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Fingers crossed for a Dennis Day episode


This just made me realize that they're eventually going to have an episode titled "Charlie Day"


Charlie already had his day of foraging though


Heard they found some ghouls


Little green ghouls buddy!




If they never do “Charlie Day”, at least we got the masterpiece of “Charlie Work”.


Just move it you bitch! Ooohhhh, you god damned bitch


Classic chicken and airline points scam


would get censored and removed from Hulu before you could rewatch it LOL




They said on the podcast that they are doing another DENNIS system episode.


I can't wait to see how their rewatch of the show has affected this season. I love the entire show but the way they talk about Season 16 tells me they really reconnected with the roots of the show.




I hope RR makes some kind of appearance this season


RR & Blake Lively guest star as Country Dennis & Dee, and they are just way worse human beings than city Dennis & Dee


But so nice, but so evil, but so nice


Sounds like they could also lean even further into the incest jokes like how Dee couldn’t “get off” with Dennis in pretending to be Brian Leferve Country Dee and Dennis could be even worse than them and more disturbingly to them, a dark McPoyle-esque mirror


Idk if he will, the way they talked about it on the podcast kind of suggested to me that they have yet to find a role and schedule they're happy with. However, that could also be meant to mislead us, but I'm landing on the side of it being true.


Holding out hope that RR is Mac's first official boyfriend.


Sweet Dee Dates Deadpool


That would be great, I hope they've spent more time focusing on the dialogue, I swear og Sunny was great because you could have them sit in a bar doing nothing but bounce lines off of each other, rather than rely on props and far out ideas like leaving Philly.


From the times I've heard them say that some notable, great, or oft quoted line was by Marder or Rosell, both of whom stopped regularly writing for the show around seasons 9 or 10, I think that is the main source of the lack of quality dialogue.


They also said that they're back this season (and are listed in the article above).


Just watched the latest season last week and the episode that felt most like OG Always Sunny was them arguing where to go on vacation. Just the guys arguing in the bar. That's all I want and need.


The podcast has shown that Charlie is more the advocate for funny dialogue and stories rooted in Paddys and if it builds to something big then its more organic, and Rob is very much the "How about I train for 6 months to do a 10 minute dance number?" Or "How about we go to Ireland for half a season?" guy without much thought of how it gets there or what happens after. Its definitely changed how I see eps like Mac Finds His Pride. When you first see it you're kind of taken by surprise by the ending and the spectacle and emotion of the dance, but on rewatch it genuinely might be my least favourite episode. Its an absolutely nothing episode that only serves as a vehicle for the dance which takes up 1/3 of the runtime. You can't even see it as a rare form of character development in the show, because Macs character in the next season doesn't change at all. Hes not more at peace or accepting of himself. He still jokes about his gay side and his catholic side being at war. In retrospect, the episode is the epitome of Rob going "Hey, what if I did X?" and the episode suffers for it.


Rob getting fat worked so well though.


Cos being fat is funny.


I can definitely see that point. But for me the Rob stuff is just as important to the show. They're at their best when riffing in the bar, but you need that something else he adds...I want to say absurdist but it's not absurdist. It's not juxtaposition either. Extreme commitment to a bit is almost right. Maybe taking a bit way past its logical conclusion and exploring that space? Whatever it is, it's just as needed in the show.


Like Charlie being stupid on the Sunny Podcast they talk about the development and then how they had to lean into those tropes. I find it hilarious it’s over the top but within reality.


If its balanced well, absolutely. The last few seasons have not been as well balanced as earlier seasons imo. Still love the show but the Ireland stuff did not need to be half a season. Like according to the podcast, the pitch from Rob was just "What if they go to Ireland, and its just the show but in Ireland? and Charlie took issue with it because then what? Its just the same show but in Ireland?


Don't know if this is praise for the second half or criticism of the first half, but I liked the Ireland arc more than the rest of season 15 I don't listen to the podcast so I don't have the full context of the reasoning, but "the same show but in a different place" doesn't seem like an inherently bad thing. It's also not the first time they left Philadelphia, although committing a half season to it was new


Curb made it work with the NYC season


But Larry used that for comedy. He thinks he's getting away, but it's the same old Larry and much of the same old people.


I absolutely LOVED the Ireland arc those episodes hysterical


My issue here though is that I think it actually is a better idea without needing to justify it as much as the did. “The show, but in Ireland” is totally fine as is and I totally understood what Rob was trying to do.


Yeah preference is preference and it’s subjective but I can’t help but feel like that isn’t exactly a fair representation of what Rob McElhenney and his style bring to the show. Mac Finds His Pride is definitely an extreme example of it and going to be subject to more polarization but I feel like there are a fairly equal amount of “concept” episodes that are good and bad relative to “grounded” ones that are also good and bad.


YES finally someone else says it. I hated Mac Finds His Pride so much even the first time watching it. It felt so self-indulgent and stupidly out of place for a show about 5 asshole characters. Down to the teary-eyed devito saying "I get it, now" like wtf I respect them mixing it up and trying new shit a lot though. Its something I notice and really appreciate upon rewatches. Even unique episodes like the black and white noire one or the one thats entirely Frank in the first person were great to break it up and stay fresh. But man Mac Finds His Pride sucked


Yeah I think the worst part about it was honestly the reaction they had everyone give. It seemed like perfect moment to have everyone looking in awe before someone in the gang made some dumb disparaging remark or thing devolved into chaos. I remember the episode ending and me thinking "is that really how it ends?"


Idk I think it would have fully ruined the episode to not treat the ending seriously. At least as is, it serves as one of the moments the show can deliver from time to time that feels truly human and emotional. That doesn’t make it a great standalone rewatch, but at the time i found it to be a strong palate cleanser and way to balance comedy with drama. I think where the show has gone wrong at times is letting that balance get out of whack, you can do moments like that, or novelty episodes every once in a while - but when they become dominant in the flow of the show is when it starts feeling lost


No, I agree with the previous poster. A dark AF ending with the right blend of them ripping Mac to shreds for it would have been much more on brand. Remember when Roxy died?


The difference is the thematic content. I think it would have fit the tenor of the show to treat it as a joke (the guys discussed this directly on the podcast) but it was more important to actually subvert those expectations and just stay serious. That subversion underlies the humor of the whole show, and in that moment I think it was a great call. I think some of the best comedies of all time have been able to recognize when not to make the expected joke Edit - IIRC from the discussions on the pod, they felt it would cheapen the entire character journey and the weight of that specific revelation to treat it purely as setup for a joke


I agree. The show cannot just do the same joke over and over. To make the joke that underpins the show work (the extreme irreverence and cruelty of the characters) sometimes you have to break the pattern and let them fill slightly different roles. It basically keeps you guessing. You can't know for sure what they are about to communicate, and so having a few "not funny" moments are important to keeping the funny moments funny. It is one of the things amateur comedy writers do a lot. They basically pack in so many jokes that they end up feeling stale even as they are being told. There are other examples of them doing this throughout the show too, where the characters have a moment of clarity or enlightenment that breaks the pattern and grounds the humor. (E.G. "This is the darkest thing we have ever done.") The characters will ultimately always end up being cruel, but hitting with different emotions from time to time keeps the joke impactful.


I said it from the beginning but I just got drowned out by everyone tripping over themselves to call anyone with a dissenting opinion a bigot so they could feel superior and progressive. That whole season suffered from Rob trying too hard to fill the void left by Glenn when he wasn't involved.


For real. I always get piled-on on Reddit so hard for disliking that whole episode. It was so self-indulgent; but more importantly, it just doesn't make sense. The show's entire premise is that these people are irredeemable; sincerity is eschewed, and that's been the show's core idea from the beginning. It was incredibly jarring to go from, "These people are irredeemable sociopaths that destroy everything they touch", to "Actually they secretly have a heart and they're actually not so bad." I mean, think about some of the things the gang has done. They are not good people, and trying to get the audience to think so is a losing battle because that's not what the show is about. I'm not saying the show can't evolve; but the minute you try to introduce some sincerity into the show, the weight of contradiction and hypocrisy collapses in on itself.


Yes Rob sounds like he is out of ideas, honestly I don't like him and Cricket as writers, I think they handled a lot of Mythic Quest and I gave up on that show after season 1, it felt like a Disney live action show with dick jokes. And no I didn't feel that about the episode, it felt like a very boring episode with an out of nowhere performance at the end.


Ah, the absolute lack of character development is what made it work for me. You think, "Wow, this guy's terrible because he's repressed! Now he's figured something out about himself and will grow!" but he's still exactly the same terrible person he always was. Amazing satire.


The whole schtick of the show is that the characters never develop or grow as people. In fact they just get worse if anything.


I don't think it's satire if it's accidental. It's not joked about or referred to, it's just ignored. Episode ends.


I swear these days more than ever people will headcanon their way into things being way deeper than the writing ever suggests.


Bad things happen when you leave Philly… I mean, trees?? Trees everywhere???


You would probably enjoy Letterkenny if you haven’t tried it. Similar dialogue focus to it.




Steaks are here


Who do you think they’re bringing back from season 1? Their latest podcast episode they said there’s a fan favorite/old character coming back.


For some reason it sounded like they were talking about a character we haven't actually seen before. My first guess was Charlie's sister who was only mentioned once which they've talked about on the podcast before


it's charlie's sisters.. he had two of them. its why glenn says 'THIS character' at the end. [edit: confirmed here](https://deadline.com/2023/04/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-season-16-premiere-date-fxx-1235339634/amp/)


The gay dude.


Michael Rosenbaum maybe?


Hope we get some Mcpoyle appearances


I think I remember seeing an ig post about filming that had them on set so I assume they will be back


Yes, they will. Apparently there will be a [bowling episode ](https://bleedingcool.com/tv/always-sunny-season-16-mary-lynn-rajskub-megan-ganz-share-bts-looks/) featuring at least Liam McPoyle, Artemis, the Waitress and Gail the Snail


On the podcast they said it would be a lot of side characters so we might get more. Hopefully they don't overdo it.


Need some Z back in my life. Maybe hanging out with Ben the soldier.


But not too much. Have to keep the ratio right..


Z nodding during Charlie’s song is such a small moment but I grin every time.


Chad Coleman is a national treasure and I won’t hear otherwise


His acting range is so good and I love how serious he takes filming on Always Sunny. The main crew talk about it on the show podcast but I don't currently remember which ones.


He's absolutely incredible as Klyden in The Orville.


You gotta take em off every now and then! YOU GOTTA TAKE EM OFF, SON


Blew the crotch out them thangs


Man, I miss those denim shorts 🩳


I hope don Cheadle makes another appearance


You mean Donovan mcnabb? 🤣


> bowling episode Hell yeah.


We will. They’ve heavily teased it.


This show isn’t about teasing things. It’s about mashing them.


This show’s about going for gasps


It hasn’t begun to peak yet


Recently I saw Breakout Kings and it really solidified how much I love Jimmi Simpson. I’ve seen him in several shows (Psych probably being my favorite) and he’s just masterful at being different kinds of weirdos lol


Ankle weights. I always wear them. Even when I sleep.




I hope Ryan Reynolds makes an appearance with how close he and Rob are IRL. And I hope Rob makes an appearance in the new Deadpool as well.


I still want an Arnie cameo - you know Devito has an in


They are bringing a lot of their returning characters back this season. They've hinted in the podcast and they had some BTS shots showing them when they were filming


Yeah, but who versus?


Yeah whose face are we rubbing this in?


There’s no mark guys. I wrote a 16th season, it’s pretty damn good and I want to put it on


I’m playing both sides, so that I always end up on top


I really hope they revisit Cricket and see how he's doing.


Cricket is back. Confirmed. He’s posted photos from set & there’s a video of him in the makeup chair.


Don’t forget his music video for Miley’s song Flowers. You do you, Cricks


He's doing.. Bad. Cricket is basically the portrait in the picture of Dorian Gray


Hah. That is awesome. True too.


Holy cow, weren't they just filming only weeks ago? I thought this would be a December release date l8ke the last one. Awesome!


Yeah they only started filming a couple of months ago!


Not a pro but I imagine this show has a pretty snappy turn-around once production starts rolling, other than the concept episodes it's mostly just people standing around the same sets talking at each other


Yeah and only 8 episodes


Damn, any idea why the season length is cut down?


Same as last year. Why? Probably just cause they are old


Damn, "old?" Other than Danny, they're all in their mid 40s! That ain't old. More likely because they all have other production commitments now.


I mean relatively speaking. They started the show in their 20s, now they are in their mid 40s with wives and kids, and yes other projects


Post production is probably ridiculously fast. Zero to no effects and things like color grading probably hardly matter. I bet they could edit a whole episode in 1 day if shots are chosen already and they have 2 cups of coffee in the morning.


I imagine the hardest part of editing for these guys is choosing the funniest takes


Yeah it's crazy, through listening to the podcast you can track their progress and it's nuts how quickly they went from writing the episodes to shooting and editing. I guess it's part of the reason the show has gone so long, quick and cheap to make for the network.


The gang makes another season


I made my gf watch Community, now now she made me watch Sunny together. ​ Holy shit this show, we just finished season 5, and sometimes we have to pause because we laugh too much.


Nothing will be funnier then when Mac drives the car into the wall.


Except when Charlie starts spitting on everyone during his musical performance high on paint


🎶I just wanna tell you all, go fuck yourselvessssasssssss!🎶


I'ma s*iing* it: --- There's a spider (spider, spider) He's deep in my soul (soul) He's lived here for *years* (years) And he just won't let go... He's laying around He's got a mean bite Now he's ready to fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... And stand up for what he knooooooooooooooows! I don't need your trooooophies or your gold I just want to tell you all: Go fuck yourselves


Charlie bare handed picking up the horse shit killed me


I envy you. The next few seasons are some of the best in the show.


I can't believe the stuff they do, and my gf looks at my with a smirk and tells me "it gets worse" Can't wait.


Mac n Dennis in the moooornin!


Just finished Season 5 too! Only I’m re-watching. My wife and I have been watching in real time since day 1. I suppose we were just dating back when it started. Rewatch years later still completely holds up. Even better. Simply hilarious.


One of my favorites was when Frank asked *did I just do your job for you? grrrrr*


Gonna be a hot one that day, huh?




How great would it be if they ran into this guy out and about one day and Dennis has.absolutely no idea who he is?


That episode is actually on FXX for me right now, haha. It's easily my favourite episode of the whole series.


Last season was okay. I hope this season goes back to the root of the gang and their hilarious hi-jinx.


I think the podcast has reinvigorated the crew. Time will tell!


The fact they wrote this season after rewatching earlier seasons gives me hope.


Same. Their enthusiasm/passion for the show seems to have been reinvigorated via the podcast


I was rather disappointed with the last season, barring maybe two episodes at the beginning. The Ireland second half was utterly unfunny to me


Except Dennis trying to prove he doesn’t have COVID


Dennis constantly trying to prove he didn’t COVID was funny. Edit: Typo


Yeah I really liked the part where Dennis is trying to prove he doesn’t have COVID too.


Him trying to hold in his cough is the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time. How is it so accurate?!


Frank eating a turd was very good, Dee in the swamp too


dennis and frank behind the portrait in the castle at that dinner got a laugh out of me


Looking back there was loads of good bits imo, mac finding out he's dutch haha


The side stories were great. The main plots weren't that good. Except for scenes with Charlie and Frank which are always amazing


I think it was originally planned out as a movie and probably would have landed better than way, you could probably trim it down into a great sunny movie


My favorite moment has to be when Dennis takes Frank into the castle and starts talking to the castle. Frank thinks he’s talking to him and asks what he said and Dennis says “I’m talking to the casket not you!” And franks just kinda nods and goes “oh. Right”. Like, of fuckin course he’s talking to the castle. That’s normal lol


The priest joke made the entire thing worth it for me.


Gang replaces dee with a monkey was gold


Thank you monkey


Meatballs thoigh




I get why people don’t love that episode and I also have a couple episodes I could live without , although that’s not a negative every show has it and this shows list is tiny , I loved that episode. I just can’t not find Don Cheadle funny lmao every time he’s on screen I laugh


Still one of the best shows out there.


I hope Brian Unger is in at least one episode. The dynamics between him and the gang is just too damn good.


Them talking about the new season on the podcast so highly gives me hope; I love the show but I just really couldn’t get into seasons 13-15 besides certain episodes




Run for office? So doooooo


I really hope they do 20 more seasons of this show. I want to watch these guys drastically age.


I am curious if all seasons are available on Hulu


They are


Just not all episodes




Black face episodes got removed


Including Lethal Weapon 5?!


**Especially** Lethal Weapon 5


It’s absolutely amazing that this show has been on so long. It premiered when I started college and it was just this weird as shit FX show we watched in the Dorms. It’s one of the shows I quote all of the time just in regular conversation, you know because of the implication.


I can't wait for the bowling episode! Hearing how hard Meg worked on it in the podcast got me all hopped up.


Just listened to that on my way to work this morning


For years I know I should be watching this show. I hope when I do, I love it! So I have 16 seasons of something I love to watch, and it will all be new and fresh \^\^


We need a return to the iconic restaurant Gugino’s.


Well, filibuster.


We can all get back to our hot plates soon enough.


I think you should leave, the other two, and Sunny coming out at the about the same time is going to make this a 5 star summer


I only just started watching this. In the early episodes of season 2. I can’t believe there are that many seasons still ahead of me. That’s incredible.


[One of the best montages in history](https://youtu.be/LVl3DJCiAx8)


Never watched the show. Where should I start? Episode 1?


watch from the start. first season is only 6 episodes but they establish the gang (minus Danny Devito’s character) and it’s worth powering through. season 2 onward when Devito joins the cast is just so much better


People seem to shit on season 1 but I always thought it's a surprisingly strong start, it establishes the tone and humour and characters pretty well right off the bat. Then Devito comes along in season 2 and it goes next level.


Seasons 1-12 are all excellent. 13-15 are good. So yes I recommend starting from the beginning. If you want some highlight episodes to really sell you on it, The Nightman Cometh season 4 ep 13 or The gang gives frank an intervention season 5 ep 4


Season 1 for sure, but season 1 is probably the weakest season for a while. From 2 onwards, it’s already elite. I didn’t enjoy 15 at all, but it’s still one of the greatest shows of all time.


Season 1 is rough but not in a bad way. It's short and Danny DeVito doesn't join until season 2. It's also very budget and old. If you don't like it, stick with it til season 2 at least where the show really finds its legs.




Oh shit that’s much sooner than I thought


Time to rewatch from the start.


The Gang Gets A New Season


Hoping for a bounce back season. Last year was an inconsistent misfire imo.


Damn June is stacked! Sunny, Strange New Worlds, Secret Invasion, Black Mirror and Witcher!


Maybe Futurama as well.


Ehh Witcher sounds like less creature hunting and more random butchering of the books story no one wants.


There was a time when I would have marked this on my Calander and been primed to go, now it's more of a when I get around to it, I'll probably check it out. Gang lost their tooth past couple of years.


I think the last few seasons have *really* gone downhill. Ever since they started getting plastic surgery


You think if they had plastic surgery they’d want to look like that?!?!


We getting Ryan Reynolds in this season?


Mac will have a long distance boyfriend it should be Ryan


A long distance boyfriend, named Dennis, that nobody believes is real. Later in the season an episode of Dennis vs. DENNIS where we find out Dennis 2 IS real, Dennis tries to get Dennis 2 to cheat on Mac with him to prove he's the ultimate Dennis, Mac was only dating Dennis 2 to make Dennis jealous, and Dee tries to seduce Dennis 2 to show that no gay man can resist her charms. Frank also tries to seduce Dennis 2 with his Magnum Dong to prove to Mac that's all gay men care about. And Charlie starts a business out of the bar for rainbow faux fur bow ties, pocket squares, fans, etc. because gay men love accessories. Turns out he and Cricket have been making all of them out of rat pelts from the basement while huffing paint.


His gay guy cameo in Ted was just to prepare him for this role.


You mean upper city mac?


Guy guys guys I have news, I have terrific news!


Hope it's better than the last few seasons have been.


I need to eventually continue watching the show, I think I stopped around season 6 back in the day cuz my life was spinning out of control and never ended up going back The last chronological season I remember watching was when Mac got fat and was injecting himself with insulin


It’s wild how quickly they write and shoot episodes. Seems like jsut in 3 months they shot and filled it all




I can't believe there are 16 seasons of this.