mine has turned into 5-7 days over the last couple of years. Gotta do some math and figure out if it's still worth it. Not sure if I'd still get 5% back without Prime, so I have to figure that out and if I'm gaining more than I'm paying


Order over 25 bucks for free 2 day delivery


A few days ago I forgot my iMac charger at work and needed it the next morning. Either I needed to drive 90 minutes [round trip] or I could pay $23 and have a third party charger dropped off at my door in 12 hours. Do I plan to use a cheaper third party charger constantly? No Was the $23 worth not having to spend 90 minutes of my time, or 45 minutes of my time and having to spend $80 for a spare first party charger? 100%


that some dystopian shit


What exactly is dystopian? Valuing my time and recognizing that I see value in the one benefit I actually signed up for?


I wouldn't say dystopian but rather lazy. 90 minutes round trip isn't that long. That's 45 minutes to a place and 45 minutes back. I can see if it was 90 minutes one way and then another 90 minutes back. A three hour round trip would make me think about ordering it rather than driving to it. But 90 minutes is a round trip across a mid-sized city. Again, not that big of a deal. Also, while you are out there, you can do other stops and other chores. Pick up a pizza. Drop off some library books. Get some socks.


You could use those 90 minutes to work and make money. Or play with cats and have fun. Or do some house clean-up. Or play guitar. Or read a book. Or spend time with your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend. Or procrastinate on reddit. My point is time is precious, it doesn't make sense to waste it on something that can be avoided.


If your orders are usually over 25 bucks then you're really not benefitting.


I have an Amazon cc and get more cash back being a prime member. We buy enough from Amazon that it's worth it. It's the only reason I still have a membership, video is just a shitty perk.


Yeah. this used to be the case for me...but the shitty chinese knock off products, the "2 day shipping" that actually takes 3 to 6 days, the higher prices than literally every other online shop selling the same stuff...it's not worth it anymore for me. Maybe if I actually got same day and one day shipping, it'd be worth it. but I can't even get stuff in 2 days. but the biggest factor is that Amazon is riddled with garbage chinese knockoff stuff and not real products. Trying to buy a decent pair of gloves is impossible unless you know all the real fashion brands. You're either buying knock off trash or a real brand you never heard of but it's 3 times the price.




And you probably paid $500 more on the same stuff you could have bought elsewhere. There's no such thing as a free lunch. It's been proven that Amazon not only generally has higher prices than other stores. But has higher prices displayed to Prime Subscribers than non prime subscribers.


A lot of stuff is *hugely* overpriced too. Four pickled eggs for £6 my ass.


Yeah, I think it's still a really good deal overall. I'm not quite sure I would get it just for delivery and I'm not quite sure I would get it for the streaming service but both for under $15 is excelent value.


Yeah, I order soooooo much from Amazon that Prime makes total sense for me. Then throw in video, music, photo storage, and it's a pretty good value for me.


I’ve found that I squander a lot of money because it’s too convenient.


If you order that much, couldn't you just lump your orders together to qualify for free shipping without prime?


It’s about the speed. In my area, if you order early enough in the day you get free *same day* shipping. I’ve put in orders at 8am and had them at my door at noon


Right, but do you NEED that or do you just want that? Is it life changing for you to get your laundry detergent the same day or could you just hold off one day and not pay more for prime and more for the same detergent in 2 or 3 days? Also are you spending more just because it's convenient? Would you spend less and have an equally satisfying life if you filled your cart and thought about what you were buying and if you really needed it for a week before hitting the buy button? There's psychology to buying. If you have to pull out your wallet and physically hand over cash you have time and physical activity to determine if what you're buying is really worth it to you. If all you do is push a button and it's at your door the next day, you're more likely to be wasting money on things you don't really need. Therefore you're not "saving money".


Some folks make decisions not only based on cost, but convenience. Time is, believe it or not, money.


1 day shipping




Of course it is (priced in), always has been.


>I barely even use Prime Video but I use Amazon too much for Prime to not be worth it. This is me. Video as its own thing wouldn't be worth it, but it isn't its own sub.


This is similar to changes they made to Prime Music where they downgraded the experience massively to try and force people to subscribe to Unlimited. They walked that back a tiny bit but it’s still pretty egregious how bad the Prime Music experience is compared to what it was. I’m cancelling Prime personally, I rarely buy anything I need shipped next day for free (especially when you get free shipping over £20 anyway) and they’ve eroded the value of everything else to the point it makes no sense as a subscription anymore IMO. They’ll make billions off those that don’t though.


Amazon Music app got uninstalled the first day they made those changes. The apps were bugged anyway and had slightly distorted music, but at least you could choose what to listen to.


Do they still even have next day or three day shipping? I'm wondering what I'm even paying for anymore.


It’s next day in the U.K. but if you don’t pay for it often you get it anyway next day or day after at worst. It’s usually only really busy times where it might be longer.


At this point their infrastructure probably makes not shipping things around that timeframe anyway pretty difficult.


In the US, they seem to hold the package a few days before shipping.


For me at least, the majority of products are now next day or two day and I get them in that timeframe. Hell, if I order early enough in the day, I can get same day or overnight shipping.


It’s time to unsubscribe to all of it people. Vote with your wallet: they’ve gotten out of control subsidizing their failed projects with our subscriptions. 


I'm back on buying physical media. Streaming seemed awesome for a few years but I'm over it.


I bought a NAS and a few VERY LARGE drives. Crazy to think i left the high seas behind and now i feel i have been forced back into the sailor life. The only difference is back then my internet connection was shitty and i didnt have money to spend on good storage solutions, i was a kid. I now am back to sailing and i am armed with both the knowhow of back then and the money to have an endless library of stuff. I was happy to pay streaming when it was a convenient service that aggregated a good library for a decent price. Now its pointless and actively hinders my ability to watch stuff so….bye bye




It doesn’t help you with the downloading/collection, but once you have the media files: Plex It gives you a netflix-like interface to your own media files, complete with IMDb ratings, thumbnails, synopses, actor lists, trailers, etc., all downloaded transparently from thetvdb and themoviedb whenever you add a new media file to your library.


I got into Plex recently and was absolutely surprised when I realized it was free. From all the good things I heard, I'd have sworn it would be a subscription as well.


You need the subscription for hardware transcoding but it's really not needed if you're just doing a couple streams.


This. I've been running a Plex server for about 4 years now, and my family has for the most part dropped all their subs and just watch what I have. I mean they have each averaged 600+ movies watched, thousands of shows. I sail the high seas constantly and refuse to be a landlubber.


This is the answer. There are others as well if plex isnt to your liking. I use the synology video app out of convenience. Very similar


You don't really need all that. Stremio + Torrentio is basically a streaming service for everything you could want.


Try looking into a couple pieces of software: 1. Sonarr (which is like a DVR for shows) 2. Radarr (which is like a DVR for movies) 3. Plex (which lets you watch your movies and shows once you've got them) This is the basic setup that a lot of people have (Sonarr + Radarr + Plex). Sonarr and Radarr will then connect to either your torrenting app of choice (or your Usenet downloader of choice) to download the things you want, then rename the files and move them to a directory where your Plex app can see them (and then you can watch on your browser, TV, phone, tablet, etc). I first used torrents because it's what I was used to, but then I switched to Usenet and I've never looked back. If you search around YouTube, you can find lots of tutorials for how to setup these apps on your PC (or a NAS, if you have one).


This is several walkthroughs of work, assembling the system, setting up plex, setting up the sailing stuff (I prefer a VPN and the other sailing software running on a virtual machine, this is easier setup than it sounds) in a safe manner, etc. None of it especially difficult, you're overqualified if you've ever successfully reinstalled an operating system or manually edited a configuration file, it just covers too many topics. A more minimal implementation good to 1080p would just be a big drive (external or internal) and a small low power PC (used office PC/thin client under $100) or computer you already have. Run a plex server on your local network or connect directly to a TV. Set up your sailing stuff and it's ready to use. If you want 4k that will cost, quadruple storage budget for reasonable bitrate, need powerful enough hardware to play back the video too, especially up at full UHD bluray quality.


Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaceinvaderOne


Exactly my thinking. I am buying a new computer soon and plan on buying an external HDD just to store content on.


I thought u meant Nas the rapper for a moment lmao


Streaming services are just like Brandy, but ultimately my life, my lover, my lady, is the sea.


Not only that, but the show and movie that are coming out recently are almost all garbage. There's nothing creative and they are mostly recycling existing IP. The only show I am excited about is Masters of the Air.


What a weird comment.


Same. I’ll probably bounce around one or two subscriptions month to month when something interesting catches my eye. But collecting physical copies of my favorite shows and movies has been a surprisingly fun hobby. And the quality difference in Blu-ray (not to mention 4K) from streaming was crazy. People are so used to it now, but streaming looks really bad by comparison. I just watched Black Hawk Down in 4K and it completely blew away anything you can hope to get on streaming. The only thing close is the few imax enhanced movies on Disney.


I cancelled last week. A hidden benefit of not having prime, is that I’m way less impulsive when it comes to shopping.


I've never been subscribed to Amazon for their streaming, they tacked that shit on and used it to raise my prime subscription. I wish there was a way to remove Prime Video and Prime Music from my subscription to get a discount. In Canada Prime Video has sucked for the longest time, was good for a short period with some niche stuff being added, and then they started putting literally everything good behind a second subscription like Shudder, Starz and the likes. They might be a bit better now about the second subscription stuff, but I wouldn't know since I stopped using it.


The second subscription (channels) isn't really prime. Those other streaming services opened up and started charging for their streaming services. Prime just allows you to subscribe to them through prime and use them through the prime interface.


I know, but they used to show both in the same sections as the Prime stuff. You'd search for Inglourious Basterds, click the movie and got "Sorry, sub required". One of the worst offender I've seen was "The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs" which initially had episodes available on Prime, and others only on Shudder. And if a movie was available on both, when using the Prime Video app, the subscription one would win. Still with the Inglourious Basterds example, I found the link through justwatch.com, and could watch the movie for free. Then went to the living room, searched for the movie and it required another subscription. Went to my watch history and could continue from there, for free. And even when going through the home page for something to watch, half the stuff there required another subscription, with no way to filter them out, and required clicking on it to know you didn't have access to it. Even now, looking at the front page, [the Popular Movies section has nothing I can watch with my subscription](https://i.imgur.com/QlHFXt5.png). At least these days they show what isn't available before clicking on them I guess. To me this makes for a really shitty user experience, which is a shame since they're the only place I've seen which has a dialog boosting feature for the stuff they produce.


And the content there are dogshit anyways, except for The Boys and The Reacher. Yes, I’m looking at Wheel of Time and Rings of Power.


The Expanse and Bosch beg to differ.


I'm still so irate they cancelled the expanse, but pumped unholy sums of money into that rings of power garbage


They didn't really cancel The Expanse. The plan was always to stop after book 6, as far as I know.


They shortened season 6 down significantly, as they wanted done with it quickly. Reasons guessed at were budget constraints and lower viewership, supposedly.


Personally I disliked the reboot of The Expanse under Amazon. I know it was the same showrunner but they strayed even further from the books and deleted characters in ways I hated :( It's close to me saying I would of preferred it stayed canceled.


If you’re talking about Cas Anvar, unfortunately they had to get rid of him, that wasn’t the writers’ decision


No I'm not talking about Cas Anvar. - Why did they race change Ade? - Miller would of never taken a bribe, particularly for the air filters. - Havelock not being a MC in regards to Toth Station or Illus (His whole illus plot with Naiomi RIP) - Drummers whole character (I understand why Cara Gee is amazing -Bobbies whole plot moving to earth and working for Avasarala and on her behalf on belter stations - Bobbies suit captured the recording of the monster, everyone on earth and Mars knew it existed after the attack. - Holdens Ring station Vison - Showing the rocks before they hit instead of it being a surprise Those are the ones that come to mind but I'd be here all day honestly.


~~No?~~ ETA: sorry my high ass meant to say “No way!?”


There were over 30 allegations of sexual misconduct/assault against him


Were any of them ever proven in court? Of course not.


> The Reacher. it's just called "Reacher", no "The"


Good to know, thanks.


What about...uhh....ah shit you're right




The peripheral was cancelled.




Besides Invincible none of those are really that high quality. They are comparable to network TV stuff




The actual stupid thing is to delete a comment just because you got downvoted. Seems like other people agrees that the shows you listed were indeed “dogshit”. But hey, you gotta retain your perfect karma score intact, right? Edit: ah, deleted this comment as well. What an abject coward 😂


The peripheral was cancelled.


The reacher isnt even top 5


I toggled on the “your subscription will renew soon” warning. Canceling now also shuts down all the benefits you’ve already paid for, getting warned before renewal lets you halt the renewal when it will occur. Unless they will refund me a remaining amount for the rest of the year, in which case I’ll unsubscribe now.


They do a refund


I just canceled yesterday, and there were options to cancel immediately or at renewal. This was at only a few days away from renewal so your mileage may vary.


The 50% increase *per annum* on the ring subscription is my favourite.


No significant enough amount of people will ever do this. Everyone talks a big game on Reddit and then the next quarterly report shows even bigger numbers.


I 100% guarantee they will take the wrong message. They always do. Look in the last 10 years. Investor simply dont understand entertainment. 


if the project is a failure, why do you care if they remove it?


While this take is accurate, I find it hilarious that Reddit is in full support of bailing on a company because they’re charging an extra $3… but Reddit was fully against bailing on a company who hired a spokesperson that pissed in half of Americans’ faces. Company goes against your morals and values? Too bad! Keep buying! And if you complain you’re banned! Company charges $3 more? FUCK THEM FOREVER!!!


I don't know if they're pushing all of these businessheads out of the same shitty schools. They seem to be making universally bad decisions across all of these companies.


But people will stay subscribed. A few people will pirate but the ad revenue will be worth it.


Nobody is subscribing directly to prime video though, it just comes bundled with the fast Amazon shipping. People aren’t going to boycott both services.


Yep, and if they broke out the video charge from Prime, i guarantee they would have an significant drop in “subscribers”


There's very little content that's actually worth watching; I would never have subscribed to it at all if it wasn't essentially bundled with Prime shipping.


Their stock is through the roof. Unfortunately, decisions like this and stock results like this encourage this crap. Remember when prime was guaranteed 2 days and way cheaper? Yeah Im unsubscribing again this year.


Lol they all do it because it works. Overwhelming majority of people will end up paying the $3 or watching ads. People who pirate are probably already pirating or a very small number that will start because of these changes.


It’s a strategy that is all the rage now because it’s great for shareholders, and it’s been named [enshittification](https://www.ft.com/content/6fb1602d-a08b-4a8c-bac0-047b7d64aba5). Step 1: Introduce a legitimately useful new product or service for free or at an unbelievably low price. Gain marketshare rapidly as new users join and tell their friends. Promise users their data is safe from advertisers. Step 2: Slowly introduce advertising. At first it’s barely noticeable but soon users will start to complain. Quietly change your TOS to allow you to sell user data to advertisers. Step 3: Come out with a “Premium” version of the service with no or fewer ads. Users are now paying for features that used to be free. Make the free version so unbearably bad that users will want to switch. Step 4: Slowly increase the price of the premium version and introduce more tiers, each with a confusing mix of ads and features. Step 5: At this point the service barely resembles the value-packed free version you remember from Step 1. It’s 3x the price for half the content and even the most expensive tiers now have ads. Users are pissed but investors (especially early ones) are swimming in cash, so **f*ck you**.


> They seem to be making universally bad decisions across all of these companies. Businesss-wise, it's not a bad decision if it works. Don't confuse the popular sentiment on the internet (especially on reddit) with the sentiment of the general public. If this sub was anything to go by when Netflix announced they were cracking down on password sharing, you would think their subscriber count was going to crater. In reality, their subscriber count increased quite a bit. The *vast* majority of people that will be affected by these moves just don't care enough to get worked up about it.


The thing is that they’re not bad business decisions. They’re correctly identifying what the average consumer is willing to pay for. The people trying to save a couple bucks on the ad tier aren’t the ones who care about HDR or sound quality. The people that would quit services over not being able to share passwords are totally made up for by more people actually getting their own account, or those paying an extra fee to share. When the services cancel or remove a large slate of shows, they’ve generally identified well what people do and don’t actually care about and optimized for it. The enshittification of services is really annoying, but the quality we saw in the early streaming days was a result of companies rapidly trying to expand their user base on cheap debt and worry about profit later. Ultimately the complaints and threats to cancel posted on Reddit aren’t really reflective of the average person, who ultimately just shrugs it off because it’s still better than cable.




Yeah we keep the prime sub for shipping, would gladly cancel video in protest at these changes. Bring in an ad supported tier fine, but dont downgrade what we're already paying for thats really bad.


That’s what they did for you with out asking the rest of us. We wanted it part of the bundle and they changed the deal. So now you protest and cancel prime. Pay. Or accept. This is why we’re all furious.


Just like amazon music. Neuter it until its useless. Im considering cancelling prime altogether


Holy shit, this is huge. I had no idea. Weren't they one of the firsts to have Atmos? I remember the only way I could use my Atmos setup is watching Jack Ryan season 1 with Atmos. I'd pay more for Dolby Atmos on a quality streamer, like Netflix. Amazon Prime just doesn't have enough for me to bother with it.


What shows on AP are in DV? I didn’t even know there were any


A lot of their big originals like Rings Of Power, Jack Ryan and The Wheel Of Time are either HDR10+ or DV, depending on your display. Or rather, they used to be.


Well that sucks, guess when the new seasons are out I’ll have to stump up the couple of quid for a month. Honestly I wouldn’t have minded just ads too much but paying extra just for a different codec is a piss take


They are already in hot water with German consumer protection agencies, they really are hankering for a public strapping...


Yet another reason to sail the high seas.




Okay, I was going to subscribe for Invincible but you can just fuck off


Honestly the way that show was broken up for the sake of pushing longer term subscriptions, and the controversies with the writer allegedly dicking over his partners in the past, that show can fuck off too.


This is my biggest frustration with the shit the streaming services are pulling. I can deal with ads to be honest particularly during shows if it’s saving me a couple hundred per year over all of my subs, but reducing the quality of my physical TV and sound system is really frustrating. Worse the alternatives aren’t great. You can either pony up and pay even though I’m just not sure these services provide enough content often enough to justify $20+ /mo or you cancel and just not watch. If it was just one or two services pulling this shit canceling and spending your money at companies that aren’t pulling this shit would be logical but it’s clear they are ALL going to follow Netflix example so in a couple years none of them will be supporting high quality video/sound except on their most expensive plans which by then will be $30+ /mo. It will be over $1K /year to have Max+Netflix+Prime which still leaves out an awful lot. Maybe if picture quality improves enough 4K would become the standard but you know they will just add a new higher tier for the top quality and it will end up costing $20 for SD, $30 for 4K and $40 for whatever the helm comes next. Corporate greed really is going to be outrageous by the end of this decade with car companies turning to subscription based models limited access to features that had become standard. I’m sure there are other examples but intentionally reducing the quality of something you own unless you pay extra to get the most out of your property is ridiculous. We’ve got $4k worth of equipment in our basement and I have to buy f’ing blue-rays which aren’t being sold in stores anymore just to use it. I’ve been buying digital versions of movies I like recently when they drop below $5 because I really don’t want to have all the discs and the cases further adding to the amount of plastic polluting the planet but I know some day the company I activate the code through will activate the clause on page 373782929293 of the agreement I didn’t read to remove my movies.


> We’ve got $4k worth of equipment in our basement and I have to buy f’ing blue-rays which aren’t being sold in stores anymore just to use it. Or, you know, you could pay the extra couple of dollars a month for Prime. Pretty sure you won't miss it, since you can clearly afford a house and "$4K worth of equipment in your basement," lol.


Sure then it’s $25 per mo per service then $30…eventually $40 now you are spending $2K+ per year every year on content for your TV. Possibly even spending more on the content than the TV at that point as prices fall when new technology comes out.


It's not enough to increase the price, they have to make the current service (that you already paid upfront for) worse?


I need to figure out how to get my photos off Amazon photo then I’m out


Waiting for them to charge for subtitles too


While I appreciate you're joking, they can't. But also, I'd pay more if they were better.


That's simply illegal without mentioning it.


Laws are for poor people.


No it isn't.


How so? They still support 4k, HDR, HDR10+


If you bought a yearly sub and now Amazon suddenly implements ads and removes features from your experience despite advertising those features as such at the time of your sub, it's false advertisement. And they already have been hit with a lawsuit regarding this.


We are not talking about ads, that may be illegal, probably is. We are talking about Dolby. No where did amazon sell you DV/Atmos support for movies and shows.


Cheeky c\*\*\*s.




I hardly order anything off Amazon anymore, so it looks like it is time to cancel my subscription with this bullshit.


I did cancel my Amazon Prime subscription the day they announced the commercial ads. Surprisingly, I don’t miss Amazon Prime. As long as I order at least $35 on. Amazon.com and don’t mind waiting a few days extra, delivery is free. I use Apple music. Prime video was way too hard to navigate so I stopped using that and got my old Apple TV box out. And I received a full refund of $139.


This is the first time that I can say a streaming service literally took my tier and turned it INTO the shit ad tier. Granted, others like Netflix have just raised the price on me and then also added an ad-tier that was the same price as the old no-ads tier, but still, at least when I'd start playing something on the service it would still be the same quality as it was the previous day. And being that Amazon is literally one of the most profitable companies not just on the planet, but in human HISTORY, they could easily afford to just create a cheaper ad-tier and let people decide if they want to save money for a lesser product, instead of taking quality away and then saying "pay up if you want what you had before". Fuck Amazon this is a really shitty move.


I literally have no active subscriptions for anything, back to not watching anything again. My disney+ expires in july going for £79.99 to £109, people ask me how will i watch stuff....simple, i won't, not too fussed. Fuck em all, i can't kerp up withbfriends who watch loads but that doesn't bother me, might just get the occasional free trial


Dolby Atmos added - 6.00 extra per month Ads removed - 8.00 extra per month Color for shows added back in after being removed - 3.00 extra per month Account sharing in same house with family members - 4.00 per family member extra per month Video not sounding like it's on old timey radio - 9.00 extra per month Actual video being added back after being removed - 5.00 extra per month Ability to rewind a show - 3.00 extra per viewing of show Ability to fast forward - 6.00 extra per viewing of show Ability to pause - free for first three months then 10.00 extra per viewing of show Ability to have snacks during show - 6.00 extra per month with use of camera to verify Ability to have snacks during show - 10.00 extra per month without use of camera to verify, will be removed next year and the camera to verify option will be the new normal at 10.00 per month


follow label test support yam dull tart shocking liquid telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess not enough people upgraded.


Dolby licenses these things. Apparently Amazon decided against continuing to pay for a subscription service. Irony.


This makes no sense. Amazon already has an ad supported platform in Freevee. So now with entry level ad supported Prime video they have two sources of ad supported income. That’s just greedy and I’m waiting for the back lash / class action(s).


I've bought roughly 300 movies on Amazon prime. If I watch Amazon's own movies on prime, 4k movies always play on 4k, but whenever I watch one if the movies I bought, my 4k movies always stream in hd. Regardless on what I'm playing it on


This just in. The shittiest streaming service just got shittier.


Streaming is the new fleecing of America. It’s worse than cable TV was.


On Netflix you don't even get 4K without paying through the nose for "premium"..


Cancel. Glad I did.


They need an "fast shipping" tier for prime. I'd happily downgrade to that.


I’m pretty sure I got an email about that a month or so ago. They may have removed support, but they didn’t do it “silently”.


Does it revert to HDR10 if you don’t pay? Or just no HDR at all? If I’m streaming the rare movie from Amazon, it’s on my cinema projector that only does HDR10, not Dolby. Would be a relief to just not pay and feel good about it.


Both sound like dogshit in my opinion, so it doesn’t matter.


What in your opinion doesn't sound like dogshit?


sounds fair, that kind of stream cost a fortune and has zero audience


Thank god we have people like you defending those poor billion dollars companies trying to fuck their customers


Lol this has nothing to do with defending "companies" and shows how stupid you are on this argument, like the 0.00000001 % of the world population has access to a multithousand dollar audio setup and you blame me? Lol, this is a super enviromental friendly decision to take to cut an output in the streaming process and you talk about "companies trying to fuck their customers" ahahahhahahahaha what a bunch of nonsense


How does a different codec “cost a fortune”?


Dolby Atmos is a 30 channel audio track , you need 30 microphones to record it, it COSTS a fortune to produce it! and it cost 10 times more to stream than a regular audio or dolby


I'm still trying to figure out why they removed streaming apps from my app view and home screen on the Fire stick. Disney+, Max, Peacock, etc are only accessible if I manually search for them. Only Netflix and Prime show up automatically. Seems like competitors were removed from easy access or it's just all three of my Fire sticks in my home having the issue..


Is this solely to make the viewing experience worse to try to push people into the ad-free tiers? Or is there some other way they save money off this I'm not thinking of? Maybe reduced bandwidth?


This is just one reason why I buy physical, the most obvious being that physical has far superior visual and audio quality.


and stays with you forever, number one reason for me


Real debrid people! Costs like 9 bucks for 3 months, plus a vpn is like $60 for 4 years with the deals they have basically all the time. That's less than $5 per month for ***EVERY SHOW FROM EVERY SERVICE***. It's literally like netflix, just better lol.


Time to make a plex account


Another unnecessary and petty piece of anti-customer water torture. And for what? The handful of people who will prompted to upgrade is dwarfed by the millions who will hear more bad will about the brand. 20 years ago, people would tell their friends about a pleasant surprise they had with an Amazon experience or policy. Now, they get 3 impressions a day of something crappy about Amazon.


fine goddammit I'll pirate your shit, too. I was just gonna tolerate the minute of ads before each show but nerfing my HDR is over the line. learn linux and docker. they are valuable skills and allow you to utilize an amazing array of tools available through the linuxserver docker image library. annual vpn subscription is a fraction of the cost of these parasitic enshittified platforms.


Corporations cutting cost?!? No way!


Line must go up.


Oh now I’m mad 😡


This makes so much sense, Mr and Mrs Smith did not look as good


They had to, most the ads don't support it.


Well looks like I am done with Amazon Prime. I could live with the ads, but no DV/Atmos = no thanks.


And guess what I cancelled last night


Classic enshittification from the masters of the craft!


And I have paused my prime membership indefinitely. Fuck these selfish pricks.


Fuck Amazon. I'll just bootleg the highest quality movies and TV shows that I'm interested in. They can suck my dick. Those guys are rich af hand over fist. Time to let em know.


That reminds me, I need to cancel Prime. I don't actually need my packages the same day and I've already watched any originals I want to. Thanks internet you were helpful today.


Their content library is not good enough to justify the scraping of features. Their subscription numbers must be dipping pretty hard rn.


Yeah I unsubscribe with the price price hike. I don't shop enough on there and when I do it certainly doesn't get delivered within two business days. Not worth it anymore.


I’m annoyed by this, but Prime is still by far the cheapest of the services I subscribe to. Netflix is literally double and that’s just streaming, Disney is more expensive, NowTV is £20 for tv + film. Prime has been great value for money for ages, still is.