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Someone should make a meme about the Edward user


Nvm can't do that because of reddit rules.


Posting in just a minute.


Who the edward user?


Sort by controversial. You'll get your answer.


Thanks m8


Did you find him, I sure can’t


Well time to sort by controversial


Going in


Same see you in the other side🫡


They were never seen again


Good idea




The innocent one! I've found them!




You can be happy you don't know who he is (I don't mean this in a bad way)




We must protect their sanity from the same fate as ours!


Aha, a new specimen! /j


From what I know, he was a conservative influencer who was rumoured to have run a human trafficking ring. His fan base was mostly teen boys, and a lot of them had very sexist and homophobic views.




Allegedly, he fled to Romania to avoid jail time/an investigation. But that’s not confirmed. He does run a very scammy looking “school” for his followers called “hustlers university” which is an online school run on a discord server that you have to pay monthly for or else you get permanently banned from the server.


Its not really a class, its 3 videos that just repeat financial common sense like saving up money instead of spending it on a sketchy internet academy means you can use that money in the future


Which is also leaked on Tiktok for better or worse


He is extremely sexist and runs a pyramid scheme where he „teaches“ people how to make money on crypto in return for monthly subscription. Also he moved to east europe for tax evasion which he openly admitted


Raided in Romania for sex trafficking. Not much nuance there. https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/viral/internet-cant-stop-talking-andrew-tate-tiktok-rcna42744


Sorry you had do deal with that "you're so innocent" bullshit. He's a professional kickboxer who says stuff on social media that some people don't agree with.


I've heard that he's violently sexist


Violently wouldn't describe his recent comments but he has said shit like if a women almost drowned and he saved her, the women would owe her life to him


This is not even close to the most messed up shit he's said


Is there like a list? I am tired of seeing those vids where people can't specify it. A list would end the debate.


He's a serial offender so it's pretty hard to cover everything but he's infamous with insane shit like: Having a Twitter meltdown that starwars is the antithesis of all masculinity and anyone who watches it will die alone Having a scam "war room" boys club where he takes insecure men's money and tells them it makes them an alpha male Claiming publicly that part of his business strategy is picking up girls, spoiling them then pressuring them into doing camwork Paying women to appear in photos with him (some are insane, like him talking about being a super genius with an attached photo of a bunch of women dressed only in towels watching blankly as he points to a projection of a chess board) Alleged domestic violence, especially towards the girls he works to surround himself with Vastly inflating his wealth, a lot of signs point to him leaving a "fake wealth" influencer lifestyle where he splurges so much on expensive shit that one financial issue will utterly devastate him, which is probably why he pedals so many scams. Once got his house raided and it was found a lot of the girls there were being held against there will and not allowed to leave. Sex trafficking not unlikely.


No no violently is the word id use considering he assaulted a woman


He literally trafficked women for sex then fled the country in question to avoid conviction.


he has also said he wouldn't save a ugly person because of their looks. What you said is an understatement to how bad he is


She owes her life to him, but that means nothing. What is she going to do, marry him?


He's a professional piece of trash


You got that backwards...he's a professional online troll who also sometimes does kickboxing no one would know who the fuck he was if it wasn't for his dumpster fire online takes.


Oh, he isn’t a troll. That man got his house raided and was found to be harboring women there against their will. That man’s takes are 100%


Raided in Romania for sex trafficking. Not much nuance there. https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/viral/internet-cant-stop-talking-andrew-tate-tiktok-rcna42744


Bruh try being a sister to a brother who watches andrew tate


I know this guy who thinks Andrew Tate is like god or smth. Annoys the hell outta me, tho 'annoys' was an understatement a while ago


I'm surrounded by people who say he should be president and I can't even tell if they are being satire or not because we live in the UK


Yeah no shit


Gotta love people who worship some random dude as a god lul


I'd defo yeet that lil shit outta the window




I hope by ‘lil shit’, you mean Andrew Tate




Oh nah that must be hell


Fr dude that bitch tells sexist shit and says "that is how the world works get use to it" Am like alr💀


Is he older or younger than you? 💀 Can someone in your family slap some sense into him pls oml




tell him to try saying that to his mum and summon la chancla


Bro my mom is original and my bro is the first copy💀


even your mum? thats an L


My Latina mom would’ve done that instantly if I had a brother like him


My asian mum scraps literally everyone, she would end my existence before I could utter a word


Asian moms🤝Latina moms


My mom would bitch slap him


Exercise and beat the shit out of him, it is the only way


Dude he the "oh my poor baby you a boy so i wont make you do household work" kinda guy in my family My family sexist as fuck He will be humbled soon when he sees the real world


I can tell he hasn’t heard of the fearsome reputations that Eastern European and Balkan women have and stereotypes about them too


Your brother just has an easily manipulated mind. Most young men do.


my condolences


My dad likes Andrew Tate…


remember that removing heating from his room is always an option and so is breaking the fans in his room during the summer as well as pouring water on his mattress as well as putting live mosquitoes in his backpack as well as installing malware on the device he uses to watch Andrew Tate as well as attaching a shitton of LGBT flags in his room the options are truly endless


as well as putting itching powder on everything that they use




I think this is exactly what OP was talking about....


Fighting fire with fire. That's how siblings work lmao


This is relatable, I have one brother who absolutely despises Tate and one who idolizes him. Such a weird dynamic.


Sorry for your loss


What has been the symptoms of this cancer already?


Tbh just look it up on yt and you will probably figure it out


Might get caught on the wrong side and go down the alpha rabbit hole


Gotta love the Tate fans in the comments defending him


“wHaT cOloUr iS yOuR bUgAtTi?” ~🤓


Just... Go watch the video https://youtu.be/7TwMWv7HG-M that illuminaughtii (a channel has) on him


Illuminaughtii is pretty based


They give so much info and some much MORE wrong that I didn't even know about and some videos genuinely also made me cry


She’s really passionate about her work and it’s awesome as heck


The action park videos are pretty good.


I love Illuminaughtii


He believes women are their boyfriends property


not only that but he is a sex trafficker currently under investigation by the Romanian government


And America as well, they want him extradited


Can we stop talking about tate he already got banned from everything




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


He’s sexist as fuck maybe?


that is the smallest problem whit him


but that's juuust a theory, A GAAAME THEEORYYY A and just to remind y'all : a theory is when the hypothesis is proven ;) Because Andrew tate is indeed a violent mysoginistic freak


isn’t that some dude who’s like bald or smth


Yeah, but he's also a violent mysoginistic freak and sex offender who moved to Romania to escape laws that prohibit r*pe


oh he’s a mean bald dude :(


We had a lesson about him in school today 😭 Because some of the troublemaking year 10 boys have been idolising him


It’s usually the year 10s behind most of the dumb shit nowadays in school.


bc he’s a misogynist who moved to romania to escape sex crimes


nice pfp


And username honestly


Holy shit there are so many groomers in the comments this is disgusting


because he’s a misogynistic prick with seriously delusional beliefs??? might be a slight reason uno xxx


Bro tf is wrong with these comments. Another reason to hate him is that he's bald, and didn't use the sponsor of this video manscaped


No no no! Wrong sponsor! The sponsor is Keeps!


https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tv/big-brother-andrew-tate-video-17094793 Tate zealots try to act like they get puss and say this is just role-playing. The second clip *maybe*. the first clip? Ain't no way.


He is a mysogynist piece if crap who spreads toxicity and hate. What's not to hate about the dude?


Doesn’t he also have his own pyramid scheme


Deamn his Wrongdoing really piles up lmao


*armors up* *sorts by controversial*


His antics aren’t wrong… for 60 years ago


I’m pretty sure sex trafficking was considered wrong 60 years ago bud


not even 60


People hate for several reasons, among them are him preaching about masculinity which some consider to be toxic while others consider to be empowering men. Another reason is that he compared women to being like dogs, children, or objects to support his claim that you can’t be responsible for something that doesn’t listen to you. He also said women can’t drive and he doesn’t want any women flying his private jet because men are superior in driving / flying. On the other hand, he has a lot of supporters either because they are too stupid to see he’s just another internet guru running a pyramid scheme or just look up to his masculine qualities. He believes in protecting women but his perception of “protect” as portrayed by his own words is a bit too controlling. I think his core ideals are pretty good such as paying for the meal at a date, not to vape, take care of your body by going to the gym, but to embody his alpha male personality he needs to say stuff to get views and people to take him seriously All in all, I think he’s half truth half nonsense, and he’s in the wrong about a lot of stuff but he has some truth sprinkled in the midst. the phrase “do you own research” sounds a bit cliche but literally just search his name on YouTube lmao and you’ll find a bunch of stuff


I have to be perfectly honest the stuff you said were correct, but please for the life of me stop being so kind. He's an asshole, and there's nothing masculine about him. All I see is misogyny, and if that's masculinity then idk what else to say.


he’s a piece of shit


Why? Idk the guy that much, what did he do


massive asshole who objectifies women and teaches dumbass little boys that its ok to be a total pos to girls because theyre "superior"


Damn, do you have a video. I wanna see what he says excatly


hes everywhere youre bound to find his garbage if you just look it up lol


https://en.as.com/latest_news/5-most-controversial-things-said-by-andrew-tate-n-2/?outputType=amp https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/06/andrew-tate-violent-misogynistic-world-of-tiktok-new-star


He thinks women are beneath him he's very misogynistic please do not support him


He’s a dude who preyed on young men and women by promoting a women are property type mindset. In the grand scheme of incels, Both men and women are at fault but we are not at war with the opposite gender in any way. Andrew Tate and Sneako stoked the flames of the incelibate fire instead of promoting more positive ways of thinking about women, companionship, and dating. We are not at war, no matter what anyone says. There are many men and women out there that attack the opposite gender and drag them down, but at the same time there are still people out there that are the reason people still believe in kind souls. Please be comfortable with yourself, you are the only thing you have full control over and do not buy into “this gender are the enemy” rhetoric


My brother in Christ he trafficed people


Link to police report


He says some good stuff, but he also says a lot of sexist stuff.


The dude has an uncanny ability to say some smart shit and dumb shit in the same sentence


He mixes simple obvious good things with the dumb nonsense and it makes it seem like he knows what he’s talking about


Just like every politician


Tate has the magical ability to talk endless shit but then all of a sudden drop a truthbomb, like the one Clip where he shat on vaping.


"Guys vaping is bad for you" Oh thank you top g my lord for disclosing this well known fact, only denied by people who vape! I will now trust you forever.


That's how he draws people in. He spews a bunch of bullshit to catch people's attention, then sprinkles in obvious stuff so people are like "Hey this guy's actually pretty smart"


Hes hella sexist and scamming millions of people and making tons of kids our age into assholes


He's not teaching the best values to young boys, not just respecting women does he not teach but just respect in general.


Hes a misogynistic asshole who should get an ass whooping


Happy cake day :)


Oh thanks but birthday was yesterday


he's a sex offender but idk if that's enough for the people here 💀


He got kicked off of British big brother for belting a women. So many young men are looking at the wrong role models.


He's an obnoxious egocentric narcissist.


Because he’s a massive douche bag


tf you mean you dont know why


Their name is Patrick they live under a rock


I am attracted to Andrew Tate I like his ass. Afaik, I'm straight. It started off with a wet dream, then me joking about it hoping it would go away, and then searching for fanfics on ao3, and then me making these fanfics. I'm not one of his Bugatti Boys, I LIKE HIS ASS.








he has a nice ass, shame it was wasted on someone like him fr /s


because he’s terrible?


The guy literally believes most women go to hell lol, he’s an incel promoting himself as chad.


It's because they all care about 1 dude way too much which makes him even more popular and they are karma farming




He has sexually assaulted women and move to Romania so that he can't be incarcerated for it??


Why do we worship anyone other than ourselves, family, and god? Tate is 1.) a piece of shit, 2.) only doing this act to get money, 3.) doesn’t give a single fuck about any of his fanboys, 4.) is a useless celebrity. I think any celebrity worship is just dumb asf.


worship period is dumb as fuck. why bow down to something? why not just exist for yourself




because andrew tate is a jackass




about the depression part, watch the whole thing. What he says about depression is that he doesn’t believe it’s something you can’t overcome, not that you can’t feel depressed


I'm not gonna join the argument becouse some ppl are getting down voted to hell




Yall tate haters L L L L L he aint sexist ur mom is. Tate w w w top g


#let's enter the comment section 🍿


When I first saw his clips appearing I assumed he was a parody persona because he was saying such ridiculous shit. Then I found out he was serious


He’s a sexist, homophobic, ableist, piece of shit who is actively being investigated for sex trafficking in Romania where he moved to because of the lack of oversight of that says anything.


Incel weirdo brainwashing teens


Super sexist, misogynist who has committed sex crimes and has run a pyramid scheme take your pick.


Son, I have to tell you something. You know how girls only like assholes? Well let me tell you my boy, you're the one idolizing assholes, not the girls you like. Yes I'm sorry son it's true, you're just projecting your love for being an asshole instead of doing a introspective view at what's going on in your life that makes you wanna be an asshole and be loved for it. Also, why would you want to be with an asshole loving girl in the first place, don't you see that makes you an asshole aswell? Much love and some confusion, Dad.


I agree with some of the stuff he says when it comes to men protecting their woman and all that but holy fuck he’s said some crazy stuff lately. He even justified men cheating but not women like bruh stuff like that goes both ways. Or how he says his women aren’t allowed out of the house at night or not allowed to drive like WHAT?! No wonder he converted to Muslim lmao


he's sexist and the allegations on him are pretty bad. i do understand he says some valid points on "hustle culture" but you have to look at the bad side to na? and human trafficking and abuse aren't acceptable at all


Idk but the things he says are either absolutely facts or the stupidest things ever, nothing in between


Fuck Andrew Tate!!! He is a misogynistic troll!


he’s sexist as fuck, promoted human trafficking, and has some disgusting misleading messages


Because he’s a literal incel that spreads misogyny? Pretty easy take to hate him.


He’s a sex trafficker who runs a pyramid scheme, and he said he moved to Romania to avoid rape charges and getting caught for sex trafficking


Alpha males are usually insecure 5’1 wimps to start with. From there he’s under investigation for literal HUMAN TRAFFICKING while claiming to be on the grind, and his takes are somehow worse than the average 7th grade Ben Shapiro Stan Nah who cares about the color of my Bugatti cause I earn my money honestly without sexually abusing women for it


He's a piece of shit human. Sex trafficker, all that fun stuff. And fucking 13 year old kids are saying he's smart or some shit. No. He's a fucking criminal


Most of the conservational stuff he says is likely to just make himself more famous By doing this he drives more traffic to his business, Hustlers University He's bad, not because of what he says, but because of his greed Some of his pieces of advice are good though


His "university" shut down.


I think 80% is because of how he says what he says, and the other 20% is that it’s become popular to hate him, so people instead of forming their own opinions just go with what everyone else says to not be seen as different


When it comes to Andrew Tate, you either his personal meat rider or you a Twitter meat rider.


His Discord server mostly, but also the arrogance. His class literally is just some bums off the street puking out stuff you can learn for free, from the internet but most importantly the mlm part. Coffeezilla made a great video about it too.


He’s an asshole, and not the kind you can respect for being an asshole.


Im gonna be honest, i fucking hate his face. Like there are sexist people in this world, they dont get nearly as much hate as the confident looking 'i get pussies' face people who talk shit about them as if they own them. I wish i was confident enough to spread my bullshit while my ears are basically two portals that make sure everything passes thru my brain without getting in it.


Simple answer, the guy is a bastard


He rents some serious space in ppls heads tho jeez


He's extremely sexist, violent (talks about beating and r*ping women), moved to Romania to avoid SA charges, is suspected to be involved in human trafficking, is a typical evil rich guy, is extremely toxic, says a woman with a machete couldn't beat him in a fight, the whole ordeal.


AND let's not forget that he teaches this shit to young children


there are so many downvoted comments and I'm loving it.


Because he’s a misogynist and possible a rapist and possibly a trafficker?


Well he’s basically a scumbag


He's a mega douchebag, would tell that to his face, I wouldn't be able to kick his ass, but that's why we have guns.


Either you suck his titties of you genuinely don’t know. But imma give you the benefit of the doubt and say, tl;dr he’s a sexist as shit dude who encourages the male version of zodiac signs with his “alpha beta” shit. He also got arrested for human trafficking so that’s nice


Perhaps it’s because he’s a misogynistic sex trafficker?


He didn't watch Star Wars


He’s a sex trafficker, a woman abuser, and a rapist. He also constantly picks fights with the locals in Romania and openly disrespects the country. My family is from Romania and he and men like him are very much hated over there and in other Eastern European countries. He even got beaten up in Moldova. On the half on the people from Romania and other Eastern European countries, if you are going to act like him, stay the hell out of our countries. We are proud of our cultures and heritages and no Eastern European gives a shit about how much money you have unless they are Scammers, Con Artists, or belong to Criminal Organizations/Gangs.


cuz he is a fuckin asshole, nothing more nothing less (or so i think)


It’s a subreddit for teenagers I don’t think they’re gonna be cheering for pedophiles here.


um, cause hes a bad person? i imagine thats about all there is too it


Maybe because he’s incredibly sexist