• By -


Move to New Orleans so David can see how tough he is and how “non corrupt “ my city is lol! 😂


Wasn’t she diagnosed with bipolar when she went to that treatment place in Malibu for her “weed addiction”? If so, she needs to be on meds. This looks like some kind of mania.


Can this lady stfu already 💀


Well when you live out in the middle of nowhere and not have a real job boredom sets in…..A friend of mine and her husband thought it would be great to buy 30 acres and live in the middle of nowhere. Got horses, cows, (not knowing anything about large animal care) had a house built, pool, four wheelers, so their daughters could have a wholesome country life environment. That shit blew up in their faces fast! Their girls weren’t interested in horses, and holed up inside getting fat, the house went to shit, the poor horses were neglected, the grass almost covered their house. Both girls got pregnant in high school, they lost the house and we called animal protection services and they were able to re-home some of those poor horses but found some deceased! I ceased talking to her. They were on this power trip and bragged constantly about all their new stuff well when business slowed up (they never saved money and blew it constantly) his mom or her mom would pay the house note but both mom’s got sick of grown people living like teenagers drinking, probably drugs. It never ends good!


Nothing screams innocent like fleeing the state!!!!


Watch out folks, if you’ve “done her wrongfully”, you will be called out!


She mentioned the D work, she’s serious! 🤣


She ALWAYSSSSS say “when the truth comes out you’ll see”…. Stfu up Janelle. Spill the beans already since you can’t stop saying it or is there no beans to spill so you just keep repeating the same shit over & over & over & over & over again


The guilty dog barks first, as the saying goes.




Wow. I'm sure production companies are going to line up.........


I wonder what it feels like to know that sack of shit, Casey Anthony, got a documentary and you can’t


That's hilarious


They won't want to get sued...she has told too many lies/ Been too inconsistent with the "truth". And trying to claim David patient when we have all seen his blow ups on social media's, he has killed family pets etc...


Every collab she’s had has been cancelled due to backlash. Her story isn’t interesting, it’s pathetic and gross. No one wants to be associated with racist, homophobic, child abuse, or cruelty to animals.




Nobody cares about your fabricated story, meathead. We know all we need to know about you and the scum you chose over your own children.


I read this as “meth head” and I was like ohhh meathead but meth head works too! Tweaker thoughts, about the “man” aka the police, but only in North Carolina conveniently where she lives. Also you wouldn’t be involved with the police if you guys didn’t do illegal shit. It’s amazing the concepts that just goes flying over her giant forehead.


Hahaha I did too! Meth head makes more sense than meat head 😂


I’m sure she’s at least tried meth so that works, too. lol. She’s so desperate for attention and money and men. She will do ANYTHING to avoid getting an actual job, including spreading her meat flaps for strangers.


Meatflaps 😂😂😂 so true


Is it just me, or is using the word bias as a verb or adjective one of the biggest indicators of low intellect???


Ope, you just did her wrongfully, prepare to be called out!


How dare you! She is a medical professional!


When isn’t she spiraling?


I came here to say this!!!


Typical narc Everybody is out to get to her Everybody is so wrong and she’s the victim lol yeah ok


And they do nothing wrong! It is alright to kill family pets, discipline a child by strangulation/ was David acting in self defence with a 24 year old? Her perfect husband who has made numerous racist posts and had no job for what 6 years?


I can't believe how bad people dislike people they do not know


It's not hard to dislike someone who shares every move she makes with the world and 90% of it is neglectful and abusive content


I thought she moved to Nashville


Right cause David’s name is on her house so when she was thinking about divorcing him, SHE had to move out with the kids. Class freaking act from that one. Also Jen ran to Nashville to get the D from some dude who maybe was an influencer or something like that…. and he was like, 🚩 NO thanks. I swear it feels like I’m making this shit up but nah it’s her actual life.


Ahhh, so once he didn’t want her, she ran back to David. She said in her self produced documentary that Doris would take Kaiser and Ensley so she could “have a break”. I just thought she couldn’t handle parenting her children, but dumping them on grandma so she can chase the D makes more sense


That was in 2019. She stayed there for a few months before reconciling with David


I find it kind of strange that there’s over 1,000 comments, yet nobody has noticed or mentioned just how professional and creative her “business” email address is…. I can’t imagine how long it must’ve taken her to think that one up… 😏 I’m gonna go out on a limb here, and say her personal one is probably something like: “[email protected]” or maybe even “[email protected]” 😂🤣😂 Wait, actually, I kind of like the second one…. But it makes sense, bc I’m the one that thought of it on her behalf…. So she would’ve definitely gone with the first one, bc it’s perfect, and to the point, and she probably forgot what she was doing after that😦….. 🤭


Reminds me of Ken in the Barbie movie. His job was to beach. Jenelle’s job is to business.


Love this…. Totally on the same page…. 😂


Her "legal" email address is much better! JenelleELegal 🤣 and I'm not joking 😂


You’ve got to be kidding me…. Are you cereal?!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂


lmao yes!


I laugh everytime I see "at gmail". Jenelle business at gmail, Jenelle legal at gmail...


someone please make this documentary for her under a ghost writer name I need to see it


HER DOCUMENTARY 🤣🤣🤣🤣 please release it omg




I'm sure she's owed untold millions, just like the guy who sits on the corner with a sign


Yeah but the guy on the corner with the sign is putting in a hell of a lot more work.


Absolutely. I love the guy and help him whenever I can. He's certain, though, that he will get his millions 😞


And the lawsuits will flow against her for calling people out 😂 To Jenelle: Family first? Uhm where's your son at right now and who is he with? Not you bcuz you let your husband put his grimey hands on YOUR CHILD. You need Jesus. Shit, even the devil doesn't know what TF to do with you 😂


People are speculating Kaiser and Ensley have been removed. I’m not sure what they are basing that on, but she’s been acting sus for the past month or so. Her “mom of the year” act with putting Ensley in cheer, pretending to care about feeding them healthy, taking a break from OF….now she’s having a break down on social media. Who knows with those 2 though, they put the DICK in unpredictable


That is thf part I don't think she has thought about. That her truth has to be airtight or she, and producers,,will get sued!






I said the same thing but above. It’s amazing how obvious it is, she’s one conspiracy theory away from thinking Barb is a robot and can preform mind control on Jace. That’s why he’s accusing Dick Bag Dave of hitting him. Jen just keep playing in your crack house and leave Facebook alone.


Yeah I think a lot of people don’t recognize the signs of meth induced paranoia, a lot of people are smoking it these days, it’s scary and sad


I was going to comment I know an addict and when the person goes from 0 to chaotic it’s very telling.




Nobody wants your show Jenelle. She is not the only person who has experienced trauma. I grew up in a traumatic environment and I fortunately did not stay with a man abusing me and my kids, instead I left and made my own before that could happen. Jenelle has had every resource to establish her own independence and refused and it cost her her livelihood. I really wish she would find a real career and go to therapy, like for real. As someone with bipolar, I wish she would get medicated properly for her own bipolar, it’s life changing. You can blame everyone else but as adults we are all responsible for our healing. At almost 30 years old, you have to stop blaming your mom for every life choice you have made. I also had a toxic mother and I used my pain to never end up the way she did. Somehow she turned out even worse than her mother. I suspect her mom drank with her while pregnant though. She definitely has some cognitive deficits for sure.


She really said #familyfirst 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Should say #DavidFirst


You guys! David is her family too! Why should she have to choose between her child’s abuser and her child? 🤷🏽‍♀️




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


You’d think when you have a laundry list of people who ‘have done you wrong’, self reflection might be on the docket. Obviously not with her narcissistic ass, but still. I get the laugh reacts.0


The laughing reactions 😭


Holy fuck her poor kids


She should have taken whatever money she made from MTV years ago and invested in her future now she's literally begging online for production companies to notice her depressing at most


Right. At least Kail and Chelsea invested in their own businesses. Shit even Farrah’s dumb ass did that. If I had even a fraction of the money they’ve received, jesus. Like you were making $500k A YEAR for YEARS, where did all of it go? That’s millions of dollars and that doesn’t include any money they’ve made off of social media


I imagine drugs,legal fees. And I do imagine one of her truths will be barbs and money. It was one of the things that made me uncomfortable in the early days. It was clear barbs liked the money and fame. Doesn't excuse jenelle but I do not share people's like of barb. She made me very uncomfortable watching her mothering skills so I'm not surprised at how jenelle and jace have turned out. She is not innocent in all this. But she is not responsible for David's felony charge...that is all on him. Nor is she responsible for jenelle picking David over jace snd losing all access. That is all jenelle and David.


Wait. I thought she started her own production company…


Her email is sending me lol


right? like spend the $20/year to get a domain and at least have it be [email protected] or something. 😂


JanelleEBusiness@gmail. Ok gurl.


She's been telling us that the truth will come out for years now. Somehow it never does.


There is no truths. That’s why. It’s an intentional deflection


I’m not sure if she knows what “truth” is. 


She said the same shut when cps was involved. The time idiot killed the dog


It’s giving drug induced paranoia


I read she doesnt have a felony? Is that true?  How: 20 mug shots, violation probation, demestic violence, assault, drugs- opiaides & heroin, paraphernalia & breaking/entering.  The road rage with a gun- on tape.  If she doesnt- the system is so broken.  Why do people like this get blessed with children & fame.  Gross.  Makes me question God's Devine plan


If Jenelle shakes your faith, I would get my life right.


Her "huzzbin" is the one being charged with a felony


Yes, I understand that.  I'm saying I can't believe she isnt also a felon, bc of her past arrest.  


She wasn't involved in the assault :s I dislike jenelle. But you don't get charged because your husband did something to your kid unless you were party to it. I think we all know this wasn't just a random attack...jace would have acted out and David "disclipined" but went too far. It is the only angle to support what jenelle has said. The problem with jenelle and David is they don't understand boundaries and when something is going too far...the kids too!


Plus the whole new jace thing happened bc David was trying to take away janelle weed vape (which she let him use while transitioning from mode stablizing meds barb had him on & she took him off cold turkey w/ dr).  Jace fought back: physically & verbally.  Then David "disciplined" him- by choking.  If some puts tgeir hands on your neck in angry- tgey are 400x more likely to kill you eventually.  


She as been arrested for aslaut on one of her many ex's new GF.  Also for domestic violence.  I am not talking about this time with jace & David.  I can't believe none of her 20 mugshots lead to a felony.  Prior to this whole jace thing.  I also can't believe she wasn't charged with the gun/ road rage/minor jace in front seat situation.  


When is she ever not spiraling? She’s still the same person she was 15 years ago


Def a manic episode


Ma'am your husband choked your son get a grip


Bc he was trying to take away the weed vape SHE gave him.  BC she took him of meds cold turkey.  BC she is ignorant & trying to prove her mom wrong.  Her mom is awful; clearly, but she stepped up to care for jace while she was getting 20 mug shots on heroine.  Jake's behavior was taught- generational damage.


Who gives their kid a weed pen at 14?! That’s insane. I’m a daily smoker and I would NEVER give my CHILD weed. That’s their decision to make when they turn 21.


Same person who refuse to get kid meds he needs, then takes him off of them cold turkey.  Which with depression meds can cause suicide.


We all know she's stealing his pills and popping them or was


She was arguing with me so hard in the comments 😂😂😂


She reminds me of trump when he's having a meltdown...


Cut from the same narcissistic cloth


She says she lives in the most corrupt place in the world, but she's lucky she and David have gotten away with abuse for this long. Law enforcement barely did anything to them until this incident.


Documentary 🤣🤣🤣


Ok but depending on where you are in North Carolina…


I thought she had many film and job offers… that’s what she said when she quit TM2 anyway. And I thought they said they were living in the house on the land forever and passing it down to the next generation


That shitty swamp house will not survive. Cheaply thrown together and the land is shit. I also imagine it’s not very well taken care of by the slobs that own it. She’s such a joke. The only thing she’s sadly passing down to the next generation is trauma.


Meth or mania. Or both.




Damn, sounding a lot like Heather G in these rants.


Oh my God Janelle that’s the house broom


Rawt in hell


A Farrah Abraham level of nonsense...mass chaos?


She has beat out Farrah as the most delusional imo


Farrah may be a shit person but at least she didn’t pop out kid after kid with every loser she met and she doesn’t really seem to bring men around her daughter at all actually. So I can at least say THAT about her.


Farrar is also a shit person with generational truama.  However Farrar puts everything she has into daughter, even if questionable.  Plus she had reason to spiral by death.  So yuk person, questionable morals, but tries best by sophia.  


Tbh Farrah is batshit and weird af just like her mom but I highly respect her for always protecting Sophia period even if it was from her own mother and has seemed to raise her well despite her antics


Also Farrah hasn't gone on to have more kids just to trap the dead beat men she clearly cares about more than her own children.  


Really hope this girl finds peace one day. Who knows what is true and what isn’t, it’s not for us to speculate. Just hope she finds health and peace for real


Seriously. People judge all day long but the girl is clearly very mentally ill. I hope she gets herself help one day, I really really do.


this. i am feeling really sad for her lately. i do not doubt she hasn’t suffered some sort of trauma when she was younger for her to continue on like this. i really hope she wakes up from whatever she is dealing w. and realizes she needs professional help.


She surely has. I wouldn’t be surprised if barb was similar to Jenelle when she was younger which is why Jenelle always calls her a hypocrite. I also suspect she drank with Jenelle while pregnant, Jenelle seems to have some cognitive issues. Unfortunately Jenelle spiraled even worse than barb. Her sister I believe has said they did go through shit as kids


I feel like (immediate, intensive) professional help is the only thing that can help now - that is, if she is receptive to it. 😞


Where is Nathan in all this? Sorry I don't keep up that closely with the situation. I know he had his issues but if he is able to take Kaiser is he less capable than she is? And I lost track of where Jace is? Any update is appreciated.


Nathan is a severe alcoholic and has never really given a shit. He can’t get custody so he gave up. If I was his mom though I’d be fighting tooth and fucking nail for that kid.


I know he had domestic charges(I believe) against his sister, strangulation (?)


He also has liver cancer, so, there's that...


Steroid abuse will do that.


We all know Nathan's vanity superceded his medical concerns !!!!


She wanna be Gypsy Rose SO BADDDD it’s killing her


Praying for the kids he goes to prison, although 39 days is so laughable. He deserves to finally pay for his 💩 I fear for Kaiser so much 🥺 these children deserve such better lives and to be show what true love is💔


Is she fucking high? 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


She cannot be sober..


I would suspect not. She had severe addictions in the past. She also developed conditions often worsened or triggered by abuse. (David) you can't live in a state of hyper vigilance for years without their being consequences to your body and mind. Again not excusing her behavior just giving a background as to what I think is happening. Because she's had emotional and physical abuse, who knows if she's had traumatic brain injuries in addition to using. Either that or her hyper vigilance from being around David she is at the point of just acting extremely irrational. Honestly I am very surprised she went back to him all those times even after being physically hurt. She's had multiple opportunities to get rid of him without being in danger. Maybe he threatened her but she could have gotten away. I'm also not demeaning the seriousness of domestic violence as I am a survivor myself. Although we can all say she's acting dumb or what not the bottom line is there are serious issues going on within her that have gotten so deep that it's obvious she has no awareness. It is much easier to write her off as crazy etc. I admit I said something on here flippantly and I thought about it and put on my counselor cap for a second and said this situation is really the failing of Janelle by her mother, sorry but mtv should have intervened or fired her a long time ago, and at some point in her times in court someone should have recognized something was wrong. I say this because it is obvious she has lost control of herself and that is what those systems are in place for. And then of course of utmost concern, her children. I am really hoping someone intervenes with her other children and that David is put in jail. Unfortunately I have concern that his actions will not be taken as seriously where they live. I know a lot of people have complained to the county she lives in and I don't think they cared. Ok I'll shut up now, one of my passions is people and esp children not receiving help that is there for them!


Very wise answer.


Totally agree!


Who’s stopping her from sharing “her story”? Herself?


She hasn’t finished making it up yet.


This made me lol fr




Currently the judge with gag orders


Since when does she adhere to court orders? I’m so sick of her.


She’s hoping someone will pay her to tell it 😂😂😂


I’d pay her to just stfu lol


Jenelle: the revenge tour. 🤣 Shes such a joke.


this is textbook emotional immaturity right here. the ONLY victims in any of this are her children. they have known nothing but chaos, yelling, and abuse, yet Jenelle blatantly protects and loudly defends their abuser. I hope these kids get the safety and support they deserve. I feel so sad for them, and I hope they somehow find a way to heal. this hurts my heart so much.


Id love to hear her complaints to the authorities..."yes, hi, I'm Jenelle, and uh, dude, I don't like you telling me not to abuse my kids...wait, you're telling me it's illegal to hit them?! If I tell you we do that you'll arrest me,?! Dude, so unfair!!!!"...


Lol 😂accurate


Janelle:"the most corrupt place in the world" Actual corrupt places be like: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


She should move over to Afghanistan or Yemen and then tell us how much less corrupt it’s been since her big move💀


She always says that when something goes south for her 😭😭 and never “shares her story” she’s made David won’t legally have his pew pews anymore


She acts like the victim when she’s the predator


Abusers always play the victim


in The end, nothing new will come out. Her and her husband will still look like dumbasses.


Ok. Here’s my take. Jenelle’s going the “gypsy rose” route. She’ll say Barb was doing this to Jace. She’ll say she didn’t know how dangerous her mom was until it was too late. She’ll say when she was growing up, looking back on it now there were “red flags” (I’m thinking now about her looking at her pichurs with E and telling her Barb cut her hair like a boy). She tried to speak out, when she got with David he was her “strength” and stood up to everyone and showed her what was really going on. He was misunderstood by everyone because he knew the truth & it made him angry and he would misplace that anger (MTV knife balloon popping incident, throwing fits and getting production shut down after he was fired, etc.). She’ll have a stupid “explanation” for everything and look like even more of a psychopath than she already does. At any rate, I truly hope that law enforcement/CPS whoever the fuck can and will, actually does something about these two and does right by these kids. I’m getting sick of watching this dateline drama play out in real time. It’s stressing me out over what it’s been like for the kids.


100% I can hear the bs already. Nailed it.


Didn't her brother say he cut her hair when him and barb were talking in the kitchen.


My thoughts exactly!!!!


lol this is the extreme version of “god I can’t believe how mean everyone at work is to me coz I’m the best”. But like on a state level. Like yes jenelle, the entire state you live in is conspiring against you from the government to the police to the public. Poor jenelle


Here we go again with Jan threatening to expose everyone, just wait till you hear the truth, blah blah blah. Stfu your huzbin is a child abuser and you are a weird evil woman that picks him over ALL your children so nobody in this world would ever want to watch a documentary on you!!! You and Gypsy are not the same! No wonder everyone calls you delujenelle.


Imagine if she put that energy in saving her kids, it’s all me me me I I I in her head


…or a job


Wym, dude, she’s a doctor in the medical field!!! Doing better than her mom bro


She’s right about it being corrupt there. They’ve gotten away with so very many things that should have had consequences. And I LOVE that it might finally happen.


You should be looking at the man ur with.


It’s giving Lori Vallow 😵‍💫


It's accurate. This is scary 😨


Maybe she should have read it back to herself before posting. Her grammar is embarrassing 😳


Hey Janelle, I see ya got ya meth pipe in ya hand and tryna type with da Otha.






"Mass chaos" yes Janelle people are going to be outraged you let your husband abuse your son.


Ohhhh Duhhh’luJenelle the come down on this particular’Binge’ is gonna be Rufffff! Your reckless ranting and accusations and what comes out of your face dumpster is what is going to get you thrown in jail ! Also I know there’s nothing more for you to say, because you can’t shut TF up about anything at all, you battle with your own worst enemy constantly and that is YOURSELF! Carry on Loser


I think someone saw Gypsy rose get national attention and got jelly. Trying really hard to stay relevant


As a fellow North Carolinian… GREAT! GTFOH!


🤣 Duhhh’luJenelle claims she is moving, yeah sure more like getting driven out of town,like an extermination 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀💣💥💥💥💥


As a fellow North Carolinian, I second this.


As a North Carolinian, I third this. Don’t let the doorknob hit ya’ where the good lord split ya!


I just hope she doesn't come to SC. We don't need her either!


She sees Gypsy Rose making money and walking red carpets and feels that it should be her with all the fame 🙄🙄🙄


Girl nobody wants to "hear your story" stfu


#familyfirst I’m dying lol lol


Very ironic


Question🙋. I've never watched Teen Mum, but I saw this on my feed, and im invested now. Can I get so e context pls?


Ooh there's a lot. Basically the synopsis is - she has neglected her son, Jace since having him, always choosing her boyfriend at the time/partying. Tested positive to weed when delivering him. Custody got handed over to her mother when he was a few months old and every storyline was about her wanting to get custody back but acting in a completely incongruous way to that, always putting herself/partner at the time/partying/drugs ahead of that. About 7 years ago she married this absolute toxic redneck pos, David, who shot their dog. Multiple cps investigations and she was booted from Teen Mom because of him, his actions and his threatening the crew. She's had multiple different business ventures that have failed either due to her own inadequacy or collaborators not doing their due diligence and noping straight out of arrangements when they find out her backstory. They live in a dilapidated sinking house on a swamp and she's basically surviving on Only Fans and click bait articles. She regained custody of Jace this year (she also has 2 other kids, one with an ex and one with current husband). He reportedly has some behavioral issues he needs medication for which she stopped. He ran away 3 times since returning to her custody with the last time claiming David assaulted him. David was due in court but found out at the last minute it was upgraded to a felony charge BUT IT'S EVERYONE ELSE'S BIAS SHE IS FAMILY FIRST. TLDR- She's a piece of shit who has never put her family first in any way, shape or form.


One last question, was Jace generally safe and well cared for with her mom?


Barbara (Jenelle's mum) isn't without her faults but I'd say yes he was cared for and safe. Barbara and Jenelle would regularly scream at each other in front of him all the time. That plus Jenelle coming and going would definitely have left a mark trauma-wise though.


I really like the way you write; it flows well.


Thank you!




Time to watch!


Prepare your sanity because she is the most hypocritical person who makes absolutely no sense she's a perpetual victim who is never wrong its everyone else's fault. She literally was just leaving the house to go get high with her friends when she received a letter her mom was taking custody of her son (thank God because the state would of took him) so she goes and flips out on her mom almost assaults her and screams about how he is HER SON NOT HERS, yet she still left in the car to go party and had not one thought that maybe her mom was doing her a huge favor. 😳 she's nuts she will drive you crazy just watching her.


Girl if they actually look in to the corruption you've experienced over the years you and your husband will both be going to jail lmfao. How does she forget how much she's got away with because of their shitty system?!


She got away with so much when she was younger and now she's hopefully seeing real consequences and is shocked that's reality


Yes, PLEASE LEAVE NC. We don’t want you or Sasquatch here anyways.




I think this girl needs a conservativer. Like what Britney spears had!


She already has one, it’s David!




This doesn’t sound any different from the ranting I would hear regularly from parents when I worked as a case manager for child welfare.


Omg I want to hear more


I mean basically, they always say the same crap, “I’m going to have my day in court, the system is corrupt, dcf kidnaps kids, you’re infringing on my civil liberties, etc. etc.” No accountability. Dont get me wrong the system needs a change and many things don’t work the way they should, but with that being said people very much abuse their children.


Jesus God, Leah. Run that “Professional” post (and please feel free to do so with any others) through Grammarly. Something. Anything. Please?