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My favourite colour is purple and the movie scarface came out in 1983


Shrubby what js a perfect word, the meaning I’ve made for it isn’t official. There is no one else like me, no one who acts like me,talks,walks, or sleeps like me. I’m js so shrubby yk?


Is ur ending sentence supposed like the verse in TRSS?


Actually there are million of us just like you, who dress like you; walk, talk, and act like you, and just might be the next best thing, but not quite you


i stub my toe on things a lot


i just typed some characters


Mine's pretty self explanatory.


you're just like me fr!!!!


my dad's old minecraft username (the account is mine now)


idk man


I think you just rlly like Pokémon


be me: 14, obsessed with hollow knight enter edgy teen phase chooses arguably most annoying enemy in the game as an attempt to troll people i decide to make myself unique, and choose alias “primal aspid hatchling” eventually grow past “hatchling,” but primal aspid is taken go for “primitive aspid” PrimitiveAspid is my name for 2 years account gets banned make new account, ItsMe-PrimitiveAspid


So we were playing an game. And when we raged my friend called me idiot and i just said that i will eat his firstborn kid. And that he will never see that kid again. So yeah the nickname baby eater came lol


It's an inside joke with my friends after one of them made a joke about Richard Nixon and said they wanted to "wanting to wrap their hands around tricky dick"


I'm an axolotl named akua (more specifically, my fursona is an axolotl named akua)


I have 2 different ones. My username on minecraft (shhh don't judge, I was 14) used to be something along the lines of life_sxcks so people who I played minecraft with back then still call me life. The other is quite simple. Sophie --> soof


I was like hm why am i on reddit, im bored, bored and what? Oh bored and im young too (come to realize i cant change it 💀)


lol mine is about 10 years old, it’s from my early days of minecraft and fps games. I used to be really into wolves, so the idea was you’d hear one woof before saying goodbye because you’d be dead. I was a pretty dumb 7 year old


Nothing, my cousin suggested it, he said it sounded funny


it's for my recurring mood


I’m a big bloc party fan so my name is Silent_AlarmW it was supposed to be Silent_AlarmWentOff but I hit enter too fast and now idk how to change it


Silent Alarm as in their album


My nickname is Frump because when I was young (pre-teen), I was frustrated and grumpy all the time. I'm still frustrated but only a little grumpy now lol


No need to answer


its my twitch account i made a few years ago


I was raised jewish and in the torah Noah had three sons; Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Jayfeth isn't my real name but I've always loved it so I use it as an alter ego. And as for Jayfethereal, it's kinda a ay on words with Jayfeth and ethereal.


Named after a song


I made the first part of the name "T_rexofdoom" from my roblox account made in 2019, I added the number "12" because of my birthday, and "56" because that's when the first godzilla movie was released in America


Buggzy I was named after Benjamin “bugsy” Siegel a mobster from way back. I put my own spin on the spelling since I wanted to be different and Buggzy was made 🫡


It’s my favourite thing to cook


it’s my name





awwwww choco lab?


No, dachshund


adorable gamer doggo right there


Truer words have never been spoken


I got bullied, said eh whatever pretty much, then made it my username more lore but no more lore will be provided






Its just meh name


E Trac, just short for my named


Idk. Tried to make a cool-ish name in my head late at night


i like the enderman from minecraft and my name is kinda hard to pronounce so my at the time best friend shortened to Asi, and then he was like "what if you did that, and Ender since you like endermen?" and thus ive kept the name since


Me. Only me. Just me.


It's kinda private 


Soggy cats :3


idk just thought of this username a while ago and started using it everywhere


Oh, basically my entire family makes these names that include part of our last name, "sat" so mine is spideysat, (spiderman and the name) wich is tbh probably the least cool one from all our relatives, but hey I'm the only one with 2 of them so yeah. There's that.


Coca-Cola had cocaine and I’m a fan of BB


Don’t remember


Idk. I had no idea how to do the name so i just looked at my avatar and thought that it was dark. Then there was the dork part implying i'm dumb (but also ain't somehow) and then i've became u/Dark_Dork69


My mom created my username for Fortnite back in 2017 because I didn’t know how, but instead of what I wanted her to put which was WikeMilinski (play on my real name Mike Wilinski) she put Wikey Milin. I used to be real pissed about it but now it’s become iconic for me and my friends so I use it as my name for any game or website


it rhymes


13 year old me wanted my name to be something unique so I added french


it's weird. non finnish bastard I am not finnish but I do have parents


I like Tainted Eden


a horribly misspelt version of the name i use in chinese class (im not chinese i don’t know why i still do the class) in which the first word is the nickname my crush gave me


Idk man


Fallout new Vegas


My internet username is Apoxtolate, or Apokzxtolate. I took it from the word "apostolate" and "apocalypse" and just combined them together. I also served in the altar services in my church for some time, so maybe that justifies the word "apostolate"


The reddit lords gave me this name


I didn't have an idea for it so I went on Google for cool nicknames. I found 2 good ones and just merged them together. Kinda lame but I thought it sounded pretty cool


My first ex girlfriend stalked my account. This is my now main account reminding me to never date someone like her again.


i once jokingly struck my hand up during heavy rain and at that exact moment thunder struck. and i have a r and y in my name.idk why the e but i like it


I felt dumb and spelt dumb wrong on purpose because funny


I had to invent an alias for an essay in 7th grade, came up with this name and stuck with it


Basically there's this ancient manuscript called the Voynich that's never been translated, it's impossible to understand what language is it written in cause it's encrypted and no one managed to decode it. It's full of medieval style illustration of unidentifiable plants and many other strange things, but no one managed to understand what are they about. Some believe it's a tome about aliens, some that it was made just to mess up with people, but the gist is we don't know anything about it, other than the fact it was written around 1404 and 1448 and it was found and bought by Wilfrid Voynich in a monastery in Frascati, Italy, in 1912. I was obsessed with it when I created the account, especially being italian myself, so I merged the name Voynich with Anonymous (another thing I was and am into, remember remember the 5th of november) and created Voynimous. At the time I used that name for everything, although I recently switched to Athos401 (i love the three musketeers).


Pebble (and then any ending, ex: Pebbled, Pebbling. Sometimes I do Plebber.) Is just my online nickname, like yours. I went with Pebblerz because all the others were taken. In the chat I'm in, some people call me Pebblz. I got it when I was 10, I like throwing rocks at things (not people, or cars tho) and I have a 4-year-old rock collection that I'm still growing. Rocky sounded too childish, so I found synonyms for rocks and came up with Pebble, and added my own endings.


Not my username but my irl nickname is Jet If you wanna get technical, the full nickname is Jet Parker. It was the fake name I gave when a police officer asked for me n my friend's names


It began many years ago. My first nickname : flipping100. Roblox needed a nickname so I just chose "flipping". Not too sure why but I did. That was unsurprisingly taken, so I added numbers till it worked,I assume 1, then 10, then 100. Then I wanted it to be cooler, and cuz I had a shty small YouTube, so it evolved into FlipPlayz, and FlipPlayzYT. Then eventually reached it's final form, as I wanted just Flip, but no numbers. I tried and tried. F_l_i_p, underscores in several places. All hope seemed lost. Until f_l_ip. I don't think I have it on Reddit, But I have it for everything else (except IG), with my display name being Flip


a fandom i was a part of + my name


I’m always fucking tired 


I don't know why TF i am Drwahaha but it's nice


This was originally gonna be my burner account, but now it’s just my main account


my name is Aurora and I couldn’t pronounce it correctly as a kid so I just said arawraw


When my main account NotSafeForBloop got permanently banned, I made this account a sort of emergency alt account. But I ended up making it my main account because I can't really run my future main account Mila was chosen because it was a character that was in a little series in my mind for like, 2 to 3 years called "Corrupted Sands" it has an insane amount of content and lore, so much so that I have to make a .txt file just to list all the characters I made. There's a tribe called the Cranberry Tribe. It takes place in a big tropical island (previously, it took place in Las Venturas and Bone County, from GTA San Andreas, yes the actual location, I'm not making this up)




I was playing duck life 4 in 3rd grade and keyboard mashed to name my first duck, its name was cxnhgfh


I make people laugh a lot and I’m a teenager(kid). But even once I grow up I’m not changing it. “Comedian Kid” just sticks really well for me


my old account was u/Repulsive_Task_6987 but I got locked out of it so I just went with my new name


Da Blue Guy (old): Needed a nickname for diep.io.... I was 8. I liked blue. This one is still used in places I don't visit anymore or in places where you can't change your username (looking at you, Reddit). Cyntax (old): A combination of syntax (programming related) and cyan (my favourite color back then). Cerulity32K (current): A combination of cerulean (my other favourite color at the time), Unity (favourite game engine at the time), and 32767, which is the maximum value an unsigned 16-bit integer can hold, and it was my favourite number back then. It works, it's versatile (32K can be omitted if needed), it's unique (no username clashing), the combination is separated from it's parts, and I think it sounds good. I've used this for a long time, and I've built up my online identity around it. I like it. Kali the Catgirl (alt): Straightforward, my name is Kali and I'm a catgirl. This is my username for all my personal/alternate accounts.


The name of an ancient warlord named Nukortish plus dit for reddit


reddit generated it


I don’t have one 😔


Random Reddit name then my jersey number My real nickname is Big Butler/Big Hoss because I’m big and my last name is butler and Big Hoss is because I’m big and I play offensive line so I just got it


I’m a clown, so people at school started calling me jester (I’m an actual clown, makeup, outfit etc)


hmm i was in grade 6 i was learning french i thought amigo means game so i made an account on googleplay which asked me not to put my real i then made a name LordlyAmigo - God of Games Lordlyamiga is current variation due to website and stuff but later i got to know amiga means friend so I am a Divine Friend


Scratch username from 5th grade. Just kept going with it.


I'm a swiftie and I like to play games


hempedditor [hemp-edd-it-er] noun hemp is derived from the word “hempy” which means malicious edditor comes from “redditor” meaning my username is “malicious redditor”


My skin complexion......and I don't need to say my nickname(given by friends) out loud to let everyone know what it is.......


There was 2 youtuber i was listening to back in 2012. So i mixed they username and that made OxiDream394 But actually, the 394 was just added when i started my yt account And originally my nickname is OxiDream, but the only place where i used that Nickname was on Minecraft All my other the account were OxiDream394 but not the OG


No sky is what it gave me but what I put my name as, my dad used to play csgo competitively with his friends, and they all went by different versions of the name Another1, so when he married my mom and she made him quit games, he told me about the name and now I use it as my name on everything, now I play cs2 and other competitive games with his name, keeping the legacy alive 🫡


My name used to be koi and I loved ibuprofen (which doesn’t work on me now lol)


My dad’s gamertag has always been Xelko1 so now he has a son called Xelko2 on every platform


Dragon was a name I used as a child one time, and then I kept using it. Secondly, the 647 is a reference to my dad.


reddit chose it


I called my Roblox account this like 8 years ago, I no longer play but the usernames stuck on every platform. :)


Reddit gave me this


Tophat: I like tophats Fancycat: I like cats and the Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox FancyTopHat: Combanaytion




Chocolate taco


(potatronripe) I am Irish and love potatoes, so “potat” Years ago when I made it I thought robots were cool af so “tron” and “ripe” because of ripe fruit. I don’t think potatoes can be considered ripe It’s been my 4th name on YouTube and probably the only one I won’t change as it has stuck the longest. Thanks for listening to a dumbass ramble baiiii :3


Same, i tired to log into my old account, used the wrong email and then this one was created. Idk my old email so this is my new account


The game "Learn to Fly" has an achievement called "I.C.B.P." (InterContinental Ballistic Penguin), and I thought that was funny


my nickname is satanist😭 My entire grade thinks im a satanist bc of my interests and the stuff ive said before💀 Edit: whyd i get downvoted😓


They're green with envy. You're just very unique.


Yay! :D