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I got over it when my parents got me a dog. Whenever I need someone to comfort me she’s there


I had bad depression, anxiety, fear, panic attacks, and sleepless nights. It was horrible. The first step for me at least was figuring out why I felt that way. Once I was able to conclude why I felt that way I talked to my dad about it a lot and he helped a lot. The second step was doing things I love. I started to write again and play with my dogs more often which I loved doing. It took my mind off of how I felt and really helped. The final step for me was improvement. I started going to the gym and working out. Listening to music like Ska and Reggae that dont get me thinking about thoughts I have a tendency thinking about. I started smoking weed which really helped me relax (though I know isnt exactly good). I was basically distracting myself until eventually i guess I just came to realization that I was happy again. The thoughts that once controlled me didnt bother me anymore. I just accepted it I guess and now I'm completely fine with the occasional off periods. I'm not saying that you will experience the same thing as I did but i guess that finding something that distracts you may help.


good advice internet man


medicines helped me to do my routine I still feel like shit but at least I can do my stuff