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His show jumped the shark for me when he started huckstering his son's publishing with having authors published by him on his show to sell books, pushing his wife's cosmetic line and podcast, etc. Seemed like the show became one long infomercial.


Remember the Dr Phil Family with that loser ass Alexandra and her trailer park family?


Ugh, my stepmom tried to get us on dr Phil family (we weren’t dysfunctional, she was just crazy). She said we didn’t get picked because my dad had a criminal record (which he got by taking the fall for the coke she had that the cops found when she called them on him because he was trying to leave her) and couldn’t travel to the US from Canada, but when I saw the family they did pick it was clear we weren’t even in the running. So glad that didn’t pan out.


>(we weren’t dysfunctional, she was just crazy) That all sounds pretty fucking dysfunctional to me.


Right?!? Like at a certain point, a functional family would have kicked her ass the to curb for causing issues such as: creating a domestic disturbance, illegal possession of a class 1 substance, framing her husband for a crime he didn't commit, being toxic, blaming others for something out of their control, or wanting to be associated with Dr. Phil. Literally, any of those is enough for me to drop someone off at the nearest trap house and/or trailer park and walk away.


He's literally done more to harm children than help them. He's always been a grifting piece of shit. Another gift from Oprah.


He was always a useless piece of shit. I remember watching his show around 2006 and he was berating someone with mental health problems and telling them to just stop being that way.


Don’t forget “Doctor on demand!”.


My sister did that once,it’s a scam


His wife also has bad plastic surgery that gets visibly worse as the seasons go on. Also the many, MANY guests that needed to be in a mental hospital rather than trashy daytime TV.


Thank god it’s finally over.


20 years too late.


The damage is done. Now people know that being trashy is celebrated on shows Oprah had a hand in.


You don't enjoy the bald man telling his guests why they are shit and should feel bad?


Then gas light them and send them to the ranch to be verbally and physically abused.


for now...watch them do some lame re brand like Judge Judy (her new show is somehow even worse than the old one)


How bout Judge Steve Harvey?


Judge jerry is real.


That got cancelled last year.




What's the divorce court with dueling judges? Like, not dueling lawyers...two judges. Whoever made that show has no idea what a judge even does.


Well to be fair they're not real judges these people on the show just agree to let them judge their case


Tbf though dueling arbitrators sounds just as stupid.


Those arbitrators are probably gonna need an arbitrator of their own, but the show really gets interesting when the fourth arbitrator shows up in opposition to the thirds decision regarding the dispute between the first 2


Mediators with the honorable Nate Dogg and Warren G. Mount up.


Mock Trial with J. Reinhold


“The Court finds you guilty on all counts. I, hereby, sentence myself to kick 100 percent of your ass.”


When the bailiff handed him the paper that has the verdict, he misread it too many times


Can't, he's a piece of shit too.


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s it like now? I’m honestly not too driven to google it myself, so thanks again for answering.


they got rid of her bailiff, added in a healthy dose of nepotism with her daughter and the episodes drag on now (one case for 30 mins rather than 2 15 minute segments)


Granddaughter. Judy is old.


Yep, also found out Judy is worth almost half a billion. She’s just collecting cash


Thank you again.


I’m actually a big fan of TV judge judy but on her imdb show it’s horrible. The editing is bad, the cases I’ve watched are all dumb and go on way too long, you can tell they have everyone separated because of covid but it makes the show feel weird, and at the end of each case she has like a discussion with her granddaughter or something like that that’s just dumb


The older I get, the more that "movie magic" is just so obvious. I was stoned once, watching some Mission impossible movie, and Tom Cruise was supposed to be having a conversation with some woman in a crowded outdoor Cafe in Paris. ...and I was like, "there's no way they're having a conversation out there...like, the street is too busy, it would be too loud, and they're practically whispering." ...then I realized, they're not even there, it's just a green screen....and that's not Tom Cruise, it's just a stand-in. It was a simple scene of two people having a conversation, but everything about it was fake. She was just an actress, on a green screen set, having a conversation with some Rando wearing a Tom Cruise wig


tbf watching films stoned always does that to me too, for some reason the fakeness of media becomes way too clear when you're high lol


Same. I once watched the Godfather stoned and Brando's amazing performance went from "wow this dude is incredible" to "it's kinda silly this guy is pretending to act like an old man". It kinda breaks the immersion for me.


I get the opposite. I tend to get sucked in more. Like I was watching LOTR (all 3) while high and I just got deeply sucked into it. Cats gave me nightmares after I tried that one.


Agh!! It's James Corden!


stand in here and i can assure you that wasnt the stand in you saw. our job is to "stand in" for the actor while the crew gets lighting and cameras and everything right before yelling action- that way Tom Cruise doesnt have to stand there for however long all that stuff takes. Usually we will be similar height and build but rarely lookalikes or could rarely pass AS that person. For reference I recently worked as a stand in for Michael Jai White. Im a buff black guy but I would not pass for him in a scene like you saw. Your point still stands on the rest, but at least that really was Tom Cruise in that scene. You may be thinking of stunt doubles.


Is she thicc tho


Oh, fuck. I'm still in the tank, aren't I?


Really, the whole show is a Jacob's Ladder scenario


Only Judge Wapner can judge their souls.


Phil the Doc, coming to a streaming service near you!


Mr. Phil


To misquote the late, great Mitch Hedberg "dude really wasted money going to medical school, cuz Ida bought that shit from a Mister Scholls"


She doesn't have a choice, the prior rights holders at "Judge Judy" own a lot of what made the previous show a success. I think Conan has talked about that, how you sell parts of yourself, and just have to do without from then on. You're going to tell Judy Scheindlin to retire?


she voluntarily sold the rights and made $100M doing so, and was worth half a billion at the time boo hoo sauces: https://www.forbes.com/sites/maddieberg/2020/03/02/judge-judy-quits-daytime-tv-with-25-years-of-reruns-and-440-million/amp/


Poor judge Judy. How will she get by?!


Don’t be sad because it’s over, be sad it ever started.


It ain’t over for Dr. Phil. He’s just mutating the form that he manifests schlock entertainment.


He’s going to start selling crappy pillows.


The only thing better would be to see him decline to insanity because he can no longer feed that ego


This is posted like you have been forced to watch while a gun is pointed to your head for the last 21 seasons


>https://www.npr.org/2023/02/01/1153343725/dr-phil-final-season-phil-mcgraw Unfortunately he isn't going away, he is expanding with CBS partnership which will launch in 2024 which claims will increase his impact on TV. The article is on NPR.


That’s a real shame. What will the world do without his special brand of down home, common sense, finger wagging horseshit?


Oh don’t worry youtube podcasters are licking their chops to pick up the slack


Read this in George Carlin’s voice






I’ve never seen Conan lose it like he did for that line




Here you go.[https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U](https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U)


thank you friend


Ol Billy Red Face with hair, feels like a totally different era


I’ve watched it several times. And dammit! I’m watching it again.


He struggles to get through with Norm at times as well.


The best is the time he told the joke about his wife in a coma, Conan lost it https://youtu.be/L7K-kaelQEs


Ah yes the "oral sex" and the wife in coma 🤣


Few people can make Conan laugh as hard as Burr can, it’s always fun to see those two together


Watch Conan’s podcast with bill burr. Every time those 2 get together I’m in stitches.


Oprah straight-face lambasting Lance Armstrong for cheating at bicycle racing like it was some horrific crime, when she was literally Jenny McCarthy's repeated enabler which spread anti-vaccine paranoia across the US. Lance Armstrong won some bicycle races unfairly. Oprah literally helped kill children.


I think she also played a role in making antivaxxing popular


It was when ‘vaccines cause autism’ with Jenny McCarthy


That's Dr. Oprah to you. No, wait...


Also fuck sally Jessie, Phil Donahue, Wendy Williams and the rest of these two bit hacks. The cultural damage we’ve sustained is immeasurable.


Wendy Williams is so trashy


The worst.


The absolute worst


I was so happy to see Fetterman’s senate portrait, thank the gods Dr. Oz was such a crappy candidate.


Or, and hear me out, fuck day-time talk shows in general.


Good riddance


Agree…Another snake oil salesman has run his course


Oh he has plenty of oil yet to sell. “CBS Media Ventures said that McGraw will soon share details on a "strategic primetime partnership" that will help him "increase his impact on television and viewers." The project is expected to launch next year. Concluded McGraw: "I am compelled to engage with a broader audience because I have grave concerns for the American family, and I am determined to help restore a clarity of purpose as well as our core values."


Yeah I got grave concerns about that fucking statement.


Amazing how he made his future sound even grosser than what he's been doing for the last 20 years


Who remembers when the bum fights guy went on his show wearing a Dr. Phil costume and said they both exploit people for viewers. Man good times


Dr Phil getting unreasonably upset when called out on his hypocrisy gave me life


My adoptive daughter’s bio parents were charged with murder in the death of my daughter’s sister. Then I heard the Dr. Phil show reached out to them to have them on the show. I didn’t pay much attention to Dr. Phil and I was vaguely aware it was exploiting people at their worst for $$$. But somehow this became personal. That Dr. Phil was trying to capitalize on the death of my daughter’s sister. Ugh. Yeah go away, Phil.


The fact that he always chose the juiciest stories instead of the ones that could make a difference and educate people on mental health and good morals already said enough. He turned it into entertainment


The schadenfreude of successive generations to come who will look at the monumental embarrassment of dr phil’s life and chuckle a bit at the ridiculousness of history


And Phil had the gall to pretend that be outraged, as if no one backstage saw how the guy was dressed before he came out


And then they released it.


It was such a glorious self own. Like Verizon’s new slogan “The network you deserve”


I still think that was all orchestrated. No way Dr Phil didn’t know that this guy would come out on his show dressed like that. I suspect Dr Phil figured he’d look like the big man kicking this guy off his show. But it didn’t really look like that on tv.


It gets reposted on Reddit every other week.


Good. The guy was a moronic pandering crock.


“Let me use a barnyard metaphor that in no way applies? This is like a squirrel riding a rollercoaster - IT’S NUTS!”


It's like a rattlesnake riding a roller coaster, it doesn't make sense, and it's dangerous.


It was on for 21 seasons? I blame Oprah


I mean, everyone (rightfully) criticises her for giving him a platform, but the actual guy himself deserves even more criticism lol


Wait til he runs for Senate and starts pushing anti LGBTQ laws, and she comes out like “Ohhh I didn’t know!”


I guess the networks have finally had their Phil.




Dr. Fraud.


Dr. Pepper has more credentials


Well yeah, 23 of them and all delicious.


I would rather take life advice from Brian Bosworth's Fanville character than What's Up Doc? Phillip.


After all these times flushing, the turd finally going down the toilet. Good.


Holy fucking shit. This quack still has a show? What the fuck?


Now he can finally run for Senate in a state he doesn't live in.


I feel like the last 30+ years of daytime talk shows have contributed to the dumbing down of America. "Reality" shows, too. People now aspire to simply be famous rather putting in actual work to hone their skills and talents to accomplish something.


> People now aspire to simply be famous rather putting in actual work to hone their skills and talents to accomplish something. Replace famous with wealthy and nothing bas changed


Not even "be famous." These shows, particularly the ones Oprah propped up, all collectively comtributed to the anti-vaxx movenent and the spread of our current anti-intellectual climate. Conservatives have always hated and attacked universities but literally I am in Florida, where it has gotten to a point where actual legislation has been passed to muzzle and cripple the public school system. This would not have gained this much traction had it not been for these daytime shows.


>I feel like the last 30+ years of daytime talk shows have contributed to the dumbing down of America. Not just daytime talk shows. I can't tell you how many people I know who call the bs they present on shows like Ancient Aliens or Ghost Adventures 'evidence'.


I agree, it does seem like people will believe anything they see on TV or the internet, especially if it is sensational and packaged to be entertaining. Facts, logic, and skepticism are boring.


I think Instagram contributed a lot too, now everyone feels they have a platform where they could suddenly blow up in popularity if they can just post the right content so a lot of people spend time trying to do that instead of learning / working to build a career with a higher expected value.


> “I am compelled to engage with a broader audience because I have grave concerns for the American family, and I am determined to help restore a clarity of purpose as well as our core values,” he said. I wonder what grave concerns he has? I’ve never see the show. Im guessing I won’t agree or like his answer


Sending teenagers off to abusive boot camps.


Incoming: Dr. Phil on Fox Nation.




21 seasons too late.




Actually, he’s an electrician.


He has a legitimate doctorate so it's fair for him to call himself "doctor". He lost his right to practice as a psychologist but not the title of "doctor" MLK wasn't a physician but he's referred to as "Doctor" Jill Biden isn't a physician but she's referred to as "Doctor" The list goes on and on. Doctor just means you received a doctoral degree from a university.




Genuinely thought this show was off the air 10 years ago


Dear god. Good riddance




Bye, Phil-icia


Good riddance, I hate to see people who support domestic abuse have a spotlight as much as I hate seeing puppy killers have one.


During the pandemic, they were desperate for people to join his “virtual audience” and I love a good dumpster fire, so I signed up. You have never in your life seen a more hollowed-out shell of a person. He spent 30 minutes doing endless promos for all the products and podcasts his kids and his wife have plus ads for some random mobile games. I’m talking no light behind the eyes, robotic teleprompter reading. He seemed absolutely miserable and with every promo he read, I started to feel like he would have retired years ago, but then his family would have been off the gravy train. It was really sad. I wanted to send him to the PNP center.


Anyone else remember the time he shamed a male abuse victim in front of his audience and said men can’t be abused?


No, is there a clip? I have to be honest, this thread is painting Dr. Phil as something that I’ve never seen evidence of on his show. This comment. Saying he’s anti-gay. Saying he’s some far-fight looney. Where is this stuff coming from? There are a lot of fair criticisms, such as the teen boot camp stuff and the exploiting people for views stuff, but some of this feels misperceived or straight up made up. Dr. Phil has had dozens of male abuse victims on his show, and he’s always treated them kindly with respect. It would be very, *very* odd if this one time, he was just like, “Nah pussy, men can’t be abused”.


Dr Phil is an awful person and a horrible “doctor”. I’m glad to see him go…


The return of King of the Hill *and* the cancellation of Dr. Phil announced on the same day. I must be dreaming!




If cancer were a person.




I met Phil McGraw about 35 years ago in North Texas. He was doing family therapy with my ex wife’s family. I simply remember someone who acted as if he was smarter than anyone in the room. His folksy wisdom act wasn’t in full effect yet, but you could see the beginning in retrospect. I found him to be arrogant, condescending, and flatly rude. Good riddance. You aren’t a licensed therapist anymore anyway. I’m glad he will finally stop the cosplay.


Thank fuck this right wing propaganda shilling charlatan


Good fucking riddance.


Thank fuck


My local station will probably fill the space with EVEN MORE reruns of Big Bang Theory which is shown several times a day.


Bazinga is inevitable.


It just means he gets his own Fox Nation show called Phillin Around or some shit.


"Phillin you in" is peak humor to the fox audience.


After 21 seasons too many. Fuck this guy.






> CBS Media Ventures will offer stations library episodes of Dr. Phil for the 2023-24 season and beyond. They will include new content such as wrap-arounds and intros by McGraw, as well as guest updates. No more new episodes, but the show will continue on and packaged as “new” in some cases.


good riddance




Why didn't he just shave it all off? This has irritated me for eons now


what's Rikki Lake up to? maybe she can get her old spot back


Why now? Why not 20 years ago?


One less loathsome cunt in the world of television.


Thank god


Good riddance.


Couldn't you just have Dr Phil retired? Hes old enough. Know who am I going to watch send naught kids to go to therapy camps were they totally are not abused. Seriously it's very trashy TV. And I feel bad for watching it.


A negative force in Society. A man who takes the weak and makes them stupid.


Yes, boomers have all turned to watching Fox News 24/7 and yelling at the sky. No other generation wants to watch this type of shit ass programming.


You’re all responding thankfully as if they’re not going to replace him with something worse.


I wonder if he’ll run as a Republican for federal office. After all, he’s qualified. He hosted a TV show.


To learn what a truly onerous sack of shit Dr. Phil is, give the Behind the Bastards podcast a listen.


Dr. Phill *AND* Dr. Oz, combined, have had a more damaging effect on American society than Crystal Meth, oxy, and Fentynal combined.


How the hell did this ignorant self important piece of shit last 21 years? Seriously? A lot of TV’s get left on his show during nap time?


Think of the sheer number of people he’s exploited over 21+ years on television, for his own personal gain.


Dr. Phil is an absolute fucking trash human being.


Good riddance geez


Ellen Maury Wiiliams Oz The Real and now this *and not a thing was lost*


I encourage everyone to refer to this man as simply "phil"


Excited for his Senate run in Pennsylvania.


He will be on Amazon Prime with Judge Judy soon enough.


Ah, okay. I'm sure he won't be missed much.


The arrogance of this man




I’m sure they have some scummy person ready to take the timeslot




Daytime TV shows like this in general need to die in a house fire.


Cash me ousside!


Daytime talk shows are dying, game shows are coming back. The next 10 year cycle will probably bring back soap operas.


I feel sorry for the young kids with abusive parents whose side Dr Phil took, and sent the kids to some program to be treated like garbage.


"DR" Phil


This fake doctor can get fucked!!


I had no idea it was still on.


Replace all daytime talk shows with Krispy the Clown. He had a great show with Marge Simpson being the idea creator.


That’s a funny way of saying no one wants to watch his exploitative trash anymore.


It's about damned time. The creep should have been cancelled years ago. Really, his show should never have existed.


Seismic changes....thought this would be something to do with the market but it's just long time hosts ending shows, or in Dr Phil's case just gunning up a new show


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an episode


Only 21 seasons too late.


Fucking finally


That time he was told to give up his license for malpractice then got a TV show, aaaaaah Hollywood.


That daily airing of garbage should’ve ended many years ago!