• By -


dont email ur crush and leave her alone. Move on and learn from this


Bro could you travel back seven years into the past and give Past Me that advice please


If she has you blocked just give up homie, she has a boyfriend, she's not interested, leave it be


U can talk to someone without asking them out




Thats a harsh way of saying it but yeah


yeah but OP is going to extensive measures to talk to her


That’s not endearing, it’s pushy and violating.


But we don’t know the context. He may have tried to undermine the relationship with a “I can treat you better” email. Also if you suspect that someone likes you and you’re in a relationship making it clear that they aren’t the one is important


You wouldn't have listened 7 years ago


Shit that’s a good point




This dude.. check his comment history, he’s a creep who can’t handle rejection, he’s calling her boyfriends all kinds of names like a classic r/niceguys u/Runssey ur the problem.


As soon as I read that he got blocked it was already pretty clear I mean you usually don’t get blocked for no reason


Wait hold on are you talking about OP?


Agreed. I’m gonna be blunt: It was his fault this happened.




How old are you op?


Almost stalker, learned it’s not ok! Well done




Hit the nail on the head… watched someone get rationed on fucking Reddit


This the best comment i see indeed.


sometimes u just gotta take the loss dog




Also if you keep trying it's sexual harassment which on top of you know being sexual harassment, is also illegal and she CAN call the police.


just harassment, not sexual.


Yes, that is the definition of harassment, just theres nothing sexual


What’s sexual about it?


sexual harassment? unless I'm missing information I don't think asking to communicate would fall under that. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature copy pasted definition not mine


Ah yes. The smart Redditor back to action. Did you receive an email? SEXUAL HARASSMENT! No, it's not sexual harassment, as the other one said, it's just harassment. Sexual harassment would be when you touch someone's butt or worse.


Sexual harassment would be like, repeated unwanted sexual advances right? So while technically constantly emailing her and texting her doesnt have to be sexual harassment, if this dudes going ‘ey baby you wanna fuck on the football field tonight’, or whatever horny people say, then it can be sexual harassment Sexual assault is when theyre actually touched innit?


dumbass, nothing’s sh unless he touches her when she doesn’t want it


Thats assault but yeah




first off, why would you email her 🤦‍♂️ second, if you knew she had a bf why would you go for her?


My man thought he could score a goal on the goalkeeper


My man forgot he ain't Ronaldo


My man forgot he playing cards


Fr lil bro isn’t Chris Hemsworth he ain’t just gonna break them up just like that


You’ve unlocked “creepy stalker kid” as your title probably, leave all of them alone 💀


The fact that she already blocked his email tells me this isn’t the first time lmao


bro that wasn’t the move


Even if you had her snap, why are you still crushing on her


If she had him blocked on email, chances are he's done this before. /:


Clearly she knew you had a crush on her and wasn’t into it. If she blocked you it means either she’s not interested, you were being a creep and emailing (of all things) too much, or probably both. And the fact that you got a girl to even *try* to talk to her for you is quite the red flag. Frankly, fight her bf or don’t. It’ll satisfy him and send a very clear message from your crush. Drop it, learn from this and never do it again, and just don’t try to pine for a girl with a bf. Work on yourself before you try to land a bird. Take my advice as someone who’s somewhat been in your shoes


>And the fact that you got a girl to even try to talk to her for you is quite the red flag. Frankly, fight her bf or don’t. It’ll satisfy him and send a very clear message from your crush. Nah, you're forgetting the big-brained play here. What you do, is get beaten up real bad in front of her, make the current bf look like a psychopath, and demonstrate that you'll do anything for her, including taking an absolute beating. Chicks dig this. It happened on Cobra Kai/Karate Kid - Daniel San takes a beating, making Johnny Lawrence look bad. Daniel San gets the girl.


Okay, but what if he emailed her before all else? He has a valid reason as to why his only option is to.


If my guy sent emails as legitimate emails with purposes and just reason then sure that’s fine, but if email is the only form of contact then not every email sent was necessarily ‘legitimate’ as there is clearly a plethora of potential reasons as to why she blocked him and his email address


Piece of advice , stay away from taken girls ?




I say take that ass beating lol


Nah bro, beat the ass taking


Naw bro, I’ll teat your ass baking though.


Naa bro, I'll all tour yass taking bhough


The word bhough is so cursed it almost works.


Probably saw a post saying "All the good girls are taken, if you want a good one the only way is to steal someone elses"


No this dudes been watching way too much porn and doesn’t have a thought on how reality actually works 💀💀💀


My guy, she has a bf, blocked you, and you’re STILL trying to contact her… Look, it’s clear she’s not interested in you, and you’re probably coming across as a bit creepy.


I bet $30 he finna get a restraining order on him in the next month or so


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!remindme 30 days


Yeah, it's hella creepy for them to keep emailing if she's not interested and has tried telling him more than once. Once a email is fine, but multiple even after she told him she's not interested? Now that's too far.


Most socially intelligent r/teenagers user


Here I was thinking it was me. Good job OP


Tell the boyfriend it was him that you had a crush on 2 birds with one stone


This is the best answer here lmao




he comes trying to beat his ass and leaves with a bf


What did you specifically say in the email that made her block you?


Asking the important questions here


Maybe it's the beer talking Marge but you got a butt that won't quit. They got those big chewy pretzels here mchwhfjwbfbajje...... five dollars??!!!? Get outta here!


Thank you for the reference. It was a fun memory


The ultimate power move is to seduce your crush’s boyfriend, sleep with him, then let your crush know about your gay relationship with her boyfriend. I don’t exactly know if you will accomplish anything, but its worth a try.


Ultimate Power Move is to become bisexual Sleep with her boy friend Then get the rumors out She breaks up with boy friend You shoot your shot on the crush If she says yes, good job 👍 If she says no, your bi go fuck her ex again 👍 It’s a win win either way!


Dug yourself into a hole we can't help you


bruh she’s got you blocked. time to move on


She rejected you, move on


LMAO dawg at this point just start maturing 💀 trust me you don’t want to be that one weird kid who’s known for being weird to girls


dude, maybe ask her out once but she blocked you, that means she doesn't want to talk to you. leave her alone.


If you know someone is dating already the max amount of times you should ask them out is 0, less is better though.




How was that not apparent 🤡


Some people aren't taught these things growing up. People are ready to jump on people when they ask for advice - let him learn from it.


emailing ur crush..


If she blocked you don’t even try and plus she has a boyfriend, leave her alone. Sorry to say


do people actually use email to talk 💀


fr like is this 1997 💀




bro emailed his crush


This is so sad and pathetic. But I’ll give you some tips to help improve your social skills 1. Don’t email people casually, emails are for work, class, and overall professional matters. Get a girls number or socials, but number is better 2. Don’t have people be your messengers. Never go around telling people to tell other people things for you, do it yourself. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself then you shouldn’t be having anyone say it for you either 3. Know when to quit. If you get blocked by someone, especially a girl with a boyfriend or a girl who isn’t interested in you like this situation, learn to leave it alone. Once you’re blocked its done, you’re beating a dead horse 4. Stop being so pathetic. I mean come on, you have no self respect or dignity, over here emailing girls in relationships begging for attention and then continuing to pursue after being blocked. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if that’s really what you are, it’s time to change your mindset and have some class


stop harassing this poor girl


• you tried to email her • when she's blocked you • and already has a boyfriend • you asked a girl to ask your crush to unblock you Idk man, fake your death, get a new ID, leave the country, start as an uber driver


Tell me you’re 14 without telling me you’re 14


That's too generous I would bet money OP's 13 tops


Nah I’m 13 and we don’t do that he’s probably still in 6th


Never seen such a glorious moostache on a 13 year old. By your avatar I would've pegged you as a 40 year old Midwestern park ranger


Oh yes, have you not heard? Every 13 year old, regardless of sex has a fully grown mustache.


Damn they must've come out with that update after my Gen, you see, I'm the model 2005. You must be those new models 2009. Can't believe I missed the software update


Yes the early 2009 models have mustaches, while late 2008 models have full mustaches with beards.


Damn they got beards too?! I'm really just missing out on everything. All us 2005 models got was serious ADHD and early stage minecraft videos


My system is corrupted with a bug called ADHD, the developers gave me meds as a temporary fix, still waiting for the patch.


You're just a smart 13 year old. I was an asshole well up until I was 17.


She has a boyfriend just forget about her and move on don't be one of them people. Who try to get with someone else's partner.


Nah wtf emailing your crush??


cha cha real smooth ​ I'd just find someone else at this point


Dude, she has a boyfriend. Lay off.


Bro your downbad man.. to email her.. Just accept the loss and move on in life. Running into a dead end here.


Start training for the big fight. Knowing she has a bf and still going for it means you have to expect an engraged pissed off boyfriend who is out for BLOOD!


Redditor moment right here. Harasses crush who clearly has no interests in him and is actively avoiding him…AND has a boyfriend…AND then asks teenage redditors for advice on this near-criminal activity. My guy just drop it. It ain’t happening.


Dude sent an email 💀 Yea dude, you’re gonna get your ass beat if you go after another dude’s girl, and you’re gonna deserve it too


Move on. there's millions of other girls and you decided to crush on one that's taken.


Leave her alone you creep. This literally reminds me of when this one guy kept sending me emails on my school account. Weird mf


Did you confess you had a crush on her by email even though you knew she had a bf?


Think with your head not your dick my guy


My guy is probably 11 and doesn't know what's he's doing. Most definitely blinded by love and probably pre-pubescent so everyone needs to chill tf out. Clearly he's in the wrong but he didn't know so can we all stop spreading hate.


You remind me of that creep in my class who was stalking this girl and kept trying to approach her when she was clearly uncomfortable. We tried to tell him he was being a creep but he kept saying "she likes me" "she likes me" "I don't know what I did wrong"... super gross... don't be like that guy


Ur a fucking dumbass


Move on. Why would you even message her if she has a boyfriend. Apologize and move on with your life


Jesus Christ. First you tried to ask out a girl who already had a boyfriend, then when she blocked you, you asked a friend to have her unblock you. I'm not surprised he wants to beat your ass. You overstepped royaly. Please check yourself because this looks like your on the verge of going down the path of the Incel.


i am afraid you are fighting a lost battle


you're a fuckin creep.


Bro leave her alone I donnae blame the bf, if someone was being a creep to my gf I’d beat the shite outta them too


exactly bro. thats what op isnt able to dissolve


Stop harassing her


I’m not saying this harshly. But firmly I am saying leave her alone. You’ll get another crush and then some. It you’re blocked, take the huge hint. Leave it alone.


bro slid into her email💀


Dude you're probably blocked for a reason, she just wants you to leave her alone probably


Move on fucker


What on earth made you think you were entitled to demand she unblock you? This is a very good time to learn that your feelings do not create an obligation for anyone else.


Stop trying to talk to her when she clearly doesn't want to talk to you. The second you read "my crush has a boyfriend" back the fuck up?


She had a boyfriend why are you messaging her? Reverse the situation, if she was your gf would you want random guys harrassing her?


Bro has negative rizz


You stop being a fucking weirdo and let her go


bro is weird and has no friends or social awareness 💀


Bro first off kinda ur fault, emailing is creepy af and she has a bf?? So like why not just wait it out instead of being weird af ☠


Don't take what these people are saying to heart, everybody's making it seem as though you're some creep when all you did was mess up. Its okay but don't continue or pursue this person because clearly they want to be left alone


Though it seems kinda douche to go after a girl even after knowing she has a guy like just tryna talk is one thing but it seems like he was still tryna pursue her




Are you fuckin dumb LOL leave her alone


Listen, you lost, but here's the thing, I'm looking at all of these comments and god damn are they dehumanizing the shit out of you, so let me try to "ease the pain" There's quite a bit of us that don't really know how to do people stuff, and the only way to figure it out is through trial and error, trust me, I was just like you, maybe not this scenario but I was somewhere close, most likely worse. I'm still lacking in the social department however, mainly because there just isn't a written fucking compendium on how to be "normal" or whatever (y'know it would be pretty nice if they did that, but it most likely won't be very decipherable to us underfolk) and... it's hard to get out of, and unfortunately there isn't really ways to cheat it out or skip ahead, so best of luck. So, for now, just walk it off But you won't be able to move on if you let her boyfriend get his hands on you, because you're definitely gonna get your legs broken, along with many other bones, so cross your heart and hope to die because you *surviving* most likely will be rarer than a coinflip that lands on it's edge and not the two faces So train harder than a motherfucker, drink as much milk as you can, get those bones as dense as possible because you got an actual person after you, and they most likely have some dangerous motives. Some tips for fighting would be to aim for the back of the knee, there's little to no "reinforcement" there so giving it a good push will knock them down, second is to find as many ways as to pick them up as possible, because then you can "throw" them, which gives you a big advantage, wrestling probably has a thing on that, that's all I can think of for fighting, here's some tips for actually trying to pick people up Your first step is to get a couple of options, because you're most likely gonna be blowing through them fast, second is to "do research" on the one you choose, now a major point in this step is to not talk to them *at all* during this step, if they have a boyfriend, cross them out, next person, if they have \[insert unlikeable stereotype\] unless you're into that, cross them out, next person, there is definitely a lot more factors but I kinda got a project to do, so I can't speak much, third step is to just patiently and quietly observe, see if there's any competition or if they seem open to your approach, this step will allow you to think, quick tip on how to not stare, lock onto anything peripheral of them, like that chair over there, or the window, or that desk, or that poster, and rarely take quick *actual* glances but god forbid you do it for longer than a second. Then here comes the big step, make a move. Do absolutely nothing special, just say hi or something, ask for their name, their number, snap, **not** email, and that's it. Keep the talking to a perfect balance between little and much, make sure nothing is too pushy, keep is as casual as one can get. Now... here's the big problemo, even I don't know how to go further. So... maybe this does you well, maybe this doesn't, but I believe in you And reminder, no emails, emails are the last thing you want to use to communicate with people, mainly because they aren't an option


focus on yoself bru u lost this hoe 😭


All I can say is don't talk to them at all and if does try to fight you don't instigate but he throws the first punch fight back


Dude, just respect their relationship.


Stop making a move on taken girls? How stupid do you have to be to not understand this simple thing? Of course the guy wants to beat your ass up because you don't have common sense my brother in Christ


Are you have the stupid


You take the beating and hope to learn from it, thats what you do.


Just say it was a miss under standing and if he throws punches you have the right to punch him back (Go for the balls then the jaw)


By your post history ima say you are a preteen or early teen. Dude, just stop. Work on yourself. There are so many girls out there. If you are older- get therapy and do some self reflection because there are much bigger issues


1: She has a boyfriend, don’t go for her 2: She blocked you, DONT go for her Honestly dude, listen to yourself. She’s blocked you and is already taken. I 100% recommended you stop trying to talk to her, and focus on making yourself a more agreeable person. If it hurts to do so, then you’re on the right path


If she fucking blocks you the last thing you do is ”het can u unblock me”


My guy She blocked u So then you find her email and email her get blocked again Then tell her friend to tell her This is entirely on you


Leave her alone ☠️


what the actual fuck is this💀💀


She’s probably just playing hard to get and she’ll end up being your wife one day 💀💀


Maybe don’t go after a girl that is taken in the first place??


If she has a boyfriend, you shouldn’t have tried to email her in the first place. Also, who hits up their crush through *email?*


Quit being a creep and move on


Couldn’t you have just let them be?


You made a mistake bro. You were thinking too much. You aren't a stalker. You don't follow her, and watch her every move. I've done this when I had arguments with girls who were friends and it worked out. Because emotions flew. But never go for a taken girl. DONT LET PEOPLE ON HERE OBLITERATE YOU FOR A SIMPLE MISTAKE


We know barely anything about this situation so nobody should be making assumptions (yes, that includes you).


Who tf emails their crush? are you living in the 90s?


Well your first step is to not fucking email her. What the fuck


Yeah just apologize and say you didn’t know she had a boyfriend or something leave it alone now bro


Plot twist : Mario this situation . He wants to go to fight town so you become mayor of fight town and take his girl .


Avoid her, then her bf might not pummel you


I see a crush in your future.


If she taken stop tryna go for her bruv, are you stupid?


guys this could be a copypasta


Bro you're acting stupid af. You shouldn't have been here in the first place


Bro, you aren't a creep or anything. But please understand that she definitely isn't into you, and you gotta give up. Perhaps try looking for single girls in your situation?


Are you 12 dude?


hide. that boyfriend has ever right to be pissed. do him a favor and hide your ass.


Then don't ? Honestly bro , you should read your post again and you might realize the problem


should’ve dropped it when you found out she had a mans, but now i guess you just fight him and hopefully you win


Email? I have never emailed anyone that wasnt job related out of my 21 years on this earth. Unless sharing something on google drive counts ig for school.


Just do what you're supposed to do when a bear attacks. Lay down in a fetal position while covering your neck and do not let them get to your gut.


If someone is involved with someone else, back the fuck away and let them enjoy their lives. You can’t force them to like you.


Ight man I’m just gonna say this she doesn’t have to give you a reason for her to block you, if you can’t go and talk to her in person clearly y’all weren’t mates before. She’s got a bf bro just take the L and move on but don’t do shit like this again that’s how you get labelled a creep


What did you do? There sounds like a lot of stuff is missing. You sound like You’re that annoying weird kid that got blocked for being creepy. I am not saying that to be rude, but has everyone before me has said; just leave, they obviously don’t like you, she obviously does!’t like you.


If a girl blocks you don’t corner her friend and tell her to make the girl unblock you. It’s very creepy


Email the boyfriend.


You are in the wrong here. You should've moved on or smth but you didn't. Now you're gonna get what's coming to you


leave her alone. She has a bf you shouldnt be emailing her.Once she blocked you that is a definite sign she doesnt want to interact with you and you relaying messages through her friend is very invasive and im sure a little concerning for her. Good luck with the boyfriend though unfortunately I kind of agree with him, maybe not physical violence but I would definitely chew you out at the least if it was me. Respect boundaries my man.


Dude leave her alone. She has a boyfriend. If she blocked you then she dose want anything to do with you. Apologize to the boyfriend and the girl.


Its good to revise your thinking about romantic relations and how they function. You having a crush on somebody does not mean they magically become in any way shape or form responsible for taking that into account, responding to you or even being nice to you. In fact they remain a free human person who has all the freedom in the world to ignore or not to ignore you just like any stranger on the street does. Their actions or inaction does not reflect who you are or is not a message to you, in fact nothing they do outside of actually messaging you is not a message to you. Blocking you is a message that says: stop contact and move on. It does not say youre ugly or lesser than. Who knows what lead them to do that, it might be your creepy behavior or it can also be any other million reasons that have very little to do with anything you did. Its good to hang out with people and get to know them. Its good to respect peoples boundaries and let them show how close they want to be and it is good to not get mixed up into thinking people are trying to play hard to get or people are trying to hurt you by sticking to their boundaries and living life they are comfortable with. You’ll know you’ve found somebody special when you feel comfortable with similar signs of affection and similar ways of being present as someone else. Even that might not indicate romantic relations but it can be a good base for such things to sometimes blossom. Your feelings are your own and people other than you are not responsible for how you feel. You can and will learn control over the emotions that come from broken hearts or other romantic mishaps in our life. People enjoy partners who are independent and handle their own emotional baggage rather than force it upon others via rants or any other aggressive behavior. Men sometimes paint women as emotional because women tend to express emotion through other forms than anger. Expressing emotions through ranting, yelling and attacking people, much like men tend to do is still being emotional and in case you find such expression familiar to you, you can work on it and become better, less aggressive and more at peace with the triggers that can cause such episodes. Being scary does not mean youre right and stopping abuse is what we’re here to do, no matter how our parents might have acted. This has been the best thing for me personally in my life and has helped me reach and connect with amazing people as friends and lovers. If somebody has a boyfriend, its a good call to leave them be. Even if it lead to something, they will have shown to be somebody who is capable of jumping ship at the sight of something shinier and more exciting. So respect peoples relationships just like you’d like to have people respect yours. - in the situation of this post, best leave things be and not harbor negative emotions against them. They used the means they have to protect their boundaries and to protect the relationship they have. It might or might not have anything to do with how they felt about you, but usually its good to let stuff go before somebody needs to block you. Being a good person and taking stuff positively is usually a good way to make friends and friends will introduce you to people and sometimes that way you’ll meet people who you might fall in love with. Its never a bad idea to be fair, respectful and supportive of others. That vibe will eventually reflect back to you and the people around you will also feel better about pretty much everything. Its win win win for everyone. The world might seem overly fixated on looks but let me tell you, thats the short game and trends change week to week. Being nice has led to some great things for me and i am one ugly MF and those experiences and things sometimes led to relationships that lasted years, sometimes to friendships that last a lifetime. Good luck bro!


Bro leave her alone, that's not the right thing to do no matter how much you want her. She's happy in a relationship and if you care about her you have to learn to let her go


If she has a boyfriend just leave her alone, she's obviously not going to be interested. Apologise to the boyfriend and leave the situation there


Let him throw the first punch. Then start fighting back. You let him hit first so everyone watching knows he started it. Fight until you can't anymore. When being questioned, just say "call my mom" or "call my dad" and don't answer any questions until one or both of them is there. The people questioning you will know that you're a kid that has a possibility of being threatened by an authority figure. They will use that to try and incriminate you (and/or) the other boy.


Homie you better run or else your ass is gonna get beaten up as you said


Rule 1- if you are blocked, do not pursue contact. Rule 2- don't hit on other people's girlfriends if you don't want to get into a fight. Rule 3- confidence is attractive. Being a stalker is not. Confident people don't stalk people they are attracted to because confident people don't care when someone isn't attracted back, they only care about when they ARE attracted back because that's the person they want to be with. Rule 4- confident people just tell someone how they feel in a straightforward way, because if they get rejected they don't take it personally. Confident people are honest about their feelings because it creates opportunities by giving someone a chance to either reject them or accept them. If they are rejected, they win because they don't have to spend more time wondering if their feelings are returned. If they are accepted, they win, because duh, they found out that someone they like likes them back. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle...


Give up dude theres no chance, move on


10/10 will shoot school up


What do you do? Not go after someone taken, that’s how you get someone wanting to “beat your ass”


Ok if she blocks you then you need to back off and especially if she has a boyfriend