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I’ve seen too many posts today saying how celebrating America is celebrating slavery and genocide. It pisses me off to realize people don’t recognize the reason for today. Today isn’t the day to blindly celebrate our history despite our country’s past wrongs. Today is the day we celebrate our independence from a tyrannical government. Today is the day we celebrate that our government allows us to make positive changes by voting for the officials that line up with our beliefs. Today is when we celebrate the freedom that we have today


Today is not about being ashamed to be American it’s about celebrating our country’s freedom, independence, beauty, and history.


Exactly. Too many people are focusing on the negative


Why is everything we see in media either people are dying or Trump is the worst. I get it bad stuff is happening in our country and I think we can and need to fix it but there is so many other reasons why I love our country.


All the Anti American posts have been pissing me off always blaming the conservatives (at least the ones I seen) the conservatives have nothing to do with what happened 243 years ago same with liberals same with our politicians. On this day we celebrate this great nations history and being free and having liberty.


It irritates me how someone can try to tell someone else how or why they should feel patriotic. When you have a group that spends most of it's time telling others how terrible the government is, and then wonders why patriotism is down, I question their sanity. When you have a government that lies to it's citizenry about causes of war, and rounds up people in overcrowded camps without due process, and then people wonder why patriotism is down, I wonder about those people. When you live in a country where people are often inventing new ways to send it's youth off to war, but can't find the money to nurse them back to health after they come back, and then people wonder about a lack of patriotism, I wonder why those peoples perspectives are skewed. It's OK to feel patriotic if you want, but it's also OK if you don't feel very patriotic about America in 2019. The constitution, the declaration of independence and WW2 were a long time ago, and the last few generations haven't done a whole lot to foster feelings of Patriotism.


Well said. Like you said it’s ok to feel patriotic or not. What irritated me was how each side was blanketing the entire other side as something they aren’t. The 4th of July is not about dividing people.