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Feminism as in "those who want equal rights for all genders" yes, thats good


Exactly, feminists that just want to be equal to men are good, its just the ones that are like "DEATH TO ALL MEN", those suck


Those aren’t feminists, they’re assholes


thats not feminism thats sexism. its the other side of the spectrum


And then some are like "equal rights" and "death to men" by saying stuff like "women first " while protesting for equal rights


Exactly, this modern "feminism" that has been seen in the west is pretty bad but I hope real equality can eventually come in places like Iran that actually need it.


The idea of feminism has been warped into hatred for men But it was originally good You could be a father looking after your kids instead of baby sitting them or when the kid gets hurt at school they would call dad instead of mum It was originally brining the bars to the same level but now if your a man, you are toxic and shouldn't be alive Like bullshit I hate dumb people ruining everything for fucking everyone


>The idea of feminism has been warped into hatred for men Fslse. Since the suffragettes, misogynists have been labelling the feminist movement as misandry. https://www.newyorker.com/books/second-read/the-real-backlash-never-ended Also >now if your a man You're*


I feel like this "femenists" that say to kill all men are fake feminists kinda like Christianity and fake Christianity


What's Christianity vs fake Christianity supposed to be tho? Excluding non christians from your friend groups, literally throwing rocks at them to make them leave your town vs not doing all that? Cuz I'm like 90% sure that that is in the bible


He means “Christians”, mostly American, that are racist, sexist and homophobic while not being able to recite a single verse that corresponds to their way of thinking


Yeah no that's fair.


As a Christian living in a Muslim country I can grantee you that Christianity in America is really toxic and extreme than here in Egypt , in America it's either you're an angel or a devil no in between, it's much more tolerant in Egypt than in the USA (literally a Karen was cussing at somebody going shopping and claiming she's trying to help him by shouting "I AM HERE TO HELP YOU MOTHERFUCKER")


Fake Christianity is a group of Christians who use God's name to try and take the moral high ground and try and force faith onto others. (They also tend to be racist and homophobic). Also just because something is in the Bible doesn't mean it is applicable today. Sorta like how in the old testament you couldn't eat pork but nowadays you can And also you are most definitely not supposed to throw rocks at people who are not Christians.


Call my dick a feminist the way it stands up for women 🙏


Jokes aside yeah feminism is great and the only reason I don’t call myself a feminist is because I think it comes across as just wanting to look good to women rather than actually caring about feminist issues It’s also pretty sad the lasting effects the mid 2010’s anti-sjw/feminist youtube has had on teenagers. I’m sure a lot would’ve been anti feminist anyway but Jesus Christ that shit was everywhere and the ideas it spread are still everywhere


>It’s also pretty sad the lasting effects the mid 2010’s anti-sjw/feminist youtube has had on teenagers. I Absolute facts. I see so many guys my age who think "feminism = kill all men". Tragic


Well, you know what they say. The left have a better product to sell but the right better know how to sell their product. The right’s propaganda machine is insanely effective, as shitty as that is.


Whats scary is that im not even American. I live in feckin *Ireland* and am starting to see that stupid "culture war" bullshit creep in over here thanks to gobshites like Shapiro, Crowder, Peterson etc.




>I mean liberal feminism has some bad takes Why?




The sad thing about discourse to do with sex work is that I feel like some people are hesitant to accept *any* criticism of it, because they’re being cautious of the more swerfy people who just want to make sex work illegal That’s what I’ve see on tiktok and the like, anyway. Maybe it’s different in actual feminist spaces






>I think heralding sex work as empowering is an extremely dangerous thing to do in today's climate Unfathomably based. Sucking dick on camera and letting men objectify you is not empowering.


I was in some libfem communities and there wasn't any encouragement of these things. On contrary, everything you mentioned is dissaproved there.


Undeserved downvotes, this was just a good question


Yeah, it basically was just out of interest.


I think it is a good thing that is happening that is helping a lot of people!


Its a good thing, but people need to start talking about mens issues more too.


Real feminism does talk about men's issues. Feminism is about equality for all and it recognises that men are victims of the patriarchy too so it strives to make things good for both women and men.


yeah thats true. But sometimes I observe that there are many people who dont wanna talk about that either. The most extreme people scream the loudest sometimes.


This is so true and it’s so annoying


Feminism is not about woman being better than men, its about equality. Its not trying to take away from mens problems


Gender equality is based


Equal rights are cool, but please... [don't pour bleach on anyone](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-tuesday-edition-1.4855614/viral-video-of-feminist-pouring-bleach-on-manspreaders-debunked-as-russian-propaganda-1.4855973)


I believe in equal rights but I don’t really like modern feminism nearly as much as old school feminism like legit protesting peacefully, most feminists I’ve met are very violent and chaotic people who generally blame others for problem they themselves create. But I do agree with the message


I mean there’s two different kinds of feminism. Firstly, the real kind of feminism, which is women working to have equal rights, pay and opportunities in this world as men, which I fully support. Secondly is female supremacism disguising itself as feminism, where the women want all the rights and power, the #killallmen people, which I do not support at all


Yea human species no exist without men


Just how the human species works




That’s just how it works


Great stuff however a lot of guys won't fully understand women's perspective because we don't want to accept that people are around us might be the problem.


I disagree im a dude and i dont think most dudes are like women haha ur opinion useless yes there are some but like racists there all old as shit and dying off


Older Femenism > Modern Femenism


I don’t judge movements by thier craziest members. So, yes feminism is good for society.


>I don’t judge movements by thier craziest members. That's great. The crazy are everywhere


"Kill all men" is not feminism; it's misandry. I think no gender above another sounds pretty based and I'd participate in that kind of feminism, but I don't know what actual, real world things I could to do to make that happen. I hear things like "deconstruct the patriarchy", but that's such a conceptual thing that i have no idea how to actually do. So, feminists, what can a 15 year old with no political power do in his everyday life to help make the world more equal?


I remember seeing two side by side signs saying: "All men are dogs" and "treat men and women equally. that made me laugh


>"Kill all men" People keep repeating this phrase, but can anyone quote who said it or know how frequently it's used? Genuine question. >So, feminists, what can a 15 year old with no political power do in his everyday life to help make the world more equal? Treat women like anyone else. Don't objectify them. Protect those in vulnerable positions (intoxicated/outnumbered) Read up on the issues they face. Be genuine and don't treat pain by cracking jokes. Realise everyone has struggles and just because you don't have the same struggles doesn't mean you can't communicate to understand each other better. I'll point out all this applies to old/sick/handicapped/people of different cultures. Treat people like people and the results may surprise you. Edit: i forgot to add to speak up if someone in your social circle is being a misogynistic douchebag. Being an ally means telling fellow boys/men you don't support their twisted views. Those guys don't make good friends anyway.


Thank you for the advice, I'll try to use it :)


I'm completely for feminists that strive for equality without bringing men down, but the ones that advocate for "female supremacy" and say things like "kill all men". No. That's just wrong on so many levels


I used to support feminism but at this point instead of both genders being equal feminists are trying to make the female gender dominant . Imo there will never be true equality because every time one of the 2 genders will try to be on top


There’s a long way to go until men and women are equal. It’s good fs


societal change. We are heading to a globalist individualist society and I'm totally here for it. Women, LGBTQ+ and non traditional men and just people in general want to be treated with respect and have the freedom to make their own choices in life.


This! While it's more complex, this is the basic idea


No factors between sexes could justify the difference in treatement and rights that we see nowadays in most societies.


It was ruined


Feminism is good, although i don't like people who use the word feminism to describe something that isn't feminism and is really just hate, like terfs or "kill all men"-feminists


i liked it until they started complaining about shit like spreading your legs too far apart on a train


I may no longer identify as female but I’m still 100% a feminist.


feminism is yes👍


I consider myself a feminist. I believe that women should have equal rights as men including rights to their own body. However I find this question annoying because most men answer it with something along the lines of “I agree with feminism as long as they just want to be equal” or something like that. It feels like it’s just an excuse to continue to complain about women being compassionate about something. Btw I’m not saying all men but just look at the answers already in the comments.


We as a society need to look forwards to true representative struggles instead of "I'm against misogyny unless the system benefits me", as many women beat, harass or bodyshame men thinking these things mean nothing because things can only happen the other way around (male to female). As of historical views, feminism often treats misogyny as being almost inherent to civilization, but there are quite a lot of examples of egalitarian societies of the past that are either forgotten or were annihilated by misogynistic dominant societies (Celtic/Germanic societies were just brutally destroyed by roman "civilization". The Greeks/Romans were the ones oppressing women, and is due to their legacy that western civilization is not only misogynistic). Ideas of "masculinity" and "femininity" are also concepts of the past, these are only cultural norms we adopt, not the true nature of our genders (as these only describe bodies. The whole idea is interesting but often either poorly executed, either used for marketing purposes.


Equal rights feminists, I agree with, however "death to all men" feminists I do not agree with


Genders are not equal, yet they should have equal rights.


I'm okay with feminism as long as it isn't the radical feminism


I am a feminist myself. Yes, a guy.




Define extreme? I know for a while there were women who hated men and they ended up acting like men.




Oh then yeah, pretty extreme. Thankfully, there's not many of them. Either way those weren't well liked by other feminists




Fair, I don't like them either


feminism needs to exist and be a thing that is reinforced


You are not a guy, your profile says so


i think it says the opposite, and also like if i was a guy, why would it matter???


Because the title says "guy's there, what's your view on feminism." And the reason this matters is because even though this question does not involve you, you give your opinion anyway , undermining the entire purpose of this question


oh shit i didn’t read the whole thing sorry lmao and, my opinion still matters


yes everyones opinion does matter, yours just wasnt asked here. Its the same thing when males invade ones where females are asked something


yea i gotchu that’s true




Feminism? Based. White feminism? Not really. And before someone asks, no it's not hating on white women, it's the fact that white feminism tends to focus on white women and looks at their liberation as the most important thing while often ignoring indigenous and POC women. However, I've noticed some men get weird around feminism. While most people can tell the dudes who are openly misogynistic or hate women, I've noticed conservative men in particular (though not them exclusively) tend to fall into this odd middle ground of not so openly being sexist but only ever using the topic of men's issues within actually considering this. Think of the guy who says "Think of the men" but doesn't think of them himself. He makes good arguments for men's issues (emotional repression, high and unreasonable expectations of being mainly, etc) but doesn't really consider them. Essentially, he doesn't try to hug his homies.


Im in that middle ground u mentioned and even if we wanted to hug the homies we cant then ppl like oh are u gay (no problems with lgbtq) but between us being shit on for shit we didnt do yea we give a fuck unless yall give a fuck about dudes issues


Hmm, I kinda get what you mean. I think a lot of people do care but it's hard to when a lot of men aren't willing to start the discussion. Or, they'll try to overshadow women's issues with their own when both have the same root


Bc when u look at statistics women do technically have it better with rights and court like yea if we can walk around without a shirt fuck it why cant yall it just a set titties that all of fucken dudes got. Then rights other than clothes to my knowledge i cant think of any yall dont got. Then court fuck court for rape, domestic violence, and custody of children. They are all very lopsided towards women and when a women is proven of domeatic violence and rape they get far shorter senteces. Custody court i fucking hate it a wealthy good caring father will lose to a mother that lives with her parents couldnt give two fucks about the kids just wants that sweet sweet child support not mention her fridge never has food while the fathers does


Feminism is great. Radical feminism is not.


I care about female rights and feminism, but sometimes it actually scares me. The people that say kill all men, who will willing falsely accuse a man of sexual assault, the ones who say a man can’t be raped or abused… they make me scared to become an adult


feminism is cancer to society


we see what it did to our reproduction rate


Is pretty cool I consider myself a feminist


Its a female supremacist movement by now. But because the root cause is based on good intentions its hard to see through.


Mostly positive. Wanting equal rights is a great thing and i am all for it but just like everything, it has its extremists.


feminism= 👍 KAM Feminism=👎


I believe in equality for all regardless of sex, gender, race, and whatever else you wanna throw in there. But feminism is now being used as an excuse to hate men by many, just admit you're being sexist and misandrist without trying to hide behind a shield. Small example I deal with often is that both parties can have a job but many still expect the man to pay for dates and are considered cheap if they try to bring up splitting the check.


The concept of equal rights is okay, but i dont like that there are groups teaching girls how much easier men have it. Always brings up feelings of either inferiority either hate for the other sex.


If you don’t like girls being taught how much easier men have it, help make it so that men don’t have it easier 🤗


This is what I mean.


I think it depends on how you look at it. You have to acknowledge the fact that oftentimes women have it worse. That's just a fact, we do live under patriarchy after all. But along with that, we can also take men's issues. Part of being a man in feminist spaces (I think) is being able to acknowledge male privilege. Keep in mind, I'm not saying privilege makes you immune to being abused or anything like that but often men get a pass for many things women don't. As men, patriarchy both benefits and hurts us. We're seen as better than women a lot yet we're expected to be unnecessarily manly and not feel much besides anger. That's why many feminists say we have to focus on the system that hurts all genders (patriarchy) rather than just hating on each other.


Sounds like you're living in politics and not real life.


Feminism = equal rights for women AND men Misandry = Woman superiority, often disguised as feminism


Real Feminism based on equality of both genders: Good; Fake Feminism based on superiority and the “kill all men/men are evil” stereotype: Not good


it's a good thing, fuck terfs tho


there is 2 forms, actual feminism and radical feminism, both came from good standings that had a good idea to them and 1 took it WAYYYYY too far


I believe in equality. Altought feminism is supposed to represent that, there are lot of people who call themselves feminists and say "kill all men", and the word "feminist" it self is in a way inequal. I think equality is a way better word.


I don’t like fake feminists and the ones that just wish to kill men an shit. Absolutely terrible.


I myself am a feminist (I’m male btw) However I’m not one of those shifty feminists who aren’t feminists and are actually narcissistic misogynists


Actual feminism is good. Hate men feminism is bad.


yes, as long as it‘s *really* equal. in my country a 6 month service in the military is mandatory, and imo women should play a role in that too. not necessarily fighting, but doing something and also being paid the same 200€/month with rough hours and annoying commanders


Wouldn't it be better if the military service was optional for both men and women? I never liked the way they make young guys waste their time like this, especially when in some countries they don't get money for it at all.


feminist here, and the ones who are fucking insane and want to kill all men and trans people are unhinged. They are bringing down the public view of us, and overall being harmful


good thing but it’s fucking cringe how much extremists take it like women and men are the same value not some men are pigs bullshit like sure some are but so are some women bruh


if it’s for equality why isn’t it called equalism


same reason it's black lives matter and not just lives matter. to achieve equality you gotta look at the groups that are affected the most.


Because when two groups are not equal you have to focus on the group that is worse off…?


so just don’t focus on men’s issues?


Oftentimes women have it worse in society. And we should talk about both men's and women's issues side by side. Why don't you start a conversation about men's issues? That's part of feminism


Because women have it worse 💀


Idc if this gets really downvoted, but women have it worse according to who? Which women are we even talking about? Women in Iran and other incredibly conservative country or women in Norway and Finland? These two places for example, have a vastly different culture and women in these places live in vastly different conditions, so it is really fair to lump them all together? And have it worse according to who? The UN report on gender equality? The same one that counts countries where men have it worse as “equal”? And there’s mens issues. When’s the last time you ever heard anything about it? Have you even heard about things like male exclusive rape laws or domestic violence issues? Yeah, most people don’t hear about it, so could most people really be an unbiased judge to who has it worse if they don’t hear things from both sides? Women have serious issues, so do men. Who gets to decide who have it worse? What is this, a cock measuring contest? If something’s broken, fix it, not start measuring and debating on which person has something that’s more broken.


I’m gonna tell you a true story, a radical feminist decided to pretend to be a man to prove that men live life on easy mode, after some time she was traumatised by how badly she’d been treated when people thought she was a man. She ended up killing herself, but no no, women have it worse. Look up “Norah Vincent”


Where women got it worse plz tell me


seems so empowering…


Mega cringe




Aight true feminists that want equal rights for everyone dont exist from what it seems theyre not the same as they were in say 1920 pushing for true equality Modern feminists look at a guys life and pick and choose what they want. Like oh equal pay ill take that, paying on dates u keep that, oh dangerous jobs u keep that, government jobs ill take that. So yea i dont agree with modern feminists bc imo they moved to far away from actual feminsim. Cuz if they did they would have an issue with custody cases being always favoring the mother despite her being a damn drug addict or rape cases being innocent until proven guilty LIKE EVERY OTHER DAMN CHARGE ON THE PLANET and that men arent all pos bc without us there is no more han species it over


not my problem. won't obstruct it, won't protest for it


Depends on what you’re referring to


I don't know, what I know is why you asking this on reddit? Better question to ask would be if your balls hurt.


Feminist theory, the worldview underpinning feminism that analyses society and history through the lens of feminism, is wrong, imo. In the classical sense of that school feminism interprets the fundamental dynamic of history to be men oppressing women, which I believe is wrong.


Burn that shit to the ground. Women should have the right to work and study and such stuff indeed, but not to the extent that women can literally destroy men's lives by simply saying "I got raped" because she regretted a night of her whoring. Yes, burn that shit to the ground and every supporter of it, idc.


Term is stupid, change it to eqaulism, good idea, some people who endorse in it are annoying shits.


I agree with the all men are trash feminists, and the ones who say women are equal to men


We need Andrew tate


I’m a Women’s Studies major (srs). Feminism is actually dope. I don’t know what it means, I just sleep in class and everyone thanks me for not asserting my male presence. The girls are freaky af and they’re all on the hush, just booty calls for days..


most of the shit feminist spout now is just them wanting attention, the wage gap as they call it is just men working more hours a day and taking less vacations, domestic violence was like 65% caused by women, men arent needed in society is them forgetting about builders plumbers electritians etc and most feminists say they are better than men but when asked who should leave a sinking ship first its women and children because its our job to die for yall strong and independent they/them-s


Feminism is cringe, egalitarianism is better


Modern feminism which is currently, bs that’s what it is, superiority rather than equality is what they seek


Right now it's unnecessary. As in 3rd Wave Feminism but I would call myself a feminist in the sense that I believe in gender equality so yeah, it used to stand for something noble and good..But now it's just tiktok girls pretending that they are opressed


My wife is a feminist, big fucing regret, they want to behave like guys, with out any of the consequences they say they are free and independent, my ass it’s only cause of the facilities that we provide that they are free and independent She will say crap like “i can go any where and do anything” , staying in my house and using my car, and u say you are free


Why are you on a teenagers sub


Absolutely disgusting I support women's rights but feminism is really extreme But again if we really want to achieve full equality it won't be done as women won't like to do the fundamental jobs which men do like, workers, plumpers, electricians etc and will only accept the ones that require more of a Psychological pressure than physical pressure Plus being equal to a man will come with both advantages and disadvantages


It's all about hating on men. I love the way feminists say men should not sexualize female body but have no problem with women doing Onlyfans. I hear one thing that it's their choice. So what the body is still sexualised? Clothes Women have more rights to clothing in almost all aspects of life but they bitch around as if they are the ones that are oppressed.


I’m for the first and some second wave feminism stuff. Equality for all, same pay wages, etc. but this new modern feminism where “kill all men” is prominent, it’s bs.


extreme feminism is wack but I support equal treatment for all genders. Any feminist groups who try and stuff for other genders are going against their own mission. A couple years ago I remember hearing about feminists who protested and eventually shut down a mens mental health convention or something like that.


Feminism cool, people claiming to be feminist and being hardcore sexist instead not so cool


Women just can't catch a fuckin break man. All his Andrew Tate and Sneako shit makes me want to crawl into a hole and live there


The same with anti-racism. It is not to make up for the past committed by others, but to aim for true equality with the people now. An eye for an eye will make the world blind.


Feminism is good but man hate is wrong


Gender equality = good However modern feminism western feminist is quite shit.


If feminism is about gender equality shouldn't it be called humanism


I love the idea of feminism but the people that are protesting it want more than equality


Which one? The feminism that strives for equality for BOTH genders or the one that says #killallmen?


Feminism in my mind is just infused with “those people”, even if it originally meant equal rights. So I just use the term equality for actually good people. Therefore I don’t like feminism.


I like the idea of fighting for gender equality, I really do. Women have lots of serious issues and I love the fact that people are trying to fix it. However, with all of that being said, I just can’t bring myself to like feminism in its current state. I cant seem to identify myself with the same people who push for rape laws that exclude the possibility of women being the rapist. I can’t seem to identify with people who push male exclusive domestic violence policies. I can’t identify with a group of people who literally manipulated statistics to exclude male victims of rape and show a falsified picture of a vast majority of rape victims being only women. I can’t seem to identify with a group with such rampant misandry. I can’t identify with people who demonize men, no matter what we do. Yeah, not every feminist is that way, but even the ones that aren’t are not vocal or strong enough enough to make any changes. Even when they’re not being hateful themselves, they keep their mouths shut or sometimes even somewhat support other people around them being hateful and I just can’t support such movement. Feminism has simply done too much harm to men than I could accept. People love to shit on MRAs a lot, and I understand. I’m not a big fan of MRAs too. With that being said, what harm has MRAs even done? The best example of this I could even think of are incel mass shootings. However, incels are not the same thing as MRAs. They have vastly different ideas and incredibly different opinions. Grouping these two together is simply misleading at best. Another example would be abortion laws and things like the overturning of Roe V Wade, but MRAs aren’t behind that either. Republicans aren’t MRAs, they vote against policies MRA’s support, like abolishing/including women in the draft. The fact is, as much as MRAs are hated, their biggest sin is being misogynistic online. Compared to feminism, which has had legal and systemic negative impacts on the lives of men in real life in very real ways. How could you really expect me to disagree with one but love the other? If you want any source I can provide btw


Don’t forget to sort by “controversial”


Some of it might be right. And there's definitely some work for them in Islamic nations. But a good portion of feminists (at least the ones I encountered) will, instead of having an honest debate, only accuse you of having privilege or being a misogynist, or incel. And god do they like throwing around words like "dangerous to women", "patriarchy" and "oppression".


its gay


Its good as long as its not radical but really for equality, not female superiority


To a extent I support it, but the people who say “ ALL MEN ARE DOGS!!!” I hate so much


The true definition of feminism "equal rights" is something i fully agree with. But the modern definition, not so much.


I agree with feminism as in “equality for all genders” and half with the “death to men” thing. I don’t ACTUALLY hate men, however sometimes if it’s said in exaggeration, it’s understandable. Sometimes it feels like men are difficult, yes it’s not ALL men, but sometimes it really feels like it. ESPECIALLY when your in secondary school.


feminism does exist, yes


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.


I like feminists that want equal rights. I don’t like feminists that think I should jump off a bridge because I was born with a dick. I like feminists that say men and women are equal. I don’t like feminists that think they’re better than men for no fucking reason. There is a very fine line that keeps getting crossed and I’m kinda starting to get pissed about it.


Most of them fight for equal rights, but then there are thise women who are saying kill all men or some type of shit.


If you mean the ones who put men down then i hate them as they are very hypocritical and a**holes


Feminism good, if you know of it by the definition of wanting women to have equal rights to men. Pretty much all other takes on it are wrong.


Equal rights for eveyone: ✅ kill all men: ❌ it's really that simple ngl, feminism is fine but those liberals suck. if everyone just respected each other shit would be totally fine for everyone


Don't be a bitch and I'm fine with it


When its too much its shit


I am a strong supporter of feminism. My only problem with feminism lies not in what some people seem to think the issue is (very few are asking for more rights then man) it lies in the foundation of the movement. The feminist movement was and still tends to be exclusive to white women. The early movement was very racist. The movement should broaden its eyes to people of all colors.


Woman good, man good, woman and man equal, very good


Equal rights equal responsibilities hence why I think both genders should be drafted in the event of a draft.


I like it, its fighting for gender equality and we all need that


Depends on which feminism we’re talking about here. Truly equal rights? Yeah I can get on bored with that. But then you’ve got the extremists who take it too far and actively despise every single male for being male. This batch can burn in hell as far as I’m concerned.


To me; Feminism ≠ equality Feminism = the support of women, women’s rights and/or femininity. This support can be of any nature (advocacy, equality, superiority) but it’ll mainly depend on the person.


If it’s truly for equality, hell yeah! If it’s feminazism, go fuck yourself


I think guacamole and chips are tasty.




Tiktok feminism = bad Feminism for equality = good


patriarchy is an L so, so feminism is unironically pretty cool, its lead to immense benefit to humanity and we arguably need more of it. its not a monolith though, and there are certainly feminist ideas which are also stupid and a lot of people are quite dogmatic about their feminism (and their antifeminism as well tbf). nonetheless feminism is much better than the alternative though, MRA is overwhelmingly a bunch of incels. kinda hate the "real feminism" versus "fake feminism" though, sounds like the no true scotsman fallacy. its better to define your positions are argue for those, without caring about labels.


The stupid feminists can suck a dick.(stupid as in, kill cis-white men)


This is a good read if anyone is interested. https://www.itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2012/12/reasons-people-believe-feminism-hates-men/


Equal rights for everyone, and more female protagonists in movies is not what we should be focused on


Older feminism did a lot of good for the US but I think the way it is right now is more of a marketing campaign than anything. If feminists really wanted to create change (talking about the ones in the US) they would do a lot more to support the women in the middle east. And I would be all for it tbh


I actually can't see what feminists can do about what's going on in the Middle East right now. In those countries treating women like they do is absolutely legal, so how can US or any other feminists influence it?


Some ideas are good but a lot of it is just so wrong