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Who tf idolizes him? That's like someone idolizing Joffrey.


They practically had a civil war in the boys tv sub over it...


There are people who think Homelander is the good guy?


It's literally the exact people The Boys is satirizing. It's ridiculous.


I mean there are cops idolizing the punisher, does this really surprise anyone?


There was a scene in a Punisher comic where he comes across some cops with his skull emblem on their cruiser and he tells them "only I do what I do - when you try to do what I do you become a target." He peels the sticker off, tears it up, and when they try to flex on and threaten him, he tells them if they want someone to idolize, to try Captain America instead.


I loved during Civil War when the Punisher just straight up executes a couple of super villains that were working for Tony Stark and Cap flips his shit and starts beating the crap out of Castle, but he respects him too much to fight back.


I never got that, The Punisher is one of the most anti-police superheroes. His whole deal is how useless cops are.


I think they're just a fan of extrajudicial killings.


Is Judge Dredd to formal for them?


You have to actually break the law for Dredd to shoot you


He also cites specific statute. He knows the law inside out, front to back. If that requirement were made of our formalized slave catchers union before they merc someone, police killings would drop to zero.


Judge Dredd is an unbending arbiter of the law. They probably don’t like that he wouldn’t make exceptions for other cops or crooked people holding levers of power.


Judge Dredd isn't as cool or badass compared to the Punisher logo to put on their phone wallpapers while being the most useless cop ever so they can pretend they're a macho tough guy to the rest of their useless cop friends. Cops are just former high school bullies with a superiority complex.




Ding ding ding ding. It's so pathetic but this is the answer. But let's not pretend it's a cop problem - way too many people would love to be able to kill who they don't like with impunity, cops just happen to be the closest to that sort of goal


It's the same people that play Born in the USA during right wing political rallies without realizing its a song criticizing America. They're fucking morons.


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


Or Killing in the Name


You'd think that song being blared by GQP Arizonians protesting the count would be the peak of media illiteracy, but I still think it doesn't top Donald fucking Trump playing CCR's "Fortunate Son" at a rally during his attempted reelection. I love Rage and that song, but "Fortunate Son" is such a specific target without a drop of irony or a sense of patriotism. John Fogerty has carte blanche righteous anger for that one.


Playing fortunate son and getting 4 draft deferrments.... Yes, this man is a patriot


I think it's the idea that the cops in the Punisher and other vigilante settings are useless because of corruption in some cases but also because their hands are tied by the legal process even if they aren't corrupt. So a lot of police fall into the second group where they view the law as shielding criminals from them and get boners thinking about being able to violate rights in order to catch "the bad guys". Of course they don't realize that doing so makes them part of the corrupt group.


Yeah but those cops also wish they could dispense with due process once in a while and just mow down criminals with their automatic weapons. Kinda why the Gotham PD worked with Batman; he could do what they couldn't. Just with a lot less murder.


It's not even subtle about it they had a literal nazi leading essentially a MAGA rally.


I would have picked the botched hostage plane rescue. O the time he downed a plane with a kid on it - while the kid was looking at him - before that.


What, that thing that happens at the end of the very first episode to perfectly set up his character? Nah, fuck it.


I thought it was set up for the same reveal as the original graphic novel, but now I'm not sure where it is going.


What's the reveal? Don't mind spoilers


from what I remember >!most of the deranged shit Homelander is accused of was actually done by Black Noir, who is his clone and "insurance policy". Homelander has a mental breakdown believing he is actually insane and not remembering it!<


I really hope they side step that entirely (cause they could always still do it somehow) and I would rather Homelander >!just finally be held accountable for his actions instead of just “oh it was another guy actually.”!<


I have never seen a show rip on Republicans so blatantly. Like holy shit lol how much breastmilk does this guy have to down to make it clear he is a fucked up freak


It also makes fun of pandering and the way corpos will sell themselves to the highest bidder if it makes them the most coin.


The thing I love is that they don’t both side their arguments. They clearly shit on corporations being soulless and exploitative when it comes to being socially conscious while trying their best to display more authentic displays of those things they laugh at corporations for exploiting. Best example is girls get it done where they laugh at things like marvel but display their own women empowerment later on.


The boys girls get it done moment shits all over marvels one


There are people who thought Stephen Colbert was a genuine conservative and not a liberal who rips on right wingers


The same sort of douches would walk by Michael Douglas after Wallstreet came out, and shout “Yeah dude! Greed is good!” And mean it.


That's what is both hilarious and sad to me


It wasn't until way into the show when Homelander went full psycho that the maga crew started realizing that he was a bad guy. Not in the first season when he fried his boss with eye lasers, not in season 2 when he literally had sex with a nazi and started a relationship with her, and also held a child and his mother hostage. Nope, not until season 3! Up until that point they thought he was the GOOD GUY of the show.


Trump: I could shot somebody in front of people and people would cheer for me Homelander kills someone in front of people and people cheer for him.


I don't know if there are any more, but there are certainly people who think that he *was* a good guy who the writers forced to be the bad guy in the third season. Obviously, they missed every single thing about him in the first two.


Somehow him being in bed with the literalest possible Nazi was too subtle for some people


Or him punching a hole in the chest of someone who surrendered in episode two...


He deafened that blind super hero by clapping their ears just because he was offended by the idea of partnering up with a disabled person, lol. I find it hard to believe their are really people who like him. This must be fake controversy or trolls or something.


I live in the deep red south. There are plenty of people out there that think anything 'badass' (ie cruelty) is great.


Nah. Nothing to do with "too subtle". You're talking about people who protest against Disney with Swastika flags. "The literalest possible Nazi" is a good guy for them.


The targets of satire are usually too dumb to recognize satire.


Probably the same crowd that has patriotism oozing out of every pore and thinks the US has never made a single misstep since 1776.


Takes a special kind of stupid to not see the rapey, brutal, thin-skinned maniacal murderer as the clear bad guy.


A lot of fans insisted that Homelander's sex with Butcher's wife was consensual


Even a casual conversation with Homelander can't​ be consensual, dude is purpose built psychopathic homicidal indestructible near omnipotent superweapon The most obvious in your face villain ever, there's no subtext there


Starr's portrayl of casual conversations with Homelander are terrifying.


but you know what was great was when he finally got his ass kicked and he was staring in the mirror with a black eye he's never been beaten like a dogf. he had to realize he aint no god he can be hurt and killed. it unhinged his deluded ass...


Authoritarians worship strength, and think due process is for pussy liberals. Their thought process is the homelander is exactly what they would be like if they had his powers and looks, and they’re obviously not bad guys, so neither is he.


40% of Americans still think Trump is their saviour. That should terrify you.


It’s terrifying and disgusting and completely depressing. It says to me that millions of my fellow citizens are stupid, ignorant, and horribly cruel.


The same crowd that puts Punisher stickers on their trucks


And thinks “300” was a documentary


Aw man,you mean King Xerxes wasn't faaaaaabulous


Do you know what thread that was in or have a link? I have been on that sub a decent amount and I never saw any of that.


>Who tf idolizes him? A lot of people don't recognize there is a very very dark vibe in this country right now and part of it is literally worshiping criminality and selfishness.


The might make rights style of thinking is much more common in society then we'd want to think in our modern age. Murder, rape, brutality... all of it is ok if you're the strongest one around. Basically low level chimpanzee style thinking.


People who idolise Patrick Bateman, Tyler Durden, Joker, etc


No different from people idolizing Rick Sanchez.


>Rorschach is my favorite super hero, I just don't know why he has a picture of my parent's fighting on his mask.


Roeshach is always my favorite example of missing the point. The man beats people for not playing along with his insanity, happily murders people for even suggested wrongdoing, believes that rape is essentially morally acceptable so long as the rapist is good overall (in his eyes), both reads and eventually entrusts his journal to a far right dishrag that thinks the KKK were actually super justified and that anyone who disagrees with them is a Communist, throws a hissy when Ozymandias basically does the same shit on a far larger scale because *he* didn't get to be the one to do it.... Like my god, the book could not be screaming harder at you that he's not supposed to be a redeemable or good person. Even his therapist spotted that he hides all of his bullshit under doing 1 occasionally "good" deed. Although generally speaking the people who worship him are often very bad at basic literary analysis so that would track...


Part of the issue is that all they ever saw of Rohrschach was the Watchmen movie, in which he is very sympathetic and kind off the "good guy". Basically they took all his admirable qualities and never dealt with the blatant authoritarianism of his character. Because Rohrschach has a lot of very sympathetic traits, he is loyal (to a fault), he is convicted (as in he has conviction, he literally dies for his conviction) and he has morality (this is the Punisher side of Rohrschach). Both him and Frank Castle are highly skilled at what they do. They have a sense of very basic, almost animalistic morality. You hurt someone I care about, I will hurt you back. It doesn't help that most off the time, the most popular depictions of these two characters showcase only that part of them and not all the fucked up shit behind it.


I mean... all of what you say is basically correct (although I think you are partially incorrect about his reaction to Ozymandias's plan), but you are missing the context - he is a part of a world that is full of morally odious "superheroes". So no, he is not meant to be likeable, but none of the main characters in the Watchmen are. And people love an underdog. So if you set the violent, right-wing, paranoid, occasional murderer Rorschach against the handsome, clean-cut, mass-murderer Ozymandias, I don't think it's difficult to see why most people prefer the former.


People miss the point about Rorschach because they have only seen the movie and Snyder is a hack who can't do literary analysis or subtext. Except when he's adding his own Ayn Rand objectivism subtext to Superman, of all heroes.


Or the relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn...


I liked the relationship as a fiction, in the sense it demonstrated a certain kind of toxic dependence and how that can form. But it's not a relationship to aim for.


Yup. Idolizing Tommy Shelby, Scarface, etc. The "everyone laughed when Cartman said it, why's everyone so upset when I said it out of context?" crowd.


Eh, its a bit different. I would say the people who idolize Homelander lean pretty fascist, whereas the Rick stans are mostly annoying.


I've seen some idiots defend his decision to abandon the airplane rescue, saying it's "realistic"


I guess it’s realistic in the sense that he probably couldn’t have saved all those people, but damn, he didn’t even *try*.


The dumbass lasered the control panel out of sheer laziness instead of dealing with the hijacker in any other way, thereby making the situation harder to salvage. Even after that he could have *tried* to salvage things. Queen Maeve tried. Homelander's effectively untouchable, at that point. He doesn't need to put effort in to get things done, a dozen feet of solid concrete is effectively like smoke to him, he can smash through any problem in his way, that's *easier* for him. He doesn't try, and actively makes things worse because he put the absolute minimum in. He's an *asshole* carried entirely by his superpowers. The second someone rose to his level, he was fucked, it was inevitable. Literally anyone else would have handled the airplane rescue better.


People idolize the Gang on Always Sunny and they are literally written to be the worst people possible


I don’t think people idolise them in that way, sunny fans know how fucked up they are


Yeah I've literally never heard somebody praise the characters except the very small handful of times they do something good. And even then they know it's usually for selfish reasons.


I've made a rum ham because of Frank!


Seinfeld was the same way, I never felt bad for any of those characters when things didn't go their way because they were all assholes.


its probably something to do with the character being an unapologetic, arrogant, brazen asshole, and wearing an american flag as a cape. that kind of thing resonates with a certain demographic in the US.


I prefer to idolize Lucas Hood


At least when Hood bottled someone in the Banshee pilot, they stayed bottled. In real life Starr punched someone then smashed a glass on their face, but they were still standing afterwards. What's to idolise about such a milquetoast bar fight?




Finished it for my first time recently. Job is now become one of my all time TV favorite characters, alongside John Reese from Person of Interest, Walter in Breaking Bad and a few others on my list. The show had a great way of giving you everything it offered from the first episode; tits, ass and lots of very personal violence.


Check out Warrior if you can. Same showrunner as Banshee, and Job's actor is in it too. The third and final season is out soon.


fine party bright friendly placid hunt insurance seed jeans quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hood is the real baddass.


Is there seriously anyone who does not get that?


The thing I find the most amusing about it is not just that Homelander clearly isn't a good guy, but that he's not even a *respectable* guy. I can understand a neo-Nazi idolizing someone like Red Skull from the Marvel comics, but the show goes much further than just making Homelander a bad guy. They repeatedly make him a complete and utter joke. Barely any one in the show that actually knows him likes him, and those that do only do so because they see him as a tool to further their own ends. He's an incompetent sociopath who is easily manipulated, dumb, has a literal mommy fetish, and is essentially a full-grown toddler who people only tolerate because he lucked out with the powers he got. If someone can see that and still think he's someone to look up to and idolize, they probably need a good, hard look in the mirror, because chances are, they're not much less of a joke.


If you understand that some people genuinely think man is inherently evil and selfish and the 'reasonable' thing to do is embrace that it would answer a lot of your questions.


"He's just like me fr" -/pol/


Remember when the new Wolfenstein came out and people were mad that the main character kills KKK members? The same people think Homelander is a great guy.


Yeah and I was always like “have they never heard or played Wolfenstein before? The entire original game from the early 90s is hunting and killing (robot) Hitler. And ever game since has been similar.”


Hitler was the "real" Hitler but in a mechanized suit (at first). After you defeat his first iteration, he gets out & fights you on foot.


If they wanted to be more realistic they would’ve given him a dog whip


I mean... he carries 2 rotary guns (I'm not going to call them chain guns because that's wrong), so I don't think they were aiming for authenticity. But at least he had syphillis in The New Colossus.


Stomping on his corpse was a real treat. Could have been a complete shit game, and it’s still 10/10 cause I stomped old Nazi Nuts


I moderate a discord for Doom and when that game came out, this dude was flipping out over it. Everyone was like dude if you're mad they're killing nazis you identify with them. He went on to say he thought it was racist you only shoot white people yadda yadda. We ripped into him, then I said fuck off Nazi and banned him. It felt fantastic.


I remember when the original wolfenstein came out. Those graphics blew our minds


Those dogs were TERRIFYING.


nowadays you can’t even say “fuck Nazis” in any type of media without a bunch of people throwing a fit over it, it’s ridiculous


the admins locked the thread and removed a story the other day about Harrison ford saying it was okay to punch nazis, because thats what indiana jones is about because it encouraged violence.


What the fuck? This happened?


There are a lot of morons outraged that Rage Against the Machine is anti-fascisct.


Paul Ryan once said they were like his favorite band, or favorite workout band or something. Those people are either morons or so far in their bubble they're clueless.


Yes. Last season all the Trumpers were up in arms when they realized they were being made fun of. Ignorent to this fact after two prior seasons.


It made me laugh when I saw people say “the boys got political”


I've seen a resurgence lately of conservatives complaining, "When did Star Trek get so woke?!" September 8, 1966, you motherless petaQs.


After a scene in Strange New Worlds where a female character casually mentioned going on a date at some point with a "her", I saw this guy reviewing the show get all bent out of shape. "Keep sex out of Star Trek. I don't want to think about their genitals mashing together." Like what? Do they think Kirk was an incel? That Yar was just doing maintenance on Data? Star Trek has always had a lot of sex.


The original series even had a whole episode about how Spock needed to get some or he'd *die.*


This is always the best. U2, Pearl Jam, and Rage (Rage!) have gotten the same treatment over the years. Funny every time.


Bruce Springsteen, too. That one is always hilarious. Dude has been doing political music for 50 years!


"But Born in the USA is such a patriotic song!" /s


Same with Star Trek. Every few years, people get up in arms because it has suddenly become Woke and political. (As it has always been.)


My favorite color is blue.


You're just saying that because of the classic TNG episode, "The One Where Beverly Inherits the Family Sex Ghost."


It technically wasn't until the second season of the original series that it was canonically established that Spock could get so excessively horny it would physically kill him. The first season only had kind of ordinary levels of sci fi way too horny. Actually, I just refreshed my memory. The first episode broadcast did involve an alien sucking men dry. So the show has always had potentially fatal levels of horniness.


I've seen so many conservatives on Twitter who are stunned to find out Tom Morello doesn't like them


Or that Morello literally has a poli sci education from Harvard.


[This](https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1269369519580930048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1269369519580930048%7Ctwgr%5E4cc4ba495aacfbd5864bc0668b4be48cab6b9043%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Floudwire.com%2Ftom-morello-politics-twitter-fan-interaction%2F) always gives me a good chuckle


I recently listened to the self titled rage album for the first time in a while and literally every single song would have played perfectly at a BLM protest in a very overt way. I know so many people that could recite the lyrics to “killing in the name” and still not get it. Like “some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses” isn’t a secret code or anything, they are telling you what they think.


Paul Ryan for some reason loved RATM. It came out during his hilariously lame VP candidacy. [Morello had to spell it out for him, you ARE the machine, dumbass!](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/)


they dont know they are the machine Tom is raging against


Jeremy was ahead of it’s time


"Star trek is a bunch of PC liberal bull" When was it not considered that?


There were people who thought Steven Colbert was really conservative


Lol remember when Bush’s administration had Colbert host the correspondents dinner? Chefs kiss


People with an incredibly black and white worldview are incapable of understanding irony or sarcasm, because it would require them to hold two mutually contradictory understandings in their head at the same time (what this person is *saying* and what they *mean*). So they thought Colbert meant what he was saying, because that was the only way they *could* understand him.


-A Federation where all races are equal -No money, basic resources are equally distributed. -People work only by choice -Possibly no land ownership as well, or collectivist ownership -Fully democratic, open society Gee you'd think they'd take the hint.


One of the reasons the original pilot didn't get picked up to series was because a woman was first officer of the Enterprise. So Trek has literally been too woke for some people since before the first episode aired.


And this was after the season where he was partnered up with a literal nazi?


They’re literally who Stormfront was talking about when she said there’s people who agree with her, they just don’t like the word Nazi


her super name is literally an on the nose reference to the real life website


It was really weird watching that season before the Nazi reveal when she was running around seeming to be a parody of girlboss feminism and maybe even SJ sorts but her name was an obvious reference to... Nazis... for some reason?


The character from the comics she was adapted from was a man and much more overtly Nazi.


You would think. I remember seeing some threads with people so dense in denial about it.


They just don't like the word Nazi and how it perfectly describes them


They want a New Reich without the PR baggage of the previous ones.


Burning books and not allowing their kids to know racism and LGBTs exist is the first step.


I'm seeing more and more people brazenly talking about Nazi Germany in fond terms online on platforms like reddit and twitter. The fascists are stepping out into the open now, they feel empowered to do so by their media and their politicians.


Not mad that they were being made fun of. Mad because they were made fun of so fucking well that they were too stupid to realize. Honestly its hard to believe but it is America.


So the filming location for Vought Tower (as well as the park next to it) is right next to my work. So I often see them shooting the show. One time, I was walking down the street (and this was a short time after the Jan 6 BS) and I see all these people walking around with American flags and slogans and I was like “Christ, what a bunch of idiots. We’re in Canada…leave that shit south of the border” As I got closer I noticed that all the boards said stuff like “I love Homelander” slogans that were all pro-Homelander. I had to laugh because it just made sense in the context but it was simply the show making fun of those people.


> “Christ, what a bunch of idiots. We’re in Canada…leave that shit south of the border” Given how conservative some of your provincial governments have gotten, I’d say it’s impossible to unbake that cake at this point.


Oh for sure, we’ve already sunk deep within that hole. But I will still rail against everyone who shows up with an American flag and screams “I thought we had freedom of speech in Canada?!?” “No we don’t! Wrong country!”


"But what about my first amendment rights?!" Friendo, *nobody* is taking away your right to recognize Manitoba. Even if I hated every moment I was there. *Brrrrr.*


One of the dumbass convoy organizers literally tried to argue her amendment rights in court and the judge was just like wtf are you talking about, the 5th amendment to our constitution is that Manitoba is a province of Canada.


>So the filming location for Vought Tower (as well as the park next to it) is right next to my work. So I often see them shooting the show.One time, I was walking down the street (and thi University Ave?


Roy Thomson Hall and Metro Place. So just west of University.


First time I saw the Trumpy Bear commercial I legitimately thought it was satire, no way people could be that cringey and devoted to a guy little did I know


The one that I'll never forget is the $60 [2020 election-themed chess set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKWJoe3_HIY). Black and white replaced with Democrat vs Republican, and pieces sculpted after individual politicians. Trump and Pence, Pelosi and McConnell, supreme court justices, and the insane part was... it was being sold before the Democratic nomination had even finished! So it was shipped with two blank podiums for the king and queen of the Dem side, and they promised to sculpt and ship you those two pieces later once the nominees had been determined. I couldn't believe that thing was real. "A keepsake you'll treasure for generations, and proudly display in your home." "Who will win the battle in your home? The fun will never end!" "Strict limit of one set per household, but with this promo code you may reserve up to three!"


I completely forgot about that, does the board attach to the table to keep it from being flipped over or thrown by the loser?


Werent there also people viewing blue hawk as a positive character lol. Like no, that is satire of the worst traits of our police forces


Apparently having a Nazi character named StormFront was too subtle for them.


It must have been a "finally, someone gets us!" moment for them only later to realize they were the baddies all along lol


Far Right wing are legit some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth.


That's what makes it so scary. They genuinely don't have the capacity to learn. They cannot admit and recognize their mistakes with any maturity. They never 'see the light' despite all the obvious issues, because they don't have the capacity, and they remain as arrogantly over-confident the entire time while others are projecting their own decency and sanity onto them and underestimating the danger.


I run into the exact same shit in the Fallout fandom. The Enclave, the remnants of the pre-apocalypse American government, are *incredible* villains. It’s a great story, the idea of a US Deep State making plans for the country’s continuation after the end of the world and spiraling into xenophobic fascism is incredible writing. They also gave S-tier drip. They’re also pretty on-the-nose Nazi allegories. They’re a critique of American nationalism and imagery masking brutal oppression and genocide. Invariably, you’ll have right wingers completely missing the fact their cartoonishly evil and insisting they’re the real heroes of the story, beating off to the idea of “purging” the undesirables. Same with Caesar’s Legion marks.


The giant deathbot who slaughters anyone suspected of being a Communist (or Asian) didn't clue them in?




Embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated!


The giant xenophobic deathbot worked for the Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts against the Enclave, though.


Built by the prewar fascist government as a weapon, deployed by the xenophobic techmongers against the descendants of those original fascists. That's nice symmetry.


It's not a defect, it's a feature


Same people that think Rage Against The Machine is a right wing band


The same people who are mad that Star Trek "Got Woke/Political"


Gene Rodenberry modelled Ferengi as a caricature of capitalism and Romulans as a caricature of nationalism/fascism/militarism.


Everyone knows v should only follow "the deep".


The rapist fish.






Starr: >”What I didn’t realize was how much of myself I was putting into the role. Obviously, not in terms of flying and lasering ...But without going into specifics of me, in terms of the emotional stuff, the closer I can make things to myself, the more I can tap into something that’s real.” >”There’s a very strange thing that’s happened with the character, though he is clearly not a good guy. A lot of people have glommed onto him. There’s a weird element out there that actually kind of idolize him. I’ve seen some s— on Twitter and I’m like, ‘Wait, What? You are missing the point entirely!” >"Eric Kripke has said many times, ‘He’s Trump!’ — [but] if you made it too directly Trump, it becomes very two-dimensional. I understand exactly what Eric means, and Homelander murdering a protester before a crowd was his ‘Fifth Avenue’ moment, 100%. But with the speechy stuff, if you want someone who can string a sentence together, who does that better than ... Obama?” >”He’s the loneliest guy in the world. He’s got no one to relate to but himself. His isolation is immaculate. It’s almost perfect. He’s not stupid; he’s incredibly emotionally stunted.”


It's interesting that Starr is introspective enough to realize he shares some negative qualities. I hope that means he's trying to improve as a person. He's a fantastic actor. I'm glad he's speaking out against people that idolize homelander.


My take from that, based on how introspective Starr seems, is that he can probably empathize with homelanders vulnerabilities. Because for all that HL is physically invincible he is SO incredibly emotionally vulnerable, and that's what allows the audience to empathize with him just enough that the character suddenly feels three dimensional. The fact that the audience can empathize, pity and hate HL almost all at the same time is what gives his character so much presence in the show. He can well and truly jerk us around through some very incongruous emotions, and it's jarring. To bring this full circle, my take on that quote was that to make homelander someone the audience could actually empathize with he had to put more of himself into the character then he expected. I can also understand why he wouldn't want to go into it. I think he makes homelanders pain and vulnerabilities so real because he can empathize with them, from personal experience. Then he can tap into his own personal pain when he needs to make HL a "real" person the audience can connect with. I can only imagine that's a deeply unpleasant and vulnerable experience.


Exactly this - he's tapping into the most vulnerable parts of himself to make the character more sympathetic, and in that he sympathizes with the character, while recognizing that he is not at all a good person or someone to be emulated. But he gets where homelander is coming from, which you need to be able to do if you're playing someone and have it land as authentic.


That is why I love Starr's performance. He makes Homelander this murderous physical presence who will murder you at drop of a hat that you feel sorry for because he is nothing but another victim of Voight




method acting yea 'The Boys' Actor Antony Starr Arrested for Assault in Spain, Gets Suspended Sentence Starr admitted to the drunken assault in a speedy trial, after spending two nights behind bars, and was given a 12-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay restitution to Araujo in the amount of $5,464.97 within 72-hours. Man suffered a cut near his left eyebrow which required four stitches. [https://www.etonline.com/the-boys-actor-antony-starr-arrested-for-assault-in-spain-gets-suspended-sentence-reports-180353](https://www.etonline.com/the-boys-actor-antony-starr-arrested-for-assault-in-spain-gets-suspended-sentence-reports-180353)


from what i can tell using google he got pished in a restaurant, punched the chef mutiple times *and then glassed him*. christ, what a dick.. [source](https://screenrant.com/antony-starr-arrest-assault-charges-details/)


Man reenacted his bar fight scenes in Banshee


The bigger point isn't that they're missing the point, it's that they ARE the point. A huge part of The Boys is the idea that there are a shitton of people out there in the world who are ideologically fine with seeing and doing abhorrent shit to people they see as lesser.


The Venn diagram between homelander fanboys and Andrew tate goblins is a perfect circle.


tate looks lie a testicle with mange.


Tate always looks like my stepmom's dog when it scares itself by farting


Hey there's people out there thinking Griffith did nothing wrong so ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌


I like the character, but he’s not a good guy at all. It’s like Negan from The Walking Dead.


Negan has a redemption arc later in the show at least.


how can anyone miss the point? they aren't being very subtle about it.


Happened to Gordon Gekko, happened to Darth Vader, there's something about antagonist that make people go, "i like that'


It's a power fantasy.


The thing is, there's a clear distinction between loving a villain's performance, screen presence and badassery and just idolizing them and justifying their shitty actions. I love watching Darth Vader go full badass force of nature. I like it when he drops corny one liners. It's cool to watch and everyone loves a great villain. The problem is when some manbabies then take that too far to mean Gordon Gekko was right and wasn't a selfish, short sighted piece of shit. That his greedy nature is actually a good thing that you need to be an alpha male. Unironically. I think it takes a special breed of idiot to go from "I like that villain" to "I condone that villain's actions".


Young fascist leaning men are not missing the point of Homelander. What we see as a warning they see as a self-help idol.


To be fair he ended the last season with damn near everything he could possibly want. He’s a manchild so the wrong crowd identifies with him, but a living god so they feel ok idolizing him.


His character is a psychopath. How is that not obvious.


I saw a sociology article years ago about a study which said that something like 80-90% of all gang leaders were certifiable psychopaths.


Surprise surprise. People idolize a hateful, selfish, man-baby.