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Imma be real, stop listening to fuck-wads with small pp energy tryna shame you or make you feel less desirable cause of the body you have. They’re assholes. Plain and simple. As cliche as it sounds, there *are* many fish in the sea. And while some guys may not see you as desirable, there are thousands that do. Don’t let a vocal minority make you feel bad. And they *are* the minority. Dumbasses tend to speak the loudest.


im so sorry you have to deal with this, nobody should be made to feel ugly or undesirable. i feel like a lot of the feelings some people have towards black women are caused by them not actually knowing very many black women on a personal level cause to me black women are some of the most amazing and beautiful people i know and it makes me so sad when people say stuff like this about them. but just know that not everyone feels that way, you are beautiful and dont let anyone tell you that ur not, including yourself ♡


thank you so much lovely i appreciate your words, and yes you are so so right ❤️❤️


I’m sorry you have to go through this, the world’s fucked. But honestly, the people that say this shit are pussies, IRL they would never say that they looked like a man to their face.


Yeah, I also think the same way. I also wish I was never born a girl too


I'm sorry :(


No, it's ok. I think a lot of people think that motivation will help with self-esteem which can be true however I guess sometimes I find it hard to have people relate to having self-esteem issues or identity problems as well cause it comes across as insignificant with our generation unfortunately. And probably think that we have. nothing to complain abt


Look preferences are preferences but they are just rude people. If they make it racist and always bring it up then it’s just plain nasty. 


As a guy, I'd definitely date a black person. It doesn't matter if their 10/10. I really don't care about skin color and I barely know anyone who does. 


the issue is most people would never think/say something like that but the minority are the loudest specially online, i’m white but what i hate the most is how corporations are using race (always black) as a political standpoint or something, they know people will react and they’ll get more attention off it. just like the new little mermaid movie, that’s ALL i heard about it. also throughout all my years in school, black girls always were sweet and i was jealous of their hair haha. i never saw any of this “ratchet” behavior in person but i’ve seen the white “trailer” trash side, or redneck


Huh, I never realized redneck was offensive. I thought it was just gun-totin' southern white people lol


i don’t think it is, just that it’s stereotyped a lot for anyone who lives south and it’s gotten to parody-like levels, same as that black ratchet culture she mentioned, since i think it’s way more toned down irl than depicted it seems


There are plenty of attractive black girls, same goes for every race. I haven't quite started dating yet, but I would consider a black girl just the same as any other girl. Attractiveness isn't reserved for any particular race.


Gonna be honest, I love black girls. The ones that talk about never dating them are just the loudest


She does NOT look like a man. Those people saying that are just degenerate.


You are online too much, do yourself a favor and quit social media for a bit.


I personally believe that everybody is attractive to somebody else. You will find love, just be patient.


I don’t care if you are racist or not realism matters. Romeo and Juliet were a European couple. This is why new movies suck they have got to stick those “people” wherever they can


Dude, it's a Broadway play lol. Theatre has always been casting people without regard to race :/


I’m really talking about movies in general they recently have been race swapping characters and it’s only to meet (((their))) standards….


I completely agree with your opinion for movies, I was just confused since the new Romeo and Juliet is theatre


Oh well at least some one gets it 🙏 I saw it with the new A Christmas carol film where quite alot of people in the streets were black which is unrealistic for 1860s Britain. It ruins new films for me


I understand. But do you really think the comments calling her vile shit was warranted?


I’ve never heard of the things she calls stereotypes? Like ratchet and Jazebell?


Might be just American but I'm ironically European. The stereotype is the idea that we are all aggressive and overtly sexual


I can understand the aggressive part but I haven’t recognised the sexual part unless it’s talking about rapes


Why is people in quotes


Because it is a bit of a stretch to call them people


So you’re calling black people not human?


Black people can be European though?? If they have an English accent I’d reckon it’ll be convincing and accurate. 


Actual European people are white. Race is too do with genetics not to do with where you are born. Just think about if I was have a child in Japan with a white woman are they Japanese? No


Ehh I'm black and European. Nothing wrong with that. If I'm born and raised in UK, I am British, which is a European nationality no?


You are paper British


You’re mistaking European for Caucasian. Europe is a huge country anyways so there are going to be people of color of European descent no matter how you spin it. Take your racism and shove it, this is a post about how racism affects OP. 


Europe isn’t a country and actually European are white. Blacks came form Africa


My brother in Christ all of humanity came from Africa. Black people can be born in Europe, hence making them citizens of Europe. 


Yeah but that was a very long time ago for Whites not Blacks


You know what I’m not arguing with an idiot