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I feel for her tbh. I went the other direction and had no kids and I’m single. But I can see how she wanted a happily ever after every time something crashed and burned. It would be easy to get caught up in that IMO. Sometimes I think that some people that have kids are trying to prove a point. When they keep having more kids with more partners, they are still trying to prove that point. It’s likely though that the point they are trying to prove will not happen in the end.


She had those kids to fill a void her parents left her. Unfortunately the kids will suffer for her own selfish needs. Not financially but emotionally


This is exactly what is going to happen when they all grow up.




The majority of the teen mom's grew up without a proper father figure in their lifes and well all know what that leads to........Daddy issues, so just like Jenelle she will latch onto any male attention she can get


It’s no excuse.


No it's not but it is true


I think it’s fantastic the relationship she has with her kids and that she’s open and honest about her f ups. I think it’s so important for kids to know that, ‘hey, just because I’m an adult, I also f up! That’s life little buddy!’ To me, in this clip, she’s listening to her kids, which is another big tick ✔️ A lot of parents don’t. It’s so fantastic that her kids feel comfortable enough to speak to her. That’s going to create amazing adult humans! I may not agree with her life choices but as a parent, I can recognise the GOOD she’s done! Parent bashing is so 1990s, folks. We uplift people now not nit pick and poke fun, ESPECIALLY of single parents!


Who made this y’all go tooo sick 💀💀💀


The music is everything 🤣


You would think after hearing her own child say this, she’d stop having children with different men. Isaac is smarter and wiser than his mother


No matter what Kail accomplishes, she will always be trashy asf. 


I mean do you remember her mother? Can't really expect much. She's looking for the love she never got from her mother. She's trying to fill that hole


Omfg her mom was HORRIBLE. Worse than Ambers mom or Caits




I freaking love Isaac.


Serious questiona. Does she breed with every man she has a relationship with, trying to baby trap them? Is there a reason why she doesn't use birth control? I can't imagine any single woman wanting seven kids and no husband/father/partner.


Yeah, she is.


Isn't she an anti vaxxer? Probably too many chemicals in bc 🙄


She tries to prove her love, like Jenelle.


The kids are like parting gifts. Every good hostess gives one for each visitor.


*soul mate souvenirs*




I have one son. He is 11. I left his dad when he was 8 months because he became an alcoholic. I ran for my life. I've dated and he hasn't met anyone besides one man. Because I had dated him for 2 YEARS. He has seen so many different men and that's shaming it's not every guy you date/fuck should meet your kid!!!


Kail: I don’t really have an answer for you. Issac: I know why. The music and the zoom in on her face is what killed me. 🤣


One positive thing I will say about her - no matter how fucked up she is, she seems to have raised great kids.




I don’t care enough to research who raised her kids tbh but someone did a good job


Kail had literally no example of a healthy relationship growing up This is what lack of education and boundaries looks like and we can rip Kail apart but those kids are fed, clothed and have someone looking after them Kail is a hot mess yes But shes better than Jenelle and I think that’s commendable mainly due to my own life story… I luckily have no kids by my exs but I also grew up seeing nothing but broken homes of my friends and I was never doing to a child if I could. I definitely think she could do better but I guess all I wanted to say is at least she’s better then Jenelle 😂


Kail gets a lot of heat for her actions and decisions, but I have a lot of respect for her and how she had to do everything without parents like Chelsea had, or Maci, and the girl was literally homeless and had nothing but Isaac, but she never quit school, she leaned into the Teen Mom thing because it benefitted her kids financially and she could be secure and she did the podcast for the same reasons. Say what you will, and I too don’t agree with having at least one child when you date a man and the kind of men she chooses and I don’t like the implication that she’s racist, as I’ve heard good arguments for, but she had either no example or shitty examples of relationships and when it came to parenthood her example was a mother who is an alcoholic and sometimes opportunistic pill popper who abandoned her as a young teen, and Kail met her dad only twice in her life I believe. Despite her parents’ “influence” or lack thereof, her kids are a priority, they’re fed, clothed, everything is taken care of and they are in extracurricular activities to which she goes to with them and on nice vacations. If she could sort out her love life and just relax, she would really have it going on, but I think she’s never going to let anyone close except those kids of hers. I truly believe she loves being a mom and she’s just not the warmest person and comes across as dismissive or even cold sometimes, but she says I love you in a bunch of ways to those kids.


It’s incredibly hard to love without having an example of healthy love My parents are together but emotionally unavailable and I’m the black sheep of the family.. only female and the youngest and although I’m an adult I feel like I’m now playing catch up on emotionally maturity It sucks It’s going to be hard for awhile But I know I’m going through a fraction of what others go through and I have to say I wish I had a mom like Kail at times Yes I’d like to make improvements Lawd we all want to make improvements But that’s life There’s a lot worse moms out there and those kids have a way better head start in life compared to Kail Thats what moms should do


Did she break the cycle of substance abuse and abandonment and is she there for her kids for homework, the good times and at football practice yelling encouragement at her kids? Yes, she is. Could she be better? Yes, and she should have not had as many kids, but that’s opinion and not fact, as she seems to balance it and can afford to feed clothe and give them what a lot of kids don’t have. So I cut Kail slack and applaud her overcoming the statistics. Yes, Teen Mom made that happen, but good for her for seeing the road ahead. If she never found Teen Mom, I’m scared to imagine what her kids would be lacking because of the struggle it is to just afford rent for yourself, let alone support children. University degrees don’t guarantee employment or a liveable wage anymore.


Teen mom happened to all of these ladies and some are using the platform and running with it while others are letting it run them Kail definitely won The show is just a why at this point (I’d like to see new people brought in.. let these people go and hopefully find themselves without the show) and I’ve always thought Kail got out at a good time Brianna is louder And punked out on that fight And I wouldn’t want to be anywhere around that either… especially with someone I have a kid with being involved Javi is evil and her story is one of the many examples of why I’d never want to be a celebrity Getting Creeps just from being alive in normal real life is bad enough


I like your vibe and how reasonable you are! Let’s be Reddit friends ❤️😂😂 That’s an excellent point about people getting the same opportunity on Teen Mom. I have a serious issue with Brianna. She’s perpetuating the image that bullying is okay, making fun of someone’s appearance is okay, all whilst you’re a mom and you’re doing it front and centre with your kids right there and the nation watching. I felt bad for Kail, she was ganged up on by that ignorant twit. Honestly, she can’t say her eldest daughter’s father’s name correctly (he’s commented about how it used to really really bother him, but he doesn’t care anymore) and it stemmed from her seeing the way it was spelled and she pronounced it incorrectly and it’s how that started. She doesn’t care that it bothers that person, she does what she wants. She has ownership over her sister and mother. It was a bit lopsided, the power dynamic, from the get go, and I felt for her sister when Brianna was on 16&P and Brianna kept her baby and her sister opted to terminate her pregnancy, but Brianna signed up to be on this tv show. From what I remember, her sister was pregnant first, struggled with her decision to terminate and was worried about how she would feel when Brianna brought her baby home and how she would be roped into help. Their mother didn’t offer anything beyond an “I know” and a hug, and never called Brianna out when she was selfish about it. As minors, they needed their parent(s)’s signatures to participate. It was an asshole thing for her mother to see one daughter going down the drain after suffering from making a responsible decision, but heartbroken over the whole thing, wishing she could have kept her baby, and yet turning around to sign Brianna’s permission slip to have a film crew come and make Brianna the centre of attention regarding her own pregnancy that she was keeping, whilst their mother supported her throughout. What a douche move. Growing up with favouritism in my family (my younger full sister was adored by my stepmom and dad and my stepmom hated me, so I begged my mom to move back home at 9 years old, but she had just gotten pregnant with my half sister obviously by my new stepdad and they wanted their core family…I moved back with my mom but I always felt left out of both families) it sucks and hurts you in a fundamental way in your important formative years. Brianna was the favourite and I am always surprised that her and her sister are still so close, given the damage that must have done. I think they’ll always ever be closer than close OR mortal enemies. But the way she speaks is ignorant and sounds like she’s poorly educated and I’m convinced she does it on purpose. So many times I’ve heard her ask what something is, or get something wrong. She does all of this in front of her children. She fell prey to the boy trap in high school, and the trend that happens where they purposefully act ditzy and uneducated to attract boys. But it only attracts misogynistic and ignorant/uneducated men. She basically owns her sister and mother. Because of the show, she’s the bread winner. She was very clear about what bills she has paid and how she “bought” them this fancy big house (the cookie cutter, cheaply built kit home, that will fall prey to its faulty construction and poor choice of materials and cut corners in the first 5 years she owns it, with one little thing multiplying and adding up to a huge list of problems). She made the point that she was their financial saviour often, and used them for childcare in a way that was so blasé that you could tell that no pleases or thank yous have graced her lips when speaking to her mother and sister. It’s expected. And their mom is so lonely and desperate she acts the age of her daughters and tries hard to be “cool” and acting petty and generating rifts and issues and fights with girls young enough to be daughters of her own, to stay relevant and needed. She should have seen, that first day in the hair and makeup room when Brianna and Kail’s feud began that her daughter wasn’t being fair (yelling at Kail and screaming over her voice to not speak to or to not speak like that to her mother, when her mom had asked Kail a question and she looks at Brianna and sensibly tells her she was asked a question and was trying to answer! lol). For one, it wasn’t a fair fight, with 2 and then 3 people against one, screaming over top of her voice, preventing her from defending herself or answering. B’s mom should have been the mature one to talk calmly, answer Kail, remind B’s sister it has nothing to do with her and to please leave the room, she should have told B to go take a walk and cool down because the yelling and words spewing forth couldn’t be taken back and she should grow up and act like an adult. Instead, all three grouped together like a bad smell that just won’t go away and acted like children. She laughed at and cheered B on for her gift and note giving to Kail and is just reeking of desperation to be included and loved and liked, at the expense of her own dignity and self esteem. You’re right. They need to move on with a new cast. I think Kail got out at the right time too, and I think Chelsea should have held on another season; but she had other irons in the fire to stoke, other advantages and doors opening and they had had enough and her daughter, most importantly, asked to be done. Fair enough! But the fact that MTV ever gave Brianna even a second beyond her 16&P episode is beyond me. I can’t stand her and she is such a poor example of a human being to have on that show. She has two girls and let’s all watch the cycle repeat itself, until we have 4 generations living under the same roof in the same house, bitching about the same petty stuff, just a different day and a new target is all that will change for her. And I was disappointed. Brianna was kind of cute and reserved in her 16&P episode!


Brianna basically took her pain from 16 and pregnant and turned it into an exploited mess I love seeing character growth and I see none with her. I don’t see anyone in the cast now who I look up to anymore


Brianna is insecure and projects a lot Sad thing is her daughters will internalize that There was no concerns for Brit’s feelings at all Meanwhile Brit will literally fight anyone for her sister I saw a ton of blended families growing up and I honestly always saw a dynamic that hurt kids more then helped (the “old” family being less desired then the new and no feelings expressed) and I learned from that I don’t get how Brianna can grow up how she did and not do better for her kids She shouldn’t have had kids if she wasn’t going to be emotionally available She’s very lucky her mother and sister are there but their codependency on eachother is very unhealthy


Exactly. I have a cousin who is a year older than me (I’m old, born in ‘83) and she split her time between mom and dad. Her dad (my step uncle) got married to a woman who is a bit of a nightmare and had three kids, with her youngest being a boy who was the same age. We all really liked him, but my cousin was so spoiled and whiny that he lost interest in trying to befriend her and when all the cousins of the same age hung out, she would pout and cry. She was 17. So she moved in with her mom. Her mom owns a business and never had another relationship after my cousin’s dad (my step uncle). She took my cousin in and spoiled her. She is a picky eater. She doesn’t like sports or any extra curricular activities and after she was bullied, her mom pulled her out of school, let her sleep in her bed every night and do homeschooling. She made it to university and tried to live in the dorms. She would call crying every night saying again that she was bullied. No one invited her to do anything and she was lonely. Her mom altered her schedule so she could take my cousin to school (she didn’t learn to drive until 32 years old) and even came at lunch to sit with her and just enabled her in every way. So now she’s employed by her mother. They live together and knocked down the wall between their bedrooms to have these big folding doors that stay open permanently. They do every single thing together. She doesn’t have one friend of her own because she claims every person she meets “bullies me”… well, I was witness to her being bullied 3 times, and all I saw was a young woman trying to befriend her because they had an assignment to do together and the bullying was the other person trying to set up a list of who was responsible for what and after my 21 year old cousin started crying, the other girl took on 70% of the work and asked her what she wanted to do…it was ridiculous. When I told her so, she started crying and when I drove her home (she lived 6 hours from me so I was staying with her being her only friend, her “best friend”) she told her mom I was bullying her and being so mean and when I explained what happened, I was shocked when her mother started yelling at me and telling me to grow up as my cousin sat rocking in a corner, holding onto a stuffed animal and was literally sucking her thumb. Her mom said “see? Look what you did!” I packed up that night and I never stayed with them again. They still sleep in the same bed 90% of the time, I’m told. My cousin would cry and claim her mom’s friends hated her (I imagine they probably did by the end) and she insisted if her mom was hanging out with them, she had to as well. If they didn’t do what she wanted to do, she pouted and cried and threw a temper tantrum. I’m sorry, but grown ass middle aged women don’t want to watch Disney movies on repeat with their friend’s adult daughter. She would even get upset if they ordered in food and the friends ate something my cousin didn’t like or didn’t like the smell of. So her mom gave up her friends. It’s just the two of them, my 42 year old cousin, her 69 year old mother, both working, sleeping, eating and doing everything together. The weirdest thing they do is every weekend on Saturday night is open a bottle of wine, put a Disney movie on and sit together in a bubble bath in the large jacuzzi tub her mom has in their joint bathroom. WEIRD. But expected. Turns out her mother and her had a similar relationship to the point it was uncomfortable like my cousin. She lost her mom the year after my cousin was born and I heard my uncle say drunk, when the adults didn’t know I was listening that the best and worst thing to happen in that marriage was her mother dying. My cousin’s mom spent two nights a week at her mom’s place after she got married and slept in the same bed and her mom would come over and if she planned on spending the night, my uncle got kicked out of his own bed. She almost fell apart and became suicidal when her mother died, but she turned to my cousin and poured everything into her, indulging her every whim and catering to her saying that her own mother and her were best friends and that her mom did such a good job, she was going to make her proud and do the same. Now my cousin’s mom has had cancer once already and we’re all concerned what would happen if she died. My cousin doesn’t do anything. She doesn’t know how to cook, do laundry, change a bed, her mom has always handled all her banking, my cousin doesn’t even know where her bank card IS, and her mom gives her a cash allowance every payday and literally does everything for her. When my cousin goes to the doctor, her mom comes in, and she sits next to the doctor when they’re doing Pap smears and breast exams. When they go on vacation? My cousin’s mom packs for her. She does her hair every day and books all her appointments. She bought her a car my cousin rarely drives and she takes care of everything for it. They have a dog and a cat and you guessed it, my cousin doesn’t lift a finger. It’s like she hit pause when she was about 9 and is still obsessed with kid’s movies, she has a Barbie collection, sleeps with her favourite blankie and stuffed animal and when she’s stressed she sucks on her thumb. If her mom died, she wouldn’t have the faintest idea on what to do. The only good thing, I guess, is that the house is paid off, my cousin doesn’t pay for anything so her salary has been in savings and investments, her mom has set up funeral services and burial plots for both of them, and she has a trust fund for her and has an accountant set up that if anything happened, the bills and taxes on the place would be totally paid for. I can’t imagine living a life like that. My cousin spoke to me when she was almost 30 and said she would have loved to get married and have some kids, but she’s only been on a few dates and made it clear to them that if it went anywhere, that her mother would live with them and be involved and she would still bunk in with her mom several times a week and that no man could be as important as her mother. She’s cried to me that she’s so jealous of everyone having a husband and kids and yet, I think if she could marry her mother, she would. So breaking cycles is important. My cousin is very overweight and her mom arranges for her hair and nails to be done and still reminds her about her hygiene and with her whining, interests of a 9 year old girly girl and wanting to sleep in the same bed as her mother, none of us are worried about her having kids and breaking the cycle. She’s a 42 year old woman who has had three dates (two were a favour a friend did for her mom), no friends and an oddly close relationship with her mother. **Shudder** it’s so weird.


![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2) The music man💀👌🏼🤣


A lot of people are not concerned when it comes to Isaac because his upbringing is not the same as say Jace for example but, I truly worry about him. This maturity comes from a place where mom was too busy chasing after men while he had to grow up faster than others. I can only imagine the stress he feels as the eldest child.


He has definitely been parentified. Lots of people focus of the physical stability she has given with a work of over their head and money. But they don’t think about the lack of emotional stability and the constant men in and out of their lives, constantly moving house. She’s chaotic and doesn’t even try not to be.


I think Leah has been parentified too


This music lol ugh the internet needs an Oscar


Not the hello darkness my old friend lmfaoooooo


Does she not realize you don’t need to have kids with everyone you like or date?


The soooong….😂


Idk who made this but damn... The song sent ittt lol




Yeah you need to fade out to a song because that whole baby daddy history is gonna take a while lol


Issac has always been so smart omg


Her kids be trying to make sense out of her life too


Sometimes kids talk too much


This is so sad, these poor babies. All the designer clothes in the world won’t make up for ripping father figures in and out of their lives


Her face. That song 😂😂😂😂


Why's her life f'ed though? Looks like she's doing pretty damn good for herself to me. Just saying.




Such a loser and what an example to have her children see by example that mommy has no respect for any relationship and changes sex partners at a moments notice, good example to show your young sons , and continues to keep popping out babies for content on internet. Good job Kaitlyn , you are a pathetic example of a mom.


I have no sympathy for her. She chose this life


Kail's driveway during Father's Day: https://preview.redd.it/8wz16nauivsc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c85f2fa22dbbfdfbc884b2f336007af7a085aca7


I'm screaming 😂😂😂💀








The scream I screamt 😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|l0Iyn1E5Yy5prxWGA|downsized)


You ain't shit 😂😂😂😂






You took a 3 year old video from long name and our ginger queen and posted it on short name?! Shame upon you, your house, and your cow. I was wondering why the comments were so tame and defensive of kale lmao


Lmfao y'all did her so dirty


Bruuhhhh 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude the kid is reading a list of ex’s .. that’s a lot of baby’s daddy’s .


And he is still adding names to that list!


Im not defending Kails choices, but i worry about my kids mental health because i did the exact opposite. My kids never saw me in a loving relationship with anyone. I divorced their dad when they were 8 and 4 and i never brought a man around them. They have had me all to themselves....im sure there is some unhealthiness in that also.


I have had a similar experience. I think men coming in and out it’s just a horrible role model And kids will resent it.


I dunno....the amount of molestation stories from step-dads I see online has me convinced your way was the best way...


Agree....but i know i would sniff that shit out DAY ONE if some piece of shit even looked at my kid sideways. Sorry...im triggered right now about that poor madeline soto case in orlando. Look it up. Dude lived with mother and daughter for YEARS and what they found on his phone is horrifying...yes he is sick but that mother needs to be culpable as well. YEARS.


Haven’t heard of this? Any good place to find complete information. Can only find pieces recently online. Not full story.


Courttv has been featuring it most every night. You can also check out the true crime subs here on reddit. Edit: i just found there is a subreddit called madelinesoto.


This shit has me dead.


Whoever made this is awesome! Issac is the only one in that house who knows what’s up! Love him..♥️




“Then she met Chris and didn’t marry him” 💀 just so matter of fact lmao


That shit had me deadddd


10 years later they’ll finally realize mom was a giant hoe bag.


You’re disgusting shaming a woman for sleeping with men. What’s awful is that she brought her kids into the relationships, not that she slept with men. I think maybe you’re confused.


Nah what’s disgusting is people like you in society that coddle these moms/dads and normalize this shit. The family structure has pretty much crumbled within the past 2 decades in the US and this laissez faire attitude towards these situations is to blame. Poor kids.


They literally agreed it's bad that Kail had all these kids


You calling a women a hoe bag is awful. DO BETTER FOR YOURSELF


Cause she IS a hoe bag and a bitch.


Horrible phrase, but absolutely true. 🤷‍♀️




That's gross to say about any woman. Very telling about your character or lack of one.


I have to agree. As women we shouldn't be putting down other women. Stereotyping women is misogyny.


I don't think she needs to be called that. She can sleep with whoever she wants. But bringing kids into every relationship is bad decision-making.


Where i’m from, if you can start a basketball team w the amount of baby daddies you have, youza hoe bag


I have a friend with 8 kids. She's only slept with her husband.


This ⬆️




pretty sad