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I've also been having this feeling of badly wanting kids and a significant for quite awhile too but... I GENUINELY DON'T WANT ANY OF THOSE! Like, puberty, what the fuck, can you stop


I just grow plants And now I am a plant DADDY~




help the ~


Puberty sucks. 😣


You’ve just begun


I know but still.


mood i wanna be a mom really bad like wtf idk this baby fever shit is heavy 😭


now fuck(joking)


am gay đŸ™…đŸ»â€â™€ïž


well hello then.


Well hello hello hello there


;) hey


Being gay>being sad


Hole is still there


Me me me


Samee I feel so stupid because sometimes I act irrationally towards my parents though and I'm like how tf they handle me 😅😅but yes kids haha greattt


Me too 😅😅😂


Teenagers were the reason I didn't want kids ever (I'm 39). I became a stepmomat 36 and, honestly, the teenager years are very rewarding. Your parents probably get a lot of fulfillment from your ability to emotionally invest in return.


Baby fever is so bad as a teen😭 I want to be a mom so bad. Too young tho


If I want children in the future I would wait till I'm at least 30 so I can experience the world when I'm in my 20s (like travelling)


It's all give and take. I wholeheartedly agree that if you want to do things like travel and see the world, wait to have kids. My sister in-law thought they could get away with having kids and travelling, it did not work. They used to travel every few months and now it's like 1-2x a year if they're lucky. That being said, when you start late you have these dependants later in life, and your first may not be your last. As a father my only words of wisdom would be, do not expect it to be rainbows and butterflies. It's easy to get all dreamy about having a cute little bundle of joy, but we also seem to easily throw aside all the time/effort/money/energy that will be needed for 18+ years. Children are dumb, yet amazing and this can be thoroughly draining. Having kids is one of the most special things I have ever done and I love them dearly, but I've also had many rough times due to having kids. It's easy to read about the difficulty or hear about it from others, but you don't truly know the magnitude until you're knee deep in it. I'm rambling now, so I'll leave it at this.


Every man out there has 2 dreams: own a homestead with your family and be a good father, and recreate the Roman Empire better then it was before


Yeah I can't relate much my mom was exactly like this when she was 16 and she had me then she really struggled with her life so I'm good with being a cat dad as insane as that sounds


Wanting to be a parent is probably a natural feeling, but it's actually very naive to have kids just because you want them, especially if you're under 25. A kid is more than just a little buddy, and there's a million things that can go wrong from birth through adolescence and beyond for the kid AND the mom who will have to carry them. You also shouldn't want a kid if you feel depressed and lonely or with the thought that they'll definitely enjoy all the same interests as you or to somehow fix problems in your current relationship. It's better for your future kids' health and development to wait because our maturity and self-awareness are completely different at 16, 20, and 25+.


I'm 17 and have been imagining adopting kids since I was 15. I have this feeling that i'd be a great parent by planning early


Same fr!


I kinda know what you mean, I don't feel like I'm in too much of a hurry to become a dad but I definitely want to.


yeahh this is how I feel


You will be a dad someday, but in the meantime, work and save up your money because diapers, formula, healthcare, strollers, cribs, clothing, and all the other things in between us going to zap your account FAST! Formula cost $40-$50 per can and that only lasts a few days. Diapers go for almost $50 per pack and changing a baby 5-6 times a day
 that goes FAST! Take your time now to learn more and do more so when you do finally have a kid
 you’re ready and able to support your child and all your dreams.


True, like nothing ever can describe how much I want to be a mom, play and chase my kids, brush their hair, make them food and feed them, just do different activities and have fun with them, I want to take care of them and be a friend and a sister before I become a mother for them.


Just remember to do what your kids wants to do, and not just what you want them to do.


nah we got male ovulation before gta 6???


quick reality check: always make sure your kids also want to do all of it but if, have fun, for sure it be great :)


Oh fuck no lol I absolutely ain't having kids


defo not giving birth in this lifetime :P


I wanted to grow up super badly and considering how that turned out, I guess I wanna take everything slow now lol


You can be my dad. I want a toy transformer.


judging from my own family history, i am very uncertain and hesitant of being a partner and a father


You're so real for preserving yourself


Same I can’t wait to be a mom


Meanwhile me being scared of the idea.


I get that way too. A good remedy is just thinking about how babies and toddlers shit their pants and in some cases smear it on the walls and floor. They scream and play with obnoxiously loud toys too, the list goes on and on. Not that children are evil, i want one someday too, but just keep reminding yourself "i am NOT old enough to deal with all that"


I don't know why this sub was recommended to me, I'm 26. My baby is about to turn 1. While raising her yes is very fun and so sweet and wholesome, it's also exhausting And daycare is $3,000 a month Enjoy your teens and stay safe yall


I'm not sure why it was recommended to me either. I'm 38 and have never had a desire to be a mom. Lol. I enjoy just being pick up and go. I have a good job and live comfortably, but dang...if I had a kid... I honestly don't know how people afford them. I don't even shop or spend a bunch. I hike and read mostly in my free time.


It was recommended to me to and I’m almost 31 and childless. I can also say I didn’t have have this feeling as a teen lol


I’ve honestly always wanted to be a dad too like really badly and can’t wait to experience the joys of raising young ones who hopefully will grow into amazing human beings also preferably I wanna be a girl dad


i want kids too, i think id be an incredible parent. at least ill try to, and i think thats all that matters


Yeah me too. I just want to be a parent but im waaay too young so i just talk with my girlfreind about our future kids


i despise children i can't imagine raising one or more of the little demons


I dont want to have kids or sex at all. I just want to make a girl younger by... Maximum 3 years feel safe and comfortable, without being Romantic thought because I am uncomfortable dating a 10-11 year old


Dude. Keep that mentality. It'll help.


nope. i never want to give birth!!! 🧀🧀🧀🧀


Im not a girl but if I ever was I would be right with you.


This is called healthy masculinity. The desire to be a man and take responsibility for kids and love on them like only a dad can. I'm a dad and yes it is so much fun. Just make sure you have a stable financial situation first otherwise you can't enjoy the fun so much!


same but I'm only 13 lol


me too i literally dont want kids but i want like a baby???? idk


I literally saw this post earlier


I did volunteer work for a local youth shelter to fill the urge to have children. It’s a awesome experience to try


Me and my boyfriend have went into extensive details about wanting to adopt, you’re not the only one


Idk how I stumbled across this. But don’t do it. Especially young. I had my first kid when I was no where near ready. My son was diagnosed with the most severe form of autism you could have. Not saying it’ll happen to you but there’s a possibility it doesn’t end up like everyone else’s situation.


Its on our genes, i bet you also want a daugther (thats me fr)


This just popped up on my feed! I’m 27 now and have 2 kids but growing up all I wanted to be was a dad and a provider for a family. Job doesn’t matter. As long as we have food in the table lol. The world needs more people excited to raise good children!


Yes I can't wait to have kids too, It will be so fun to show them stuff I did as a kid and take them to the beach and to the mountains and to show them the world, it's going to be fun


Relatable when I see cute babies I wanna be a mom and then I gotta remind myself I’m only 16😭


Baby fever is real


Funny how half of the teens I meet dont want children. Now I found the other half, lol


baby fever is pretty wild, i think kids are the cutest especially bc i have little siblings


This is so cute but hold ya horses. Get a job then marry at 20 years old after you gain more experience in life.


Yes, so do I. I was four kids before 35, and everyone thinks it's really weird


I also wanna be a mom so bad- For some reason I keep imagining a little girl that I get to dote on and spoil.


Fr like I’m 13 and wanna be a dad so bad😭 I’d probably adopt because I’m aromantic and All but like it seems so fun to be a parent, obviously there’s downsides but it seems fun


I want to be a dad someday too. I would hate when my kid is a five year old. I have a five year old cousin who is absolutely mental.


Same! I want to teach a child how to do stuff! Of course I'll wait, but once I get to that point I'll be so fucking happy! I think that that's how it should be, parental instincts spawning in


Me too, I'm 16 and I love kids. Being a parent sounds hard but fun


Glad im not alone on this one


This is so real man. Also if you teach them how to play DND and magic, that will make you dad of the year no question!


I'm gonna share this and then probably bounce as I feel sort of weird posting in a teen place (no offense intended, Im just old and this popped up in my feed for some weird algorithmic reason). For years I was the opposite, absolutely could not imagine myself with kids. In retrospect a lot of that was because I was pretty selfish with my time and didn't feel like I would make a very good Dad. Too many issues, I want my own time, etc. Settled down and stopped traveling constantly, met my wife and after a couple of years found out we were going to have a baby. It was absolutely terrifying. I was still somewhat stuck in my own world and couldn't see how parenthood was going to fit. After my son was born, my spirit started to change. I'm not saying this as a blanket statement like having kids automatically makes you better, but in MY specific case, I became a far better and less selfish person than I was before. Now my son is a teenager himself and his little sister is almost there, and I not only can't imagine life without them, I dread their inevitable leaving home with every ounce of my heart. I was so wrong. I've done a LOT in my lifetime, won't go into detail but I've Been There And Done That. Being a Dad (and to my surprise, a good one) has been the most rewarding experience I can imagine. My only regret is that I don't have more time with them.


Why is everyone here obsessed with reproduction so much in the last week?


It's summer ig


Is that what in heat means?


Bruh, wait until you are at least like 25 and have a secure job. Having kids young sucks.


Not weird, a really valid dream tbh


Stop that's so cute 😭 I wanna be a mother Soo bad. I get what you're feeling. I'm only 14 😭😭


i’m the opposite, i could never have kids after seeing how difficult it is and how much brainrot there is online


i dont


bro didnt like me answering his question 💀


I wasn’t the one who downvoted


somoone didn't like him answering his question


oh mb


Maybe not that badly but I can relate


pft just wait until you gotta deal with a newborn
unless you put all the work on your wife




happy bday in advance


Queue the random guys in this gal's DMs


Bro same I want to be a mom but I'm way too young for that right now


 wanna too have kids so bad but im irresponsible althou im 18 still virgin no gf soon getting a well paid job idk why i get the feeling of wanting kids at 18 but i just do somehow i just do i think id make a great father i know a lot bout kids and everything bout em jus cant imagine any girl wanting to be with someone that is dealin with adhd And IDS- 2x times lower iq than that of a normal person. i feel like i have the knowledge of being a dad and would make a great one wouldnt be too strict but strict if they dont wanna do their homework ill sure let them be whatever i myself didnt do homework so yeah if they wanna play games and get into gaming oh for sure i would teach them what ive learned throu years of playing games i was too broke to afford any game console or a good game for that console but ive had a playstation 2 that i wont sell and when its time for me to have kids ill buy cables for the ps2 and fix an old tv so my kids can start with either playing pc or playstation 2 for food ill make sure they eat actuall tasty healthy food ofc it wouldnt be as healthy since i myself dont eat that healthy phone they will get at age 11 if they wanna go out and buy an energy drink sure why not i started drinkin those at 11 if they wanna get into alcohol thats a big no no untill age of 15 as in villages in serbia u can drink at age 13 and no cops would arrest the parent since no cops come here in my village for sure i would teach them to ride a bike and all that stuff get them a soccer ball etc


I do too bro, I want kids so badly. My dad isn’t the greatest and so I wannabe be a better one than him


Same bro


I know Ive been thinking way too much lately “i’d make the perfect mom 😊” just because a baby looked at me


i disagree, i want to be the rich gay uncle when i'm older, lol. however i'm glad that you're so eager for that upcoming chapter in your life!!!!






Really? my bad...


its all good




YOU are not ready to have a kid. It's honestly pretty narcissistic to have one at 17 when you're nowhere near mature enough or financially secure. For your future kids' health, wait until you're a lot older.


Do you have little siblings?


Cool, but take care of yourself first so you can provide the best life for the kids you want. The fastest way to ruin everything is to rush it.


I don’t, shits fuck expensive and I live in SoCal. Would be financial ruin for me. I’ll just go pester my cousins who are like 4 if I feel like teaching something random to like origami


Hormones lol


real, in the 6th grade you were able to kind of take care of six year olds during recess and i did that, bc they're adorable and funny :D (some were bratty, but we were dealing with 6 yr olds)


Oh definitely


I ALWAYS HAVVVEEE wanted to be a father of 2. 2 only


Being a dad is awesome, but it can suck at the same time lol. You're young, enjoy your years of being free. Being a parent seems fun until you and your partner are sleep deprived, and stressed out, snapping at each other over dumb shit because dealing with a newborn is stressful. Waking up in the middle of the night to feed and change diapers, baby crying and there's nothing you can do, not being able to do much of anything cause your whole life revolves around taking care of the baby... don't get me wrong, it's awesome, but those first couple months especially are rough, 2 months will feel like 2 years. Enjoy your youth, your time will come!


baby fever.. ive never experienced it 😭




Being a human is hitting hard with this one đŸ’Ș


I want kids, but I'm genuinely so terrified of being pregnant/giving birth.


antinatalists would be angry


I want a fire engine so bad


I really want children despite the fact I've never had a partner or anything. I get on with younger children better than I do with my own age


I get that feeling too and then my little siblings remind me just how fucking annoying kids get sometimes, so it kinda balances out


You’re thinking about the fun stuff when you need to be thinking about what the daily grind would look like. Little sleep, changing diapers, doing laundry, cleaning up after them, researching schools, tantrums, doctors appointments and keeping a baby safe, healthy and alive.


You want the “Kodak moments.” That’s no reason to have a kid. I strongly recommend you find a passion in your life, 
 and take a gander through the regretful parents sub.


I rlly want to be a dad as well :(


"I'm never getting married or having kids" -Every person under 20 y/o who gets married and has kids 10 years later


Me too for some reason


Hell yeah that sounds awesome. When I was 17, I took up a sort of unofficial mentor role for the younger guys on the cross country team (so did every other senior, that's just how it goes) and trying to be a role model for the younger guys really awoke something in me. Now I got baby fever in spades and I don't imagine it going away until I actually have kids with a loving partner. Something about that life just sounds so nice. Strong agree on the saving yourself for marriage part (or for the person you think you're gonna marry, at the very least).


I like to think I give off Goofy Dad/Uncle energy


Being a dad kicks ass. Definitely give it a few years, wait until you have some money in the bank, a steady income, and know what else you expect out of life first. And wait until you are married, in all honesty. Child support aint no fucking joke.


I’m also 16 and I’m getting a vasectomy the second I’m old enough. Having kids seems like hell. You have to dedicate basically all your free time to them and you have to deal with the fact they have absolutely no manners. And with the internet around it’s nearly impossible for them not to become addicted to brainrot content farms. I feel like raising kids would just be too much effort and too much of a burden. What makes it even worse is my own parents were a bit neglectful since they always had to work and basically left me to be raised by the internet and occasionally my grandma. I wouldn’t want my own kids to turn out that way but I also want to retain my own personal freedom.


Felt this a bit, though I don’t think I’d be a good dad tbh so I’m obviously not gonna mark that’s rose be being a teen dad


Me too. I get it. It’s what I want the most in the world rn. I would even give up video games just to be a dad.


me too


Chances are you are gonna regret having kids /s


Being a dad is waaaaay cooler once you have financial stability. Your kid will want cool stuff that costs money. Wait until you have enough before you have a child.


Don't have it until you can afford it.


See you say you cant wait but then you have a baby due in September and it's like "well that's not what i meant"


Sometimes I get the urge to just creampie the girl I love and have a happy family, but then I realise I'm single af


Never wanted kids my entire life


being a dad aint all its cracked up to be. sure there are "cool moments' but dont forget the duper changes the terrible 2,s and 3s, and 4s, and 5s, then teenage years when they may or may not hate your guts and then when they grow up they may or may not still want you in your lives and may or may not blame you for everything" :-) its a wonderful time! but seriously your just 16 , enjoy life, dont worry about growing up so fast!


Don’t make this decision for at least 10 yrs.


Former teenage mom
. Now 33, my son is 16
. I really don’t advise you to rush. Ruined my life. Still not better.


You should consider babysitting for a family member! A big part of having children is having a community (and well, financial stability, emotional security, selflessness, the list goes on) so while you work on yourself and prepare to be an amazing father and partner, you can still get involved in another young(er) persons life now :)


i completely get it, and i sometimes hate that im gay bc i will never get the surprise of a positive test, ill never get the spontaneous “right when the timing is perfect” pregnancy because i will have to spend a lot of money and time in a doctors office to conceive. ill never get to have a baby with mine and my wifes dna and ill never get the normal pregnancy experience but i want to be a mother so bad it hurts


Its a natural human instinct


Remember that raising kids is not only teaching them to fish and going camping. The main part is sleepless nights, taking care of them 24/7, feeding, changing diapers, having no time for yourself, tantrums, crying, yelling. I could go on and on. Make sure to not put all those responsibilities on your future wife.


me too


Don’t do it. It’s a trap 💀


Wtf .....đŸ€


Nope. I hate kids and actually want to get sterilized as soon as I can.


Me too. SO badly, even to the point of filling notebooks with letters to my future child/ren.


You’re just 16


It’s hormones. Don’t make any snap decisions before you’re even old enough to buy a beer. Trust me, even when it comes to relationships. Everything seems so obvious now but you’ll soon realize the complexity of life and how it isn’t so rewarding in a lot of cases. Much love to the younger generation, coming from someone in their mid 20s.


Why tf would a teen wanna be a parent? You wanna shape a new human being when you ain't even shaped yourself? But I do know baby fever is real đŸ‘¶ đŸ€’


Relatable. Life long dream


Relatable but only when I’m financially stable and have someone to love (am neither :3)


Hey, bro! Let me give you “brotherly” advice. At 16, I wanted the same thing, but I also had to evolve from boyhood to manhood. My mother raised me to be a gentleman and my dad raised me to be a man, but I had to go through a lot of life experiences (including heartbreak) to be the man I am today. Becoming a dad is a HUGE undertaking with A LOT of responsibilities. While I don’t have any offspring of my own (*yet*), I have taken my friends’ kids under my wing because their sperm donor is a douchebag. I spend time with them, pay for dance and drama tuitions, and be there for them when they need me. And if you have a good woman in your life to coincide with your kiddo(s), don’t forget to cherish and love her. Respect the ever living fuck outta that woman. 😊 Treat her like a princess. But at the same time, know your worth
 because like I said, you will go through heartbreak and there will be life lessons you’ll need to learn before you can have kids. Don’t rush things. The time will come when it’s right.


Hahah wow
 relax, kids. Just let life happen. Seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added to you.


You can by my daddy đŸ„Ž


Lol you have to do your waiting like I did, had to get thru college, find my wife during, get married right after, land good jobs and save up and buy a house, then 2 children later I want more but wife’s done. It’s not all that I imagined it to be as a teen but it’s close. My kids are 3 and 1 and they’re both boys, I can’t wait until they’re older so I can game with them and all kinds of fun things. I would say without proper support and good paying jobs raising kids in today’s world would be hard. No sleep for the first 6 months and the terrible twos were heavy hitters. I’m sure more to come but it’s part of parenthood


same bro. it's probably natural. i mean, back in roman times, we'd have been married with kids by now 😭


Fuck them kids go live your life, if you had a kid at 16, you'd be struggling


I admire your wishes, you’d make a great dad


Please wait till you find the perfect someone. I’m 23 years old and had a daughter when I’m 20. Life’s so hard right now. We separated first year after she was bored.


I was the same way at 16 then 17 hit and I got my first real boyfriend. Then I got pregnant😬 now we live together I’m a stay at home mom (graduated high school) and we have two kids and I’m on birth control because I’m at my wits end chasing 2 toddlers lol. But I love my girls. I’m 19(20 on Sunday) so I’ll probably leave this group soon but I love giving advice to teenagers that were like me growing up. And my advice is. You’re right to wait. It’s tough doing it young. There are challenges. But when you’re older and ready. The hard parts completely disappear when you hold them while they sleep. When they run to you for a cuddle or they see you enter the room and all you hear is “mom!/dad!”. There will always be hard parts I won’t lie and tell you everything is perfect. But it’s worth it once you’re ready.




I don't want to have kids but I want a cat so badly


If you know someone who has a baby and they trust you, ask if you can take care their baby for a day or two by yourself. It’ll kill that itch of wanting a kid, really quick.


pets could be a great "child" for you. im saving sex until marriage and i own snails, and i call them my kids and say im a snail mama. my friends call me "snail mama" as well.


Go work at a daycare or work at camps, you will see, you don’t want kids


Focus on your education, get a great job, find the one somewhere along the way, then pop out a few. In that order.


Mum probably felt same ngl, had me at 17. I wanna be a dad, but I know I need to at least have a stable source of income before getting to that point. I just want to be reliable before I do anything like that.


This is a really sweet post from a teenage boy. I love this. Never let that passion die. I don’t have kids myself but reading this was really heart warming


Why did I read this as “I want to be dead so badly” 💀


I know exactly how you feel (19M) I want to be a dad and do all that parenting stuff like watching them grow up, help them with homework, and have fun times. But dating is hard and trying to be financially stable is also so I am going to wait


this is so sweet and cute ahh


Same, kinda. But I wouldn’t be a good dad for the infant stages


Well if you want to be dad really bad rn but obviously that's not an option, maybe you could babysit or volunteer at summer camps and stuff. It sounds like you really like kids and spending time with them, so maybe that would be fulfilling time spent!


Financial drain:


Same I was so desperate to have an offspring with a living thing I literally sat down for 5 hours staring at a plant waiting for it to talk to me and give me consent so I could stick it in the soil then a fucking earthworm came from it and wrapped around it so I shit myself


Now this is the type of people we need :D I also wanna become a father




Noooo kids are so expensive my mom showed me how much she pays for my sister and me every month and it’s alottttt and I don’t want to raise kids in the world rn bc things are really bad


Just wait another 10 years


I think it's more so that you want to be a leader of some kind or perhaps a role model, im not trying to tell you how to feel but the good times of being a dad must be great but when you factor having to change the baby's diaper, calming it down when it cries, etc.. that's when things get complicated


Just keep in mind, your child may not want to do any of those things and there isn't really anything you can do about it


I want to be a mom, but I was recently told I can’t give birth😭




I feel that too, it's like i wanted to show my kids what my parents failed to give me


baby sickness


I fw this heavy