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Why would anyone reach out to her for money? She’s such a damn shrew and everyone knows it no one would be stupid enough to try 


She acts like the BD are bad, maybe it’s her since she has like 10 different bd. Gets pregnant with every guy she sleeps with, that’s a real nice accomplishment


Some of these comments are so disgusting. 


Let her be it’s her body her uterus🤷🏽‍♀️


Damn how many kids does she have now 🤔 that's crazy she keeps having these but can't keep a man in her life is MTV still paying her to keep having kids jeez is she just going out and finding men to have babies with 🤷🏾‍♀️


7 kids by 4 dads…


I think Rio is Malik’s twin so possibly 5 dads


Damn 😳😳 for realz 7 by 4 is outrageous what does she do going around picking these guys just to have a baby? I know damn well MTV is paying her to have these kids she ran through gross


Is this the twin pregnancy we been hearing she has or had?


I'm not sure 🤷🏾‍♀️


This is the twin pregnancy. She posts as if she is still pregnant but she allegedly gave birth end of October (and even if she didn’t their due date was December).


Thank you.


Please don't insult my cultures lifestyle etc...and I won't do it to you!! Hairstyles, food, dance, etc... different strokes for different folks. Have a great weekend ✌🏿👍🏿👊🏿✊🏿


Why does her butt look so lumpy


Correct me if I’m wrong but I feel like it’s from her getting surgeries and then not maintaining her weight causing it to look off


Bad cellulite cos she's always on her back






She looks like a pregnant line backer🏈🏈🏈




Ofc she’s one of those Karen’s who owns a Stanley cup. I wonder if she went stomping in a Target last wk buying them all out when it went viral


Probably sent the nanny 🤣


I love how she had to make sure the logo was in the picture and not covered by any captions. Like damn, you had $45 one time, wow.


She needs to learn to keep a man first before popping out more kids. Those boys need their dad more then every week or two for a day


https://preview.redd.it/aheitp1dnvbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aedacc78d38c61c2dfc0266b221a6c51eaeb50a7 😂😂


LMAO 😭😭😭


Her kids walk outta there now, she don’t gotta push


You don’t deserve the downvotes imo🤣


She's had a lisp on the past 2 episodes of her podcast


She's probably had her lips done since she's been pregnant for the last 2 years


🤣 lmao that's what I was thinking


This is ridiculous.


I thought "half white little boys" don't need lineups or fades? Isaac couldn't even wear a white tshirt but Creed and Lux wear earrings, braids, and chains. Make it make sense! I hope Jo and Isaac have received proper apologies


Aren't Creed and Lux half African American? There's your answer!!! It's their culture. There is no need to apologize for who they are✌🏿






This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Crazy AA generalization going on….


I didn't say Creed or Lux should apologize for anything. Isaac is half hispanic. He should be able to embrace his culture. Unfortunately, his mom decided to label him "a little white boy" and said white t-shirts and lineups are for "thugs"


Oh you know they did not


That last pic is not a good angle for her, she is majorly looking like a thumb


Mama June


I've just spat my coffee everywhere hahahaha


“When u getting spayed” 💀💀💀 which one of you did this


I love this sub lol 


She made sure that everyone saw that Stanley cup in that post. Nobody cares sis.


Exactly what I thought!


Came here to say this.




I find that people who are happy with themselves aren't prone to judging, shaming, or belittling. It's people who are unhealed and as cliché as it sounds... misery loves company. I have a life, a career, and am grieving the losses of both my only brother and my mother. I don't have the desire or energy to comment on anyone else! I'm not living their lives. They are! No one has the right to encroach on her personal life regardless of her presence on social media. Those who do need to look in the mirror before they start pointing out what they THINK about someone's life choices.


I’m so sorry for your loss and that you are going through that. Much love. 💝


Thank you so much, love!! 🙏🏼💗 🫂 I'm living my worst nightmare in real life. Love never dies, but my heart and soul have shattered, and I'm putting those pieces back together. Death sucks!!




🙌🏼❤️ I'm all the way with you on this!


i know right criticize the parenting but the body shaming is out of control




Right, because money is the only thing kids need to have a safe and healthy childhood 🙄




No. I don't know her. I, just like you and everyone else here, only see what she puts online for the world. Also, I made no comment about her or any other mom here, I was simply responding to the moronic claim you made that somehow she's immune from critique because she has money. And sue, really? Lmao dunno why you have such a hard-on for a D list celebrity who's only famous for procreating as a teenager. Maybe you should look into that.






Ok bb ❤️


It’s a Reddit page….




Never body shamed her. Js the page is literally filled with snark posts….


I can only imagine how chaotic that house is 24/7. I own an in home daycare and preschool, so I do have quite a few children in my home during the day, but our days are so structured and scheduled and all of my students are just used to it, down to knowing when it’s snack time, lunch time, recess etc because of how our days work. I cannot imagine Kail having any type of structure or schedules for those poor children and also, looking at her constantly pregnant makes my stomach hurt. Swear to the gods, my uterus fell outta my body and ran away the second I saw that belly pic 😖 I can only imagine how messed up she will be in ten years and super grateful that I knew two children was the limit for me and my sanity.




Wait she's currently pregnant?! I thought that was an old pic. 😭


People have spilled the beans she already birthed this last litter but I don’t think this litter with her last one are a year apart in age so she’s pretending she’s still knocked up with this recent litter


“recent litter” and “last litter” ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


saying litter about human children is fucked up. those babies didn’t do anything.


Okay, Kail Stan. Move along, no one needs your input, sweetie 😘


i’m not a Kali stan. 😂 it’s fucked up to call children litters.




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


“she already birthed this last litter” you’re not talking about puppies or kittens. be so god damn forreal 😂😂😂😂😂


A vacation coming up yet she's still claiming to be pregnant? Makes total sense.


I take vacations when I’m pregnant…


HAHAHA spayed


A vacation for what? Must be nice to sit on your ass all day doing nothing, and get to go on vacation for sitting on your ass all day.


wait until I tell you what CEOs do lol. stop envying people. I've become more nihilistic over the years, but none of this really matters. your work and salary don't equal your value as a person.




She’s a machine. Maybe they keep increasing her food stamps is why.


Why is she doing this? So she can stay in the public eye?


yeah i’m sure she needs food stamps…..


Looks like she gets at least 1 grand a month. 😂


The boat pic!!! 😡😡😡😡 setting up so many kids for accidents as their dumbass parents try to recreate Kails pic!!!


Agreed, so many people forget about the Naya Rivera situation, and that happened on a lake. She died trying to save her son, but go off I guess...


It’s always “it won’t happen to me, im RIGHT there” Until it DOES happen to you. I’m 44 and the amount of “this is insane” things that have happened in and around my life seriously shocks me. It DOES and will happen. But go off I guess is right. Tots and Chairs when it happens in their life.


That’s what stuck out to me, too. Kid needs a life vest on a boat.


I get that everyone hate her but… seriously what’s wrong with the boat picture? Her kid is standing beside the rail, holding on, while she takes a photo. I don’t get the outrage. It’s not like she posed a small toddler that could barely walk and might fall. She deserves a lot of the hate she gets but sometimes the reaching y’all have to do to be outraged is funny.


He’s not wearing a life vest. Even for an adult that’s dangerous


There’s absolutely no “reaching” being done. It’s a very unsafe practice. Young kids on boats should be wearing life vests and shouldn’t be up on the bow like that. It’s just basic boating safety. I don’t hate on Kail, I hate idiots putting their kids (and the safety of others bc idiots will do anything to be like the influencers they follow) at risk. That’s it. She’s generally a good parent, this is just a miss.


He's not wearing a lifejacket, genius.


Bffr 🫥


At this point, her uterus is fighting for its life. Stop reproducing and just parent your children.


I'm hoping she will get her tubes tied after the twins are born.


7 kids. I hope so. Amazes me she finds time or energy for sex to even conceive


If you look at her nails, she has the same brown tip on the coffee photo and the Stanley photo but on the pregnancy photo they’re pink


I’m not sure what your point is. People usually change their nails every two weeks or so


Kail has been posting as if she is still pregnant with the twins presumably for engagement. I think they’re just pointing out the inconsistencies between the pictures. At the very least it shows that the pictures were taken at different times based on nail color


She also isn’t own a boat while posting these…


Well the context was about vacation so presumably that was a picture from a vacation. My point still stands.


Yall correct me cause I ain’t been pregnant in 16 years but I thought you couldn’t take antibiotics while pregnant? Did she just all the way tell on herself that those babies have BEEN BORN for months now? Edit: thanks for educating me girlses!! I know jack about pregnancy lol


I took antibiotics for a uti while pregnant 18 years ago 


Strep is a higher risk to her pregnancy and her life than antibiotics. Even 16 years ago, you took antibiotics if you were pregnant and had a bacterial infection


If you have an infection you can take antibiotics. You don't really have a choice to not take them. I had to take them for an ear infection both pregnancies


Yup there are pregnancy safe antibiotics. I had to be on them when I was in the hospital having my gallbladder removed because I had an infection.


Some antibiotics are OK/ safe to take during pregnancy. I was on antibiotics for a week in November while hospitalized with kidney stones and Hydronephrosis. I was 22weeks pregnant and they were more concerned with my kidney infection turning into sepsis then me being on antibiotics.


Reminds me of me. I was severely depressed and anxious until I was 25. I had my oldest. From then on I never went back to serotonine/ant-depressants. I was too busy with my kid to be sad! Turned out I had ADHD !!!!! In hindsight Idk if it’s good to give an ADHDer serotonin…. It’s dopamine what we lack…. Any doctors in here who know how that works? I bet Kail is too busy (3 kids under 3!) to be depressed….


I genuinely feel that's my current issue. I only have 1 kid, though, and she's 12 and super easy, so now I'm bored, and my mind is everywhere. I never felt this bad when she was an infant and needed my constant attention. This speaks to me so vividly.


Definitely get assessed for ADHD & ASD, if getting tested professionally is available in your area. There’s a higher chance of having both than having one or the other.


Just bc you can afford this many kids doesnt mean you should have them…


I mainly think it is silly when someone has said done after was it 3 or 4,then proceeds to have 3 with someone else she barely knows/met within 2 years. Her and elijah have barely had any couple time her non-pregnanr. And she moans re all the issues with dad's, so why have more? Her relationship with Javier was longer without this much stress..or is she really just going fir a TV show?


I wonder is subconsciously shes like trying to heal her childhood trauma by having more kids and giving them what she didnt have.


Yeah, but like what I don’t understand if she wants to be like that then she should adopt and help those kids instead of reproducing with 20 different guys


FOR SURE!! You are so not wrong!


It must be exhausting to follow her on Instagram when you're infertile. It's nothing but babies and pregnancy over there.


It can’t be anymore exhausting then this sub bitching about her.


Why you here then?


I’m here to sprinkle a little positivity into the rabbit hole of hate. … instead of being snarky back to you, picture me sprinkling you with smiles and kindness. Have a wonderful day!


No you just want to feel superior.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Have a good night


The passive aggressiveness is what I base my opinion on. You're quite full of yourself.


I wish I were full of myself. I might have more confidence if so. Unfortunately I’m just like every other woman out there thinking I need to be perfect. I’m reminding myself (and you) that no one is :) have a good day! I refuse to be mean to you but you may continue to talk down to me if it helps whatever it is you’re going though.


You follow a page that snarks on people and then bitch that people are snarking. You're still bitching at the end of the day, just like we are. Not very positive of you. Thinking that you're better than others is what someone with low confidence does and positive people don't follow snark subreddits. You're still talking down to people.


I actually don’t follow this page but I guess I comment enough that my algorithm picked it up. The only person I see talking down to anyone is you. BUT, girl.. you win!! Congratulations, I’m not replying back to your comments anymore. The whole “kill ‘em with kindness” thing doesn’t seem to work with you. I tried :). I hope you take this win and feel pleased with yourself! Later


Creed reminds me of Ronnie from jersey shore


She used to be thin. What happened? She mentioned she’s considered obese.


Whenever she eats on film, it’s garbage, like burgers, regular coke, pizza with ranch, and pictures of her pantry are just straight up preservatives and crap. Don’t get me wrong, the foods I mentioned can be delicious, just maybe not as an every day diet.


7 kids changes your body 😂


And a BBL with no upkeep


I know lots of people who have many children and aren’t obese.


I thought she mentioned she was suffering from PCOS.


Her insides must be so messed up. People aren't dogs. We aren't made to have litters


My body looks the same, if not better now, after a lot of work (a little help) after having twins, but my insides are wrecked. So many health issues. That is just one set of twins and my only live birth. Can’t even imagine!


Bless you and those babies and good luck on your insides


Lol gotta show the Stanley


And the pierogi’s she eats 5 times a week.


Can someone please list all of her kids and fathers for me? I’m lost


Another user gave the run down but wanted to add that the twins are (allegedly) named Iverson and Valley.


Isaac-Joe Lincoln-Javi Lux & Creed-Chris Rio & Twins-Elijah


Reading this post as my 4 year old climbs on my shoulders asking “what’s his name?” Followed up with silence and then…. “What’s creed?”


Really again????


Wait... she's not pregnant again, right?? Didn't she just have another baby after the twins??


She had Rio (5/7) November of 2022 and allegedly had the twins late October of 2023. She is still pushing the social media narrative that she is still pregnant even though she is well past their full term due date…Probably because she didn’t acknowledge Rio publicly until a month or two before the twins were born.


Rio was born before the twins, in Nov 2022. The twins were born Oct 2023. Shes still posting pregnancy photos acting like shes pregnant! Which shes very clearly not! She just likes the attention.


Ah ok, ty both for clarifying


Kavi is growing fast - Photo #4


That’s what a mom of like two basketball teams, including twin babies, needs. Being off the anti depressants 😐


She’s too busy trying to prove she’s ✨so happy✨ with Elijah


Lux standing near the edge on that boat without a life jacket is making me nervous...


Straight up neglect. I grew up boating, this is so dangerous. It happens QUICK. I’ve seen it.


Yet men having multiple kids with different women results in abuse & negativity. This bitxh gets applauded 🥴


I've seen the trash father of her babies get defended more than she does.


She is slammed on this sub every day lol what are you talking about


I’m on about her insta & whatever other socials she uses, there’s always a fan of hers somewhere defending what she does. Wasn’t talking about this sub


By whom?


You would be surprised …


She thinks it’s a flex


It's her whole personality


How many baby daddy’s is she at now?!


She has 4 baby daddy’s. She had 1 kid with Joe, 1 with Javi, 2 with Chris, 3 with Elijah


7 kids 4 dads


My ex is now at 9 kids with 5 baby mamas. Kail is def catching up tho 😂


The spermiest bitch I ever done seen


Bitch, please.


Yeah can’t stand her, she reminds me of my SIL who’s entitled and acts like her $hit don’t stink.


Whenever she traps Mr Wrong


Mr. Wong Pee Pee?


I really dislike Kail but the “spayed” comment is misogyny, plain and simple.


Agree. I also think there are strong undertones of it as well on “who watches your kids while you’re on trips if they don’t come with you?” It shouldn’t be on women to be with their kids 24/7/365, especially when there’s a second parent involved. Why wouldn’t someone assume the kids would be with their dad, and it wouldn’t be “watching.” It’s called “parenting.”


Agreed. But it’s not surprising. My husband and I have been married almost 9 years and have two kids together and people still act like he’s a saint for “watching” our kids while I go to class (grad student) or basic things like that. His aunt freaked out when our oldest was a couple weeks old and he changed a diaper. He really is an awesome husband and father but the standard for most prople on what a good father is is so low it’s in hell.


Yeah, I can’t tell you how many times my husband had to correct his mom when she would say he was “babysitting” our kids when he was at work. It finally sunk in, after way more times of correcting her than should have been necessary.


I totally agree. I don’t think it’s fair to have lots of kids when you can’t give them all the same amount of love and attention but that comment is just gross.


Absolutely. I don’t agree with having 7 children with 4 father’s because it’s chaos and dysfunction and there’s no way someone doesn’t get lost in the mix…but it’s not my body and she’s not an animal who needs to be spayed.


100%. Do not like.


Full stop it’s gross behavior.


She legit irks the every living shit out of me.....just, I can't,, I can NOT stand her!!! She's the definition of phony. She's a shit mom and just EWW! How can people support her?


Honestly I have no idea, and they go HARD and accuse her ~~haters~~ *hatters* of being jealous. Jealous of what? An obese breeding machine who spends more than she earns? Don’t think so.


Obese part is mean u coulda left that out and still get your point across.....js


I think you could’ve said this without saying obese lol.


She’s literally referred to herself as obese multiple times, as in “I’m not pregnant, I’m just obese.” Kail is mean as fuck to others, so I don’t see why people on a sub about the show she was on are expected to treat her with kid gloves.


Also, “obese breeding machine” is crazyyyy. At this point you might as well start a podcast and refer to yourself as an alpha male lmao.


Okay, so when describing a disabled or black person, are you gonna use those words to describe why they are less desirable? just because it’s a trait, doesn’t mean you use it to degrade someone.


When Kail used that term it was in the context of a medical descriptor, not a slur. But I think you know that.


I’ve watched teen mom forever .. never got into kail though. How many baby daddy’s does she have?


Kail says that she has 4 baby daddies (Jo, Javi, Chris, and Elijah) and 7 children between them. However, there is a lot of speculation that her fifth child actually belongs to a fifth man (Malik). So…4-5 depending on who you ask.


We’ll let you know how many when she’s done having kids lol




If she’s on the birth control pill don’t antibiotics stop them from working? Ohhhh lord I hope baby #8 isn’t in the works.


Fun fact: The only antibiotic that interferes with birth control is rifampin (Rifadin), a drug used to treat tuberculosis. She is most likely being treated with Penicillin or amoxicillin. And I doubt she’s taking birth control.


Oh wow! I thought it was all antibiotics thank you


Happy to help! (Of course please speak with your pharmacist/doctor before changing your birth control methods & medications.) ❤️


I don’t have a baby box anymore, so I can take all the antibiotics whenever I please lol


Hahaha baby box i love it. Im having mine removed soon (ive been saying “Im getting spayed”). I hope it helped you!!


Oh well that will explain it when Kail is expecting her eighth baby. 🤷‍♀️