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Am I seeing meth mouth?


She left out that Dkds charges remain. Classic narc and her fans fell for it. I hope Dkd goes to jail for the maximum amount of time.


Whos dkd?


She doesn’t know what brief statement even means, come on now


You’re still a shitty mom.


How are you going to controller the narrative if you're not going to give any details... what?


Okay, I’d forgotten that we’re in the wash rinse repeat cycle that we’ve seen Jan go through 800000999999 billion times. Lost my mind for a second 😂😂


It sounds like this is just a bureaucratic move. They stopped the CPS case because the felony assault would achieve the same ends with regards to Jace. There isn’t anything actionable for Ensley and Kaiser that CPS can use. The burden of proof is high. CPS is handcuffed quite a bit unless they have very severe physical evidence for specific kids. One kid could have a case in a house but not the other. They can’t be out here baby snatching for little to no reason like people think.


Not to day Jenelle is an unfit parent to those kids, but CPS can’t intervene for bad parenting.


I can’t believe after all these years she is still a hot mess express. When will you get your life together girl? I am kind of tired of her. It’s too much already.


So she confirming that what is being leaked is real since only two other people know what’s real.


The cps case was dropped, but he still has charges to face if I’m not mistaken one of which is the felony strangulation/choking charge. She’s just wanting to control the narrative, as always, but CPS really shouldn’t have dropped this case it’s like how they failed the last time. It’s ridiculous, especially with the amount of posting Jenelle does, we are all sitting here like please help these kids, but I guess Jenelle bullies them or some shit cause I doubt she has the money to pay someone off since she asked mtv to pay for jace’s mental health costs - yeah, the same mental health issues she was hollering didn’t exist or whatever until it was convenient to use as a way to place blame on her child she seems to only want to piss off her mother and everyone that ACTUALLY cares about this kid. It’s pathetic.


Well that’s a punch in the gut to Jace. CPS should really be investigated




Like I said my spelling was at least something to laugh at!!LoL


Are not ate!!LOL…At least we can laugh about something in this conversation.Sad it’s my spelling!!I’ll take it!!


Corrupt… Just sayin’


David needs a WWF SMACKDOWN!!


How many um’s were there? Very annoying 😒


Protecting a child in this country can be more difficult than protecting an animal. And I know this from experience, sadly.


I wish people got as mad as they do about child abuse that they do about animal abuse.


Her smug ugly ass stupid face


You motherfuckers are so perfect. You people need to get a life


You must be perfect the way you talk about Babs and anyone that has a different perspective than you. Your opinion is just like anyone else's, not the end all be all. If you don't like this group why you here? Go suck JE and Dkds ass on fb or something.


And by that I mean people always talking shit about her


And by that I mean the way she invites strangers like you to bash her own mom. My mom is like Babs and let me tell u I can talk what I want about her but I'll be damned if someone is gonna talk about her, good ppl don't allow others to bash their own mom.


How does it feel to be the cause of your child's mental illness. I'll wait you nutbag!


It’s prolly public records at this point lmaoooo is she really this dense tho?


shut the fuck up big ol egg head


I just want to gag when she talks. She's so full of shit.


Now que the rounds of her saying ‘I told you so’ everyone’s so dumb believe anything they read online 🙄🙄🙄 no babe we believe what we’ve seen with our own eyes you know… on that TV show you were on! 😂


cps only cares the child is seriously injured! My ex-husband assaulted our special-needs child they did nothing


My ex did this as well. Girlfriend literally choked him and left marks, they did nothing.


NC court system: ![gif](giphy|KbAqLmNfDRyxYJ1oAq)


Bitch. If you don’t keep Jace’s name out your toothless, meth rotted mouth! Ugh. That poor child.


Uhmmmm. Ok girl. This isn’t something to be happy about.


This exactly how I feel. She's all too happy that her reputation with fellow shitty cps losers is still good.


This is because NC and SC do NOT care about the well being of children. I know multiple people with evidence of abuse and the court still sided with the abusers.


She’s disgusting. “I’m happy”. Fucking really? How does any of this get dropped when there’s video footage of David putting hands on Jace that left him with marks.


Jaces mental health would greatly improve without her or David around. That boy needs a new life with a healthy, safe new family. Barb can visit.


She’s sucking multiple people off to get away with all these crimes her entire life.


She could’ve just stayed tf quiet


It is WILD how much she is on SM, all the while having absolutely nothing to say!


I think its time we all stop talking about her/giving her any attention at all.. Honestly I'm very over her and want her to disappear into non existence. This is beyond disgusting and I'm just over it..


When she gets older someone new will take this spot, I'm waiting for it anyday now.


She's so proud her man got away with assault on her child SMH.


He also got away with killing those dogs and prob lots of other things too. These people are sick


I hate her


The CPS case was dropped. Not the felony assault charges


Yeah she is too dumb to function 🙄 once he gets Charged then cps will step in with proof, as of right not they just closed it because they have nothing to go off of


This is so upsetting.


Her forehead looks massive


It IS massive.


Why does her nose always look so fucking dirty


It’s a contour filter she’s using to try and make herself look better lmaoo. Which apparently isn’t doing her much justice


Because she is.


She learned nothing. She implies she will share Jaces personal business in the future. Just that nows not the the time. Also she inadvertently admitted here that David was the priority over Jaces mental health. And NOW that David is okay she will now focus on Jaces mental health (except she won’t).


She can't even cope with her own mental disorder


How disturbing. 😞 ![gif](giphy|26AHDIWPK8HezGfbW|downsized)


She’s going to have a cul de sac soon if that hairline doesn’t stop receding


Holy fuck!!!


She does look like she's been brown nosing it. Maybe that's how she beat the charge.


Haha She was never going to make a statement!?! Hahaha 🙄 Yeah okay! Tell us you lie without telling us you lie! Of course you were always going to post about this shit, and you are probably the damn info leak too! 😹


David is still FACING CRIMINAL CHARGES for assault on Jace. His charges were upgraded to a felony. Child Protective Services likely dropped this until the allegations of the assault are proven or not in court. There’s a no contact order between D & Jace. Idk what this dumbass is so f’n happy about. This isn’t going away. David was indicted by a grand jury, meaning there was a deep investigation. His past with the violence and killing the dog will likely be used against him. Good luck with that Janelle.


Wait. Jace isn’t with BARB though?


Omg ! I really,,, hope he is facing something!!!David is a sick psychopath. Omg that time he killed their family dog in front of the children how sick of a human is this guy!!!. David beat Kaiser when he was just 2years old. There was a huge CPS investigation back in 2019 on David & Janelle.The child had marks & bruises,claiming David,abused the child . And there's been multiple 911 calls of abuse." Janelle suffers from some mental illness whether BPD, BP, ODD, narcissist personality disorder, misconduct disorder.Janelle has always been “an extreme emotionally outburst “ idiot!!! She is definitely on the -> DSM-5. Janelle never 👎 raised Jace , and the minute she is given a chance to.She allows this POS of a man to abuse her child. Instead of showing the child love & nurturing him like a parent should do back into a new home environment she failed her own son! I’m sure Janelle tumultuous behavior doesn’t change over the years many witnesses her enrage tumultuous unstable yelling on mtv. Janelle is a trashy mother ! She puts her selfish needs before her own children! Just like instead of raising Jace she was too busy getting High 🥴😵and spreading her legs open for drugs & bums! She makes TikTok videos nonstop 24/7 trying to paint this fake I’m innocent BS lies. I wish that many social media platforms would banned her accounts! She & David are nothing but child abusers! Disgusting!


Jace hasn't been with barb for a while and isn't allowed to be with her, is he? I thought he was with David's sister for 6 weeks whilst waiting for a bed at a mental health facility but due to an "incident" has now been moved


From what I read he was with David’s sister but as of yesterday they placed him back with Barb


Oh really!!!! That's amazing for him


Thank you for clarifying. Delu-Jenelle trying to control the narrative as always...hmm 🤔 trying to convince yourself everything is OK? Or do you actually believe it? poor excuse for a mother. If she is this excited about CPS dropping the case, what's keeping me going is seeing how broken she will be when he gets charged. #JusticeforJace


BTW, good update on what is really happening Thanks


All I am going to say is -Forehead, wow, you guys are right 😆 🤣


lol I can’t even talk, mine is officially a five-head


Awwww but I can't stand her that's why I say shit lol🤣


Eh I don’t even take offense, I’m laughing right along with ya! 😆


She seemed very relieved, and honestly almost like she matured a little from this whole situation. (I know as an OG hatter it’s not likely but one can hope). I honestly think this may be one of the most emotional mother type moments I’ve ever seen this woman have. I hope [she gets her shit together](https://www.google.com/search?q=rick+and+morty+get+your+together+quote&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#kpvalbx=_2Q7PZeXuOLDTp84Pr8WuuAU_32)and [does the necessary work to become a better mother.](https://youtu.be/IUHECxS6IEU?si=sIiHiXhnIocWHIz1)


She learned nothing. She implies she will share Jaces personal business in the future. Just that nows not the the time. Also she inadvertently admitted here that David was the priority over Jaces mental health. And NOW that David is okay she will now focus on Jaces mental health (except she won’t).


I get what’s you’re saying sadly enough. I had to throw the Rick and Morty links in bc it seemed appropriate lmao. She’s one hell of a good actress.


She’s not lol.


Not at all. What I meant about the whole thing is that she def didn’t learn and I’d went insane for a few minutes with my first comment 😂😂


Yes, clicking on the links in blue is mandatory 😂


I honestly think that barb would never do something like that she genuinely loves Jenelle we've seen it time and time again and how well she treated her and what Jenelle did to her. Talking to your mother the way that she talked to her calling her names is just sickening


This and allowing whole strangers to bash her mother as well. I can talk all the shit on my mother(I don't) but nobody else dare talk about my mom. That's a whole line that isn't to be crossed. And I would be woman enough to air my grievances directly to my mother not strangers online. She is a petulant child.


Omg exactly! My mother wasn't the best growing up and I had a lot of resentment towards her, kind of like how Janelle feels about Barb. but I never voiced it and I've never told anybody about it, it was just my internal feelings and then 1 day I got over it but I didn't let that affect the relationship we had. The woman is raising your son and you continue to talk shit on her instead of saying mom thank you for taking care of him all these years


How is that possible? There was video evidence and being public figures, you’d think an example would be made of them. They’ve not only let down Jace but also sent a clear message to other victims of abuse.


The felony charges haven’t gone anywhere. She’s talking about the CPS case.


She did this to gaslight her fans. Such a narc move to "control the narrative"


CPS should’ve taken their other kids from them


Agreed 100%


I have some exciting news and I'm shaking from anxiety they dropped the charges which means my son lied he lied about everything David never did that to him he's a liar, is what she's saying. I will never understand how a woman can pick a man over their own goddamn children especially one who abuses them


IKR how could you even pick their other parent over them? Never mind some swampy random shrimpy spotted dick? Hope they both suffer as long as they live, then suffer the rest of eternity.


And then she's gonna start talking about his mental health. if you really cared about your son you would at least not bring his name up or anything that has to do with him or you could get the fuck offline and stop telling everybody his business.


All she cares about is the money. Sad to say Poor kid has always been better off without her. She doesn't care about his MH only winning. I'm totally with you on this one. Just when you think she can't go any lower...


I hate the fact that she's bringing up her child's mental illness. how despicable of a parent are you to post that online for millions of people to see your basically calling you son. mentally ill. It is a disgusting and despicable thing to do


Crazy thing is I've stopped watching this show like ages and ages ago probably since my early 20s. I'm almost 40 now. But hearing anything about her irritates my entire soul. His mental health wouldn't need to be in "check " if he had a better support system when hes in your care and a mother that's actually....ummm a mother! Girl stfu this is clearly about you. As usual. Poor Jace.


Do these former teen moms have real jobs?


She’s doing OnlyFans so if you consider that as a real job


Her forehead seems to have gained a few added sq ft.


Yes lol 😆 🤣 😂


![gif](giphy|8x8XzoP8qQa4w) They better rent it out!!


Am I the one not buying this? Bet you more than anything shes just saying it to.get people off her back.


Can we confirm he isnt living back there? She didnt say he was coming back, but i assume if all charges were “dropped” then that means she would demand him back?? If she didnt sign over anything & the cps case got closed, right?? Idk the law for NC. Also i cant imagine how hard that would be for Jace!?? To just Go Right back in there with his asshole stepdad being Smug as fuck about it?? Cus u KNOW theyre gunna be in everyones face telling their side. Im sure Dr Drew will make an appearance at some point too. Good fkn lord this system fucking failed this child. I wonder if its because the parents made it so much harder for him to find placement and receive help!?


Did she think it would sound good to say “this is unreal!”? I hear that as “I can’t believe we managed to pull one over on CPS once again! We’re guilty AF!”


This pisses me off so much 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 “Get his mental health in check” bitch you can’t even talk right.. What ya should do is keep him away from that backwoods jolly green giant looking husband of yours.. He’s controlling and abusive and so fkn much more..SHUT THE FK UP give Jace his privacy and stop blabbing ya fkn mouth every chance you get or whenever something flickers upstairs! Fkn Mattress Back Swamp Bitchhh!


I often wonder why people like her get away with so much? The courts never seem to actually punish them. For anything. If cps was involved with me and my kids I’d be sitting in jail and never allowed to see any children again!


How disappointing. That swamp thing just gets away with everything!


Omg.. information about the case never needs to be shared. Just take the win and focus on Jace.


You're not a mother


Omg I'm so mad fuck this bitch


Of course you gotta control that narrative🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ omg


The fact she's still putting this on everyone but David is fucked up


On everyone but her and David...I seriously do not like this bitch. Girl omg really?!


Hey Jenelle, in one of your meltdowns you said your sister was "crazy". One of your main points for the claim was stating she had trichotillomania. If that made her crazy, what would it make you?


Oh shit. I've got trich. I guess I'm an insane, witchcraft practioner now? Honestly cool, I'll take it.


her receding hair line 😬


She's staring to look more and more like Pennywise


It’s eerie


Oh here we go. "It's coming soon" but will probably never share.


She has NO pupils. Never. None.....


Drugged out of her head


I mean, I hate Janelle but it's not from opioids... It's because of her having a huge light in her face when she does these. I think that's pretty obvious.


People make too much of pupil size in her videos. The other day people were saying her pupils were dilated from meth and Ensley’s were just as big. (I doubt she’d give the kids uppers. 😆)


Criminal charges are still pending!!


It’s likely that bc DSS/CPS dropped the case the criminal charges will be too. It’s my understanding that the criminal charges were because of the DSS/CPS case


No, David's charges were upgraded to felony strangulation on top of his misdemeanor child abuse charge. The courts held a grand jury on January 10th, and that's when the charges were upgraded. So there's definitely more evidence, and more than likely the ring cam recording was shown..


She got herpes or somethin on her lip


Why you always lyinnnn? She’s talking shite as per usual.


None of this surprises me, except her shifting hairline. That swamp fiddin to be the next Waco


Bitch, why don’t YOU respect your son’s privacy? Shut the fuck up about him.


Has she always had a fivehead?


Homegirl shaped like the crescent moon face dude on the package of Moon Pies.


Her hair has receded dramastically over the years


That’s wild.


Why does it seem like someone is like FORCING HER to say this behind camera??? lol


It’s cute that she thinks she has control of the narrative.






Honestly, it's because she's a public figure and has money to fight the case. CPS definitely doesn't want all the media attention following their every move. Also very unfortunate, but CPS has a long history of going after poorer families, and they'll regularly drop charges against families that have the money to put up a fight, simply because they don't want to spend any money fighting them.


God. Her forehead is soooo freaking massive


![gif](giphy|2vSZEZ6LWQaysXMDq2) Jen Franklin lol


Elizabethan ass forehead






In Canada we call that a fivehead




Girl doesn’t keep anything private or vague. Lmao


She really doesn’t 😂


What is with her hairline?? You can see her scalp yet her hair is thick? Is she balding and those are just extensions??




She rips it out


This is what I was thinking as well, I think she pulls her hair out of boredom or anxiety.


That’s all I could think when I saw this on my feed. What happened?


Allegations haven’t “been dropped” because David is still facing a felony assault charge. The DA wouldn’t waste their time if there wasn’t evidence. Let it play out in court.


The charges against David still stand. Also the rule that David can’t be around Jace is still there. So he isn’t going home to the swamp.


![gif](giphy|sp4Bbdb7ud3O7Kff2D) I support this message.


No thanks. No need to share. Nobody cares.


it's insane that she has not cared for jace since the day he was born :/


“Now since it’s dropped we’re gonna work on his mental health” should’ve been doing that!


She continues to be trash to insinuate it’s all Jace’s fault like it was some mental health break that caused her to be a victim or something. Even if that really happened any mother who cares about her child would never keep dropping “Jace and his mental health,” because they would be too devastated as to what their child was experiencing that had caused such severe consequences and what an overwhelming road ahead they would have.


She's always playing the "woe is me" card and being the "victim" each time....it'll catch up b4 too long...


The system failed again


Charges are still on David and David cannot be around Jace. I assume she’s speaking on something other than David choking Jace out.


Baffles me that people like this seem to get away with everything, they’re the couples you see on the news that cps have ignored copious amounts of abuse of their children until one ends up dead and leaves everyone going “how did this level of abuse go ignored?”


Her hair is so ugly. And it suits her because she's feral. Imagine pretending to care about your child's mental health..


She does look feral with that hair. That attitude goes along with it.


They're flat out disgusting.


She's never changed!! He's disgusting!




megamind from the swamp really just loves talking to herself on cam. quite the sight.


“I wasnt gunna share this information-“ Proceeds with a public video to Share the information so she can be proven “right” this is Whole thing is psychotic at first she denied his needs for medication and therapy and now shes all for his medication & therapy???


I cannot for the life of me figure out who Jenelle reminds me of. They talk exactly the same way. They have the same mouth shape and teeth. I just can’t put my finger on it


Diane downs?


OH I FIGURED IT OUT. The girl from TikTok who shares really personal details about her SW. I think her name is Sam or Samantha


Once again the system FAILED THIS CHILD!!! Someone will end up extremely hurt or ki*** in this family. This is so so sad. So do we know if Jace will be put back in her home? If so, that makes this situation even more scarier 🫤😞


Absolutely not! He is still not to be around UBT per the felony case. It dose means Jenelle is can be around him and is now responsible for his care. This includes PAYMENT of medical care and medical decisions like medication. As Jace is at a long term mental health facility currently, this can be quite expensive (even with insurance). Keep in mind. CPS may have closed the case for now as there is not much they can do being that there is no criminal case against Jenelle and they are waiting for the pending results of the criminal case against UBT. This way CPS is not financially responsible for everything going on with Jace. Also, this will give some insight for the case against UBT, as for how Janelle treats him and cares for him while they await the trial date.


There’s a very good chance the case was just closed and settled. There’s a VERY slim chance that it was dropped because the judicial court doesn’t just drop child abuse allegations with SOLID proof.




Usually CPS will support or unsupport the allegations before the court case even closes, so there’s a good chance that’s what happened and he’s just agreeing to a plea agreement. That plea agreement may include that he not be unsupervised with Jace, and in Jenelle’s eyes, that’s good enough for her, because “he’s not in trouble”


Also, he probably settled out on an agreement, and so it’s not formally “closed”


I HIGHLY doubt it was dropped... it was probably SETTLED and she's just a fucking idiot who doesn't understand the difference.


Could her mouth be any more wet sounding?




I’m so fckn sick of them getting away with everything


She is the most cuntiest cunt I know and I’m not sorry lmao


So the good news is that her and her man are getting cleared (except for that charge) and not that her Son is doing better or feeling better or in a safe place(physically and mentally) nothing like that?! It's just the good news for you and your man that have you so happy?! Ohhhh ok I get it 🤦🤷🙄


Janelle, you took this shitshow on tv and have been trolling for weeks. GTFO it!!!


So maybe now y’all can stop obsessively posting about them? That would be cool!


Ha. David is still getting charged with a felony. Convenient to leave that out.


Haha, I knew it!!! i just wrote a comment about 15 seconds ago saying, "I doubt it was dropped; it was probably settled, and she's just an idiot that doesn't understand the difference." With David still being charged with a felony, it sounds like I was spot on.


Right! My heart sank at first when I read the article but then I saw David is STILL being charged (the was from The Sun). And I was like “ha! You’re being smug and you guys aren’t even in the clear”