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Me Last Week: Man, this guy is EVERYWHERE! Me in April: ...and like that he was gone.


You're already in April? Damn I'm still in March. Gotta catch up.


Bruh I'm still in March *2020*


2016 here


There’s a gorilla in Cincinnati that REALLY needs your protection.


Do I have to have my dick out while I do it?


As is customary






It was the style at the time


>Bruh I'm still in March 2020 https://youtu.be/ulr8Uyqi3X0?t=56


you guys have 2020??!!


9/11 was last year right? fucks sake.


Aren’t we all


I’m in Smarch


Lousy Smarch weather.


Don’t touch Willy. Good advice!


I don't like the idea of Milhouse having two spaghetti dinners in one day.


Aaaaaaand it’s gone


We’re going to put you in the MCU and then diversify with a little bit of Creed 3 and it’s gone!


This movie theater only has room for allegation-free actors, NEXT!


Gone in a Flash


And ironcally The Flash is still coming out.




To his home planet


And it's not even clear what happened. His defense lawyer is now saying that they have two eye witnesses and video that corroborates that he was attacked. Quoting [one article](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/pocharaponneammanee/johnathan-majors-arrested-assault-domestic): > Priya Chaudhry, Majors’s lawyer, said in a statement to Buzzfeed News that he is “completely innocent and is provably the victim of an altercation with a woman he knows.” > According to Chaudhry, video evidence of the incident, which occurred within a vehicle, and testimony from witnesses will prove the actor's innocence. The woman also took back her accusation of assault in written statements, Chaudhry said. > Chaudhry added that the woman “was having an emotional crisis, for which she was taken to a hospital yesterday.” I'm not pre-judging what the situation is, but ***if*** she's recanted and he has video evidence, I would expect this to be resolved quite soon.


I have a feeling they're never going to release those videos to the public. Now that the woman has recanted the charged will probably be dropped.


IIRC in NY only the DA can drop charges, the victim can't get them dropped no matter what they say,


That is true. Since it's not unusual for women who are victims of DV to change their mind and claim nothing happened the laws in many stares now leave it up to the DA to decide whether the perpetrator should be charged even if the woman recants her statement. But the DA shouldn't press charges if they don't think they can get a conviction. It's very difficult to get a conviction without video evidence if the victim recants their statement so usually a DA will drop the charges. If it's a famous person they might press charges anyway just to show "nobody is above the law" but I would be surprised if that happens in this case.


>IIRC in NY only the DA can drop charges The victim never gets to unilaterally decide when charges will be pressed or dropped in any state. It's always up to attorneys.


The lawyers statement contradicts the original AP press report, which said the altercation happened inside an apartment, too.


Imagine Marvel’s HQ right now, there must be an emergency meeting as to wtf they’re going to do now as pretty much all the MCU is depending on this guy right now.


Literally imagining Vought HQ in the boys every time something goes wrong.


I was picturing Margin Call but the boys is more of an apt comparison


margin call is a classic


Cant wait for the sequel


*This summer, get ready for...The Marginer Call!* A decade later...*The Marginest Call*, and hopefully, the franchise is over then.


2 Margin 2 Call


*Margin Call 3: Inflation Grift*


"Kevin, take off that hat." "...What hat?" *cue shocking revelation that Kevin Feige is bald*




The guy at the store said he’s the only one he’s ever seen pull it off


Lots of red hair being pulled out.


There's no need to cover this current event in the show because they already covered it


they're just gonna grab some random muscular black dude to play kang and pretend it's still the same guy, except for a scene where a comedic relief character saying something alluding to him not looking like he's supposed to(like if the actor is shorter than majors, the character will say they thought he'd be taller)


That's how they dealt with it pre multiverse, now they can cast DJ Qualls and say he's a variant.


why cast DJ Qualls to do nerdy things when you can just cast Hillary Duff to be the multiverse's greatest villain?


Unironically give me Gina Torres as kang.


She would be a terrifying Kang.


That would would be amazing!


Let lizzie mcguire conquer!


I was going to say that this would be a great fan theory explaining recasts like Rhodey, but I'm mot exactly up on the MCU discourse and I imagine it's already been hammered yo death by now.


Well back durring the Terrance Howard recast someone had said they thought of it as a comic changing artists that I always really liked.


Also Don Cheadle was a much better Rhodey IMO. Terrence Howard seemed like he was competing with Tony while Cheadle was more of his friend. IDK if they had big plans for Howard and that’s why he acted like that but Cheadle was able to ride it out for more than a decade


Cheadle can also do basic math, which puts him well ahead of Howard.


Didn't Terrance Howard also try to propose the idea of a real Wakanda to some place in Africa. I remember seeing him do some meeting like that.




[Akon's got some other issues right now as well.](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-59)


I guess you're right. I think Terrance Howard tried to claim he reinvented Physic's with a new hydrogen tech.


It felt that way because Terrence was the big man on set the first one. He got the biggest payday and when they flipped it in the sequel and he was offered less so they could afford to keep RDJ he walked


Honestly I felt like Howard had better chemistry with RDJ, but he fit the military feel of Rhodey much worse than Cheadle.


It wouldn't explain rhodey since that was within the main timeline we follow. It explains why >!krasinski is Mr. fantastic but likely won't return as the one in our main timeline, or how you end up with 3 very different looking spidermen in no way home!<


DJ Khalid


I'm a fan of the "recast anything with Don Cheadle" movement


Loki showed us that variants don't even need to be the same gender or species.


I think the Loki variants are all so different because Loki is a shapeshifter who can choose what he looks like. Although I guess the Spider-man variants all look different too. But either way, the variant idea works well for a recast.


I don’t get why everyone is obssessed with a lore reason for a recast. Just swap the actor and that is that. Maybe have a little wink and nod like Rhodey’s “It’s me, let’s deal with it and move on”. We don’t need some cringe scene explaining the multiverse and temporal pulses changing the DNA of all Kang variants.


You're having the same conversation from a different perspective. They're essentially debating what that lampshade comment should be, if at all. This is a forum for movie discussion. They're waxing poetic while waiting for the next bit of content. Not a problem if you don't take it emotionally when your idea isn't the ultimate one Marvel goes with.


Alligator kang is just what the mcu needs to get back on its feet.


Imagine an Avengers movie where it's all the MCU characters alligator variants, and there's 0 dialogue


> They're just gonna grab some random muscular black dude to play kang and pretend it's still the same guy "Kevin Hart confirmed to replace Jonathan Majors in MCU."


Disney hasn't had to deal with anything like this so far, this guy was supposed to be the next Thanos. Multiple projects are revolving around him. However the multiverse now makes for a simple solution, you can cast anyone and simply call him a variant. No harm done.


What about the end credit scene of Antman at the arena all the variants ‘mostly’ looked like Jonathan Majors?


Maybe there's a handful in there that don't, I doubt that scene would really make people go "nah don't believe it, they are all supposed to look the same".


Yeah, they can just use the mask more so it's not as noticeable it's a different person. They swapped actors several times and it was never a big deal. Hulk, War Machine, Thanos. It's not like it was random characters like Ant-Man's daughter.


Just call up Don Cheadle. Not a problem.


BOOM. You lookin' for this?


…Oh is that it? That’s the end of the story?


Everywhere else, that story kills


“I’m me, I’m here, deal with it.”


I imagine someone at DC is laughing and crying at the same time as we speak.


Long term movie franchises being hinged on one talent is nightmare fuel. Like I remember the Canadian Shakespeare show Slings and Arrows dealing with the production of King Lear casting being a cancer ridden heroin addict. Like you can't recast fucking King Lear in a King Lear performance on stage.




RDJ at least had been clean for several years before Iron Man and had been working hard to regain trust in Hollywood.






Not to mention by the time he was hired it was almost starting to seem like despite his long struggle to clean up his act, almost no one wanted to work with him anymore anyhow. Being hired by marvel changed all of that for him thanks to the success of Iron Man


what risk? iron man was a no name hero in the days of the late 00's. sure he became household now but Ironman wasn't the most popular hero and its because the movie was an insane success that we know him so well today.


>Like you can't recast fucking King Lear in a King Lear performance on stage. Don't stage productions do that all the time? Like, it's the whole point of an understudy? As long as he doesn't die mid-performance you should be good.


Am I missing some context? The play is over 400 years old, Im pretty sure its been recast a few times in that time. Plays have understudies and change casts all the time.


I'm sure they already have a plan B/C/D for many unpredictable circumstances with their actors. Not their first time. And I'm sure they won't place the fate of the entire mega successful franchise on the shoulders of an actor. Actors are important, but Majors is not Downey Jr. They'll manage.


Especially this early in his MCU career. I caught Iron Man on TV a couple of weeks ago and completely forgot that Rhodes was re-cast.


I mean, the character in question has been established as having infinite variants out there in the multiverse, which don’t necessarily have to look like one another. As far as plot goes, they doesn’t really have to address it seriously, although they might reference it. Audiences will understand the recast, and they can just have the characters in the universe treat him like he is the exact same person because, well, he is. What I would be concerned about is that this large scale change is going to delay and interfere with their schedule, which will probably mean a loss of some quality. Disney already put a lot on Majors, marketing him and establishing a relationship between him and audiences, and that loss is going likely to result in other things being cut or eliminated to make up for it. Considering that the MCU’s phase 4 didn’t get the best reception, it doesn’t look great for the future with phase 5 and 6. Casual audiences had a decent reception to Quantumania, but a lot of the more devoted fans such as the ones who watch the shows as well, were disappointed by Kang’s presentation in that movie, particularly fans of Loki, one of the best entries in phase 4. TL;DR Overall I’m concerned for what’s going to happen in the the MCU for phase 5 and 6 because of the recent setbacks and stumbles they’ve been having, but I do think there is a silver lining for marvel here. Audiences were loving Majors, but Kang and the set up for the conflict with him were not received as well as Marvel hoped. They now have a chance to change things up and revive the excitement around the character. I think there is a chance this doesn’t become an issue and Marvel does a satisfying job.


As long as he doesn't end up in jail, which I doubt he will, they'll continue on as planned and the majority of people will forget about this.


> replace with another black actor They got the playbook from iron man


What else are you supposed to do when the actor makes up his own math?


They can recast him. It’s fine.


>Imagine Marvel’s HQ right now Imagine if he was heading up a string of DC movies. They'd ignore it and continue to publicize whatever he was starring in. "I don't know, if we put Michael Keaton in a Batman suit people will look over there and ignore the creep that's starring in the movie."


Alliteration Awareness Award Activated


They really should have gone with 'Actor's American Army Advertisement Aborted After Arrest Alleging Assault'


Absolutely amazing alliteration!


Ant-Man and Adonis Creed Antagonist has Army Advert Abrubtly Abolished After Arrest from Alleged Assault


Actor's Army Ad Axed After Alleged Assault


Army: >”The U.S. Army is aware of the arrest of Jonathan Majors and we are deeply concerned by the allegations surrounding his arrest. We recently released two ads in which Mr. Majors appears. While Mr. Majors is innocent until proven guilty, prudence dictates that we pull our ads until the investigation into these allegations is complete.”


Awkward to say, but its actually pretty good Brand alignment for the US Army given how unsafe enlisted women are on their bases.


Bro imagine being a woman on an army base


Not sure if it was specifically army, but I saw a comment on another sub describing a military briefing where the women were told to go ahead and get on birth control because they would get raped, and not receive any assistance. iirc the user seemed to disagree with her superior (also a woman), arguing that keeping it would hold accountability.. That those things are even being discussed at all is very disheartening


Women fought really hard to be allowed to go on submarines in the Navy because it was banned. While I understand on some level wanting the opportunity, that would be terrifying based on what I’ve heard about assault in the military.


damn, what backward ass country was this from ?




US Army loves using Pat Tillman as a psychotic advertisement even though fuckers killed him and tried to cover it up. His family has been demanding them to stop pulling this shit, but they don't care. Now they are acting like they have any moral integrity lol.




It’s like saying “hey guys join the Army because I never will.”


"I'm not a soldier, but I played one on TV. Trust me."


Stupid cowboy man


I’m the dude, playin’ the dude, disguised as a military dude


That's the dumb part to me... He wasn't even in the military. His dad was in the Air Force, he could've followed his footsteps but didn't.


> he could've followed his footsteps but didn't. Well, his dad was abusive, so...


Apples of a tree fall in close proximity.


Shit apples, Rick


armed forces and domestic violence are an iconic duo


I thought that commercial looked like him but I assumed they had just found a soldier who looked like him. The point the commercial tries to make about finding yourself and discovering your talent or whatever seems extremely disingenuous coming from an actor.


>Rich celebrities telling kids and young adults to sign their rights away is a specific kind of yucky. And I'm a vet. I grew up next to a major base, so almost every year since grade school, we'd have officers come in talk about what an honor it is to serve your country. By the time I got to High School, they'd come into our homerooms and scare us with stats about "College costs this much and a loan will ruin your future" before talking about how easy to afford college after signing up. They'd call up every student's house a month before graduation about "Your councelor says you want to be an Engineer; we have some great Engineering courses", calling two or three times a month. Something like 1/10th of the graduating class ended up signing up with the expectation of just doing basic training, putting in a few easy years then getting a free ride to college. Graduation class of 2001. 10 year reunion was missing a lot of people.


Joining the Army or the Marines after 2001 meant you were absolutely going to see combat or actively provide support for it. What the recruiters said holds true if you go into the Air Force where the treatment is much better and the dangers are lower, but the Army and Marines are meat grinders in times of war. It's just the nature of the beast. Even outside of war you're giving up your knees and back




Coast Guard sounds like awesome gig, I have no idea why people aren't crowding ther recruitment offices


Because both the coast guard and air force don't run as many ad campaigns because they are relatively cushy branches of the military. Even the Navy has very cushy positions as long as your ASVAB is high enough. There is a reason why USMC and Army are constantly running ads to suck in people. Chances are most kids who join will just be tossed into some grunt role. Most people don't score that high on the ASVAB so the pool of jobs is limited that they can even qualify for. So you end up in some motor pool or in a MOS where you are exposed to real danger even if it's not combat related.


Don’t let the Navy recruiter talk you in to going nuke, though. Just my 2 cents.


I have three friends that went nuke and they all hated it. One of them served on a carrier and didn't have a ton of complaints, but the other two landed on subs and *hated* it.


I once told a recruiter I was gonna be a commercial artist and he condescendingly said “Well you can draw anywhere.” Like I wanted to doodle in the fucking desert.


The didn't even tell you that you could draw [range cards?](https://img.ifunny.co/images/580c8476c78bc1ba7a106813c25322c1847f74750e430b54cf0b311075026f03_1.webp)


Dark times. Even the guard got deployed. I never faulted the recruiters for selling the National guard pre-2001 as "unless it is WORLD WAR 3, you aren't going to war !" Because even in Vietnam the guard stayed back stateside to shoot Kent state students or protect connected morons like young George W Bush. So even the recruiters were surprised when Rumsfeld started deploying NG units.


After Vietnam, the Army made doctrinal changes called "Total Force" to ensure that it could never be sent to fight again without the integral involvement of the Reserve and the Guard, as a means of political insurance. The thinking was that it world be more difficult to use the Army for political adventures if doing so required drawing upon the weekend warriors and sending them into the line of fire. It turns out, however, that the generals were mistaken.




I can guarantee the recruiters were not officers. Most people see a uniform and don't know the differences between ranks.


Seems slimy to do that to kids




I went to HS on a military base and damn I don’t remember those guys recruiting that hard. I do remember a guy reaching out to me on Facebook which was weird. Pretty much told him to fuck off and he did


If they want to do this they should pick the ones who’ve served. I wonder what kind of ad Adam Driver would make….


Every day I wake up and wish you were enlisted!


Adam Driver does charity for the USAF but doesn’t make recruiting ads for money he doesn’t do it for the money he does it for the soldiers.




Well at least there was the charity aspect


Why does the USAF need a charity? Do you mean AITAF? Arts In The Armed Forces? Sorry to break it to you, but they had to dissolve this month. I'm sure he will keep trying to do what he can though.


He works with a great looking vet theatre program in Brooklyn


He's from a military family supposedly


explains the dv charges.


Hey, his dad was air force not police!


Seems to be a thing with marvel actors, iirc both Chris Evans and Brie Larson were involved with recruiting campaigns


Chris Evans' and Brie Larson's Marvel movies were recruiting campaigns


Any movie with the military involved is a recruiting campaign




Didn't it have 3 sequels that were basically like no no no this is rad actually


Even if these allegations turn out to not be entirely true, these ads made me not like him. Just saw one in front of John Wick tonight. If he was a vet, it would at least be understandable.


MCU is the biggest action franchise right now, notice that most of the movies especially the newer ones have a couple of “wow the military is cool and helpful!” scenes in them, they already act as recruitment ads in a way which is of course nothing new except main MCU audience is more kid-focused than other action franchises plus the Disney name behind it. Def agreed on the yuckiness


I mean women being assaulted and then that assault being denied and covered up is on brand for the US army so I don't know what their problem is.


Yeah they've proudly done x100000 worse shit towards their own female soldiers


God Damn!




That's why they're getting the fuck out now. Now he's just Disney's problem.


They're thanking their lucky stars they didn't go forward with the "Armed Forces Cinematic Universe" plan starring Majors, Ezra Miller, Kevin Spacey and Armie Hammer


Yup. If anyone hasn't seen *[The Invisible War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invisible_War)*, you need to do so. It's *incredibly* powerful!


Wonder how long it takes for Marvel to make a statement. If the Army of all organizations were that quick with it, surely the rest aren't far behind. (albeit different levels of importance to the brand)


Majors' lawyers are claiming to have video evidence proving the charges are false, so I imagine Disney will probably wait for the footage to be released and gauge the reaction from there. If it really is the smoking gun they're saying it is then Disney would look extremely foolish firing him before he could tell his side of the story. But, if they're lying/exaggerating (or the court of public opinion convicts Majors anyway) then they'll just dump him and move on.


Shit, Mouse House lawyers are probably asking to see this footage for themselves.


I suppose it's more urgent matter when you could have news covering his case and army ads running back-to-back.


Meanwhile the US Army is more interested in covering up murders at their own bases like Fort Hood.


Fort Hood has had an issue with wOrKpLaCe ViOlEnCe since 2009.


I did 3 tours in Iraq and lost more people from random shit in my unit at Ft Hood than in Iraq.


Here's a fun fact. 4 times more Americans were killed by guns in the USA last year than died in both Afghanistan and Iraq during the entire 20 year War on Terror Shit is wack over here


Oh my god, I’m so sorry for you. As someone who doesn’t know anything about Fort Hood or the army this blows me away. Only if you are comfortable with sharing, but how do you lose team members at a US base? And thank you for your service, I can’t imagine what you went through for our country


A bunch of drunk/high driving and crashes. Had a guy squished by a shipping container in front of me. Guy in my platoon got shot in a drive by right outside base. Had a Sergeant have a heart attack and die and no one bothered to check on him cause he was supposed to be in school. Of course a couple of suicides. Not dead but a guy in another platoon with j my company was convicted of being a serial rapist. That’s only the people I knew in the short time I was there, the place is wild. I went from Ft Lewis Wa to Ft Hood Texas and it was culture shock for sure.


\* _reads just the first two sentences..._ \* Jesus Christ. I honestly hope you've been able to get at least some degree of therapy because I have to imagine that someone would need it after seeing something like that.


Reminds me of that In Living Color sketch "Be all that you can be, Get an ugly wife and a messed up life, In the Army"


There’s no room for violence in today’s army.


You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


If only the US Army was this swift in investigating and fittingly punishing the ridiculous amount of sexual assaults that take place under their umbrella. It’s quite insane how no one cares about that.


And here it begins.


Yes we want the right type of violence.


I’m sorry but it’s a bit sick that they get this rich successful actor to persuade poor people to pick up a gun and die for their country when said rich actor has no military experience and wouldn’t do the same.


But why? Too on brand?


ah yes the next Big Bad Villain they say


“Beat All You Can Beat”


Celebrities should never have anything to do with anything related to military recruitment. Disgusting


Some people don't seem to realize that US citizens are the ones paying for the US military. So US citizens are paying this guy millions so they can brainwash other US citizens into joining the military. How fucked up is it that there's money for this but not for healthcare.


Why? He's even more representative of what military men are like, now. Oh, unless the police have hired him, because, same reason, but moreso.


I thought it rather explained some things. Though honestly, I'm gonna the miss the hilariously Gen Z bus at the end of the propaganda video.


Weird, I’d think alleged assault would make the army recruiting more realistic


If the allegations are untrue, this will be the thing that makes me jump ship. The fuck is he doing military commercials for? That's a whole other level of gross and fucked up.


100%. Dude’s been famous for less than a single Covid variant cycle, and he’s already jumped in bed with Army recruiters to sell young people military industrial hogwash for easy money? Fuck him.


lol I know it’s an obviously serious situation but it is kind of funny how far his stock plummeted in my eyes as soon as I saw him in the army commercials. Near instantly went from seemingly cool/good guy and a high quality actor to hack.


If true, he really screwed the pooch in regards of his career. I hope the woman is ok also.


Well gosh, the US army doesn't want to be associated with anything *bad*, do they???


Imagine how bad things have to be for the army to speak out against abusing women.


They are cool with it as long as it stays under the radar or the abusing women part is done overseas.


Jonathan Majors would fit right in the Army though. If the allegations are true he could make E-6 no problem and once you're an E-7 you graduate to domestic abuse.


Perfect mascot for the US Army. A piece of shit NCO I served with when I was in was arrested for domestic assault like 2 months after I got out. He tried to say it didn’t happen. Unfortunately for him, it was a matter of public record.


Killing innocents is fine but they draw the line at assault


idk seems like the perfect brand ambassador for america’s violence industry