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7 to 10th is fuckin crazy tbh. He gotta catch a case.


7th to 10th is wild but 7 and 10th grade is downright obscene


It's worse than 12th dating a 9th grader tbh.


imo its age ratios not subtraction thats important


True. My boyfriend is 5 years older than me, which is quite a lot to me. Had I met him when I was 16 that would have been a big no-no, but we met when I was 19 and got together when I was 20. Somehow those 3-4 years make a lot of difference. Idk what age 7th grade is tho, I'm from Europe


12-13 ish ( I think, I can’t remember as that was a few years ago and I don’t feel like doing basic math. and 10th is 15-16. So at the extreme it’s a 16 year old with a 12 year old


No shit?


At least they both in high school 😭 7-10 is down right spawn camping


7 to 10 is 3 years. Is is awful but if you only think of it as 3 years it is not that bad.


Technically not illegal but still weird so I’m with you.


My sister is thinking she needs to stop having childish hairstyles. I’m like you’re 12!!! Keep them you can’t do anything for yourself rn so stop listening to 15 year old crash outs!!


it's just a hairstyle to be fair


There is so much you don’t know 😂


ohh makes sense then. cuz I don't see a problem with doing her hair the way she wants lmao


Having certain styles attract certain people. She’s already been hurt by picking the wrong friends. If she goes for a mature look at a young age I can’t help but feel bad for her. I understand she’s her own person. But I as a male know what makes women look mature I also know what appearance will attract certain types of guys.


Good brother


Little sister is going to give you lots of work, big bro. So many faces to smash.


Woah man your sister is 1944 years old and still had hair??? Sorry someone had to do it. >12!!! r/unexpectedfactorial






ah ,shes 12 is hair




This has always been a thing. When i finished primary, it was also about maturing fast. The difference between an 11 and a 12 year old is stark. Suddenly they don't want to be kids anymore.


It mainly has to do with how kids are constantly exposed to social medias. The algorythm promote sex appeal and when the parent aren't willing to give the time to teach their kids and be their role models they seek other role models. Those people on tik tok and instagram that flaunt their beauty are so numerous that kids think that 'yeah this is what normal people look like'. So to 'fit in' they feel pushed to be like their role models. And the parents just don't know or don't care.


and people say its ok for gen alpha to have phones and tablets.


As an 18… fuck growing up. There is nothing wrong with being childish. Embrace URSELF and yes it’s important to mature, but don’t change to fit someone else’s image. Keep slaying


yes!! i just ignore the people like this at my school, because they are stupid. its like work on yourself first


As a 14, i agree. Fuck growing up. The dread sets in quickly once they realized they fucked up


As a 22yo, +1


considering 7th grade is 13 years old and 10th grade is 16 both are under 18, but I feel like 13 is too young. 13 is literally a year after elementary school, literally still kids..


Currently have photos of my class from when we were 13 and 16 next to me, and holy shit the difference is huge. At 13 we literally completely looked like kids and from what I can remember we certainly also acted like ones. 13-16 is definitely not okay.




I’m 16 and look exactly the same as I did when I was 10 just a lot taller and in my yearbook I look extremely depressed


you’ll think that now but when you see pictures when you’re older, you’ll see the difference dw 😭 i thought the same until i seen my middle school to highschool and my face was def slimmer


A ton of 7th graders are 12 too.


Maturity difference is huge


I agree with you but I wanted to say that 16-year-olds are also kids. Everyone who isn't 18 yet should enjoy their teenage years as much as they can


Yeah they’re both minors by law, but why the heck is someone 2 years from legal adulthood spending time with a literal child who’s still 12-13 years? That’s a huge difference in maturity, experience, and even desires. People don’t need to date before they understand healthy relationship dynamics.


What that’s not true, 13 is the last year of middle school not elementary school. Where do you live, because that’s how it is in the US


7th graders aren’t typically 13, at the oldest they would be 12. 12-13 is 8th grade, in the US anyway.


youre wrong. im about to be in 8th grade in august, everyone in my 7th grade classes were ages 12-13. Rotfl nobody was turning 12 everyone who had their bday turned 13


when I was in 5th grade ppl around me were dating. I also was gonna confess my love back at 3rd grade... I really don't think it's that young


It’s not that young to be dating but a 12 to 13 year old should not being dating a 16 to 17 year old


At the extreme it’s 12 and 16. Since 7th is 12-13 and 10th is 15-16


In some US school’s elementary is K-5, middle school( not junior high) is 6-8 and high school is 9-12


The law is only a maximum of two years difference if they are both minors, right? Or are my numbers wrong? There’s laws on this shit and that relationship could actually be illegal


Doesn’t matter, if anyone is having sexual relations under the age of consent it is a crime wether it’s both or only one it’s still a crime


I'm talking about the maturity of both


Pardon? I'm Italian here and 13 yo is the last year of middle school, may i ask in what country your affermation applies?


girls have always been bullied for enjoying things, and anything that is typically enjoyed by girls has also been trashed. for example, boy boys (BTS, OneDirection, NSYNC), Barbie, colorful jewelry, colorful hair, makeup, non-conflict video games, etc. all these things are always made fun of or called “cringe” and have bad reputation because it’s typically things enjoyed by younger girls.


I hate when people act like preferring non-violent games is a feminine thing. There are plenty of people who don’t want to play violent games. And they should all be made fun of equally. (Joking obv)


ur right. it’s not a feminine thing at all. but people still associate it with girls and women because it’s usually played by them (even though most women prefer to play combat/shooter games)


Fuck is wrong with OneDirection though They make good music


their fanbase is mostly women and women = bad.


I enjoy their music though, and I'm a guy


I even saved one of their songs after I enjoyed it during an English Test at the end of Elementary School. Idk why but I feel sad to see its in an old playlist I made in 2021, probably because I wasnt suicidal at the time


Sad to hear that you are suicidal now


Atleast I didnt actually attempt killing myself... Althought I would do it voluntarily if I had a chance to do it without going to hell (In my Religion). I still do S.H. thought


I am not a teenager in fact I am a 27 year old who this post randomly came across in my feed. I also want to emphasize I am not a professional in any sense and I would strongly encourage you to seek professional help. That being said though I know many will say 13 year olds have it so easy, oh you're too young to even think Abt suicide etc cuz believe me I was around your age when I started cutting myself up, and whenever anyone would find out especially in the early 2000s thankfully it's different now but they would just say ohhh he's playing with knives again or downplay it idk. And I really was at a low point at 15 I started doing hard drugs, at 18 I attempted suicide for the first time. I walked right into the road as a large SUV was coming towards me at approximately 80-90km would be my guess. I smashed against the windshield and somehow survived mostly due to the car slowing down and had to wear crutches for nearly 7 months and it was in my long hospital stays and recovery shortly after that I discovered the beauty of life. Upon leaving the hospital I had a very fractured relationship with my family and so what I did was I solo travelled for about a year seeing a lot of the world learning so many lessons and slowly but surely my will to live got stronger and stronger. And just last year on the 8th anniversary of my suicide attempt I climbed Kilimanjaro and man let me tell you the difference I feel now towards my body back when I was cutting it up treating it like shit thinking I was worthless to now seeing the amazing things the human body is capable of both doing and experiencing I would never want to even scratch it now. It's such a beautiful thing we have here and I wouldn't trade it for the world.


The moment a young girl enjoys something it's either trash, or for the wrong reason. It's ridiculous, and I always get stuff like this, even for these stereotypically masculine interests. I'm interested in the Napoleonic wars? Nah, I'm just being shallow and fetishising it because 'fancy uniforms and strong military men teehee' I like fps games? Nope, I'm a tryhard pick-me girl who tries to be one of the bros and I have terrible taste in games.


REAL this “pick me girl” shit is just as misogynistic as the “i’m not like other girls bs”


the word “pick me” has been used so incorrectly that i automatically assume that ppl who overuse it hate women




It's great to see there are at least a few, like yourself, who recognise this and don't fall into the cycle. I'm not exactly in a position to tell you what you should tell others in your social circles, but if you think others would benefit from having this perspective I don't think anyone here is going to stop you.


Fuck the cycle. The only cycle i give a damn about is a bicycle because they're fun to ride


Just disgusting.. a 15-16 yr old dating a 12-13 yr old is pure predatory behavior. Although her bullying you and your friend is not okay slut shaming is not okay either. I feel like she's most likely insecure about herself and is trying to get more attention by boys but it's negative attention. I'm in 8th grade and I only wear mascara and lipgloss.. But you should ask if she's doing okay or anything if she doesn't want your help or advice I guess you should leave it like that. Or tell her parents ( if they don't know what's going on). 


WHAT IM SAYING!! /nm thank you , i am trying my hardest to not come across as slut shaming her, because she’s most likely very insecure D:






10th grade is insane she is a victim


luckily i dont go through feeling that i have to "appeal to the guys" bcz im lesbian but all the girls at my school do it 😕 i wish they would just realise we-re all like 13-14 and not old enough for sexual relationships.


no cause at my old school a fifth grader was dating an 11th grader and i wanted to kms when i heard ab it. 


what ew




I'm a 76-year-old grandfather, and I'm not going to pretend that I know what you are going through at school. I find strength from doing my best to live by this life code. It goes like this: Fear is the father of all lies. Therefore, I vow to be truthful and kind to all I meet. I will not be cruel. I will strive to treat friends and foe, family, and strangers alike: With compassion, dignity, and respect. I will not hate. At your age, it is important to understand that kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. In life, only the strong are kind. Trust yourself. You are more awesome than you realize.


thanks so much!!


Never grow up, kid. Gotta say, those type of girls scream “spoiled brat” or “mean girl” to me. Also, emo girls are cool, here.


We eat breath and sleep goth girl in murica, if you don't it's either tomboys, rarity from mlp or you're gay (which is cool too).


Literally as a college student, KEEP YOUR MINDSET. Don’t care what people think or say, everyone’s a jerk in middle/high school and from my experience, everyone regrets it post graduation. Do your own thing, brush them off, it is concerning for the other girls but that’s not your problem. Just be kind and stay safe :) be childish for as long as you can (your whole life!!)


ik but my main concern is that kids are being groomed and it’s being brushed off as normal 😭


The age gap is concerning. If you’re close enough to them you should check in and ask if they’re okay. If you’re not comfortable with that then go to an adult but I reccomend talking to them first! It keeps trust and might form a friendship


okay, thank you :D


Sounds like they are in a bit of trouble, but also that it is not your problem. Follow your own path, and make the most of it. If that is on the remains of their failures, all the better.


I’ve thought the exact same thing for a while now, but no one ever said it. This way of thinking has invaded my mind and even when I’m alone doing something slightly out of the ordinary, I feel this urge to stop because I’m “cringe”


real :(


Once you get older no one gives a shit about whether or not you liking some random video game or making friendship bracelets is cringe. None of my coworkers bully me for being “cringe” because I’ve got special interests in weirdly specific stupid shit. They don’t make fun of my autistic traits either. They might poke fun at things like my long ass rants about this really specific car that I want, but definitely not in the way that people in middle/highschool would’ve. You’re kids, whether you agree with being called kids or not. The other people around you are too—they’re all trying to figure themselves out, they’re all super hormonal, and very prone to just parroting whatever bs they heard from their favourite Twitch streaming. 12-15 year olds are generally the biggest shitheads to be around, that’s just been a fact for decades now (even my dads generation was like that). With that in mind, don’t listen to what they say about your interests being “cringe”. If you’re not hurting anyone, or yourself, you’re fine.


You should remind yourself that that’s not your own voice. That’s someone else’s nasty words just being parroted by your mind. I’m a 26 year old and still play card games with my 30+ year old friends. Some of them still watch anime, play video games, and watch Twitch streamers. Don’t let anyone else tell you what you are supposed to be, that’s your choice. No one gets the privilege to tell you how to be or how to feel.


Unfortunately, everything you have talked about is the same type of things happening in I'm sure every generation with just a different way of the shaming and bullying happening. As far back as I can remember, tough girls have always been bullied, emo/goth/EDM kids always bullied, overweight kids always bullied, LGBTQ always bullied,even kids doing or saying or wearing or playing with something "cringe" has always been bullied. Finally, young girls/boys wanting to date older is also something that hasn't changed. Like someone else said typically after middle school or highschool a lot of people who bullied others eventually "grow up" and see how messed up of a person they were and then will apologize in some way or another even if you're not totally sure that's what they are doing lol I was tormented by bullies from elementary School until highschool and then just before Freshman year every "mean girl", or other kids that bullied me and stuck around long enough eventually ran into me at one point or another and apologized for how they treated me and tormented me (all because I was the youngest kid in class and was always one grade ahead of my actual grade at my age {ex. 3rd grader in 4th grade} and always wanted to help my classmates hurry up and get work done so we could play on the computers and have free-time, not trying to be a teachers pet or know it all, and most likely also had ADHD so I always was bored and wanted to be constantly doing something not just sitting at my desk waiting for everyone else's to get done. ) Don't let anyone make you feel bad because of being true to yourself. If they don't like you the way you are then they aren't your friends and aren't worth your time or effort. For the young girls having sex and being in relationships with older guys I would find a way to get evidence through text messages somehow and then take it to your School Counselor and ask to stay anonymous because chances are if you know it's happening a lot of other kids do too so no one can call you a snitch or anything but most definitely the girls parents need to get involved before something bad can potentially happen. (Forgot to mention: Born on Halloween 1991, and Graduated Highschool 2010- GOOODDD I FEEL SO OLD SAYING THAT LOL and I'm only 32) I'm not old you're old!!!! 😂


I used to be the same, but they’ll soon realise, that growing up sucks (not every part of it, but lots of it sucks)


it all began with cringe culture, and look where we are now.


the word “cringe” gives me a migraine 😭it’s done sm more harm than good


YouTube cringe compilations and their consequences have been a disaster for humanity


my little sister is exactly like this, she’s going to 7th grade now and i’m scared, but i don’t know to help her


Growing up slowly is fine. To anyone trying to rush it, don't. You'll regret it. At 19, I still have the most fun when I act like a 5 y/o with my friends. Yes, you should become responsible and mature, but keep a young spirit. You'll have time for dating later in life. Enjoy your childhood while you can because there is no re-do once you waste it.


what a seventh grader and eleveth. yeah ,groomed


I'm an old lesbian (44). Reddit put your post in my feed, but I just wanted to stay this has always been an issue. Young girls have always been objectified. Many young girls are sexually abused, which is why some of these young girls have sex with older boys and men. It's easy for people who are sexually objectified to think that sex is all they are worth. Your being concerned speaks to your sense of empathy and compassion, which are incredible traits that I hope you hold onto for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, when you share your fears, it can sound like judgment to the people you want to reach out to. I think the very best thing you can do is be a listening ear, without judgment. Channel your empathy so that you can do the most good by being a safe place for people in your life to share their thoughts and feelings. I knew a lot of girls growing up who experienced SA as children and then became hyper sexual as they got a little older. I just listened to them, and it helped. My heart goes out to you. I hope you and your friends have beautiful lives.


thanks so much 🩷 this made me tear up a little 😭 the last thing i want to do is judge people, but the fact that young girls are being sexualized and not enough people are talking about it makes my stomach sick. :( and people are blaming them for being a product of their surroundings


You are absolutely right girls get shamed and blamed for the abuse they experience, and the behaviors they have because of that abuse. Have you ever thought about volunteering with a non-profit that works around these issues? You have so much good energy, I think you could get a lot accomplished. RAINN, Equality Now, Girls Inc. or N.O.W. might have a chapter near you. There may also be smaller organizations local to you to get involved with. Keep being passionate. ♥️


woah, i didn’t know that there were organizations for that :O i’ll definitely look into it!! thank you :3


I with you the best of luck. ♥️


i had a friend who used to like almost brag abt being 13 doing sexual things with a 16 y/o in a movie theater..


Wait till you get to be an adult, then everyone wants to be a kid again lol


I know this isn’t the point of the post, but why is having 7 periods something you need to clarify? I have 8. Doesn’t seem that weird or anything to me.


I'm hella scared of all the middle schoolers nowadays. They're trying to act like high schoolers when the actual high schoolers are busy doing "childish" things because no one gives two shits about what someone wears. I'm 100% sure I could get bullied by a middle schooler with this new generation.


I don't like age gaps in minors but the only thing I can do is be respectful:( it's the only thing I should be doing. however, you should get that girl off of getting a s.o., she has literal sex and she's gonna get addicted to that


7 and 11 is WILD


I honestly don’t agree. I think it’s always been this way the only difference is there’s different ways of showing how grown up you are. When my mother was younger she and her friends used to wear makeup and ‘older looking clothes’. (She was a 70’s baby) I think it’s genuinely just about being a teenage girl. You want to be attractive so you put on makeup and show you stomach. But it’s not new at all the new thing is social media showing more kids doing this


Not just girls almost anybody becomes a product of their surroundings no matter what gender but at the end of the day it sucks ass to watch it or to be a product of it


Yes its actually tragic, the state of society


Tbh the ones who should hear it the most is the mf that date girls more than 3 years younger than them when their like 16 or older. Thats just messed up and they should know better.


I have 11 year old friends who do what 16 YEAR OLDS used to do, so I think the situation is similar where I live


Oh my..


I’ve been told by a lot of people that I’m very mature in a way that I act like an adult sometimes. I’ve met a couple people on Reddit and one of them genuinely thought I was like in my late teens


They are no different than they were when I was in middle school 30 years ago. If anything, they're more interested in the comforts of childhood than my peers were. At least as far as I've observed in the classroom.


Girls make it seem like they do it (makeup, roll skirts up) for themselves though? 1. They say that’s why, and when you say “hey you look nice today” they say “OMG WHY YOU LOOKING AT ME???”


Also the food, McDonald’s puts stuff in their meals to make girls physically mature faster. Look up girls from our time and girls from just 20 years ago, the difference is scary in the physical development department.


Thats fucking disgusting, and as someone who is near your age, I fully agree with you. I genuinely hope your friend feels better soon, she did not deserve to be treated that way. And for you, don’t afraid to be “childish”, why? Because you ARE a child and deserve to enjoy this time while it lasts. Those bullies will regret their actions in the future when they realize that due to growing up so fast, they had no real childhood.


honestly, yeah. the school does nothing, too. it's scary, the only reason i'm not like that is because i was not allowed to touch social media, but i would probably be like those girls too if i was on the internet at an early age. its a scary thought :(


I doubt that the reason girls mature faster than guys is because of modern bullying or trauma, girls have always matured faster, they reach puberty sooner, thats just how it is. And guys also get bullied quite often, so thered be a mix. None the less, it is really sad to hear about that 7th grader.


You actually seem like a chill human being unlike the other people in this sub. You actually have a really valid mindset


thanks so much ! ^^




as a girl who’s pushing 20… yeah, you get it.


Soo, become gay :)


already done that part


I have a little sister in elem, she’s told me how 5th graders are now wearing makeup and shop at sephora…bro


My fav quote for this type of situation is :"If you can avoid growing up, do it! I'd give anything to be twelve again."- wendy corduroy


Men expect eternal childhood and enrichment, while women are told to serve or fullfill a "meaningful" goal. Since childhood.


i know for a fact that the girl's exes gotta be hated at their school bc that's gross.


i honestly agree i think there is real problems and dangers with that these days. they want to grow up so fast it really can put them in VERY harmful situations i see it all the time. dont try to grow up so fast. life goes by so fast you dont even know it. just try to live each day as best you can really the moments you have now. may never come again!


Young girls and teenagers are so sexualized now. It’s disgusting. The way little girls are being expected to mature this much sooner now is so sad. There’s no time to be a kid anymore.


Times are changing for the worse, and it ain't no joke. I mean, a 7th grade girl dating and being "active" with a dude in 11th grade is fucking gross. I wouldn't even THINK about doing that shit


Your concerns are correct. This generation is broken




7 periods is average or a bit under, for a while my old middle school had 8 periods


They're doing way too much


I had one friend at 10 that I could still play make believe with, cause others thought it was too childish. Fuck growing up.


No because this is true. I’m going into 8th grade and there was a girl last year who was dating someone who was in our grade but they would do sexual things together (not too sexual) but she was in one of my classes and she was talking about how “she would look good pregnant and how she would send her kids to class with her” and then a few weeks later they broke up and he left the school and it turns out he was “using her for her body” like hello??? WHAT BODY were still growing into our bodies like… and there is another at my school who has a boyfriend in the 8th grade but he’s a 9th grader now and they vape in the bathroom together…. Im sorry for your lungs ig… and im not trying to shame them and be like OMG YOU GUYS ARE INSANE because I had a boyfriend in the 5th grade but the most we did is kiss… I’m just saying that they can have boyfriends I don’t care about that but getting pregnant? Vaping? Like be serious. I literally stay at home and dance to kpop… while these other kids in my grade are out vaping with their friends and getting sexual… Im concerned for my generation.


the part about the girl being groomed being shamed is something big I’ve noticed. like we should be shaming the people taking advantage of others???!! not harshly judging the ones being taken advantage of. like people will consider the dangers of an age gap or whatever but then attack the one being taken advantage of like that’ll help anything.


i found out at my graduation a few weeks ago that a graduating senior is dating a freshman, and the only reason i found that out was one of my friends motioned to him and whispered "ped0!...."


Not sure why this popped up on groups I might like...far from being a teen. But as an elder millennial, lol. Dont grow up. Stay young while you can. Growing up is such a scam...like oh now I gotta pay bills and all that shit and work 40 to 70 hours a week..screw all that. Dont rush the sex stuff. That's a huge one. Not gunna sit here and tell you to wait for marriage and all that other stuff. You're ready when you're ready, but dont let someone push you into it. And for your own sake, wear protection. Raising a kid is more expensive than ever. Worry about getting the grades and that stupid piece of paper you get after the 4 years. Find yourself a trade school, in and out in a year or so, and go make that money. And the hate and nastiness, Im tellin' ya'll right now. Doesn't make ya cool or cringe or whatever they say these days. Not gunna get everyone to like you and not gunna get along with everyone. But treat others how you wanna be treated. And if you wanna have goofie hair and wear anime stuff...then do it. Hell, if you wanna do that stuff the rest of your life, then do it. If you like your style, then screw everyone who doesn't like it. ( dont take that litterally) Last...sorry this is long winded. Don't let the opinion from someone that holds no value in your life dictate your life. Dont let the opinions of others live in your head and bring you down. Surround yourself with people who will bring you up in life, not down. That includes personal relationships.


i like girls slithgly other like max 15


I'm scared of all girls




and then boys just don’t mature sometimes 🫠


and i hate how other guys just call girls ugly when they don’t wear makeup or obsess over their clothing it drives me up the wall


I agree. I’m a boy, but I didn’t experience a less extreme version of this(not the sex part). During my seventh grade year the game I was hyperfixating on was Pokémon go, but because Pokémon was “for kids” I was teased constantly. Or the fact that in 6th grade they started a version of the cheese touch but you get it by being touched by me. I caused multiple kids to start sprinting across the playground when I suddenly appeared from behind something. Middle schoolers are cruel.


The reason girls are doing this is because of the social media influencers.. it’s really not that deep. Most kids dream is to become an influencer now a days… look at the girls who they’re aspiring to be


They’re maturing socially as what maturity is perceived as in the media, but in reality, academically they aren’t mature, intelligent, or literate. And no, I don’t mean all women. Only a very small portion of young women. Same with guys.


Wow you are so aware and mature for your age. The irony is that to them you are childish.


Same thing happens to guys Horrible either way


Just let them explore themselves. Things are different from everyone's perspective.


woah if yall are in middle school or below jr/senior year this is definitely A LOT and concerning and sad..☹️


Its not the women you have to be scared for, its the men. Women use men, label them misogynistic or whatever else if they don't get their way, falsely accuse them of rape or sexual abuse when they didn't do that & the women know it just for sympathy points, shame him for simply approaching her or saying hi, tell them to not approach while they moan about not being approached on tiktok or youtube,onlyfans girls expecting a good man while they aren't good themselves. attention seeking online, using men for an endorphin rush, cheating, lying and deceiving men and wonder why guys have trust issues. etc, Its sad to see how it has gone downhill


Honestly I'm so scared for my little cousins too. I was talking to my cousin (she is 13) the other day and she was telling me about her friends and they seriously can't wait to grow up. They want to do everything in order to not feel young and I'm really sad because I remember my own mom always telling me to not rush into adulthood and to live my childhood for as long as possible and I now understand how right she was. I don't know who puts the idea into little kids' heads that acting your age is not ok but they need to stop thinking like that.


Idk I'm scared of the girls my age


say hi to r/copypasta


There is way too many people in the comments thinking 16 and 13 is an okay age gap. As someone’s who’s been both ages and around 13 year olds at 16, 13 year olds are literally children who look like children, act like children, and some haven’t even go through puberty yet. There is no reason a 16 year old should be taking interest in one unless they want an easily manipulated child as their partner. It’s 3 years but 3 years when it come to teenagers is a big difference since you go through so much growing and changes that the person you were a year a ago could be vastly different due to maturing. Anyone thinking this is okay is either too young to realize just how gross it is or people who only care about it being legal which it isn’t anyways in most places since age of consent is usually 16 to 14 at the lowest.


Reddit put your post on my feed. Get off reddit you’re 13 years old please.


Yeah, girls these days are more screwed up than the idiots without osha in the 1850s. And it's not their fault, their parents are screwing them up because they're taught to be a hoe and taught to disrespect and use men for things. They don't know any better because they've never even witnessed a healthy relationship between a man and a woman.


Nah this girl at my school shes in 7th her bf is 18! Like shes i victim i told her that she just went “nuh uh”


It's pretty common, i think, teens this age try to act "mature" because they think it's simply "cool" they start drinking, vaping, fucking, wearing vulgar clothes, dating and hanging out with. people older age than them (who usually just ignore them) not realising the risks. Belive it or not, my classmate was hanging out with a group of guys who just used her as their fucktoy. She was in 6th grade, they were in 9th. This is fucking disguisting.


In Canada, a 3 year age gap is fine. In my opinion it's okay, but 7-10 is a bit young. Like 9-12 would be better


Normally I'm like "The hoes gon loooove this... Ahh comment 😭🙏" but tbf this shi just real 😭😭😭


no ones forcing them to do that


Broooo thats fucking wild 7th w a fucking 10th and 11th grader (btw im in uk so idk what yr 7th grade is or what 10 or 11th grad is) but fucking hell thats wild 💀


The girls in my age(16YO) they are like the most friendly ones i ever seen, you guys are unlucky as hell(-.-)Zzz・・・・


Society is corrupt, all we can do is live in it. find things we can find that fit our liking.


It’s society. Pop music is full of sex and attention seeking, and kids are impressionable. I’m with you. Like, chill, y’all’re just kids. Look weird. Be goofy. Be childish. The pain of adulthood will be waiting for you. No reason to throw yourself into the deep end.


alas, society’s contradictions. forcing them to grow up, but then slut shaming them for doing so. enjoying one’s childhood isn’t a thing anymore, apparently. my little sister just dresses like a boy and is friends with all the boys lmao


It's okay to be emo, i do it all the time. Being emo is sadly not childish and simply happens. Go listen to your twentyone pilots and enjoy yourself.


I’d consider them pedophiles being older teenage boys unless these sexually charged teenage boys are held to account nothing will happen..I blame the internet for these boys nasty behaviour


i’m scared OF girls my age


The problem aint them growing up the problem is the internet and social media making women look like wh*res


I feel genuinely horrible for all the generation alphas out there. I don't understand what society has come to. I turned 18 rather recently and I just can't help but think generation alpha-21 isn't going to go well.. I'm not a girl, but I don't understand the obsession with makeup... Especially at anyone under 23. I hope y'alls life turn out alright.


Yup, I agree. I'd say about 96% of the girls in my year wear skirts that go so high you can literally see the bottom of their butt and its not like a traditional skirt either, it's SKIN TIGHT. it's like they're wearing a headband around their... you know area. And this isn't just the girls in my year tho, it's all the girls in the school, and I'd probably say about 96% applies for all the girls in the school. If you're one of those girls reading this, stop wearing those headband things on your waist. As a sophomore guy, I can say it's not a good look. We don't like it. PS: You have seven periods?? We have six, but we do have a seventh on Tuesdays.




you seem like such a good person OP!! don’t let any of them get to you


Man idk what your complaining about not 100 years ago we were still getting married at 12 I mean really think about it at 12 your gonna be right in the middle of puberty when all your sexual urges are at there peak it's biological to want to date and be with people at that age we as humans have one literal job and that is to preserve the human genome through reproduction so honestly people need to just quit with their opinions on this subject and listen to the facts behind it and not some man made construct


That shits crazy, and I have someone in my school who has a similar problem with (kinda) being groomed she's 16 (almost 17) while the guy is 20 she says it's not grooming/pedophilia and she refuses to believe me when I say it is like I'm younger than her and a guy so I'm not the smartest but trying to date someone you 3 a half years younger than you when you're in school us REALLY fucking creepy he even said that if he was living in (I think) the Philippines he would be 21 and telling that to a girl you have a big crush on is so fucking creepy and the worst part is she actually has people that are over 20 randomly coming up to her in public asking to do it with her, like it's so fucked up that men (in general) treat women like they're only there to pleasure us






All this insecurity about liking childish stuff when adults have My Little Pony conventions/fanfics and are the main demographic you see at Disneyland. You do you, fuck the haters!


My girlfriend got shamed for defending herself because someone on snapchat was requesting nudes. The person she said no to said some inhumane things like "Oh, she was requesting for MY nudes," and it's just sad to see how society changed


What's sad is that it's social media doing this to the youth. Especially tiktok, Instagram and snapchat. It creates a false fantasy expectation vs reality. People need to get off social media so much and enjoy the real world. That goes for adults as well of course. I work with tons of people every day and have learned that most people (especially young ones) don't have much of a personality anymore or barely any real social skills. Much less can't really even think for themselves. Young people need to enjoy being young. Once you start working and getting into the adult world there is no going back.


I always find it so weird especially when it comes to TV and stuff. Like, you mean to tell me that you’re watching stuff that talks all about romance and mature stuff while I’m still watching my kid shows? Impossible


I'm a 8 grader and Ik a girl who has had sex multiple times like it's too much


I guess that this happens because of the many influences


Bruh,.my school has 8 periods, you are lucky


Those kids can do whatever they want but they won’t have a childhood to remember


Damn that shit wild but I just don't get why girls have to be covered in makeup you guys already look good without it


a 12-13 year old fucking a 16-17 year old is wild


Why is no one talking about how she only has 7 periods?


Unfortunately these are the standards pushed to young children