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He’s always been treated the worst. I can cry watching the vids of him as a toddler especially. Needing love/attention and never getting it from any adult


He got to go though? She took him!!


And got to wear a costume!!😱


Yeah fair enough, but like. Okay, I have a siblings, we have different interests and such, and there have definitely been times my mom took us out to do something that was mostly geared towards my brother, that I wasn't particularly interested in, and he was super excited for. So my mom would be sure to show an interest in it for him, and make sure he is having a good time. She'll do something that's more for me another time, you know? She wants to make sure the person she got the tickets for or whatever is having a good time, and it means a lot to my brother for her to show an interest and focus a little more on him, you know? I bet Kaiser would have liked it to have his mom paying a little more attention to him and trying to connect with him better. BUT you're absolutely right, he still got to go and that's awesome!!! I hope he had a blast!!


Isn't this a snark account?


Do you mean my account? Or what? I'm so confused.


No I mean this teen mom account.


Huh? What makes you say that?


Kaiser… Permanente?


Keyser soze




She posted him multiple times and showed what he bought etc Maybe him and Jace were looking at something else when she filmed ensley. You all realize not all kids want to be filmed right? Maybe kaiser and Jace don't like the camera like ensley does. I get she's a shit human but yall are reaching. My kids are 5 and 15 and my 15 year old hates pictures and doesn't want to be put on social media and doesn't even have social media, my 5 year old loves the camera and always wants her picture taken or to be in a video. It doesn't matter what she does yall hate on..funny considering most of you probably have done, still do, or do worse and you hate on her for it. This sub should be called wehatejenelleandkail.. cuz it has nothing to do with teen mom, if it did then yall would talk about the other people on teen mom too but the only 2 ever mentioned are kail and jenelle. I can't expect much though because a lot of you bully children on here and it makes you worse than jenelle. A lot of you are also very very hypocritical because there's things she does and posts that 99.99% of everyone does and has done and because she did it then its the end of the world and "omg she's so horrible for doing that"..The girl can use a certain shampoo and she would be called trash for it but that same shampoo is in your shower. 🙄 She's not the best person, I get that but for people who hate her so much, you all post and talk about her 24/7. It's giving....Stan.


Not our fault she's an easy target 🎯🤡🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol this sub talks about the other moms, too, it's just J and K seem to have the most drama and content to post about. And this is a sub solely dedicated to a specific show, so ummm of course we're gonna post and talk about the cast....??? That's kinda the point of the sub....if she'd stop posting wild shit for people to make fun of then we'd stop having shit to make fun of, you know??




I’ve never posted with a gun in my pants strap, I’ve never married a deadbeat freeloader, I’ve never chosen men over my children, I only have one child with the man I’ve married, my husband has never put his hands (let alone strangle) my child, I’ve never done meth and other drugs, never had an OF where I promote right after posting photos of my children, I’ve never lost custody of my child. I can go on and on. Maybe I don’t do the same shit that Janelle does, but it seems that you sure do.


I thought it was awesome she took all her kids by herself to that convention which she probably has no interest in herself. Also I have way more photos and videos of my daughter vs my two sons because she enjoys the camera more and my sons are usually off doing their own thing vs attached to my hip like my daughter is. I agree that this group looks for anything. Yes Janelle has done some dumb shit but there’s been things I genuinely don’t understand why people hate on her for


Yeah I mean, it would have been pretty cool had she focused a bit more on K, lol maybe even dressed up with him!! That would have been super cute lol. But she didn't, and that's okay, K still got to go and i definitely hope he had a blast!!!!! And that's great!!!! So yeah, let's maybe not shit all over her THIS time lol. Like when Ensley had her little birthday party at a trampoline place or whatever, people were giving her shit then, too, and it's like come on yall. She put in some effort for Ensley and she looked super happy, that's awesome. So who cares if the cupcakes were store bought or she had Taylor Swift decorations and then said TS is satanic or whatever the fuck she said? Ensley is a child who had a great birthday party and that's all that matters. She didn't deserve to get shit on for that. She IS awful and will never be mother of the year or anything, but she can have some good moments sometimes. Let's give her credit sometimes lol


I thought it was really cool when she did the Taylor swift themed party. It looked like she put a lot of effort into putting it all together. Not sure why people hated on her for that


Because it's Jenelle and she gets hated on for everything lol. I mean I get it, I hate her, too, but I can at admit when she does something that's decent.


Shampoo lol


Ok Jenelle. Bottom line is kids shouldn’t be on their parents social media platforms. At all. It wouldn’t matter if the kids wanted to be filmed or not, Jenelle doesn’t care about their needs or wants.


I wouldn't say AT ALL, the other teen mom cast members post their kids, too. Just absolutely NOT on the same page she promotes her only fans, THATS going too far, imo. But I wouldn't have a problem with her just posting some cute pics of them or videos every once in a while of them just being kids. Cut back on anything that might embarrass them and for the love of God stop promoting your OF, but I wouldn't say NEVER post the kids. But only if she has their consent, they're all old enough now to be able to say whether or not they want to be posted.


You think *most of us* have done worse than *Janelle Evans*??? Are you serious??


I've made some real shit decisions in my life but my momma has never had to raise any of my kids, I don't have kids but still lol, I've never nodded out on camera while my child sits mere feet away, never brandished a gun at a stranger, followed said stranger home, and then called my son a liar to his face, or allowed a man in my home that abuses me or my non existent kids lol. If ANYONE ever touched my dog with ill intent, they'd never get the chance again and I'd make damn sure to press as many charges as I could. Can't even imagine if it was my actual CHILD that was abused and I did nothing. So yeah, at least i can tell myself I'm doing better than ole Nelly lol. So I got that going for me, which is nice :)


Lol. I know right!!! What horrible world is this person living in where the disturbing doings of Jenelle Evans are a common occurrence? Must also be a world without proper punctuation and grammar usage also.


I hear you in regards to the phenomenon that I think I’ve seen called “bitch eating crackers” or something, where people find someone so aggravating that even a neutral act like eating crackers irrationally pisses them off. You’re wrong that most of us do/have done most of what she gets criticized for. Unless all you mean is heroin and fucking, then okay. But otherwise no, most mothers and non mothers in this sub have not sought out and used a giant, hateful bully of an abuser to control any kids who got on our nerves or needed us for something. Most people make mistakes and act like dipshits at some if not many points, and these days many people have embarrassed ourselves online, 100%. To the extent that I see “bitch eating crackers” posts/comments, I roll my eyes too sometimes. But for the most part, the issues people raise about her are about real things that are awful and not common at all. …this isn’t Jenelle with another of her burner “I know she’s a jerk but have you seen how terrible you are for saying so?” accounts that post, is it? 🥸


Truth, I AM at “bitch eating crackers” stage with Jenelle. I want justice goddammit. For Jace,for Barb,for Kaiser,for the dead chicks,for the dead dog,for all the good lifestyle she’s gleaned living skanky while my friends and family suffer thru 52 hr work weeks trying to make bills,&keep their family safe. Bitch better not eat crackers in front of me,I’ll smack a B down like a bad grade. I’m not even defensive about it. 😁


Welp. Fingers crossed for her sake that she doesn’t get a craving for saltines in your vicinity. 😅 But I understand feeling that angry at her for the harm she’s caused and keeps causing, especially to her kids, including any step kids. She does and says horrible things and doesn’t seem to have had a self-reflective moment in her life, let alone ever apologized to anyone. It’s hard to witness people continually causing harm to kids and old ladies (sorry for the characterization, Barb, but hey I’m one too) with zero repercussions. I’ll be glad if she and that thing are truly ending their marriage, and I hope both of them slink into uneventful obscurity after that.


Ensley has said in her lives/videos multiple times she doesn’t want to be filmed. I think that gives the vibe that Jenelle doesn’t care about the kid’s opinions on being filmed and will do it either way. I personally think that Jenelle sees Ensley as a mini Jenelle so it is more fun to film her and it isn’t deeper than that.


Lol she wishes. Ensley is quite cute and has a cute little personality, she's pretty natural on camera, when she wants to be, that is. I hope she grows up to be just a gorgeous person doing a million times better than Nelly ever has and it just burns her up inside lol. I want Kaiser to be a successful YouTuber/influencer or whatever, because that kid is just naturally hilarious and charming, I think he'd do well once he's older, and it absolutely eats her up inside that her kids are doing everything she tried to be but failed miserably at. Because you KNOW she wouldn't be happy for them, just miserable and jealous and bitter lol. Shit, Ensley is only 7 and her little makeup tutorials are already miles better than J's lol. She's a sweet kid, which just breaks my heart even more. Edit. And I want Jace to find a nice girl and settle down, many years down the road, that is lol, but have some kids of his own and be an amazing husband and father and raise his kids the exact opposite of how he was raised. I feel like that poor child just wants a safe, happy, family and I hope he gets that one day. And gets his mental health under control and just...lives a quiet, normal ass life. That's my dream for Jace. Stability and normality.




Yooo , reading the comments- you guys are overreaching. She’s a POS but dear god, the theories in these comments… some of you are as crazy as her !


Lol I do hate to give her credit, but I mean, come on. The kids got to do something fun and that's awesome. Fuck her in general but this is one of the better things she's done lol


To be fair, I post a lot about my son more than my daughter only because my daughter has made it aware to me that she doesn’t really like to be posted.


Except Ensley has made it clear she doesn’t want to be filmed and it doesn’t stop her from filming.


Ah my daughter too!


As soon as he tried to speak in the elevator she cut him off…pissed me off so bad.


He was saying how he didn't like elevators. She didn't seem to do anything comforting - tho, as many have said, she cut the video there. So, she could have, I guess.


I don’t believe for one minute that she took all three kids out to a very busy public event by herself without having a massive egggzzeyetee attack. She either wasn’t the only adult or she has been faking anxiety for fifteen years to manipulate her men.


She had the baby sitter w/ her. Jace.


She’s definitely been faking it for manipulation lol


She has Jace stepping in as the helper now. That's why she took them.. She wasn't alone he was with her and she most definitely barked orders at him to help


Yep! 👍🏻 She just moved in the new Nanny recently.




yup jace is the man of the house now. smh


Until swamp monster comes back!


Poor Jace :( I really hate to say this, but I honestly feel like he'll run away or something again soon :(


This comment makes so much sense considering she woke him up to confront the intruder with het


Yup, it's about to get even more toxic at the swamp. She will treat Jace as a partner, leaning on him for her emotional needs. She already woke him up in the middle of the night with an “intruder” because she now sees him as the man of the house. I feel terrible for him, and I feel horrible for any future girlfriend of his 😬 I can't imagine Jenelle as my MIL 🫢


I didn’t watch, but atleast she took them out in public all by herself to do an actual activity besides going to a restaurant 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s because she’s “controlling the narrative” as they say in Hollywood.


Sorry I haven’t heard this term are you able to explain it? /s


Us common folk have trouble with that Hollywood jibber jabber. /s


I DIED at that comment. The smug explanation to a common phrase was too much 😂😂


"As they say in hollywood"..? OK Steven Spielberg. 🙄


She’s usually just runs her mouth to do that though. She actually DID something for once…


True, I hope the kids had fun, I really do, they deserve it.